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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  March 4, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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here in truckee. we're about to leave and get on i-80. they just reopened the road this morning. jim and i got the truck unburied and we're about to hit the road heading up to see what the conditions look like and hopefully we'll see you soon. okay. we're getting on the freeway. ready, jim? >> finally. >> reporter: we'll see what it looksic up towards the summit. okay. we're heading up the mountain towards donner summit. the roads are looking pretty clear, but there's definitely a good amount of cars, everybody trying to get out of town. we'll see what it looks like closer to the top. okay. it looks like they have traffic down to just one lane because that's the only portion of the road that's plowed. you can see how much snow is up on the sides of the road, just covered in feet and feet of snow. we aren't even to the top of the mountain yet. here we go. we're at the summit. this is how things are looking up here. it's still down to just one
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lane of traffic and now we're starting to make our way downhill. you can see all the snow on the side of the road here. it snowed a lot. it's still coming down a little, but there is a peek of sunshine up there. so far conditions are looking pretty good, everybody's going slow like they should. look how high the snowbank is. it's like as tall as the car. it's impressive. how you doing, jim? >> doing good. just kind of nice and steady, not slipping and sliding, so it's nice. >> reporter: we're doing good following the crowd out of town. >> looks like we got a plow truck up ahead of us. >> reporter: they're still working to clear the roads. we made it down the mountain. there's still a little snow, but the road is clear. i think we're in the clear for the rest of our trip back to the city. you can see we're above freezing now, 35 degrees. we
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made it! okay, guys, we made it to colfax. there's no snow you can see. we're cooking now. we'll be back to the city soon. jim, are you excited to be back? >> yes. finally get out of all that snow. >> reporter: okay. we'll see you guys soon. >> so glad they are safe and sound. here's a look at conditions on highway 50 right now. this is at echo summit, not too bad, but it does look pretty threatening, pretty stormy. we're told more snow is on the way tonight. let's check in with first alert chief meteorologist paul heggen joining us with a closer look. quite the weekend, quite the monday morning. we aren't out of the woods yet. >> no. a little bit more snow tonight. it won't force the interstate to close again or result in any significant additional accumulation, but just a little bit more on top of what's fallen. you can see snow on the loop the past couple hours shrinking in on itself and lifting north of i-80. that's going to be the trend heading through the rest of tonight. let's add up the
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amount that has accumulated and this is that amount. hopefully we get the map to go. pop-up showers tonight and tomorrow, scattered showers in the forecast wednesday and a dry break late in the week with another rain chance saturday. the total accumulations are still in the process of being updated. we're talking about 8 feet plus at some of the resorts. run down those amounts and talk about the additional rain chances coming up. some resorts in tahoe remain closed today because of all this, crews working to clear all that snow. this is video from sierra tahoe. that resort will hopefully be back open tomorrow, should be some good skiing tomorrow. in the truckee area i-80 reopened to passenger vehicles this morning. it was a weekend of tow truck drivers working around the clock digging out more than 100 cars buried along i-80. passengers, truck drivers were forced to wait it out. the multiday closure left them stuck. >> at least 72 hours.
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>> two days. >> caltrans put out a warning to anyone still traveling the sierra. many roads including the backroads are still covered with snow and as you saw along i-80 now down to one lane in some areas. here's the other side of the state line. snow is blanketing the region. this is drone footage showing that snowy commute for drivers along i-80 in verde, nevada, bringing traffic to a standstill. for first alert weather updates anytime, head to or download the free cbs news app. let's head a little bit closer to home, take a live look at the riff richmond-san rafael bridge, slow going with pothole repairs expected to stretch into tomorrow morning. this pothole forced closure of one west bound lane of 580 just west of the toll plaza. caltrans hopes to get it back open before the morning rush tomorrow.
