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tv   The Late News  CBS  February 19, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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. they said it will come back. a lot of clouds, sunshine t rains, cats, dogs, then the
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sun peaks out again. there is still rain out there right now. let's take a look at what is happening on first alert doppler. still have showers, no thunderstorms left over at there point, the last lightning was an hour ago. the white box over napa county, that is a flood advisory, the yellow box, a flood warning, effecting sonoma county. this is where we had the greatest rainfall total so far, this is where there are high water concerns. keep in mind to make your way out in the morning, watch out for standing water. flooded intersections is the possibility the showers were more intense, just 30-40 minutes ago. they were starting to lose the intensity moving off to the northeast. still locally heavy rainfall, still rainfalling in the santa cruz mountains as to expect from this system. zooming out and putting it all in motion, lining up off shore. it will be activity heading through the
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rest of tonight, but, more widespread rain in the forecast on tuesday. switching over to future cast and track what is out there now and what is going to ahead through the day on tuesday. scattered showers, possibility of a thunderstorm throughout the day. the atmosphere warms up midday and through the afternoon. rain possible for the morning commute. the more widespread rain will be taking shape late morning and move, across the bay area heading into the afternoon and this is when we will hear the rumbles of thunder. wherever there is lightning in the area stay inside until the storm passes by. respect the lightning threat even if it is something we don't have to deal with often here. there are drier days in the forecast. we will take a look at what those arrive coming up in a few minutes >> thank you, paul. drivers on a major bay area freeway did not just have to worry about hydroplaning, some of them had to dodge a massive tree. >> reporter: gusty winds pushed
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a tree across all four southbound lanes on monday evening bringing traffic to a halt as crews rushed to cut it up and haul it away. and that is just one of the problems that had caltrans raising from one trouble spot to the next during this storm. >> right now our crews are working 12 hour shifts. pretty much looking for the road hazards, cleaning up the drains, pump houses are able to withhold all of the water that we are receiving across the highways, and, we are also just trying to make sure our highways are safe for motorists. . >> reporter: the weather is a suspect in this violent crash in redwood city. two vehicles collided near the downtown area sending one rolling into a tree. caltrans says you can partly blame the years of drought in our past for what is happening now. >> what we have learned from this past year of the storms is that, you know, mother nature is bringing heavier punch with the storms. so, what we are
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doing is we are getting ready for that. prepositioning our equipment, looking at the flood prone areas, making sure the drains are clear. when we get the severe weather we are ready to go. well positioned for the hazards, downed trees. >> reporter: the trees like the ones that line 280 are a problem in heavy weather because the root system is so shallow. >> any time we have a fallen tree on our highways we want to coordinate quickly. making sure the crews can quickly respond and move any road hazards. so, that means we are working closely with the fire department, working with our crews, using our equipment and tools like chainsaws just to cut down the trees and make sure we can open up the highways that way ems, chp, fire can respond to the incidents quickly. >> reporter: and cal trans is asking drivers to move over and stay clear of teams working alongside roadways and be extra
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vigilant while driving until this weather passes. >> driving was more difficult tonight impossible, even, mark west station flooded out. it does it a lot in weather like this. a popular shortcut between fremont will be shutdown for days after part of niles canyon road slid down into alameda creek. it happened between old canyon road and main street. the area is prone to erosion from below and slides from the hillsides above. we have you covered on conditions in your area on air and on line at and streaming on cbs news bay area. it was not the weather that stopped traffic in san francisco today. it was a group of protesters calling for a ceasefire in gaza. they blocked the 101 onramp and faced off with chp. some of the protesters actually walked up the ramp to the i-80 connector. within 20 minutes most of them left the freeway. the group
