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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 9am  CBS  February 29, 2024 9:00am-9:31am PST

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from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. >> chopping firewood and making sure we have shovels and making sure we have all the food we need. we are all set. >> people are getting ready for what could be an assortment snowfall in the sierra and we have the latest on this first alert weather day and impact you can expect in the bay. today is february 29th. a day that only comes every four years. that forever changed one east bay family. this morning how 11 minutes made
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all the difference. taking a live look outside on this thursday morning. we are keeping a close eye on your forecast and we are looking live , you can see over the water not too much rain. it is pretty dry in the bay. you may want to grab the rain jacket and just a couple hours as that is going to change. in the sierra storm could bring record amounts of single day snowfall. caltrans is warning drivers to please stay off the road. the agency says they are prepared for conditions to get to dangerous for the workers, but they hope it does not come to that. >> it is pretty much their job to keep the roads open. at all times. they definitely have safety protocols in place. and most of the time these guys are in vehicles and at least they are in a closed environment. they are not exactly out side , necessarily all the time. >> the department of water resources also preparing for
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the storm. they moved up their third snow survey of the season to this morning. water resources team will be at phillips station around 10:00 west of lake tahoe. the new snowpack numbers should give us a better idea of california's water supply and it should be a good one in light of all the recent storms that have dumped snow in the sierra the past couple of weeks. jessica, what can we expect at home when it comes to the forecast? >> the rain is starting to fall in the bay area as we head into the afternoon our today. it is about cooler compared to yesterday. yesterday we were forecasting upper 60s and lower 70s throughout the santa clara valley and into the east bay. upper 50s lower 60s today as this cold front moves its way in , impacting not only us in the bay area but we are keeping a close eye on the sierra where they are dealing with a blizzard warning. 30 this morning lasting to this weekend it is from the exact same system moving in from the gulf
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of alaska. windy conditions are expected at times and we will watch the rainfall throughout the next couple days as it deteriorates over our local region and up into the sierra. 's resume and closer, this morning we woke up with light, scattered showers and the forecast . here comes the frontal system as we move into the afternoon hours and it sweeps throughout the bay area like a windshield wiper producing 1/10 of an inch near santa rosa, excuse me, near half moon bay into santa rosa we could see closer to half an inch by friday morning and we will watch the numbers add up with on-and-off showers expected throughout on friday evening forecast and ramps up more into the overnight hours for friday and dies down a little bit as we head into saturday morning with more showers and the forecast until sunday morning. this is a consistent trend through the next several days with rain and it dries up into monday as we gear up for late -- light showers next week. this morning's top stories. early morning? rattling northern california. the latest off the coast of humboldt county along the coastline near carson city. strong was a 4.9. over in the east bay, chances
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are you went to bed remembering a bit of a shake from an earth quake that hit around 6:20 last night. our friends at the usgs said the earthquake centered in the middle of discovery bay. usgs got reports from 550 people thought it. some as far away as roseville. that is just east of sacramento. a suspect in last year's mass shooting at two funds and half moon bay is due in court for an arraignment. faces first-degree murder charges in the deaths of seven coworkers. it happened in january of 2023 . last month a criminal grand jury in san mateo county heard evidence for several days and handed down an indictment. includes a so-called, special circumstance allegation for multiple murders. the public is about to get a look at four candidates for police chief in oakland. the candidates at tonight's community form .
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taking a live look at the city of san francisco. congratulations to 19 men and women who put in the hours to train to be police officers. tonight is a graduation for them as mayor london breed pushes to get more officers trained and paid in order to get sfpd back to full staffing. coming up, we are continuing a first alert weather day coverage and we hear from locals in truckee about how they are staying prepared. wall street investors are feeling good after a key january inflation reading - temperatures cooling down as we head into the weekend and stronger onshore... ah, i stepped off the coast again. - the winds are really picking up. - fog spreading farther inland. - and in the north bay, you're gonna get soaked. (water splashing) - [narrator] presenting the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. - as i lift this, you can actually see... - [narrator] on kpix and pix+. (wind blowing) it's that real. (water splashing) - let's move on to the seven-day now.
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it is time for your money watch report on this thursday morning. straight off the top we have the latest on key inflation measure. the federal reserve uses as it considers cutting interest rates. the personal consumption price index rose by 4/10 of a percent in january and 2.8% year-over-year. that is above the fence target of 2%. let's see how the markets are reacting to that at this hour. it looks like the dow is down just about 81 points. from wall street to capitol hill, this is a live look this morning after congressional leaders a deal on short-term funding to head off a government shutdown. under the new plan, congress will find one set of federal agencies through march 8th and another set through much 22nd.
