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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  March 1, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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hey everybody, the weekend has arrived and thank you so much for joining us. it is friday, march 1st. >> ooh. let's do it. let's get started. >> like right now we're -- you know, snow is blowing. and, you know, i can't see the car in front of me. right? >> mother nature hitting the
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sierra right now in what could be the strongest and coldest winter storm of the season. and experts are warning not to take any chances. oh man, this is -- really exciting because we have not seen a storm like this in probably three years or so. four maybe. >> definitely a different tone for the ski company. the storm creating a blizzard boost. if you are going to bring a new police chief in, are they as good as or better than what you had? >> it's been a long waiting game in the search for oakland's next top cop. and now the four finalists face the community. now the outlet to curry. long three in transition. wow. >> vintage steph in what many call the mecca of basketball. the dubs keep on rolling and moving up in the west. so good morning to all of you. i'm nicole zaloumis. we are rolling into this friday. you know, it's a little quirky today but we're having fun and i think it's the weather. i'm going
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to blame everything onrain this weekend you guys. >> blame it on the rain. >> but it actually wasn' milli vanilli. >> terrence trent darby. >> something about which areris. >> i'm gianna franco. >> i'm reed cowan, we are rising to the occasion and taking a live look outside on this friday morning. the rain isn't going anywhere on this first alert weather day. beautiful shot from the bay bridge there. big weather headline is where a lot of us go and that's up to the sierra. monster snowstorm dumping a huge wad of snow right in the middle of the camera. we're calling out mother nature. clear off the camera. live look at highway 50 if you can kind of look left and look right around that intersection. because of the obstructed view snow blanketing the roads and our camera right there. and chp says just stay home. they've got a warning don't go out on the roads
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unless you are absolutely forced by an emergency to drive. if you have to drive between placer and nevada counties, put chains on your tires. >> all right, and so jess is watching all of that coordinating with our meteorologists and our reporters in the region. so cool that we have so many people on the ground both here and there. making sure that people stay safe. >> absolutely. but boy, is it chilly up there where a lot of us are as we're forecasting and reporting these conditions. up in the sierra. and back here in the bay and our virtual reality area. now as we wake up this morning and head out the door, back here in the bay before we dive up into the forecast up there, i want to talk about a couple of things. as we head into the afternoon hours today, it is going to get a lot rainier and a lot gustier. wind advisory in effect as we head into this afternoon and to add to that take a look at the current temperatures throughout the bay area real fast. these are upper 40s and lower 50s. which is okay for the morning because we know we're going to warm up just a smidge more into the afternoon. as this storm approaches us, into overnight hours tonight early morning hours tomorrow it's going to continue to dip the
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temperatures down even more to the point where tomorrow looking around me right now the current temperatures are actually going to be the daytime highs for our saturday forecast. put into that perspective. tomorrow is going to be a cool, wet and windy day for us here in the bay area. we're already starting to see that storm system really do some major damage for our friends up in the sierra right now. i mean, heavy snowfall is falling currently anywhere from donner over into echo summit and stretching down into kirkwood and everywhere in-between. back here in the bay of course we're at a lower level and so we're getting a whole bunch of rain from this exact same system and on and off showers currently in the forecast right now but the other thing to mention too. we've been talking a lot about the wind gusts up in the sierra, already seen a reported 145-mile-per-hour wind peak or wind gust at the peak of palisades. but back here in the bay, we're going to be dealing with some gusty conditions too heading into the next couple of hours and through the afternoon. 9:00, about 25-mile-per-hour winds off into the east bay. all the way into the lunchtime forecast, it's starting to get gustier along the coast up to 30 to 35 miles per hour. we continue to watch the gusty witness in the evening hours tonight and
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matched with some rain and that snow up in the sierra. we'll have more on that in a bit. for now over to you, g. thank you. let's talk about the roadways right now and i want to take you to the bay bridge and start off with a live look here for a couple of reasons. one we are dealing with slick surfaces out there because of the wet weather. be extra careful and especially later on today when we see a little more of it and as you head to the bay bridge on this friday morning, metering lights are already turned on. a little bit of backup. it's a minor backup. it's not too bad as you head into the city. making the route to -- ride over towards san francisco, you still have extra time to maybe have that extra cup of coffee. so but if you are taking westbound 24 to the area, just a heads-up. you are going to want to definitely leave a little bit earlier because there's a crash right around gate waive boulevard and no lanes where blocked but pretty slow heading through orinda this morning because of the accident. the massive and powerful storm is expected to stretch south. yosemite national park is actually telling people to leave because of the intense winter weather on the way. the
