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tv   The Late News  CBS  February 23, 2024 1:37am-2:13am PST

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now at 11:00, they look nothing like law enforcement, but they're doing the job of keeping taggers away. >> i see a lot of people smile, and i smile every time i look at it. a ride in a golf cart in the off season, not brock purdy. he's back at the wheel of a tractor on the streets of san francisco. and she's one of hollywood's brightest stars. now zendaya is taking it back to her east bay roots to the place it all started. so you want to see your uniforms. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. hello, i'm sara donchey. it seems like san francisco businesses are fighting this constant battle with taggers
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and vandals. the city spends millions of dollars to help property owners scrub, scrape, and spray away tags. but it seems like for a lot of them, the second they're removed, they're back up again. so they go back through the expense and the trouble over and over again. some taggers even choose to make it an event. two years ago we actually reported on a mob of people that came to an organized spray painting party in the mission. over 100 people blasted stores and sidewalks at 18th and mission. >> but when you have businesses like this one that are getting tagged every week with large amounts of graffiti, it doesn't seem fair or right to then say you now have to spend the money cleaning it up, or we're going to fine you. >> yeah, that's the thing that adds insult to injury. businesses themselves can actually be fined if they don't clean the graffiti up fast enough. but one san
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francisco business owner says when it comes to graffiti, he's no sitting duck. >> reporter: this long time san francisco barber has never been the type to ruffle anyone's feathers. but when faced with unsightly graffiti next to his beloved shop, rather than duck his responsibility, shorty hatched a plan. >> this was just me messing around and having fun, and it turned out to be something great. >> reporter: his weapon of choice? rubber ducks. hundreds of them. >> i see a lot of people smile, and i smile every time i look at it. >> reporter: it all started innocently enough. >> oh, fun, look! >> reporter: showerty had some -- shorty had some rubber ducks left over from a halloween party and decided to put them to good use. armed with a drill
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and a vision, he began attacking the funny fowl to the boarded up business next door. the result, a colorful work of art. so colorful, in fact, it became a hot spot for influencers looking for that extra duck themed dazzle. >> i've never seen a wall of ducks before! i just had to take a selfie! >> ooh, i like that one. >> reporter: all in all, he has about 700 rubber ducks of all different shapes and colors. there's a pirate, a unicorn, a clown, and some that aren't ducks at all. >> i've had people ask me where they come from, i tell them i don't know where they migrated from, but they're safe now. >> reporter: when someone occasionally spray paints them, shorty quickly finds a replacement. >> what i notice more than anything is stealing. i'd love to be the fly on the wall to see that duck cartel. >> reporter: he's even gotten
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the stamp of approval from the city. >> i love this. it really quacked me up. >> reporter: rachel gordon is the spokesperson for the san francisco department of public works. she says the city spends well north of $10 million a year fighting graffiti. any effort to stop it is welcome as long as it's legal. is it legal? >> it is legal. as long as the rubber ducks are not blocking the path of travel, which they're not, they're affixed to the building. it's fine what they did. >> reporter: the best part, those rubber ducks aren't just good for the neighborhood. they're also good for business. >> this was a corner nobody looked at. it's helped. and the ducks have definitely gotten them to start looking and go oh, this place is cool. >> reporter: getting out of a hairy situation now that his barbershop is all the buzz. across the bay, the a's may still be playing in oakland
