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tv   CBS News Sunday Morning  CBS  March 3, 2024 7:00am-8:31am PST

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san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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good morning. i'm jane pauley and this is "sunday morning." it's hard to believe it's been four years since the first case of covid was confirmed here in the united states, back in january 2020. we all remember the uncertainty, panic, lockdowns, and the more than 1 million lives lost in this nation alone. but what also worth remembering is the scientific miracle that quickly followed. a vaccine developed and released later that very year, saving countless lives. this morning our kelefa sanneh introduces us to two scientists truly unsung heroes who made the covid vaccine possible. >> so. >> reporter: he is immunologist. she is a biochemist. in 1998, they met by chance. 22 years later, their research led to the covid vaccine of
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2020. and the nobel prize in medicine last year. did you take a moment to celebrate? >> i just probably went back to work. >> famously, i ate the whole bag of chocolate covered peanuts. >> on a day like that you, earned it. >> reporter: coming up on "sunday morning," how it all happened. he is an everyman comic finding humor in everyday life. jim axlerod is talking with kevin james just for laughs. >> reporter: kevin james high-flying comedy career includes a tv hit -- >> i married you, what do you call that? >> hitting the jackpot. >> reporter: a string of movies and a new stand-up special. >> i see it, say it. >> reporter: what does he think of all the success? >> if someone tapped me on shoulder, god just said, hey, we know, what's going on. i go, yep, where do i go? >> reporter: getting serious
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about being funny. kevin james ahead on "sunday morning." seth doane morning leans into the tilting towers of italy. >> reporter: italy's leaning tower. no, not that one. >> it's really leaning. >> yes, it is, from the beginning. >> reporter: dating back to medieval times, towers showed wealth and power. but that was centuries ago. >> what made you say we have to close this down, we have to do something? >> that other leaning italian tower ahead on "sunday morning." also this morning, with a supreme court agreeing this past week to rule on donald trump's claims of presidential immunity, erin moriarty will take a closer look at the many trials of former president trump. robert costa tells us about some surprising works of modernist mark rothko, now on display in washington.
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conor knighton takes note of multi-talented musician jacob collier. plus, a look back at the memorable movies of hollywood's ed zwick. we will have a story from steve hartman and more on this first sunday morning of a new month, march 3rd, 2024. and we'll be back in a moment. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ - it's so fun to watch jessica in this space. - this is a look at those clouds right now in real-time,
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but let's head underneath this cloud layer and take a look at our rainfall... - [narrator] the virtual view studio, part of "morning edition." weekday mornings starting at 5 on kpix. - hey, guys. - we brought a truckload of magic. what would you like to make disappear? - all that stuff out there. (gasps) when you want junk to disappear, all you have to do is point. (truck beeps) bye. - [announcer] call 1-800-got-junk.
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what do i see in peter dixon? (truck beeps) bye. i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. - hey, guys. - we brought a truckload of magic. what would you like to make disappear?
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- all that stuff out there. (gasps) when you want junk to disappear, all you have to do is point. (truck beeps) bye. - [announcer] call 1-800-got-junk. it's easy to think of great historical moments in the abstract, but too often the people behind them are largely forgotten. this morning kelefa sanneh spends time with two unsung heroes whose groundbreaking work we can all be thankful for. >> kati will tell you i'm a quiet guy who sticks to myself. >> i didn't know about him either. i didn't chitchat around. >> reporter: at the university of pennsylvania medical school, drew weissman and katalin kariko, known and kati, met by chance at a copy machine in 1998. >> we both used the copier to read articles to read. we started talking.
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>> reporter: he wan an immunologist, studying cells that adapt to cells. she was a biochemist, working with messenger rna, known as mrna, the molecule that teaches cells how to make proteins. >> i joke it's like the reese's commercial where the chocolate and the peanut butter come together and make a new treat. >> we learn from each other. >> reporter: what is it do you think that makes a good scientific team? >> respect each other. listen to each other. we didn't try to overpower each other. just, did you troy? >> no. >> reporter: their collaboration led to the pfizer and moderna covid vaccines in 2020. that year the virus spread worldwide, leading to global lockdowns and killing millions. >> i knew the minute i heard about it, it's a virus, it's a respiratory infection. i knew the vaccine was going to work. >> reporter: how did the lockdown affect your life and your work?
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>> we never stopped working. >> they were worked day and night different shifts, minimizing the presence of people in one room. >> this is the frozen vaccine. >> reporter: wow. >> for patients you thaw this out, dilute it and inject in their arms. >> reporter: it uses mrna direct the cells to create a spike protein like the one on the surface of the virus so the body builds defenses against that protein. this helps fight the virus. the vaccine became available in the united states in december 2020. that month weissman and kariko were vaccinated with a flourish. did you think on that day about all of the years and decades of work it took to get to that point? >> yes. i was thinking about that, and thinking about what we went through. >> they put up some cameras and took pictures and had fun. >> reporter: pfizer, moderna, which one? >> pfizer. >> reporter: the covid vaccine
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reduced the death toll and helped people get back to relatively normal lives. was there any disappointment that vaccine didn't just sort of put an end to covid once and for all? >> in the beginning of the pandemic, i would go into the intensive care units and every bed would have a covid patient on a ventilator doing poorly. and now when i went into the intensive care units, there were no covid patients at all. and that's because of the vaccine. >> reporter: and their work will be used in the battle against some of the world's most difficult diseases. how bright is the future? >> it's truly phenomenal. right now there is 250 phase one clinical trials of rna vaccines. people are making vaccines for hiv, for malaria, for hepatitis c, for tb, food allergies. talk to a parent with a kid with a peanut allergy, and every day is a panic. >> reporter: the covid vaccines were backed by government mandates and sparked an uproar.
