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tv   The Late News  CBS  February 18, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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from cbs news bay area this is the evening edition. >> the storm has finally arrived after days of waiting. another atmospheric river has hit the bay area and it won't be leaving anytime soon which means people living near rivers and creeks prone to flooding are on high alert. we'll meet a man living by the guadalupe river who serves as a first warning to his neighbors. >> i get on there and i say just calm down. just relax. this has happened before and i've seen it a lot higher than it is now. >> it gives us a sense of peace when he chimes in and says i think we'll be okay. we'll head to the north bay where the rain has already caused some crashes, spinouts, flooding, mudslides and more. >> good evening. i'm andrea
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nakano. it is a first alert weather day as another atmospheric river dumps rain across the bay area tonight and is expected to continue for the next few days. taking a live look out across the bay area right now, san francisco, oakland, san jose all getting drenched tonight. let's get straight to darren peck to see what's in store for the rest of the evening. darren? >> more of that. i mean if you look at first alert doppler right now, it's very busy. maybe the lightning probably catches your eye. that's from all the stuff that's heading towards the east side of the state. there's a lot more of that coming tomorrow and maybe even tonight. i want to just quickly show you where the rain is now. it's pretty widespread. we're only going to look at the high resolution model that takes us through tonight into tomorrow because there could be some impressive bands of heavier downpours between now, really through the morning commute. without getting too caught up in the notion that these are exactly where they happen when they happen, that's one example of a fairly intense downpour. the
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colors on there, i mean these radar depictions are color coded. we don't often see it in the purple and white, but that's showing you pretty strong downpours of rain, so heavy short-lived rain that comes in and gets out, but there could be times in the morning tomorrow where we get these set up lines that sit over the bay for maybe a couple hours, 10:00 till noon. that does raise some of the flooding concerns, speaking of which there are now flood advisories. we got a flood watch that's general for the whole bay till wednesday, but within those the national weather service will then highlight other areas that are experiencing somewhat higher degrees of flooding at this point. i think one of the more notable ones is this one now, the east bay through alameda confident through oakland, san leandro. there's a flood advisory for urban flooding like roadway stuff till midnight because of the amount of rain we've already seen come down and if we look at the numbers, look at the rain that's already fallen just since 11:00 this morning. we've already gotten well over
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like half an inch, three-quarter inch in the north bay. the rest of the bay, pick out your part on here, this is what you've gotten so far, but it's just the start. i'll be back and show you how much more is coming between now and wednesday. >> thanks, darren. whenever we get sustained rain like this, people living near the guadalupe river are on high alert for any potential flooding. mary lee introduces us to one of those san jose homeowners who has seen the river rise dangerously close to homes. >> reporter: we're by the guadalupe river in the willow glen neighborhood in san jose. it's just 100 feet away from the klein family's home. you can bet they're keeping a close eye on the river during this strong storm. >> i was a little bit worried the electricity was going to go out again. >> it was blowing pretty hard. then it started raining. >> when i moved in here 42 years ago, this was all just weeds. >> reporter: you could call randy klein the guadalupe river watcher. his neighborhood has a
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group chat with 33 families and everyone knows randy is the expert. >> i get on there and i say just calm down. just relax. this has happened before and i have seen it a lot higher than it is now. you don't need to go get sandbags and then someone on the app said something like i would defer to randy because he's been here the longest and he tends to know the patterns of the river. >> it gives us a sense of peace when he chimes in and says i think we'll be okay. he comes up and looks. so i think everybody kind of takes a deep breath and trusts his judgment. >> reporter: he says the worst he's ever seen it was back in the '90s. >> the river came to within about three feet of coming over this bank. it was higher than the base of this large tree right here and watching trees go down and all this brown fast flowing water just finding its way down to the bay. >> reporter: randy comes to
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check on the river often. one thing he's seen over the years and knows all too well, nature is constantly changing. randy appreciates the guadalupe river's beauty and power. >> this comes from the mountains. it comes from the santa cruz mountains and all the way out of like the los gatos area and guadalupe reservoir. so everything funnels into this river with a couple others that feed in and it will definitely rise as all that water just funnels into one big channel.
