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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 6pm  CBS  March 3, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PST

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drive off the road. i'm glad we're not trying that drive that it looks miserable out there. >> how about something completely different? look at us today in comparison. this is from the mark hopkins hotel just about 20 minutes ago, caught a spectacular view of a rainbow. you can watch in the time lapse. it kind of goes away. it's not all blue skies like that. you look out the window, you can see it's still pretty cloudy. a live view from our roof looking out over the bay. so we caught a brief glimmer of absolutely fantastic. but i've got to bring you back in time now to demonstrate why
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the national weather service extended the blizzard warning. before i showed you the maps, let me just show you and let you hear why they were suppose to do that. this is from palisades. it gets dramatic as you watch this. probably 70 miles an hour winds. that's the chair lift. and they just shared this earlier today. by the way, palisades, one of the places higher up, reporting 190 miles an hour wind gusts from one of their automated centers on friday. so some of the strongest. the record in california, by the way, the 199, that is verified. we don't know if the 190 was there. but that's today. if we use the visualization to see how the weather prediction center is messengering where the areas of greatest concern are in the sierra, this map is not showing us snow. it's not showing us wind, but a combination of all things that the storm has to throw and where it falls on the winter storm severity index.
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this is today in red. we are at major, which is hazardous driving. what i want you to see is tomorrow because tomorrow gets better. we're not done tomorrow. if you look at the monday forecast for the winter storm severity index, we're looking at more moderate. but things are about to start improving. i'll show you how the storm finally gives us a break when we get together in that complete forecast. in the meantime, the blizzard warnings still goes until midnight, which was extended. there is now a winter storm warning, which goes until wednesday because of the next storm. nowhere near as intense as this one. i'll show you what that looks like in just a bit. storm is also leaving people in the dark up in the mountain. more than 100 customers without power in donor lake. you could imagine what that is like with all the snow and the cold weather.
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and this is south of castlewood drive. the damage blocked both directions of the roadway about 7:00 this morning. throughout the storm, be sure to stay with us for the latest updates. you can head over to or download the free cbs news app. in other news tonight, the high cost of living is presenting problems for many in the golden state. but for farmworkers, it may be reaching a tipping point. the deadly half moon bay shootings revealed the living conditions of farmworkers who work in our communities and raised awareness. last june governor gavin newsom awarded $5 million to san mateo county to buy homes for survivors of the shooting. in sonoma county where agriculture is an economic engine, it is becoming an economic crisis. today, the county held a farm worker resource fair to help those make the whole thing
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work. john ramos has the story. >> reporter: california is the number one agricultural state in the union, but it is also the most expensive place to live. so what happens when the people who grow our food can no longer afford to be in the place where food is grown? >> reporter: there is very little employment for farmworkers from the later part of november to right now. farmworkers are average working, one, two days a week. mother nature interferes. >> reporter: with the rain falling and the vines sitting dormant, there isn't much for the small army of sonoma county farmworkers to do. it has become a part of the culture of the wine industry. >> it is sort of sad that they help sustain a healthy vineyard culture in sonoma county. but during the winter, they don't know where their next meal is going to come from. will they be able to afford their rent? >> reporter: guzman did some
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pushing. sonoma county hosted their first ever resource fair to connect laborers with help they may not have known even existed. from healthcare services to food assistance to help finding another job. >> the things we don't talk about are the challenges for people who are undocumented. and many people who are undocumented have been in this county for many years and are contributing to the survival of all of us. they are challenged because they may not be able to get a job in the way someone who is documented and has a right to work. >> this resource fair is a really good opportunity to be able to listen to that community, provide support within in between the seasons, and really start looking at bigger long-term sustainable support for farmworkers. >> reporter: with the gap between rich and poor widening, the neat for some kind of
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permanent support is reaching a critical stage. farmworkers cannot work remotely. they're tied to the land. but now people who have been traditionally willing to do back breaking work for little pay are finding they just can't make it here anymore. >> they just can't afford to live here, you know? with the wages, the inflation, rents, it's just not a place for farmworkers to actually raise a family. >> reporter: and you're seeing a number of them leave? >> oh yeah, they're leaving. they're going to the valley, they are going to other states, especially into the central valley. >> reporter: and once they're gone, there may not be enough left to do the work. in sonoma county, it's primarily wine. but in other spots in california, it's fruits, vegetables, meat and poultry, the stuff we all rely on to survive. if food shortages start happening, providing help for the farmworkers, will seem like a bargain. >> today's resource fair includes more than 40 different agencies and non-profits that provide help for low income residents. still ahead at 6:00, to help
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the state store even more water. >> nothing has been built like this in california for more than 30 years. >> the location and the timeline for a brand new reservoir and why the project received significant pushback. and later some bay area voters choosing whether or not to cut loose from an agency meant to protect them from floods. why some say they are
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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all the rain and snow moving across california and how much the water has been stored. it's a new reservoir and that project is finally underway. it will be just east.