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>> the controversy i still don't understand people thinking that science and vaccines are out to get them. and i have never heard of such a thing before. >> reporter: well, maybe it's just what happens when politics collides with medicine. >> that's not the job of our politicians. they are not supposed to tell people how to live less well. of how to die from diseases. they are supposed to help the world. >> reporter: this past december, three years after the vaccine was released, the nobel prize committee awarded kariko and weissman their 18-karat gold medallion. >> how long does it take to sink in? >> it's still happening. >> reporter: did you think, finally? >> my finally moment was the phase 3 clinical trials when we saw that the vaccines were 95% effective.
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that was a life's work has turned into something useful. >> reporter: did you take a moment to celebrate? >> no. i'm not much of a celebrator. i just probably went back to work. >> famously, i ate the whole bag of chocolate covered peanuts. >> reporter: on a day like that, you definitely earned it. a good scientific lab has top of the line equipment. a great scientific lab has a trophy room. when you think about becoming a scientist, is it somewhere in the back of your head, i might win nobel prize? >> never. >> no. my parents when i was maybe 5, they were brought in on a tour of the nobel auditorium, and at one point they walked up to a pair of seats and said, reserve these for us. >> reporter: if weissman man's rise seemed predictable, kariko's didn't. born in hungary, she never knew a scientist, but knew she wanted to be one.
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in 1985, 30-year-old katalin kariko and her husband and young daughter left hungary for a job in a lab in pennsylvania. this teddy bear seems like it would be kind of out of place, but this is actually a very important bear, isn't it? >> yes. this is the bear that helped us get to america and start our lives. >> reporter: if i turn it over, someone is little surgery on this teddy bear. tell me what happened here. >> i put $1,000 of british pounds and i sew it back. in hungary, we were not allowed to take any money out of the country. >> reporter: your daughter was the mule. nobody suspected or found it. from there to here, nobel prize. >> yeah. and some decades in between. >> reporter: decades spent doing what both katalin kariko and drew weissman truly love. >> it's a wonderful place. and so kind of my home is the laboratory. >> reporter: i get the sense maybe you would rather be in the lab doing your work than talking
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to journalists? >> yeah, partially it's true. but we realize it is important to go out and educate the public and explain what we are doing and inspire the in next generation of scientists. >> exactly. i'm much happier, and nothing personal, i am still happier sitting in my office working. that's my paver rit place. >> reporter: as a member of the human race, i am glad to have you working in your lab. ♪♪ [storms sound] whatever weather comes your way [wind and snow sounds] weathertech has you covered. [bird chirping] [laughing] with our laser—measured cargoliners. no drill mud flaps and floorliners. to secure your phone don't forget the cupfone. order yours today at you never know when it's gonna be a weathertech day. perfect weather today... my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long
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i'm adding downy unstopables to my wash. now i'll be smelling fresh all day long. [sniff] still fresh. ♪♪ get 6x longer-lasting freshness, plus odor protection. try for under $5! when mark rothko died in 1970, he was widely considered one of the greatest artists of the 20th century. now the roots of his imagination are on daisplay and robert cost is our guide. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: his works are mesmerizing, and recognized worldwide. swaths of color and floating fuzzy edged rectangles. all part of the signature vision
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of foremidable 20th century artist mark rothko. >> well, everybody knows and loves rothko's large abstract canvasses. very few people know that he made nearly 3,000 works on paper. >> reporter: now an exhibit at the national gallery of art in washington, d.c., hopes to tell a lesser known rothko story. the trail of paperworks the artist left behind. adam greenhalgh is the curator. >> we can see his sources, early ambitions, aspirations, and the way that he understands paper to be just as significant and important as his much better known canvasses. >> reporter: rothko on paper is equally as innovative and i did not consider those to be studies or prep work. when you look at these, they don't even seem like paperworks,
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but this is paper. >> yes, indeed. these are mounted in the way that rothko insisted that his classic format paintings on paper be mount. so they are attached to a hard board panel or linen and wrapped around a stretcher or strainer to give them this three-dimensional presence. >> reporter: born markus rothkovitch in latvia, he immigrated to portland, oregon, with his family in the early 19800s. he eventually moved to new york, working, teaching and struggling, but also learning and evolving as an artist. many of his early paperworks echo other visionaries and hint at what was to come. >> you can see the colors in the background. they remind me of a later rothko. >> i think you're right. some of these blocks of color in the background really point to the later abstractions to come.