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park is expecting several feet of snow all visitors are being told to be out no later than noon today. our kelsi thorud was near truckee where the chp is warning people to stay off the roads. and staffing up to save the people who won't. >> reporter: well, you can see the snow is coming down here in truckee. it's been on and off really all day. but this is just the beginning of what is expected to be a very large storm coming through the area through the entire weekend. you can see i-80 right here behind me. this normally a very crowded road. right now, not a single car on the freeway. that is actually exactly what chp officials say they want to see. we got the chance to ride along with a chp officer earlier where he told us how they're preparing for this storm and what they're doing to keep people safe. officer chris patton knows this portion of interstate 80 like the back of his hand. he's been a chp officer in truckee for 17 years and has seen his fair share of
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big snowstorms. that's why he's taking this weekend's storm seriously. >> we're on high alert right now. basically like, this storm is coming. it's on the verge. it's on the other side of the hill coming this way. >> reporter: officer patton is one of hundreds of officers that will be patrolling the roads during this storm. doing his best to keep drivers safe and moving. >> if we're not getting any calls, we're constantly driving this freeway. and when we see a person stuck, we assist them. i mean, i have had luggage packed in this -- patrol car and people stuffed in here. we get them off the hill. we get them to safety. >> reporter: he says it's not uncommon for drivers to get stuck or slide off the road. >> like right now, we're -- you know, snow is blowing. and, you know, i can't see the car in front of me, right? if there is a car. >> reporter: officer patton says the best thing people can do is not drive when the weather gets bad. but of course, he knows some people
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have to. that's why officers have a variety of tools at their disposal to help. >> if we can, we utilize the push bumpers like big rig, for example. if -- it gets stuck on the hill, and can't get any traction, we can give them a little nudge and give them that traction they need. >> reporter: and for those of you that frequent this area, you know there's always a possibility that caltrans could shut down the freeway if conditions get too bad. that is a possibility that it could happen here this weekend if the forecast is accurate, but chp officials say they actually still patrol up the interstate even when it's closed just to make sure nobody is stuck up there. they say they are prepared for this storm and just hope everyone stays safe. >> kelsey, thank you for that report. we know it's cold up there. you see it here the heavy snow and strong winds. it has a risk of avalanche because near whiteout conditions near
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kirkwood. well, case in point. it's stopped the ski lifts there cold. and in fact, sierra-at-tahoe announcing they are also closed today too. and you know, bay area skiers holding out hope to get to the mountains as soon as the warnings and road closures are lifted. and shawn, you talked to people who are eager to get up there. reminds me of the high surf warnings and also those of you who want to hit the waterringly found the people who are going to listen to the guidance and do the right thing and that's to wait. >> reporter: the storm is going to be good news but it requires patience. we know it's a busy time up around tahoe as well. they had major events in february that bring out a lot of people. but the snow that. comes through this week could make for an even more exciting time up there once it's safe to travel again. as most of us are looking ahead to the weekend, the workweek is just beginning at california's ski company and they couldn't have asked for a better change in the weather as a blizzard blasts the sierra. >> oh, man. this is really exciting. because we haven't seen a storm like this in probably three years or so,
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four maybe. >> reporter: store manager greg winkels says they're expecting a lot of sales and rentals this weekend. >> we've been getting calls and we've been getting emails and people are trying to come in and buy the widest skis we have to get some of the deeper snow. i mean, this is really what we've been waiting for. >> reporter: they were keeping busy with some typical visits from customers at their berkeley store on thursday. people had appointments to get adjustments to skis and other gear, including dane wilcox. >> the plan was to have been going up tonight and skiing for a couple of days. just having -- a really nice time. >> reporter: he knew by morning, it was too late to take on the treacherous conditions on the roads up to tahoe. >> it was exciting to see and also like -- holy cow. [ laughter ] >> reporter: but he still is hopeful he can get up there if it's safer to travel by sunday and looking forward to enjoy what the storm brings to the resorts. >> outstanding, right? i mean, so far this season, usually storms have been measured in inches. now they're measuring
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them in feet. >> reporter: greg agrees and will hope to be up there in the snow early next week. >> oh. man. like, i'm a skier and i want to make sure everybody else has the same experience i have. i have a great experience every time i go ski. >> reporter: a storm that inconveniences them for at least a few days will hopefully make it up to them with a boost in business and by stretching out the season through april. and those that we talked to have a positive outlook on all of this. they may miss out on this weekend or a shortened trip because of the storm's dangerous conditions for travel, but extends the season by a couple of weeks and makes up for better snow next week, it will all be worth it. reed? >> all right. we will see you up there on the mountains there my friend. for those of you determined to get up there. information is power to keep you safe. we've got you covered on or you can download the free cbs news app. that is the way to keep you covered when we are not on television. first alert weather day coverage continues throughout the morning. and good morning to our neighbors in oakland where many
