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tv   The Late News  CBS  February 27, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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now at 11:00, it might be the most iconic store in san francisco. >> christmastime i remember it was always like filled up. it felt like new york. >> and now macy's says it's leaving union square for good. >> it's so many jobs being lost. that's what's real sad. she was strangled allegedly at the hands of someone she trust. what we're learning about the bay area woman killed on a santa cruz beach. oakland has a new short list for the top cop job. the big name left off.
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and your next late night fast food delivery could come with surge pricing. and it has nothing to do with the car that drops it off. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> hello, i'm sara donchey. everyone in the bay area seems to have a union square memory and a lot of them go way, way back. like seeing the christmas tree as a child, peeking in the store windows, especially during the holidays. and when the spca fills those windows with pets who need homes, it is an extra special memory. it's been in the backdrop of so many memories. macy's is at the center of all of it. and so when the company announced it will be closing its flagship west coast store, people seemed to pause for just a little longer than some of the other headlines we've heard about businesses packing up and leaving san francisco. and while it may be the biggest blow yet to union square, one business owner in the area
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tells kelsi thorud he still thinks and believes that the future of the neighborhood is bright. >> reporter: well not only are customers shocked by the news that the union square macy's will be closing, but local businesses are also shocked and wondering how this closure may impact their business moving forward. john, the owner of john's grill near union square, tells me his restaurant has seen this neighborhood change a lot over the years. >> john's grill's been open since 1908, and since 1908 we've lost many iconic stores like joseph magnum, what else can i remember, liberty house, city of paris, so many places have closed. >> reporter: so when john heard the news the city's flagship macy's at union square announced it would be closing, he felt a feeling he's felt
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before, sadness for what this closure will mean for locals and those who work at the department store. >> you know, the businesses continue, they'll make money somewhere else. they'll make money online. but it's so many jobs being lost, that's what's real sad. >> reporter: the macy's has anchored the shopping district in union square since it was built in 1929. generations of bay area residents have shopped inside the massive store and many of them are sad to hear it's closing. >> you know, it's strange because, you know, this building has been here, and macy's has been here for so long that i think in union square it's an icon. >> my wife and i come up here a couple times a year to shop and to, you know, do other things. we play tourist for a couple days during the year, and we like to frequent here. and it's really going to be sad that it's going to close. >> reporter: john told me thankfully he doesn't think
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the closure will impact his business too much because john's grill is such an institution in the neighborhood. it's newer business, though, he is worried about. >> count a lot on theaters. we count a lot on local generations of people dining at john's grill, so we think it will have an impact, we just hope it doesn't have an impact on us. >> reporter: still, even with the news of macy's closure, john is confident in union square. he loves this neighborhood and this city. >> you know, we're a crown jewel of a city, we just need to put a little shine on it. and i think we'll come back stronger and better but without macy's, so. >> yeah, we have seen probably not surprisingly a huge reaction online to the news that the store is closing. mike hill jr. posted, macy's union square as an sf native this
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hurts. our city is nothing like when i grew up. and eileen wrote, i cannot believe macy's in union square is closing. the sf shopping experience that i grew up loving as a kid is no longer there. come on, san francisco. and another person posted, macy's leaving union square in sf is crazy. it is like the focal point of the entire square. tonight people in the know say macy's will be here for one more holiday season, possibly even longer, until the company can find a buyer for building. across the bay, oakland is taking another crack at choosing a new police chief. the department hasn't had a permanent leader for more than a year now, and in december, the mayor rejected the police commission's hand picked finalists for the job and told them try it again. tonight the new list is out, and one of the same names is on it, former san leandro police chief abdul. the others are from way out of
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town, former lubbock, texas police chief lloyd mitchell, cincinnati assistant chief, lisa davis, and luis molina, a former nypd detective who now works under the mayor. former chief leronne armstrong did not make the cut this time around. he was also on the last list the mayor rejected. on thursday, the public will get a chance to hear from the current candidates at a forum in frank aguaya plaza. a candlelight vigil tonight for an american airman who set himself on fire to protest the war in gaza. >> we use this as a place to not just grieve for him but to grieve for the 30,000 that are dead in palestine right now and the more that are going to follow. >> 25-year-old aaron bushnell was in uniform when he set himself on fire outside of the israeli embassy in d.c. officials there say he filmed himself yelling free palestine before pouring liquid from a water bot over his head and setting himself on fire. he
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died at a nearby hospital. tonight we've learned a uc student strangled on the beach in santa cruz was 21-year-old zanab of san ramon. she died allegedly at the hands of her own boyfriend, who called police to the scene himself. 20-year-old samuel stone is being held without bail tonight facing a murder charge. a hel lishgsish hellish drive to escape the flames. and forget the wind mills and cheesy tiny castles and everything else you'd expect at a mini golf course when you come to this one in the south bay. beautiful weather across the bay area once again today. cloud-free skies for most of the day, including as the sun was going down this evening. this was the sunset from the mark hopkins hotel. another nice day tomorrow and then a big shift. our weather does a 180. we'll talk about what we
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expect and how much rain is going to add up coming up in the first alert forecast. and seeing a huge bear trying to squeeze its way out of this? looks impossible. we'll be right back with when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad.