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lawmakers will try to pass legislation to fund the government through the rest of the budget year. chick-fil-a has recalled his polynesian sauce citing allergy concerns. the company said the dipping cups may contain a different sauce with wheat and soy allergens. if you have one in your refrigerator , check them. chick-fil-a advises customers who were handed out dipping containers between february 14th through february 27th, to throw them out. let's take another look across the bay area this morning. is with the current conditions look like as of right now. the next round of rain is moving into the bay on this first alert weather day. today really is just the beginning. kicking off a wet and colder pattern the last through the weekend. it is a cool and cloudy and wet day in the bay area but all eyes on the sierra as they are
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gearing up for one of the strongest winter storms they have seen so far this season. so much so the national weather service issued a blizzard warning that starts this morning and lasts all throughout this weekend. with wind gusts anywhere up to around 60 to 100 miles per hour at its peaks and to add to that above 5000 feet they can expect five to 10 feet of snow. what calls for a blizzard? what is a blizzard? when we get those issued by the national weather service, that means they have seen forecast models with about 35 mile-per-hour sustained or cost when it comes to the winds and add to that, visibility decreasing due to the blowing and snowy conditions we are expecting and that has to last longer than three hours. that is the reason why they call for that blizzard warning and it has been upgraded . as you climb up the mountain and drive up the mountain they will see plenty of snow when there is like donner summit close to 12 feet of snow expected. as we head into our weekend forecast this is from the exact same storm system bring in rain for us in the bay area. it will bring in heavy snow for friends of the sierra but better yet let's head to the bay area and talk about what is going on this morning heading into this afternoon. widespread showers will be more apparent as we
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head into the evening hours and i. frontal system moves in from the north to the south producing over an inch of rain as we head into the next couple days like napa and all the way over to sonoma. this happens as we head into friday and saturday, watch the numbers start to add up. here we go into friday evening. close to around an inch near fairfield and pass that into santa rosa and we watch showers build into saturday morning and afternoon forecast. the rain will slowly taper off sunday morning. that is where we will see a dry break as we head into early next week but the system is moving in from the north and when it comes in from the gulf of alaska, pulls the temperatures down. we are talking about a 50s. yesterday we were talking about upper 60s and lower 70s off into the east bay in the santa clara valley and we were 10 degrees cooler today from that storm system moving its way in. we will watch temperatures dip even more to upper 40s and lower 50s by saturday. with what an cool conditions lasting into
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sunday morning and we clear up just in time for monday of next week. for people already in the sierra, we hope you have supplies. people in truckee were out and about to prepare themselves while they still could. yesterday local hardware stores saw a steady stream of customers coming in and grabbing last-minute essentials . employees say they do not expect any closures at the same time , they don't necessarily want people to come out either. most people are taking the storm seriously and preparing for anything while also getting excited for the site of fresh snow. >> it will be a good one. you can tell. hopefully everyone is safe and stays inside and has power. not, shovel and have fun. >> most people we spoke to told us they feel prepared and it is really time to wait it out. as the rain closes in on the bay we have good news out of coyote creek . streaming at 9:30 we continue a first alert
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weather day coverage with a look at the new defense against flooding. will good money be thrown after that? proponents of what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls.
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i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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we have new information on two wild chase is that took
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place in east bay. oakland police are searching for a suspect who they say hopped out of a stolen car and took off running. you can see that. police nearly grabbed the suspect before he jumped over a fence and slipped away. they searched for hours as a suspect jumped the fence after fence but officers were unable to find him. around the same time, a pair of suspected thieves were on the run in contra costa county after a robbery at a lafayette talk about. >> he tried to buy food but he had three dollars. we gave him a glass of water and he was drinking it and sitting here and after that he tried to get money. >> the police say the suspects took off in a getaway car with a child . leading police on a chase before crushing into oncoming traffic. the other driver involved was taken to the hospital as a precaution. the child is apparently okay
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and so other suspects. the suspects are accused in more armed robberies in solano and marin county's earlier yesterday. across the bay bridge , san francisco voters will vote on the issue of police chases. prepositioning he would ease restrictions placed on police officers about when they can engage in car chases. it would give officers more power to use surveillance technology. new analysis from the standard shows the san francisco police are particularly more likely to hit someone or something during a police chase. they found that 41% of officers over the last four years resulted in a car crash or in a crash, rather . which is nearly twice as often as the statewide average of 22%. 17 of the 115 chases during that time period ended with someone getting severely injured. the data
