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tv   The Late News  CBS  February 17, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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f0 from cbs news bay area, this is the evening edition. now at 11:00, the first of two storms to move through the bay area today. we're tracking the next one. a much more powerful storm, which is heading our way. emergency crews are already out keeping an eye on rivers and creeks prone to flooding that could pose a threat to those living near the banks. >> when it does rain real hard, then we are concerned, yes. if it rains a long time, the river rises too fast. and the weather want stop upset oaklanders as the effort to recall the mayor gets gets underway ahead of the november election. good evening, i'm andrea nakano. one storm is moving out to make way for the next one,
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and it's expected to be much stronger than the first. similar scenes across the bay area today. seemingly constant rainfall. luckily, it wasn't too hard, and we didn't see the strong winds that came with the storm nearly two weeks ago. but even the calmer conditions can still bring downed trees and power lines like this one in downtown santa rosa. the fire department treating out this video and telling everyone to be careful with the stronger storm coming in tomorrow. now we send it over to meteorologist darren peck to find out more about the next storm. the nice thing about the storm today is it was very nicely mannered. it came in, and it left. it knew not to overstay its welcome. but that won't be the case for the one tomorrow. it will stick around from sunday perhaps until wednesday. today we got an inch of rain in the north bay. there are still a few light showers over the south bay. and enough
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rain has fallen that we still have a few flood advisories going until midnight tonight. here's tomorrow. we wake up, looking at some clouds through the early morning hours. then by about noon tomorrow, the first showers for the next storm will arrive. but watch how they get a lot more numerous and impressive later in the day. then it becomes widespread steady rain for most of us. it will also get a bit windy in the morning from this one. but i want to talk about why this storm will be windier than today's was, but not as bad as last week. that's coming up. with this much rain, bay area rivers and creeks become a concern, especially the guadalupe river in san jose. john ramos has more. >> reporter: santa clara county officials say this storm may not be as intense as some of
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the storms we've had this year, but it may be more long lasting. that could be a problem for people living near the rivers. like a lot of people in the neighborhood, jennifer s. keeps a close eye on the water level marks on the alma street bridge over the guadalupe river. >> usually when we have a large storm it gets up to about 14. 17 feet is when we have to move out. >> reporter: she had to evacuate her mother back in 1996, but since then it's only gotten close. still, she took pictures of how swollen the river got two weeks ago in the last big storm. >> if it rains for too long, if it rains a long time, the river rises too fast. >> reporter: that's a concern of the county as well, especially because of all the recent rainfall. >> the storm has already brought in a lot of rain from that february 4th storm. soils are saturated.
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>> reporter: the guadalupe river gets run off from the santa cruz mountain water shed. when the land can't absorb the water, the river can rise quickly as it runs through san jose. >> um, we're not expecting it to flood, but we, again, want to make sure that the public, you know, is aware that this could potentially occur due to the saturate within the the soils here in the county. >> reporter: the river bed is often a place for homeless people to gather, so the county has worked to evacuate them and opened warming centers during the storm. but with a forecast that sunday's storm could last for several days, officials aren't taking any chances. at the time entire bay area is now included in a flood watch. but neighbor jeanne says over time she's learned to be calm about the dire predictions. >> it never reaches the projected, at least in all the years i've been watching as of yet. you end up being more worried about what's coming than what it's actually happening. even when it's at its worst, it doesn't seem that bad. i think the worry is
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more the anticipation of what could happen. >> reporter: but it's the things that could happen that officials must plan for. >> when it does rain real hard, then we are concerned, yes. >> reporter: and they're hoping that, like jennifer, the message will be taken seriously. san mateo county closed more than half a dozen parks due to the storms. the full list is on the screen right now. that includes places like devil's slide trail and moss beach. the parks will stay closed until conditions are safe. stay up to date with the storm, especially the one moving in tomorrow here on air, on, and streaming on cbs news bay area. the san francisco japan town community gathered inside the kabuki theater this afternoon for a day of remembrance. it's meant to honor the 120,000 japanese americans sent to internment camps during world war ii. the official day of remembrance is
