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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 9am  CBS  February 16, 2024 9:00am-9:31am PST

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from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. taylor swift is responding to the deadly mass shooting at the kansas city chiefs victory parade. the donation just made to the family of the woman killed wednesday. back here at home, we are at the santa clara convention center kicking up the santa clara valley autoshow. the trend we are seeing for the future of the auto industry. ka woman was killed and 22 people were wounded. authorities now
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believe an argument between multiple people led to the gunfire on wednesday as thousands of chiefs fans gathered. the victims range in age from eight to 47 and they include a 43-year-old d.j., lisa lopez-galvan. kansas city's mayor posted a tribute and photo with the beloved local radio host while her family remembers her loving spirit. >> the first time you meet her, you will become her friend. that is just too she was. if you are a person in need, she would try to do whatever she could to help. >> several firearms have been included as investigators asked for more witnesses. in response to the tragedy, taylor swift has now donated $100,000 to the family of the woman who died. she contributed to the families gofundme page with a note that said, quote, sending my deepest sympathies and condolences in the wake of your devastating loss. with love, taylor swift. taking a live look at
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oakland, governor newsom will be in town to address homelessness. he plans to announce the latest round of home team awards geared toward transforming vacant buildings including offices and hotels into housing for young people who need it. six students in napa were taken to the hospital after some mysterious illness swept through their classroom. as many as two dozen kids suddenly experienced nausea, headaches, and even fatigue. the district said it happened inside a choir classroom and happened in the beginning of the school day. the fire department and pg&e crews try to figure out what was causing the problem while the rest of the school sheltered in place. >> teachers were getting emails about what was going on. nobody knew whether then kids started passing out and the firetruck had to come. >> the big question is why. seems to be a medical mystery.
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>> we did not find anything. we are at a loss as to what caused this. >> first responders said they did not detect gas or carbon monoxide in the choir room. the condition of the students taken to the hospital is unknown. we can see partly cloudy skies in the forecast. daytime highs topping off in the local 60s down to the santa clara valley. all the way up into the peninsula we go along 101. low 60s near san francisco today with light winds which allow for that fog to roll its way in throughout san francisco. we have big changes in the forecast. starting tomorrow, we are under a first alert weather day tomorrow and sunday as we gear up for the cold front approaching. this is an atmospheric river and as it moves its way in, it brings in heavy rain at times. we have downed trees and power outages
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possible from the system. it starts to die down a little bit as we gear up for sunday forecast. that will build into next workweek's forecast, bringing in a series of showers to kick off next week. we are seeing partly cloudy skies at times. we have an inch expected in the north bay with a similar trend along our coastline and then it dies down into sunday morning. we are kicking off our first day of the silicon valley autoshow. lauren toms has a look at the latest cars, trucks, eps and more. >> right now, i am inside of the tesla cyber truk, one of the most interesting cars at the silicon valley autoshow. take a look. this is one of those super futuristic -looking cars. this is tesla's cyber truk. a few of them are already
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on the roads. electric vehicles here are one of the hottest trends here. we spoke with brian moody. take a look at what he has to say. >> one of the big trends is toward electric vehicles. at the same time, some people are realizing electric cars don't work for them. we are also seeing a trend toward hybrids. hybrids use combination of electricity and gas to get excellent fuel economy but those cars produce their own electricity. >> tesla is one of many manufacturers you can come check out here at the autoshow. we have ford, kia, toyota, anything you can think of. all of them have some form of electric vehicles this year. come check out the autoshow here at the santa clara convention center. taking a live look at oakland where parents and one
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residential neighborhood are lobbying caltrans over the future of a pedestrian bridge. the bruins bordeaux bridge enables people to cross over highway 13 near montclair elementary school. it is nearly a century old and caltrans had plans to demolish it soon. the state agency says the bridge is structurally unstable and not compatible with federal laws on access for the disabled but now, community members are advocating to save it for the time being. one woman organized a meeting on thursday at montclair elementary with a caltrans deputy director in attendance. >> we don't have sufficient coverage for the community. for that matter, don't knock this bridge down until we get there. >> we need to see what improvements we can agree upon. >> going forward, we are going to communicate. who knows where that will shake out. >> there are concerns because some residents do support
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tearing down the bridge but caltrans is slowing down the process in order to consider everyone's concerns. - temperatures cooling down as we head into the weekend and stronger onshore... ah, i stepped off the coast again. - the winds are really picking up. - fog spreading farther inland. - and in the north bay, you're gonna get soaked. (water splashing) - [narrator] presenting the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. - as i lift this, you can actually see... - [narrator] on kpix and pix+. (wind blowing) it's that real. (water splashing) - let's move on to the seven-day now.
