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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition Saturday 6am  CBS  March 2, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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a blizzard continues to hammer the sierra. white out conditions shutting down 100 miles of a major highway. in the bay area, we have our own winter weather to deal with. the rain and strong winds pick up as we begin the weekend. we are tired of it. we are sick of it. we are done here. >> the sound of frustration from an oakland business owner. mounting issues with the city and crime have him questioning, is it worth it to stay open?
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it's saturday, march 2nd. i'm max darrow. we have a lot of activity in the weather department. let's get over to darren peck. >> good morning. on this saturday a.m., this storm is not done with us. it was really active overnight. no doubt you probably had heavy downpours for your part of the bay wherever you were and strong winds. we have, believe it or not, pretty much an entire day to go. we are still going to be capable of doing that. look at first alert doppler. look at the timestamp. 6:00 a.m. on saturday. look at the lightning strikes showing up off the coast. as we come in for a closer look at us, while there aren't any in the immediate neighborhood, this system has the ingredients to provide them. if we put it into the futurecast, we have plenty of isolated showers. some are coming down with brief downpours. they will increase in numbers through the second half of the day. it's quieter now compared to the way things will be for the second half of saturday. so, rainfall will pick up. if you get those turns
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on lightning, it's more likely to come through in the afternoon and evening tonight. we are still windy out there. the wind is not terrible unless you get under one of the thunderstorms. so, the general wind advisory will expire at 10:00 a.m. on the other side of the state, we are not done. we will talk about the snow and forecast in a bit. we will do a lot of reporting. max, over to you. >> all right. we will check in in a bit. this it interstate 80 in the sierra. this is colfax -- excuse me. this is a different camera. the road may be shut down about 100-mile stretch of highway 80 in the sierra because of the dangerous conditions. let's take a look at the conditions. highway 80 has been shut down since 5:00 on friday afternoon. this video you see here is exactly why. when it was open, it was an absolute mess on highway 80 heading up to the sierra.
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truckers and drivers were stuck there in the middle of the road. here is another look at some of the treacherous conditions in the sierra. this video was in donor's summit. white out conditions for people that headed up there. they will talk about those drives. those are memorable, not the fun ones either. >> here you probably need to have snowshoes to get around. kelsi has more from truckee. >> reporter: the snow blowers, shuffles and plows were out in full force friday doing their best to keep the roads and sidewalks clear. >> people get stuck. >> reporter: there was barely a when the day's snow wasn't falling making for a headache for drivers trying to get around. >> i'm about to go home and not leave for the next couple of days. >> reporter: for the most part businesses stayed open. that may not be the case this
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weekend. the storm is expected to last through sunday and locals told us they can already sense it will be a big one. >> a lot of times we have the forecasts that look sort of shocking and then they drift downward. this one seems to be drifting upward. >> reporter: at the local grocery store, we spotted a woman showshoeing. she walked two miles from her home to pick up last minute essentials. >> i started walking then fell twice then went back for the snowshoes. >> at least you have the right gear. >> the weather is nice. it's nice to go out. >> reporter: also braving the weather, the local girl scout troop. they wouldn't let any storm ruin the first day to sell cookies. >> it was supposed to be 4 to 6
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but it turned out to be 12. >> reporter: you were dedicated. we won't let the snow stop us. >> yes. >> you are brave. thank you for supplying the community with cookies. >> reporter: the weather may have helped the girl scouts sell cookies, it was a pain for everyone else trying to get around town. conditions only deteriorated as the sun fell and everyone is now just bracing for more to come this weekend. here at home we are not seeing blizzard conditions but we are getting walloped by the storm. a mixed bag of everything. one car was in the wrong place at exactly the wrong time. >> reporter: around 5:30 tonight in san francisco, a falling tree smashed into this car sending four people to the hospital. this happened on laguna street and golden gate avenue as the car came to a
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stop. the fire department said all suffered minor injuries. it was about a month ago when another storm caused this tree to come crashing down on to five cars in golden gate park putting 11 people in danger. only two were injured. the rain was furiously falling as well in the east bay. sheets of it in berkeley drenching this parking lot. on the roads, cars were splashing through flooded streets. in the north bay, cars came to a crawl as drivers battled the rain. they tried to avoid drifting in the wind. a muddy mess in the south bay. a mudslide blocked the road between sanborn near saratoga. on the coast, people were warned to stay away from the crashing waves but that didn't stop this person from trying to catch a wave near golden gate bridge. the rain and wind has