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♪ on the eve of the california primaries, a flurry of last minute campaigning here in the bay area, including for proposition 1, the multibillion dollar measure to address mental health and homelessness in our state. anne makovec is following the campaign for us. anne, this is a plan the governor is really hanging his hat on. >> you probably have seen his campaign ads for it. there's no question that homelessness and substance abuse are serious problems in california. prop 1 would overhaul the way the state spends billions of dollars to try to address them. it's a $6.3 billion bond that would help the state create more treatment beds for people struggling with addiction and mental health problems. the yes campaign estimates 6,800 treatment slots and almost 4,400 housing units could be constructed with the money raised. this is the only statewide measure on the ballot and it's a big part of the
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governor's plan to get people off the streets into treatment. he joined san francisco's mayor and district attorney today to try to get out the vote. >> we need to stabilize people. we need to deal with the underlying reasons they're out on the streets and sidewalks in the first place, the reason they're self-medicating with drug or alcohol addictions, with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and so many other challenges people face. housing is the essential element that's been missing too one. >> opponents interrupted the governor at today's news conference. we spoke with a member of the no campaign who said it would divert millions of dollars away from already effective mental health services. >> not only do the vast majority of unhoused people not have a serious mental health condition, they therefore would not even qualify for the services under proposition 1 which require a serious mental health diagnosis. >> opponents also say it's too expensive at a time when the
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state's budget deficit is soaring. the measure needs a simple majority of the vote to pass. the other hot statewide race on the ballot narrowing it down to the top two candidates hoping to represent california in the u.s. senate, congressman adam schiff making a couple stops in the bay area today trying to shore up support for his campaign, including one in san jose. >> my feeling is run scared or unopposed. i'm not unopposed. so we're going to run hard right up to 8:00 tomorrow night. then i hope it's on to november. >> here is his competition to fill that seat of the late senator dianne feinstein. in a poll taken by uc berkeley last week shows republican and former l.a. dodger steve garvey out in front of his democratic rivals, but with the margin of error it is a statistical dead heat between garvey and schiff right now had. garvey is widely expected to be the underdog in november. we'll be following it. >> thanks, anne. california voters have
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returned a very low percentage of mail-in ballots so far and many of tomorrow's races could hinge on which campaigns are able to get their supporters to turn out. >> we want them to feel like they have a voice. they have a power, have power in impacting and creating the change that they want to see. >> coming up at 5:30, we'll introduce you to some bay area residents that are going door to door encouraging their neighbors to make their voices heard. meanwhile former president trump winning a big victory on the eve of super tuesday, the u.s. supreme court has unanimously ruled he will stay on the ballots of all 50 states. as nicole scanga reports, the high court rejected an attempt by colorado to disqualify the former president because of his actions on january 6th. >> reporter: former president donald trump is praising the supreme court for its unanimous decision to restore his name to
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all 2024 presidential primary ballots. >> i think it will go a long way toward bringing our country together. >> reporter: voters in colorado had tried to remove trump from their state's ballot. they argued an insurrection clause in the constitution's 14th amendment disqualified him from holding office because of his attempts to undo his 2020 election loss culminating in the january 6th attack on the capitol, but monday the u.s. supreme court ruled only congress can decide how and when this constitutional provision is implemented. >> and the rationale here really is we don't want states to be able to do this. you heard the justices coalesce around the idea that we're very worried states could do it alone, create this kind of patchwork when it comes to federal elections. >> reporter: today's decision leaves open the possibility congress could refuse to certify the election of a candidate who participated in insurrection. the court also side stepped the issue of
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insurrection altogether. >> the supreme court's decision today did not exonerate him. they did not say that january 6th wasn't an insurrection and they did not say that he didn't engage in insurrection. >> reporter: the supreme court has agreed to weigh in on whether trump can be tried criminally for his actions on january 6th. next month the court will hear arguments about whether trump is entitled to broad immunity from prosecution from acts allegedly committed while in office. >> today's ruling is a big victory for former president trump. we spoke to cbs news director of elections and surveys, anthony salvanto, about how it might weigh on the minds of voters. >> reporter: the larger question how this plays into who can protect democracy, which is going to be a central argument in this campaign, look at this. you get just under half of voters who say they think donald trump tried to stay in office after 2020 by illegal means. these folks are overwhelmingly voting for joe biden. however, the folks who
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think he tried to stay through constitutional processes oar didn't plan to stay, these folks are overwhelmingly voting for donald trump. that sets up a really central split in the campaign and i think that plays into the larger narrative of how people view both what happened in 2020 and what's going to happen, what could happen going forward. >> following the supreme court ruling, maine withdrew its trump ballot ban also based on a violation of the 14th amendment. taking a live look at san jose where a new state bill could make it easier to build interim housing for people who are unhoused. leaders announced the proposed bill at one of the housing sites. it would help families find a path towards permanent housing. >> the opportunity to stabilize someone who has gone through a traumatic experience of being homeless in our community and get them connects to the
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supportive services that really transform lives. >> the first interim the housing site in san jose was built in early 2020. the city currently has six interim housing communities with 500 units. still ahead, a deadly shooting in sonoma county, what we're learning about the bun battle between deputies and a suspect in santa rosa. a major step forward today to remove the alameda county d.a. from office. >> for the safety of our community, children, businesses, this is something that had to be done. and a project to remove a series of dams in northern california can't come fast enough, where hundreds of thousands of fish have turned up dead.
