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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  February 19, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PST

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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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and breaking news at 3:00, the protesters take over the freeway in san francisco. that situation unfolding right now. when rain and the threat of thunderstorms on this first alert weather day. we are tracking the unsettled conditions that are happening all across the bay area, and how long they will stick around. south bay voters have a big decision. what they say they need from their next representative in congress. thanks for joining us, i'm ryan yamamoto in for elizabeth cook. we begin with that breaking news that began as a protest and a rally at civic center plaza that brought traffic to a standstill on our local freeways. this was the moment the large group of protesters marched down octavia towards the freeway entrance. chp was in place trying to stop demonstrators from getting there closer. here are some of the demonstrators on the freeway at interstate 80 split. you can see a group of people blocking the lanes from one side of the freeway. cars on the side of the roadway had no
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chance, but to go into reverse and then exit that freeway. the large crowd was eventually escorted off the freeway, where they made their way off the exit ramp and then spilled back onto city streets. chp is asking drivers to avoid the freeway from debose avenue to octavia boulevard. then a couple of hours ago, all the demonstrators were back out at civic center plaza. many holding signs and palestinian flags demanding a ceasefire in gaza. this all comes less than a week after pro palestinian protesters briefly blocked traffic along the golden gate bridge. it's unclear if anyone was arrested for that incident. of course the other top stories this afternoon is a first alert weather day. we have our eye on the threat of thunderstorms this afternoon. meteorologist darren peck says more downpours could be coming. darren? >> yeah, ryan, this would be a pretty likely time of the day. we are seeing them now. when we look at first alert doppler, we will leave behind the big
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picture view and you can pick them out here. it doesn't matter really where you look. these isolated bull's eye of reds, yellows, oranges are showing up across most of the bay. we've got a couple of good ones right now that are coming in right across the peninsula and the city. we are not going to necessarily focus on individual cells in this case because they are moving fairly quickly. so if you've got one over you right now, it will clear out in the next 20, 30 minutes. if you don't have one over you right now, it's coming, you'll have one probably in the next 20, 30 minutes. a better way to look at it. we will switch from live alert doppler radar. we will use the high resolution rapid refresh model. the ones that you'll use when you want the most resolution in detail over a short period of time because it only goes for like 12 hours. they will play this forward and we'll watch it. but it really does a great job in situations like this of depicting where the individual cells are likely to be and how they are going to behave and when we play this forward. doesn't change a whole lot. we will keep the
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scene going. isolated on again, off again, hitting the showers that will come in. you take a look at the time frame here as we have gone through later tonight. we have watched pretty much the afternoon and evening for today. didn't change much. we wanted to pause here for a minute because we want you to pick out this line right here. not to say that it will be exactly there at exactly 11:30. but the notion of the line like that developing. some over the bay. then staying fairly stationary. it would be one of the bigger items of concern from a flooding standpoint. sure enough the models will depict that one sticking around for a couple of hours. so should one develop like that? at any location in the bay? really at any point through the afternoon or evening. that would almost certainly elevate the flood issues for that part of the bay. so maybe you'll get some localized flood warnings for low lying intersections and some streams and creeks to rapidly rise. that kind of thing. it's impossible to say exactly where it will happen. and it will
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give us enough confidence to say the ingredients are there and it will likely happen perhaps for some location as we go through this evening. then we get into tomorrow and you can see another batch shows up. we've gone pretty far into this model. i doubt it plays out exactly that way for the south bay tomorrow morning. so what we're going to do now is we have to switch. we are going to leave behind all the real high resolution detail. we've got to go back to one of the more traditional models and pick up the time frame. just look at tuesday. you kind of see the same stories here. isolated showers. just keeps going. this is why we've got first alert status through tomorrow because this system is parked right off the coast. it is just going to continue to be able to throw us isolated showers with occasional downpours and thunderstorms all the way through then. by wednesday things will start to quiet down. so how have we done so far? if you look at the rainfall totals in the north bay, this is since yesterday. i went back to about noon, which is when this really started
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with the system. we've gotten three inches of rain in the north bay. and you still have your chance for those numbers to go up. but a number like that for santa rosa, which is a representative spot for the north bay is a reason why the map showing us where the flood advisories are is focusing on the north bay. so the streets, low lying intersections, streams, creeks, they are things to be aware of at least until 4:00 in the afternoon. it's likely that the national weather service who issued this will probably need to extend that or put out more issuances. be aware of your surroundings. if you're not in the north bay, you still have a flood., which is a generalized notion of getting more rain until we get to wednesday morning early that we should be thinking about the possibility that we might have to respond or react to some flooding on the roadways or the streams and the creeks and all that thing. by the way, we are not forecasting any of the main stem rivers.