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our wilson walker has a closer look at the developments there. >> nothing has been built like this in california for more than 30 years. >> reporter: it's been nearly 70 years since they took a look and saw the potential for the reservoir. it is still truly massive. >> it is moving ahead and the payoff will be as large as the new lake itself. it will not dam the river, which is good for the fish, but instead the water will be pumped up out of the valley. >> and it is basically bringing
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it off the river during the periods and storing it here in the valley and releasing it back out to be used or flow back into the river during dry periods. >> reporter: the natural bowl of limestone creating the valley does most of the work only two relatively small dams are required. >> this gives you a nice angle on the scale of the dam. it is a large dam, but it's not huge. >> reporter: and of all the 180 miles required to move back out, only 15 miles of it has to be new. when everything is built and the water is turned on. >> it's the eighth largest in the state of california. >> reporter: what happens when they are here? where some members of the family will still live, this will all be submerged. >> at this location, we would be under water. >> reporter: the authorities are negotiating with landowners. most are said to be on board
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with the project, but many are reluctant to talk as the discussion now has dragged on for generations. >> 60 years and it has never happened, so you can imagine the fatigue that you might feel with people telling you you've got to move and no you don't. but i think they are getting to the place and they're older, where they understand the importance of this to the community. >> reporter: the state with the big push from the governor is trying to get things moving. now it must be obtained and that is a big step and expected to be cleared in the next year. >> after that, then we'll start construction in 2026. we figure it's about a seven year construction period. so about the end of 2032. >> all right, let's go over now to first alert meteorologist, darren peck, with more on this
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weather that just keeps on giving? >> we are almost done. hang in there, hang in there. we're going from those beautiful images where it looks like california as they do this time of the year and i've got another one. that is from the mark hopkins hotel and i had to go back to it. it didn't last long. this is from say 5:45 until 5:50. we time lapsed it, so watch the rain bands move out, and the direct sunlight was still there, but we lost the refraction from all those small little rain drops where that light will get back and you like the rain. the rainbow just evaporated. it did not last long, but it was a spectacular show. glad i could share that with you again in case you liked it. okay, numbers, an inch and a half. san francisco so far, santa rosa, an inch and a half. and we could still add to these with more to go. this is not a major rainmaker
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for us. we were never really seriously concerned about this storm from a flooding standpoint. a few scattered show ors will remain through tomorrow morning. the energy is way reduced. give it another few hours and then we'll be done. it was in effect until 9:00 a.m. on sunday and now extended from 1:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. we'll see why, it's a classic situation for why you get a frost advisory, it's only in the north bay valley. most of us in the low to
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mid-40s. we end up with the view taking a look towards sonoma and napa. getting down to the mid-30s tomorrow. and the low spot, cold air is heavy, it tends to sink. and those in the enclosed valley without any access to the bay. the temperatures will drop more. that's what you've got coming your way for tomorrow. all right, let's get back to what's coming up next and another chance for rain late tomorrow night from an entirely separate storm. a much bigger one. we can't take rain out of the forecast and i hope andrea is not listening. and it is going to be nothing like this system. the one coming in is wishy-washy. we'll come in for a closer look. this system will come in first late tomorrow night with a chance of rain only for the
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north bay. so you get a few drops of rain there. look at the time stamp up there with a little bit of rain. it will be a better snow maker than a rainmaker. this won't be like the current snow. i want you to see how the rain comes out. and then there is this weird pause in the action before the system comes back with a little more rain bay area wide and just before it is finally aligned here. that's wednesday morning. we'll see more light showers come across on wednesday. with a forecast like this, we've got a broad brush in because that could easily change. it's a cut-off low and they behave erratically. we've seen plenty this winter. generally speaking, each one of those has a chance for some light rain on it and you can see it's a tenth of an inch of rain and more snow from that system. instead of eight feet, it will be a foot. that winter storm warning does go as you see the areas in red,
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that will go until 4:00 a.m. on wednesday now because of that system, that additional foot of snow. snow level will be down to 5,000 feet. hugely different, way different from the snow we just had with lower snow totals. a chance of rain here and a broad brush for everybody. then yeah, another chance back here. more on that as we get closer to it. none of it looks major. matt, over to you. giants made a big splash in free agency on friday night. the team says they're done, but is that the truth? we'll weigh in. everyone has an off day, right? the warriors played a game on sunday that - temperatures cooling down as we head into the weekend and stronger onshore... ah, i stepped off the coast again. - the winds are really picking up. - fog spreading farther inland. - and in the north bay, you're gonna get soaked. (water splashing) - [narrator] presenting the bay area's only virtual weather studio.
