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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  February 22, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PST

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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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this is cbs news bay area with elizabeth cook. a rare opportunity for south bay voters. >> what i hope i leave behind is a legacy of integrity. >> for the first time in three decades, people will elect a new representative in congress to succeed anna eshoo and voters are already sending a message. >> we, as a small business need to make sure that we have the policies in place to be successful and keep this open and keep it running. >> we take a look at the crowded field of candidates squaring off. >> thank you for joining us. i'm devin feeley in for elizabeth cook. we are 12 days away from the primary election
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and one of the key races is for the south bay's congressional seat. two of the candidates will be joining us in just a moment will talk about their campaigns. president joe biden is sending his condolences to the family of alexei navalny. the president met with navalny 's widow and daughter in san francisco this afternoon. the russian opposition leader was found dead in a russian prison last week. his daughter is a student at stanford. >> as we state the obvious, he was a man of incredible courage. it is amazing how his wife and daughter are emulating that. we will be announcing the sanctions against putin, who is responsible for his death, tomorrow. >> the president is fundraising in the bay area this week. is next stop is los altos for an ventilator today. the st. clair man accused of fatally shooting his girlfriend's 3-year-old son in the head was arraigned in san jose in a courtroom this afternoon. 24-year-old sergio colin-gomez is facing murder
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charges . if convicted, he could spend life in prison. it has been 15 years since the killing of oscar grant, the 22-year-old who was shot by a b.a.r.t. police officer at the fruitville b.a.r.t. station in 2009. today, alameda county district attorney pamela price returned two cell phones belonging to grant, to his mother, wanda johnson. >> for reasons that remain unexplained, the prior administration refused, for the past more than 10 years now, to release her son's property to her. it has caused this family indescribable pain. >> this is all that you have of that loved one, their property. they are no longer here. >> the police officer who shot and killed grant said he mistakenly grabbed his gun instead of a taser. he served two years in prison for involuntary manslaughter. at&t says it has fully restored service after a massive network outage. more
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than 70,000 customers were impacted at the peak of that outage. at&t has not said what caused it. turning now to first alert weather, clear, sunny skies as we take a look at san jose. let's get right to meteorologist jessica burch. >> we are seeing drier conditions throughout the next couple of days. we have unsettled weather . in the bay area, we are seeing a lot more clouds rolling in. temperatures will warm up heading into this weekend. that is perfect if you are heading out to any event the chinese new year parade. by sunday, we have big changes in the forecast. that is when the dry break ends. we see a little bit of a frontal system move-in from the gulf of alaska and it will cool our temperatures down and bring in a chance of showers sunday night into monday morning. it will happen overnight. it is mostly moving
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its way in from the north and there is a system building in from the south. this two together will bring in showers with temperatures dipping right back down to below average. let's take a look at what is happening today. we are talking about upper 50s and lower 60s. it was a very foggy morning for many of us in the bay area. the national weather service issued a dense fog advisory for our friends in solano county. we will see a repeat of that throughout the next couple of days. foggy mornings, a mix of sun and clouds. as we take a look at the next seven days, we paint a good picture when it comes to the warm up. we warm up into saturday. by sunday, we are left with mid-60s and then we are right back down to 60s through early next week. after that, the front moves through and we are back with sunshine through thursday. the seat held by congresswoman anna eshoo for more than three decades is up for grabs. congresswoman eshoo
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has held that since 1992. she was elected as part of what is now commonly referred to as the year of the woman. it was the same year that senators feinstein and boxer were elected. eshoo is retiring and now there are 11 candidates vying for that position. the race includes some familiar names. a recent poll found that former san jose mayor sam liccardo leads the pack with 16%. santa clara county supervisor is a close second with 13% and former saratoga councilmember and assembly member evan low are tied for third with 7% each. the largest group of voters say they are undecided and our lynn ramirez spoke to people about what they need and want from their next representative. >> that can have a nice little place to live. >> danielle and her husband john run a small family
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business that teaches people how to cook. today, they are making pasta from scratch. the meal they are making, they say there are lots of ingredients that make a successful business. >> we need to make sure that we have the policies in place to be successful and keep this open and keep it running. >> they are the shared concerns of many hearing congressional district 16 which, for the first time in three decades, will elect a new representative in congress. democrat incumbent anna eshoo announced last november that she would not seek another term. >> what i hope i leave behind is a legacy of integrity. >> the race to succeed eshoo stretching from san jose to palo alto includes a crowded field of 11 candidates . there are several seasoned politicians and a few political newcomers who have squared off.
