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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  March 4, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. thank you for joining us this morning. it is monday, march 4. >> welcome to the start of your work week. so let's get started. >> been quite a weekend. in our house we got about two feet which we don't normally again. a hell of a storm. >> he said it, mother nature
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with unrelenting snow fall slamming the sierra. we are there as people dig out. >> features, faces are altered to look sinister and aggressive. these things are troubling. >> altered in alameda? question of whether political attack ads go too far. there is light that you won't see at first. but you realize it was all worth it. >> a stand out athlete in napa with a stand out attitude. how community support equals hope. for college basketball history [ cheering and applause ] >> rising to win and break a record said to be unbreakable. caitlin clark stands alone showing us on a monday what's possible. >> good morning everybody. i am reed cowan. we like that on a monday, a nice dose of what's possible. you have to stay tuned for the story of the youth athlete with a terrible injury, nice to see that. >> looking at caitlin, you know
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it's possible. when you put the work in all the extra time, you see results. she continues to see results one record at a time. >> we need some of her magic to come to the war warriors after that loss. thanks for joining us. a live look outside. it is monday. grab that coffee. good morning. we are seeing clouds hovering across the bay. hopefully the sun will peek out. if you live near interstate 80 in the sierra, this is what you are going to see. a lot of snow. this is i-80 at 267 where it connects in truckee. friday cal trans shut a stretch of the interstate down from colfax to the nevada state line because of the snow. they said it will remain shut down but it could open up sometime today. we are on stand by for that. >> thankfully we have pretty much reached the end of the storm, the blizzard warning in the sierra over the weekend has
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been downgraded to a winter storm warning. we do know drivers up there ended up stuck on i-80. >> exactly. nearly 300 cars and over 100 big rigs were at a stand still during harsh conditions. part of the closure was because of an overturned about egg rig that happened up there. chp managed to clear the last of the trapped drivers but things haven't cleared up enough for chp to reopen i-80. it was a catastrophe up there. we advised people throughout the bay area to push back weekend plans due to how strong the storm was as it swept through the bay area and into tahoe too. as we look at what's going on, snow is starting to die down. the advisory is downgraded. we are keeping a close eye on the winter weather advisory. over the weekend they saw gusts to around 171 miles per hour near palasades. at the peek it was no joke of a storm. it was one
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of the strongest in the sierra region for sometime. we got our fair share in the bay area too. just yesterday, on and off showers throughout the afternoon hours. we got over two inches of rain near novato, san rafael. over an inch near san francisco stretching into oakland and santa clara valley. as we wake up we are watching more showers trickle off to the east as we are out the door for this monday forecast. we mentioned the winds and the snow. i want to mention one more thing. as of the first of the month, we saw over 84% for the sierra snowpack. but after this weekend the numbers are really going to jump, especially in some regions where we saw over 12 feet of snow accumulate. i will have more on that in a bit. >> thank you. let's talk about the roadways because we are starting to see brake lights and issues forming on some major freeways. here is what looks good, what gets the
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thumbs up. the peninsula commute and even 880 is moving along well. what's not good is commuters west bound 80, if this is your route, you will need extra time if you are out of hercules into richmond. there is a crash blocking lanes and traffic is backing up. our other hot spot is altamont pass commute and that is busy out of tracy on to 580. heavy law enforcement in santa rosa. this is todd road and stony point road. apparently one of several crime scenes. this is after some incident that happened around 12:30 a.m. here is a look at some of the activity that happened over night. you see about half a dozen cruisers from law enforcement agencies are on scene. we have reached to santa rosa police and sonoma sheriffs office for more information. meanwhile back to the sierra, it is not just drivers on i-80 that are stranded. even
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the locals are starting to get fed up. >> reporter: it was more of the same sunday as snow and strong winds continued to pummel the sierra. >> it's been quite a weekend. in our house we got about two feet which we don't normally see. this is a hell of a storm. >> reporter: eric and his family were hoping to go skiing at a resort near truckee. they drove all the way from reno only to find the mountain still closed. >> it was pretty rough. tough visibility. the crews kept it in good shape. >> reporter: piper johnson didn't risk getting on the roads. she and her dog walked to downtown truckee to check her art gallery. >> i wanted to see if anyone else was open. if others were open, maybe we should open. but i walked the strip and only saw