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next level weather. - as i lift this, you can actually see... - [narrator] on kpix and pix+. (wind blowing) it's that real. (water splashing) - let's move on to the seven-day now. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas
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to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. warriors entered sunday with wins in 11 of the last 13 games, eight consecutive road victories. so the expectation was a competitive game against the
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eastern conference first place boston celtics. it didn't happen. steph curry played after being questionable with a knee injury. golden state looking for their ninth win on the road. steph rolls up the runner going around and around to tie the game at 21, as good as they got for the dubs. jalen brown pulls up for a three here to make it 30-21. the former cal bear scored 19 in the opening quarter. now a 17-point celtics lead. and leading to an open three. boston finished the quarter on a 23-3 run. they made nine threes in the first and they led 43-22. jayson tatum here now 71-32. and it's a rough night for curry. he went 0-9 from deep. the worst shooting half of his career. he only scored four points. steph, draymond, and klay, yeah, they didn't come out for the second half. why bother? boston won by 52. final score 140-88. it is the worst loss of steph
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curry's career. they finish the road trip 3-1, back at home to face the bucks on wednesday. in college basketball, iowa star caitlin clark, 18 points away from passing pete maravich to become the ncaa's division i all-time leading scorer. no. 6 iowa hosting no. 2 ohio state. and gets within six of the record. buckeyes called for a tech. clark sinks both free throws. she passes maravich's record of 3,667 points. clark, who announced this week, she was leaving for the wnba after the season. scored 35. hawkeyes won 93-83. officially, official. matt chapman is a san francisco giant. contract finalized this morning, three years, $54 million. but chapman can opt out after each of the first two seasons. and how about cy young winner, blake snell? still remains unsigned, the giants seemed to have needed a
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starting rotation piece. they said, "the offseason is really over as far as we're concerned." we are more in-n-out-season mode. now he either means that or he's continuing the staring contest with scott's agent, and we'll see who will blink first. we are still a few weeks away and the tournament is nearing an end. the reardon boy's basketball team still has their name penciled in. they may be just high schoolers, but the reardon boys basketball team doesn't play like it. >> it's unexpected for a regular high school team. >> reporter: junior richard is referring to the amount of talent the crusaders employee. something college coaches have clearly noticed. >> they have always said you're right up there at the top in 1a, 1b, 1c. >> reporter: head coach joey curtain says they have seven players who have committed to d1 programs or offers. one of them is st. mary's
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commit, zion zinsley, who returned for his senior year. >> i was here my freshman year, and it was an amazing experience. my freshman year, our team went pretty far with a lot of good talent. i wanted to come back to the reardon family and to play high school basketball again. >> reporter: stacked is an understatement for their talent. one star, sophomore andrew hillman, who is from cameroon. hillman is still getting accustomed to america, but he already has seven d1 offers. >> it may be the school and in-n-out, yeah. >> reporter: what's your order at in-n-out? >> every time, a double, double, animal fries, and a shake. >> reporter: reardon has not won a state title since 2002. they know a thing or two about that. >> it means a lot and putting up the state championship means a
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lot. >> every kid has a dream to kind of win history. we have not won it in 2002, so it will be a big time for us, a big time moment. >> riordan got a big win on saturday night. and they have committed. that is unheard of in that level of high school. >> from the bay area. >> thank you, matt. coming up, a small north bay town with a history of flooding mounts a revolt against the county. >> there is a string of craziness here that needs to stop. >> the passional debate over local ballot measure that all started with the what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department...
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where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. ♪♪ [storms sound] whatever weather comes your way [wind and snow sounds] weathertech has you covered. [bird chirping] [laughing] with our laser—measured cargoliners. no drill mud flaps and floorliners. to secure your phone don't forget the cupfone. order yours today at you never know when it's gonna be a weathertech day. perfect weather today...