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told us they planned the protest for presidents' day to send a message to the white house. >> ultimately we can not celebrate president biden on presidents' day when this genocide is happening and when he is supporting it and his administration is supporting it. so, as a palestinian here with my other palestinian friends, loved ones, community members we want biden to hear us. >> president biden is actually set to visit the bay area on wednesday. the l.a. times reports he will attend a fundraiser hosted by robert and daniel kline. he could attend at least one more event in san francisco. this southern california neighborhood just can not catch a break. the muddy mess that went from bad to worse. it is being called a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in the middle of one of the driest places on earth. >> amazing. skiers and snowboard pers either love or hate what they
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found on the slopes today. plus, this nba legend is not shy at taking shots at san francisco. last night he did not hold back
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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(upbeat music) - this is the new pix+ with the only 8:00 and 9:00 pm news, the primetime edition: weeknights on the new pix+. 44 cable 12. (bell chiming) . one southern california neighborhood is experiencing a disaster in slow motion tonight. they have been for weeks, in fact. joy benedict is in beverly crest where a lot of people are quite literally
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living on the edge. >> it is an eerie sight. once busy street seems empty and red tags replaced the neighbors that once lived here. >> we are going to stay and keep an eye on things. travis is one of the few still in his home after the storm two weeks ago washed this house off of its foundation and forced three more to be unlivable. >> there are three families that are in their homes waiting on this recovery effort to be able to get back in and get various degrees of damage repaired. just a couple days ago the city started tearing down that home. fearful this storm would cause further damage to the street. and it is not the only one. during the last two weeks the city has been assessing properties all over the hillside. >> since the last storm we had grading assessments on private property that are conducted by building and safety. that then informs the homeowners of the
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precautionary measures that they need to take ahead of this rain that is coming to ensure that they protect their land against a potential mudslide. >> the l.a. department of building and safety says during the last storm it red tagged three homes and yellow tagged seven more. since then they found an additional eight homes damaged or unlivable. thankfully no homes were reported damaged today. there were other problems with this rainfall. crews were busy repairing roads and clearing debris. >> it is the price we in california pay for living in a beautiful place and the second is, there are hazards everywhere in california. eventually it is your time in the barrel. >> well, an hour to the northwest of that it is hard to tell where the ventura river ends and the ocean begins. the river is so swollen with run off it turned the beach into something of a debris field. now we go to michigan, a driver would have been better off following the snowplow than trying to pass it. he lost
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control, spinning out in front of it. the snowplow could not avoid hitting the truck. thankfully no one got hurt. speaking of snow, you got to take the good with the bad. the good in this case is all of the fresh powder piling up in the sierra. the bad, it came with a lot of wind that feels like you are getting blasted in the face with sand. >> amazing. >> it is nice, it is powder, a little snowboard i got stuck. i might eat it a little bit. it is in my face, too, i don't like that >> the conditions were not better heading down the hill for the holiday weekend. maybe a better idea to just extend that holiday considering there is more snow on the way. the weather has been so weird it even looked like it was snowing in santa cruz earlier today. that would have been something. it was not snowing, though, the wind was so strong it was blowing sea foam into town. this got our attention in the news room. the weather service tweeted out a tornado may be
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possible in san mateo county. that warning expired. no threat of that obviously. paul, we are not used to any kind of tornado warning in this general area. >> right, even the hint of a possibility of that kind of activity really gets your attention. i was on twitter or x or whatever it is called now at the same time posted the velocity scan. there was a rotation with it. it stayed elevated instead of reaching towards ground level. we are in for more clouds and showers. the thunderstorms more likely to develop from midday into the afternoon on tuesday. it means there will be locally heavy downpours and localized flooding will be a concern the flood watch continues through 10:00 a.m. on wednesday. there are drier days later there week. in fact, dry days in store. you will have to wait until now and then. at the moment we have scattered showers, no thunderstorms on the radar right now. we have the activity right now. 8:30 to
