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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  February 26, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PST

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s "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. democrats agree. with democrat katie porter. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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right when the pandemic started, one of the first things i said is why not convert these to residential apartments. >> vacant office apartments and the need for more housing, but at what cost? >> what they are going to build with that i'm sure is more luxury housing. >> it should lower rents if there is more availability. >> a solution to san francisco's housing crisis or a benefit to billionaires? we sit down one on one with people on both sides over prop c. well thank you so much for joining us this afternoon. with california's election nearly one week away, we're going to focus this afternoon in san francisco where voters will be
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deciding on several key measures including prop c. today we're hearing directly from both sides. but first let's check in with anne makovec for a look at your news headlines. >> reporter: starting with breaking news from san francisco where there was a nasty crash on southbound 280. this happened just several minutes ago. our chopper was just over the scene. this is north of san jose avenue. chp receiving reports of a wrong-way driver in the southbound lanes, where we are working to confirm those reports. several lanes are blocked off to traffic right now. it is not clear how many people have been injured. so we're going to stay on top of that one for you. in other news, this one is hurting for oakland a's fans. our chopper caught a demolition team taking down the oakland signs at the coliseum this afternoon. the mlb approved the relocation to vegas last year, but the ballpark there won't be ready until 2028 at earliest. we know they met with oakland and alameda county officials to talk about extending the lease at the coliseum until then. we have been keeping an eye
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out on a lock downgoing on right now in san pablo. police are in a standoff with the man who is armed. neighbors were asked to stay inside their homes until further notice with their doors and windows locked. they got an alert a little before 3:00 this morning. it's been going on before since then. an elementary school in the area was closed today because of this. that suspect is blocked inside the home on rachel road. the sheriff's office have not said yet what started this. we're going to continue to monitor that one as well. police in san francisco looking for an arsonist who set two teslas on fire. surveillance video obtained by kpix caught the arsonist in action near shipley and fourth on saturday morning. the owner told us he found his charred car hours later. >> i thought no, that can't be my car. and then i looked around at the parts that were here. the license plate was here, and it was a white color. i was like oh my god, my car is gone. >> the second car down the block was also torched about half an hour after the first
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fire. at&t reimbursing customers from their recent outage. people affected will get a $5 credit. at&t says that is the average cost of a full day of service. last thursday tens of thousands of people were left without service for hours. the fcc is still investigating that. liz? >> anne, thank you. meanwhile parts of the bay area are seeing a few showers right now. darren peck is tracking them from our virtual view studio. hey, darren. >> hey, liz. those are fast leaving. so just look at the last three hours. you can see this weak line right here. and we got about .02 inches of rain from the south bay. there's not a lot to it and it's gone. we put it into futurecast. we will watch what's left. the rain will fall apart as they move south. here is what happens next. you notice how the clouds clear out. we'll stop this just after sunrise tomorrow. there is nothing between us and space. no blankets. so it will get cold tomorrow. that's probably the first focus. we'll
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take a look at morning lows. if you're near the bay, you're going to the low 40s. it doesn't stand out all that much. if you look at the numbers, we will dip back down into the mid-30s. so it's not freezing, but there's a frost advisory that they have issued up here. stays in effect until 9:00 tomorrow morning. that's item number one. item number two, which is about to become a much bigger story is the next storm coming our way. to find it, we've got to go up to the gulf of alaska. here is what's different about this storm. it will be a lot colder than most of the storms that we've had so far this winter. the first thing you'll notice since this thing is coming straight out and almost directly down from north to south. as you watch how that progresses, we will get our share of rain out of it. but this will be able to produce probably the most snow in the sierra than any storm has been able to do so far this season. it's coming right at the start of march, which is interesting oftentimes we'll wait for some of the most
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impactful snow makers to get here. as we get into the month of march, that's the way it's playing out this year. watch the cold air here. that might give us the best visual for how this storm will be put together. if we look at the rainfall for us, we still need to look at rain here because it will be significant. we will get an inch and a half perhaps say from thursday through sunday. of course, we are looking at the long range models here. if you look at one model, we compare it to the other, they are both within the same ballpark. perhaps an inch, an inch and a half falling in general. now watch what happens for snow in the sierra. we'll let this go from thursday through sunday. looking at perhaps four, five feet of snow at donner pass. we will get more with that. it's early on this. i know with the winter we've had, you would look at the forecast like that and go can that be right? if you think back to last winter when we would have all the significant storms, we had a couple of storms do that. there's a
