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tv   CBS News Bay Area Afternoon Edition  CBS  February 27, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm PST

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right now on the afternoon edition, a major blow to san francisco's struggling downtown. macy's is closing down the massive flagship store. the retail giant plans to keep it open until the end of the year. they will put the property up for sale. the store is a landmark in union square and opened in 1947. earlier today macy's announced it will shut down 156 stores. they are calling it a bold new chapter. the shut down will mark one of the biggest retail closures and after nordstrom closed its doors. and they lost several
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retail stores during the pandemic. a controversial measure that will change the way police fight crime. good afternoon, i'm ryan yamamoto. the most expensive measure, prop e. it would give police more power to use surveillance technology, ease restrictions on car chases. critics argue it would reduce transparency but supporters say the recent burglary in the sunset district is an example why it's necessary. police got there when the suspects were getting away. they could not chase them because the crime did not meet the criteria. how prop e would change that. >> reporter: kira was driving this blue s.u.v. when a police chase ended in a fairy crash on the other side of the bay bridge last december. keegan wasn't the suspect but she said the suspect crashed into her vehicle after fleeing a
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crime in san francisco. nearly three months later, getting in the car, even to get to work, remains a challenge. >> i was in a lot of shock. i was very disoriented, really couldn't process what happened to me. the pain didn't really set in until around, you know, five minutes after i got out of my vehicle. and i just wanted to see if my pham -- wanted to see my family. >> reporter: she was lucky to walk away with mine injuries. during her recovering she heard about proposition e. it would include facial recognition software and lesson the power of the police commission. it would broaden police chase policy to include certain
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misdemeanors. for keegan, that is what she is fighting to prevent. >> it really field like the police chase in san francisco are out of control. i was upset to see that they are hoping to expand that. >> reporter: backed by mayor london breed and the police union, the proposition gained over a million in fund-raising. supporters like tracy mcrae says it will give the sfpd more nonlethal resources that they believe will boost public safety. >> people that want to commit crimes think we won't chase after them or try to apprehend them. will they feel more em bowl dented to commit more. we need more tools. when we feel a pursuit crossed that threshold to be more dangerous than maybe apprehending him at the time, it would be nice if we could lift a drone up and say they can follow. >> reporter: she says the measure could help combat the
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chronic under staffing issues and currently being supplemented by millions in overtime costs. >> leveling the playing field, getting tools and technology to help us because we are not pulling in people in to this profession at the rate that we used to. >> reporter: but for keegan, it's investments in community resources that she believes are the answer to public safety. >> one of the people driving the vehicle was 17 years old. i think we need to invest in people to prevent people from doing bad things that hurt other people. >> reporter: hopeful she can return to a feeling of safety and security in the city she strives to grow with. >> the recent poll shows proposition e has about 61% of voter support in san francisco and 37% oppose it. it's primary day in michigan. president biden is facing a big political test because in michigan, voters
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have the option of voting uncommitted to candidates on the ballot. he faces pop session from people critical of the war between israel and hamas. former president donald trump is expected to dominate nikki haley. she is not going down without a fight. first alert weather, more snow is expected to fall in the sierra as we look at the conditions on i-80 at soda springs. a sneak peek at the forecast with meteorologist jessica burch . >> all throughout the bay, upper 50s and lower 60s. light onshore winds and clear conditions. it looks different out the window compared to yesterday during this time when we saw rain sweep throughout the bay area. today is tuesday. looking nice. we see dry conditions in the forecast tomorrow, too. temperatures tomorrow will be warmer than what we have right now. we could see upper 60s in the
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north bay. the warmth in the thursday forecast, it's a big game exchange for us. a new system moves in bringing rain throughout the thursday forecast, friday, saturday and tapers into sunday. this is the system we are talking about. area of low pressure moving in from the gulf of alaska. it will bring in an inch on average from thursday to sunday. plenty of snow in the sierra and pacific northwest. it clears up into the sunday forecast. then drier conditions next week. a young bay area woman was strangled to death and police say her accused killer is her boyfriend. it happened at sea bright state beach early friday morning. they say samuel stone made the 911 call. the victim's identity has not been released but we know the 21-year-old woman from the bay area was living in santa cruz and attending school there. in berkeley, half a century
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of battles to see this happen. in 1969 students faced off with riot police over the face of people's park. now that park is lined with shipping containers. the university took it to build student housing. kenny choi reports some activists say the fight to take back people's park is far from over. >> reporter: long timber include resident harvey smith is fighting to keep people's park in the current state. >> it's a political space, recreational space. >> reporter: smith is an organizer for the district advocacy group. he attended cal and once worked for the university but opposed the plan to build housing on the open space. >> this is the university of california fully capable of maintaining a beautiful well kept park.
