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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 6pm  CBS  February 26, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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how a wrong-way driver caused chaos. deputies swept up in the russian river trying to save someone, the dangerous rescue that put their training to the test. >> we're all here for each other. hats off to those guys for jumping in trying to save someone's life. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. >> hi. i'm sara donchey in for juliette. in a city full of problems, the drug crisis for san francisco is at the top of the list, the disaster in plain sight that seems to be getting worse. accidental overdose deaths surged to a record high of 806 last year according to the medical examiner's office, most of them involving fentanyl. not surprisingly, the city's drug policies have become a hot political topic in the upcoming mayoral election. wilson walker was there as several candidates joined people marching in the streets calling for solutions. >> when i say recovery, you all
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say works. recovery works! >> this is part of my community and we want to see a change and see a difference. >> reporter: crystal morales, of with those who showed up to who marched in the tenderloin for changes in the neighborhood. >> we want a safe community for our family and we want those who need help and assistance to get the help, assistance and care. >> reporter: the recovery committee several years has been pushing for tougher approaches on the city's fentanyl crisis. >> you know what? harm reduction from my perspective is not reducing the harm. it is making things far worse. >> reporter: mayor london breed joined the crowd on the steps of city hall, but just two hours earlier one of her challengers declared this issue a failure of leadership. >> from out-of-control spending on nonprofits that have failed to deliver results to the unwillingness to take on bureaucracy at city hall that
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is fundamentally failing san franciscans. >> reporter: daniel lurie rolled out a six-point plan for what he calls the demand side of the drug system, a new system for pushing those in trouble towards help faster with no allowances for staying on the street. >> we will introduce a deflection program to incentivize individuals to seek treatment or face arrest. >> reporter: the mayor was asked about lurie's comment and she seemed to include recent mayoral race entry mark farrell in her response. >> where have they been? this is not a new issue. this has been going on for a long time. they were nowhere to be found during the pandemic and quiet around issues related to important things and surprise, they put out something and they've had nothing to do with it. >> reporter: so with the election more than 250 days out, the discussion is already taking shape. who has the
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answers for the problems that have cost so many lives, vexed the city, and frustrated so many residents? >> it's going to take patience and it's going to take showing up and coming together to really be a community that believes in the same voice and that believes in the same goal. >> reporter: we have breed, lurie, farrell and the supervisor who joined in the march today. the biggest, most obvious question in san francisco politics for some time now has been who could possibly join the race as the self-declared progressive? sort of against that block of candidates, especially on an issue like this where there's such a range of opinions how to proceed. that is a big question going ahead. the filing deadline for the mayoral race, may 5th. san francisco city leaders are trying different things when it comes to this issue. the mayor and d.a. are forming a law enforcement task force to
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investigate opioid deaths as homicides. voters will get to weigh in on mayor breed's ballot measure to require drug screening for some welfare recipients and also cracking down on drug trafficking in the city. at the state capitol a group of bay areas and state officials announced their other plan, a bill that increases access to treatment, medication and focuses on drug prevention. in the meantime one san francisco official wants to use an unusual new tool to track drug use statewide. assembly member matt haney proposed legislation that would require wastewater be tested for fentanyl, meth and other drugs. the results would be reported to the state public health department. they're still working out the details how that would work. tonight cbs evening news looks at how the feds are ramping up their efforts in the fight against fentanyl. here's norah o'donnell. >> our in-depth look at america's fentanyl crisis, we see how the dea is cracking down on pill presses that can turn out thousands of deadly drugs by the hour. we've got that and more headlines tonight here on the cbs evening news.