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february 19th, the day president roosevelt signed the executive order 9066 in 1942, which gave the u.s. army the authority to round up citizens living on the west coast. now to oakland, where the signature collection to recall mayor thao officially began today. organizers at jack london square pitching their message to would be voters that the mayor is to blame for oakland's crime issues. but her supporters tell da lin it was a problem, even before she was elected. >> reporter: robberies, burglaries, and violent crime. all of them went up by double digits in 2023 compared to 2022. many businesses shut down citing crime, especially along the hagenberger corridor. >> this specific area used to thrive on game day. the raiders, the a's, the warrior, it was amazing. >> reporter: dwayne tatum lives
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near the oakland coliseum. >> it's frustrating. because you start thinking about all the economic activity you're losing. >> reporter: with businesses gone, so are the jobs and tax revenue. he believesthe job loss hits his community the hardest. >> i was tired of complaining about it. i wanted to put feet on the ground and actually try to turn this things around. i'm tired of see like, you know, you have other cities thriving. we're headed the opposite way. >> reporter: he's volunteering to collect signatures to recall mayor sheng thao. he and other recall supporters are upset she fired chief armstrong with no permanent replacement, and say she lacks accountability by constantly pointing the finger at someone else. >> she is a failed leader. she has just done so much wrong in terms of leadership. >> reporter: but thao supporters say the recall is a waste of time and taxpayer
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money. >> it's disheartening when i see folks trying to recall a mayor who's only been in office for a year. >> reporter: this man supports mayor thao. he says crime has been going up in oakland since 2019. he blames the previous mayor and the defunding of operation ceasefire for the rising crime. >> mayor schaff and the armstrong administration defunded ceasefire. this current mayor is refunding ceasefire. and i don't think that crime is actually any different today than it was ten years ago. >> reporter: he credits the mayor for hiring more 911 dispatchers and working with the state to install license plate readers to fight crime. he's asking voters to give mayor thao more time. but dwayne worries more time for thao means more crime and business closures. >> i still believe in oakland. you know, the good and the bad. i believe the city can actually be thriving instead of trying to survive. >> reporter: recall organizers aim to collect at least 25,000
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signatures from oakland voters by may. they want to get the recall on the november ballot. >> we reached out to the mayor's office to comment on the recall, but she has temporarily stepped away from public duties after her mom passed away earlier this week. santa clara county is about to get a big financial boost to try to end homelessness in the form of $30 million in federal funding. 29 million of which will go to the santa clara county office of supportive housing. the rest of it will go towards nonprofits throughout the county that worked to address homelessness. >> it's the local governments that are tip of the spear on this. they make all the decisions on zoning, what's going to be built, and all of that. so the major role that the federal government can play is to provide funding for those efforts. >> governor newsom was supposed to deliver 200 tiny homes for unhoused residents in san jose, but instead he gave the city
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nearly $13 million to build them instead. city officials say that's about $5 million short of what the project actually needs. san francisco state senator scott weiner proposes a bill to exempt most new real estate projects in the city from the state's environmental reviews for a decade. he said it could specifically speed up developments in the north financial district, union square, soma, oracle park, and the civic center. he said in a statement quote, downtown san francisco matters to our city's future and it's struggling to bring people back. we need to make big changes and have open minds. of course, the bill doesn't address other factors slowing development in the city such as labor costs, high interest rates, and less demand for commercial space. now, the a's will play in oakland next year, but what happens after their lease runs out at the coliseum? while the
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las vegas ball park situation is still up in the air they're focused on where they'll play until the new stadium is built. and there's a report that sacramento sutter health park is currently the front runner. the other choice is staying at the coliseum that would involve negotiating a new lease with the city or moving to salt lake city. the reason sacramento is out in front according to reports is because they would be able to keep some of their current tv deal money. but first, the a's would have to work out a deal with the giants since the 14,000 seat stadium is also home to san francisco's aaa affiliate, the river cats. still ahead, dangerous incidents forcing an east bay library to close its doors without notice. plus, what drove these people to hit the streets of san francisco in their underwear? it was for a good cause. and of course much more on the next round of rain headed our way. we'll be right back.