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three stores open. not really worth it. >> reporter: many restaurants however were open. we caught up with several people braving elements for a hot meal. >> my friends that used to live here are in town. we met for breakfast and just came from church with the other brave souls. >> reporter: we even ran into a family from the bay area. they told us they come every year for a family vacation and weren't going to let this storm stop them. >> we were getting out of the house and coming here. we have been playing games at night, family dinners. we love it. >> reporter: the tricky part will be getting back home. many people were supposed to leave town sunday but the weather is keeping them another day. >> to keep up with continuing coverage of the winter storm, stay with us on air and online at and streaming on the cbs news bay area app. journey to justice in the
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case of a murdered oakland police officer continues at a preliminary hearing today. that means the number of accused murderers is up to four. here is the back story. an officer killed in december while responding to a break in at a marijuana grow house in oakland. now 28-year-old russell faces charge of murder. this is a change because before russell faced lesser charges of burglary. other news, four are dead after gunfire at an outdoor party in monterey county's king city. police have a man hunt on their hands. three men wearing dark masks and clothing got out of a silver car and opened fire around 6:00 last night taking off. three of the four were killed instantly. a fourth died at a hospital. three others are recovering from wounds. the sun is up on the other side of the country. a live look at capitol hill where lawmakers are facing ticking clock to pass the about i will to keep the government open.
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house and senate leaders agreed on language for six bills to do this. congress must clear two sets of bills by march 22 to keep the money going to government programs and projects. if they don't, the money stops. in the senate, majority leader chuck schumer encouraging democrats to get behind bipartisan measures. 6:08. look closely. altered in alameda. some say political attack ads not only go too far but aren't truthful in how they look or sound. when mother nature bears down on areas of agriculture, farm workers are out of work. ahead, the
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take that up a little bit higher. you should feel that, like, right back here. oh, yeah, i felt that! good, that is so much better than last week. thanks, i've been doing 'em every night while i'm watching tv. - oh, what are you watching? it's a mystery. high quality care that meets you where you are. ( ♪♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪♪ )
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welcome back. a live look outside. it is monday everyone. as you get up and yawn and peek out the window, here is what's in store. a few clouds. but it looks like we'll get a break from the rain. to the sierra, it is packed with a lot of snow. here is highway 50 at ski run boulevard, city of south lake tahoe saying there is heavy traffic on parts of the highway. they're doing screening of trucks as well so
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you will see a back up there, urging people though to wait out the storm still before traveling. on top of this, interstate 80 is shut down for the time being. cal trans says it could open by today. votedders have one more day to decide before the primary in california. you will have your chance to weigh in on big issues including which two senate candidates will advance to general election. there is a big headline. a poll by uc berkeley institute of governmental studies shows a republican could take the seat once occupied for decades by a democrat. we are talking about seat of lane senator dianne feinstein. former l.a. dodger and republican steve garby is in front of his democratic rivals. adam schiff is within the margin of error, now in a statistical tie with schiff in
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the senate race. governor newsom's proposition one is for a $6.3 billion bond to help the state create more treatment beds for people who struggle with addiction and mental illness. critics say our state has already thrown $20 billion at the problem to try to fight homelessness. the issue according to many has gotten worse despite. there is a local race heating up. we are talking about alameda county democratic central committee for district 18. they have great power because they can help swing important races. this has some questioning whether attack ads have gone too far. look closely at your screen. an east oakland woman named pamela, look at the screen, she's crying foul over attack ad that targeted her and her moderate allies. an opponent set up a website and sent texts to voters calling pamela and her group criminals. if you look close, pictures are