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of you had a chance to meet law enforcement put forward to mayor thao to fill the position of police chief. the forum held by the police commission which has often been at odds with mayor thao. that commission recommends six candidates this time. and four attended. you are looking at them. abdul pridgen and floyd mitchell and lisa davis and louis molina. the others are from out of town. all of them together at the forum emphasized building partnerships with the community to combat crime. one person in attendance said he appreciated the transparency in this process. but is unsure whether the candidates are ultimately the right fit for oakland. >> for the citizens of the city she'd have an opportunity to know where they are, where they came from, what are their qualifications and what can they do to improve the issues we have in the city and the question becomes can they do something about it. >> as reported yesterday, oakland's mayor sheng thao was
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no show. we'll be watching closely. looking live at san francisco where another politician considering the idea of trying to unseat mayor london breed. this time, supervisor aaron peskin told us last night he's thinking about jumping into the crowded race to unseat the mayor. peskin by the way has until mid-june to make the decision. time now 6:12. just the start of this storm that's packing the heaviest snow of the winter. we're live from what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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back to the first alert weather coverage in the bay area and all throughout the sierra where the latest snow surveys show improvement to the know pack. standing now at 77% of average at the phillips station. that's a big improvement from the 52% measured just in january. and this is how it looked in truckee last night. a rare blizzard warning now covering a 300-mile stretch from north of lake tahoe to south of yosemite national park and ashley sharp joins us now from the heavenly valley area in south lake tahoe. good morning to you. it's coming down hard now it looks like. >> reporter: hey, good morning
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jessica. yeah, coming down somewhat lightly. we saw, you know, it's coming in waves really. it was a little bit harder earlier this morning. nothing compared to yesterday. but it is lightly falling and the winds starting to pick up just a bit. really what we are seeing throughout the day is that only going to pick up in intensity. a snow-covered parking lot here and we are just outside of the henly village a popular spot of course for bay area skiers and snowboarders. the snow plows though, they have meant business all morning long. they've been out on the streets and they've been targeting the parking lots for folks who are in town. we have got a giant snow pile here off over smolder and this is accumulation not just really from this storm, but throughout the winter. but you can see just here how massive some of the snow plows are, just continuing to add in and pile on this morning. as they're trying to get much of south lake tahoe drivable as much as they can. so we've been
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talking to ski resorts for the past couple of days. we were at kirkwood yesterday expected to see the most snow in the storm possibly up to 12 feet through the evening. we spoke with some skiers and also resort management yesterday about what they're expecting to see as snow dumps and high wind blows. >> up there, the visibility is bad. it's windy. we've been -- we come out every year the last week of february. and we hope for a lot of snow. but the wind is something else right now. >> storms like this, we're going to just play it safe and hunker down and ride itout to the other side. and if we can open epsom terrain, that we're comfortable with, we'll definitely do that. >> reporter: again this is kind of the calm before the brunt of the storm. we've been just kind of enjoying this lighter snow lighter wind so far this morning. because we know come a few hours, it's really going to start picking up. now advice from the folks at heavenly at
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kirkwood, these popular bay area ski resorts for folks to come in. is really don't come if you don't have to. if you are already here, at the resorts they're going to try to get things open for you. but if you are sitting at home right now watching this, saying oh, we were -- we had lift passes for today. it's going to be best just to stay home at this rate because the roads, highway 50 is really a mess starting this afternoon. guys? >> all right, well, let's actually start off taking a look at highway 50 in just a minute. ashley sharp in south lake tahoe. thank you so much and you are right. it looks like it's coming down pretty light. i'm from vegas. whenever i see snow falling at any rate i think it's gosh it's heavy and it's crazy. but seriously what's going on here in the bay area and all the way up along highway 50. up into south lake tahoe. they are forecasting to see anywhere from 5 to 9 feet of snow anywhere from strawberry up into echo summit. it's worth