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a texas fire department posted this video of their crews absolutely hellish race to escape the flames of a raging fire that has burned more than 300 square miles and counting. this is in the northern part of the state in the panhandle. it is burning dangerously close to a nuclear
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weapons facility which has been shut down tonight. the fire has also forced a lot of people to flee their homes. so far all the texas wildfires combined have burned nearly 32,000 acres of land thus far. the national weather service says that the dry air, gusty winds, and warm weather there created ideal conditions for all of these wildfires to spread. somebody mowing the lawn, well, mowing in nebraska, maybe not the lawn, touched off a grass fire that now covers an area the size of omaha. to put that in a bit of bay area perspective, omaha is about the size of san francisco, oakland, and concord put together. wow. san jose is welcoming a new mini golf, venue, rather. city leaders expect it to be a big help with san jose's post-pandemic rebound. urban putt will have two nine-hole course, many featuring landmarks from the south bay.
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it will be a family-friendly spot that can be used for special events. >> we are seeing that we are rebounding faster than oakland and faster than san francisco. and so again, i want to reiterate to folks that downtown is open for business. we are ready for you to invest here in our city of san jose. >> urban putt says the location will create 55 jobs and sometimes we hear nfl announcers at levi stadium poke fun at the south bay, like this dig from al michaels. >> you ever notice we come here and all of our aerials are from 44 miles away? i mean, san francisco, it's beautiful, we got so many scenic -- now, we'd like to bring in aerials from nearby here, but what are we supposed to do? the flats? >> well, joke's on you al michaels, maybe, the new mini golf course is supposed to be a pretty big draw in the south bay. you know that feeling when you eat too much at dinner and
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your pants shrink? that is nothing compared to how this intaer feeling. he was caught sneaking out snout first through a tiny crawl space hatch under a house in north carolina. yeah, he'd apparently been hibernating all winter there. so that means he was even fatter than he was when he went in there. or he was fatter when he went in there than when he went out, but it's just all of the squeezing and compression. >> that bear is my spirit animal. >> i get it. i do. >> man. >> i'm sure it was nice and warm and cozy in there. good place to hide from the rain. we will all need a place to hide from the rain come late they are week. indoor activities are going to be the preferred option as we hit thursday, friday, saturday, and even into sunday. an unsettled weather pattern. we have one more dry, mild day to go tomorrow. and it's pleasant out there this evening. temperatures are backing off. it'll be a bit chilly to start the day tomorrow, but we are going to warm up. plenty of sunshine on
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wednesday. light rain returns to the forecast on thursday. then light to moderate rain thursday night into friday and saturday. i'll show you that on futurecast momentarily. lingering showers on sunday, and blizzard conditions are likely in the sierra. already a blizzard warning in effect from thursday all the way through sunday. so we got a lot to talk about. temperatures in the mid to upper 40s to just barely above 50 degrees still in san francisco and san jose. those numbers are going to continue dropping. we'll end up with upper 30s and low 40s inland. low to mid-40s around the bay and along the coast. not that out of the ordinary for late february. tomorrow's high temperatures climb up to what's normal this time of year, despite the chilly start a couple of spots above average. san jose the warm spot. mid-60s for los gatos and morgan hill. the cool spot along the coast, half moon bay at 58 degrees. but close enough to 60 for late february. right above 60 degrees in san francisco, and mostly in the
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low to mid-60s inland in the north bay. savor the sunshine. savor the mild temperatures, because it comes to an end beginning on thursday. so let's switch over to futurecast and take a look at how things are going to change. we will see sunshine throughout the day tomorrow, but the clouds thicken tomorrow night, and a few light rain showers are possible already as we begin the day on thursday. those are going to be very light. they start to pick up in intensity likely by thursday afternoon. the afternoon commute's probably going to be a splashy one on thursday. then light to moderate rain is going to continue thursday night, friday, friday night, and into saturday. but i want to emphasize like to moderate rain. we're not talking about the intense rainfall that we had a week ago. we're going see this rain spaced out enough, even though it's a long stretch of it that shouldn't lead to significant flooding threat around the bay area even as the rain lingers into the second half of the weekend. so we add up the rain with futurecast and a few hundredths of an inch to just under 0.5 an inch from that first batch on thursday. more on top of that on friday. more on top of it on saturday. and by the time the last showers wind down on sunday, we're