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photoshopped. they don't look like her. pamela and an ally lauren taylor say this crosses a line. >> our features, faces are altered to look sinister and aggressive. these are very troubling. >> empower oakland slate has issued cease and desist order to mario. >> the ad reportedly came from the candidate in the same race mario juarez. he is a real estate broker who has previously run. we tried to contact juarez sunday to get his side of the story. so far, no response. only registered democrats can vote. there are 29 candidates and a lot of people want it. there are only ten seats available. nikki haley became the first woman to win a republican primary. former un ambassador picked up victory in the district of columbia. of course she still trays behind former president trump with 43
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nationwide compared to trump's 247. he is expected to pick up hundreds more tomorrow on super tuesday. supreme court could rule as soon as today on whether trump's name can be kept off of ballots in certain states. colorado and maine have barred trump and are holding primaries tomorrow. the states ruled trump is not eligible to be on primary or general election ballots act cite a clause in the u.s. constitution that bars anyone who engages in insurrection from running for office. cbs news bay area is the place to go for all the results for tomorrow's primary. we'll have complete coverage on kpix and streaming on and the cbs news app. residents in the sierra are starting to dig on out from a powerful blizzard. in some places the snow is more than seven feet deep. plows have been working around the clock to try to reopen major
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highways. this morning carter evans is right in the middle of the snow and that's been accumulating since friday. carter joins us live from truckee. how are things looking? >> reporter: that blizzard warning has expired. this is a sidewalk in downtown truckee. check out the pile. they've got about four feet of snow. as you said near donner pass they got more than seven feet of snow. frozen in place. this is what interstate 80 looked like over the weekend, hundreds of cars and big rigs buried as a punishing blizzard determine punishing blizzard dumped feet of snow. this officer said they went beyond the role of first responders. >> we were calling it uber black and white, taking them to
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the store, getting whatever they needed to be able to push through. >> reporter: it's been an all out effort to clear all the snow from the roadways to the railways. >> look at the train tracks covered with snow and now the solution, this giant snow plow train. >> reporter: this family opened their door to a wall of snow sunday. now the big dig out begins even as another storm approaches. >> bigger fluffier snow flakes. >> reporter: we met a lead scientist andrew schwartz at the berkeley snow lab at the beginning of the blizzard. now he is stranded there in more than five feet of snow only reachable by phone. >> how are you going to get out? >> good question. even though we were expecting quite a severe storm, i think it's caught a number of people off guard. >> reporter: while most people look outside and see nothing but white, business owners in truckee see green. what is all this snow going to do for business once the storm clears?
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>> once the storm clears we will be crazy busy. ski season will be extended through april or may. that's really good news for us. >> reporter: most ski resorts were closed for the blizzard. i can tell you there are eager skiers and snowboarders ready to hit the slopes even though the new storm is supposed to hit today. it's not going to be nearly as bad as the last one. it could bring another foot of snow for some areas by the time this is done tomorrow. >> carter, we are going to break apart that storm now actually. thank you so much. stay warm out there. let's talk about what happened over the weekend and let's dive into the storm that's coming in currently. throughout the weekend areas in san francisco saw a little over an inch of rain from los gatos into red wood city. friends in san francisco got so close to two inches and novato past the golden gate bridge, we did pass two inches. let's a you can about what's going on in the sierra. a winter storm warning
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until wednesday for highlighted zones and counties. we have mentioned the winds too. they saw 171 mile-per-hour wind gust at the peak of palasades. this was no joke of a storm. into the next days, they are still dealing with recover eye from this weekend as they add more snow to the forecast, close to around eight inches expected near donner into our wednesday forecast, less impressive numbers widespread throughout that region. as we look at what the storm did for us in the bay area, we are seeing leftovers. in the bay as we wake up, that area of low pressure has unsettled weather in our atmosphere and we are seeing light scattered showers form from offshore from oakland down into san leandro. we are seeing some light rain. that's the system that swept through san francisco 15, 20 minutes ago. as we look at futurecast which is a great tool on days like today, tomorrow, wednesday, we'll continue to watch light showers accumulate. but it won't amount to much. you saw rainfall totals from the weekend getting close to two inches throughout the bay area.