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on 1 two people had to abandon their car after it stalled out in floodwaters. the fire department came out and helped them get to dry land. there were no injuries, but the highway is closed indefinitely. another reminder to never try and drive through standing water even if it looks shallow. upon highway 128 in geyserville this tree came down on the road during a mudslide. there is no time frame of when the road will be back open as caltrans is waiting for a large front loader to help move the tree. similar scenes all across sonoma and marin county tonight. our da lin has been up there getting a glimpse of the damage. >> reporter: from mudslides to flooded streets to single-car spinouts, sunday's storm caused all sorts of headaches for north bay residents. >> when the crash happened, i woke up and the first thing was my baby. i looked at my baby. she was fine. >> reporter: elena martinez and her baby girl were sleeping in the back seats when her dad's suv spun out and crashed into the center median on highway 101 in petaluma.
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>> we were going to eat at red lobster, but this happened. >> reporter: her brothers were also in the suv. they say it was the scariest experience. >> something scary, you know, just literally. i was just frozen when it all happened. >> reporter: not far from sebastopol on green hill road a mudslide briefly trapped a pickup truck that was sent by the county to clear the slide. the tires got stuck in the mud. so another cleanup crew had to come in and pull the truck out. >> it's kind of freaky and a little bit scary, especially now it's getting dark. you can't really see what's going on. you sort of come across it and don't have any warning. >> reporter: in the town of fulton north of santa rosa water floods parts of summer street and d street. >> as you can see, the water is running up to their front steps. >> reporter: dennis copeland is worried about water getting into his foundation and with the ground so saturated he's
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also worried about downed trees and his family's safety. >> we've been here for the past six, seven years. we've never had water up this high before. >> reporter: her parents had some minor bruises from the crash, but she feels pretty lucky. >> everybody is fine and we thank god for that. >> reporter: with a couple more days of rain, folks are worried about more downed trees and power outages. >> if you live in sonoma county, you may get emergency alerts tonight between now and 8:00 in the morning in case of any flooding, severe thunderstorms or even the rare tornado. as you can see from this alert posted on the santa rosa fire department's social media account, all of those have a very small chance of happening. of course, you can stay up to date on everything happening with the storm in between newscasts on, the cbs news app and streaming
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on cbs news bay area. still ahead tonight at 11:00, the threat of rain couldn't stop an oakland lunar new year parade today and we'll see what the storm is doing to the sierra snowpack, which is still lagging behind where it should be for this time of year. and darren peck will give us a much more in-depth look what to expect from this storm when you wake up in the morning. we'll be right back.
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the storm is helping the snowpack build in the sierra as we look at the conditions from berkeley sierra snow lab. the first snow survey of the year at phillips station produced underwhelming results at just 25% of average. the second survey showed modest improvement with the snowpack coming in at about 58% of average and now a few weeks ahead of the third survey we are at 76%. so the snowpack is faring better, but still needs to improve. >> we're really hoping to make up that additional last 25 points or so soon. now it could be over the next couple days. it just depends how this storm pans out. >> schwartz is cautiously optimistic that the snowpack will continue to improve over the next four to six weeks and hopes it will be exactly where it should be by april 1st. let's get back to darren peck for more on what we can expect with this storm over the next few days. darren? >> i've got to address something that you said in a
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story just before this last break where you said in sonoma county they were going to alert people if there was any flooding, thunderstorms and you actually said the word tornado. it's a really small chance, but the fact that that's even reasonably getting used in the conversation here, got to take a moment to discuss this because this is an important component of the storm tomorrow. there are going to be some pretty intense thunderstorms across the bay area and there's also a small chance, about a 5% chance, that that area back there in the map highlighted in the central valley could see a funnel cloud or maybe a weak tornado, but here at home we get some help. look at the topography of the bay. take a look at the santa cruz mountains. we'll get a nice wide view and look towards the other side. we live in a bowl in the bay. no doubt you already know this, but when it comes to severe weather, there are many reasons why we don't typically get it, but on a day like this why the central valley is at a small 5% risk and even though there's an even smaller chance we might
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see a funnel cloud, the odds are much lower at home in the bay because of this topography. these mountains kind of protect us. the winds that are so necessary down at the lower levels to get things going from a severe standpoint, they cannot really hold together in a meaningful way thanks to the santa cruz mountains over there, the diablo range over there, the east bay hills, all of these things acting like barriers. we'll come back for a closer view. that doesn't happen often, but the storm prediction center has put northern california in their area for a very like low grade chance here for severe thunderstorms with that 5% chance of tornadoes. what's going on? if you look at sacramento in the central valley, that broadness of the valley there is a lot more open, more of a runway. you see the southerly winds tomorrow. southerly winds will be whipping up the entire central valley tomorrow down at the lower levels. at the same time this storm's coming in, it will produce much stronger winds way in the upper levels
