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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 530pm  CBS  March 1, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

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>> a little bit over 25 years, almost 26 years. >> reporter: for a quarter century hamid amadilla has surrounded himself with gold and all things precious. >> i love the jewelry business. >> reporter: but almost two years ago that love was put to the test. >> as soon as they walked in, one bear sprayed me in the face and one held the door open and another eight to ten guys started breaking up my cases. >> reporter: his santa clara store was hit by an organized smash and grab. he lost thousands of dollars in merchandise. >> life has to go on. >> reporter: with the fate of law enforcement on the ballot in santa clara, hamid is closely watching measure b because as a victim of crime, safety is a top priority. >> if my customers don't feel comfortable coming inside the store to shop, if they're afraid that inside the store somebody is going to attack them or something like that is going to happen, of course, it's going to reflect on our business. >> reporter: measure b will decide how the city of santa clara will choose its next
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police chief. currently the city elects its top cop, but council member james, hardy and jahal want to change the city charter to fall in line with every other city in the state of california. >> we currently are the last city in the state of california with an elected chief of police. >> reporter: currently only a santa clara resident can run for police chief and james says that limits the pool of qualified candidates. >> the pool that we have for the elected chief of police is only ten officers that are from santa clara pd that live in the city out of 153 sworn officers. >> reporter: yes on measure b would change that. >> i think we all think that it's time for to us evolve and adopt a procedure that seems to work for over 470 other cities in the state and we're the only ones that are hanging onto this old, archaic system. >> reporter: lisa gillmor, who has been mayor of santa clara
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since 2016, opposes measure b and says she takes pride in getting elected by residents in 2022. >> it was a pretty amazing experience to be chosen by the residents of our community to represent them and to have the trust of the community. >> reporter: and she believes the chief of police should have the same accountability to the voters. >> the chief lives here. the chief works here. the chief engages with the community on a regular basis. >> reporter: and along with the mayor, the police union also opposes measure b and put up a giant billboard along el camino real for all residents to see. >> i'm really proud of that. i'm proud of the fact we're the only city that elects our police chief. we have 55,000 residents that vote for a police chief. santa clara's never been a city that follows what others are doing. we are an independent community. we have done a lot of things that other cities don't do. >> reporter: for hamid whose business sits in santa clara but lives in gilroy, while he
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cannot vote on the measure, he's truly invested in the outcome of measure b after being a victim himself. >> i just want somebody that is going to care so this thing doesn't happen to another family or another business owner. i just hope whoever the chief is going to be that they're going to make some changes for the future. >> and the current chief pat nikolai also opposes measure b and if it passes, he may go down as the last elected police chief in the city of santa clara and state of california. regardless what happens, the chief's job will not be impacted. he announced he's going to retire the end of his term. we spoke with the voter registrar for napa county. they say they've only gotten back 14,000 of the 83,000 ballots mailed out, less than 17%, compared to more than 23% at this time in the last election. >> taking a live look from san francisco where the most tenured member of the board of
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supervisors is concerning a run to unseat mayor breed this november. >> wilson walker with a look at how this could shake up the race. wilson? >> reporter: well, liz, we were standing here exactly at the beginning of the week, monday, in much more favorable weather talking about the mayor's race and the big question we said was whether or not someone gets in on the progressive side of the spectrum in san francisco. it looks like that is about to happen. if it does, it would involve someone who has been around san francisco politics for a very long time. >> i'm going to knock on some neighborhood organizations' doors, hear what people are saying and make a decision in the weeks and months ahead. >> reporter: supervisor aaron peskin says the decision is still being made. we caught up with him in chinatown, but he's about to start feeling things out beyond his district. >> but i want to go put my toe in the water in the excelsior
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and in the mission and in the sunset and the richmond and i'm going to do that in the weeks ahead and see whether there's an appetite out there. >> because there's sort of a crowded field with some similar messages, he's going to be able to stand alone having a message i think resonates with his core voters. >> reporter: political science professor jason mcdaniel is talking about the much discussed progressive lane available in the mayors race, a label mcdaniel said would fit peskin well. >> i also think he's the kind of progressive that is not necessarily a turnoff to other voters. he's somebody who has been around a long time, over 20 years. >> yeah, it's true. aaron's one of the longest tenured members of the san francisco political class in history. >> reporter: alex clemmons is a long time communications consultant, lobbyist and observer of san francisco politics. he has been digging through the record books and peskin's tenure is a remarkable one. >> he served two terms on the
