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tv   The Late News  CBS  February 21, 2024 1:37am-2:13am PST

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now at eleven clock. 11:00, a 3-year-old boy shot in his own home. wheels up, i hear a vibration like i never heard. a flight out of sfo makes a stop on a wing and a prayer after this happened and bouncers in the book stacks. why a bay area city had to post an armed guard at the library. from kpix this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. hello, i'm sara donchey. a horrifying story tonight in the south bay to tell you about where a little boy was killed. the police say it was at the hands of someone who was supposed to be protecting him.
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officers raced to the riley square apartments in santa clara early this morning but by the time they got there it was already too late. a neighbor told us what he saw and what he heard.. >> reporter: neighbors that we spoke to say they woke up to screaming and they saw the police making an arrest. >> reporter: this family lived at the riley square apartments for over five years. >> it is awful. it is shocking. it is awful. of course. >> reporter: tuesday, he and his neighbors got a horrifying wake up call at 2:30 in the morning >> it was police shouting, drop it, drop the gun, something like that. i got worried. >> reporter: the police tell us 24-year-old man who lives with his girlfriend at the complex had shot her 3-year-old son. paramedics did everything they could but the little boy did
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not make it. >> able to apprehend the suspect who fled on foot from the apartment. different set of officers responded to the apartment where they located the 3-year-old male victim. charges are pending but they are going to, sorry, they are believed to be murder and resisting arrest. >> reporter: he says he heard part of the arrest. >> that is why we got worried. i woke up my family and we tried to move further into the building, right, on this other side so no accidental shots or something. >> reporter: the police say this is still an ongoing investigation. they are asking anyone who witnessed or heard anything to please come forward to help with this incident.. >> now, just across the city limits san jose has seen three homicides in three days, all between saturday and monday. two men and a woman died, another woman critically hurt. the last check, the police only
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made an arrest in one case. a 32-year-old man is accused of killing a man at a house on lee avenue last night. all right, shifting gears now. if you are missing clear skies, be patient. the rain tapered off a lot tonight after a day of heavy downpours and a lot of flooding. urban flooding, this is one of several san francisco intersections where the storm drains could not keep up with how much rain was falling and how quickly farther south, though, in the santa cruz mountains a mudslide closed a stretch of highway 9. it could reopen as early as tomorrow night. in the east bay, caltrans still trying to figure out how to fix this washed out stretch of the road. it will be closed around fremont indefinitely. we had a lot of rain over the course of the last several days, i guess we can say weeks >> basically saturday for this round. but back to january it has been a lot. >> it has been a lot. i guess, i lot of people are looking forward to a bit of a break. are we going to get one?
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>> we are. not yet tomorrow, it will be miss and hit tomorrow but that is progress. >> they were hit today. >> yes, hit and then some today. it was a heavy, heavy downpour that rolled through san francisco. let's take a look at what is left over. a few straggling showers out there on this tuesday night. still raining for parts of the east bay. the rain is making its way through martinez, concord, walnut creek, making its way through the east heading through the gap of rich land and berkeley. more rain trying to make its way through berkeley. these downpours not close to what we had earlier but it is still just wet this evening. heading through the rest of tonight, even the few showers that we have left over will be fewer and farther between. we are talking a 20-30% chance of rainfall in an hour by hour basis tomorrow. not much of a chance to add more rain on top of what is accumulated since it started on saturday. 3-1/2 inches, over
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two inches of rain for downtown san francisco. it is noticeable number. the important part is how much of it fell in a very short amount of time. early this afternoon, almost one inch, .88s" fell between 12:43 and 1:43 for downtown san francisco. i know that sounds funny but that is when it takes its reading. almost an inch of rain in an hour. that is a lot of rain. we have that with the reoccurrence, wherever something extreme happens we look at how often would something like that happen and that amount of rain in that short of amount of time has 10 years occurrence, it means it has a 10% chance of happening in any year but it is already the second time it has happened in 2024. we saw the same level of rain three weeks ago on january 31st. it is the influence of climate change. a warmer planet does not just mean global warning it means global weirding, storms are