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>> reporter: some 100 park supporters came bringing together staff, students and community advocates. smith said student housing can be built elsewhere on uc property. >> despite what the administration says, there is broad support on this campus for maintaining the park and i think people understand the false choice between having to choose a park and student housing. >> reporter: university officials say there is an urgent need for housing and that the project will provide student housing for more than 1100 under graduates and provide permanent support of housing for more than 100 unhoused and people of low income. alex knox is director of telegraph district. >> we are excited to see it moving forward. optimistic that it will go through. >> reporter: his organization recently installed planters at dwight try an al stone's throw from the park. they want to put
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it as a gathering space. they think keeping the park as it is didn't broaden the community. >> they didn't think it was somewhere they were welcome to go and enjoy. >> reporter: smile is hoping to recruit more support on campus. >> we hope to mobilize folks, teaching staff and more students. students have been involved in the beginning. >> reporter: an unrelenting battle as smith's lawsuit to stop the project will be decided by the state's supreme court. >> university officials say the project will preserve and revitalize 60% of the site and it will create permanent commemoration of the site's history. still ahead streaming on cbs news bay area, a piece of art that is a death trap for birds is getting fixed. the bay area artist behind the metal makeover. a live look outside before you head to the break.
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms
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and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done. when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. accept the trade offs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose quickly stops migraine in its tracks. treat it anytime, anywhere without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with you. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save. salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine.
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. work is underway to modify a piece of public art being blamed for killing two dozen birds in sacramento. they are tallying away he is super espiranzo. gaps in the arch allow the birds to fly inside
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but they can't get out. new sheets have been designed to cover any gaps. >> it was an accident. i had no intention of making a trap to kill birds. >> access panels are being created so they can free any birds that still get in. a better future could be coming to a business after a horrifying fire. the restaurant has experienced several setbacks since the pandemic including loss of revenue and burglary. the grant could be approved as soon as today. in the south bay, raging waters are set to reopen this summer under new management. the san jose city council will vote on a new operator to take over the popular park. it is for california dreaming entertainment to run the park at least through september of
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next year. the nearly 40-year-old attraction closed abruptly last summer. back to the first alert weather. this is back toward the peninsula. a beautiful day on tap. nice and clear. sunny skies. good to see the sunshine. let's check back in with meteorologist jessica burch. >> clear blue 22. that's what we say in aviation. we will see a repeat of that in the forecast tomorrow. but once we head into the thursday forecast, that's the big game changer as we see a system moving in from the north bringing us another series of showers that will last throughout thursday, friday and saturday as we head into the afternoon hours, widespread showers throughout the bay and it tapers into sunday. that exact same system will bring in heavy snow for our friends up in the sierra. it moves in from the gulf of alaska. as it swirls toward us into late this week, we will see about an inch of rain on average from wine country to the santa clara
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valley. it tapers into the sunday forecast leaving us with drier conditions to kick off early next week. here is what the weather prediction center says, close to two inches in the santa cruz mountains. up in the sierra, those mountains will see heavy snow expected. a winter storm watch is in effect -- it will be starting thursday into the sunday forecast. they have issued it. gear up and get ready for it. 5 to 12 feet of snow is expected from 5,000 feet and above. an impressive storm for our friends in the sierra. if you were thinking of a ski weekend, you may want to push it off until the next weekend. long range models look better early next week. today, upper 50s and lower 60s. a warm up for the dry day today and tomorrow. these are the days to take advantage of. if you want to head to the park for lunch t
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a nice trail walk after school or work, today and tomorrow, it's looking beautiful. upper 60s by tomorrow. watch what happens as the cold front approaches us. we are down to the low 50s, upper 40s for the daytime highs into the saturday forecast. then by sunday, the main moves out and we are left with drier conditions, partly cloudy skies and upper 50s returning to the bay. coming up, showing pride one patch at a time. the small business owner that is betting on oakland when the city is seeing a rise in crime. a dead phone again.ou'll e because this thing is one of those all in one devices. multifunctional. but it's a safety device. think about this. you got a flat tire, and it's dark out. this thing has a flood lamp, boom. right there, boom. yeah, and it has multiple settings. and this is so easy to use. and if you look at the top, look at that. look at that digital display. you will not need your readers. you'll be able to see. and it has automatic shut off.