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the wife of election opposition leader alexei navalny received a standing ovation when she talked today about her husband's reported death. she was speaking at the munich security conference. the balmy, the most prominent critic of russia's president vladimir putin, has reportedly died in prison. russia's federal prison service says alexei navalny lost consciousness today after a walk and then died. he was behind bars for the past three years. he returned to russia after surviving a nerve agent poisoning that he blames on the kremlin. during his career, he campaigned up and -- against corruption and ran for public office. alexei navalny was 47 years old. structure time now for your money watch report. stocks are wobbling this morning with wall street's five-week winning streak in jeopardy. let's see where the markets sit right now as we take a live look at the big board. the latest cbs news polls show your outlook on the
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economy is improving . the number of americans who say they expect a good economy, or boom, has risen to 6% since last month. 37% say the u.s. economy is good. new pushback to driverless cars. san mateo county officials have sent a letter to state regulators trying to prevent the expansion of google's waymo driverless taxis to the peninsula. the california public utility commission could make their decision in a few weeks. it is a cool, cloudy, but dry forecast . we are gearing up for some heavy rain as we head into this weekend's forecast. we called for a first alert weather day tomorrow as we gear up for back-to-back atmospheric river events. widespread from our inland areas across the coastline. we see that rain last into next workweek through monday, tuesday and early wednesday
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morning. we will watch the showers role in from offshore. a cold front right here will build in early tomorrow morning. i will zoom in a second and show you the timestamp for it. it is system number one. we will see hit or miss showers but really, we are dealing with this next storm out in the pacific and that will bring in gusty conditions, heavy rain and a chance of thunderstorm activity too sunday night into monday morning and it brings out the rest of the energy over us tuesday into wednesday of next week. let's take a look closer to home. today is a partly cloudy day. once we wake up tomorrow morning, in the early morning hours, we get light rain and it starts to ramp up more into the afternoon. this is by lunchtime. we are seeing that moderate to heavy rain with gusty conditions too, giving us over an inch in the north bay. then, it starts to
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die down a saturday night. sunday morning is the next one we will see with heavy rain and winds. let's timeout the winds for saturday. we are starting off with light conditions throughout the bay. it is not until the afternoon or evening hours where we see a get breezy along our coastline. 35 miles per hour winds are expected into saturday afternoon. lots of changes in the forecast. today is a dry day. today is the day to prepare for what is to come around the corner. low 60s in the forecast near san francisco. for our friends in the north bay, upper 60s near fremont, stretching down into the santa clara valley. this paints a really good picture of what we can see outside. we will see rainy conditions that last until next wednesday and then we clear up right around the corner. the a's are doing what they can to mov
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so if you have this and want less out-of-pocket costs... and more peace of mind... consider adding this. an aarp medicare supplement plan. take charge of your health care today. just use this...or this to call unitedhealthcare about an aarp medicare supplement plan. while it is tougher oakland sports fans, there is a glimmer of hope for people who want to get invested in a home team. we chatted with the cofounders of the city's new minor league team, the bowlers, also known as the b's are there new plans for their new home in west oakland and they say, prepare for a makeover. the
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b's founders are planning to invest $1.6 million into raimondi stadium, adding a new scoreboard and updating the field, adding 2500 seats for fans. they want to make it a place where the city can use it for the rest of the year when they are not playing there. the oakland a's' time in the bay area may be ending soon but until they moved to las vegas, the team needs a place to play. yesterday, the a's had a meeting to discuss extending their lease at the coliseum. vans andrea nakano spoke with have mixed feelings about the news. >> it is almost time to play ball again at the coliseum . excitement usually comes with the start of a new baseball
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season, that is not the case for many a's fans. >> i consider myself more of an activist rather than a fan. it feels like we are keeping the team here and keep them in oakland. >> jeremy goodrich has bled green and gold since he was a child. typically at this time of year, the chatter would be about players reporting to spring training and how well the team may do. instead, the team is skipping town becomes top of mind. >> i think if the a's are serious about the relocation to las vegas, they need to get out of oakland after this season. >> the a's confirm they met with oakland and alameda county officials thursday to talk about extending the lease at the coliseum. their new home is not expected to be ready to go in las vegas until 2028 at the earliest. city leaders are demanding more rent by asking for a share of the roughly $67 million tv contract money . on top of that, they want john fisher to give up the team name and colors and for mlb to guarantee oakland an expansion team. goodrich says obviously,