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. a sonoma county sheriff's deputy is hospitalized in critical condition and a suspect is dead after a pursuit and shooting in the early morning hours just off the
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southern edge of santa rosa. wilson walker has the very latest on the investigation which stretches over two miles. >> we hear guns around here. it's not unusual, but to hear them repetitive like that meant that it was different. >> reporter: it was a little after midnight when the gunfire rolled onto tim dimmock's stretch of stony point road and he knew immediately it was something serious. >> it was more a semiautomatic bang, bang, bang, bang, multiple rounds and then return fire in the same rhythm. so you knew it was a gunfight. >> our investigators are still working to put together that timeline to determine how many shots exactly were fired by both the deputies and the suspect and where those shots occurred at. >> reporter: sheriff's deputies were responding to reports of a man with a rifle and almost as soon as they saw the suspect's car, they reported gunfire, though it's
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not clear who all was shooting at that point. from there a pursuit that stretched about 2 1/2 miles before a crash into this fence. this is where dimmock heard the shooting he described and this is where the suspect in the pursuit was pronounced dead. >> we are still investigating the exact cause of death. we are currently working on notifying the suspect's next of kin. >> reporter: as for the deputies who were hurt, one was reportedly shot in the leg, but another suffered a more serious injury. >> one deputy received an injury to the leg. two deputies received injuries to their hands. the fourth deputy received a head injury and remains in critical condition in a local hospital. >> reporter: all of the officers involved in this incident are members of the sonoma county sheriff's department. the protocol for such an investigation is that a partner agency takes over, so that now being handled by the
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santa rosa police department. meanwhile in alameda county the effort to recall district attorney pamela price took a big step forward today. the group behind the recall says they've submitted enough signatures to county officials to qualify for the november ballot. the group save alameda county for everyone says they've collected more than 127,000 signatures for the petition. the county registrar of voters now has ten days to validate those signatures. if everything checks out, the board of supervisors will schedule a special recall election. >> we shouldn't have to do this, but for the safety of our community, safety of our children, safety of our businesses, this is something that had to be done. >> the recall group accuses price of failing to enforce the law, prosecute criminals and hold perpetrators accountable. price supporters accuse the recall signature gatherers of misleading people into signing and asked state attorney general rob bonta to investigate it. the recall
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group denied those allegations. price supporters released this statement saying in part, "this effort reduces our strive for a just and more equitable justice system." nearly a foot of fresh snow in 24 hours from the latest storm brings the total number to more than 75 inches. >> the winds are crazy. i can barely get out to the snow berm. >> lake tahoe, the snow is so deep a car is buried. i haven't seen that much snow in a long time. >> earlier in the show we showed kelsi and our photographer driving back home
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and you could see the snow that towered well above our live truck. >> and that's after it settled, the weight of the new snow falling on top of the old snow compressing it down. we're talking about just a lot of snow and wind, 190-mile an hour wind gusts reported at one of the peaks above palisades, still some snow flying, but it will gradually begin to diminish. what has accumulated has been substantial, over 10 feet of snow recorded at sugar bowl, soda springs just short of 10 feet, 8 feet for palisades tahoe and the central snow lab picked up over 6 feet of snow through the duration of this system. it was a big rainmaker for the bay area. we still have a few showers this evening, generally very light and north of the golden gate moving west to east, not a whole lot of additional measurable rainfall on top of what's already accumulated. let's look at rainfall totals over the past several days