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showed that none of the departments in the state that have had more than 50 traces over the last four years had more crashes than sfpd. another problem voters will address on the ballot , affordable housing. the clock is ticking to get a large number of affordable houses available. inferences can's, on your ballot you will see from the called prop a design to get those units built. proponents of proposition a, say passing the measure will get money where it needs to be to get more housing. the people can afford. but not everyone agrees. max darrow found critics say quotas are unreasonable. >> reporter: san francisco is in need of more housing. it is under a state mandate to build 82,000 units over the next eight years, more than half affordable units. when it comes to going about getting that done, mayor london breed believes prop a, is a key piece of the puzzle. >> proposition a is an extremely important opportunity for us to have more dollars coming in to the affordable housing department ,
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in order to not only build new, but preservation of existing affordable housing units. >> reporter: san francisco resident , larry marso , does not. >> this is our plebiscite to say no and pushback to the state mandates to build an outrageous amount of new housing. >> reporter: if voters passed prop a, the city would be able to borrow up to $300 million to be used for formalizing by issuing general obligation bonds. >> it is not asking for new taxes . it is as we retire old debt and we want to take on a new opportunity to invest in affordable housing and that is what proposition eight does. >> reporter: opponents say this will help bring much-needed funding housing that will benefit first responders, nurses, teachers and others who make the city run. larry marso calls prop a, a bad use of money and he said he is not opposed to general obligation bonds as a play a critical role in
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infrastructure . >> affordable housing is not infrastructure. it is something that we have to build by corralling private sector investment. for san francisco to build affordable housing , first of all, we need to rebuild the san francisco economy. >> reporter: furthermore , he believes -- >> proposition a supports this program to dramatically increase san francisco's density. >> reporter: larry marso after the official argument to prop a in the voter information guide. >> this is directly quoting. they are plan changes the character of every neighborhood, bulldozer the west side and brings poverty, drugs, crime and homelessness to a street corner near you. what do you respond? >> i 100% completely disagree with that statement because it is making the assumption that all people who unfortunately live in poverty are somehow
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associated with crime. >> reporter: according to 2023 figures, single owner making $104,000 or less a year is considered low income in san francisco. >> san francisco is on the hook for 46,000 affordable housing units by 2031. say voters do not pass this ? >> if voters don't pass this we definitely , probably not going to meet that goal. >> reporter: prop a, needs to get two thirds of the vote to pass. happy leap today. it only comes every four years the celebration is extra special
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happy leap day. february 29th comes around once every four years and most of us probably don't miss it on the off years. but what if you are born today and your twin brother was born minutes before on february 28th? how would you celebrate? shawn chitnis is here with the family that has the anday before work and school. >> mornings are chaos as you might imagine three boys. >> reporter: their sons wake up with so much energy that shooting hoops in the kitchen and jumping around in the backyard , does not slow them
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down. >> begging them to eat breakfast before school and reminding them to brush their teeth and get dressed. about 10 to 12 times . >> reporter: the twins keep summer and ryan erickson busy but the boys think it works out each day. >> we get dressed and we play. with our dog and we also eat breakfast. >> reporter: that is miles, the slightly older twin who was born in the final minutes of february 28th. he turned eight on wednesday. he's barely younger brother, walter, was born just about 10 minutes later, early into february 29th . walter is also turning eight this year, but he sees a different. >> it was on a leap year. and that means that i am only two. >> reporter: it is part of the fun now, years later but this week is not just about celebrating, it is a time to show their appreciation. >> it was like the scariest
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time in our lives. >> reporter: the boys were born at 26 weeks and spent 69 days in the nicu at sutter alta bates summit medical center in berkeley. >> we promised ourselves in the nicu when things were pretty harrowing and uncertain that if we were able to bring them home that we would celebrate and express our gratitude every four years. >> we will invite all of our nicu nurses and doctors and friends and family. >> reporter: before the big gathering a few other special plans for these two on each of the birthdays. they get to choose dinner and dessert. and while their older brother bruce has been a constant in the lives, helping them to have fun around the house at all hours , last week their family got a little bigger when they welcomed bagel , their new puppy into the home. walter suggested the idea ahead of their birthdays. >> dogs are my favorite animal. and i really wanted a
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puppy. >> reporter: since their separate birthdays with the ly feme around every four years, these two have been looking forward to this week for the past 12 months. >> they are pretty good at sharing. and they are pretty good at sharing their birthday. but they definitely don't miss out on the opportunity to have their own thing on leap year. >> reporter: a time for the family to reflect on all that they went through and all that they can be thankful for in the year since. while encouraging the ericksons to leap ahead to adventures and excitement that await them in four more years. when they will get to do it all over again. happy birthday. that is it for the news at 9:00. coming up next is "the drew barrymore show". a comic and a singer will be on the show. for more local headlines including whether join us on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. when peter dickson led my platoon into combat
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in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad.
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next generation veteran fund i'm boy george. and today i'm co-hosting the drew barrymore show with drew barrymore, and special guest drew barrymore. oh, my gosh. this is such a magical show. right, drew? holy moly-oly, i'm surrounded by legends. [laughs] [music playing] [cheers, applause] hi, everybody. ooh, i've got my white suit on. i am ready to go. because we have such a special show--


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