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more frequent and more extreme themselves. we will get into a calmer pattern the rest of the week. >> all right, paul, thank you. pamela price has been one of the most polarizing district attorneys the bay area has seen. her town halls usually come with some sort of fireworks. now, while she is battling a recall campaign, price was in the hot seat in oakland this time. kelsi thourd has more on what constituents say, they feel unsafe. >> anybody who tells us that the people who work in the alameda county district attorney's office do not care about your community, my community, any part of this community, they are lying. >> reporter: da pamela price came into the game playing defense as he faced business owners and community leaders in oakland, chinatown to answer concerns like this. >> there are people in this building just upstairs living
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upstairs who live in chronic fear. almost a sense of hopelessness that things will change. my first question is, what do you say to people in the community that file that way? literally floors away from you? >> for those folks that are feeling fearful and full of anxiety, what i can say is we have to hold on as a community. things are going to get better. >> i'm the victim here. >> reporter: price has been met with push back before, sometimes from citizens who say crime makes living in oakland almost impossible. others say it is bad for business. >> what i heard from her is she has heard. >> reporter: she has owned a business in oakland for over thrive years. she told us that she came to the forum because she is concerned about crime in
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chinatown. >> her office should make more announcements on what she intend to do. and, also, the way that she she intended to do it. the community does not know about it. and there is a lot of rumors that accuse her. >> reporter: price, who is facing a recall from opponents who say she is soft on crime push back against what she called a slurry of rumors and misinformation put out by people with political agendas. >> i think that it is shameful the way that people have exploited our fears about crime, our natural fears about crime, exploited people's grief for political purposes. >> reporter: price would not say what specific misinformation she was talking about, but says her office takes crime seriously and prosecutes people every day.
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the media was allowed to ask her questions, which has not always been the case, we as a group were limited to three. i asked her what she would say to people who lost faith in her office. >> until we get through march 1st or march 5th these folks have to turn in their signatures, you are going to hear a lot of misinformation and we just have to weather this storm and get through it. my hope is that after march 5th when people have had their opportunity to try to overturn the election that then we can bring the community together. >> reporter: now, the da plans to continue to reach out to community members as well as host different events like this. it was suggested she may host a second public forum here in chinatown after the march 5th primary. a woman accused of stealing from san francisco stones town mall probably thought she got away with it when she walked off of a plane in hawaii. that
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is, until she was arrested at the gate. sfpd says she and another woman stole from a store in a mall late last month. they recognized her from another theft. that same woman hopped on a valentine's day flight to honolulu where u.s. marshals were waiting. a man flying out of sfo could not believe what was he seeing when he looked outside the window. >> just about to land in denver. the wing is coming apart on the plane. the wing that started miing away in pieces. armed guards at a jail, of course, private security at a concert, venue, yeah, why not, but a library? why one in the east bay says it is a necessity. plus, having a baby and getting married are two of the biggest life events there are, so, one couple
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. we saw very tight security today at a place you definitely do not expect. the antioch library. armed guards and private patrol cars were there protecting the building when it reopened today. it abruptly shutdown on friday over security concerns. library staffers told us people were threatening library staff and property and even setting things on fire. there were also
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reports of people having sex in the building right out in the open. >> i can not believe it. i am 86 years old and when i went to the library it was nothing like this. >> the library has already had a guard inside for years. now, there will also be an armed guard watching the parking lot full time. the county says they plan to upgrade fencing and add security cameras. this is not what you want to see looking out of the window of a long flight. it is, though, exactly what kevin clark saw on his flight from sfo to boston yesterday. he told nora hoggin all about it. >> wheels up and i hear this incredible loud vibration like i never heard. what was that? it stopped within seconds.. >> reporter: depending how you look at it. he had the best or the worst seat in the house. >> the wing came apart when we took off in san francisco.