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this year, but they are certainly not celebrating it. there is no official fan fest. so the few remaining faithful fans there are are throwing their own. and tonight andrea nakano reports some are crying foul after a brewery with very close ties to the team suddenly announced it's out. >> reporter: as soon as the announcement was made on social media, rumors started to swirl on whether or not the a's played any part in this. the team, though, says this is not the case at all. it's an event oakland a's fans look forward to every year. fan fest meant it was almost time to play ball. the the team didn't host their traditional event this year, so the oakland 68s teamed up with the last dime bar to throw a festival for the fans. >> it's just a celebration of oakland sports. it's a celebration of our community. it's a celebration of local businesses. >> reporter: so when drake's notified them about backing out
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in what seemed like the bottom of the 9th inning, the oakland 68s were disappointed. >> i felt like someone would have cold feet and it's a shame it's drake's. >> reporter: drake's gave a very vague reason for backing out, they say. >> due to unforeseen circumstances, which seems kind of fishy. >> reporter: that left a lot of room for speculation on social media. some even blasted the a's for putting pressure on the team's official beer sponsor to skip the event. an a's sole and -- spokesperson denies the allegations saying they had no conversations with drake's about sponsoring the event. but other vendors stepped up to the plate. >> it was a blessing in disguise, honestly. it felt like a trade. they backed out, and in return, altamont stepped up, canyon club, field work. >> reporter: organizers have
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seen how this community will rally until the very last out. >> it just shows the love that people have for oakland, the sports community, the city, the town. they just love the east bay. we love to see it. >> reporter: we directly reached out to drake's brewing. we have not heard back. >> the fan fest runs from 11:00 to 4:00 on saturday at block 15 in jack london square. the last time that american-made spacecraft landed on the moon, the u.s. was still fighting in the vietnam war and nixon was in office. but a private business just reset that clock. and a lot of moons may be landing on the baseball diamond this spring. the mlb uniforms that didn't leave a lot to the imagination. finally, dry weather returned to the entire bay area today. we're going to continue that stretch as we head through the next couple of days. clear skies as we look out from salesforce tower right now. we'll take a look ahead to the weekend, and eventually a return of some light rain chances in the first alert
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forecast. thank you, paul. and if you feel like your pg&e bills hit a new high, you might have some strong feelings hearing about sky high profits at pg&e.
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if your last pg&e bill short circuited your brain, you are definitely not alone. we've been reporting on it for months now. >> i've paid 800, and i'm wearing three layers. i'm upset because i think all the money goes to these guys who run these companies. >> and if your bill has been anything like allen's there, you're really not going to want to hear this. the company just reported $2.2 billion in profits for 2023. a 25% jump from last year. and the first thing the company did in 2024 was raise rates on january 1st. the utility says that it needs the extra cash for infrastructure upgrades, clean energy projects, and undergrounding lines. the ceo hyped that up in the last part of the earnings memo touting
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reduced wildfire ignitions and more power lines buried than any previous year. all right, if you have at&t it might have been a frustrating for you, just like it was for tens of thousands of wireless customers. for nearly 12 hours they could not call, they could not text, and they could not use the internet. this outage stretched across the country. it wasn't just here. some 911 call centers were drowned with people trying to see if their calls would go through, including here in san francisco. at&t finally fixed the problem around noon and apologized. everyone from homeland security to the fbi was on the case trying to determine if this was the result of a cyber attack, but at&t says it was just a glitch. and now to history made on the moon. an american-made spacecraft is kicking up dust on the lunar surface for the first time in more than half a century. this was the moment the intuitive machines in
