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tv   CBS Weekend News  CBS  March 3, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

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into a big snowball fight with one of our reporters from sacramento. all right. i-50 is open, but you need chains. i-80 is closed. but caltrans says they hope to have it open some time tomorrow. that means kelsi and jim will hopefully make it back some time tomorrow. >> we'll see. cbs weekend news is next. we'll see you in ♪ tonight, digging out. a monster storm dumps snow on the mountain west. california's sierra nevada buried by a blizzard. interstate 80 closes for miles with no sign of reopening. >> i'm carter evans. there's so much snow, they are running out of places to put it all. it's still snowing. >> a new storm moving in.
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winds fanning fire danger. israel strikes in rafah as the u.s. expands food drops in the gaza amid hope for a ramadan cease-fire. >> the biden administration r ramps up efforts to ease the suffering in gaza. the violence there wages on. donald trump expected to secure his run for a second term. president biden set to deliver the state of the union. new cbs news polling tonight on the race ahead. hoops history. a record day for iowa's caitlin clark. >> everybody screams, that's when i knew. a family affair. >> an eagerly awaited arrival happening in a towering california pine with the world watching on web cam. >> i'm joy benedict in california where all eyes are on the trees and three bald eagle
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eggs that are about to hatch. good evening. thanks for johnin joining us. wild weather affecting tens of millions this weekend. tonight, cleanup efforts are underway in california's sierra nevada after a blizzard blew in with hurricane force winds causing whiteout conditions as you see there and dropping a lot of snow. in some places, it's more than seven feet deep. travel has been treacherous and life-threatening. plows are working nonstop to open roadways, freeing big rigs and cars alike. tonight, snow stretches from california to colorado with a new system moving in this carter evans is in truckee. >> reporter: it's day three of the monster storm, battering
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mountain communities with heavy snow and high winds and now residents are bracing for more. blizzard and avalanche warnings are extended tonight in the sierra nevada. one life-threatening storm moves out. another storm is about to move in. key roads around lake tahoe are off limits, too dangerous for drivers and snowplows can't keep up. >> it's been hectic. i've broken a lot of parts. >> reporter: the california highway patrol cleared the last of the big rigs on interstate 80. on friday night, there were 200 to 300 dcars and nearly 100 big rigs trapped. this morning, this is what many locals found. now the big dig out begins. rain and sleet may not stop the post office, this time the snow did. these trucks were buried. even with snow drifts almost as
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tall as i am here in downtown truckee, for many folks, they are used to this. it's pretty much business as usual. that includes truckee's bookstore owner. we are in the middle of a blizzard. why are you open? >> it's no better time than to sit around reading. we might as well be open. >> reporter: the economy here is fuelled by tourism. more than 15 million people visit here each year. they spent more than $5 billion. while many people look outside and see white, businessowners here see green. what is all this snow going to do for business once the storm clears? >> once the storm clears, we will be crazy busy. >> reporter: once the blizzard moves through, there's another storm moving in. it's not going to be nearly as bad as the last one. when it's all over it could deliver another foot of snow to some areas. people in this ski community welcome it. >> i'm sure they do. carter evans, thank you. in texas, strong, dry winds
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this weekend made it difficult for crews battling the largest wildfire in state history. attacking hot spots in several areas in the panhandle, more than 1 million acres have been scorched. two people have died and 500 structures have been destroyed. shifting to politics. a big weekend for former president donald trump. he easily won republican caucuses in missouri and idaho and southwest the michigan contest, too. he is looking to lock down his party's nomination this tuesday. president biden is set to begin his re-election campaign this week. cbs news has new polling out showing that today shows donald trump leading president biden among likely voters. for more on that, let's check in with skyler henry at the white house. >> reporter: good evening to you. this week will give both of the presumed nominees an opportunity to sharpen their campaign messages and sway voters.