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into the next days at max we'll see around a tenth of an inch in areas like santa rosa into napa on average. that mixed with lighter winds, this is looking more promising into the afternoon hours today. light winds are expected for us moving from offshore. at max, about 15 mile-per-hour wind gusts into inland areas. speaking of inland areas it is cooler now that the cold front settled through and left us with cool, cloudy unsettled weather today and tomorrow. we are expecting 50s from napa to vallejo, 50s in the east bay. if you are lucky and live near san jose that's the spot we are seeing 60s. it's going to be a cool one this afternoon but there is light at the end of the tunnel. that's friday's forecast for us as we see a gradual warming trend, warmer conditions and sunny skies thursday into friday and more rain returns to the bay area as we head into our saturday and sunday forecast. gianna. >> thank you. let's talk about the
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freeways. it is 6:21. we are starting to get a little bit busier. if you are grabbing that coffee and thinking about heading out especially if your route takes you to the bridge or west bound 80, it's one of the hot spots. most of the bay is okay with the exception of this round. into richmond there is a crash blocking one lane so traffic is very slow for anyone making the ride. you will see those brake lights highway 4 to 80 and of course 80 itself. at the bay bridge the metering lights are on so it is slow into san francisco. it's windy through the altamont pass, so be extra careful. if you are coming out of tracy it's still busy with speeds down to 35 miles per hour in some spots. so we are seeing a slower pace for commuters heading west towards dublin interchange. once you get to the connector, it's not so bad. the rest of the area looks good, even 880. this is near a colosseum, more
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crowded south of here into hayward. san mateo bridge, it is still slick out there so be careful. traffic is moving at a good pace. a familiar face back in the bay at third base. are the giants done before opening what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy.
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because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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iowa star caitlin clark making history as she passes pete marovich to become the ncaa division i all time leading scorer. congratulations. sixth ranked iowa hosting number two ohio state. buck eyes called for a technical foul and clark making both free throws to pass the record of 3,667 points. incredible. she scored 35 and hawkeyes won 93-83. congratulations. that's amazing. giants are bringing in a familiar bay area base. >> former a's third baseman and diamond glove winner matt chapman has signed with the giants. three years, $54 million but he can opt out after each of the first two seasons. he was selected in the first round of the 2014 draft and played from 2017 to 2021. what about two time cy young
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winner blake snell? he remains unsigned. president of baseball operations said they're focused on in season side of things and that off season pretty much is over for them. it could be that he is continuing that staring contest with snell's agent to see who is going to blink first. the next week or two will tell. 6:26. theater eveners counting on a big new movie release to boost the box office. did it come through? we will take you live to the sierra as - it's so fun to watch jessica in this space. - this is a look at those clouds right now in real-time, but let's head underneath this cloud layer and take a look at our rainfall...
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- [narrator] the virtual view studio, part of "morning edition." weekday mornings starting at 5 on kpix.