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on this rainy weekend, people tend to get out of the weather by heading over to a library, but people in antioch had to find another place to stay dry after the library was closed without warning. the contra costa county library says it closed the antioch
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location over safety and security concerns after several dangerous incidents in the last few months. the library says they're now working to implement further security measures, including added security. >> it's horrible, it sucks. you know, i'm not sure why you would do anything towards a library, but it is very unfortunate that that's the choice some have made. >> the library posted on their website tonight that it will reopen on tuesday. the national weather service has a high surf advisory in place through 4:00 tomorrow afternoon for the coastal bay area from monterey up through sonoma county. they urge people to be careful on the shore and stay out of the water. in san francisco today, folks were still enjoying the ocean and watching the big waves. and this group didn't seem to mind the rainy weather as they raced around in their underwear for a good cause in
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san francisco. it's called the cupid's undie rain. it raises awareness for a genetic disorder that causes tumors to grow on nerves throughout the body. >> it can be really, really self-conscious. so this is an opportunity, no one is comfortable in their underwear. it's celebrating being uncomfortable by raining in your underwear. no matter the the weather, we run in our underwear and support people that don't necessarily feel good in their skin. >> all proceeds benefit the children's tumor foundation. the goal is to raise $30,000. yes, it's not a comfortable feeling running around in your underwear. >> they had good timing, though. >> yeah, because it wasn't the big rain. >> right, it started after that run. the same thing with tomorrow. if you have something to do outside. >> early? >> early. first half of the day you'll be fine. by around 12:30 to 1:00, the rain is coming. we'll go to the big picture on futurecast, and i've
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brought this all the way up to 6:00 a.m. tomorrow because as we saw in the first visit, we're pretty much done with this system now. maybe a few showers tonight, but it's really tomorrow we're waiting on. we'll keep clouds around to start the day, so we don't get a pretty blue sky. and then the rain arrives. the time frame on that, right up there in the 1:00 hour. then it just goes. we'll let it play through. second half of the day, it's just going to rain. widespread steady rain. this is a weak atmospheric river, rated a 2 on a scale of 1 to 5. it's good to know that because it tells us a little bit of character in terms of how much rain the system has to work with. you'll see the totals here in a second. but the bulk of it will come in that window between about 1:00 in the afternoon tomorrow and before sunrise on monday. the storm will be around for awhile. that was just the first phase. it will be the rainiest phase and
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biggest rainfall totals, but the more exciting phase could be this one out here. that's the center of the storm that then comes on shore and gives us isolated downpours, occasional thunderstorms, and this does look interesting for monday morning into monday about. we're seeing some of the best ingredients any storm has provided yet so far this season to provide some pretty intense downpours. some thunderstorms. it will be a bigger factor in the central valley. these are the kinds of storms, and this is the time of year, where we could see some of the thunderstorms start to get a bit of rotation and even drop some funnel clouds. and that's not unheard of in the central valley. this is the time of year it would be most likely to happen. but here in the bay our chance for that is very small. bigger concern would be the isolated thunderstorms that add more rain on top of what we've already gotten, and the wind that will go along with this. it's going on with that until around wednesday morning. if you look at rainfall total, two inches in the north bay. about
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an inch in the south bay. there's the flood watch. because of that it's enough rain we'll run into those issues on the roadways and streams and creeks. the bigger concern from roadways, the timing on that likely would be sunday night through the first half of monday as we kind of wait for that majority of the rain from the second half of sunday to kind of hit the landscape and work through. then we'll watch the streams and creeks after that. wind, we've got to talk about that. it will get windy with this storm. not like the one from earlier in the month. the reason for that is there's the center of this thing, and you can see it's several hundred miles out there. the last one developed right on top of us, and we were right in that core of purple where the stronger winds are. we won't be in the core this time. a little wind tomorrow morning when the warm front comes through. then a little more wind on monday when probably the cold front comes through. and that will be the two biggest time frames for wind. if you kind of look at how this lines up along the coast, it will be windy out there. but timing out the strongest bands of wind, here's the first one. this
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gets us into late tomorrow morning early afternoon. the timing is late monday morning, early afternoon. playing that forward, you can see, you'll get a break, actually, sunday night. you'll think the wind is done. but it's not. because then it's going to come back on monday. that's monday afternoon into the evening. and we do see perhaps 40 miles per hour gusts along the coast with that. so those are the two impacts. we've got the steady rain. actually there's three to think about. it's the steady rain for the second half of sunday. then the isolated thunderstorms that are going to stay with us back here through monday and tuesday. and then of course the wind, which will come through in two separate pulses tomorrow early afternoon and again monday early afternoon. wednesday maybe a few stragglers, but no first alert status needed on wednesday. and there's a little rain friday and saturday. more on that as we get closer to it. matt, over to you. it might be raining in the bay. also raining in indianapolis on the basketball court. we got to see two of the greatest shooters in basketball
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go head to head. steph versus sabrina. a
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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nba all star weekend rolled on saturday night and there was a first of it kind match up. wnba versus nba, three point contest. it featured the great steph curry versus sabrina ionescu. she set the three point record for both leagues during the wnba all star. she came out firing. nailed the first rack and put up 26 points, which is the same number as this year's actual three point champ. but steph, well, he's the greatest
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shooter for a reason. he needed five points in the final few shots and cashes in with clutch shooting. grand total of 29. dance your dance, steph. incredible inaugural contest and a lot of money went to charity, which was awesome. to the actual nba three point contest, oakland native damian lillard trying to knock out trey young from the hawks. dame put up 26. he's the back to back champion. it is dame time, after after all. now the dunk contest. matt mcclung representing the magic, actually plays in the g league. but my goodness, he has ups. final dunk over shaq. that scored him a perfect 50 from the judges. he also wins for back to back years. all right, college hoops. the cal bears taking on washington on the road. final
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seconds, cal down 1. jalen knocks down the clutch triple and put it is bears up for good. cal wins 82-80. how about those bears? they're 7 and 8 in conference play. a huge improvement from last year. the sharks back home for the first time since the all star break hosting columbus. tie game in the final seconds, but the blue jackets get a great look on the break away, and turns into a heart breaker. when is it not for san jose? columbus wins 4-3. they'll host the golden knights on monday. still more sports to come. moving day at riviera, and some big names missing. and the - temperatures cooling down as we head into the weekend and stronger onshore... ah, i stepped off the coast again. - the winds are really picking up. - fog spreading farther inland. - and in the north bay, you're gonna get soaked. (water splashing) - [narrator] presenting the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. - as i lift this, you can actually see...