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board of supervisors, first elected at age 35, 36. >> i think everybody should be pleasantly surprised. >> he departed because we have a two consecutive term limit. that's important to remember. >> reporter: it was a seven-year break, but a twist of fate brought a special election and two more full terms. >> making 17 years of service. there's only one person in the history of san francisco who has served on the board of supervisors longer than 17 years and that's a guy named dewey meade who you have not heard of. >> suppose for a moment he runs for mayor. he wins. >> i believe aaron peskin would surpass dewey meade and would surpass dianne feinstein, who also has 18 years of service, though combined as supervisor and mayor. >> reporter: any concern that with so many people frustrated over the state of the city, they look at someone with a lot of experience and hang that on you? >> listen, people have to make choices. >> reporter: the supervisor has a choice to make of his own. does he claim the progressive baton to make a run for the mayor's office at a
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time when by his own admission the city is in trouble? >> let's be honest. i've gone back and forth on this. i'm weighing it again and i'm warming up to the idea. >> reporter: he's weighing this decision and who knows? a couple months still for supervisor peskin or someone else to jump into this race. we'll see how that unfolds. progressive is a word that means different things to different people. i'm sure people out there would be angry progressive is attached maybe to mr. peskin's housing policy. so we're kind of simplifying things here on the very front end of this, but as we get closer to the race, liz, boy, this is going to be a big year for politics in the city as peskin himself acknowledged. the city is sort of in a bit of trouble. that will all sit on top of this race as we get closer to november. >> wilson, please go inside and dry off. thank you for that
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report. in the race to become california's next u.s. senator, republican steve garvey appears to be gaining momentum according to the latest poll from the institute of governmental studies at uc berkeley. it finds garvey with 27% support and congressman adam schiff with 25%, within that margin of error. representatives katie porter and barbara lee round out the top four. the top two candidates advance to november. we were there as congresswoman lee cast her vote today in her home district, at prescott school in oakland. >> for more information on the races heading into the california primaries on super tuesday, head to the u.s. is set to begin airdropping additional food and supplies to palestinians in gaza. president biden revealed the plan friday during an oval office meeting with the prime minister of italy, saying the aid will begin in the coming days. this development comes just a day after more than 100
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people were killed when israeli troops opened fire on civilians gathered around food aid trucks in gaza city. according to eyewitnesses, many were killed in an ensuing stampede as people ran from the gunfire. >> innocent people got caught in a terrible war unable to feed their families and you saw the response when they tried to get aid. we need to do more and the united states will do more. >> the biden administration has been involved in ongoing negotiations for a temporary ceasefire in the israel-hamas war. up next, a major lawsuit from workers at tesla's fremont factory moving forward, the key decision. plus a former giants fan favorite - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here.
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- it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+.
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tesla has failed to derail a class action lawsuit with allegations of racial discrimination and harassment
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at its fremont plant after a california judge ruled nearly 6,000 black factory workers can sue the automaker as a group. reuters reports the plaintiff in the case alleges tesla failed to prevent racial harassment, including use of racial slurs, graffiti and nooses hung at workstations. tesla pushed back against the claim saying it has fired employees who engaged in racial harassment. this is just the latest legal challenge that tesla has faced over alleged racial discrimination. in honor of the start of women's history month, we look at a unique exhibit honoring women in a typically male-dominated industry. the exhibit is called "the sisters of the road tour," a photo series highlighting women in america's trucking industry where only 7% of drivers are female. the exhibit includes veterans of the industry who say they've seen how trucking has evolved over the years. >> the truck stops were beginning to cater more to women as in putting two towels
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in the showers and a hair dryer, right, which makes a big difference. they're starting to sell products in the truck stops now, that you know, for women. it's generally accepted that women drive trucks. >> the exhibit kicks off today in san francisco before heading to houston and little rock and then finishing in louisville. still ahead, what can artificial intelligence do for you? how companies are trying to integrate the technology into things you use every day. spring training well underway. fans in san francisco pretty unhappy one guy isn't with the team in arizona. even worse, that guy took shots at the organization on friday. plus if you want to see future division i basketball talent and live in the city, you don't have to travel far. we'll introduce you what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton