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lay out their agenda to tackle some of the biggest issues gripping the country. >> over the past week, we have been in a rocket. we have been launching like a rocket to the republican nomination. >> reporter: former president trump drew crowds during his campaign rally in richmond, virginia, saturday. primary voters there and in 15 other states will head to the polls for super tuesday this week. a critical moment as both trump and president biden are the overwhelming frontrunners to earn their parties' nominations. last week the former president and biden clashed in texas as border policy tops a mounting list of hot button issues. >> why don't we get it done? >> reporter: as the pathway becomes clear, voters say it's trump's presidency that did better than biden's. 46% of registered voters remember the trump area presidency as excellent or good
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compared to president biden's 33%. largely based on the state of the economy. both campaigns are focusing their messaging on that. and other key areas, including reproductive rights, foreign aid and the crisis at the u. u.s.-mexico border. >> we need congress to have a spine. do its job, which is work for the american people. >> reporter: president biden is expected to reiterate that call to action when he delivers his state of the union address to congress this thursday. >> speaking of that state of the union address, what more have you learned about what we can expect to hear from president biden? what will he be telling congressional leaders? >> reporter: we know that millions of people are expected to watch. the president will likely tout the accomplishments over the past three years, including the strong economy and also look to try to talk about him implementing his agenda. for example, lowering drug prices while also talking about his vision for the future. from there, the president will
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hit the ground running, making stops in two battleground states, pennsylvania and georgia. >> skyler henry at the white house. cbs news will have coverage of the republican and democratic primaries, including a special on tuesday at 10:00 p.m. eastern time on cbs news, streaming on paramount+. vice president kamala harris calls for an immediate cease-fire in gaza. speaking in alabama to commemorate the 59th anniversary of bloody sunday, harris called on israel to do, quote, more to increase the flow of aid to palestinians with, quote, no excuses. >> good evening. kamala harris will meet with be benny gantz as they try to reach a deal for a cease-fire and aid
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into gaza. the devastating aftermath of a strike on a shelter for displaced palestinians in the southern city of rafah. at least 11 people were killed in what the world health organization is calling an outrageous attack. the israeli military said it carried out what it called a precision strike against islamic jihad militants in the area. casualties were mainly women and children, including this woman's twin daughters as well as her husband. what did these babies do, she says? answer me. do you feel anything for us? on saturday, three aircrafts air dropped 38,000 meals in coordination with u.s. ally jordan on southern gaza where 1.5 million bpalestinians have been sheltering. president biden made the intervention after at least 115 palestinians were killed and hundreds more wounded on thursday when israeli forces
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opened fire as thousands had gathered to one of the first food aid deliveries in gaza city in months. in what palestinian leaders are calling israel's flour massacre. people were trying to get a sack of flour only to be killed. the israeli military continues to insist the deaths were caused by a stampede. u.n. observers found the majority of the dead suffered from bullet and shrapnel wounds. since the start of the war, israel blocked most food, water and medicine into the palestinian territory, pushing around 300,000 people into the brink of famine, according to the u.n. after months of talks, israel and hamas have signalled that they may be close to an agreement which would see a cease-fire and hostage release. but in the words of a top national security official, until a deal is done, it's not done.
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>> thank you. spacex will try again to launch nasa's next mission to the international space station. this rocket is scheduled to leave the launch pad at the kennedy space center at 10:53 p.m. eastern. high winds scrubbed last night's launch. on board, three nasa astronauts and a russian cosmonaut. they will spend six months at the station. college basketball history making. caitlin clark became the leading scorer in the women or man. astrid martinez has more on the historic season. >> for college basketball history. >> reporter: this shot put caitlin clark into the history books. she stands alone as the all-time scorer in ncaa division i college basketball. >> everyone screams, that's when i knew. >> clark. >> reporter: she netted 35
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points as the hawkeyes beat the buckeyes. she needed 18 points to break the scoring record set by the late pete maravich. at louisiana state university, he averaged over 44 points a game. clark, a 22-year-old senior, averaged over 32 points a game while leading the hawkeyes. her high school coach says, clark's impact on the game goes beyond the court. >> what she has done for women's basketball and women's sports in general is incredible. >> reporter: two weeks ago, she became the ncaa women's division i scoring leader. four days ago, she set the all time women's college basketball record. >> from the logo, ladies and gentlemen. >> she earned those moments, how hard she works. >> reporter: all her accomplishments inspiring a new generation of athletes. >> we love caitlin. >> clark. >> reporter: she has at least two more college games to play.
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iowa is expected to go to the women's ncaa tournament. clas clark declared for the draft on april 15th where she will take the game to new heights at the next level. >> yes, she will. a basketball pro entered a league of his own. this was the moment lebron james became the first player in the nba to score 40,000 points in a career. it happened last night at the lakers game against the nuggets. lebron is in his 21st nba season. ahead, vets to pets. a new effort to help get animal care to rural america. plus, why cleveland police were in hot pursuit of these runaways. later, hatch watch. why this eagle's nest is being watched by millions of you worldwide. takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill.