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on cbs news bay area, 6:29. it is almost 6:30. taking a live look outside on this monday, how pretty is this? you see the clouds hanging out a bit but maybe we'll get a break from the rain. we'll check with jess in a second. if you live near interstate 80 in the sierra, this is what you are going to see. a lot of snow. this is i-80 at highway 267 through truckee. friday cal trans shut a stretch of the interstate down from colfax to the nevada state line because of the snow. it will remain closed in some spots but could open up sometime today. we were seeing a few cars. >> unlike i-80, highway 50 is
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open. those travelers are facing challenges. commuters should probably heed what we have been telling them since friday. stay off the roads. >> exactly. cal trans released this video behind me of a car being pulled out of the snow. this was south lake tahoe area on highway 50. national weather service says snow is accumulating between eight to 14 inches and chain controls are in effect. what a hectic weekend up there. this is one of the strongest storms we have seen impact the sierra in sometime. it impacted us in the bay area too. we actually saw over an inch and a half in areas ladies and gentlemen san francisco areas. we are still adding to the numbers in areas like santa rosa and petaluma. as we wake up, it is looking pretty similar on first alert doppler with some active
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conditions. in the sierra they are under a winter storm warning that can last until wednesday. the bulk of the storm is passed but donner pass can see an additional eight inches of snow, blue canyon seeing closer to five inches. it is not that active currently but they are dealing recovery after the storm impacted them throughout this weekend. in the bay we got our fair splash of showers too yesterday all the way into early morning hours today. we are watching on shore showers form closer to oakland. san leandro getting splashed with light showers. marin head lands, a similar trend and we will watch those move from offshore this afternoon. i will have more on that and how much longer we will see the unsettled weather conditions. >> thank you. lots to get to when it comes to traffic. there are hot spots to let you know about. if you are taking the peninsula or south bay, your commute is pretty good. it hasn't really
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started. we are seeing nice conditions there. where it is not great is the commute west bound 80 at san pablo dam road. traffic is slow because of a crash. south bound 101 near ignaci o boulevard, two lanes are shut down until further notice. also some breaking news, heavy law enforcement activity in santa rosa. this is todd road and stony point road. apparently one of multiple crime scenes. sonoma sheriffs department says several deputies responded to report of a person brandishing a rifle. this happened about 12:10 a.m. a chase ensued and suspect fired at the deputies. they returned fire and killed him. here is some of the activity that occurred. four deputies were injured, one with a gun shot wound to the leg and two with hand injuries, one with a head injury. the deputy with the head injury is in critical
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but stable condition. santa rosa police will take over the investigation. the storm in the sierra, it is dark at donner like and you can see why. more than 100 without electricity and snow bringing down power poles and huge trees. word is the lights may be out for a long while. tough weather forced closure of yosemite national park but it is now partially open. weather experts expect yosemite valley to see between six and 18 inches of snow. closer to home in the east bay downed trees knocked over power lines. this is the road closed for a while, foot hill and pleasanton south of castle wood drive, you see the damage. it blocked both directions for hours before crews got out and opened the road again after clearing it. to keep up with continuing coverage, stay with us on air and online at and also the free cbs news streaming app. there must be an immediate
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cease fire. >> that's vice president kamala harris speaking ahead of her meeting in washington with izzo reallocate israeli war cabinet member. hamas has yet to agree to the deal. saturday u.s. air dropped about 38,000 meals into gaza with another air drop planned on wednesday. in the bay area, thousands of people took to the streets in san francisco for a so called unity march against anti-semitism. the marchers started at embarcadero plaza and made their way down market street. organizers say they're responding to growing hostility against the jewish community. >> we are being attacked a lot in schools, in colleges, even high schools. we need to stand strong. >> i have three young kids who are bi racial and they have been getting a lot of heat and feeling like they have to hide
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that they're jewish and hide that they're connected to israel. >> this is just a day after a pro palestinian rally and march in san francisco calling for a cease fire in gaza. three nasa astronauts astronauts and russian cosmonaut on their way to the international space station. they blasted off late last name from cape canaveral in florida powered by spacex falcon nine rocket. crew dragon endeavor was released to fly on its own 12 minutes after take off. deadly half moon bay shootings raised awareness about meager conditions farmers face. in sonoma, ag is the
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economic engine. neighbors united to try to find solutions. >> very little employment for farm workers from the latter part of november to right now. farm workers average working one, two days a week because mother nature interferes. >> reporter: with the rain falling and vines sitting dormient, there isn't much for the small army of sonoma county farm workers to do. zeke says it's become part of the culture of the wine industry. >> it's sort of sad that they happy sustain a healthy culture industry in sonoma but during winter they don't know where their next meal will come from. >> reporter: guzman did pushing and on this day sonoma hosted its first farm worker resource fair to connect laborers with help they may not have known existed from healthcare services to food assistance to help finding another job.
