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tv   The Late News  CBS  March 2, 2024 2:06am-2:35am PST

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we've been getting wild weather all day. torrential downpours, whipping wind, thunder and lightning just a mix of everything. we'll have more on that in just a few minutes, but first let's get you up to the sierra. take a look. this is video exactly why people have been warned just to stay away this weekend. it's an absolute mess. this is along highway 80 heading into the sierra. trucks, big rigs just stopped right now. the road shut down for hours and truckers and drivers are just
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stuck. this is why the highway is closed. blizzard conditions are creating an absolute whiteout and travel nightmare right now. here's how it's looking in downtown truckee. look at all the snow in the past 24 hours. everything buried. you need snow shoes just to walk around town. that's where kelsi thorud is right now. i won't waste your time, take it away! >> reporter: yes, blizzard conditions is what we're seeing right now. it's super gusty. we're in downtown truckee right now. this is probably the worst we've seen it since we've been out here all evening. you can see just the snow swirling in the middle of the road here behind us and dumping down. this is by far the worst i think we've seen it since we've listen here, like i said. but it's been consistent. the winds really picked up into the evening. but earlier today we were driving around town just to see how the locals are kind of dealing with
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this storm. we met a ton of people who were out earlier today, even a few surprises. the snow blowers, shovels, and plows were out in full force friday doing their best to keep the roads and sidewalks clear. >> we got people stuck in a snow pile. >> reporter: there was barely a time in the day snow wasn't falling, making a headache for drivers trying to get around. >> i'm about to go home and not leave for the next couple of days! >> reporter: for the most part, businesses stayed open. but that may not be the case this weekend. the storm is expected to last through sunday, and locals told us they can already sense it's going to be a big one. >> a lot of times we have the forecasts that look sort of shocking, and then they drift downward. this one seems to be drifting upward.
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>> reporter: at the local grocery store, we spotted a woman snow shoeing. she hiked two miles from her home to get some essentials. >> i fell twice so i went back and got the snow shoes. i thought the weather was nice to go out. >> reporter: also braving the weather at the same grocery store, the local girl scout troop. he told me they weren't about to let any storm ruin what was supposed to be their first day selling cookies. >> turned out to be a snow day. it was originally going to be 4:00 to 6:00, but turned out 1:00. >> reporter: so you guys were dedicated and wouldn't let the snow stop you! >> you are brave, thank you so much for supplying our community with cookies, and good lucks with the girl scouts. >> reporter: while the weather may have helped the girl scouts sell cookies, it was a pain for everyone else trying to get around town. conditions only deteriorated as the sun fell,
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and everyone is now just bracing for more to come this weekend. and you know with the weather looking like this, i doubt the girl scouts will be able to get back out to the safeway tomorrow. we're expecting even more snow here overnight. they're expecting anywhere from a few feet and more in the higher elevations. some people that live around here may wake up in the morning and have trouble getting out of their house. now, before i toss it back to you, we had, i don't know if you saw last night, we had a couple people who may or may not be named sara and sophie making fun of us for having to stand out here. >> not cool! >> reporter: yeah, not cool! so jim and i made a beautiful little snow friend. he's surviving the wind, so we got a friend out here. we're not all alone. it's a nasty storm, but we're still trying to have a little fun.
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>> oh my goodness. only a couple people out there. i won't be annoying and ask you a question, i'll just say thank you and thank you jim! get on in there and get safe! i'm cold just watching! now back to the storm hitting here at home. paul heggen is tracking everything. paul, what can we expect in the next few hours? >> more bands of rain moving across the bay area. we'll track those momentarily. want to look at a different perspective from the high country. this is from i-80 at donner lake road. we've lost some of the feeds from the cameras at the highest elevations, including donner pass. but you can see i-80 is just deserted, the snow whipping past the camera lens. the wind gust exceptional with this storm system. the the blizzard warning continues through 10:00 a.m. sunday. wind gusts over 100 miles per hour. the strongest gusts so far, one of the peaks above palisades tahoe, 190 miles per hour.
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right now we have rain scatter across the bay area. not as widespread or heavy, but still locally heavy over the bay and extending into the east bay over the oakland hills into the neighborhood of danville. we have more showers in the north bay as well. little lighter. that's going to be the kind of activity that takes over. more heavy downpours, including some moving through the santa cruz mountains. the whiteout lines indicate some urban and small stream flooding warnings, but those will be allowed to expire. some gusty winds out there, but not as strong as earlier, so things trending in a calmer direction. but the wind advisory continues through 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. we will track the rain, snow, wind hour by hour coming up in a few minutes. >> all right, paul, thank you. it's not exactly blizzard conditions, but we've been getting walloped by the storm bringing a mixed bag of pretty much everything. as andrea nakano shows us, one car was in
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the wrong place at exactly the wrong time. >> reporter: around 5:30 tonight in san francisco, a falling tree smashed into this car sending four people to the hospital. this happened on laguna street and golden gate avenue as the car came to a stop. the fire department says all suffered minor injuries. it was just about a month ago when another storm caused this tree to come crashing down onto five cars in golden gate park, putting 11 people in danger. only two were injured. the rain was furiously falling as well in the east bay. sheets of it coming down in berkeley, drenching this parking lot. and on the roads, cars were splashing through flooded streets. in the north bay, cars came to a crawl as drivers battled the pounding rain on their windshields, and tightly grabbed their steering wheels to avoid drifting in the wind.