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let up a little bit at this hour but it was really coming down earlier tonight and this combination has caused quite a mess in the bay area. for everything that you need to know about the storms including forecasts and storm related road closures, head to or you can find us on the cbs news app. in other news, to oakland we go. three days ago we told you about a deli in oakland and the thousands in fines that the owner was facing over illegal dumping that he says wasn't his fault. if that wasn't bad enough, he has to pay for repairs after someone robbed and vandalized the store before dawn on friday. we sent jose martinez out to speak with the very frustrated owner. >> reporter: we are back at state gold deli in west oakland. as you may remember, the owner has been dealing with multiple fines from the city
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but this morning he woke up to the news that the business got broken into and almost set on fire. >> i don't know any more. >> reporter: it's one thing after another for jason her better. >> these guys cut through the fence , came in here, chopped through this. messed this whole situation up. came in here, pride this open. >> reporter: on wednesday we shared the story about the multiple fines he is dealing with from the city since these piles of trash started showing up outside his business in west oakland. today another headache. >> this morning has been brutal, not only for my staff and manager but for me as well. you know, they stole checks from our office. i had to
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cancel all those checks. i had to get on the phone and do all that. it goes on and on. we got to pay for someone to come down here and repair this. >> reporter: look at the pictures showing a person inside the establishment around 6:30 in the morning. now, watch this. jason says that person tried to set the place on fire. at least the menu on the wall. the manager recorded the video when he got to the place. >> we are tired of it. we are sick of it. we are done here. we are going to do what we have to do to keep things going but we don't expect any help from the city. >> reporter: he said it's another bad day in the neighborhood that he called home for over 20 years. he feels hopeless now. >> the city is really -- they don't care. we have to police our own communities. we have to police our own businesses, police our other neighborhoods. if you want to be out here, you want to live out here, operate out here, you have to be ready to handle your own stuff, you
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know. if you don't, it's going to eat you. >> reporter: for now he says al he can do is put up a new menu and keep working. coming up, a pair of bald eagles ride out the storms in southern california apparently succeed in protecting their precious eggs from the elements. at 6:10 on this saturday morning, here is a live look outside. that is a beautiful shot of the bay area there. it looks like a little break in the rain but a lot more to talk about with darren when we come back.
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welcome back. interesting gray looking start to the day in san francisco. it's 6:13 on this saturday morning. a high surf advisory is in effect up and down the coast. the national weather service says waves could be up to 20 feet in some areas. that didn't stop people from coming out to ocean beach on friday in san francisco, though. and, let's give you a look at conditions at fort point. i took this video. this person was doing what people said not to do, trying to catch waves at the golden gate bridge. let's get to darren peck. you have quit the image of the snowy sierra. >> it's tough at this hour of the morning to get good
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visuals. blowing snow and it's still dark. this is from caltrans. this is i-80, after you have gone over donner pass to truckee, out that way. donner lake is over here. this is the section that goes alongside the mountains there. if you have taken the drive you know it well. no cars, not even any road. this thing is covered. so, caltrans true to the word are saying this is too much snow and wind to keep the road open. we have other concerns for now like keeping people safe. that was a visual. we will try to share more through the morning. let's come back home. this is how it has gone for us. a review. it started raining on thursday. look how much rain we got. santa rosa, an inch and a half. san francisco an inch and a half. we got a half inch of rain in san jose so far. there is more time. these numbers will go up. still more rain to go. if we look at first alert doppler, you can see the system
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on the big picture. we come in for a closer view. we stop it here and now. you can see isolated pop up hit or miss showers. some come through. as you know doubt experienced, they come through with a brief downpour. it will go like this the rest of today. that gets us into the afternoon. the showers pick up in intensity and become more widespread and they become more stronger. and the potential is there for lightning and strong gusty winds to go with the lightning. that is the remainder of today. that will probably be the most impressive part of what is left to go from this storm. saturday afternoon and it will look like last night did in that sense. then get into sunday. sunday is lighter. we play through sunday. these are -- it's still raining but these are more isolated somewhat lighter showers. you can get an occasional thunderstorm and downpour but it will be lighter. the rainfall totals
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don't tell the whole story. if you get a thunderstorm over you, your number will be bigger than this. we are looking at a half inch of rain to go from this. two ways to think about the wind. the general wind comes in with the storm. widespread, 20 to 30 miles per hour winds. if we look at that aspect of the wind, that kind of weakens a bit. the wind advisory expires at 10:00 a.m. then it picks up through the late afternoon and evening. that is today at 5:00. then we get into the overnight hours and then it finally cams down. another way to think about the wind. probably the more impactful way. if you get an isolated thunderstorm over you with that strong downpour of rain, you are going to experience some very gusty winds, localized. those could be stronger than any wind you got throughout the rest of this period. that can happen outside of this window. the wind advisory through 10:00 a.m. but just remember, if you get one of those thunderstorms right