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>> things we don't talk about are challenges for people who are undocumented. many people who are undocumented have been in the county for many years and are contributing to the survival of all of us. and they are challenged because they may not be able to get a job in the way that someone who is documented and has a right to work. >> i think this farm worker resource fair is a good opportunity to listen to the community, provide support in between the seasons, and really start looking at bigger longterm sustainable support for farm workers. >> with the gap between rich and poor widening, the need for some permanent support is reaching a critical stage. farm workers cannot work remotely. they're tied to the land. now people who have been traditionally willing to do back breaking work for little
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pay are finding they can't make it anymore. >> they can't afford to live here. with the wages, inflation, rents, it's not a place where farm workers can raise a family. >> reporter: you are seeing a number of them leave. >> they're leaving. they're going to the valley, other states, he were the central valley. >> reporter: once gone, there may not be enough left to do the work. in sonoma it is primarily wine. in other spots it's fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, stuff we rely on. if food shortages start happening providing help for farm workers will seem like a bargain. 6:39 in the morning. we'll take you on a trip to the sierra and snow pummeled i-80 and 50. theaters looking for a savior and they got it. the (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary.
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spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
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deep breath. flonase all good. cancer is a journey you don't take alone. you did it! our cancer care team works together to care for all that is you. (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. what do i see in peter dixon? flonase all good. i see my husband...
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the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. heavy law enforcement activity in santa rosa. this is a live look at todd road and stony point road. apparently one of multiple crime scenes. sonoma sheriffs department says several deputies responded to a report of a person brandishing a rifle about 12:10 this
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morning. the suspect opened fire at the deputies and they returned fire and killed him. four deputies were injured, one with a gun shot wound to the leg, two with hand injuries, one with a head injury. the deputy with the head injury is in critical but stable condition. your money watch report. european union hitting apple with a more than $2 billion fine. it says apple violated competition laws by favoring its own music streaming service. they banned from informing ios users about alternative cheaper music subscription services outside of the app. the antitrust enforcer says apple did this for nearly a decade resulting in significant will i higher prices d's fine follows a multi year investigation after a complaint in 2019 by spotify which is based in swooned. trader joe's is recalling more than 60,000 pounds of
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steamed chicken dumpling soup. the chain says it could be contaminated with hard plastic. products have a best by date of march 7, 2025. no illnesses have been reported so far but anyone holding the products are urged to discard them or return them to trader joe's for a full refund. when you see sand, imagine water. if you dive in, you can't reach the bottom. >> you dive in? >> yes, it's called swimming. >> i don't believe you. >> the movie dune part 2 topped weekend box office taking in projected $81 million for the domestic debut. that makes it the biggest cinematic hit of the year. bob mar lee one love biopick is going strong at second and the faith based film ordinary angels rounds out top three bringing in 3.9 million. a live look outside on this monday morning as you get up to
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start the work week, you see the golden gate bridge. there are a few clouds also as you head in and out around the bay area this morning. now to the sierra, it's packed with snow. a live look at highway 50 at ski run boulevard, city of south lake tahoe saying there is heavy traffic on the highway and urging people to wait out the storm before traveling. on top of this i-80 is shut down. cal trans says it can open today. madison is in truckee to check the conditions. opening my back door right now. it's almost like a prison of snow. >> that's one way to describe consecutive days of blizzard conditions. ron in truckee had to dig his way out. >> here are our cars all buried. here is the street. this is our front porch behind me. you can't really see it there. >> reporter: mounds of snow behind him were cleared saturday and replaced by fresh
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snow sunday afternoon. wind and snow, a constant since start of the most severe web ter winter storm to hilt the sierra. travel has been treacherous in tahoe donner, conditions so severe cal trans is out a plow and nearly a dozen snow blowers broken down by weather. >> six hours. two to three more hours. i am hoping i can catch one of the machines coming down the street. >> reporter: snow falls so fast, work to clear a path out is nearly undone. many hope a break in the snow will give crews a chance to catch up. >> it's fluffy powder so it's not that hard to shovel off. except you got tons of it. >> and it doesn't stop. >> the sun came out briefly earlier today. that was a nice sign of hope.