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and a muddy mess in the south bay on highway 9 as a mud slide blocked the road. on the coast, people were being warned to stay away from the crashing waves, but that didn't stop this person from trying to catch a wave near golden gate bridge. the rain and wind has let up a little bit at this hour, but it was really coming down earlier tonight. this combination has caused quite a mess here in the bay area. >> andrea, thank you. and we're keeping an eye on the storm all weekend long. head to for the latest updates on the weather in your area. now late breaking news with the giants. matt lively is here to tell us the team just dropped some big money on a free agent. >> yes, while they didn't get
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ohtani, the giants are still making moves. multiple reports say they signed matt chapman to a three-year deal worth $54 million. he played the last two seasons with the toronto blue jays, but previously spent time in oakland under bob melvin. he adds a power bat in the middle of the line up. maybe most importantly he's won two platinum gloves and four gold gloves. san francisco added jorge soler a few weeks ago. power is coming to oracle park. the move comes after the giants were called out by brandon crawford on friday. he said he wanted to return and he claims the giants were not on board for that. so maybe this lessens the blow of not getting crawford back. >> oh yeah that hurt. he's a hometown kid. >> yes, and now he's a st.
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louis cardinal. this at least, the band-aid doesn't hurt as much. >> but not a done deal yet, right? >> it's reported, but the giants haven't come out and said this has happened, but we have multiple reports including espn. so it seems like it's pretty legitimate. >> all right, matt, thank you. okay, imagine this, being on the road and seeing this in the sky in front of you. the california twister that stopped drivers right in their tracks. and this is the last place you'd want to be on a bridge. why this crash was actually very lucky for the driver. and some furry friends could be the key to helping some kids learn one of the most important life skills. we'll be right back. (upbeat music) - this is the new pix+ with the only 8:00 and 9:00 pm news, the primetime edition: weeknights on the new pix+. 44 cable 12. (bell chiming) what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant.
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a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. video of a tornado, we'll bring if paul heggen to talk through this one with us. the
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tornado formed outside of fresno this afternoon. we're seeing initial reports it didn't really touchdown? >> it did touchdown. when they first touchdown, there's a gap between the lower part of the funnel and the dust cloud at ground level. when they first touchdown they're basically transparent because they're just made of air and water. you see the full funnel once it's picked up some stuff. >> fortunately it didn't cause any damage, but wow certainly scary certainly with all the weather conditions we have right now. nothing is out of sorts, i guess. >> yes, who would have had multiple tornadoes in california as of march 1st on their bingo card for 2024. and of course things continue to be wild weather-wise. especially in the sierra. take a look at the web cams. this is crazy. from the central sierra snow lab, they have four cameras pointing different directions with the snow flying by. the
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strongest wind gust measured so far, 190 miles per hour at one of the peaks. exceptional wind energy and an exceptional amount of moisture in the form of snow that continues to fall. the darker blue indicates the heavy snowfall rates. two to four inches an hour. and it will creep down in elevation as the freezing level drops lower and lower. let's add it up with futurecast. over the course of the next several hours before the sun comes up, we're talking a couple feet at the higher elevations. around a foot at lake level around tahoe. it will just keep adding up throughout the day tomorrow. and finally starting to diminish in intensity by early sunday morning. but the blizzard warning goes all the way through 10:00 a.m. on sunday. by that point they'll have another four to six feet of total snowfall. about three feet around lake level at tahoe. these are computer estimates, never perfect, but a good idea of what to expect. so far about a third of an inch of
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rain for san jose, but over one inch around los gattos. over three quarters of an inch for livermore. just about a half inch for concord. just over an inch of rain for downtown san francisco so far. but right across the bay in oakland, the amounts have been about two-thirds of an inch. so far the heaviest amounts in the higher elevations of the santa cruz mountains and north bay as well. and we're going to see more rain on top of what's already fallen. but the heaviest downpours are what have been occurring throughout the evening. there are still more lines of showers with locally heavy rainfall rates lining up offshore. they'll continue to surge across the bay area throughout the rest of the night. by tomorrow morning, the showers will still be out there and a little lighter. light to moderate rain showers off and on during the day on saturday. still a wet and breezy day. but not the kind of conditions we had this evening when the storm system. at its
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peak intensity. heavier rain likely tomorrow afternoon. total additional rainfall estimates adding up at most about an inch and a half of additional rain on top of what's already accumulated. not enough to lead to a significant flooding threat. this is probably the most aggressive forecast model overall. i think the numbers will likely come in underneath this, except in the santa cruz mountains where they always overachieve. the winds not as strong the next 24 hours either. still some gusts overnight, but tomorrow the gusts will be in the 20 to 30 miles per hour range. let's look at the seven-day forecast. there's light at the end of the tunnel. lingering showers on sunday. then another system, another piece of the same system moving in with showers from late monday into tuesday. those showers taper off on wednesday. and then there's the light at the end of the tunnel. sunshine, dry weather, warmer temperatures in store by thursday and friday of next
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week. >> let's just jump to thursday, paul. coming up in sports, tough travel conditions for golden state on friday, but they were still road warriors. plus, ever have one of those days on a golf course? a certain professional did. one of us! one of us!