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vice president kamala harris is calling for an immediate cease-fire in gaza. u.s. officials say a deal is expected this week that will lead to a temporary cease-fire in gaza. >> as they report, israel is still dealing with backlash from thursday's attack in gaza city, where palestinians were killed, trying to get food from a humanitarian aid convoy. >> reporter: on sud, they claimed to kill more than 100 hamas militants inside gaza. it comes as a deal between israel and hamas could come to fruition. a temporary cease-fire in gaza in exchange for hostages held by
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hamas. the deal would allow for more aid into the territory. >> that is going to resolve that issue. it will open up the corridors, certainly in any conflict where they need to be held accountable. >> reporter: they have conducted an initial review of last week's incident where at least 115 palestinians were killed and hundreds more wounded as they gathered for one of the worst food aid deliveries to the area in months. the spokesperson claims shots were fired in self-defense. >> the majority were killed or injured as a result of the stampede. several looters approached our forces and they posed an immediate threat to them. >> reporter: thursday's incident caused international outrage and led them to air drop bundles into the territory, not nearly enough in a place where a quarter of the population will
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face starvation. vice president kamala harris condemned the thursday incident in gaza city and made it clear that the administration is pushing to reach a solution. >> there must be an immediate cease-fire. for at least the next six weeks, which is what it is currently on the table. >> reporter: harris is set to meet with the car cabinet member in washington. >> reporter: here in the bay area, thousands took to the streets of san francisco for a unity march against anti-semitism. they say it is a response to the escalating hostility against the jewish community. the march started at embarcadero plaza and made its way down to marcus street concluding at civic center where the rally continued. >> reporter: people gathered at
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the same location, finding president biden trailing former president trump as the two seemed destined for a rematch in november. the congressman was on face the nation today. if they want to rally young voters, he'll need to push back much harder against the israeli government and end the war there as soon as possible. >> i don't think in the head-to-head polling that this is the issue that's showing up. this is an issue for organizers. this is an issue for young folks. this will be a turnout election. right now they want a new moral direction for our nation and for what's going on. >> reporter: the supreme court, by the way, they could rule as early as tomorrow on whether former president trump's name can be kept off ballots in some states. you might remember colorado and maine have currently barred trump from the ballot, holding primaries on tuesday. the state's rule that trump
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is not eligible to be on primary or general election ballots because of a clause in the constitution. barring someone to run for office. >> the highest primary is the race to become california's next u.s. senator. and republican steve garvey appears to be gaining some momentum. it shows him with 27% support. and congressman adam schiff at 25%. that is well within the margin of error. now representatives, katie porter and barbara lee round out the top four. the top two candidates, regardless of party will advance to november. there is only one statewide measure on the ballot. the $6.3 billion bond measure. a part of the plan to create
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drug and mental health treatment beds. there is two components of this. you've got the bond, the $6.4 billion bond that will provide for 11,150 new units, and actual housing. 26,700 slots for outpatient treatment. >> prop one would massively overhaul how the state spends billions in the bat roll to end the homeless crisis. critics say it diverts them away. >> they are talking about housing and getting people housing. the bulk of what's going in will be to build the facilities to the warehouse and the hospital beds. the hospital beds are not homes. >> if proposition one passes, it would make major changes to california's mental health services act. that was passed in 2004. it expanded and modified county mental health systems. continuing our primary election preview. in marin county, voters will decide on measure f. on the surface, it is not that
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exciting. a smalltown could withdraw from a local flood control district. but as john ramos shows us, it has stirred up a surprising amount of passion in a place with a history of flooding. >> reporter: the town takes flooding so seriously that they test the warning horn every friday at noon. they've learned a tough lesson that dates back to a storm on new year's eve in 2005. on that day, the creek rose up over their banks, sending a muddy river of water tearing through the downtown area. they remember it well. >> in that flood, this water was probably three to four feet deep. that is a 100-year flood. so in 2007, the community voted to join the zone nine flood control district as a way to lessen the risk.