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>> he tried to keep a nine to five, nine it six schedule, tried to have dinner with the family every nate. >> reporter: kate rothko prizel is the artist's daughter. she says her loving was a loving, hard working man who anchored their family. he was also intense and private, especially when painting. >> i, as a smaller child, was fairly often dropped off by my mother at the studio when she needed to get something done. it was very clare that my father even for me at a young age, my father did not like to be watched painting. he would set me up in my own corner with my own artwork with the idea i was going to be absorbed my work, he was going to be absorbed in his work. >> it was for him this kind of sacred i think deeply emotional psychological process. >> reporter: christopher rothko is the artist's son. >> to be distracted during that was something that would be really so counterproductive.
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so that sort of mystery carries over to his materials. he was known for making a lot of his own paints, taking ground pigments and making his own home brew. part of the loom necessary sense we see in his work is a result of him experimenting, coming up with the right concoction. those weren't secrets he was guarding but part of him making something very, very personal. >> reporter: that sense of intimacy, that emotional truth is evident today for so many who experience rothko's work. and with blockbuster exhibits in paris and washington -- >> maybe you are just supposed to experience it. >> reporter: and a claim on television. >> you feel something, right? >> it's like looking into something very deep. >> reporter: and at the auction house. >> selling at $77 million. >> reporter: rothko's popularity is soaring more than 50 a years after his death.
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christopher rothko says his father sought to create a universal language. one that spoke to people's hearts. >> i often think about going to a rothko exhibition. it's a great place to be alone together. it's a jirourney we all make, b so much richer when we do it in the company of others. (♪♪) access to opportunity isn't always equal. but at the massmutual foundation, we believe tha— you know, it doesn't really matter what we believe. what matters is what ruth, marcus and michelle believe. that kendall believes he has a say in his future. that these neighbors believe there's opportunity in their neighborhood. at the massmutual foundation, we don't believe. we know things get better when we invest in each other. (♪♪) vital proteins collagen peptides
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supports joint flexibility, which is good when we ask our legs to be arms. vital proteins. for everybody with a body. mr. clean magic eraser powers through tough messes. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning, and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new! it's amazing. it's so good. it makes it look like i have magical powers. magic eraser and sheets make cleaning look easy. seth doane found the perfect
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angle for this postcard from italy. >> reporter: they come from all over to get that same shot. do you get tired as a guide of taking the picture? >> sometimes, yes. >> reporter: massimo lenzi says the leaning tower is the only site most visitors ask him to see in pisa. this jewel of a town in tuscany. >> in the past, the people they don't care. it's just something wrong. >> reporter: this is something of interest to modern tourists? >> yes. >> reporter: the bell tower started leaning when it was still under construction. engineers of the 12th and 13th centuries tried making adjustments, but uneven soil was no match for so much marble. are people who come to pisa aware that there are other leaning towers in italy? >> no. they don't think there are other leaning towers. >> reporter: so just imagine how
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the people of bologna feel, which has its own leaning tower. ever heard of garisenda? famed poet dante alighieri wrote about it a good 800 years ago, noting while trying to admire the taller, less lopsided tower, he was distracted by the leaning neighbor garisenda. today it's making global headlines after being closed for safety reasons. it's leaning even more than that other tower that brought so much attention. >> the thing is that the engineering point of view, the construction become famous when something goes wrong. for instance, a tower that lean, that tilts is famous. >> reporter: professor paolo foraboschi has built a career stabilizing towers across italy. he explains bologna's skyline was once filled with them. >> we would have looked out here in medieval times and seen 100
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of these towers? >> yes. you reach by huge car or a boat. in the past, you built a tower. >> reporter: but in those days, height could win out over structural soundness. >> we covered december from data that the monvement of the tower was different. >> reporter: mateo leopore is the mayor. he made the decisions to close the you to early. do you worry that it actually could fall over? >> no. a medieval tower is a strange thing. it's sort of a body, you know, and we have to take care of tv with the awareness that in this time we for sure sign up to build a tower like that. >> reporter: they are still studying what to do, and are looking west towards pisa. in 1990, tower there was closed for a decade. they used cables and weights and removed 77 tons of soil to stop it from leaning a little too
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much. >> the same problem in pisa. >> reporter: but a different cause may merit a different solution, says engineer massimo majowiecki. he is working with industrial engineer raffaela bruni. we are evaluating various possibilities, bruni told us, ranging from building a perimeter protection exterior to supporting it by holding it, or there is the hypothesis of temporarily shortening it. one of the options is actually to lower tower? >> yes. >> you know that in the 14th century, they remove -- today we saw, well we, may apply the same system. >> reporter: today it stands about 150 feet high. when it was shortened centuries ago, it was lowered brick by brick. whatever today's solution is, they figure it will cost at least $20 million.