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the easiest solution is for the a's to stay. >> there is really a good situation here for the a's to realize what is at stake here and that they should really come back to the table and get the stadium done in oakland. fans would be much more accommodating of the lease being extended. >> with the project site and financing up in the air with the vegas project, fans like goodrich feel that keeping the team rooted in oakland is a possibility. >> we are not giving up hope. we are hoping that either john fisher figures out what the right thing to do is by either building in oakland door selling the team to an owner committed to oakland. >> the a's have also looked at playing in minor-league ballparks but they would only be able to collect on the tv contract money if they stayed in the bay area. both sides say they had productive talks but have not scheduled the next meeting. time is ticking to close on a lease for a place to play beyond the 2024 season. taking a live look at chase center, the warriors are on a
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break as the nba heads into all-star weekend. events in indianapolis kickoff tonight with the celebrity all-star game. the warriors will return to action next thursday against the lakers. the team hits the brakes on a high note after a win against the utah jazz. last night, they crashed 500 from klay thompson. thompson coming off the bench for the first time since his rookie year. he responded big time. thompson hot out of the gate with 10 first quarter points finishing the night with seven threes and a season-high of 35 points. down the wire, the warriors played some clutch defense, forcing a turnover and then caught a break right before the buzzer. utah missed an easy one to tie it up. the warriors walk away with a 142-137 win and enter all-star weekend with 27 wins and 26 losses. we are diving deep into the
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race for senator dianne feinstein seat. right now, four candidates are leading the race. coming up, what sets them apart in the california senate race? lunar new year festivities are in full swing around the bay. next, people who gre
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what's really on the other side and is heaven a real place? jesse duplantis takes us on an unforgettable journey into the great beyond to discover what eternity holds and the powerful message god revealed to him.
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we are heading into another busy weekend of lunar new year festivities around the bay area. this video behind me was san francisco's kickoff to the year of the dragon last saturday in chinatown. our mary lee spent some time with the student who grew up in chinatown to give us a unique perspective on the neighborhood's rich history, struggle and strength. >> for treacy law, chinatown was her backyard. every street, every alleyway reminds her of her childhood. >> this alleyway is very nostalgic. this is where i learned to ride a bike. >> she showed me the chinatown she knows and loves. >> we are going to go to a park right now. it is called woh hei yuen. we call it to the y. everyone thinks we are talking about the ymca. this is a
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place i basically grew up. every friday after school i was here for meetings. saturdays and sundays i was here for events. it has a special place in my heart. i used to play here as a preschooler. >> tracy grew up translating not just for her mom but for her entire neighborhood who could only speak cantonese. >> growing up here, you might think this is normal. everyone does this. everyone translates for their family at home, right? >> tracy, her mother, and younger brother lived in a small 100 square foot single room, or sro, growing up. it was all she knew. >> it was never anything shameful or weird. until he went to high school, that was really different. my high school was so far. it was like, near the sunset. i was like , kids have their own rooms? you don't all live in a cramped space. >> she is now a freshman at uc berkeley but tracy still comes back to give the back,
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volunteering with the chinatown community development center. one of her mentors, chao zhang, the community organizer with the program also grew up in chinatown. >> the chinese community cannot be underestimated. i think a lot of people don't see asians and chinese and people in chinatown as fighters. they are seen as pushovers due to stereotypes and other things i won't get into. this community has fought back. there is strength in numbers. we all come together and push for what we need. >> take a look inside right now, it looks kind of like a banquet hall but it turned into a grocery store. after covid, there were not as much people going out to restaurants and stuff. when i was a child, we used to come to this banquet hall a lot. >> tracy is proud of her
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family's strength and resilience, of her family's culture and proud of the community that raised her. for tracy, chinatown will always be home. >> that is a for the news and 9:00. coming up is the drew barrymore show. for more local headlines, including weather, you can join us on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. we will see you there. who's on the show to
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day. (singing) me, me, me, me, me, me, me.ay. and don't forget (singing) me, me, me, me, me, me, me. here we (singing) go, go, go, go, go. [theme music] [cheering] announcer: please welcome drew barrymore and ross mathews. [cheering] hi, everybody. oh, let me get my glasses. rossy, with us at the desk is the greatest triple threat talent-- tony award winner, broadway sensation, and my co-pilot for the day. i could not be more honored.


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