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southbound 280 back open in san francisco after a wrong-way driver caused this nasty crash a couple hours ago. this is a look from our helicopter. this was a three-car collision that ended with multiple lanes closed. the crash happened just north of san jose avenue about 2:30 this afternoon. at least three people were taken to the hospital. developing in san pablo, a 12-hour standoff is finally over. police say they have a suspect in custody. that incident prompted a neighborhood to shelter in place early this morning. police say the suspect was armed and barricaded inside a home near rachel road and heather drive. neighbors were asked to stay inside until further notice with their doors and windows locked. the alert went out before 3:00 this morning. an elementary school in the area was closed today because of all this, still no toward from officials what exactly started this standoff. in sonoma county a water rescue mission turned even more dangerous after the person
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drowning started fighting her rescuers on russian river. a 911 caller said someone was being swept down the river, but things took a surprising turn once deputies jumped in to save her. >> reporter: just last week cbs news bay area brought you the story of sonoma county swift water training exercises and the important role it has in being prepared. >> a significant role. a true swift water rescue is a less frequent call. we don't get those calls all the time. so just always training and sharpening our skills and being ready for that call is tremendously important. >> reporter: this week it didn't take long for that training to make a difference. >> as the radio traffic started picking up, we knew we had a legitimate rescue on our hands. >> reporter: but this story involves more than a single
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victim. it's also a story about heroism in its purist form. >> it's one of those situations that needed to be acted on immediately. >> reporter: so sergeant gary lawson did exactly that. >> he started pulling off his gear, duty belt, his vest and was in the process of getting in the water when deputy powers arrived, threw him a life vest. >> reporter: without hesitation -- >> sergeant lawson put the life vest on and started swimming out to meet the person in the middle of the water. >> reporter: that's when things went south, really south, perhaps because of the cold water or perhaps because of panic. the victim became combative. >> and she during the fight was pushing the deputy underwater. >> reporter: recognizing the severity of the situation and the need to assist his partner, deputy anthony powers dove in and with that a single victim needing rescue turned into three. >> the two deputies and the victim were basically clinging onto a bush in the middle of
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very fast moving water. >> reporter: so when rescue units reached all parties, it was a little surprising to hear -- >> we want you to take her first because she's fighting us and we can't take care of ourselves while we're taking care of her. >> reporter: seeing the need to act quickly, firefighter bowers was able to get the victim inside the boat. >> i was able to get a good grip on her arm and pull her into the boat. >> reporter: after getting her safely to shore and receiving medical attention, rescue units went back in the water to get deputies lawson and powers. once they were brought to shore, it was hard for the two deputies to contain their emotions. >> bringing in the deputies on board that boat and bringing them to safety, immediately there was a lot of gratitude, a lot of thanks. >> reporter: and an excellent example of why these men and women train so hard to keep the community safe as well as their own. >> no matter fire or police, we're all here for each other. hats off to those guys for jumping in trying to save someone's life.
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>> it was a very satisfying afternoon, absolutely. it's one of those calls that makes you proud to be part of an organization that takes this type of stuff so seriously. >> we do good work very frequently. this was a step up. >> the woman is expected to be arrested and booked on multiple charges. other stories we are following around the bay, it's the first day on the job for antioch's interim police chief, brian addington. he worked in law enforcement in pittsburg for 28 years. he's taking over in antioch amid an fbi investigation into the department of a racist text messages and other alleged misconduct. san francisco police looking for the person who might have set two teslas on fire over the weekend. it happened in soma. surveillance video shows someone lighting papers on fire on top of the tire of a tesla model y. moments later the car was burning. about 30 minutes earlier a block away flames destroyed another tesla. a tough, though not surprising, sight for a's fans
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today in oakland, our helicopter caught crews taking down the rooted in oakland signs in the coliseum this afternoon. the mlb approved the a's relocation in las vegas last year, but the new ballpark won't be ready until 2028 at the earliest. the a's have met with local leaders about extending the coliseum lease until then, but they do not have a deal yet. talking about our weather, what a gorgeous weekend and we are starting out the week dry. it won't end that way. chief meteorologist paul heggen is looking ahead to more rain. i have to say this was the nicest weekend in a while. >> yeah. i think the week between the conference championship and the super bowl we had a warm, dry weekend, really the only other one that's been dry so far this year. it's going to be a little chilly tonight, temperatures dropping 3 to 8 degrees below average by early tomorrow morning. that leaves a good 5 to 10 degrees above record territory. we warm up tomorrow back to near normal
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temperatures. i'm tracking rain chances farther down the line coming up in the full forecast. still ahead, a controversial housing project dividing a daly city neighborhood, the fight to save a community garden ahead of a crucial vote tonight. and the bay area's biggest city fighting for control over what gets built, how it's pushing back against a loophole for developers. >> you can't blame the property owners and the "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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democrats agree. with democrat katie porter. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls.