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- [narrator] on kpix and pix+. (wind blowing) it's that real. (water splashing) - let's move on to the seven-day now. this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other.
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while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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it's been such a bizarre genesis invitational thus far. on friday tiger woods had to withdraw with the flu. on top of that jordan speith disqualified for signing an incorrect scorecard. here's hoping saturday was a little bit better. no tiger, no speith, no problem in the
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pacific palisades on moving day. 175 yards out, and he nearly rolls the thing in. he was hunting down patrick cantlay. speaking of. 13th here for cantlay, the leader at 14 under, and he throws a dart at it. he finishes in the lead. historic week in major league baseball and the athletics when they announced jenny cavnar would be the full time play by play announcer for the team, becoming the first woman to ever have such a role in the major leagues. >> reporter: have you had a moment, maybe when you're by yourself, and you've said holy expletive! heidi heitkamp a permanent major league baseball announcer, and i'm a pioneer at it! >> yeah, i think at spring training it will hit a little harder. probably opening day, you know, it will punch me square in the face. and i'm excited for those moments. >> reporter: how much is your
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phone blowing up? >> um, i had a few text messages. had a few text messages. i had to put my phone down yesterday. luckily i was flying to the bay area, so i had about 500 when i got on the flight and spent the entire two-hour flight responding and landed to only 400. they keep coming. but i'm trying to get back to everybody. i had to turn social media off for now. i can't wait to go back, and hopefully have conversations, get to know some new a's fans that have reached out which i'm super appreciative of. let's do this! >> i'm excited to listen to a's games. andrea, i do have to mention. this is bizarre. this is the first time since july we do not have the 49ers or football in general in a sports cast on a saturday night. >> it just feels like there's something missing in your life, like you don't have your cell phone with you or something? >> i feel like i forgot something at home. >> i hate this, i hate this! >> luckily nfl is almost all
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yearlong. we'll have mini camps. >> free agency. >> thanks, matt. coming up after the break, we'll take a look at an effort on the peninsula to try to save treasures from ending up in califo
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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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that man should come to my garage. this is a fix it clinic at the redwood city library where an army of volunteers help people fix their broken electronics or other appliances rather than see them end up in a landfill. it's organized by the san mateo county office of sustainability. gosh. i have a lot of things that could be fixed and put to good use. >> they do this for free? do they make house calls? >> no, i think you have to bring the actual item to them. but it's a good idea to save all that stuff. thank you so much for watching. our next
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local newscast is tomorrow morning from 6:00 to 7:00. keep an eye - hey, guys. - we brought a truckload of magic. what would you like to make disappear? - all that stuff out there. (gasps) when you want junk to disappear, all you have to do is point. (truck beeps) bye. - [announcer] call 1-800-got-junk.
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- hey, guys. - we brought a truckload of magic. what would you like to make disappear? - all that stuff out there. (gasps) when you want junk to disappear, all you have to do is point. (truck beeps) bye. - [announcer] call 1-800-got-junk. ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ male announcer: "in touch," the teaching ministry of dr. charles stanley, reaching the world with the gospel of jesus christ. ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ stephen: dear dr. stanley, well, sitting in a covid-19 lockdown--


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