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>> candidates clashed with each other and members of the audience over the israeli palestinian war and a range of issues closer to home. it is those pocketbook issues that matter most to danielle and john who, in addition to running a business, are also raising a family and one of the most expensive places to live in the entire nation. >> what we are concerned about is consistency and safety on the street. we like to see the prices stay equal or lower. >> john says he is looking for whoever represents the district to be able to reach across the aisle to get things done. >> congress seems somewhat dysfunctional as far as being able to address things as a compromise or is getting things done. >> the couple bought the kitchen in 2021 after it had been shut down for months during the pandemic and had been struggling to build it back up amid a shaky recovery, rising food and utility costs,
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increasing regulations and safety concerns for their customers on lincoln avenue. >> it is rough. we know the community wants to come out and have these events and we try to bring it back to the community and try to bring life back. and a couple of minutes, we will sit down one-on-one with one of the candidates vying to take anna eshoo seat. rishi
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy
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by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. join the millions of people taking back their privacy they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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joining me now is congressional candidate for the 16th district, rishi kumar. we know you have some big shoes to fill. this is the first time in decades that this seat has been open. we were talking a little bit before during the break. there is a crowded field, almost a dozen people vying for this, people with similar levels of service. they have served on city councils and school boards and other elected offices. how do you break through? >> i think our district and america is tired of career politicians who have stayed in office too long, done very little and sold out to the system. that is the reason why we ran against anna eshoo in 2022. we had a historic
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performance. if we had 19,000 more votes, we would have won the race. this is a grassroots campaign. we have gone to 150,000 doors, talking to people about the issues. i have an excellent handling on the understanding of the issues of the district and that is the reason why we are poised to win. we have spent $1.6 million in this race on this congressional district, more than any other candidate. every dollar has been spent on outreach, talking to people. we don't have any paid consultants. i am the only candidate who has dropped her glories, reduced taxes and took on utility companies and reduced utility rates. my run is about ethics and politics, about activism, about solving problems for the people. >> i don't want to get too longish but you know that
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washington and congress, to some degree, is based on seniority. we are going to get a brand-new junior congressperson no matter what this time around but i am interested in this notion that someone can perhaps spend too much time or too long in washington and lose touch with the issues that matter to people at home. expand on that for me. >> we need term limits and age limits in washington. those are key competence of my agenda. we have hundreds of policy papers on our website that we have well researched and put together with the understanding of what the issues are that are impacting america. i think it is the time for somebody like me. i have a deep understanding of the challenges here in the silicon valley. this is a huge competition. we need somebody who is a little savvy to grapple with the challenges in the future issues of silicon valley. 45% of california's revenue comes from silicon valley. we have a
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deficit of $100 billion and yet a surplus of $68 billion. what happened to the money? we need somebody who understands p&l, somebody who has run a business unit to be part of this district and address the top challenges. we have issues of crime, housing, water. we need solutions. clearly, the career politicians have failed us. look at san jose. the crime has gone up. the homelessness has gone up. it is not a medal of honor, it is a big problem and there are 240 people who died on the streets of san jose just in 2022. >> let me ask you one more question on this and then there are a couple of other issues i want to pivoted to. because you mentioned term limits and because it sounds like you would do some version of self-imposed term limits, what is too long? a decade? eight years? >> like i said, we have lots of policies. 12 years for
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congress, 18 for the senate. we need age limits, 70 years. that is it. we should not be having that in washington. it is very painful to watch. i think we need to find solutions. washington needs somebody who is able to step up and address these challenges. it is almost impossible to find 80-year-old or 75-year-old elected leaders that have an understanding of the issues that impact us. it is somebody like me who has been through the real world, working for companies like ibm and addressing challenges not only of my company but also as an elected leader, getting reelected with the highest votes for attacking the tough challenges and delivering. >> let's pivot to another issue. there is a saying that says that all of politics are local but sometimes something happens on the world stage that elevates that issue to something that voters really care about. in this moment, it
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is fair to say that that is the war between israel and hamas and there are many people that might be inclined to vote for a democrat typically who are not happy with either the president or the party's stance on that issue. what would you say to those voters? >> we had peace there in that region on october 6. there was a cease-fire. it was broken on october 7. america, when we had 9/11 play out here, we walked into afghanistan and then iraq . 400,000 people died as a result of that. terrorism has no place in our society. we need to crush it and right now is the time to crush hamas. i am glad president biden is with israel in this fight. >> thank you so much. i could continue this conversation for another 20 minutes but i don't have the luxury of time. thank you so much for joining us. rishi kumar, one of the people looking to replace anna eshoo in the 16 congressional district. good luck with your campaign and thank you for