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fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. a plan to build more housing in daly city is dividing the community. the jefferson high school district wants to develop land they already own. the money collected from the leases will go towards the general fund,
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but opponents say it comes at a cost, losing a beloved community garden. >> many people in daly city want to keep the garden and preserve what we have. >> people who live in the community would like quality education for their children and we can't do that if we're not able to raise the revenue in order to do so. >> the city council is meeting tonight to vote on the project and san jose is gearing up for legal battles over several major housing projects there. the city is trying to stop developers from taking advantage of a provision in a state law known as the builders remedy. it basically allows developers to ignore local zoning codes if a city doesn't have a state-approved plan to meet its housing goals of len ramirez shows us how it's already affecting the bay area's biggest city. >> reporter: brian garcia and his friends say this turf soccer field adds to the enjoyment of their midtown san jose neighborhood. the field and adjacent park were part of the city's general plan that
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required builders to provide enough parking and contribute to parks and open space when they built the housing. >> if buildings are being built like this, you need a nice field just for the kids. >> reporter: over the past year developers have been allowed to sidestep this and other normal city requirements under a california law called builders remedy. >> builders remedy is a legal mechanism that can be used to expedite low or middle income housing construction if cities do not meet the statehousing requirements. >> the road to hell is paved with good intentions. >> reporter: san jose builder michael van every has built hundreds of housing units in san jose, although he doesn't have any builders remedy project on the books. he said the law can cut two ways. >> the state is trying to increase supply. however, it is having a material and political effect on our neighborhoods throughout california. >> reporter: in some neighborhoods builders remedy has led to bigger projects than would normally be allowed and in places where housing is usually off limits, like industrial areas. builders
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remedy also allows developers to downsize projects. in the case of the massive flea market project, the developer wants to cut 2,500 homes and an office complex from the original plans because of weak demand for office space coming out of the pandemic. >> you can't blame the property owners and the developers. they're just utilizing their rights under state law. >> reporter: eric sheanauer is a land use consultant who represents the owners of the flea market. >> the city wouldn't have been in this position if they had adopted and submitted a housing element by the state deadline. >> reporter: but now the city is trying to rein in developers by canceling 14 remedy builders project submitted to the city after june 20th last year, which is the date san jose contends it came under state compliance. in a statement san jose said it hopes those developers resubmit plans and "consider using our normal process through which they come back with a project proposal
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that is consistent with the city's general plan." but sheanauer says it could be setting up a court battle in which a judge might have to decide when san jose was legally in compliance with state law. >> some will file legal challenges and some will drop their builders remedy proposal. >> reporter: the flea market is still weighing its legal options, but he said the flea market will stay open until at least january of 2026 and the rest of san jose it remains to be seen how much more housing gets built, where it is -- >> come down here, nice environment, lovely place. >> reporter: -- whether amenities like this will come with it. >> san jose is required to plan for 62,000 units by 2031 to keep up with its population and housing demand estimates. still ahead, while we're looking at rain in the bay area, they'll be measuring feet of snow in the sierra by
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence
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against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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here we go again, another winter storm expected to hit california later this week bringing whiteout continues to the sierra which means trouble for people trying to drive into and out of tahoe. the mountains could get up to ten feet of snow. oh, my gosh. >> updated number. >> okay. >> 12 feet of snow. that's two of me. i'm six feet tall. >> are you? i'm sorry. i'm always wearing heels around you. >> take those off. look down there. how you doing? >> i'm cheating for a few inches. as far as all of that snow, we always talk about how people tend to not check the forecast and plan their drive with their kids and their dog without looking at that. this