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noting the it's not worth hassle or the stress or the loss of potential life getting into conditions like this. you can get stuck on the roads. there's spinouts possible. not a lot of help with strong storms like this moving through when you are in the middle of the storm itself. of course afterwards, plenty. but as we see forecasted models anywhere up to around 12 feet high above 5,000 feet, this is not a joke of a storm. we have not seen the national weather service issue a blizzard warning in quite some time and that's the case for us this weekend. so i feel like we stressed it enough. this is not the weekend to head up to the sierra. so if you are staying local here in the bay area, i want to show here in the bay area as the snow falls up where ashley is at. the rain is fall back here in the bay area. as we wake up this morning and head out the door. let's take a look at how strong that's going to be for us. starting from now into the let's say 9:00 hour. already a quarter inch of rain up in the north bay. and we can continue to watch the storm sweep to the east up into the sierra as we head into the afternoon hours. we'll watch those storm showers really accumulate rain
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all throughout the bay area into the overnight hours tonight. over an inch expected from now all the way into our early morning hours tomorrow. and areas like bodega bay and concord and stretching over into pockets like santa rosa too. now heading all the way into the saturday afternoon forecast, notice these on and off showers they're pretty consistent for the most part. but we will get cloudy skies at times and then you see that rainstorm moving its way in. this is the season where we see those on and off showers really stay for long periods of time. so from now until sunday, even into our monday forecast, we're seeing lingering showers last for us here in the bay area. it's also worth noting that as the winds are really kicking up in the sierra, they're going kick up here too. in the morning hours, along our coast we can see about 30-mile-per-hour winds anywhere from san francisco down into half-moon bay. that lingers into our afternoon hours up near bodega bay and off into the east bay too and it could be gusty in the evening hours tonight. just along our coast. so lots of things to talk about and lots of things to break apart with this major storm as it moves its way in. i would say one of the favorite things to talk about too besides the rain and the wind has to do
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with our temperatures. because just two days ago i was at the park enjoying the sunshine and getting a nice tan on and i even got a little sunburn. but today cloudy skies and cooler temperatures and the temperatures continue to dip as we head into the forecast tomorrow. to the point where actually sitting in the upper 40s and lower 50s. not park weather on saturday. sunday we start to warm up and that's how we kick off early next week. gianna? all right, thank you. taking a look at the roadways right now. and taking a look at traffic just kind of from an overview. this is friday light in some spots. that's the good news. the bad news is the wet weather on the roadways. keeping a close eye on areas where we'll see more traffic. that's that east bay commute coming over towards the bay bridge or taking 880 and as we take a live look here at the bay bridge. they do have the metering lights on and they turned them on about 20 minutes ago and a minor backup. not looking that bad here at the bay bridge toll plaza, if this is the ride into san francisco
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coming off westbound 80. a few extra minutes because that's getting slow. but other than that, i think you are okay for now. but again, with that wet weather, and could be very unpredictable if there's a crash in that area. we'll keep you updated on that. there is a trouble spot clearing though westbound 24 as you work your way into orinda. that's getting a little bit better finally for commuters. reed? all right, thank you so much my friend. still ahead, 6:23 in the morning and still ahead. a canine and a crash and a mad dash to get help. a lot of peop
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now taking a live look on this friday morning. and this is how we are starting our weekend in the bay area. but the rain might ruin your plans on this first alert weather day. here's a look at the roads up in tahoe. this near interstate 80. blanketed in snow. that massive winter storm is making its way through the sierra projected to dump as much as 10 feet of snow. chain controls are in effect for people driving between placer and nevada county. but caltrans is advising people to stay home unless it's an emergency. well, meanwhile, all know the pets are intelligent but how smart are they? they can often surprise us and that's what happened to a michigan pet parent. >> melissa was driving with her dog ares and i love the name by the way and this is in michigan. when she got in a crash at an intersection.
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>> yeah, so ares jumped out of the open window and took off and melissa really had no idea where the dog was look at this. even while she thought ares was gone forever, this was what she was doing. >> he called me and said she's here and i literally sank to the ground. >> woof. turns out ares ran to the doggie daycare possibly trying to get help. look. trying to even get in the doorway. by the way the center is about a mile from the crash scene so she had to run and run fast and knew just how to get there. >> who's a good boy? >> ares. >> look at that puppers. >> free treats forever. >> fur ever. 6:27. as california enjoys a second robust winter in a row, calls for additional water storage may soon
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence
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against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. - temperatures cooling down as we head into the weekend and stronger onshore... ah, i stepped off the coast again. - the winds are really picking up. - fog spreading farther inland. - and in the north bay, you're gonna get soaked. (water splashing) - [narrator] presenting the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. - as i lift this, you can actually see... - [narrator] on kpix and pix+. (wind blowing) it's that real. (water splashing) - let's move on to the seven-day now.