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over you, you will get very gusty winds. that's what it looks like checking out the snow in the sierra. we are not done with this. there is still a blizzard warning that goes until tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. before this is said and done with and you can see the important information on there to be aware of. there is another chance for rain coming up by the time we get into the earlier part of next week. i will have more on that. we will look at the seven-day forecast into the next half hour. i will take more time. for the most part we are done after sunday. but there is another weak system that comes in on monday night and tuesday for light rain. not significant. >> not significant but there is a difference with this storm, darren. we were talking about it earlier. we talked about atmospheric rivers all year. this is not an atmospheric river, correct? >> correct. you can notice the character is different. we didn't get the widespread steady downpour of rain. we are not talking about flood advisories or warnings. two
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hugely important distinctions on this. instead, this storm comes with a lot more instability in it, a lot more energy to produce thunderstorms and much colder air than a typical atmospheric river, that is why the sierra is getting hit hard. >> a lot more to go over in this show in a bit. rounds of powerful winter storms hit the san bernardino mountains. two devoted and beloved eagles hunkered down 35 days keeping the eggs snugged. this is jackie and shadow. they are known around the world thanks to a nest cam set up by the friends of big bear valley. she laid the eggs at the start of february and kept the babies warm as the weather grew worse and worse. this weekend, thousands will tune in to hopefully catch the three babies finally catch from their eggs. >> jackie and shadow are very entertaining. they are very affectionate with each other. i love that they are the models
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for how to do it right. >> you can keep up with jackie and shadow and the long awaited babies at friends of big after the break, caitlin clark closes in on another impressive basketball record. what she says about the final weeks of her college career as she looks to the pros. coming up in sports, tough travel conditions for golden state on friday. they were still road warriors. plus, do you ever have one of those days on the golf course. a certain professional did in the third - hey, guys. - we brought a truckload of magic. what would you like to make disappear? - all that stuff out there. (gasps) when you want junk to disappear, all you have to do is point. (truck beeps) bye. - [announcer] call 1-800-got-junk.
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- hey, guys. - we brought a truckload of magic. what would you like to make disappear? - all that stuff out there. (gasps) when you want junk to disappear, all you have to do is point. (truck beeps) bye. - [announcer] call 1-800-got-junk. giants wanted more in the off season. blake snell is unsigned but the giants are making moves. the team may have signed matt chapman to a deal.
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he will pencil in as the giants opening day third baseman. he adds power. most importantly, he has a couple of platinum gloves and four gold gloves. san francisco added solar a few weeks ago with 36 bombs. in his best season he had 36. the second night of road back for warriors. the team plane required maintenance. dubs didn't land in toronto until 6:00 a.m. friday. the excuse was there for the taking. but they had other ideas. first quarter, steve kerr may be loopy on limited sleep. steph didn't need any sleep to put the raptors to bed. curry came out hot. 25 points. six assists. the warriors one. they are heading to boston to take on the
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celtics sunday. moses moody, third start in a row for the second year warrior in place for andrew wiggins out for personal reasons. he knocked down three triples in the first. got it done on both ends of the floor. 17, two steals, two blocks. second game in a row he led gooden state. he had 17 on the floor against the raptors. but he wasn't the only young buck that shined. jonah van jonathan kominga. he is throwing down the two hand jamaica. jk had 24 third straight with 20 or more. good game for the warriors. second round of the cognizant classic. a tough day for tampa mass thomas death tree. he goes
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to tap it in. far away. oops. let's clean it up he six putted the hole for an eight. he did not make the cut. ricky dunlop, par 3-7. hops twice. that's in the cup. that is an ace. dunlop is six back of the leader heading into the weekend. that will do it for sports. have a great day. >> lively is better than that on the greens. i golfed with him. caitlin clark will play the last game of the regular season. she broke several records including women's college basketball overall scoring leader. with one final regular season game she has a chance to break one more record
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in front of her crowd. she is 18 points shy of overtaking is pistol pete for the all time scoring record. since she made her decision to declare for the pros., she has been playing with new-found excitement. >> i am playing and having fun. no reason to be tense. these moments go fast and i think that's the biggest thing for myself, smile, have fun. that's when i play the best basketball. i'm excited. >> clark and iowa's next game is sunday's senior day against ohio state. ticket prices are expensive. you want to see the final regular season home game, record breaking night? the average price for a seat is $571. higher than any college or pro women's basketball game on record. coming up, the u.s. now plans to deliver humanitarian aide to war-torn gaza. president biden said air drops will begin in a matter of days.
