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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 6pm  CBS  February 20, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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bay area, leading to flooding and mud slides. with all the damage starting to add up. plus some of the only people welcoming this type of weather are the swift water rescue teams using the storms to sharpen their skills. later, it remains a very popular treat. there is one bakery in particular that people seem to flock to. the problem is no one seems to know when it is open. good evening. the stormy weather continue to leaving behind more damage around the bay area. here in san francisco, people were hit with some flash flooding. and so this is what some of that flooding looked like in the mission district. in fact one woman decided to take matters right into her own hands dealing with all of the flood water. look at that. our photojournalist was there.
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>> reporter: yeah, it was all the way up to the garages for a while there. >> reporter: when they saw the heavy flooding from her tiny workstation above this intersection at 23rd and dolores, she knew what she had to do. >> we have surprises in the garages because we know this happens every so often. if no one does it, the whole intersection is going to continue to fly. so someone's got to do it. >> reporter: this time that someone was her. so she went to work. >> they get a little flooding. >> she's being modest. >> i don't love it. people in my building, we kind of switch off. it's not only me that does, but everyone in the neighborhood kind of helps out. >> reporter: and right on cue, she wasn't alone for long. >> i saw her out here doing this, and i saw the cars with no regards coming by, splashing her. so i came over here to help. >> reporter: and that is a
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lesson we can all learn. because in times like these, that's what will take to keep everyone safe. if not, dry. >> i hope they were dry too. thanks for getting the images, rick. in santa clara county, highway 9 is closed due to a mud slide. this is between san born road. they hope to reopen the road tomorrow night. we did speak to some local residents who say conditions are getting worse in the area each year. >> it's gotten worse and worse, but last year was terrible and they have now gotten worse across the road, and the water keeps coming down and impacts it and it slides more and more. the trees are down. yes, it's bad. >> reporter: there you have it. crews busy chopping up the tree in sebastopol. classes there along with laguna high school
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and the district office are closed today. in the east bay, a popular shortcut where it will remain shut down until further notice. we are talking about a part of miles cannon road that collapsed into alameda creek. caltrans says they need to fully evaluate the damage. and they plan to reevaluate the road on friday. no more downpours in sights, so let's bring in chief meteorologist paul. got to ask you, is the storm finally over? as we look out here, they will tell a different story. the other batch of rain is making its way offshore already. we will zoom in for a closer look at that. this is really the last round of more widespread rainfall that we're going to see. it won't be nearly as heavy as the intense
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downpours that trekked across the bay area. as we zoom back out, you can see this area of rain, making steady progress towards the coast. it is not likely going to look as impressive because we're losing the sunlight, taking the energy out of the atmosphere, and they won't fall apart, but they will be less intense. they diminish that 20% to 30% range as we head through late evening into the rest of tonight. adding up a little bit more rain on top of what we have received. 3.3 inches of rain for san rafael. but it's not the storm totals since everything started on saturday that are the most illuminating number. it's the rate at which the rain fell. this afternoon in san francisco between 12:43 and 1:43 p.m., we added up almost 1 inches of total rain. the random times, it's when the automated sensor will take their readings. that one inch of rain in one hour is something that doesn't happen very often. we categorize with that on something we expect to happen and that is something with a ten year occurrence and
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a 10% of that in a given year. but here is the thing, it's the second time that we would have something that intense in the last three weeks. another band of rain like that dropped an inch of rain downtown san francisco back on january 31. when we talk about the influence of climate change, it's not everything getting warmer, but weirder. the extreme events, becoming more frequent and becoming more extreme themselves. we'll hope to put a lid on the extreme weather for a little while. >> see you soon, paul. it is something that we will see every time we get storms hike this. cars nearly submerged in the flooded streets. this is the road near forestville just this morning. so rescue crews say it's the most common call they get during the weather. and they get stuck. so the rushing river near flood stage today, swift water rescue teams were out there in sonoma county, getting some important training and they would let our katie nielsen tag along. take a look.