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joining us. >> it is a pleasure to be here. >> thank you. still ahead, - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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we continue our election coverage. assembly member evan low is running for the
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congressional seat. tell me. this is a crowded field. thank you so much for joining us. we have a number of elected officials, past and current. what makes you the best candidate for this race and for this congressional seat? >> it is great to be with you again. i am excited about this opportunity in continuing public service, serving as mayor and city council for eight years accessible and building trust again in the government. we are making sure our elected representatives are accountable. that is why i have provided my cell phone number, 408-692-5428 in making sure that every constituent, every voter has access to their
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public representative. >> this really is a generational opportunity. this seat has been filled for the better part of more than 30 years. this is the first time in a very long time, probably for many voters, the first time in their lifetime that they have been able to select someone new to fill that seat. what would some of your priorities be? ultimately, those policy decisions may drive voters' choice. >> that is right. some of these key priorities are helping to ensure that we protect reproductive freedom. the fact of the matter is that maga republicans are doing everything they possibly can do dismantle not just abortion but contraception. this is the unfortunate reality we are dealing with. we know that republicans in congress have no interest in doing the work. it is important that we turn this protest energy into electrical energy and helping get the results we care about. secondly, public safety. we want to help ensure that every
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day taxpayers are safe in their communities. that is why i am supported by law enforcement . i was legislator of the year by the california police association because of my work in this space not just when the times are right but helping to make sure we have basic common sense and we are enforcing the laws as well. >> thank you once again for joining us. just before you joined us, i had an opportunity to talk with one of your challenges, mr. kumar. i asked him a question so i think it is only fair that i ask that question of you. it is about something that is happening not locally but on the international and world stage and that is the war between israel and hamas. this seems to be an issue that now has outsized importance for many voters. i wanted to give you an opportunity to perhaps differentiate from your stance on some of the other candidates in this crowded field. >> it is important to address
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this notion of american exceptionalism and our commitments to democracies abroad, how to help support democracy and human rights. that is our commitment to israel. that is our commitment for taiwan. that is our commitment to ukraine. when we are talking about these issues, it is important we are realizing the gridlock in congress. it is that of the speaker in the congress who is not taking up the funding bill for ukraine, currently as it exists. donald trump talks about that he wants to weaponized this and make it a political issue. what is important to remember is we must stay focused on helping to agree where we can on bipartisan efforts but also speak truth to power and the current republicans in congress have zero interest in helping to address these issues at hand. >> one quick follow-up question if i may. i think that some of the young voters that we hear from, or the activists that we see in the street, they would perhaps concede that israel has
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every right to defend itself but the concern on the other side of that scale is the collateral land -- collateral damage to women and children and civilians who have been displaced or killed. how do we find that appropriate balance between israel right to defend itself and minimizing the harm to people that are not active members of hamas . >> that is right. israel has a right to exist. there are hostages at stake. this needs to be a negotiated cease-fire. until we are seeing the release of hostages, we cannot talk about the type of cease-fire. at the same time, how do we help ensure that we are focused on humanitarian aid? that is the key focus. this is very divisive for many but it is important that we are reminded about what our priorities are in helping to ensure that we support democracies and minimizing the loss of life.
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>> thank you. you have always been gracious and generous with your time. i appreciate that as it continues as you run for congresswoman anna eshoo seat. >> pleasure. we will also speak with the other leading candidates in the race over the next few days. supervisor joe simitian will join us tomorrow and former san jose mayor sam liccardo will be with us a week from today. we got you all covered on all of the major issues that are currently on the ballot. join us tonight at 7:30 on our streaming service, for our latest edition of their politics. you can find us on the free cbs news app or
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a popular pet in the bay area is bringing a lot of joy to his growing fan base. his name is alex the great . if you have never seen him around town, you are not looking hard enough. this 30 pound ball of fluff is often spotted at giants games. when he is not making friends, he does photo shoots. you can donate money to charity. he is also a certified therapy animal. this popular rabbit has bands across the area with more than 25,000 followers on instagram. his owner says he is happy to share alex the great's love with the rest of the world. >> i get gratification from people seeing him and not just
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seeing a rabbit but a rabbit who truly is enjoying this. it is rewarding in its own way. >> alex the great will be back at oracle park to watch the giants play ball. if you run into him on one of his sweet rides, he is always happy to get a head rub from new and old friends. cbs news is next here on kpix. local news continues streaming on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. ♪ ♪ >> norah: tonight, massive cell surface outage. >> some of our customers are experiencing wireless service interruptions this morning. to be with a widespread blackout for america's largest wireless provider. the mystery behind what could have caused the problem for tens of thousands of at&t users. >> it was like radio silence from the moment i woke up. >> i see an


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