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we are getting an idea of the extent of the damage from a massive wildfire in texas and oklahoma. a better sense of the devastation there. and here is a live look outside at san jose on this saturday morning. it looks like a break in the action but a lot of weather to go over when we come back. first a look at your cbs deals. excited becauseso you are going to tell us about your generator. and this is a complete game changer with all this crazy weather we're having. our customers love simplicity. -yes. they love no maintenance, but they also want power. -yes. -and we understand that. so what we have here is a 4100 watt. -wow. -generator. okay. it runs off a propane tank. and why we like that is that you could store a propane tank for years in the garage. - right. safely without having to worry about your gas leaking or oil. that's right. you press a button and your fridge is powered,
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your air conditioners powered or heater. all of it. alright. so you just said press a button. now, what i've known from generators and i had to do this thing to get it started, very difficult for me. it comes with, elizabeth, inside your generator, a sun joe, 24 volt battery. -okay. -that's going to be replacing the polestar. this is amazing. so, joe, thank you so much. i have learned a lot today and i know i need one of these. i'm going to tell everyone else where they can get one also. this is the sun joe portable generator. head over to right now. this is 56% off. that's just $399.99.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver...
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who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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welcome back. it's 6:30 on saturday morning. thank you for joining us. i'm max darrow. today is a first alert weather day. let's get straight over to first alert meteorologist darren peck. i couldn't resist starting this visit by showing you kings beach. this is the north shore in lake tahoe. you can see that the lights are covered with snow. they are kind of frosted. look at the car. can you see it there? see how much snow is piled up on the roof? we are not getting exact measurements from the sierra but visuals
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give us an idea what happened overnight. at home, you no doubt had an exciting day and evening with isolated downpours and strong gusty winds. that is coming back, more likely the second half of the day today. it could happen at any point. if you look at first alert doppler, there are isolated showers pretty much all over the place. if you don't have one now, you are about to. if we put it in the futurecast, this is why i'm saying the second half of the day today becomes more impressive. look how widespread things are. you see more bull's-eye with yellow dots. those are the brief downpours, isolated thunderstorms. gusty winds when they come through. you know the drill. you did it yesterday through the second half of the day. it will go like that through today. sunday, we are not done, we have scattered showers to get through. we will at least have lightened up a bit. i will show you when this comes to an end for good. max,
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back to you. >> see you in a bit. in the middle east, hunger is becoming a growing concern for palestinians. on friday a jordanian plane dropped in aid a day after more than 10 opal less continuians were killed racing to an aid truck. israelis troops said they fired at some people in the crowd that they believed moved toward them in a threatening way. many of the dead were trampled in a stampede. a quarter of gaza's 2.3 million people are starving. the united states says it will use air drops to help deliver humanitarian supplies into the region. bradley blackburn has the latest. >> reporter: over gaza, planes dropped dozens of packages of help. the aid parachuting to the ground where people scrambled to collect it. these supplies came from a jordanian plane. the u.s. says it will soon deliver help the same way. at the white house friday,
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president biden promised the u.s. will begin air dropping emergency humanitarian assistance into gaza soon. >> aid flying to gaza is nowhere nearly enough. >> reporter: the decision comes after a deadly incident this week when crowds surrounded an aid convoy in gaza city. the hamas run health city said more than 10 opal less continuians were killed and hundreds more injured after israeli troops opened fire. israel said many of the dead were trampled in a stampede. jordan and france are among the countries using air drops as frustration mounts over israel's tight control over the border. they say security is needed. but as the war continued the u.n. says not enough aid is getting through and gaza is on the brink of famine. >> we insist that israel facilitate more trucks and more roots to get more and more people the help they need.