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of the atmosphere. now we've got one of the first ingredients for severe weather, two layers moving in different directions. here's some of the other ingredients tomorrow. you'll see warm air at the lower levels and lower elevations where we live. warm air will rise into that much colder storm with the winds moving in a different direction. now we're taking these little columns of air tomorrow. as they rise into this turbulent wind shear, you'll get rotation and you can get thunderstorms, severe thunderstorms and maybe in that green bull's eye a 5% chance of tornadoes. this is one of the headline grabbing things. where do we fall? we aren't in the bull's eye over there. there is just a small, little sliver of darker green for the severe thunderstorms for the inland east bay tomorrow and the rest of the bay is still in that chance for isolated severe thunderstorms tomorrow. if we do get any of these like ef-0s, you see the scale here, tells you we can get wind speeds up to about 100 miles an hour with
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those compared to what tornadoes do in the midsection of the country, doesn't even compare, but it's still a concern. it's a small chance. we'll watch it very closely. here's what the storm looks like tomorrow. the primary concern for us would be downpours from thunderstorms and lightning. be aware, too, when thunder roars, go indoors tomorrow. we'll let futurecast play and not worry about picking out individual cells because that will change. what we do see here, as we let this play through tomorrow and all the way through tuesday and even into early wednesday, these high resolution models only go three days and we'll watch the entire three days and this doesn't really change. the storm really hasn't left yet. we'll continue to see the rain come down, add more to the totals and we could see an occasional thunderstorm, particularly through tomorrow morning and tomorrow afternoon at home. that would be the primary concern. we had a funnel cloud in sonoma county a couple weeks ago. we shared pictures of it on this
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newscast. so it happens here. we'll keep a close eye on it for tomorrow. how much rain might we get starting really this afternoon to when we're done? i showed you what we'd gotten already today in the last visit. this is what's still to come. so these are fairly impressive rainfall totals. this is why the flood watch stays in effect all the way until wednesday. pick out your part of the bay. we put the spotlight on the east bay already because you've got a flood advisory there till midnight tonight because there's already been enough runoff. that's for urban flooding like the street stuff. that's just one component. there's going to be a lot coming our way the next few days. we'll keep a very close track on this system. we'll be on it tomorrow morning. jessica burch will be in tomorrow morning from 5:00 till 9:00 at what could be a very important time throughout the lifespan of this storm from downpours and maybe some more street flooding. we'll pick it up in the afternoon and evening. we'll get a break wednesday and thursday and friday another
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system perhaps by saturday. back to you. >> thank you, darren. a long overdue rebound for trinity lake coming up after the break, how the rising water is saving livelihoods for people living near the reservoir. coming up tonight on "gameday," nba all-star weekend in indy, but steph stole the show before the game tipped off. wipe the tears away. it's now the nfl offseason. we shift our 9er focus to what moves john lynch must make. >> it's all about the defensive line. plus history in the big leagues, meet the new voice of the oakland athletics, that and more following the 11:00 news on "gameday."
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officials up at shasta lake have been releasing water since december to make room for storms like the one tonight. it's a big difference compared to what it was like just a few years ago, but rain from the last two winters has really helped most of the state's reservoirs rebound, but trinity lake, which is the state's third largest reservoir, wasn't doing as well even after last winter's heavy rain. it was still below its average levels, but as wilson walker shows us, this year's storms appear to finally be
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making a difference. >> see the lake has come up a lot and we've been working on houseboats. >> reporter: for marina manager darryl marlin, things are finally starting to look up a bit as hopes rise with the water. >> it's coming up probably a foot, foot and a half a day. >> reporter: trinity lake, the 1 place in california where the drought didn't really end last year is back to its historical average and rising fast. >> actually the ramp's in the water now and it was out of the water this morning, plus the forestry's lawn trap for how many years has been out of the water is finally back in the water. >> reporter: the transformation here in just nine months is a remarkable one and for the people who live and make a living on trinity, it is long awaited while last year's big winter gave nearby shasta a
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full recovery. trinity was left well below average. many locals like marlin complained that too much of last winter was released into the trinity river and now with the lake soaring those locals feel like they have been heard. >> this year since all the complaining and everything they're going to keep the water in the lake this year. >> we're 85 feet higher on trinity than we were a year ago today. >> reporter: donald bader oversees shasta and trinity lakes for the bureau of reclamation. he says trinity, which feeds largely off of snowpack, is currently benefiting from two solid years of rain and snow. >> it's just the way two years. we're doing minimal releases for our winter base flow just like last year. there's a lot of confusion about that. >> reporter: river flows he says are by the book and with shasta at full storage there is nothing to keep trinity from rising into the summer. >> so every last bit of water
