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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  February 20, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PST

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it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente.
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this is cbs news bay area with elizabeth cook. a new flash flood morning in part of the bay area today. heavy rain making a mess and imposing dangers. san francisco lunar new year parade is right around the corner of the heals of the kansas city shooting. police here say they will keep the crowds safe. the goal is to help people trust the election process. citizens are stepping up to make it fair and secure. thank you for joining us. i'm ryan yamamoto in for lisbeth cook. flash flooding and real threats this afternoon as heavy rain moves all across the bay area. new video from around lombard street in san francisco
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really started coming down hard this afternoon along with thunder and lightning. let's get over to first alert meteorologist darren peck tracking all of this from our virtual view studio. >> that line of rain has been responsible for a flood warning being issued in the city. i will show you the details on that. first, the big picture view. you can see how much lightning this system had to work with. you no doubt heard or saw some of that yourself if you were in the bay over the course of the last two hours. what is important is where is that line of heaviest rain. we can track that with more detail to pick out the progress of it. we come in with a close-up look. there is san francisco. these are the places that have been hit the hardest. san francisco, the only place that has gotten a flood warning. the national weather service has deemed this to be enough rain where flooding is occurring. city streets, low-lying spots, intersections. plenty of ponding of water on roadways. we know the trouble areas.
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that rain has since moved off toward the east. we will track that as we watch the line move toward the east bay hills. the national weather service included the east bay in a flood advisory. flood advisory is a little bit of a lower grade than the flood warning. the flood warning has got to take a little bit of precedence only because that is the biggest concern of the two. that is the area of bread which conforms the county and city. for the national weather service, they might let that go. if we widen out, we have the flood advisory in green. that goes until 7:00. that does include >> the bigger areas to be concerned about are the areas over here including richmond, vacaville, all the locations that would work in that direction where the heavier line of rain is moving. a lot of that rain will fall
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harmlessly around san pablo bay but there will be a lot of it to work across the communities. that should start to either leave or weaken but it will take an hour or two before it starts to do that. those are the areas of biggest concern. when we take a look at the broader areas, there is one other flood warning and we were spotlighting this from yesterday. this is west county. sevastopol, forestville, this is more landscape stop. the streams and creeks are more of a concern. we have a faster runoff off of concrete, pavement and roadways. it is a much bigger impact on a far greater number of people. on top of that, it is the same flood watch. the flood watch was issued several days ago to give us a heightened awareness before the event of what we are seeing right now. it did it's
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job because it has told us that enough rain is coming. that is exactly what is happening today. that is why we have had a flood watch for the last two days. we have been messaging that. this line of rain will either leave or weaken. as it does over the next few hours, things will quiet down. it will come back out for a wider view. here is our line. that clears out and we do quiet down a bit. we are not in with the storm until we get to tomorrow. there will be a few more isolated showers on-again, off-again that will work their way. we see what that looks like here. we have rain on wednesday. then we have a much needed break for much of thursday, friday, saturday and then a big question mark out here. sunday and monday have a big chance. there is more rain coming. back
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to you. storm damage now, a tree fell onto a building in sevastopol. you can see crews chopping the tree up to clear the way. in sonoma county, we have the flooding where a car was submerged and part of this field was also underwater. a popular shortcut between fremont and signal will remain shut down for days. part of niles canyon road collapsed into alameda creek yesterday. caltrans says it needs to fully evaluate the damage. they are asking drivers to take alternate routes. some visitors may be taking an extra day off after presidents' day weekend. this
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is video of sierra tahoe and donner ski ranch with people hitting the slopes this morning. if you are driving into or out of the sierra, pack your chains. highway 50 and i-80, chain control restrictions have been on and off again. expect chains later on this evening. we have you covered on the first alert weather day and beyond. you can find us on-air and online and streaming on the free cbs news app. san francisco is getting ready to celebrate the year of the dragon and the lunar new year parade this weekend. kicks off at market and second street this saturday at 5:15 p.m. this year's grand parade marshall will be comedienne awkwafina. there will be a huge crowd and the police chief is stepping up patrols to keep people safe. >> we will have very heavy deployment. we will have ambassadors and we will make sure that people come to the chinatown, come to san
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francisco and enjoy themselves. >> two men are now charged with murder in the deadly shooting at the kansas city super bowl celebration. they have been in the hospital since the shooting. prosecutors say they were among several people arguing and the each pulled a gun, one of which fired the shot that killed a local radio d.j. last week, two teenagers were detained on gun related and resisting arrest charges. all lanes of 880 are being stalled due to a wrong way driver. the chopper was over the scene earlier today. a person driving a stolen tan chevy tahoe drove northbound, crashing into several cars. a suspect ran off and was later arrested. the accident, or should i say the runaway driver, created quite the backup . a person was struck and killed by a caltrain in palo alto. this is on the tracks between california avenue and san antonio road stations. the
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train was going southbound at the time. there was only one track open. it is unclear why that person was off the tracks. pro-palestinian protesters shut down a section of market street. this happened near montgomery today. they are calling for a cease-fire in gaza. they are protesting against a package that passed the senate this past week that will send military aid to israel. this video is from the citizen app and you can see them holding a large banner, calling out california senators alex padilla and laphonza butler. the antioch library reopens today after it closed without warning over the weekend. the library system said the closure was due to safety concerns. now a private security guard will patrol that area. president joe biden on his way to los angeles. he will attend a fund-raising event in san francisco but then another one in los altos.