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houston stuck the landing. >> houston, odysseus has found its new home. >> it was launched from cape canaveral last week, and now it's on the surface of the moon. something that hasn't been done by the u.s. in 1972. it's also the first for a private company. i know someone who probably appreciates that, paul who's very into space, and science and weather. i've been into it too since the rain stopped. i needed a break. >> i think we all did, really. even though, of course, the rainy season isn't over yet, and we'll see some rain chances in the seven-day forecast. but it's nice to kind of catch our breath and settle into a pretty calm weather pattern as we finish the work week tomorrow and head into the last weekend in february. how did that happen already? here's a look at what to know. some patchy dense fog tonight, but not seeing any of that looking out to the mark hopkins hotel camera. warmer
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friday and saturday, especially saturday. and then a chance of light rain showers will move in as early as sunday evening, more likely after midnight sunday night. those will continue off and on monday. but emphasizing again the light nature of the next round of rainfall. not a big cause for concern. looking outside right now, san jose looking good. no fog visible just yet. temperatures beginning to back down. a mix of mid to upper 40s and low to mid-50s. 45 in santa rosa to 54 in san jose, also in downtown san francisco. the fog will be patchy. it was widespread in morning. it will be more confined to valley locations. san jose wakes up to some of the densest fog tomorrow morning. but it goes neighborhood by neighborhood. and it dissipates quickly. gone by 10:30 at the latest. then plenty of sunshine the rest of the day filtered through high clouds overhead. the clouds won't block the sun, just strain it a little bit. temperatureswill still warm it
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up. temperatures rising from a start in the low to mid-40s with upper 30s in the valleys of the north bay. pretty close to normal for this time of year. then we'll climb to average or slightly above average tomorrow afternoon. 68 in san jose. it's where you topped out today. where you'll top out on friday. otherwise most temperatures are going to be in the middle portion of the 60s. it doesn't really matter where you are. antioch, far inland, 62 degrees. along the coast of half moon bay, 63 degrees. not much variation. pretty much everyone in the mid-60s including san francisco and the north bay. saturday's temperatures likely the warmest that we are going to see around the bay area for awhile before the rain chances do return. now, we're not talking about heavy rain in the forecast. but sunday night and monday like a some showers producing less than a quarter inch of rainfall. we dry out tuesday and wednesday. then the rain
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chances go back upstarting thursday with light showers. more significant rain chances just beyond the scope of the seven-day forecast. that's where the 8 to 14-day outlook comes in. it takes us neatly through the first seven days of march. good chance of wetter than normal conditions for the bay area northward. and already the climate prediction center is outlining much of california, including the bay area, with an elevated threat, a moderate risk of rainfall for the first couple of days of march. that's a week from tomorrow and a week from saturday. and in the sierra, it looks like a pretty efficient snow maker. moderate risk, elevated threat of heavy snowfall. something to keep in mind, not this weekend, but next weekend. that's when the weather could cause a few more difficulties for us. the seven-day forecast. no major difficulties to be found. especially heading through friday and saturday. and even sunday with thickening clouds overhead. i think we stay dry during the daylight hours on saturday. then the chance of
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rain showers moves in, daylight hours on sunday. then the showers move in sunday night. dry out for a couple of days. cooler days tuesday and wednesday. then we finish the month of february with a chance of rain showers on thursday. likely the heavier rain holding off until friday or friday night. it's a long way down the line. again, we'll end this the way we started with me unable to talk. let's enjoy the dry weather while it's here. >> i think you can talk. you're going to have to keep going for like another 15 minutes. it will be okay. >> just can't put the words in the right order. >> i can't either. i don't know what my excuse is. thank you. parking in san francisco is a challenge, but brock purdy knows how to rise to the occasion. he took to city streets in the ultimate big wheel. and ahead in sports, the warriors did something tonight they had not done since early november! and steph curry entered an exclusive party of one in the team's history books too. what was that?