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9:30 time frame. the scattered showers are moving from southwest to northeast going through the evening. more miss than hit. there will be some of them out there on tuesday. allowing extra time for that. then the rain is widespread heading towards midday into the afternoon. this is likely the last round of the more widespread rain that we will track with this system. the potential for rumbles of thunder the atmosphere is not as stable as tomorrow. potential of repeating our thunderstorm warnings from today and tonight. it will be more limited on tuesday. the showers are going to quiet down on sunset. we will see a few lingering showers on wednesday. those are more miss than hit. radar freckles midweek. settling into the quieter pattern by thursday and friday. in terms of how much rainfall? it will be one of these all or nothing scenarios, some places where the heavy downpour misses you, you pick up less than a quarter of an inch of rainfall. the terrain tends to focus the rain to a greater e tent. that
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is 1 1/2 inches of rain will be possible. take the numbers with a giant grain of salt. depending on where the heaviest downpours are set up, it will rearrange it on a storm by storm basis. even distribution for the bay. half an nirch some spots, more along the coast. the rain will be falling on to already saturated ground. here is how much rain we added up so far since the rain began on saturday. less than an inch in san jose, over 2 inches higher in elevation. inland, east bay, the numbers, highly variable, around an inch, over an inch in concord. go just down the road. 680 in concord. they had more than two inches of rain. not that big of a difference in distance. barely two thirdses. highest amounts to the north where two to three inches added up. and santa rosa, over three inches of rain since things got
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going on saturday. you will add more on top of that. so, take a look at the wind aspect of the system and the worst of that is behind us. blustery out there today. there are noticeable gusts at the moment, especially along the coast and the north bay. the numbers by tomorrow it will be much calmer. and occasional breeze but no return to the very gusty conditions that we had earlier today. in the sierra, it will continue snowing. we are talking a few inches at lake level, closer to a foot plus. the winter storm warning goes all of the way through midday on wednesday. looking outside,a i quick check on temperatures. not changing a lot. in the middle to upper 50s that is not bad at all for a february evening. dropping down for a mix of lower 40s and 50s. in between the showers and a few thunderstorms, pretty close to normal temperatures, pliks of upper 50s and 60s by tuesday afternoon. quick check of the seven-day forecast. here is the part you have been waiting for. when does the dry weather return? thursday is when the
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dry weather returns, looks like we will keep it going for friday and saturday evening with cloud cover arriving heading into the weekend. then we bring in a chance for showers for sunday and monday. it is an outside chance. the rain chances lower than 50/50. something we will keep an eye on once we have current storm system i■n he rear iew irror. matt? >> coming up in sports, charles barkley is not talking about the fine folks of san antonio anymore, no, his sights are set on the streets of san francisco. well, good. plus, a fan favorite. back with the giants, but can he make the opening day squad?
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(upbeat music) - this is the new pix+ with the only 8:00 and 9:00 pm news, the primetime edition: weeknights on the new pix+. 44 cable 12. (bell chiming) . all right, it is almost time to, the time of the year where we start talking about baseball on a more regular basis. it has been an
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interesting off season for the giants. >> yes, they missed out on a couple guys that we all might of wanted to see here in the bay area are. you are really into fashion, i know you probably have one of these in your closet. i want you to run there, all giants fans need to do this, dust off all of the panda hats, he joined the team for at least spring training. he signed as a nonroster invitee. he was in scottsdale for the first workout. he has not played since 2021. a fan favorite and 2-time all-star and 2012 world mvp with the giants. >> he had a big impact on the team over the years. he is an infectious personality. he is motivated. and i think that there is a lot that can rub off to some of the younger guys, too. so, you know, he does not want to hear about what his chances are. he will go out there, play, he will try to
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force our hand. >> that would be interesting. all right, rain pushed back the daytona 500 from sunday to monday. the super bowl of racing had clear skies today with the rock getting things started. >> finally, the rock says, drivers, start your engines! >> too much rock. just too much rock on tv right now. you are always waiting for the big wreck. it came with 9 laps near the front of the pack, 17 cars involved. it brought out a red flag stoppage. coming up on the final lap. byron, in the lead. trying to move to the front, gets hit, spins out. that brings out a caution to end the race and give the win to byron. he was driving the old 24 car of jeff gordon. he wins his first career daytona 500. there was an alternate