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>> reporter: shortly after his flight departed from san francisco, the pilot calmly announced they would stop in denver and switch planes. it is still unclear what went wrong but clark opened his window to see shredding on a wing flab. they landed safely in denver and within between the minutes he was on the next flight to boston. >> we hear bad things but united handled it so well, that made me feel better about it. >> reporter: the plane is a boeing 757200. a representative from the federal aviation administration will be investigating. >> that is an accurate summary, can't wait for that night to be over. let's look at the big picture, one more unsettled but not wash out day for us on wednesday. the heart of the system close enough to spark a few more showers throughout the day. there will be more miss than hit. still, grab the umbrella and the rain jacket on
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the way out just on the safe side. the loop over the past couple of hours shows the lingering showers throughout the evening pushing farther and farther to the east. getting into a pattern that will favor mostly dry conditions on rush hour on wednesday morning. mostly dry. prepare for the possibility of a passing shower. the best chance of rain, the north bay, midday in the afternoon, a pop up shower will be possible anywhere across the bay area. then, after sunset tomorrow evening the last of the showers will quiet down. we get into the calm pattern. it will take us through the rest of the workweek. a mix of clouds and sunshine. friday and saturday, before chance of light rain arrives for the second half of the weekend. still winter weather advisory in effect until 10:00 tomorrow. another couple inches, lake level, higher elevations picking up close to a foot. the winds are calming down, as the winter weather advisory expires the road crews will be able to do a little catching up and try to improve road conditions before what is likely a busy weekend
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as folks head to that direction and take advantage of the powder. light rain chances in the forecast as we look at the rain chances over the next several days, ramping up saturday night, sunday, monday, the highest chances will be below the 50/50 dividing line. it will not be a wash out sunday into monday. just a chance for a couple of light rain showers. i think we have had enough rain over the past several days, let's take a look at how much we added up since the ran began on saturday. less than an inch of rain in san jose. that is the low end. 2-1/2 inches of rain. almost 1 1/2 inches in morgan hill. inland, the amounts are generally an inch, inch and a half. there are variation, they added up well to two inches of rainfall. over 2 inches in downtown. most of that fell within the course of about 90 minutes this afternoon. and the north bay, as expected added up the heaviest rain throughout the course of this parade of
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atmosphereic river. now, things are heading in a calmer direction, we are seeing ominous-looking clouds as we look out from salesforce tower. they are in the lower half of the 50s, 49 degrees in san jose. the blanket of clouds over head it will hold warmth near ground level and the temperatures tomorrow morning will start off mostly in the middle to upper 40s. above average for late february with the clouds out there throughout the day tomorrow. sunshine in between. not enough to warm us up. we will be close to normal high temperatures tomorrow, mix of upper 50s and 60s. as the calmer weather settles in thursday, friday, saturday, we will see the temperatures warming up to slightly above average to finish off the workweek and head into the weekend. on average, lower 60s. warmer spots, middle 60s. that is not bad for late february. more clouds, still dry, that time frame, and then we bring in the slight chance of light showers. modifiers are important in that sentence. sunday, monday, we should dry
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out of tuesday of next week. the next chance of substantial rain does not look like it will arrive until the end of next week when we head into march, sara? >> we are fine with that, i think. all right, paul, thanks. he will be calling a's games and he is not even 25 yet, given his family name we figure he will be fine, vern? ahead in sports, what the giants are saying about the newest power hitter. and on the college basketball front, boy, there is a new sheriff in town for the longest win streak in the country. and the school, closer than you might think - temperatures cooling down as we head into the weekend and stronger onshore... ah, i stepped off the coast again. - the winds are really picking up. - fog spreading farther inland. - and in the north bay, you're gonna get soaked. (water splashing) - [narrator] presenting the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. - as i lift this, you can actually see... - [narrator] on kpix and pix+.
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(wind blowing) it's that real. (water splashing) - let's move on to the seven-day now.