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>> they started collecting fees 14 years ago. they have now burned through over $50 million and they are done almost nothing. it is just amazing. >> reporter: the last straw is this piece of property by the county with zone 9 funds. it sits on a bridge over the creek and causes an obstruction to the creek's flow. so the district wanted to demolish it. they allowed the space to be used as an outdoor plaza. >> and the town is in love with it. i think justifiably so. >> reporter: but they closed the plaza for safety reasons, citing cracks in the structure and they plan to continue the demolition. the community doesn't seem very happy about it. >> do you think removing that bridge is really going to do anything? >> no. everybody says it won't do anything. >> reporter: it is not the first flood project that the town has disagreed with. voters killed a district plan to turn a park into a flood basin.
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but the issue of the plaza was the spark for mf that would remove the town from the zone 9 district completely. and it has the support of mayor eileen burke. >> this program hasn't worked. we have wasted $52 million. it has been a colassal failure. instead of coming to us saying collaboratively, what can we do? they tried to force things on us. they tried to force us to stay in. >> the district as it has been designed, it's been contentious. >> reporter: marin supervisor, katie rice, sitz on the board and understands the frustration of people over the slow progress. but she opposes measure f saying even if it passes, san anselmo homeowners will be obligated to pay the fee. >> they might be thinking they are voting and their vote will
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for some reason remove the bridge from going forward. and our attorneys are saying that's not the case. >> reporter: withdrawing would remove the town's voice. but they say it doesn't feel like they ever had one. >> reporter: so the relabelon is on. they are determined to cast off the district and deal with the problem on their own. >> so regardless of the votes, supervisor rice just said the flood fee is scheduled to end in three years. she does not expect voters to renew it. cbs news bay area will have full coverage next tuesday for the march 5 primary. we'll bring you the results all night long on air and on and still ahead here on this sunday night, it doesn't seem like the best weekend to take a dip in the bay, but that still did not stop some talented triathletes. it doesn't look that bad of a
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day. they democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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what is a treat listen? we're about to find out. let's make up our minds in northern california. >> okay, good job. >> it's the stanford tree, right? the race started with a 600-meter swim and then a 20-k bike ride and a 5k run. we spoke to the triathlon's fifth place finisher who says things aren't as easy as they once were. >> i also am an elderly man now competing against all these youngsters. so honestly, i mean, i'm just happy to be out here. but yeah, that is nice to have. >> the annual event, the fundraiser for the stanford triathlon team.
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welcoming up, a promising high school athlete on the road to recovery after family vacation ends in a life changing accident. how he is hoping to inspire others w when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate."
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"known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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well, andrea is so hoping that all of this eventually comes to an end. >> and they will deliver some news that she's not the only one that will feel that way. we are through with the worst of this. we are not entirely done with the current storm. there is another one coming our way, but it doesn't look anything like this one, but start at the beginning. how much snow have we gotten in the sierra so far? just looking at inches here. if you take a look at that number, 87 inches will come at you. and so not bad there. if we visualize where the concerns are from snow and wind and overall disruptiveness. you see the winter storm severity index, the winter storm predictions fairly new way of helping to visualize one snapshot where the level of concern is. and this was today in the sierra. look at the areas of red there on the scale. will show you major concerns, particularly going across 80. here is tomorrow. as we transition to tomorrow, you can already see a big improvement. we are not done with the storm tomorrow.
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it will be snow in the sierra. we won't get much rain here tomorrow. but in terms of the area, we're under concern. what does that yellow tell you? well minor, use caution while driving. they are likely, i'm not a caltrans spokesman, but they will likely have 80 open tomorrow once we get through this. it's probably not going to be in the morning. but improving situation in the sierra. take a look at what's going on over the next couple of days. the next system is included in this. the next one is going to drop more snow on this through wednesday. in fact even if that blizzard warning is now allowed to expire at midnight, of course, that's an extension. it was suppose to expire this morning at 10:00 a.m. but they had to extend it through midnight. however, underneath that, the area in red creates the sierra with a new winter storm warning that goes until wednesday at 4:00 a.m. in the morning. let's come in for a close up of the first one. we know the drill. it's primarily telling you that the wind is so bad that the
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visibility will be incredibly low and dangerous, which we have been witnessing. but here is the next storm. winter storm warning for wednesday at 4:00 a.m. heaviest snow is coming up on wednesday and tuesday, and a relative storm. but we might get another foot compared to the seven and a half feet that we've already gotten. so there is the total and you can see accumulations in monday and tuesday, and it will probably keep going later tuesday because that goes until wednesday morning. we'll pick up a foot. down to 2,500 feet now. for the monday and tuesday system, it will be more like 5,000 feet. so much higher. there's a beautiful view, time lapse today of the rainbow that we caught from our camera on top of mark hopkins. as the rain fizzled out that took the rainbow with it. rainfall here at home went something like this so far. an inch and a half for most locations. since we are not done, let's take a look at the storm. notice the lightning strike on there. this system still has some energy to produce them. nowhere near as much as the last few days, so we are starting to
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see it weaken. but the possibility is still there. watch it happen as we go into futurecast. you're going to see these livables show up where you could get the potential for another brief isolated little downpour to come through. and that will go from tonight into tomorrow morning. but as we get towards the later part of monday, most of us will get a break. a couple of things to be aware of. it will be cold tomorrow morning with a frost advisory for those north bay valleys. when we look at the numbers here, low to mid-40s for most of us. it's the north bay valleys that will feel like it's the most, and you can see where temperatures will be getting down into the mid-30s. so this is really a heads up for the north bay. it's going to get cold out there again tomorrow morning. and that's probably item number one. the next one is that chance for rain, so just to show you what that system looks like, right there. it comes in. it is so wafflely in the long range forecast that the takeaway from this is we're going to get a few light showers technically out of that system. tomorrow night in the north bay only, wouldn't be much.