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>> i will make sure you see the debris that's in the water way here. >> reporter: the baa battalion chief has seen the rushing river. >> really i want them to get uncomfortable in their environment on the water ways, and to be comfortable swimming. putting on the gear. >> reporter: and a fourth generation sonoma county resident, and they say they have a passion for being out on the water. >> you know, i grew up fishing on the river from the time i was a kid. with my dad. >> reporter: and that's why he wants the crews in the department to be ready if anything goes wrong. >> and something to breathe there off your 11:00. >> reporter: they practice some of the toughest rescues like pulling someone out of the river. >> that is something that will bring up the boat, holding them lower to the water, making it easier to hold the victim inside the boat. >> reporter: and also practice rescuing someone that might be clinging to trees along the shorelines. >> we'll get them as close as we can and then the rescue
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crews will be throwing a rope to that victim. and then once that victim has a rope, they will pull that victim into the boat. >> it's one of the skills that's perishable like a lot of other skills that we will have here and get out here practicing the skill set will be very important to us. >> and the firefighter tom krausman says it is impossible to simulate and that is why coming out during the middle of the storm is so hurtful. >> when it is up to flood stage, which we are just below it right now, you will get a lot of volume. you can see how much wider it is than normally. and we are looking at ease, which is spots in the river that will come around something. >> reporter: experience in training allows crews to make quick flawless rescues should the need arise. >> and that is so exciting to see everyone come to sonoma county to be able to share, you know, basically what i grew up with, but we also want to be safe. >> reporter: and there are 60 minutes on the swift water rescue team in the sonoma county fire district. and the goal of all of this training is
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to be second nature on water. and that because we have all seen how quickly the situation can change when the river start flooding, especially in places like kernville. >> good information, katie. thank you. and now to some other stories we are following around the bay area. in palo alto, a woman riding her bike was hit and killed, struck by three cars. but only one of those drivers would stay on the scene. officers say the woman was stopped at the intersection when a blue honda accord hit her from behind. the force then knocked her into the intersection where two more cars hit her. in oakland, one person was arrested for driving a stolen suv the wrong way on southbound interstate 880. the chp says they were driving northbound crashing into several cars. the incident created quite the backup. the suspect ran off and was later taken into custody. no word on any injuries. and it was a big show of force today at a place you
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might not expect. the antioch library. here is why. armed guards were protecting the building when it reopened today, abruptly shutting down on friday over the security concerns. library staffers, telling us people were threatening library staff and property even setting things on fire. there were also reports of patrons having sex in the building right out in the open. >> i can't believe that. i mean i'm 86 years old. when i went to the library, it was nothing like this. >> so the library also had a guard working inside for years. now there will also be someone watching the parking lot full time, armed with a gun. the county says it also plans to upgrade the fencing and add security cameras. mayor london breed announced san francisco's public safety efforts have shown significant results for 2023. the mayor says overall, crime was at its lowest point
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in the last ten years. the drop in crime was driven by significant decreases in property crime like car break-ins and retail thefts. so we sat down with the mayor and asked her about san francisco's perception of being an unsafe city. >> and all of the work that we're doing with alternatives to policing. with the community based organizations, how we're bringing that all together has led to significant change on the streets of san francisco. >> and mayor breed says the city's reputation is unfair as crime trends continue to decrease later this year. still ahead, it is one of chinatown's most coveted treats, if only you could track it down. for customers, that will only add to the legend. >> sometimes you go on vacation whenever they want because they can. and then they just opened up. >> it adds to the mystery of the place to make it more desirable, you know?