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in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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paul, it's quite the day, rain going sideways and now the highway shut down in the sierra. >> we emphasized for days leading up to it don't travel into the sierra. the roads are likely to shut down and this is pretty much the time when we expected it to happen, the most intense snow and most intense wind is arriving in the highest elevations. this is the live view of i-80 eastbound at castle peak, just west of donner summit. you can see, well, these vehicles aren't
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going anywhere because now the interstate is closed. of course, they'll try to get the ones in between the turn-around spots off the road, but it's going to be slow going through the next several hours for even those folks because the snow will continue to intensify. you can see the deeper shades of blue, the snow equivalent of heavy downpours. it's snowing at the rate two of to 4 inches an hour picking up to 3 to 5 inches an hour through this evening. around the bay area it's rain, quite a bit in spots. the band of rain that extends from solana county through contra costa county into san francisco has been training along the same line. it will budge through the next 30 to 45 minutes or so. there has been quite a bit of rain in downtown san francisco in the past 60 minutes, even a cloud-to-ground lightning strike in the vicinity of the bay bridge an hour ago. there's another band of heavy rain that extends from eastern alameda county through santa clara county back into the southern end of san mateo county in the santa cruz mountains. these heaviest
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downpours would be enough to lead to a localized flooding threat if they parked in place long enough, but they aren't going to do that. the rain showers and individual cells are moving along, but this is the most intense rain throughout the duration of this system. it will continue through much of this evening, everything driven by the cold front that is making its way across the bay area. it's going to deliver temperatures that will be 10 to 15 degrees below average as we head through the weekend. by tomorrow morning we're back to our familiar pattern of off-and-on light to moderate rain showers. it's not going to be a dry day, but there will be breaks here and there replaced by another band of rain moving through. this is the pattern tomorrow night and to start the day sunday. the livermore half marathon, 5k and 10k for the end of the chinese new year festivities in san francisco, bring the rain gear and layer up. it will be chilly early sunday morning and more showers are possible through the rest of sunday. the winds of strong in the 30 to
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40-mile-an-hour range for the strongest gusts, even a 53-mile-an-hour gust at sfo the top of the hour. it's enough to move you around on the roads, even sporadic power outages. you may want to charge everything up to be on the safe side this evening. let's talk about how much rain we expect the next seven days. there are more rain chances farther down the line. we're talking 1 to 2 inches of total rain. it's not enough to lead to significant flooding threat through the next seven days. really most of that will be concentrated in the next five days. finally by the tail end of the seven-day forecast, we will see things settling into a calmer pattern with the return of near average temperatures and more sunshine across the bay area. you have to wait until thursday and friday of next week for that to arrive. let's look at our futurecast wind gusts as we head through the rest of tonight into tomorrow. the strongest winds are being driven by the cold front, but the winds will be noticeable as
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we head through the day saturday, some 20 to 30-mile-an-hour gusts occasionally gusting over 30 miles an hour. the peak of energy of the storm system is moving across the bay area at the moment and next several hours. over the weekend it won't be convenient for outdoor plans, but things should gradually head in a calmer direction. lingering showers sunday and a different system moving around the same parent storm system gives us additional showers monday and tuesday, maybe a few leftover showers wednesday. it's possible the forecast dries out by wednesday. it's more likely it dries out by thursday and friday next week with finally a return to temperatures that will feel like march as opposed to the january temperatures that we have over the weekend. >> thanks, paul. we'll switch over to juliette for what's ahead at 6:00. >> we'll have a live report from the sierra. kelsi thorud
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spent the day in truckee where some businesses are staying open despite the heavy snow. plus new housing ready for people to move in if only pg&e would turn on the lights, how the utility is accused of making the housing crisis worse. plus security cameras didn't scare away these burglars in oakland, the mess left behind for a string of small businesses ransacked overnight. that is coming up at 6:00. let's go to matt and some sports. hey there. >> thanks, jules. the warriors are in toronto going for their eighth straight win on the road, toronto leading at halftime. we'll get to that at 11:00. steph curry is one step closer to having his own starting five. steph's wife ayesha announced the couple is expecting their fourth child later this year. brandon crawford signed with the cardinals, still hurts to hear. earlier this week that went down, but today he told the athletic he wanted to return to the giants and was willing to accept a backup