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you can't leave without cuddles. but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce, it's the sheet. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress
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and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade. it's 20 degrees cooler and you get protection from harmful rays and sun glare. when you call, we'll rush you a special $200 discount certificate with your free awning idea kit! you'll get your sunsetter for as little as $799. but, this is a limited time offer! for over 20 years, sunsetter has been the bestselling retractable awning in america! call now for this free awning idea kit packed with great awning solutions. plus, get this $200 discount certificate to get your sunsetter for as little as $799. there are so many incredible styles to choose from. get a custom-built awning, without the custom-built price! turn your patio into an instant oasis.
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add led lighting for evening enjoyment. call now for your free awning idea kit, local dealer info and $200 discount certificate. “life is better under a sunsetter!” the city of oakland ended 2023 with robberies and burglaries on the rise. many businesses have chosen to close. one woman is excited to have her own store in oakland, a journey she says is years in the making. >> it means a lot. even my customers, they are very happy
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to have a space that they can come to. >> reporter: for three years, regina harris was working from home, taking the hobby of patchwork into a full-time job. she saw an opening making patches that spoke to african american women and hoped to showcase black women. >> this is where we want people to come and enjoy what we have and look at the art. >> reporter: she said it took a while to find the place initially for regina and her small team to work together without a retail store. >> a different experience and challenge. i was almost ready to quit of the after the first month, this is more than i thought. >> reporter: even with the challenges that come with rising crime in oakland, finding an affordable option wasn't easy. when she saw a space on shad dak avenue, it was the right fit. >> nobody actually said that to
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me. the thought came in my mind using the crime and break-ins that the city is having now. >> reporter: for a few months now she has been settling in with enough room to create her designs and the stitching the customers want behind the shop. >> unbelievable their responses. this is definitely me. this resonates with me. we are happy to have a space to call our own. >> reporter: when many are closing their doors and many more might not take the risk of opening new ones, regina sees this is a the next step. >> i truly believe this is what i'm supposed to be doing. we have a community based business here. >> reporter: taking a chance on an idea for the culture. helping her and others feel seen giving customers a way to be proud and wear it one patch at a time. >> right now she is open monday
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through saturday from 11:00 to 5:00. she hopes to expand the hours later this year. you can watch the stories celebrating black history month at and streaming on the free cbs news app. up next a live
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coming up at 3:00 a controversial ballot measure tackling san francisco's drug problem. we sit down one on one with the people on both sides of proposition f. that story and more at 3:00. a live look at chase center. music fans pour in to see one of the greatest musical artists of all time, madonna. >> ♪ ♪ i'm dancing her by myself. tonight i want to dance with someone else ♪ >> oh, the material girl will be performing at chase center today and tomorrow. it's part of her international tour dubbed the celebration. you are guaranteed to see dazzling costume changes and the favorite hits from the queen of pop. that's it for the afternoon edition. we stream 24-7 on the free cbs news app. the next newscast is at 3:00
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with elizabeth cook. i will see you again at
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[ ominous music playing] >> steffy: an intruder. she broke into my home. i-- i grabbed a knife in self-defense, and when she lunged at me, i-- i stabbed her. i think she could be dead.


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