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since the rain on thursday. about 2/3 of an inch in san jose, almost 2 inches for both los gatos and morgan hill, about 1 1/2 inches for livermore, under 1 inch of total rainfall for fremont, almost 2 inches of rain for san francisco over the course of the past 96 hours or so. in the north bay, the amounts are heftier, around almost 2 inches of rain for novato to 1 1/3 for santa rosa, but a decent amount of rain, fortunately falling in waves. let's talk about how much rain we'll get in the next couple days. futurecast shows showers for the north bay heading through tonight. the activity will be pretty sparse tuesday, showers more miss than hit, but they are possible. grab the umbrella just to be on the safe side, but it's about a 20 to 30% chance of rain
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until wednesday morning. we see the next round of showers headed our way. this one is tricky because it's associated with a storm system meandering out over the ocean, looks close enough to send light to moderate rain showers across the bay area wednesday. total rainfall amounts will be modest. there will be some breaks in the cloud cover wednesday. so solar electricity generation might be a bit above average for this time of year assuming we get the breaks in the cloud cover wednesday. how much rain? generally less than a quarter inch is what we anticipate going through the wednesday time frame. we're getting a new model run-in as we speak. farther down the line we'll be in the wet weather pattern. the six to ten-day outlook, a good chance of wetter than normal pattern. the eight to 14-day outlook shows a return closer to normal rain
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chances as we head towards mid-march. it's still an active seven-day forecast. let's look at the details here and every other day rain chances are kind of in the forecast for us, chance of showers tomorrow, a better chance wednesday, thursday and friday dry, temperatures warming to the mid, maybe upper 60s friday. it wouldn't be a weekend in 2024 without a pretty decent chance of rain. we have that in the forecast saturday, a dry second half of the weekend. try to push outdoor plans this weekend to sunday because yet another chance of rain heads our way monday of next week. none of these are looking like torrential rainfall events, but it's a generally wet pattern. up next, a dam removal project in far northern california taking on new urgency, where hundreds of thousands of fish have turned up dead. and health officials of one
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bay area county now sound the alarm in an increase in fentanyl overdoses, their message. when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission,
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and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad.
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california is helping the state battle the wildfires and governor newsom activated the national guard authorizing deployment of a c-130 air
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tanker. the fires in the texas panhandle killed at least two people burning nearly 1.3 million acres. thousands of livestock have been killed. the cattle that survived, there's no grass to eat or water to drink. the state's panhandle produces 28% of the nation's beef, the cause of the fire is still under investigation. a house party turned deadly after a group of suspects opened fire. 11 people were shot, four killed. this happened in king city last night. officers say three people wearing dark clothing and masks got out of a car in front of the home and just started shooting. police have not released the names of the four victims killed but say one of the victims was a woman and the three others were men. so far no arrests have been made. a massive die-off of fish in siskiyou county, more than 800,000 chinook salmon perished after being released from a fish hatchery into the klamath river. the fish died from gas
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bubble disease when the salmon experience a change in pressure while passing through a tunnel in the iron gate dam. the release was part of an effort to restore historic salmon runs. the klamath river was once the third largest producer of salmon on the coast. a $450 million project has been in the works along the river to help revive the salmon population. on the eve of the california primary, how one group is targeting areas with a history of low voter turnout and helping people understand the power of their ballot. >> we want them to feel like they have a voice. and a key meeting today between top u.s. and israeli officials as the biden administration presses for a ceasefire in gaza. it's getting better every day, a lot better. >> a bay area teen who suffered a horrific snowboarding injury is taking the first steps on the long
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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concept right now at 5:30, a warning from health officials in the north bay about a growing number of drug overdoses. apple is facing $2 billion in fines in the european union, the reason for the huge penalty. just hours until the polls open for the california primaries and this year's turnout, that could be key. we're one day away from


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