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why are you raising money for these towers? >> because i woke up and i read and i felt that not only the urgency, but a sense of responsibility and the opportunity of taking care of something that is going to be forever. >> reporter: chef michele massari grew up just blocks from garisenda, but now lives in new york city. >> tonight is a dinner about new york and bologna. towers and sky skraupers. >> reporter: he opened his restaurant, lucciola, on manhattan's upper west side for a dinner fundraiser in february. >> i'm ready. >> reporter: on the menu, an edible bit of bologna's cultural heritage -- >> should we try it? i got spoon for you. >> reporter: tortellini. i think most americans are surprised knowing there are so many leaning towers in italy. >> we have such great food. >> reporter: those structural problems, of course, are not diet related. back in bologna, mayor mateo
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leopore hopes all this attention may have an unintended plus. >> i know that pisa is more famous than bologna, but i hope with this occasion it could be the tower. >> reporter: a little tilting is good in way for business? >> yes. >> reporter: in medieval times, these towers were built as defensive structures. today they are at the center of a friendlier sort of competition. have you spoken the mayor of pisa? >> only a few messages. good luck. >> reporter: good luck? >> yes.
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when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad.
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. next generation veteran fund let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done. - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+. he will do well wherever he is. >> except here with us. >> that's my fault. >> i didn't say that. >> couldn't bring samuel back home alive, could i?
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>> don't you dare say that, boy. that's in god's hands. >> that's a young brad pitt with anthony hopkins in "legends of the fall," one of director and producer ed zwick's many successes. he is looking back on his remarkable career with luke burbank. >> reporter: if it you were making a movie about ed zwick, the oscar-winning producer and director of various huge films -- this is a beautiful campus. >> isn't it? >> reporter: act one would definitely feature the american film institute in l.a. as a backdrop. >> it's very hands on. it's very deep into the pool right away. your other students or fellows, as we are called here, will in fact become your own teachers. >> reporter: this was where back in the '70s a 20 something ed realized he was out of his depth and had to quickly start learning from his peers. >> action!
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>> reporter: that something he hasn't stopped doing over his 40 plus year career. >> let's print a and b camera. >> there is a great american narrative tradition that this has become a part of. >> think you got something to tell me. >> reporter: he has directed some of hollywood's brightest. denzel washington. >> i'm gonna find out the truth. i guarantee that. >> tell this man. >> reporter: tom cruise. >> he does not shoot me, i will kill him! >> reporter: leonardo dicaprio. >> i'm using him and you are using me and this is how it works, isn't it? >> reporter: and almost julia roberts, who agreed to star in "shakespeare in love" before quitting without a word, shutting the film down for years. it's all recounted in zwick's new book, "hits, flops, and other illusions". the good, the bad and ugly of working in hollywood. >> it's a crucible.
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and in a crucible, among artists, things full, good come that. i wanted to tell it as it was. >> reporter: zwick and his producing partner marshall herzkovitz have been in the crucible since they met ads students and formed what they call the longest partnership in hollywood history. >> we love to make epic films, big films. we also believe that people can achieve the epic in normal life. >> reporter: which is what they tried to achieve with their first tv series. >> there isn't enough time. >> reporter: "thirtysomething." they didn't think it would last one season. >> did you ever think of having an affair? >> reporter: it actually went on for four and won 13 emmys. >> we were really interesting in ambivalence and the ambivalence
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of being in a marriage, ambivalence of being in your job and you want to just screw around, but you have to work hard. all the contradictions of life. that upset people a lot. people wanted to have just a very straight up and down depiction of life, but that's not what life is. >> there is more to fighting, sir. there's character. >> reporter: while making "thirtysomething," zwick got his hands on a script about a group of black soldiers from massachusetts during the civil war. "glory" was a sensation. >> i ain't fighting this war for you, sir. >> reporter: battles on screen were matched by battles behind the scenes. >> stand by, quiet. action! >> reporter: with, as zwick
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says, of all people, matthew broderick's mother, who fought for zwick to enlarge the role her son was playing, that of the white leader of the african american regiment. it was an early lesson for zwick in when to compromise and when to hold your ground. >> what i wonder is how you have navigated the world as a director and as a creative of when to fight for something and when to realize it's not worth it. >> well, i don't know if this is fit for cbs television, but there is a poem by ee cummings and the last line of the poem is there is some [ bleep ] we will not eat. but that also suggested there is a world of [ bleep ] that they will eat. having to make that decision is really crucial. >> if you look at his films, he w -- people cry in those movies. they are affected by the movie. they remember the movie.
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but in order to give a profound experience, you have to put a lot of things together. i think that's what ed does so brilliantly. you have to have a great story, an amazing sense of casting. then you have to know how to deal with these very special people who are going to go out there and be the face of this movie, and i think in the book he very eloquently talks about the different ways you have to handle different people. >> reporter: if this film -- >> people are unpredictable. >> reporter: the one about ed zwick, does have a villain, it might be harvey weinstein who ended up buying the "shakespeare in love" script that zwick had so lovingly developed, then kept him from getting to the microphone on the oscar stage. >> only in hollywood can you end up feeling bad about something you are posed to feel really good about. but it turned out to be actually very important for me later,
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that it wasn't about fairness necessarily. it was about hard work and doing -- knowing what you have done and then moving on. that you are going to get knocked down. there is a cruelty in this business that you have to accept in terms of the vagaries of what happens. and what do you do then? do you get up? and can you keep going?
