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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  March 4, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PST

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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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there's so much money out there to help people with addiction. it seems like there is no real focus on it. he should be here today with his daughter. >> reporter: mental health, drugs, homelessness. issues hitting close to home for so many californians. proposition one would overhaul the way the state spends billions of dollars to address them. advocates say it could save lives. but others say this isn't the answer. >> i think what i feel, it should not rob them. do not take money away from community mental health services, which are profoundly needed. >> reporter: today we are breaking down the measure, the support, and the pushback as the state aims to get struggling individuals the lifeline they so desperately need. >> thank you so much for joining us today. on the eve of california's primary election, we are drilling down into
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perhaps the most consequential proposition on the state ballot. proposition one. we'll hear from community members, proponents, and the opposition about this multi-billion dollar measure to address mental health and homelessness in our state. but first let's get you caught up on today's news e headlines with anne makovec. >> reporter: the chase and shootout ended with four deputies injured. one is in critical condition. authorities said after midnight, officers got a call of a suspect brandishing a rifle. they say that person opened fire during the pursuit, and deputies fired back. that suspect was pronounced dead at the scene. heads up for drivers on 580. crews are now doing emergency pothole repairs. this is west of the toll plaza on the richmond san rafael bridge. at least one of those lanes will be closed until 6:00 this evening. a group trying to recall alameda county d.a. pamela price as they submitted enough signatures to county officials to qualify for the november
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ballot. the group says they collected more than 123,000 signatures. the county registrar has 10 days to validate them if everything checks out. they will schedule a special election. we reached out to the d.a.'s office as they have no comment. in san jose, state and city leaders announcing new legislation to speed up housing. the announcement made today at one of the housing sites. the act of 2024 would make it easier for housing to be built and help unhoused families find a path towards permanent housing. the first site opened in january of 2020. since then the city has had six interim housing communities. >> all right, anne, thank you so much. now people who spent the weekend in tahoe can finally get home today on i-80. the freeway is back open after feet upon feet of snow just hammers
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the sierra. this is drone video, a long line of cars just making their way slowly around trying to get home. while some ski resorts were back open today, sierra at tahoe was closed. employees could dig everything out after the storm. let's get right to first alert meteorologist darren peck with a look at how much snow actually came down and what's next? >> let's do that from the ugly imagery of the mess. here is some of the most uplifting happy news of all of this in the sierra. they have now updated. to show us where we are now after the huge storm in terms of average. that is a specific imagery that will show you what the snow pack looks like right now. we are now at 94% above average. if we come up to the central sierra where yosemite and ma'am monmouth, that's the best number of them all. we're looking at numbers
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up here about 111%. the state as a whole is at 104% above average. so that's great news. but here is another way to think about it. with the intensity of this storm, eight feet of new snow just in the last few days. that's how far below average we were that that only brought us back up to where we should be at this time of the year. by the way, we are looking at the snow water equivalent here. look at that down towards placerville. if you melt at all the snow across the entire sierra and if you did that at any given point, you would have two feet of standing water right now to give you an idea. that's the biggest reservoir in the state by far. good news there. still a little bit of rain to be seen. tonight from the next system, a little bit of rain will move up early evening. it's not a lot of rain, but still just a chance for a few
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short lived showers to come to the north bay. let's go to the bigger picture. i want to show you how the storm is put together, giving us a little bit of rain in the north bay. it's a part of a much larger system that really brings the better chance for rain for everybody else here and that is really not until wednesday. but look at how oddly shaped this is. it's the cut off low, cut off from the jet stream. it will behave strangely. it doesn't have any real strong steering mechanism to it because it's cut off from the storm track, so you call it a cutoff low. that could be real difficult to nail down the timing. as we watch this here and it looks like wednesday would be the best bet and even at that, most of the rain will miss us on wednesday. we have to broad brush the forecast and say there is a chance of rain on tuesday and wednesday. we pick up maybe a quarter of an inch of rain on the high side from this when it comes through, so it is not a lot of rain. but the details will be timing for any plans that you do have for tuesday and