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6:30 in the morning. and there's a love letter in the sky on a friday for you. we are looking live right there through the grids of the bay bridge. we hope everybody on that bridge is gearing up for a beautiful day. may it be so. and remember, our bridges are our symbols to stay connected as a community. and one thing that's going to connect us all as a common theme the rain. over the weekend, the bay area on a first alert weather day. and we know what comes down and it's wet here is frozen up in the sierra. this is an eye live in realtime. the roads as we
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track that sierra storm. this is on i-80. covered in snow. it's really a good idea to stay home if you can. says the chp. but if you are going out for an emergency, chain controls are in effect between placer and nevada counties. and caltrans says you just don't want to be traveling unless you are really needing to do something out there. >> looks miserable and i would never want to be on the roadways through there. especially like that. >> i feel like growing up here in the bay area and traveling up to tahoe, there have been so many instances where just comes out of nowhere, jessica, and you find yourself in those conditions. >> yeah, i have only ever done it once and had to put chains on the tires once and honestly, not my vibe. there's a reason why we live in the bay area. but as we take a look at what's going on for them, anywhere from strawberry stretching up along i-80 all the way into donner summit and down into truckee, there are a lot of issues out there on the road. 12 feet up snow into donner summit from soda
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springs. the reason why we're focusing so much on sierra right now is because this storm in the bay. it's really not meant for us. we're keeping a close eye on the sierra as they're dealing with the brunt of the storm. the fair share of rain for us here in the bay area but rain this whole season for us. not a huge event for us. nearly as much as the impacts up there are being felt with the snow amounts. now back here in the bay i want to start off with this. waking up this morning on top of first alert doppler being active also going to be dealing with some gusty conditions. not only this morning but heading into this afternoon with wind speeds expected to hit around 30 to 35 miles per hour along the coastline. and feeling that all the way in our inland areas too and this is just by the 1:30 hour. so as that storm continues to develop, moving in from offshore, we'll continue the watch the rainfall totals really add. here's just by lunchtime. our first alert doppler still very active and we continue to watch that storm sweep from the north to the south into our afternoon hours today. now keep in mind it's a friday. so a lot of us have the mentality of the weekend we can almost taste it but still take it slow out there on the roads.
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i mean, windy conditions and rainy conditions just don't match well especially as you are driving across the bay bridges and speaking of the bridges, how are they looking right now? noway, i was just taking a look at the bridges like the bay bridge and the golden gate bridge, san mateo bridge. they are looking a little bit slow in some spots especially the bay bridge. and again we do have the slick surfaces out there in some areas so be extra careful. zoom in here on 80 westbound that gets you to the bay bridge commute out of berkeley and emery i'll and that's starting to slow down a it l bit this morning. other than that, we're seeing the brake lights building slightly at the toll plaza. but you can see the roadways just a little bit wet heading into san francisco this morning. and with all that rain and snow lately across california many people would love to see a place to store all this water. and in fact, years ago, california voters approved funding for a new reservoir. and now that project is finally under way. the sites reservoir will be just north of the sacramento san joaquin delta and our wilson walker is giving us a closer look at
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developments there. >> nothing has been built like this in california for more than 30 years. >> reporter: it has been nearly 70 years since california took a look at the sites valley and saw the potential for a reservoir that could have been as large as shasta. the plan now is for something not quite that big. but still --truly massive. >> the peak that we see to the north is not even the northernmost location of the reservoir. >> reporter: sites authority director jerry brown says the long slow push to create this new water storage is moving ahead and the payoffs he says will be as large as the new lake itself. it will not dam a river which is good for the fish; instead, the water will be pumped up out of the valley. >> we're basically bringing water in off of the river during high flow periods. and storing it here in this valley. and then releasing it back out
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to be used or flow back into the river during dry periods. >> reporter: the natural bowl of limestone creating this valley does most of the work. only two relatively small dams are required. >> this gives you a nice angle on the -- scale of the dam. it's a large dam. but it's not huge. >> reporter: and of all the 180 miles of conveyance required to move the water to the reservoir and back out, only 15 miles of it have to be new. so when everything is built and the water is turned on -- >> the sites reservoir will be the eighth largest surface water storage reservoir in the state of california. >> reporter: so what happens to what's here? well, the community of sites and the valley where some members of the sites family still live, this would all be submerged. >> at this location, we'd be underwater about 300 feet. >> reporter: the authority is negotiating with landowners and most are said to be on board with the project. but many are reluctant to talk as the discussion now has dragged on
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for generations. >> 60 years and it's never happened. so you can imagine the fatigue that you might feel with people telling you you got to move and then no, you don't. but -- but i think they're getting to the place and they're older, where they understand the importance of this to the community. >> reporter: the state, with a big push from the governor, is trying to get things moving. a project design has been submitted and now the water right must be obtained. that is a big step. but it is expected to be cleared in the next year. >> after that, then we'll start construction in 2026. and we figure it's about a seven year construction period, so about the end of 2032. >> well, now to something you are going to be hearing a lot the next 48 hours. snow in the sierra. and record amounts at that. you know, with fear of whiteout conditions and risk of avalanche, cbs reporter carter evans joins us live from