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going in fills into trinity will go into storage. >> i think the water will be up to this area right here where i got this houseboat. i'm positive it will get this high if they don't open the gates up again. >> reporter: marlin actually shut down his bar and grill during the height of the drought, but he's hoping the rising water might get the doors open again. he says the phone is ringing and it is still raining. >> oh, yeah. we've been getting calls left and right, a lot of people asking if the lake's filling up. i got a feeling it's going to be a great year this year. >> reporter: so it took an extra year, but the folks here finally seeing their escape from the drought. we should add we don't know entirely how that will add up, right? there's plenty of winter left, the entire month of march. the full scale of the trinity rebound, that is a story that is still yet to be told. coming up next, we'll head to oakland where the threat of rain didn't damper today's
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lunar new year's celebrations. - temperatures cooling down as we head into the weekend and stronger onshore... ah, i stepped off the coast again. - the winds are really picking up. - fog spreading farther inland. - and in the north bay, you're gonna get soaked. (water splashing) - [narrator] presenting the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. - as i lift this, you can actually see... - [narrator] on kpix and pix+. (wind blowing) it's that real. (water splashing) - let's move on to the seven-day now. this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up.
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with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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that dragon dance is part of millbrae's lunar new year festival. the event was supposed to be yesterday, but it was pushed to today because of the rain. a good decision considering the blue skies, they got to enjoy them most of the day. in oakland lunar new year the second such parade after a 30-year hiatus. the year of the dragon is the most auspicious of the chinese zodiacs and oakland leaders said this year it signifies a period of strength and positive change. >> this turnout is amazing. we weren't worried about the rain. we were worried about some of the crime that's happening around oakland and oakland chinatown, so we were worried about the low turnout, but it proved everybody wrong. >> and the big chinese lunar new year parade in san francisco kicks off next
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weekend saturday, february 24th. the parade starts around 5:15 at second and market streets before winding 1.3 miles to kearny and jackson streets where it ends. it usually takes about 2 1/2 hours. this year's parade grand marshal is actor and rapper aquafina. coming up after the break, we'll meet a woman from oakland responsible for another big parade and this one born out of protests to become one of the town's most popular celebrations.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice.
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mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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we're celebrating black history month and oakland's black joy parade is set for next sunday. the celebrations continue to grow each year, becoming a positive destination for the town. the parade's cofounder alicia greenwell says it is important to highlight the joyfulness of leadership and change making. >> that's the only time you saw a lot of us together. it was like these fights, and like these against the system, having to be on the frontlines of those things like we always are. i just wanted to have a moment where it wasn't that, like we were gathered in big group, just for celebration. >> and it was during that first celebration in 2018 when 14,000 people showed up when alicia knew she had given birth to something unique and special. you can find all of our back in the bay stories on our website and be sure to watch our black in time, black in the bay special at 4:00 p.m. this coming friday on cbs news bay
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area. so tomorrow is presidents' day. but from what i hear, there is just not going to be a block of time tomorrow, where you can get out and barbecue. >> well, there will be breaks, they are just impossible at times. you'll have to take a look out the window and know if it is not raining then, it could be in 20 minutes. >> well have a great night. thaf out there. (gasps) when you want junk to disappear, all you have to do is point. (truck beeps) bye. - [announcer] call 1-800-got-junk.
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- hey, guys. - we brought a truckload of magic. what would you like to make disappear? - all that stuff out there. (gasps) when you want junk to disappear, all you have to do is point. (truck beeps) bye. - [announcer] call 1-800-got-junk.
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hello and welcome to game day, i'm matt lively. we have a loaded show for you. we are officially one week without football. reporting for spring training and the dubs may be turning things around. warriors have won eight out of the last ten games. two and a half games ahead of the jazz for the tenth spot in the west. off this weekend for the nba all star break in indianapolis. steph curry representing the warriors in his 10th all-star game appearance wasn't named a starter this year, so it came off the bench with something to prove and knocks down the early triple. then later in the first, showed off the defense blocks, the dunk attempt. this was more like it in the second quarter, he's pulling up from deep and knocks down the triple. finished the game with 16 points and eight assists. but the east


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