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it happened last week. the deaths of three people from very different walks of life. designer iris apfel died friday. the new york born apfel, who once called herself a "jgeriatr starter starlet rose in the '50s and '60s as an interior designer including on a number of white house restoration projects, eventually working for nine presidents from truman to clinton, but it was in later life her bold fashions and saucer-sized eyeglasses made apfel a trend setter. she seven signed a modeling contract at age 97. in 2011, she told "the new york times," when you don't dress like everybody else, you don't have to think like everybody else. iris apfel was 102 years old.
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>> i want to get married my last, i just broke up with an actress who -- look, obviously, i don't know if you know me enough, but i'm no gift, okay? >> we also learned tuesday of the death of comedian richard lewis. born in brooklyn in 1947, first in stand-up and then tv and film -- >> boy, now i'm in trouble. >> lewis built a career on his dark, neurotic, self-deprecating humor. most recently playing himself opposite close friend larry david on television's "curb your enthusiasm." >> you never call me. you always pick the restaurant. >> are we married? >> lewis, who was diagnosed with parkinson's last year, died of a heart attack at his home in los angeles. he was 76. >> if we believe in our democracy, then we believe that a time will come -- >> and we've had a death in our family. >> they care about charges of conflict of interest in the epa
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in washington. >> we learned this past week of the passing of long-time "sunday morning" correspondent david culhane. >> there is racial tension here. >> culhane joined cbs news in 1967, and after a number of assignments, in 1979 he brought his signature style to a fledgling "sunday morning" program. >> they have been trying to make steel in youngstown in ancient mills that haven't changed much in 50, 75 years. >> he would report on all kinds of subjects from all over the world for the next 16 years. culhane then left cbs and moved to france where he would report for national public radio. after retirement, he remained abrad for some years before returning to the united states. david is survived by his wife, anne kinzie culhane, and his four children and six grandchildren. our david culhane was 93 years
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old. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence
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against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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erin moriarty explains how, in some ways, it's not just donald trump who is on trial. it's the very nature of our nation's judicial system. >> reporter: on march 25th, inside room 1530 of this manhattan courthouse, a trial unlike any other is scheduled to begin. a criminal trial of a former u.s. president, donald j. trump. >> we have never been in a situation like this where we have been faced with a prospect of holding a former leader to account. >> reporter: what does that mean for the balance of power? >> melissa murray teaches constitutional law at the new york university school of law. andrew weissman teaches criminal procedure there. >> i think if you think about american history, there is sort of defining moments. there is the actual promulgation of the constitution. there is the civil war. and i think without the
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hyperbole, this is a defining moment in terms of having a criminal case. >> reporter: to be clear, donald trump is no stranger to the legal system, and recent civil judgments may cost him nearly half a billion dollars. but what makes this a defining moment, say weissman and murray, is that he is facing 91 criminal charges in four different courtrooms. in new york, in the so-called hush-money case, trump is accused of falsifying business records. in washington, d.c., and georgia, for allegedly conspiring to overturn the 2020 election. and in florida, for keeping classified documents at his mar-a-lago property. and what's at stake now for donald trump is not just his finances. but possibly his freedom. >> the fact that we have these four indictments show there is an appetite for accountability, but is he too much for the american legal system?
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i think that's what we are going to find out. >> reporter: because overshadowing this tangle of trials is the fact that defendant trump is also candidate trump. >> i think the country is going to rue the day we traveled down this road. >> reporter: robert ray, a former federal prosecutor, successfully defended trump when he first faced impeachment in late 2019. >> what federal prosecutors want is they want the public to come to accept that the defendant was afforded fairness. i think that there is a good percentage of the country right now that doesn't believe that. >> reporter: and that is why professors weissman and murray put together a what they say is an impartial guide to the trump indictments. >> there are facts that are disputed in four criminal cases, and our job is to translate that for people, hopefully, who really will understand that they need to get engaged.
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>> reporter: they begin not with the new york case, but the one they believe levels the most serious charges. united states of america versus donald trump being heard in washington, d.c. >> today an indictment was unsealed charging donald j. trump with conspiring to defraud the united states. >> reporter: last august, jack smith, a special counsel appointed by attorney general merrick garland, charged trump with conspiring with others to interfere with the results of the 2020 presidential election. >> sort of gist of it is hat you have a plot to disrupt the counting of the votes. >> reporter: smith alleges donald trump knowingly made false statements about election results in states like georgia, and according to court filings, cites has evidence trump's own social media posts, like this one falsely accusing democrats of stuffing ballot boxes.
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smith also alleges the defendant lied to the georgia secretary of state to induce him to alter georgia's vote count in that now famous telephone call on january 2nd, 2021. >> i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. >> reporter: but former trump attorney robert ray says a jury may hear that phone call differently. >> finding votes doesn't necessarily mean find me 11,000 fraudulent votes. >> reporter: and adds that donald trump will argue he was exercising his right to free speech. attorney weissman counters. >> i was prosecutor for many years. there is no first amendment protection in terms of a criminal case if you were to rob a bank and say, give me all your money. that speech, none of that is protected.