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we want to see if a little rest did the warriors any good >> and it did. they're rolling. they've won 9 of the last 11. and they have to keep winning against the teams they're supposed to win. like the hornets coming to town tomorrow. but they're two games above 500, so they have to keep doing it and doing it
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night in and night out. so look out. the warriors need as many wins as possible out of the 29 remains games at the start of business today. dubs cracked the second half of the season's pinata wide open tonight against the lakers. curry scored and delivered assists. wow, take a look at this. the back pass to andrew wiggins. warriors transition. oh, man. curry became the first in franchise history with over 6,000 assists. and wild reverse lay up in this sequence. how does he practice this? scored 25 points in the first half. 12 of 24 shooting including 6 threes. he went off in the dubs' 128-110 win over the lebron-less lakers. many impact players, but trace jackson davis, a force at both end. turned 24 years old today. huge spark off the bench. 17 points
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in 15 minutes. here's a block at one end and a sprint down and finish at the other. five dubs in double figures, and trace jackson davis was big with his rookie teammate. the two combined for 27 points and 14 rebounds. klay thompson said something to jackson davis that stuck with him. >> i think klay likes passing me the ball. before the game he actually came up to me and said pin downs, ball screens in transition, and you'll either get a dunk or i'll get a shot. i feel like we have a great connection, and i love playing with him. we'll get out of here with basketball business. cal hosted oregon state. second half, jalen celestine made a play and put the biscuit in the basket. scored 17. they got a block at
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the rim. the bears won the game 81-73. i just knew this was going to happen. these guys are playing hard. three wins all of last season. they bring matson in, and in his first year he's got them up to a record of 12 and 15, 8 and 8 in the conference. >> vern, before you go, we've been wondering what brock purdy was up to in the off season. >> what is he up to? >> well, he's wasted no time getting a new job. now, he's not quitting the team. this is more of an agricultural gig. >> that's his jam. >> at least it's supposed to look that way. look what i stumbled upon today in san francisco. none other than the 49ers quarterback behind the wheel of a giant john deere tractor. it was a commercial shoot for john deere and will debut in a few weeks. but the best part, i was walking my dog
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when it happened watching from vernal heights park system suddenly brock screamed coyote, and i turned around and saw the biggest coyote sneaking up on me and my dog and one of the film crew guys said brock saved your life! >> what's the first thing you notice? the tractor or purdy? >> well, i was with my kid and my kid was like tractor! but it was really cool, and he seemed very nice. i congratulated him on his season. >> great! and he probably said thank you. >> he did. very gracious. >> maybe even said thank you ma'am. >> all right, vern, thank you. she is in some of the most popular movies and tv shows. now she's giving back to the east bay theater where it all started.
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before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product.
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christmas has come early, or late, depending on how you look at it for an east bay theater company. actress zendaya just gave them $100,000. she gave it to the orinda theater where her mother used to work and she took acting classes. >> we started talking about the struggles theaters are having and performing arts organizations are having across the country. she talked about how important we were to her growing up. a couple of months ago her mom sent me a text and said look out, something is coming down the pike for you. and we were blown away by
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zendaya's generosity. >> that will help the theater prepare for its 50th anniversary season next year. baseball is all about bats and balls. and that's exactly what people are talking about
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ah, the baseball season. >> oh. >> it's around the corner.
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>> oh no. >> how you doin? >> you have to stay, you can't leave yet. the debut of the new mlb uniforms has had mixed reaction. they've caught a lot of eyes early in spring training, and first we're just going to show them to you. here they are. from afar, fine. mlb partnered with nike and fanatics to create them. there's a little problem there. the league says they've been in development nor six years and are based on feedback from players. they're supposed to be designed for the best performance possible. lighter, more breathable. but the first thing people seem to notice the not the actual jersey. it's, how do i put this, what's underneath. let us look to the mariners to give us an example. >> why did the toilet paper roll down the hill? to get to the bottom. >> you like that one, don't you? >> okay, we should have dropped the graphic at the bottom. >> yeah, there you can see.
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>> see the problem? this account, we should point out the handle so we know where they stand. but they say they look like they're wearing diapers because they're see through. the whole thing went to hell on social media as it tends to do. lady red sox posted this picture with the caption the new pants are sick. the player's association says they're actually relaying complaints to major league baseball about the new uniforms top to bottom. so would you wear those in front of your mother? >> no! >> no! >> how do you think they'll hold up in the rain? >> well they're awfully light. they'll certainly breathe. >> most players wear sliding shorts underneath to avoid burn. >> and now to avoid wardrobe malfunctions. >> some don't. >> the sliding shorts, they'll wear the cup. >> right. - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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- it's so fun to watch jessica in this space. - this is a look at those clouds right now in real-time, but let's head underneath this cloud layer and take a look at our rainfall... - [narrator] the virtual view studio, part of "morning edition." weekday mornings starting at 5 on kpix.


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