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talking about generally one to two inches of rain. some spots picking up closer to 2.5 to 3 inches of rain. but again, spaced out enough it shouldn't lead to a flooding threat. we'll keep an eye on it just in case. it is getting breezy. all of the red-shaded squares for locations across the bay area from 10:00 on friday through 4:00 on saturday, and you can see numerous wind gusts in the 30 to 40-mile-an-hour range. not nearly the level of wind energy that we had with that system bang in early february, but still enough that sporadic power outages is something we're going to have to watch out for as we head through the end of the workweek into the first half of the weekend. in the sierra, this is going to be a snow maker. if you want to head in that direction, rethink that plan entirely. thursday travel is going to start to be affect bid the snow, but then it really adds up thursday night and friday. looks like the heaviest snow is friday night into saturday. that's when whiteout conditions are likely. so much snow adding up, one of the forecast models is breaking the color table that corresponds to how much snow is going to accumulate. eight feet at
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donner pass and near that level for all the peaks in the sierra. five to ten feet the expectation above 5,000 feet. travel is not just treacherous, it's essentially impossible. national weather service office in reno said if you plan to travel, have an emergency kit and plan to camp in your car for several days. that's the level of threat we're talking about with all that snow in the sierra. let's return to the bay area and talk about what's going to happen over the course of the next several days. the good news, tomorrow one more dry, mild day. the wet weather returns thursday. rain and wind friday and saturday. sunday, lingering showers in the forecast. a dry day on monday. even that forecast is tenuous. then another chance of showers is going to loom in the forecast already by tuesday of next week. so a very busy weather pattern shaping up as we head into early march, sara? >> already planning the indoor child care activities. >> yeah, lots of puzzles. >> thank you, paul. loyal fans had to wait, but madonna is finally putting on a
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show in the bay area tonight. what a couple of shot a couple of shows to end a
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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madonna's celebration tour landed in chase center tonight after months of delay. it's night one of the two-night stop. the shows were postponed back in october after madonna got sick. the wait seemed to just up the anticipation for fans who stopped for photo ops before heading inside. and as for the usual occupants of chase, we have vern glenn. you know, with madonna, i don't know anybody that benefitted more we praised her. fans of her. >> i loved her in the '309s and early 2000s too. >> absolutely. all right, let me talk about a team that had 39 assist, 19 turnovers. they got to clean that up a little bit, but the warriors, hey, the games that you're supposed to win, do it, check. that's what
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happened with them when they went to washington and welcomed back chris paul. out since january 5th with a broken hand. warriors scored 12 straight in the second quarter, and paul had a hand in it. dubs up three. paul scored nine in 22 minutes. and then there's moses mooney. rare start tonight for andrew wiggins, out with a personal matter. look at this move. made the defender fall, and he hit. moody scored 12 points. that's probably what sara does on the playground to her kid. moody showing hustle. ran down this turnover. and then he started something. kuminga finished it. what a sequence with a curry lob. kuminga scored 21. dubs up four. and then later on in the third, klay thompson off the bench, finished with 25 on six threes. since he started coming off the bench, klay has scored 20 or more in three of the last
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five games. warriors outscored washington in the third and led 98-75. and the steph curry story tonight did not make a shot. went scoreless in the first half, and then curry scored ten of his 18 in the fourth to pull the game away. golden state won it 123-112. 9-2 in their last 11 games. dubs at madison square garden and the knicks on thursday. high school basketball playoffs, brett brendon wearing a los gatos high school hoodie. down in white where the story was josh green, hit six threes. 21 point, 19 in the second half. they made it 60-38. and how do the dragons end this one? griffin threw it down. 76-49, chris babcock on the call tonight. bellerman is next coming up on thursday. and you got to see this, sara. mavericks bucket put them up one at cleveland. time was
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running out, so cleveland's max strus launched it for the win. >> insane. >> that is how cleveland won it, 121-11th. but we're not done. nevada and colorado state tied final seconds. nevada's jarred lucas for the win. >> no way. >> 77-74, what a couple of finishes on a tuesday night in, and sara, those two guys will never pay for a meal in those towns again. >> i saw the cleveland highlight, but twice in one day? wow. all right. >> that got your attention. >> it did. taking notes, vern. thank you. it is the golf tip going viral for the wrong reasons. the pro who responded with the patience of a saint to the mansplainer in the next tea - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk...