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>> my office will speak a speedy trial so that our evidence can be tested in court and judged by a jury of citizens. >> reporter: but that speedy trial that was scheduled to begin in a federal court room in washington, d.c., tomorrow ran into a roadblock earlier this year after trump's lawyers made a claim that echoed one made by another former president 50 years ago. >> when the president does it, that means it's not illegal. >> by definition? >> exactly. >> reporter: donald trump asserts he is protected from prosecution by presidential immunity. while that claim was initially thrown out by a federal appeals court, trump asked the supreme court to weigh in, and in a win for trump just this past week the justices agreed to hear arguments on the case in april. so even a case that's built for speed can be derailed by delays? >> yes. >> reporter: doesn't that kind
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of reflect one of the limitations of the american system? these delays? >> donald trump once read a book cart the art of the deal. this is the art of delay. and he played it very well. >> it is desirable politically for donald trump to delay these cases until after the election for obvious reasons. he is entitled to take that position. >> reporter: it's a strategy that presidential historian douglas brinkley says that trump learned from controversial attorney roy cohn, chief counsel to senator joseph mccarthy in the 1950s, and who represented the trump organization in the 1970s. >> what trump has going for him is that he learned how to stall and defer and postpone, kick the can. but more than that, he learned never admit defeat. >> reporter: but as much as they
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have tried, donald trump's lawyers have not been able to delay or dismiss this case. the people of the state of new york against donald trump. >> under new york state law, it is a felony to falsify business records with intent to defraud and intent to conceal another crime. >> reporter: last year, manhattan district attorney alvin bragg alleged that donald trump had falsified records to conceal a bigger crime. election fraud. >> the defendant claimed he was paying michael cohen for legal services performed in 2017. this simply was not true. >> reporter: instead, bragg says the hush-money went to pay stephanie clifford, an adult film star, better known as stormy daniels, to buy her silence about an alleged affair with trump before the 2016 election. while some legal observers question the strength of the
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case, trump's former lawyer, michael cohen, was convicted of similar charges in 2018 and sentenced to three years in prison. jurors chosen for trump's trial will likely remain anonymous and no cameras will be allowed inside the courtroom. what's more, unlike his previous civil trials, donald trump will be required to be in here instead of on the campaign trail. >> this is about defending his rights. him showing up in court and being able to mount a vigorous defense to the charges against him. that's his right as a defendant. >> reporter: that won't keep him from holding court outside, as he did after a recent hearing. >> nobody's ever seen anything like it in the country. it's a disgrace. >> reporter: is he going to try to use the case as part of his campaign message? >> of course he will. he has done that with regard to every other stage of these
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prosecutions. why would the trial be any different? >> reporter: manhattan d.a. bragg has already asked the judge to rein trump in with a partial gag order. but ray blamts prosecutors for taking a candidate to trial just months before a presidential election. are you saying that former leaders should never, when running for re-election, ever be held accountable for alleged crimes? >> no. but i'm saying that the unusual circumstances that we find ourselves in, we've got four pending indictments in an election cycle. that is a result that i think most people would agree is undesirable. >> reporter: but, bob, he gets to bring in his evidence. he gets to cross examine witnesses and he could be acquitted, and that would help him in an election year. >> i think there are questions about whether or not donald trump can get a fair trial in the district of columbia, whether or not he can get a fair trial in manhattan given the
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potential juries. >> i watched them deliberate. they take it very seriously. >> reporter: but professor murray is confident that juries made up of american citizens are more than up to the task. >> i think very few jurors go into there, like i am a democrat, i am a republican, and i think they go in there, like, i'm a juror and i'm an american and this is my civic duty.
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice...
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as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. to steve hartman with a story about the power of a promise. >> reporter: you can't hear him over the crowd. that may be a good thing. as auburn university coach bruce pearl sneers and snarls his way through yet another basketball game. >> you see him on the court being tough and stuff to the players, but there is a whole totally different side of bruce outside of basketball, which s a nice, loving, caring person. >> reporter: auburn freshman sam cunningham's unique perspective
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comes from his greatest struggle. when he was 12, sam was diagnosed with leukemia. not long after someone asked coach pearl to record a video for him. >> you are going to beat this, son. cancer picked the wrong dude to mess with! okay? >> it was funny to me. cancer picked the wrong hombre. th that kept with me in my darkest days in the hospital and stuff. >> reporter: through all of his complications -- >> you are going to beat this, son. >> reporter: through the relapse, through the days that felt like they would be his last. >> picked the wrong dude to mess with. >> reporter: sam kept watching that video over and over. >> okay? >> reporter: eventually, coach pearl delivered the same lines in person. >> picked the wrong dude. >> reporter: and they became friends. >> thank you. >> reporter: and then one day bruce gave him anothe even more inspiring message. >> tell you what. you are going to get better. you are going to come to auburn and be my assistant.