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wednesday. that's what we will need to work on. we do get more snow in the sierra, but it's not overwhelming. maybe another seven to nine inches, and snow level will be higher. no winter storm warnings for the local sierra from this anymore. there's another system, by the way, after that wednesday chance for rain. that system is developing out here and it will get here by the time we get to saturday. so a little bit of a line of rain there. you'll see that in the seven day as well. in the seven day, you have the broad brush here. thursday and friday are the two nicest days of the week. sunshine, mid-60s, then yeah, perhaps more light rain by the time we get to saturday. back to you. >> all right, don't put that umbrella away. thank you, darren. one day until california's primary and billions of dollars are on the line in proposition
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one. it's a key part of governor gavin newsom's plan to create drug and mental health treatment beds. today mental health workers, doctors, public safety officials stood with political heavy hitters in san francisco. throwing their support behind the measure. >> more accountability. more transparency, more reforms in terms of permitting, and we deliver on this promise at scale to finally address this issue in a meaningful way. >> there are people critical of prop one. some interrupting the governor's press conference. we spoke to a member of the campaign against prop one who says it would divert billions of dollars away from already effective mental health services. >> they are talking about housing and getting people housing. but the bulk of it and what is going in will need to build the facilities to the ware houses and the hospital beds. >> now whatever your stance is on prop one, there's no
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question the issues need to be addressed. i spoke to someone who tragically knows what could happen when the right resources are not available. >> reporter: she gets off work at same time as a medical assistant every day. just as one job ends, the next one begins. her life is full. >> full is an understatement. i don't know how i complete everything in just one day. >> reporter: but she always finds time to check in with the people who matter the most. >> it is really important for me to make sure my kids know i'm there for them. i actually play roblox with them every night and it is just kind of becoming our habit and it is a way for us to connect, so that is like when all the secrets come out. >> reporter: she's seen what could happen when that connection is lost. renecia is one of five kids. growing up, she watched her younger
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brother, salim struggle from what she believes was undiagnosed medical issues. >> the resources were punitive, so it never stuck and didn't help him. >> reporter: salim was addicted to drugs and would often disappear, winding up either in jail or the streets. he died a few years ago. she will never forget the last time she spoke to her baby brother. >> she told them she was ready for help and she was there. and i got to talk to my brother before he passed. that is something they don't get and also doesn't help the pain in knowing that there is so much money out there to help people with addiction. he should be here today with his daughter. i
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miss him. >> reporter: mental illness runs in their family, but getting help was never an option. >> it was really hard, but i was like no, i don't need a therapist. i don't need medication. like my grandmother raised a strong black woman. that's what we do. we figure it out and keep pushing forward. but as i dealt with it and i decided to see the symptoms of my daughter, that's when i realized there was generational trauma. >> reporter: diagnosed with anxiety and depression. it took her a year and a half to find rather had miss. >> that was probably the biggest anxiety inducer because i really wanted someone i could connect with who understand my cultural background and why it is so hard to accept the
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anxiety or depression. >> politics is usually the last thing on her mind. >> having the resources is the difference between life or death and if there were built-in resources where he could go to treatment for 90 days or six months, whatever it may be. he could be alive today. >> reporter: across town in a different kitchen, a similar story. kate brady has watched her own close family member struggle with mental illness. it's what inspired her to become the board chair for the san francisco branch of nami, the national alliance on mental illness. her group helped write prop one. even she admits the issue is complicated and debate in her local chapter has divided the community. >> i think what i feel is it should not taking money away from community mental health
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services, which are profoundly needed. and put it into this housing. we've had so many bills on housing that have never really gotten very far. and i would like to see this money maintain the level that we're providing now. >> reporter: back home after dinner is made and the family is taken care of. it is time to start her other full-time job. a as full-time student, she's getting a degree in psychology at the university of san francisco, so she can be a lifeline to someone else who might be struggling and wants help from somebody like her. >> it is already hard going to the doctor, it could be very vulnerable and i'm not going to judge you. we have the same
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experiences. i understand the trauma. >> if prop one passes, it would bring challenges to the act that was passed back in 2004, which was expanded and modified. coming up, we talk live with a board member of the california teachers association about why they feel voters need to pass this now.