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two weeks away from california's primary election as officials are keeping an eye out for disinformation. contra costa county with how everyday citizens are putting extra eyes and extra ears on the process. like many americans, shannon jean believes the 2024 election could be one of the most consequential of his lifetime. >> i want to trust. i want to believe. how would we know? >> an entrepreneur from lafayette, shannon says he is not an election denier but his trust in the process has eroded. >> the government and the media would tell you that these are very untrustworthy institutions. >> that is why shannon, a self-described conservative is taking part in a new program and contra costa county called
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ceo, which stands for certified election observer. >> today, he is watching the testing of the county's dominion voting machines. >> i want to be a good citizen. i cannot be a keyboard warrior anymore. >> a job of election observers is to view election processes and increase voter confidence and integrity. >> for years, they went mostly unnoticed until the 2020 contest when rampant conspiracy theories put election workers in the spotlight. a research survey released in september shows trust in the federal government fell to 60%, a near historic low. >> it became very challenging. >> tommy gong is the deputy clerk reporter for contra costa county overseeing more than 700,000 votes. he says in this
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age of uncertainty, there is a growing need for transparency and accountability . he places extra eyes and ears of the process to help remove any lingering doubts. >> by us doing this, by showing our logic and accuracy tests, the process by which we verify the ballot, what safeguards we have for polling places, the security related to our boating equipment, that they can gain the education and then that confidence in our process. >> at the end of the day, the dominion machines past the test with flying colors. >> shannon is feeling more confident. >> who is watching the watchers. >> election observers keeping their eyes on the prize. >> they are honest. >> today is the last day for new voters to register. you can also register and vote with a
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provisional ballot. april 4 is the deadline for each county to certify results. she is giving students a safe space to express themselves as we celebrate black history month. we meet a woman who was uplifting and empowering kids through the arts. so much rain lately that it may be easy to forget that we were in a drought not too long ago. how a bay area community is using past lessons just in case it does not stay that way.
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the first time i tried to quit vaping, i told myself that it was like a mountain that i had to climb over and once i got to the other side, it would be clear, but i couldn't make it over.
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what really got me to quit was my little sister. i saw her vaping so i was back in the mountain, but this time she was up there with me. it's weird what you can do for others that you won't do for yourself.
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it is a first alert weather day. we have new video into our newsroom from the santa cruz mountains. a stretch of state route 9 is closed due to a mudslide. shut down from sanborn road to redwood gulch road. we will monitor this and bring you updates as we get them. plenty of water in the north bay but it has not always been that way, even in the last several years. we headed to healdsburg where people remembering the water almost running dry. they are not taking all of this for granted. >> these recent rainstorms have swollen the rivers to their banks and the draft is a distant memory. here in healdsburg, they remember the dry times and the lessons they learned from them.
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>> as healdsburg's leading water conservation advocate, bridget man cell was out taking video what the russian river looks like now. it is hard to believe that three years ago, healdsburg nearly run out of water . lake mendocino, the town's only source of water was running so low that the state mandated a 40% cut in water usage for the whole town. things have changed. >> healdsburg is in a great place with water except the russian river continues to flow to the west. as everybody knows, until we capture the water, it is not out of the problem of a drought. >> the town is talking about creative ways to save water. she washed her car with it last week. >> we adapted to some changes.