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broadcast of last night's nba all-star game that might have been more entertaining. things got heated when charles turned to come after san francisco. >> if you had a chance to be cold, being around a bunch of homeless crooks in san francisco. >> oh, no. >> no. no. >> no. >> oh. hey, hey. >> we love san francisco >> no we don't. >> yes we do. >> you can not even walk around down there >> yeah you can with a bullet proof vest. >> you are hell of a player. >> don't let him fool you. don't do my friend like that. >> that is crazy right now. you are not acting like that. here, chuck, take my ring. >> i would say hey, chuck, you should not wear your ring, you know, downtown san francisco. not a worry for charles barkley. >> i think draymond offered his. >> sticking up for the city by the way. >> you know, charles barkley not known for being timid. his
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viral moments tend to be insulting for a lot of different people in a lot of different places. >> san antonio, we feel your pain. >> we do. all right, matt, thank you very much. i have a challenge for you during the break. guess where this person is kayaking? got three minutes. don't look it up. i can give you three hours, and it would not help - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+.
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to
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make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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. here is more proof that we are living in the upside down. we are not too far removed from one of the worst droughts we have seen. they are kayaking in death valley. california has gotten so much rain in such a short amount of time it is
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filling up the of bad water bas in. the temporary lake is three miles long and one foot deep. if you want to say you have been there done that you will have to hurry. the park says it will dry up in just a few weeks. speaking of unusual transit options, delta is offering a flight to detroit that a lot of people will probably want to take. even if they have no interest in going to detroit. the special flight takes off from austin, texas on april 8th. a total solareclipse that day. this flight is timed to spend as much time as possible in the path of totality. it will be an airbus with extra large windows for the best possible view. have you always dreamed about getting a full ride athletic scholarship but you are not sporty? now, the nonathletes have a shot if you hone your skills at a popular yard game
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department...
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we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi
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and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. join the millions of people taking back their privacy they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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. so many of us dreamed of being pro athletes, like this guy. >> or talking about them. >> or college athletes, for those of us never that athletic, maybe we were closer than we thought. >> what was the past tense? i can still do it. >> you are right, you are right. >> you are the youngest among us. >> you can get a scholarship for corn hole, you know, the game they have at bbqs where you throw a bean bag through a hole in a board. two guys earned a scholarship. they won back-to-back campionships in high school that got them notice -- championships in high school that got them noticed by
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the school that flew them out to play the game and made them an offer that surprised them. >> we were shocked we got this opportunity to take something that we were doing as like a side hobby and something for fun as a sport that we play in college. >> they are kind of exactly as i expected them to be. even participated in national signing day. [ laughter ] >> they are level headed about it. >> it seems like a mid2000s comedy that is fake. >> like "dodge ball"? >> yes. they can make a movie. their scholarships were not full rides but they will cover 60% of the cost to attend college. >> you can laugh about it all you want but, they are going to be doing just fine. >> i am jealous. >> not saddled debt like so many of us. >> good for them. >> yes. >> jackson and gavin i feel like the haircut definitely goes with the vibe. >> they will fit right in south carolina. >> they are going to sign some nil deal and be richer than all
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of us. >> you told us there is a proper way to do this. >> people are serious about this. i can tell you, my folks at home in tennessee, they are bags, like 180 plus that you throw. terminology that not even i understand with >> according to reports, the san francisco 49ers have concerns about the condition of their super bowl practice field. while the kansas city chiefs get to practice at the professional las vegas raiders facility, the 49ers are practicing at the collegiate unlv field, which they claim is too soft. >> i can tell you the niners are not happy. >> hear me, nfl. while the kansas city chiefs practice in a professional nfl facility, the 49ers are stuck playon


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