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he takes me at my word. >> he believed it? >> he did. >> reporter: today, he is the team manager, and so happy to be here. in fact, sam says coach pearl's encouragement may have saved his life. >> that truly healed me. i didn't think i really would get to this point from all the complications i had. so that was pretty amazing. i'm just a miracle to be here right now. >> reporter: this month, college coaches across the country will be praying for a national championship, but here at auburn this coach will be asking for something far more consequential. >> in my prayers, it's, god, don't let this boy relapse. take me. let sam live. >> reporter: basketball seasons come and go, but great coaching lasts forever.
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fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. get back to better breathing. get back to what you've missed. ask your doctor about fasenra, the only asthma treatment taken once every 8 weeks. if you can't afford your medication astrazeneca may be able to help. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate
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over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. what would a doug heffernan bring to fedex? >> i'd bring myself and my lunch, if i don't get regal park. >> i think i'd -- hey, castaway, whoa! >> it's "sunday morning" on cbs and here again is jane pauley. >> in his sit come "king of queens," kevin james played an average joe who finds the humor
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in everyday life. which pretty much is kevin james' own recipe for success. jim axlerod has our "sunday profile." >> this is where it starts? >> this is it. >> reporter: for kevin james, one of our most popular and successful comic actors of the last quarter century, all roads lead to stand-up. >> i see it, say it. it's like a verbal wood chipper. >> reporter: and right here on long island. >> this was the east side comedy club, first place i did stand-up. i think i had a couple of coors lights. >> reporter: a couple? >> a couple, to get the courage up. and then i went in here and this was the first place. 1989, july 26th. >> reporter: 35 years later, quite a lot to look back on. >> i love you, especially that part. >> reporter: delivery man doug heffernan made him famous on "king of queens."
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mall cop paul blart made him a bankable star. do you like the stage? >> yeah, i have been here many, many times. >> reporter: but it is still stand-up, like his new special, irregardless on amazon prime, that makes him happy. >> you've got to do that hard press on the phone first of all. the app starts shaking. >> reporter: crazy journey, right? >> it's amazing. and, hopefully, it's still continuing. >> you know somebody's going. they know this. >> reporter: a high school football star, james went off to play college ball at cortland state in upstate new york. when a back injury ended his athletic dreams, a public speaking course sparked some new ones when he played it for laughs. >> so, some light bulb went on for sure that i have this capacity, i have this talent?
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>> i didn't know what it was, but i had something. i don't know how you bottle it and make money off it, but i never went back to school. >> reporter: he went to work honing his style. >> tell you what else annoys me. how big are muffins going to get before we all join hands? >> reporter: affable and observational, never dirty and always with an eye on the future. >> i just want to lose enough weight so my stomach doesn't jiggle when i brush my teeth. >> reporter: you don't work blue. you never have? >> no. >> reporter: because? >> i knew it was going to prevent me from being able to get on a tv show. i want my act to be able to go and play -- it's like i want to build an agent that people can relate to. >> reporter: by the mid '90s, james was big enough to bag an audition for "saturday night live." a chance to follow comedy legend like john belushi, bill murray, eddie murphy. he fell flat on his face.
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>> the worst audition in my life. it was literally me in a room and they were filming and it was absolutely brutal. and i just started doing my stand-up to no laughs. i kept going through it. >> reporter: which is where you learn all you need to know about kevin james. living proof that no one fails. they just stop trying. >> here is what i don't understand about that story. 99 out of 100 team would curl up in the fetal position and never move again. i just bombed a "saturday night live" audition. not you. >> it was the best thing that happened to me. ♪ >> reporter: losing out on "snl" meant he was free to audition and win the lead in a pilot called "the king of queens." >> making fun of my shorts again. >> reporter: the bet kevin james made on himself when he left college -- >> be the bigger man. >> reporter: had paid off. >> frustrating, you know. you are so well dressed. i can't well come back at him with anything. >> reporter: do you remember the
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moment of the phone call where you were thinking, my life has changed? >> yeah. we got a call and it's, like, we are moving on to the next level. >> reporter: in less than a decade, he had gone from driving a forklift while moonlighting at long island comedy clubs to starring in a network sitcom. >> just enjoy who you are, you know what i'm sayin'? >> reporter: too fast, perhaps, to completely trust the success. even amidst all of this success, you were still cranking in your head, this may not last. they are going to find me out eventually. >> that's my whole career. you know, everything. every movie. you just go, they are going to figure -- if someone tapped me on the shoulder, god just said, hey, we know what's going on, i go, yep, where codo i go? it's all up? all right. it was a fun run. thank you. >> everything hurts.