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role. he says the bottom line is i was not wanted back by the one person who matters. crawford was referring to team president farhan zaidi and adding, "i was told i could earn the last shot on the roster like anyone else as a nonrester invitee. that was the nail in the coffin." that's not good news for giants fans to hear. we are deep in the basketball brackets, not for march madness, but the cif postseason tournament. one local school has a chance to make history with a roster that could be remembered for generations. they may just be high schoolers, but the reardon boys basketball team doesn't play like it. >> it's unexpected for a regular high school team. >> this junior is referring to the amount of talent the crusaders employ, something college coaches have clearly noticed. >> they always said you're at
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the top. >> head coach joey kurtin said they have seven players who have either committed to di programs. >> i was here my freshman year and it was an amazing experience, went pretty far, had a lot of good talent. i want to come back to the reardon family and be able to play high school basketball again. >> stacked is an understatement for their talent. one star, sophomore andrew hillman from cameroon. hillman is still getting accustomed to america, but he already has seven di offers. >> maybe the school and in-n-out. >> reporter: what's your order? >> double-double, fries and a steak. >> reardon hasn't won a state title since 2002. this junior knows a thing or two about that. his dad played for the team. >> being another tofy at
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reardon means a lot and putting another state championship on the wall means a lot. >> reporter: there are no prima donnas on this team despite the college pedigree. they know this opportunity is rare. >> every kid's got a dream in high school to win a state championship, kind of make history. so we haven't won it since 2002. it would be a big time win for us and big time moment. >> to have a team with seven different kids who either have committed or have di offers is unheard of. you guys were just saying they don't look like high schoolers. >> they're huge. >> no. they're huge. i feel like we're looking at potentially future warriors there, too. >> potentially. i'm 26 and show up and i'm like hello, sir. where are the high schoolers playing? it's a little awkward. >> good for them. >> good reardon. next tech when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan,
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he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. democrats agree. with democrat katie porter. conservative republican steve garvey
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is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband...
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the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. artificial intelligence is changing our world. >> we all know that. tech companies are incorporating ai in everything from our phones to the operating room. bradley blackburn with that story. >> reporter: robotic surgery has been around for years, but doesn't give surgeons the same people as a hands-on operation. that may be changing. this robot uses artificial intelligence to send sensory feedback to the hand devices so surgeons can feel when they're
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touching tissue. it's just one of many ai products on display at the mobile world congress tech show in barcelona. this smart watch from double point connects to your device and allows you to use your fingers like a mouse to navigate through apps. >> every time you tap your fingers, there's a certain vibration that occurs and that we can pick up with the sensors that are already in our smart watches. >> reporter: the company humane is selling a $700 ai pin that's operated with your voice. >> barcelona is approximately 1.609 million people. >> reporter: the device can project information to your hand and allows you to scroll with your finger movements. ai is all the buzz right now, but some experts say too much too soon could come with a backlash. >> this is a risk because from a consumer perspective if a lot of these brands that you see around us are just throwing ai in as buzz words, it risks becoming increasingly meaningless because ai does not
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mean a lot to consumers. it's what it actually enables. >> reporter: right now it enables this lenovo laptop to create a transparent display. on this phone it can turn text commands into a picture instantly. analysts believe this is just the beginning and ai will eventually transform technology. that's it for the news at 5:00. cbs news bay area bay area with juliette goodrich starts right now. >> thank you. a large tree collapses in golden gate park and a monster storm in the sierra now, the most intense part of the powerful weren't storm. this first alert weather day, exceptional wind in the sierra and whiteout conditions that will continue well into the weekend. i'm tracking it all in the first alert forecast. this is where we need it. we're excited.
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>> blowing snow and whipping winds, the snow is dumping in the sierra, but not everyone is heeding the warning to stay off the roads. >> it can really make the roadway literally disappear in front of your eyes. >> what it's like for locals riding out the storm. >> hey, juliette, i'm here in south lake tahoe and the wind has picked up. from snowshoeing to the grocery store -- >> have like an hour and a half to walk, so -- >> to selling girl scout cookies. plus brand-new housing sitting empty because pg&e hasn't turned on the power. >> all that needs to happen is we need to connect the building to the electrical grid. >> how the utility is accused of making the bay area's housing crisis even worse. plus burglars didn't care that cameras were rolling, the mess left behind for a string of small businesses ransacked in oakland. >> so it's really


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