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whether it is the river, it's just the takeaway. we are not forecasting the major stem rivers. but there's like a 20% chance that they could. speaking of percent chances, here is what might be the headline for northern california as a whole today. highlighting the central valley as having a small, very small 5% chance that some of these severe thunderstorms could turn into funnel clouds or weak tornadoes. we don't fall into that risk here in the bay. there is an even smaller chance than a 5% chance here. it's something that we will watch very closely over the next few hours. we will have more background and a perspective on that as we get into the evening newscast. let's get you into our seven-day forecast. it stays fairly busy tomorrow. remember, we're staying in the first alert status through tuesday. wednesday should be a lot quieter. thursday is a break. then another system will come in back here. so we've got more rain for friday and saturday. doesn't look mayor. we'll have more on that. ryan,
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back to you. a part of the road has collapsed due to the river. you can see that ditch right there. caltrans is providing one-way traffic control until 5:00 this evening. then a full road closure will start and crews will be back in the morning to reassess and figure out a long-term plan. and in the north bay, there's been on and off rain, heavy at times. the windshield wipers getting a big workout. shawn chitnis spent the morning in windsor. >> reporter: we've seen the rain in the north bay not giving up much of a break. it has come and gone and seems to be on and off, but it's here. take a look at how strong it got at one point in the morning as we were driving around this part of windsor. now this is the worst we've seen all day. while we've been here, we have a sense of the impact with all the rain and some flooding so far this year and the wine industry. vineyards are used to the rain and flooding. so it shouldn't change anything as
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the vines are dormant right now. but for others, they're already feeling an additional loss of business. we spoke to j.k. sellers, a part of a new collective of wineries, has a tasting room that recently came to downtown windsor. the back-to-back storms hit harder because they are relying on tourism. and so i think that people, especially local people are, you know, cooking at home and maybe not coming out for that glass of wine on saturday evening. >> that's a part of the reason why and that you should brave the rain, come over here. they will have access to roads that shouldn't be flooding. and they will still repain. back to you. and the storm is also
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impacting the coast. this is video of the rough surf. the windy conditions today. still we spotted people out and about enjoying their presidents' day holiday off work and school. other people may be heading back home from a long weekend in the snow. the sierra is getting hit with several inches. the chain restrictions have been off and on along highway 50 andinterstate 80. check this out. cars recovered in snow this morning. this is the uc berkeley central snow lab, expecting another 1 to 2 feet of snow by tomorrow morning. in the meantime, the web cam is down because gusty winds caused a power outage at the lab. stay up to date on the storm and the other conditions online on and streaming on the free cbs news app. to other news headlines we're following today, people are demanding that governor gavin newsom shut down waymos self-driving taxis in the state
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and the city. the group claims the autonomous vehicle poses a concern. and they are also taking away jobs. the group also wants to revoke permits of google, waymo, other self-driving car companies. >> our governor, gavin newsom, and his appointees on the california public utility commission, the department of motor vehicles has given a passenger to these autonomous companies that they don't have to follow the rules. >> we reached out to waymo for their response. they forwarded us a statement from self-help for the elderly saying waymo benefits elders by providing access to senior communities. and naacp comes through with the pastors. leading to business closures and job losses. they say some of the
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most vulnerable residents are losing resources. >> god will always look at oakland. he's looking over oakland now weighing in. but he wants us to come together and do what we need to do. >> members say crime is surging because the city does not have a police chief. it's been one year since mayor thao fired chief leronne armstrong. president biden is coming back to the bay area this week, expected to arrive wednesday. he will make appearances at fundraising events in san francisco and los altos. all part to ramp up his campaign in a likely rematch against former president donald trump. still ahead south bay voters have a big decision to make in a matter of weeks. what they say they need from their next representative in congress. and plus dropping knowledge easing concerns? meet a long-time river watcher that's helping out neighbors as the waters will begin to rise. - temperatures cooling down as we head into the weekend and stronger onshore...
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ah, i stepped off the coast again. - the winds are really picking up. - fog spreading farther inland. - and in the north bay, you're gonna get soaked. (water splashing) - [narrator] presenting the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. - as i lift this, you can actually see... - [narrator] on kpix and pix+. (wind blowing) it's that real. (water splashing) - let's move on to the seven-day now. you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... it's that real. (water splashing) we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home.