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and then likely on wednesday, that system will come back, aligns itself to give us more widespread rain. but it's a mess. there is one thing for certain, it's not that impressive. it is nothing like this one. but it is still a chance for rain. when you look at the seven-day forecast, you need to keep both days with a chance of rain on it with a little break here. yeah, a chance for another one back here. that's next weekend. we'll have more on that one as we get closer to it. back to you. >> andrea is up next. trying to stay positive after a terrible accident when he was snowboarding up at tahoe. the sport that he's getting from some famous athletes.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us.
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i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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welcome back. tonight a teenager from napa continues to recover in the hospital after a catastrophic snowboarding accident. >> his life may forever be changed, but max darrow shows us how he's hoping to inspire others with his mindset. >> reporter: with mom and dad by his side in a hospital room in reno. 15-year-old blake mendenhall is taking on an unexpected battle with a mindset that anything is possible. >> and it's been every day feeling that you're improving,
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getting my strength back. >> reporter: he crashed into a tree. he fractured his spine in two places. >> the t4 and t5, and a complete fracture from t7 to t8. that is exactly where his spinal cord was completely severed. >> reporter: he underwent hours of neurosurgery and now has rods holding his spine together. right now blake can't move his legislation. a tough prognosis for a standout. blake is approaching this challenge with positivity and grace. >> there is always a light at the end of the path. you won't see it at first, but you'll realize that it was all worth it. every day, just believe that it will be better and be an amazing job. don't let this stop. >> reporter: as blake rebuilds his strength, strengths for
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blake from others will continue to grow. the napa valley community has rallied behind blake's family. >> and it just shows who he is as a person. >> reporter: locals and strangers have supported a fundraiser that has been set up for medical costs now and in his future. and support is coming in other forms too. team blake is written in the snow over the hospital in reno. >> what's going on, blake? >> reporter: even famous athletes have caught wind of his accident and they are sending him strength. >> you know i'm thinking about you. >> hey blake, i'm here, stay up, stay positive. much love, man. >> thank you for all that love and support. and for being there for blake. it is such a blessing. >> reporter: blake says he would like to get back to snowboarding and surfing, playing his favorite sports. he knows it won't be an easy journey, but he plans to take it head on with optimism. >> and i believe it will come. >> reporter: and he reminds us the importance of approaching
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life with a positive mindset. no matter what cards you're dealt. >> have fun because life may be the last. even if you're having a bad day, make it a good one. >> reporter: blake will soon be transferred to craig hospital in colorado. a hospital that specializes in neuro rehabilitation and the care for people who have sustained a spinal cord injury. if you'd like to help out or get in touch, there's an online fundraiser that's up and running. >> all wishing him the best in his recovery. remember you can watch us any time anywhere on our streaming service cbs news bay area. catch all of our live newscast plus news and weather updates throughout the day. you can find us also on the free cbs news app or on pluto tv. >> thanks for watching. for now "60 minutes" is next. we'll see you back here at 11:00. >> until then, you can see us streaming on cbs news - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. - let's go win this thing!. then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas
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to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. the governor of texas is marshaling his own state's resources to take control of what he calls a failed federal response to the crisis at the border. he's been criticized for playing politics with immigration, but he's doubling down on razor wire, soldiers, and tough new


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