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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welcome back. san francisco is getting ready for their annual lieu far new year parade that's happening this weekend. so this year's parade grand marshal will be awkwafina and former san francisco mayor willie brown will also participate as an honorary marshal. and the city is expecting a huge crowd to celebrate the year of the dragon. >> the dragon is the most powerful sign of the chinese zodia credit card, known for strength, authority, and wisdom. all the attributes that anyone wish they would have. >> reporter: and sfpd says to keep people safe, they will step up patrols. the parade kicks off at market and second streets at 5:15 p.m. this
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saturday. as thousands of people make their way to san francisco's chinatown for the parade. most will hit the bakeries to grab a quick treat or two. one favorite spot where people would line up for hours is the golden gate bakery. it's on grant avenue. but the problem is most people don't know if and when the business is open. i love this story. you know. ryan yamamoto joins us with the mystery surrounding this bakery. you did this story because you saw it was finally open? >> i had to get a treat, right? i stood in line. but the egg tart known as locals begins with the fact that if you walk by it, it looks like an abandoned building. even when it is open, it looks closed. sometimes the only way to tell if it is open or not if there are people lined up outside. >> reporter: on random days of the week, you'll find virginia wu poking in and out of a
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single door while commanding quite the audience. >> you want six? >> reporter: an audience that lines up outside the golden gate bakery on grant avenue full of people, hoping to snag one of san francisco's chinatown's most coveted treats. >> this is the best egg tarts in san francisco. >> reporter: considered more than just the best, but some of the hardest to get. because no one seems to know when the bakery is open. >> sometimes you go on vacation whenever they want because they could. and then they just want to open up. >> and it adds to the mystery of the place to make it more desirable. >> the idea of the flavors. >> reporter: they give food tours in san francisco's chinatown. >> i mean it is iconic. >> reporter: he wanted to find out the allure. on this day we
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were first in line. if you did not know they were opened, you could mistaken it for an abandoned building. >> it's all boarded up. and then it has the gate in front and it has like graffiti. and then you just see like a little door that's open, like a little kiosk. >> reporter: and several businesses were forced to shutter. many believe they had fallen the same fate. as other small areas dealt with the rise in break-ins, virginia popped her head out to explain why they still operate behind what looks like a barricade. >> so why boarded up, why the gates? >> to prevent that they break the windows. yeah, it will cost more to fix it than they could take. >> reporter: for the
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inconsistent hours, a long-time facebook page will give frequent updates on when they are open. >> i think they are beautiful. and they are still warm too. >> reporter: but the question for customers. >> and they were going to the underground. >> reporter: is it worth the wait? >> bon apetite. wow. look at how eggy that is and the custard. it is so good and it is not too sweet. it's really nice. >> reporter: a dreamy treat and no surprise for virginia wu who guarantees the quality of golden gate bakery's egg tart. >> cheers. >> one of the best in chinatown. that is if you can figure out if they're open. >> okay, so you can find the
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egg custards the dan tat at several bakeries. even the richmond district. but the golden gate bakery, if you go online and do searches, it's always consistently listed as the top or one of the top bakeries. and i know i'm getting some pushback from that. >> i'm looking for the pink box. where is it? >> so here is the thing. i looked up the facebook page and i don't know if they are open today. >> you go find it. we have 20 minutes for the show. they are just steaming. and i didn't know they were even open. i was walking by my wife one day and we saw a couple people and they were suppose to open at 11:00, but it was 10:40, so i waited 20 minutes and i got half a dozen. >> yes, you did. the art of the good story is making us want to go there and you could smell
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it. >> and i'm sorry. >> bring that pink box next time. wonderful story. thank you. we'll go visit it. all right, when we come back, it's not just the bay area. we will look at where this storm battered beachsid democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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check out the storm causing havoc. this is video from ocean side county. you can see them blocking that pathway, just to clear out the streets. quite a day for all of us up and down the state, joining us with more and what to expect. >> more rain ahead. as we head through wednesday, the storm will start to lose their influence. not just on the bay area, but on california as a whole. the storm sliding up to