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truckee with recipes this morning for how to survive the cold. just kidding carter. you are actually -- staying warm and keeping us informed right up there. >> reporter: i'm trying to stay warm. it's getting colder. it's in the 20s now. high 20s at least. this is donner pass road behind me and it is closed right now and just saw an suv go there and then made the eight decision and turned around and went back the other way. pretty hairy up there right now. we were driving up there yesterday. and it was pretty rough. and we've got a lot of snow since then. so i could just imagine how bad it is there now. and the snow is just going to keep getting worse throughout the day. along with the winds. we've already had reports of a 135-mile-per-hour wind gust. that is tremendous wind. we've also got a lot of snow on the roads right now. so chain controls are in effect. and at its peak, this storm could dump 2 to 5 inches of snow every hour. and then of course we're going to have those high winds on top of it. and in the truckee area, we may see winds up to 60 miles an hour. that
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could blow down trees and power lines and of course that's concerning people that the power could be shut off. so they were out grabbing supplies yesterday preparing to be indoors for perhaps the whole weekend. if they cannot get around as this snowstorm moves in. reed? >> all right, thank you so much. and please be safe out there. we appreciate it because we know a lot of people here in the bay area are considering going up this weekend. this storm is just going to get worse so for the updated forecast and the storm related closures head to or download the free cbs news app. nicole? it's time now for the look at this morning's other top stories. san francisco police say they have caught the arsonist who torched a pair of teslas in the city's soma neighborhood last weekend. security cameras caught him in action. the owner of one car was visiting from washington state and had to drive home in a rental. he told us police now believe the suspect is linked to a total of seven arson cases. president biden and former president trump made dueling
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appearances on thursday along the texas board we are mexico. biden was in brownsville where he urged trump to join him in pressing house republicans to help pass the senate's bipartisan security bill. 325 miles away, trump was in eagle pass. where she lashed out at biden, democrats and migrants. time now 6:38. the video game industry continues to shrink. the layoffs at two of biggest companies headquartered right here in the bay. and before we head to break, taking a live look from pine lake in san francisco. we can see the sun is coming up. and it's closed because of the wet and windy conditions. what do we have in store for today? and the rest of the weekend. meteorologist jessica burch has what you need to know
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- it's so fun to watch jessica in this space. - this is a look at those clouds right now in real-time,
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but let's head underneath this cloud layer and take a look at our rainfall... - [narrator] the virtual view studio, part of "morning edition." weekday mornings starting at 5 on kpix. time now for the money watch report. redwood based electronic arts plans to lay off 5% of its work force, that's nearly 700 employees. the company is also ending development of some game titles including a "star wars" game. the first person shooter was in early development. these are latest layoffs in the gaming industry. there have been cuts at microsoft gaming and riot games and earlier this week's sony's gaming arm in san mateo announced 900 job cuts as well. all right, it is "it's game time: unfiltered" and it is
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friday. the dubs playing better of late. but still might need even more guys to step up as they move up in the west. >> yeah, and the giants, they're back in action with the start of spring training. are more moves on the way to break that down and more, we're joined by 95.7 "the game" host mark willard. good morning to you, mark. >> good morning, gianna and nicole. how we doing today? >> we're good. we're good. >> good. >> i mean, where are you? are you on vacation? your background. >> the magic of just turning the computer around. but i -- like i should have done it sooner but it's usually a mess behind me. so -- we're finally ready. >> it looks fantastic. and i want to visit sometime. >> thank you. [ laughter ] >> all right. well, let's talk about warriors. warriors' head coach steve kerr said andrew wiggins is dealing with a personal issue and will be back at some point. who has to step up the most now with him out? >> and we don't know how long that's going to be. obviously very reminiscent almost the exact same time of year where
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this happened last year. the first answer is moses moody and he's kind of a fan favorite. this is really actually i think fun for the fans and they've been calling for him to get more minutes. and he was out of the rotation completely and then suddenly when wiggins was gone, he was thrown into the starting lineup. and now his three point shot wasn't working last nigh but he played great defense on the knicks' best player. the other one is jonathan kuminga. looking at them to be ready to step up and so far, so good. he has averaged 23 points a game in the two games that wiggins has been out and the warriors won both games on the road. >> all right, so let's stick with the dubs here because steve kerr got a two year, $35 million contract extension. that pays him more than any nba coach. do you think those two years will be the end of his run? >> really -- up in the air. because what you are seeing with this contract as well as many others is they're lining