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tomorrow california voters will weigh in on a multi-billion dollar bond measure, proposition one. it would overhaul how the state spends money to address the homelessness crisis. joining me now is angela norman from the teachers association board of directors. thank you for being here. >> my pleasure. >> why is prop one important for california? >> this is a situation that really affects all educators, any educator can tell you what it means to have a student in their class who can't focus on the academic aspect of the classroom because they're worried about where they are sleeping or what problems that their parents may have or someone else in their family. not to mention as a marine
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veteran of the marine corps, we know that homelessness and mental health issues affect our veterans at a rate of tens of thousands who are experiencing homelessness right now. so this is a way that with the power in our hands with our vote can fundamentally change how california is addressing this issue. >> but this plan is expensive. we're talking about billions of dollars. what do you say to people who say that money should be used elsewhere? there is a lot of other ways to attack this business and not be so expensive. >> i say that it is a way that we could really address what is happening in our communities. take a look around. it is time for us to make a historical move into the folks who really need the help. and those
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experiencing the difficulties and the most issues should have the most resources directed in their favor. >> and there is some concern if prop one passes that it could eliminate the smaller mental health programs in smaller towns or different counties that say they rely desperately on these programs. what do you say to that? >> well, what i've seen in the prop shows there is going to be a measure of accountability and auditing accounting for the programs that are available. so i see like i said, really an investment and this state taking a real historic brave move for it. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. still ahead, we'll - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle
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endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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welcome back. we are continuing to focus today on proposition one, which would overhaul the way california
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spends billions of dollars to address homelessness and mental health. joining me live is karen mccary for mental health america of california. thank you so much for joining us. >> yeah, thank you for having me here today. >> all right, tell us what your organization stance is on proposition one, and why do you think voters should reject it? >> we are opposed to proposition one. i think you probably know there are two parts. the bond portion and the portion that changes california's mental health services act. that part takes up 64 pages of the voter guide and it is hard to understand. it is access to behavioral health services and that is the reason we're opposed to proposition one. it is really important for voters to understand that not only do
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they provide no new money for counties to provide mental health treatment services, but it will divert significant amount of money away from vital community based services. these are the more upstream services like prevention services would be eliminated entirely and it would reduce funding for outpatient treatment services, culturally specific services, and vital services that will keep people out of hospitalization like crisis respite and mental health urgent care. it also would reduce funding for community wellness centers and pure run services. and i think we need to appreciate these are upstream, highly effective services. for every dollar spent on upstream services, we
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save between $2 and $10 down the road before those services. >> yep. go ahead. >> i don't mean to cut you off there, but proponents are saying this will help combat homelessness in california, which many can agree is a huge issue. what do you say to that? >> it has been well documented in california that homelessness is an affordable housing issue, not a mental health issue. there is a large study recently that found the vast majority of unhoused people became unhoused because of financial reasons, but they don't have enough affordable housing for our lower income residents. and it is also really important to understand that not only do the vast majority of unhoused people not have a serious mental health condition, they would not even qualify for the
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services, which will require the diagnosis and that it will qualify for them for proposition one services. i also want to point out that if we look back to 2018, california voters will pass the no place like home act and that was a bond measure that they allocated to date. and that it will allocate towards that program. so five years later, we house 1,800 people. there's
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an estimated 181,000 unhoused people in california. so we don't think proposition one will have any impact on homelessness in california. >> all right, karen with mental health americ - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+. what do i see in peter dixon? - [narrator] the bay area's only i see my husband...dio. the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver...
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who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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coming up tonight at 5:00, getting more voices heard in this upcoming election. what's keeping some members of the community from hitting the polls, and how one group is working to reach out and change
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that. well cbs news bay area is the place to go for all of the results from tomorrow's primary. we'll have complete coverage on kpix and streaming on and the cbs news app. well thanks so much for joining us for a closer look at both sides of proposition one. you can find all of our political stories any time on our website the cbs evening news is next on kpix. local news continues on our streaming service cbs news bay area. i'll ♪ ♪ >> norah: tonight the supreme court hands donald trump a significant legal victory. speak of the court has decided unanimously that donald trump cannot be disqualified as a presidential candidate. >> norah: the context and analysis of that landmark decision coming just before duper tuesday. >> this does not get former president term to the finish line, just to the starting line. >> norah: the "cbs evening news" srt


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