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. some people passed out for talents like cooking, then this family, whose calling is calling, the latest in a line of the great-grandson of harry kerry will be in the booth. he was with the a's for a single season during his 53 year hall of fame career. he was best known for his work with the cubs and their fans. [singing]
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♪ take me out to the ball game ♪ take me out to the crowd. >> his son skip and grandson chip both followed in his footsteps and became mlb announcers, chip kerry is still working for the cardinals, now, chris will carry on the family legacy doing the same with oakland -- can we say that? with the a's. sorry. slip of the tongue. don't get mad at me. he is joining jenny in vavner who is the first woman in mlb history to do that. i got to practice. the a's. the a's. the a's. yes. >> jenny will be working this weekend. that is when the games are starting. i remember, fondly remember being spilled on with budweiser from great granddaddy as i attended a cubs
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doubleheader >> wow. strategically funneled. >> yes. right underneath. segue from that to college basketball. new heights for the saint mary gales basketball program. new number one? but their win tonight, 18th ranked huddled up. the 13 game winning streak on the line under 7 minutes to play. buried the three. give being them a 56-54 lead and magic with four 4 1/2 left. now, they rally to win, 70-66. 14 straight wins is the longest win streak in all of a division 1 college basketball. we got greats of the great in the bay area of sports landscape. got the ultimate call today. 5 more announced to be in the bay area sports hall
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of fame 2024 class. former 49er receiver, john taylor, one of them. three time super bowl champ including the winning grab in super bowl 23 over the bengals, sharks great, patrick marlow the all-time leader in games played. he is going. part of the class, mls all-time leader in goals, earthquake's chris bronolowsi. eight time olympic gold medalist jenny thompson who led stanford swimming to four championships, won 19 individual and relay nca title get your tickets as the class will be inducted on may 6th. can i see the new power hitter? there he is. number 2, hitting 36 home runs with miami. could he be the first giant in 20 years to hit 30? the manager says he can be like a boat of energy in his lineup. >> you felt it the last couple
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of days when they saw him. it created quite a vibe. >> one guy can have a big impact especially with that type of power. one swing, potentially three runs. >> college basketball, oh, man, this hitter, oh, boy. sacramento state, look, he was hit by a pitch seven times during an opening day doubleheader against layola. he got hit eight times in nine at bats over the weekend. he was on pace to get hit 150 times this season. speaking of hits, shout out legend, called up yesterday as an judged replacement for the women's national team. scoring on the international gold tonight in a 5-0 gold cup opener against the dominican republic. she wore number 7 instead of the 13. same result, she keeps scoring goals. >> and high school graduate, a
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friend of mine. we went to high school together. >> oh, snap! did not know that. congrats, alex, games can be delayed
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. a group of college basketball players from new jersey found themselves in a tight spot before the game started. they got stuck in an elevator for so long. the game had to be delayed. the squad were on the way to the court on long island on thursday when their elevator just stopped. the fire department had to come save them. the player his to climb out. can not tell if their height is an advantage or disadvantage. only 15 minutes late to the game and they won, by the way. having a baby is expensive. so is having a wedding, why
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. that hospital bill after you have a baby. it ain't pretty. and, the deposit you have to pay to put down for a wedding venue, that is painful too, i am told. in this economy, why not save a couple bucks and roll both into one. that is what this couple in missouri did. that is not why they did it, exactly, more of a timing thing, three days before sara and brandon were supposed to get married their baby showed up five weeks early. they had to rush to the hospital and understandably they could not rush out. but when they were talking about all of this, a patient down the
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hall must of overheard them and -- >> during the discussions another patient down the hall her husband was a minister. we said yes even though i was in between contractions. >> anybody knows me and sara i just go along with what she wants to do. >> smart man. >> yes. smart man. >> that man knows the key to a successful marriage already. okay. so, they got married. the minister down the hall did it. >> i was wondering where the dress was. the dress, my personal favorite. it was made out of hospital blankets and the vail is gauze. >> got to impro rised. >> it looked passable. >> yes. the baby is okay, too. we have to mention that. that is my favorite part. not the dress, the baby. the baby is great. >> the dress is good, too >> thanks for watching, the late show is next.
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