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things up with steph curry. that's essentially the whole organization. i would expect the likelihood at the end of year is clay thornson resigns for two more years. and everything is lined up with steph curry. and then what happens around steph curry in this year and those two years after that, steph still want to play and i think everyone is lining up for that and then decisions will be made down the road. >> two years though. it seems so far away but not. and you know what i mean? just around the corner. >> it will happen fast. the giants back on the diamond but they might not be done adding talent to the roster. see free agents blake snell or chapman with the giants on opening day? >> here's my answer. we better be. the san francisco giants needed another starter in my opinion. already. and interest in beck recently was announced with an injury and sort of a mysterious timeline and they don't know when he's going to come back. chapman is a --
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third baseman and a you see the bat that he has right there. and he's been rumored he's got a history with bob melvin and been rumored all off-season. why nothing has happened yet i'm not sure. but blake snell may be the more interesting one. pitches really well against the dodgers. but the key point to note, the giants are further under the luxury tax penalties than almost any other major spending team out there. so they need him. and they should get him. they can fit him better than any other team. >> all right, we have to talk a little 49ers. and brandon aiyuk's future. the wide receiver is going to finish out his rookie deal next year. so is it going to get traded or is an extension possible? >> i really don't think he's going to be traded and i think you can just look at the timeline of john lynch's words right after the season. maybe it was emotion from the super bowl loss but he sounded so much more optimistic at the combine this week and lo and behold because the teams were
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given the new cap figures by the nfl and they're larger than expected. in other words i think this is where the 49ers want to spend it. so -- a likelihood of aiyuk getting an extension this off-season, definitely went up in the last couple of weeks. >> that's good to hear and we're feeling good about next season anyway. mark, we covered a lot. thank you so much for hanging out this morning. mark willard, 95.7 the game. we will talk to you very soon. >> anytime. >> always the best. okay, a live look at highway 50 in south lake tahoe. a lot of snow on the roadways already and look at that view and just one little car trekking along there. not expected to let up through the weekend. going to stick around for a minute. be extra careful as you are out and about. chain controls in effect between placer and nevada counties. but caltrans says you do not want to be traveling unless it's absolutely essential. it's an emergency. so we're hoping everyone out there stays safe during this storm when the weather is this bad. it's always, you know, better to stay inside if you can. >> yeah, and you don't have to take our word for it. why
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don't you look @ journalists who have to go outside and report in this miserable weather. >> case in point an iowa sports guy one december morning and then switched to the weather beat. >> how you feeling out there, mark? >> again, the same way i felt about eight minutes ago when you asked me that same question. can i go back to my regular job? >> he wants to be sports reporter. and then there's the other classic here in 2013 a weather reporter in milwaukee went viral after standing in the snowstorm for hours and decided i'm not going to mince any words about how this feels. watch. >> i have been here since what? 3:30 this morning. i don't know what time it is. 9:45. i'm exhausted and i have run out of things to say. it's snowing and it sucks here. [ laughter ] >> angelica, welcome to real milwaukee. >> i mean, the standing ovation and applause for her. you know, keeping it real. but she said what probably every single person heading to work that day
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was thinking. >> it sucks. >> it sucks. it does. >> angelica looked great for having been out there in the snow for hours on end. >> she did. >> frozen and preserved. speaking of looking great, for hours on end. our own kelsi thorud has been bearing the freezing cold weather herself and spent all day out there yesterday with her photographer jim. >> do i look as bad as you do? >> no, you probably do on your back, turn around. yeah. [ laughter ] >> you are like -- you -- [ inaudible ] >> these are big snow flakes. do i look like snowman yet. >> uh-huh. i didn't say -- >> put my hand out? carrot in it. >> thank you. go back. >> oh. oh. in the hair. >> dust it off. >> get it off. >> i mean file like one of those meme who would literally make the most out of a situation. i'll do it and i'm here and let's go. >> i agree. but i'm sure deep down in her heart she's also
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thinking this sucks. [ laughter ] there's no way you can be out there for that long if you are not skiing or doing something fun and thinking to yourself, oh, yeah. i love. >> do you have a weather graphic that says this sucks? >> it's right behind me. it's really doing some major damage when it comes to snowfall totals up there and that's happening right now in live time and lasting throughout the afternoon hours today. early morning hours tomorrow and lingering into our sunday forecast as that expires. now anywhere from # thousand feet and above, they can see 5 to 12 feet of snow. it's not just the snow that we're concerned about though. it's the wind speeds too. palisades, just yesterday, last night reported 145-mile-per-hour wind gust at the peak of palisades and it's worth noting that that's not even the brunt of the storm. that's happening as we head into the afternoon hours today and early morning hours tomorrow. as that storm really wrings out all of its moisture over the sierra over us here in
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the bay area and everywhere up in the pacific northwest. so let's talk a little bit more about this storm because it is active right now on our first alert doppler. on this weather day. as we head up to the sierra, we now know it's snowing heavy for them but starting to pick up a little bit for certain pockets of the bay area right now. moderate pockets of rain near marin and a similar trend along the peninsula as it moves in from the pacific northwest and will continue to watch the showers move off into the east throughout the next couple of hours. heading into the afternoon hours today, ramps up up in the north bay close to around 2:00 areas like santa rosa and bodega bay getting close to around a quarter inch of rain. we watch those rainfall totals really add up near san francisco too. into the evening hours tonight. this rain continues to sweep throughout the bay area. we're left with unsettled weather tomorrow morning. if you are thinking of doing the outdoor activity like probably all of us were because it's the bay area. this is what we have. on and off showers all throughout the saturday forecast. on and off showers all throughout our sunday forecast too. it's not until monday where we start to see a little boyfriend a break