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>> reporter: the blizzard warning may be near an end but many are stuck in the sierra overnight. >> we were supposed to fly out yesterday, and everything is closed again. we are stuck. >> we want to get you unstuck and at a minimum make sure you are safe. jessica burch joins us to talk about what we can do this week to prepare where we are and also if you are going to the sierra. absolutely. chp is still working hard on the roads. today is not the day to head to the sierra by any means but we are keeping a close eye on the conditions as we head into the next hours especially as we are waking up with unsettled weather in the forecast here in the bay and to the tahoe region and area where light snow is falling in regions like truckee into donner pass. into the next days we will continue to watch the snow fall and add up lighter compared to what we dealt with over the weekend. donner pass will see eight
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inches and areas crosser to tahoe, a tenth of an inch of snow. in the bay area we will see a hundredth of an inch of rain into the afternoon hours in regions like concord into the santa clara valley and wine country. wrapping up today into our tuesday and wednesday forecast, a little bit more unsettled weather mostly to the north of the bay area. then we start to clear up as we head into our thursday forecast. by friday we are left with sunnier skies. rain chances are starting to decrease as we wrap up the week and then a little bit showers in the forecast for us late saturday night early sunday morning. we will talk more about that in a second. i want to cover a couple things. let's start with temperatures and then we'll go to the rainfall we have seen. daytime highs today, upper 50s and lower 60s in the forecast. that system came through over the weekend bringing in rain and gusty conditions and cooler temperatures. it was a cold front in the grand scheme of things. daytime highs are a
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reflection with max 60-degree temperature in san jose. i will remove the temperatures and let's do a recap. near san jose we got less than an inch of rain, close to two near livermore, close to two in san francisco and we can see more rainfall added to the number into the afternoon hours today. in areas like novato we did pass two inches, closer to two and a half. lots to talk about with the storm. into the next days, we will continue to see unsettled weather for tuesday and wednesday, mostly cloudy. by thursday it is partly cloudy. we talk about friday's forecast with sunshine around the corner and we gear up for light showers into saturday evening. >> let's talk about the roadways. it will be drier today. that will help for the morning commute. it is already a busy one. we are close to the 7:00 hour so that means we are seeing a couple hot spots. there are two in particular. across west bound 80 there is a
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crash near san pablo dam road in the clearing stages. it's on the right side of the road way but causing a significant back up for anyone making the ride towards the bay bridge. the other trouble spot is a traffic alert south bound 101 near ignacio. that's blocked two lanes and traffic is backed up into novato. both of these head to bay area bridges. on 80, here is the bay bridge. you see metering lights and that's pretty backed up to the foot of the maze. golden gate bridge, once you get through that back up, south 101 out of novato into san rafael, it looks better across the golden gate. cheers for competitors at stanford's tree-athalon. they push through 600-meter swim, 20k bake ride, 5k run. chat whittington finished fifth
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despite what he says is the element of age. >> i am also an elderly man competing against these youngsters. honestly i am just happy to be here. fifth place is nice too. >> fifth place. if he is elderly, i am ancient. this is for the stanford. they're used to the powder. they celebrated by singing their anthem after real salt lake scored. they beat lafc. i think it is because utah people are used to this and la people probably froze in place. >> at the time there was a winter weather warning for utah. >> the pro soccer match went ahead as scheduled with all the
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snow and chilly conditions. they look happy like they're having a good time. you go. more inspiration for your monday morning at 6:51, teen in napa experienced a cruel twist of fate but a community is helping him forward, helping his mom and dad forward. he is telling us what a winner's mind set is to get us through anything. a live look outside before break on this monday morning. look at that. you can see the sky. this weekend we could not. it was filled with clouds and rain and gloom. but it