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last week i woke up, asked my wife, hey, did i play rugby yesterday? she is like, no, you shook a can of paint for me. and it wasn't even a big can. the little haagen-dazs size. >> reporter: but at 58, married for 20 years, kevin james would now have a hard time making the case that it's not going to last. maybe the only doubters now, his four kids. do your kids think you're funny? >> they do at times. >> are your kids lethargic? because i got a slug farm at my house. >> they have really high tastes, which kind stung me a little bit. they were like, we get it. you are falling down in the mall cop van. it's good. we are looking a little bit more, you know, i'm like, oh,
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all right. >> going to dpuf you my phone number. in case you want to grab a drink sometime. >> i don't drink. but i do ride! oh! >> reporter: but for all the success he found in hollywood, this son of long island will never stray too far from his roots. >> stand-up sitcoms movies. they are say they are only allowed to do one the rest of your career. what's it going to be? >> stand-up. just me and a mic and i get to do it. there is no process, the studio or the network of saying, we are changing this way, cast it this way. it's like i really do enjoy the process and there is going to be times where this is not going to work out the way you want and you are not going to connect with people the way you expect. >> you guys are the greatest! god bless you all! >> other times, it's, like, yeah, you can still could this. this is great. but the opportunity is there to
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note of jacob collier. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: when jacob collier headlined the hollywood bowl last year, he was backed up by the entire l.a. philharmonic orchestra. it was a big jump for someone who is used to playing all of the instruments himself. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: on collier's 2016 debut album "in my room," he played every instrument -- ♪ ♪ >> reporter: recorded every vocal track all inside a small room in his childhood home in north london. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: i think to hear about a guy who made an album in his room, your first thought is, well, it's stripped down, a singer-songwriter. yours is not stripped down. maybe the most complicated album. >> stripped up.
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>> reporter: yeah. >> yeah, yeah. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: collier's stripped up sound could be difficult to categorize. it's a multi-layered fusion of genres. >> i think maximalism can get bad press sometimes because people think of it as being superfluous. this is too much going on. there is things about it that are not necessary. that is not the kind of maximalism that i believe in or partake in. it's like how youtube evolved. like you start with 1 dp and now 8k. do you need the resolution? if you want to describe something in your head and you are capable of seeing it in high-resolution, i think you should describe it in high-resolution. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: when he was just a teenager, collier started using youtube to share covers he recorded in his room with the rest of the world. ♪ ♪
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>> each time it happened it felt like a rite of passage. is this the time? >> reporter: suzie collier, jacob's mother, an accomplished violinist and conductor. >> i would go to the academy of music and watch her do this. and the music would begin. and you never get over that as a kid. that's meaningful. >> reporter: it's a mack intrick. >> it's a magic trick. her voice is being extended through her limbs. >> reporter: he learned how to play a variety of instruments. when he learned how to use the computer audio software logic -- >> here we have it. the logic session of moon river. >> reporter: he realized he could pull off his own type of digital magic trick. ♪ ♪ ♪ moon river ♪ ♪ wider than ♪ >> logic became my primary instrument you could say. the art really was less about can i sit and play one
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instrument really well. even if i play one note on this ukulele, i can still use it in my song. so my job became less an instrumentalist and more of a kind of, i suppose you could say, orchestrator. >> reporter: some of collier's carefully orchestrated arrangements started to go viral. ♪ isn't she lovely ♪ >> i remember with isn't she lovely, which is is what quincy jones saw, i said i really blieve this song is going to change your life. and it's absolutely true. it did. >> reporter: quincy jones reached out and asked if he could manage collier. the 29-year-old has gone on to win six grammy awards. his style has particularly resonated with other artists. herbie hancock is compared him to stravinsky. "rolling stone" described him as your favorite musician's favorite musician. >> you are cracking a joke in a dialect where the people who speak the dialect laugh because they know what you didn't do.
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not just what you did. >> reporter: so collier started asking some of those people to play along. >> i wanted to find a way of working with other musicians because i knew i needed to learn that. i needed to learn the art of collaboration. i have gone as far as i could by myself. >> reporter: collier's latest album is the final part of four-album cycle called djesse, a play on his initials, jc. it has camilo, to brandi carlile, to audience choirs he has conducted around the world. ♪ >> if i put this in real scale, it would be taller than this room. >> reporter: when i caught up with him in the studio, he was putting the finishing touches on
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a song that contained 959 separate audio tracks. when you are doing all these layers, do you ever think about on that track 772, no one may ever notice that? >> oh, yeah. a lot of this stuff is only i will know it's there. but i do think that if you don't hear it and you perceive it, you feel it. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: collier talks a lot about eliciting a feeling. the feeling of joy or unease or surprise that can result from a specific combination of sounds. >> i enjoy the process of merging things together that shouldn't really ever be put together and making it work. i am doing it because i feel an emotional chemical reaction. the feeling of an orchestra playing a chuge chord and a deah metal band pushing it to one side is a feeling that i feel. the world is a crazy place. as an artist, if i do what i
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feel is my duty to, explain accurately how i experience the world, is going to sound like a mess sometimes because the world is a mess. ♪ ♪ type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes.
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i'm jane pauley. please join us when our trumpet sounds again next "sunday morning." ♪ . i'm margaret brennan in washington. this i'm margaret brennan in wasington. this week on "face the nation," political bickering over the border takes on a more dire tone and our new poll contains some worrisome signs for president biden. former president trump swept up more delegates saturday winning gop caucuses in three states as he continued his efforts to tap into voters' fear as a reason to support him.


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