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we have to save water. >> even with the recent storms, people have not forgotten when it felt like it might never rain again. >> it was very scary. at home, we were conserving and taking a two minute shower and things like that and watching all the reservoirs and the creeks dry up. >> at the antique harvest collectible store, barbara mendez discussed how the experience changed their outlooks about water. >> i am grateful that we have it. once it starts raining, there is such an excess, you say you are done. on the other hand, i wish there was somewhere we could save it. i watch the river and it is going to the ocean. what if we don't have any rain next year. >> i am careful about washing my dishes. instead of it running down the sink, i have a container where the water sits in. i am not worried about the cost, i am worried about having the water. it has changed my
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life. >> the water restrictions have been lifted and the lawns are green again but that does not mean people have gone back to wasting what they now know is a precious resource. >> we have a lot to be proud of but we also have habits that are built into the way we are living and it is exciting. you don't forget those moments. we need to continue to conserve. >> perhaps more than any other place in the bay area, healdsburg has felt the sting of drought. the river may be running high now but with climate change, no one here is truly confident that it will stay that way. a bay area nonprofit is transforming young people's lives through the arts. it started in santa clara back in 2002 and has served hundreds of students throughout the bay area. our mary lee introduces us to the woman behind it and what sparked her passion.
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>> this is shelene huey-booker 's sanctuary. the nonprofit program, youth utilizing power and praise, or y.u.p.p. , is a safe space for students. shelene knows the importance of belonging. she was bullied as the only black student in her middle school class. >> one of my classmates had made a spine of a pig and labeled it law porky. there was a joke that was running around my classroom for my seventh and eighth grade year. >> that experience motivates her to this day to uplift and empower the underserved and overlooked. >> students are learning how to sing in perfect harmony, how to play the drums, expressing
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themselves through dance, fine art. in their light it up school of the art and breaking the barriers performing arts group. >> it is so comforting. >> when i know that other parts of life are not as stable, i know that i can come here once a month and i know that people love me and support me. >> one of the greatest inspirations is seeing the young people, live while performing arts. >> it is where zaire whitaker found his voice again. he was bullied and even booed off the stage at a talent show with the audience even throwing things at him. >> it felt horrible to sit on my gift. i did not sing for years. >> the first time i met her, i
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cried. >> shelene is amazing. >> shelene hopes to inspire her students to be proud of who they are and her community. >> it is always a privilege to pause , to think about their shoulders that we stand on. >> for shelene, it is a higher calling, raising up the next generation to see the beauty and strength in themselves. >> the sky is the limit. faith is strong and the community is strong. you can find all of our black in the base stories on our website at watch our special this friday at 4:00 p.m. on cbs news bay
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area. maybe you have already got your car insurance statement. maybe you are dreading you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home.
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so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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car owners here at home and nationwide are seeing a spike in auto insurance rates. the average cost of full coverage car insurance is up to about $2500. rates could be higher in certain states based on weather, car crash fatalities and thefts. anna werner talked to the experts about how to keep your rates down. >> a few general tips are to keep a clean driving record. speeding, accidents and a dui will raise your rates dramatically. our choice is also a big factor. check before you buy a car to see how much it costs to ensure it. faster, more expensive cars, you will pay more. we have an interesting tip. given climate change, look at your comprehensive coverage which covers everything besides
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collisions. it will help cover damage, even wind damage, which people tend to think nothing about. spend a little more comprehensive but it will help you if you have an event. >> having a teenage driver on your policy will always drive up your insurance rates. we are back with a final look at your forecast - temperatures cooling down as we head io the weekend and stronger onshore... ah, i stepped off the coast again. - the winds are really picking up. - fog spreading farther inland. - and in the north bay, you're gonna get soaked. (water splashing) - [narrator] presenting the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. - as i lift this, you can actually see... - [narrator] on kpix and pix+. (wind blowing) it's that real. (water splashing) - let's move on to the seven-day now.
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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. it's that real. (water splashing) they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads.
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we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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a couple of headlines in the first alert forecast. we have been tracking the flood warnings in place for 4:00 for the city. plenty of documented areas of low-lying street flooding. not a good time to be on the road in the city. if you are in the east bay and the peninsula, we have a full advisory that goes until 7:00. we are watching live radar. showers are moving across much of the east they. we will be tracking this through the ev >> norah: the breaking news: new murder charges in the kansas city super bowl parade shooting. to go adults now in custody, both held on million dollar bonds. tonight investigators worn more people could face justice. >> we seek to hold every shooter accountable for their actions on that day. we are not done yet.


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