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"known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter with democrat katie porter. or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant.
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a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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a top flight mansplainer teed himself up to get torched when he was caught on camera telling a woman at the driving range what she was doing wrong. well, she's a professional golfer. and jeanne moos says she has an expert level of restraint. >> reporter: when this professional golfer got unsolicited advice from a guy watching her, he got whacked online for mansplaining. he just said excuse me and started offering tips. what you're doing there, you shouldn't be doing that. you should be light little swing forward through. >> reporter: little did he know she was a british golf coach. >> i'm going through a swing change at the minute, so i'm -- >> what you're doing there is
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you're coming back too slow. i've been playing golf 20 years. >> reporter: georgia bit her tongue. posted one commenter, your restraint from wrapping your club around his neck is commendable. she did shoot one look at the camera and then he took credit for that swing. >> see how much better that was? >> yeah, thank you. i do think that was -- yeah. >> reporter: the patience of a saint. the mansplaining in this video is major ick. georgia told the morning show -- >> there's not a need to say i'm a professional golfer, i know what i'm doing. >> reporter: a host apologized on behalf of men everywhere, but others disagreed, the man was just trying to help, have you descended so low you see advice as offensive? >> thank you. >> secondhand embarrassment is what i get from listening to
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that. move over, uber and lyft, surge pricing is coming for your fast food. social media has thoughts, so do we.
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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the next time you order uber eats, doordash, what have you, it could come with surge pricing, and not from the car, the driver that brings it. wendy's announced it will start testing so-called dynamic pricing next year. dynamic pricing for wendy's. >> okay. >> meaning the busier the wendy's, the more expensive your meal would be. >> we're all set. go through that drive-thru at midnight. >> yeah, i think we're good. one guy is already trying to
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get ahead of the problem. in a way that will probably make him sick. he tweeted got 110 burgers from wendy's. nice try, your surge pricing won't get me, i'm stocked up for the year. even a few hours later not a good idea. >> yeah. >> wendy's is too expensive, now what? the ceo of kellogg's is taking flak for this marie antoinette moment when he suggested eating cereal for dinner. >> think about the cost of cereal for a family versus what they might otherwise do, that's going to be much more affordable. >> yeah, with the tropical background, you know, ornate balcony. >> worked out really well for marie. >> the internet had things to say. >> this fool making 4 million bucks a year, you think he's feeding his kids cereal for dinner? >> right? so in case you forgot high school history -- >> uh-huh. >> marie antoinette, the pes sants have no bread. let them eat cake. except with a french accent. >> which you did not nail. >>, no didn't try. nope.
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>> just to be clear. >> let them eat the cake. >> there you go. so cereal, wendy's, we know what we're you're doing after work. >> there was a time in college where, you know, you didn't have any funds, you needed to -- >> well, college. >> i mean, actually, depending on what you're doing before the cereal and the wendy's, it could be really actually quite nice if you're drinking or partaking in other legal things. >> yeah. >> thank you for watching, whatever you get up to later tonight, the late show >> for the first time, and germany's lower house of parliament has legalized marijuana for legal recreational use. >> it has had an impact on german c


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