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tonight, new attention for a decades' old problem. there's a shortage of veterinarians. kris van cleave has more on a volunteer-led effort to ease the strain. >> reporter: across the navajo nation's 27,000 square miles, spread over three western states, there's a health care crisis playing out on their rural desert lands. there's an estimated 500,000 dogs and cats, many free roaming, and only three veterinarians. >> thank you for coming out. and helping our dogs. >> reporter: volunteers from the parker project across the u.s. make regular trips to the navajo nation. >> let's get some vaccines. >> reporter: going door to door checking on pets, offering vaccinations and regular pop-up clinics providing treatment and
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helping ing spay or neuter arou 70,000. >> i saw happy young dogs, adult animals. they needed vaccines. i saw gracious, happy to interact with us owners and locals. >> reporter: nationwide, there are signs of a veterinary shortage. costs are rising. some estimates say the u.s. could be 24,000 vets short by 2030. for dogs like ruby, getting veterinary care can be a challenge up here in northeastern arizona. there's one vet nearby. with limited hours. otherwise, it's a several-hour drive to a veterinarian. >> it's a long drive. i don't know if it's worth it. dogs and cats in your family for so long, they love you. we love them. >> reporter: this man's family has four dogs and a cat running around their home. checking on blue -- >> what happened? >> reporter: the medical team spots a potential infection they can treat at the clinic.
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>> every time i hear about this, i would take all of our dogs and get them vaccinated. >> reporter: the banfield foundation handed over $19 million in grants over the last seven years to buy more mobile care units and provide services to animals in need. since 2021, $1.3 million has gone to helping pets in native american communities across 11 states. so far this year, that's meant care for nearly 24,000 animals. if you weren't out here doing this, would these dogs and cats get the care they got? >> i don't think so. >> reporter: lacy frame is a licensed veterinary tech who manages the field clinics. >> coming out here, they don't have access to that care. being able to use my skills to help make a difference for the pets that wouldn't have gotten care otherwise became very important to me. >> reporter: that difference means pets are now checked, fully vaccinated, and ready for a little extra affection. >> good job.
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>> reporter: kris van cleave, cbs news, arizona. still ahead, what some call the last great race on earth. " weekend news," what some call the last great race on earth. . it is lasting control over your gmg symptoms. and, ultomiris is the only long-acting gmg treatment with 8 weeks of freedom between infusions. ultomiris can lower your immune system's ability to fight infections, increasing your chance of serious, life-threatening meningococcal and other types of infections. if not vaccinated, you must receive meningococcal vaccines at least 2 weeks before starting ultomiris and if ultomiris is urgent, you should also receive 2 weeks of antibiotics with your vaccines. before starting ultomiris, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions and medications. ultomiris can cause reactions such as back pain, tiredness, dizziness, limb discomfort, or bad taste.
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t38 musher and their dogs are taking part. the dogs are wearing neon harnesses to avoid collisions on the 1,000-mile course. today, a polar plunge in chicago on an unusually warm winter day. thousands dipped into a frigid lake michigan. it was near freezing in the water, but nearly 70 degrees fahrenheit on the beach. organizers say a record number of people registered for this year's annual event. looks like fun. this weekend, two horses brought traffic to a snail's pace in cleveland, ohio. cameras captured the pair trotting on the interstate 90 and going the wrong way. they had escaped from the police stables. officers were in hot pursuit to corral them again. when asked if there were any injuries, local authorities wrote on facebook, ney.
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coming up next, these bald eagles are famous thanks to this live web cam. their hatch watch straight ahead. ahead. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion and stomach pain. talk to your doctor about nurtec today. when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. skin-carving next level hydration? new neutrogena hydro boost water cream. a vital boost of nine times more hydration*
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joy benedict takes us there. >> reporter: a family drama is happening here, atop this pine tree towering over big bear lake in the san bernardino national forest. you don't need an eagle eye to spot it. a solar-powered 24-hour live web cam gives a global audience a view of jackie and shadow, inside their nest, three eggs, a rarity for bald eagles and a first for jackie. >> we watch for the first dent or crack in the eggshell. >> reporter: more than a month through blizzards and predators, these two birds have sat vigil. >> they have an egg tooth on the top of the beak that they use to push against the shell and finally break a hole in it. they start pushing when they don't have enough air inside. >> reporter: sandy is a bird watcher who first eyed the eagles from the ground when jackie was just a chick. >> you see the whole nest is
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what you are seeing. >> reporter: that's huge. >> it is. it's 5 1/2 feet across and 6 feet deep. >> reporter: she helps run a conservation group which first installed a camera in 2015. is there anything she has done different this time with the eggs? >> this time, they are both being very much more careful about sitting on the eggs. when jackie is -- gets ready to leave, shadow is in the air and ready to land on the nest. >> reporter: viewers watched them squabble over whose turn it is to keep the eggs warm, with jackie usually winning and shadow providing food. >> she made it to 62 hours straight on the eggs without a break. as long as there's any bad weather, jackie will not get off the eggs. >> reporter: with three eggs, the hatching process could take a week. >> my hope is to see three chicks. >> reporter: hope for those watching and waiting as symbolic as our feathered emblem of freedom. joy benedict, cbs news, big bear, california.
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>> of course, jackie wins all the arguments. coming up tonight, cecilia vega reports on the border enforcement efforts in texas. thank you for watching. have a great night.
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