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the northeast into the pacific northwest. still some lingering showers are possible tomorrow. lower than the 50-50 chance. and then a drier pattern will settle in beginning thursday, continuing friday and saturday. and all eyes on this storm system way out there. and all likelihood, we'll see a chance for some light passing showers sunday and monday. we'll keep our eyes on that as we are still dealing with what's happening currently, which is another round of rain. it's been hanging out offshore a couple hours, getting closer to moving onshore. some of us moving onshore in marin county, diminishing the intensity. the sun has gone down, taking some energy out of the atmosphere. they show that batch of rain sliding off to the east and falling apart as we would head through the rest of the evening into tonight. but still a chance for a couple of passing showers at any point over the next 24 hours or so. there will be more miss than hit on wednesday, but still going to be out there and the best chance will be for the north bay. everybody will see a mix of clouds and sunshine in between those scattered choosers. then they quiet down
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after the sun goes down tomorrow evening. that dry weather pattern will settle in for thursday, friday, continuing into saturday. still a winter weather advisory in effect. that's been downgraded from the winter storm warning. in effect through 10:00 tomorrow morning. and then the road crews will get a chance to play catch up and clear the roads. that snow that's accumulating. another few inches at lake level with up to a foot of accumulations on the higher peaks, but the wind gusts are in the process of dying down as we speak. a little break from the snow chances, a break from the rain chances. they won't go back up this weekend. but remaining below that 50-50 line. i think the worse they will be dealing with on sunday and monday. we could use that break. take a look at the amount of rain we have added up since the first showers began on saturday. under one inch of rain in san jose, the lowest amounts on the map. over 2.5 inches of rain in los gatos. things depending on where they have set up around an inch of rain in the widespread basis inland in the east bay. but dublin and danville picking up 2 inches of
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rain. you can go from community to community and find the wild swings in the amount of water. almost two inches of rain in san francisco and much of it fell within the course of 60 to 90%s today. the heftiest amounts over the north bay over two inches of rain, approaching four inches, and again, one last batch of showers moving in tonight and to settle as we would head through the next several days. a look at the current conditions right now as we look at treasure island and they look ominous. nothing threatening right no and they will drop off into the mid to upper 40s tomorrow morning and keeping temperatures from dropping too far and then in between. temperatures will warm up tomorrow. not a perfectly dry day. but still be flexible with any outdoor plans with the hit or miss showers around. high temperatures around 60 degrees within either side of
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60 for wednesday afternoon and just a little bit more of a warmup as they settle in late this week. a look at your seven-day forecast as we have that three-day stretch beginning on thursday and still dry with highs in the low to mid-60s. a slight chance for showers back in the forecast on sunday and monday and not a return of an atmospheric river. anything approaching what we would have earlier today. the dry weather should return by tuesday of next week. >> it will be a nice break then. thank you. time to check in with norah o'donnell for a look ahead of what's coming up tonight on the cbs evening news. >> hey, juliette. a reporting tonight on america's fentanyl crisis. how one task force is cracking down on drug dealers, holding them accountable for deaths. that and more headlines on the cbs evening news. when we come back, who doesn't love meat in their coffee? and how starbucks are celebrating the lunar new ye
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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness.
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we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. clear night tonight. how do you like your coffee with cream, sugar? and how about pork? yes, i said that. well starbucks is launching a pork flavored latte. it's to mark the lunar new year. so the drink will have a braised pork flavor sauce with espresso and
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steam milk with extra pork sauce and pork breast meat for the garnish. it will cost a little less than $10 for a cup. other drinks include the black crispy latte inspired by black sesame rice balls and an almond macchiato inspired by the traditional almond tea. if you want to try them, good luck. the drinks are only available at stores in china. that's not fair. i didn't read until the very end. sorry about that, gang. all right, cbs evening news with norah o'donnell is next. back here in 30 minutes with more news
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. >> norah: the breaking news: new murder charges in the kansas city super bowl parade shooting. two adults now in custody, both held on million dollar bonds. tonight, investigators warn more people could face justice. >> we seek to hold every shooter accountable for their actions on that day. we are not done yet. >> norah: the "cbs evening news"


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