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>> reporter: as he left the white house friday, president biden said he still hopes there will be a cease-fire deal between israel and hamas by ramadan that begins march 10th. >> president biden believes the deaths at the gaza aid site will make cease-fire talks more difficult. united states officials say a break in the war is on the table. his administration hopes to get a deal done by ramadan a week away when israel warned the forces would expand the military operation into the southern city of rafah. as calls continue for a permanent cease-fire, this morning israeli officials announced daily pauses in rafah and another central gaza city. it will last from 10:00 apparently to 2:00 p.m. local time until march 7th. the israeli military
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said it's for humanitarian purposes. hut thee attacks are causing problems in the sea. an abandoned ship sunk. it was leaking fertilizer. damage from a missile strike caused a visible 18-mile long oil slick behind the ship. this is the first vessel fully destroyed as part of the houthi campaign over the israel-hamas war. in texas, firefighters battle the largest fire in state history. the smoke house creek fire burned more than a million acres in north texas. so far, two people died because of the fire and as many as 500 buildings have been destroyed. fire crews say containment is at 15%. late week snow extinguished some of the flames. as the fire moves into
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oklahoma with high temperatures and strong winds expected, many worry that the wildfire may continue to grow. no word yet on what sparked the fire. a kentucky woman is okay after a terrifying accident and dramatic rescue. she found herself trapped inside her semi-truck dangling off the side of a bridge nearly 100 feet above the ohio river. mark strassmann shows us the harrowing video as first responders arrived on the scene. >> reporter: high drama above the ohio river. like the scene from a tom cruise thriller. >> over the bridge, over the water. >> reporter: a tractor trailer dangling from the clark memorial bridge and rappeling firefighters trying to pluck the female driver to safety. >> this is a worst-case scenario. lucky, not so much that it would detach from the trailer but that the entire truck didn't go into the river. >> reporter: that is bryce
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cardin rappeling to rescue the driver. both hovering 70 feet above the water connecting kentucky and indiana. >> she was praying, praying a lot. i prayed with her. >> reporter: the semi crashed through the guardrail after a four-vehicle accident. the driver trapped in the cab 40 minutes. cardin slowly carefully guided them both back over the guardrail to safety. >> once i reached her, she was super calm, collected and helped me do what i needed to do to get her to safety. >> we have done a few crazy things. this tops it so far. coming up, the project earth report about how a fran school plans to use part of its campus to make effective use of storm water.
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slick roads just ahead of the bay bridge this morning. 6:41 on this saturday morning. on average, over 16 billion gallons of rain falls on san francisco every year. climate change in the mix and you wind up with more things like the
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atmospheric rivers, backed up drains. anne makovec reports. >> reporter: from up high to pink steeples mark the spot. south of golden gate park you will find st. anne of the sunset. neighborhood children have attended the private school more than a century. >> so many individuals in the community and neighborhood experience st. anne's personally or know someone that goes there. >> reporter: including the vander wheel family. 9-year-old ella and 6-year-old hugh. they will benefit from a new bold project. >> it's important and wonderful to see the school leading the way. >> reporter: the plan to transform st. anne's concrete campus into a storm water schoolyard thanks to a grant from the san francisco public utility commission.