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a live look outside. it's monday. i know, start of the work week. but it looks like the clouds are clearing. this is our mark hopkins cam looking north over the bay. if you live near i-80 in the sierra, this is what you are going to see. a lot of snow and more snow. this is 80 at 267 where it connects in truckee. friday cal trans shut down a stretch of i-80 from colfax to the nevada state line because of the snow. they said it will remain closed but could open today. we'll let you know when that happens. let's head back to the bay and show you how current traffic conditions sit. it's busy into
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the 7:00 hour. that is typically our busiest hour for morning commute. golden gate bridge isn't looking too bad but i want to show you a live look. if you are commuting south 101 out of novato into san rafael, there is a traffic alert blocking lane south bound. so that's going to cause a back up. unusually slow as you head through. a teen from a napa continues to recover in the hospital after a catastrophic snow boarding accident. >> as you imagine, his life may forever be changed. >> he is hoping to inspire others with his winning mind set. max darrow has the story. with mom and dad by his side in the hospital room, the 15-year-old is taking on an unexpected battle with the mind set that anything is possible. >> every day i am feeling better and improving. >> reporter: snow boarding in tahoe, blake caught an edge on
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the slopes and crashed into a tree. he fractured his spine in two places. >> t4 and t5 and a complete fracture from t7 to t8. that's exactly where the spinal cord is severed. >> reporter: he underwent hours of neurosurgeon reand who is rods holding his spine together. right now blake can't move his legs, a tough prognosis for a stand out athlete. despite the hand he is dealt, blake is approaching this challenge with positivity and grace. >> there is light at the end of the path. you won't see at first but you will realize it was worth it in the end. every day just believe that it will get better and it will. >> thriving in every way. he won't let this stop him. >> reporter: as blake rebuilds his strength, strength for blake from others continues to
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grow. napa valley community has rallied behind blake's family. >> it shows who he is as a person. >> reporter: locals and strangers with a fund raiser set for now and in the future. support in other forms too. team blake is written in the snow on top of the parking garage. >> what's going on blake? >> even famous athletes have caught wind of the accident and are sending him strength. >> thinking about you. >> hey blake. stay up, stay positive. much love, man. >> thank you for all the love and support and for being there for blake. such a blessing. >> reporter: he would like to get back to snow boarding and surfing and playing favorite sports. he knows it won't be an easy journey but he plans to take it head on with optimism. >> i believe that it will come. >> reporter: he reminds us the importance of approaching life
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with a positive mind set no matter what cards you are dealt. >> have fun because life doesn't last long. even if you are having a bad day, make it a good one. >> reporter: he will be transferred to craig hospital in colorado, a hospital that specializes in neuro rehab and care for those who have sustained a spinal cord injury. there is a fund raiser up and running. >> i think of his family. can you imagine their child is in the bed and just keeping him going. >> such a freak accident. i don't know about snow boarding but you know the risks. you can be a tremendous athlete like he is and you just catch it. so unfortunate. hopefully he has that winner's mind set. >> he does. that's what he said at the end. every day is precious and importance. we want to update some breaking news. police activity shutting down road in the north
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bay and sonoma. deputies have been injured. we are live in santa rosa with new information just coming into the newsroom. in our 8:00 hour, breaking barriers in the wine industry. grapes of inclusion celebrates african american wineries, music, food. we'll talk about the year's event. a live look outside, good morning as sunrises on a new day. we are team blake ♪ i hear the trumpets. welcome to "cbs mornings" on this monday. hello to all our viewers on the west coast. we see you. i'm gayle king. >> i'm tony dokoupil. >> i'm nate burleson. >> we're all here so let's go to today's "eye opener." it's your world in 90 seconds. >> so it's not that hard to shovel off. except you got tons of it, and it doesn't stop. >> a powerful blizzard burie


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