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but i'll show you that coming up in just a bit. wind speeds. not only breezy for the friends in the palisades. 30 to 40-mile-per-hour wind gusts along the coastline today heading into this afternoon. with a similar taste off into the east bay too. there's a lot talk about. i feel like i'm almost out of breath. there's a lot of activity weather for us here in the bay area today. we talked about winds and we talked about rain and we talked about the sierra. let's talk about temperatures. because just two days ago i'm not sure if you guys remember it but we were talking about upper 60s and lower 70s all throughout the inland areas and it was beautiful and almost felt summer like. and i'm really hesitant saying that word but almost felt like summer. take a look at tomorrow. as the storm moves its way from from the gulf of alaska bringing in such cold dense air, upper 40s and lower 50s by saturday. afternoon showers into the monday forecast and lingering showers
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into tuesday and wednesday. there's sunshine off in the distance. we have to get through the next few days ahead of us. keep that in mind. thursday, thursday, thursday. sun. but yes, we have to get through the weekend and part of next week to get to that thursday. we get a little bit better conditions and what we have is some slick roadways out there this morning. couple of headlines. two things with traffic. the first is you are going to have some wet weather here and there so keep that in mind. but the other one is a little bit better. it is friday light. the bay bridge, a minor backup here. the slowest approach off westbound 80. we're seeing some of the brake lights but other than that, everything is actually moving at a pretty decent pace. tracking some slight delays westbound 580 heading into the castro valley area because of a crash. but other than that look at all the green as we peek here overview map and actually seeing pretty decent travel conditions over all. so again
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two hotspots westbound 80 heading to the bay bridge little slow t the toll plaza and the westbound 580 drive in the castro valley y. but other than that doing okay overall for the most part but again with wet weather something to think about because look at this. now a live look here at the golden gate bridge which looks foggy in some spots. so keep that in mind. thank you so much g. good morning to the friends in martinez. what a charming downtown corridor that is. looks like martinez is not getting pounded with rain right now. yes. a little bit overcast. but maybe you are going to have a good go of it and maybe you can eat out on those patios today for lunch. we'll ask jess when we come
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- [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+.
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6:56 and let's talk about those roadways as we get ready on friday. look at this. where's everybody going? getting where they need to be safe and sound thankfully and the traffic at the bay bridge is winding down. not a bad commute heading into san francisco right now. now the one thing you do need to keep the mind though as we take a look at the maps and we borrowed jess' radar so you can kind of see some areas where we're getting that wet weather. it might be slick out there in some spots. throughout the day as well. so certainly keep that in mind. it is a little slow westbound 80 richmond into berkeley. but other than that, that's really our only hotspot right now. the rest of the bay area freeways
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and bridges look pretty good right now. all right, let's take a live look outside on this beautiful friday morning. and it is soupy out there. yes. indeed. but listen. the rain is what makes us beautiful. we have the green hills and we're known for all of the beautiful outdoor places and this is just how we pay for it friends. how i'm looking at it. >> positive. >> otherwise jess, this sucks. a live look on interstate 80 and you can see here -- this moving shot from atop this vehicle. with all the fancy antennas. it's blanketed in snow. people have the lights on in the daytime to make sure they are seen on the road. it's dumping as much as 10 feet quickly of snow. what does that mean? you got to put chains on your tires. if you are going to go through placer and nevada counties. caltrans though saying look at this. appreciate it from home and don't go out unless it's an outright emergency. >> yeah. i mean we can appreciate it from this
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perspective for sure. let's appreciate this here. at home. chase center where there's going to be some fun stuff happening after a brief break from his tour. puerto rican artist bad bunny will be back on stage right here in the bay. >> [ singing in a global language ] >> the grammy winning artist is on the road with a brand newover the top most wanted tour. at chase tonight and tomorrow. the elaborate megashow as four hits from the five top selling albums. ♪ then i can have this moment for life, for life, for life ♪ it's time for the barbz to unite. nicki minaj is kicking off the 2024 pink friday two world tour at oakland arena. the hip hop queen has 36 shows in the country and all starts here tonight and still
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debating. is that ai drake. >> every time see drake i smell. i don't know why. >> yep. it's my turn. >> i was thirsty. coming up -- excitement is growing for the oakland ballers to begin playing this season. but they have an exclusive announcement -- i wish you could join me heren set with these two. join us on pix+ 44 cable 12. we're going to be there. and there's more to come nicole. >> csi vegas returns with a ♪ cue the trumpets on this first day of march already. welcome to "cbs mornings" and hello to you, our viewers on the west coast. i'm gayle king. >> i'm tony dokoupil. >> i'm nate burleson. >> we're all here, let's go to today's "eye opener." it's your world in 90 seconds. texas battles its largest wildfire ever while a massive blizzard could bring up to 12 feet of snow in california.


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