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>> we are excited to see it when it's built. >> reporter: sara bloom is the senior watershed planner with the upc that awarded 20 grants to schools, artworks and parks. the main goal is to divert storm water. >> climate change is here. we will see more and more intense storms. green infrastructure is one of the many tools in the toolbox that we have to manage storm water, especially during the larger storms. >> reporter: heavy equipment broke ground and construction began. big storms can overwhelm the sewer system. one way to manage the run off to is built special gardens where the rain soaks into the earth or captured for reuse. at st. anne's, workers created and planted several gardens. the students help select native plants which will be grown in special soil. >> they will bring in specially engineered soil that is a
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mixture of different types of compost materials and sand that allow the storm water to flow through it quickly. >> reporter: the rain that falls on the schoolyard and roof will flow into the gardens. >> we take that downspout and we disconnect it and feed that water straight into the rain garden. so, with the addition of the water from the yard and the roof, these rain gardens are doing a lot of heavy work when it rains. >> reporter: workers installed a special pavement that acts like a sponge. >> pour water on the paver and it will soak into the ground. >> reporter: under one garden, a large drain holds heavy run off to allow it to percolate into the soil. as for the water. >> it goes into the grouped water. >> reporter: under st. ann's is the largest groundwater basin in san francisco. it's the west side basin. it stretches 40 square miles from golden state park to burlingame in san mateo county. after months of ripping up concrete,
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installing plants, pavement and gardens, the big storms are here. >> so far so good. we had lots of rain and the gardens have absorbed the moisture that came in and the downpour from the roofs. >> reporter: ella and hugh put on the rain boots and umbrellas to check out how it works. >> it gets pushed in over here water is dripping from here. you can see that little water here. >> it's beautiful and i can see that they are taking a lot of water so they can grow. >> a really wonderful project for the kids to get more engaged and become more aware. >> reporter: when we put our heads together, we have a better chance of weathering whatever the future brings. >> yeah. >> the sfpuc is accepting new applications for grants and a pilot program for homes. for more information, go to
6:46 am darren, a lot of snow behind you. >> there is. a little bit of perspective, this is highway 89. if you haven't been up here, maybe it means nothing to you. if you have taken the drive from truckee past north star to lake tahoe, that is the highway you were on. so, when caltrans said the highways are closed -- a lot of it they aren't even trying to get plows on as much because there are so many other concerns. that's what it looks like in the sierra. not much traffic up there. we come back home, this is the view from the top of the mark hopkins watching the showers. there are plenty now. scattered showers with us through saturday morning will turn into widespread intense downpours once again this afternoon. from this afternoon through the evening another uptick. i will show you what it looks like in a second. first if you are wondering how much rain have we gotten since this started, we got an inch and a half in the north bay.
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tri-valley got an inch. a half inch for san jose. plenty more to go. if we look at first alert doppler, see the lightning strikes that show up off the far northwest coast? we will get our share of that in the afternoon and evening. probably as much as we had yesterday. so, it won't be overwhelming but don't be surprised this afternoon and evening if an occasional thunderstorm comes back to your part of the bay. we have saturday morning to look at. you can see what is going on. there is plenty of isolated showers and occasional showers in their own right. we will let this play forward. here is the first half of today. i will stop it here. a couple of things show up. this is through the afternoon and evening. the showers are more widespread. they are more intense and look at that white bull's-eye over mount hamilton. snow levels about 3,000 feet locally in the bay. that means we will get light snow in the highest peaks like mount hamilton. i will show you that in a second.
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watch how widespread the heavier downpours are through saturday afternoon and evening. this will have a noticeable impact. when the sun goes down, they show up in greater numbers. it will look and feel a lot like yesterday did. don't be surprised if through the late morning you see breaks of blue sky. that is typical when you get into this part of the storm. it just won't stay that way all day. sunday is different. sunday is not as intense. showers are not as widespread but they are not gone. we still have rain on sunday. then see what shows up there. that is the next system. and that is getting here on monday. not a big one. we will look at that if there is time in this visit. i will show you what it looks like. first let's deal with the storm that we have right now. the snow in the sierra is not near being done. so, the blizzard warning stays in effect until tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. this will be another difficult day in the sierra for anybody who happens
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to have the bad fortune of trying to travel or people, you know, who are maybe not prepared to weather this at home because you will be stuck where you are up here, truckee and meyers and all of that. that's what is still to go. look how low the snow is. gets to around 2500 feet. there is still another 3, 4 feet to go. that story is still unfolding. we will get cold here. makes sense. snow levels down to 3,000 feet. we will feel that more so tomorrow morning. if you look at the morning lows, mid-30s in the north bay valley. a frost advisory. it could be worse. you could have a freeze warning. you do have a frost vary. be aware. tomorrow will feel colder. we saw there was a possibility for the next storm on monday, there it is. watch that work its way across the pacific. when we finish with this one, it will seem like it never ended. the one on