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readjustment to the norm. it will be interesting as we get towards the weekend. let's get into the seven-day forecast. with all the rain, if you look at the four-day stretch, it's not going to rain heavily continually for four days. widespread rain here. then it will turn into scattered showers as we go through sunday. can't take rain out of the forecast, liz, until we get to monday. that's the forecast for now. we are nearly one week away from the california primary elections. san francisco voters will weigh in on a number of key ballot measures that could help shape up the future of this city. and one of those measures is proposition c. if approved, it would waist transfer tax for properties that are converted from commercial to residential use. for the first time, not even though thinks this is a good idea. our max darrow will look at the arguments from both
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sides. >> reporter: proponents will say this will attract investments to help fill vacant spaces and help build more housing. opponents of prop c called this a deceptive measure. they argue this will give tax breaks to those who don't need them, and they don't think it will result in the kind of housing san francisco needs. >> iced vanilla latte, perfect. >> reporter: jeff wu owns this cafe downtown san francisco. >> hi there. >> reporter: he's had to pivot a lot over the last several years to get enough of a customer base to stay afloat. >> it's a way to connect with customers, yeah, even though we can't see them. >> reporter: since the office crowd largely disappeared and hasn't completely come back. >> it doesn't make up for the foot traffic though. >> reporter: and that is why he likes the sound of prop c. >> one of the first things i said is why not convert these. >> reporter: right now in san francisco, there is a 6% transfer tax on real estate transactions over $25 million. proponents of prop c believe
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waiving that tax for properties converted from commercial to residential use for the first time will help incentivize developers to convert vacant spaces into housing. therefore bring more people downtown. >> and so far it sounds pretty good. i mean we are just a small business here. for us, it seems like more foot traffic and we should be helpful. >> reporter: on the walk down california street with robbie silver, the executive director of the downtown san francisco partnership, you can't miss the four leaf signs in the window. >> downtown san francisco is hovering around 35% office vacancy, which is not good. disbr >> reporter: however, he says downtown does need housing, and policymakers will need to get creative to make that happen. >> we have great bones to be able to do that. a mixed use downtown is a vibrant downtown. so what downtown needs as a whole is just an infusion of a residential and housing population. >> reporter: but converting office space into housing
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isn't a simple task. >> so you can't just come downtown and wave a magic wand at every older historic building. it has to make sense at the end of the day and it has to pencil out at the end of the day to convert an office building into residential. >> reporter: that will bring us to the managing member of the treasurer of the advocacy group, small business forward. not in favor of prop c. >> prop c sounds good in theory. in reality it's a giveaway to san franciscans who do not need to give away. what they will build with that i'm sure is more luxury housing, which again, i just don't think the city needs. >> reporter: he and opponents believe waiving the transfer tax will actually get in the way of building more affordable housing. >> transfer taxes will fund extremely valuable social services. they provide money to affordable housing. hundreds of millions of dollars have been generated by these transfer taxes. so we think they are very vital. >> reporter: and he takes issue with another piece of the proposition. >> and if this passes, transfer
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taxes will no longer be the per view of san francisco voters. it will turn that responsibility over to a simple board of supervisors majority. >> reporter: back downtown. >> i think we're going to need a little over five minutes. >> reporter: he will have a bit more thinking to do before casting the ballot. but so far he likes what he hears. >> i think the more people you bring in the better. it should help out with rents too and lower rents if there is more availability. >> just a few minutes, okay, thank you. >> reporter: he wants to be a part of downtown's future. but the key ingredient there is consistency. and finding that will continue to take creativity. >> now san francisco mayor london breed supports prop c. she sat down with an interview with our max darrow to address the concerns of her opponents. >> one of the things that some opponents have of prop c. they argue that this is giving a tax write off to billionaires, and they don't think it will lead to the kind of housing that san francisco needs in our housing affordability crisis. and what
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is your response to that? >> well, my response is everything isn't about billionaires. the fact is san francisco, no longer has the luxury to tax, tax, tax. our taxes are really expensive here. they discouraged some of our new businesses and new entrepreneurs from pursuing an opportunity like, you know, putting together a group of investors to try and purchase a building to convert a building to housing and mixed use. we, as a city, have to do things differently. we have to think about incentivizing rather than penalizing. at the end of the day, the billionaires and the millionaires, they can choose to go do business anywhere. but here in san francisco, we've never had to work this hard to retract and retain business. what that means, we have to make some adjustments. the mayor isn't the only
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one backing prop c. coming up next, the housing action coalition - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+. the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate.