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is not the time for that. >> no, no, no. anytime after midday thursday don't go. you can say that to yourself in a christopher watkin voice if you want to, don't go. talk about what's happening over here. i saw that commercial, too, recently. over the next few days we'll talk about what's happening weatherwise. we had a couple light showers early today mainly south of san francisco. half moon bay picked up almost a quarter earn of rain, but now clear skies and chilly temperatures tonight, sunshine tomorrow, most of the day wednesday and light showers returning thursday with occasionally heavier rain friday and saturday. i don't think we'll see a significant flooding threat. it's going to get colder heading into the weekend. the snow levels around the bay area are dropping down to about 2,500 feet, no worries about that now, beautiful sunset, mid- to upper 50s, 60 degrees in san jose. those numbers will drop off rapidly with clear skies and dry air near ground level, mid- to
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upper 30s inland. you have clouds hanging out over the southern half of the bay area. those clouds will move out and without that blanket temperatures will drop down to about 5 to 7 degrees below average, low to mid-40s around the bay and coast. temperatures will bounce back. by tomorrow afternoon we end up close to average for late february, 64 degrees in san jose, exactly the normal high for february 27th. temperatures inland in the east bay, mostly low 60s, low 60s bayside and fremont, down the peninsula in redwood city, cool spots along the coast, only a couple degrees cooler, 58 degrees half moon bay, 60 in san francisco and temperatures in the north bay reaching the low 60s. a couple degrees warmer wednesday, the warmest weather we'll experience for a while because then things change beginning with the arrival of the rain chance heading into thursday. let's look at the dog walking forecast tomorrow and then talk about the rain chances. we have
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callie who is practicing her stare-down skills, tomorrow full sunshine and temperatures close to average. wear out your dogs before the wet weather pattern returns the end of the week into the weekend. futurecast shows plenty of sunshine tomorrow. the clouds will loom to our north. the rain showers gradually get closer and move in late wednesday night into thursday, light showers at first, less than a quarter inch thursday, heavier rain thursday night into friday coming at us in waves and the spacing between those waves should allow us to avoid a significant flooding threat. we'll continue to monitor that. the rain continues into saturday. when you add up all the rain chances, we'll see a decent amount. you can see how broad the opportunity for rain is. it doesn't wind down until sunday. that should allow the waves of rain to soak in before the next one arrives. total amounts ranging from a half inch to around 2 1/2 inches in
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the santa cruz mountains spaced out enough i don't think it's a huge threat. in the sierra emphasizing this and we will do so every day this week, do not travel after midday thursday, a winter storm watch in effect thursday through sunday. above 3,000 feet in elevation we're talking 1 to 4 feet of snow. above 5,000 feet we get into the 5 to 12-foot range, which is a huge spectrum of possibilities. the wind gusts will be in the 60 to 100-mile-an-hour range especially up in elevation. let's look at the seven-day forecast. we'll return to the bay area which is where you should stick around. we see wet weather returning with light showers thursday, slightly heavier rain friday and saturday, but not the torrential rainfall that we had a week ago tomorrow. showers on sunday and then we dry out for the beginning of the first full week of march. >> we have to alert juliette not to plan a tahoe weekend. we
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always have to remind her. >> yes, we do and she won't listen. >> she does listen eventually. it does take one or two reminders. thank you, paul. still ahead, quite the dilemma for a dog in northern california, how gracie survived a couple weeks the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food
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and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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what started out as a big negative turned into a huge positive for a south bay pie shop after tesla canceled an order worth $1,000. the owner of the giving pies in san jose said this all started when tesla placed a $16,000 1,000 pie order to answer a few days later. by that time the pie shop had bought the ingredients and turned down other catering requests. when the word got out, people supported the business and created lines for their own orders. tesla elon musk offered $2,000 for supplies and asked the shop to cater this event. >> now because of the increased demand from all these customers, the pie shop says
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they are simply too busy to meet tesla's catering request. has your dog ever gotten its head stuck in a bag? this stockton area dog had its head stuck in a cookie jar for days. carol eisenbrandt was alerted about the dog's problem and jumped into action helping gracie. they watched her path of travel, then set two traps and were finally able to lure the dog this weekend. the pooch is expected to recover and is now being reintroduced to food. carol tracked down the owner, who was homeless. she agreed to allow carol to help gracie find her forever home. the cb evening "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle
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endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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♪ ♪ >> god be with us. >> norah: tonight, this just in, for the first time we see the body cam video from the shooting at joel osteen's megachurch. new footage showing the heroic actions by off-duty officers. as we learn the 7-year


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