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monday will come in fast on its heels. if we put it into the long-range forecast, you see how it plays out. there is the rain on monday. and we keep a chance of showers going as we await really the whole system to move through. watch that line of rain right there. this gets us into monday and tuesday and wednesday. there is not a lot to that. we are not going to be concerned about flooding from that. it shouldn't be intense but there is rain. you can see it here. monday, tuesday into wednesday not a big deal. the big deal is this one. this is going to be the most impressive day in the whole seven-day forecast in terms of the ability for more brief downpours, occasional thunderstorms, gusty winds and that's when you will notice the wind by the way, when the intense thunderstorms pick up that you are going to get those gusty 40 to 50 miles per hour winds that will really pick up through that timeframe. >> absolutely. >> we are looking at these
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storms, this storm today, this is beneficial rain for us, correct? >> yes. i mean, it's a little more than beneficial at this point. we have gotten to average. we did have our share of localized flooding from it. so, where do you grade from beneficial to problematic. the good news is we are not concerned from a flooding standpoint on this. so, in that sense, any rain is good. >> just looking at your doppler radar to the monday storm, watching it, it looked like it turned around on both sides. >> a lot of them are doing that. it's weird to watch. a pattern where they have been doing that. >> lots more to go over. >> see you in the next hour. his nonprofit launched one of the largest privately funded programs giving unhoused a basic income in the bay area. now he is sharing how the groundbreaking program is
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making a difference. sharon chin had an update . >> reporter: andre has a hug for kevin, a man that changed his life. >> i have seen him in a better spot than he was a year ago. >> reporter: we were there a year ago when they first met face to face at an oakland shelter. kevin's miracle message nonprofit connects unhoused with family members for support. at the time he was recovering from four surgeries after he fell scaling the wall at the mexican border. he accepted a gift from kevin's nonprofit. he was randomly chosen as more than 100 people in the bay area and los angeles to get $750 in monthly income for a year to use as they saw fit. a year later, he says that
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basic income was a blessing that he used to buy a bicycle to get around as he looks for a job and awaits his turn on the government housing list. he bought clothes and food and helped with family emergencies and gave to those with even less. >> occasionally he would walk on the streets and hear people say i don't have anything to eat, can you give me money. he would give some of his money to other people. >> reporter: the study of the basic income recipients show they spent more than a third of the money for food, followed by housing, transportation and health care. fewer are unsheltered. >> after six months of $750 a month for six months, that number went from 30% down to 12%. >> reporter: as part of the program, kevin and andre formed a friendship and are now like family. kevin gave him an invitation to his wedding but found his long lost mother in texas. andre never knew if she made it to the u.s. alive after
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she fled honduras 39 years ago. kevin reconnected them by phone. >> he was crying. she was crying. she was apologizing. [speaking non-english was a andre talks to his mom everyday and she is helping care for his grandson. the joy of their reunion fuels kevin's mission. >> we see them as problems not to be solved but people to be leveled. my hope and vision is that no one goes through homelessness alone. >> reporter: next, kevin plans for andre and his mom to meet for the first hug and
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bitter. dirt day wishes to a washington, d.c. man celebrating his 104th birthday. brandon's life is like a living history book. he fought in world war ii and believed to be one of the last living world war ii combat glider pilots. he survived a scary crash landing behind enemy lines in northern europe to be held in a german p.o.w. camp. he found a way back home. he credits his longevity to his faith in god
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- temperatures cooling down as we head into the weekend and stronger onshore... ah, i stepped off the coast again. - the winds are really picking up. - fog spreading farther inland. - and in the north bay, you're gonna get soaked. (water splashing) - [narrator] presenting the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. - as i lift this, you can actually see... - [narrator] on kpix and pix+. (wind blowing) it's that real. (water splashing) - let's move on to the seven-day now.
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we are watching an active doppler. isolated showers scattered throughout the entire bay. if it's not raining over your part now it will be shortly. you will get breaks of blue sky this morning. that will get mixed in as well. the thing to be aware about today, as we get into the afternoon and evening, the shower intensity picks back up again. another round of more intense thunderstorms, heavier downpours and gusty winds to go with those storms. the complete forecast as well. at the top of the 7:00 hour, we take you to a live report from south lake tahoe as a powerful blizzard continues in the sierra. - hey, guys. - we brought a truckload of magic.
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what would you like to make disappear? - all that stuff out there. (gasps) when you want junk to disappear, all you have to do is point. (truck beeps) bye. - [announcer] call 1-800-got-junk.
7:00 am
- hey, guys. - we brought a truckload of magic. what would you like to make disappear? - all that stuff out there. (gasps) when you want junk to disappear, all you have to do is point. (truck beeps) bye. - [announcer] call 1-800-got-junk. a blizzard continues to hammer the sierra. white out conditions shutting down 100 miles of a major highway. in the bay area, we have our own winter weather to deal with. it may not be snow but rain and strong winds pick up as we begin the weekend. >


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