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i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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welcome back. we'll continue our conversation on proposition c here in san francisco. it will waive the transfer tax for properties converted from commercial to residential use for the first time. joining me now is corey smith from the housing action koa lismghts thanks for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> why is prop c a good idea
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for san francisco? >> it is pretty simple. we have a number of underutilized vacant offices downtown. they are not being utilized for anything. we know we need more housing in the city. so we aproacht policymakers and said how do you convert these offices to housimake any sense.o by waiving the transfer tax for these conversions and only for the conversions, that we know you will be able to take some of these offices and build new homes. >> it is a big new tax incentives for people who are billionaires, buying these buildings. and how is that a good thing if they are giving it a tax break? >> it is only going to get paid if the property transfers. if we maintain the status quo, it will be empty. and nothing will
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actually happen here. so it's about revitalizing the downtown, trying to bring residents downtown and creating more of a 24/7 neighborhood in our downtown core. >> it's a big gamble though with this tax break because you're sort of counting on all these initiatives to hopefully inspire people to come downtown. and what if those things don't work? you're giving them a tax break? >> and we need all the above approach when you're looking at downtown. and we're a believer at creating more housing downtown is a good idea. we've done some assessments on all the analysis, and anywhere about 15 to 30 total opportunities. building wise. we are talking about 5,000 new units of housing. that's one of the things we need to be doing. but also a big believer that building all around san francisco and especially on the outlining neighborhoods. that's also a way that we could reactivate downtown, because then we would be
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putting them closer to their jobs and creating the commutes, where if we are not building if san francisco, oftentimes we will build out in the valley instead and you're looking at our commute. it's not one thing that will solve that problem and the all above approach. >> what about affordable housing? that this will create more luxury high-rise buildings for the rich and powerful. what about the folks that really need it? >> this is the same tired arguments that we have been hearing for decades on people opposing housing. they will do things like vote against them, that happened a few years ago. people, some people, they just don't want san francisco to build anymore housing. so now the board of supervisors will get to make rules requiring affordable housing in these conversions. but those who oppose housing ten years ago, two years ago, shocker they still oppose them today. >> but isn't this taking the power away from the taxpayers though in that? and what sort of housing will go up in their
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neighborhoods and especially downtown if you're giving it to the board of supervisors? >> they will still make a variety of other rules related to what we build, right? the height, the density. the other fees and taxes they pay. the affordable housing requirements. we will get to make rules about some of the preferences for affordable housing. it's simply removing one of the financial barriers, again, to move from the status quo, which is empty offices to getting some housing, that is one of the things we heard. >> and somebody looking at this saying hey, if they pass, i will buy that big building. have you heard from some people who are spending the money? >> absolutely. we spend a lot of time to make sure this is it and we are hearing from some office owners saying if this passes, we think we would be able to move forward and look at doing that sale to a residential builder and the builder could come in and add new homes. >> we'll see what happens. thank you so much - lift the clouds off of...
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- virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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welcome back. we'll continue our conversation on prop c. converted from commercial to residential use
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for one time. joining me now is the group's small business forward. thanks for joining us. >> so happy for being here. >> why is prop c a bad idea, you think? >> i mean it really is just giving. it feels like a huge giveaof the tax break is huge and then embedded with this proposition is basically taking away the power of the voters. so san francisco, they have made it very clear that they want this money spent on affordable housing. and we raised hundreds of millions of dollars with these transfer taxes and i think losing that power will be just a huge problem for what the downtown side could look like for the future. >> you walk around downtown right now. and it is still a ghost town. businesses are leaving. our studios are located near downtown. our local walgreens is closing up. not because of crime, but because they don't have people going to their store anymore. >> yeah. >> and what is the answer? if
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they are not giving them a tax break, what's the next step? what should they do instead? >> i think a part of it is investing in small businesses. people who want to do businesses downtown. keeping the money, keeping the businesses that already exist here in business. i know there's people that are losing their businesses to raising rents, to development. more office space being developed. it seems like at this point, also the idea of converting all of this into housing doesn't seem that realistic. especially if they are not thinking about the people that will be living and working out of that space. so we are not opposed to conversion and it is inevitable and important. if there are buildings that will make sense for, we should do thatment but removing the tax and really taking that power away and putting it in the hands of a very small group of people will feel dangerous. it's a threat to democracy, really. there is a way to revitalize what we care about so much like all of
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our coalition. we're small businesses in our community. we find that like for us being able to create community is creating safety that will bring bodies up. i think just growing this big investment, more luxury housing that we would have so much already. and it feels like it is being sold. you know, they are going around shopping city to city and it feels like. what are we going to do? we're going to give it away? that doesn't feel good. >> you brought up affordable housing. and if they pass, they will decide who will get the tax breaks. do you think they will just follow the money whoever the highest bidder is? >> i mean based on the past, i've lived in san francisco since 1995. i love this town. you know, the last person up here was talking about the same arguments in the same place. we have not seen what's happening.
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it has not changed, right? that did not work. it has not worked before, growing, growing, building, building. it doesn't bring the rent down. i mean personally, whatever could happen to lower rate is the right thing. give them an incentive to stay put and that will make a huge difference. >> they told our max darrow that they are not in a position to say no to people who might want to come here and they want to give incentives to anybody that is willing to invest in bodies and people. what do you say to that? >> it sounds desperate. that is correct, you know, in watching that clip. she seems like that's the only option and it is not creative. it is not the solution that there has to be another way and that is not my profession knowing what that solution is exactly, but seems
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like there has to be a more creative way to bring up and change what happens downtown. and it was very fast growth and it happened quickly, we did not know all that we know now
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter.
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. coming up, our report on
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the presidential campaign trail as former u.n. ambassador nick key haley blasts the committee for allowing donald trump to use donor money. plus what donald trump said about black voters that's drawing fresh criticism. that and more headlines tonight on the cbs evening news. well thank you so much for joining us. for a closer look at both sides of prop c in san francisco, we'll be taking a deeper dive into some other key ballot measures across the state overt next few days here at 3:00. of course, you can always find all of our political stories any time on our website i'll see you at 5:00. ♪ ♪ >> god be with us. it's been one tonight, this just in, for the first time we see the body cam video from the shooting at joel osteen's megachurch. new fge


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