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all right, matt lively here. you're not up to bat, you're in the court now. we're talking basketball. >> yes, let's go to the warriors. second night of a back to back for the warriors on the road. to make it worse, they hardly got any sleep. team plane required maintenance. the dubs did not land in toronto until 6:00 a.m. on friday. so the excuse was there for the taking, but the road warriors had other ideas. first quarter, steve kerr, maybe a little loopy, pulling up for a jumper during the time outbreak. but no night night required. curry came out hot, knocked down seven threes, finished with 25
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points, 6 assists. the warriors win 120-105. now they head to boston to face the celtics sunday. moses moody in for wiggins. he knocked down three triples in the first half. finished the night with 17 point, 2 steal, 2 blocks. second game in a row he's led golden state in plus minus rating. dubs were plus 17 with him on the floor. but he's not the only young buck that shined. jonathan kominga, hello, hang it up, kids. second look, he's got the bunnies. second half, great pass from steph, even better finish from jonathan. he finishes with 24. that's three straight with 20 or more for jk.
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second round of the cognizant classic. frustrated with the miss, goes to tap in. oops, he'll clean it up now. and then, this is starting to look like me on the course. this has to go in. no. he six putts the hole from five feet away. needless to say he missed the cut. but it was a great day for dunlap. it hops twice, and then rolls right in the cup for an ace. dunlap six back of the leader heading into the weekend. and i want the recap that reports have indicated the giants have signed matt chapman, the former a is a savant with a glove, power needed in the middle of the line up. could be a great signing for san francisco when this becomes official. >> some good news. but when it comes to the putting there's no gimmes? >> no, it's not like your
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drinking buddies on a saturday afternoon. >> yeah, he kind of gave up there. >> every putt is worth a couple thousand dollars. >> so true. so there's a scene that looks a little like an action movie, but it actually happened
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this is hard to look at, but the crash ended in the luckiest way possible for the woman behind the wheel. her big rig almost plunged into the ohio river, but the truck then got stuck. look at that. it was dangling over the edge with the cab just barely hanging on with the driver inside. one heroic firefighter was tasked with getting her to safety. he got looked into a harness and lowered himself down on a rope to carefully pull the driver out in such a dangerous situation. he did everything he could to help keep her calm. >> she was just praying. she was praying a lot. and i prayed
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with her. everything slows down. we've definitely done a few crazy things, but this tops it so far. >> that firefighter is being called a hero tonight for very good reason. all right, look at that. furry friends helping bay area kids get the what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us.
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i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. they aren't just amazing best friends. not you two. >> aww. >> i'm talking dogs. they're helping kids master one of the most important skills in life. here's this heartwarming tale. >> reporter: a library is traditionally a quiet place. so bringing a dog inside would definitely be barking up the wrong tree. however here, at the mill valley branch, seeing two-year-old golden retrievers kona and sophie doesn't give anyone pause. two veteran
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therapy dogs, kona and sophie are here to lend an ear as part of a program called share a book. where fur meets fiction and kids can follow the scent of adventure. >> is there a sea horse inside? >> reporter: like reading to pups. >> it's a great day on the farm, biscuit. >> reporter: 11-year-old sunny is a die hard reader. but every now and then, she gets a little shy. >> i feel way more confident reading aloud when i'm near a dog and not like so many people. >> it's pretty amazings. >> reporter: the idea, says lisa block of marin humane, is to provide a non-judgment zone to help kids ease some of the reading jitters. >> dogs really relax us and allow us to have fun. they even lower our blood pressure. so for anybody really, but especially kids who are maybe struggling with reading, doing it to a dog just feels good.
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>> reporter: in fact, researchers at uc davis found that kids that read to therapy dogs for 15 to 20 minutes a week saw a 30% improvement in their reading fluency. tony souza is an educator and the library assistant at mill valley. she says not only does reading to dogs improve skills, it creates a positive association with libraries in general. >> most children, once they've read to the dogs once, want to come back again and again. >> reporter: for sunny, reading to kona was a boost like no other. >> you can read without a care in your mind. like, you don't get judged at all. >> reporter: getting kids to fall in love with books by unleashing their confidence. >> i know that wiggle! >> that's the cutest! the marin humane society says if you have a dog that's good with kids and you'd like to
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volunteer, check out their site. and there's so many reading programs. there's one caused paws goes to the library. it's the same kind of thing. these kids that have problems with reading and all that, just reading to a dog, no brainer! >> i'm going to go home and read to my dog. >> you brought your dog in this week. >> i bet you already did that. >> she'll be in television in the next few weeks. we did the march madness promos. >> is there a dog in this office? >> there is a dog. >> there was a dog, and some people have allergies, and there was an e-mail th (announcer) the following is a paid presentation


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