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so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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you're watching the last two hours of high resolution radar, and pretty amount of rain that just crossed over and it is now working diagonally right up into oakland, berkeley, and the east bay hills, so you've got pretty
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heavy rain there. we will be tracking this for you into the evening, back to you. >> thanks. people living near the river in the south bay are always concerned about major storms. introducing you to a >> it started raining. >> when i moved in here 42 years ago, this was all just weeds. >> reporter: you could call randy klein the guadalupe river watcher. his neighborhood has a group chat with 33 families. even knows randy is the expert. >> i get on there to say relax. this has happened before. i've seen it a lot higher than it is before. you don't need to get sandbags. and then someone on the app said something like i would defer to randy because he's been here the longest, and he tends to know the
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patterns of the river. >> it will give us a sense of peace when he chimes in and says we'll be okay. he comes out to look. so i think everybody will take a deep breath. and they trust his judgment. >> he says the worst he's ever seen it was back in the 90s. >> the river came within three feet of coming over the bank. it was higher than the base of this large tree right here. and watching trees go down and all this brown flowing water just finding it way down to the bay. >> reporter: randy comes to check on the river often. one thing he's seen over the years and knows all too well, nature is constantly changing. randy appreciates the beauty and power. >> this will come from the santa cruz mountains and all the way out of the los gatos area and the reservoir. so everything funnels into this
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river with a couple of others that feed in. it will definitely rise as all that water funnels into one big channel that it will have to go somewhere and this is where it ends up going. >> and as mary said, the guadalupe river does not look like it will come close to flood stage, at least not this time. california's primary election is less than two weeks from tomorrow. south bay voters will select replacements for long-time congresswoman anna eshoo. the race will contain some very familiar names. they found former mayor san jose mayor, sam liccardo leading with 33%. and former saratoga council member, kumar, and assembly member evan lowe now tied at third place. a large group of voters are still undecided. our len ramirez is in district 16 and spoke to people about what they
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want and they need from their next representative. >> nice right here. so that egg can have a nice poise to live. >> reporter: danielle mano and her husband, john, run cucina bambini, a small business that teaches people how to cook. today they're making pasta from scratch. like the meal they're making, they say there are lots of ingredients to make a successful business. >> we, as a small business, a small family-owned business, need to make sure we have the policies in place to be successful and keep this open and keep this running. >> reporter: the shared concerns of many here in congressional direct 16, which for the first time in three decades will elect a new representative in congress. democrat incumbent anna eshoo announced she would not seek another term. >> what i hope i leave behind
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is is a legacy of integrity. >> reporter: the race to succeed eshoo stretching from san jose to palo alto includes a crowded field of 11 candidates. there are several seasoned politicians and a few political newcomers who have squared off in a series of public forums including this one at palo alto city hall. candidates clashed with each other and members of the audience over the israeli palestinian war and a range of issues closer to home. it's those pocketbook issues that will matter most. in addition to running a business, they are also raising a family in one of the most expensive places to live in the entire nation. >> but what we're concerned about here is the small businesses, the consistency, safety on the streets. we like to see the prices, staying equal or lower. >> reporter: john is looking for whoever represents the district to be able to reach across the aisle to get things done. >> okay, congress, they seem somewhat dysfunctional as far
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as being able to address things. either as a compromise or as getting things done that will affect our life here at the small business level. >> reporter: the couple bought the kitchen in 2021 after it had been shut down for months during the pandemic, struggling to build it back up. rise in food and utility costs, increasing regulations, and safety concerns for their customers on lincoln avenue in san jose's willow glen district. >> it's rough. we know the community wants to be here to come out here and have fun. we are trying to bring it back to the community and trying to give life back into this. >> and we begin the primaries on march 5. you can find the coverage of all the important local races on back here at home, it's been one year since the fire destroyed the building of the east bay's oldest black church. over the weekend, parishioners celebrated their congregations resilience. >> i thank you for its mercy. i thank them.
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>> parishioners in the first african episcopal or fame gathered in oakland's neighborhood for a service. the theme was up from the ashes. the churchest' building at telegraph and 37th burned down one year ago. fame had been using that building since the 1950s. but the church itself dates back to 1858 since the fire though. they have been able to use other temporary spaces. that includes the oakland synagogue, temple beth abraham, which offered it space shortly after the fire. and they had more up from the ashes events coming up including a gospel concert tonight. you can find all of our stories on our website be sure to watch their special black in the bay at 4:00 p.m. this friday on cbs news bay area. and still ahead taking care of your heart by hitting the sack. how changing your sleep habits could make a b
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on the health watch, february is american heart month. a lot of people do not realize how sleep can impact
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their heart health. studies show one if three americans could have trouble sleeping. the high blood pressure, art inflammation, and diabetes. >> we are not sleeping as much. we tend to have more that will make us want to eat more. and less of the one that will tell us to stop eating, so we eat more. we go for the higher sugar and the fat foods. and that could lead to obesity and diabetes problems. >> having a small healthy snack before bed can help. so can limiting alcohol, caffeine, excess liquids. another tip, we all know it had and we are all guilty of this, cut down on that screen time. a final check of the conditions on
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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pretty active right there from one part of the bay in particular and it happens to be a part of the highest congregation of people. right over the city peninsula and east bay and the recent cell of rain that have blossomed over the last 30 minutes. if we come in getting a perspective on this, this will extend from the san mateo county coast and pacifica in this that will go
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up through the city. and he east bay. look at 580, 880. so if you notice somebody that has to be on the road, they will probably be delayed and maybe stay off the roads there if you can. back to you. >> thanks. well cbs evening news is next on kpix. local news continues on our streaming service cbs news bay area. >> oh, yeah, it's coming down. >> heavy snow, rain, strong winds better the west coast. speak with like to urge people to staff the roads. >> nearly 40 million americans under weather advisories. the growing threat for flash flooding and landslides is another major storm hits california. >> damaging winds, tornadoes cannot be ruled out. >> major: the "cbs evening news" starts now. ♪ ♪ >> major: good evening, everyone.
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