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tv   The Late Show With Stephen Colbert  CBS  March 4, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PST

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>> doesn't this look fun? >> until you get smacked by one of them. >> they're crunchy, you know. >> they're also deceptively solid. if you drive over them, you can scratch up the paint of your car. >> not fun. >> can they knock you over with the force of the wind? >> if you're not ready for it. the wind is strong enough. >> even if they're dead they spread the seeds if you're an allergy sufferer. your personal >> according a new report, trump's white house was awash in speed and xanax. sources say that the white house medical unit was "like the wild west and staffers often had easy access to powerful stimulants and sedatives" with little oversight. >> but this isn't the first time the white house has been awash in drugs. >> because people have got to know whether or not their president's on crack. well, i'm not on crack.
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i'm on percocet. get in here, pat. i wanna get funky. >> mr. gorbachev, i can see sounds. >> read my lips. i'm on ketamine. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "the late show with stephen colbert!" tonight... bar none! plus, stephen welcomes rupaul and yuval noah harari. featuring louis cato and "the late show" band. and now, live on tape from the ed sullivan theater in new york city, it's stephen colbert! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪
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>> stephen: thank you very much very much. well come down here, up there, all around the world to "the late show." i'm your host, stephen colbert. [cheering] the big story today is the supreme court once again shoving their gavels up the election. longtime viewers of america will remember that colorado kicked trump off the ballot because of the whole launching a violent coup so he could stay in office, violating the 14th amendment's insurrection clause. well, today, the supreme court said trump can stay on all state ballots in a unanimous ruling. [booing] i agree. it is a ruling that i will remind you no one has to follow, because last week, i declared the supreme court unconstitutional.
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[cheering] you're getting that right? fact check that one. so states, feel free to kick him off your ballot -- tell 'em colbert said it was okay. i got your back. you're dealing with me now. the justices claim that since different states have different standards for what would qualify as insurrection, conflicting state outcomes would lead to chaos. yes, the supreme court knows you can't just let states decide who goes on their ballots. states are too busy deciding that life begins in the freezer section. next to the pearl onions. you know. life. so. anyway, here's the scotus rationale. the majority says that disqualifying a candidate for insurrection can only occur when congress passes legislation. okay, quick question. if congress does decide to pass that legislation to disqualify a candidate for insurrection,
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what if he sends his mob to storm congress to stop them from passing that legislation? does that count as insurrection? or do they have to pass more legislation about that before the next mob shows up? i'm just asking, because clearly you guys haven't put any thought into any of this stuff. okay, you gotta think it through. there's steps. i'm just sayin'. donald trump had two rallies this weekend. one in virginia and one in north carolina. but the two speeches had one unifying theme. his brain is broke. here he is in greensboro talking about how the u.s. doesn't need to import oil from petro-states. >> we are a nation that just recently heard that saudi arabia and russia will re-be-dur. ahhhh.
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[laughter] >> stephen: i'm not entirely sure what's going on there, but apparently he can't even say the word russia without climaxing. [cheering] "last week, there was a big speech from vladimir puuu... oh! oh! oh! nappy time." the former president continued. >> can we be energy independent? can we be energy dominant again? oh, yes. oh, yes. and quickly, says president trump. oh, yes. oh, yes. and quickly. [laughter] >> stephen: is he giving a speech or reading a book to toddlers? "oh, yes.
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oh, yes, said president trump with golden hair and a mushy rump. all the words that i can manage because of all of my brain damage." oh! that wasn't the only time trump struggled with geography. >> in venezuela, did you just see, maduro, venez-uh-where-uh, it's unbelievable. >> stephen: yes, the nation of venez-uh-where-uh-unbelievable. located just north of "where-aguay," and "per-who?" trump's speeches weren't all demented word slurry. he also did the completely normal thing of describing a graph that no one can see. >> within two years, we were so far above saudi arabia and
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russia, which were number one and two, you have to see the chart. they're like this. and we're like, diiiiing, boom! >> stephen: oh. i know this one. diiiiiing, boom. ["star wars theme"] ding, ding, ding ding, boom. ding, ding, ding, ding, boom. ding, ding, ding, whale." trump also ranted about the georgia election fraud case, specifically, prosecutor fani willis. >> i was indicted by fani in georgia, fani. and her lover, nathan wade. and they hired him for almost a million dollars because of his great, great experience. of course, he didn't have any experience. he had experience in something else. you know that? a lot of experience. >> stephen: i have a question. has he had sex?
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what is this? what is this? is he honking a horn? "knock, knock! who's there? sex." sex." honk, honk. sign the nda. while talking about fani willis, trump brought up his own personal life. >> i happen to have a very good relationship with a woman called melania. >> stephen: no normal person refers to their spouse that way. "i now pronounce you husband and a woman called wife." trump wasn't the only one at his rallies who struggled with english. so did his warm-up acts. like the virginia state senator who tried to kick things off with the pledge of allegiance. >> i pledge allegiance to the -- to the -- of the united states of america. >> stephen: [whistles] flag on the play. flag! to the flag!
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[applause] there are four of the the big stripey things! right behind you! ya numbnut. things weren't better in north carolina, when this woman tried to sing the national anthem. >> ♪ through the perilous fight ♪ ♪ o'er the ahhh we watched ♪ >> stephen: through the what/ what is going on at trump's rallies? at this point, i think they should check for a gas leak. even worse, somehow, was one of trump's fellow speakers, north carolina congresswoman and cockatiel watching you walk toward its cage with a blanket, virginia foxx. foxx said this... >> let me make something crystal clear. i don't have president -- i have president trump's back because he has my back. i'm with tresident trump
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because he has your back. >> stephen: okay. sounds like a flub, but it's not. a tresident is merely a president who's committed treason. [cheering] [musical flourish] at one point, trump mentioned north carolina lieutenant governor mark robinson, robinson is currently running for governor. among other things, robinson is known for his use of antisemitic tropes, and the prediction that rising acceptance of homosexuality would lead to "the end of civilization as we know it." it is true. compassionate acceptance of people you disagree with destroys civilizations. we'e all seen "planet of the apes." >> you maniacs! you let a gay couple register at crate and barrel!" >> stephen: thank you, chuck.
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we miss you, chuck. we miss you, chuck. now the candidate robinson is black, and at the rally, trump said this about him. >> i heard him coming in on the plane. i was listening and i said to the people in the plane, "watch this. this is martin luther king on steroids." >> stephen: yeah. people don't talk about it, but a lot of the moral leaders of the 20th century were juicing. mlk had six-pack abs, gandhi could squat 600 pounds, and by the end of her life, mother teresa was cal-cut! on steroids. she's on steroids. trump's campaign is really trying to appeal to minorities. but that requires being appealing, but instead, trump supporters have been creating and sharing ai-generated fake images of black voters to encourage african americans to vote republican. [booing] like this photo of trump surrounded by black supporters which, obviously, is fake. you can tell because this man is missing half
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of a finger and this man's hat says something like "meeaw a schnaa." then there's this deepfake photo of a black man allegedly canvassing for trump. looks fairly normal until you realize the guy he's talking to has three arms. it's weird. on the one hand, this is blatantly dangerous. on the other hand, new technology makes these kind of fakes easier. and on the third hand... why does he have a third hand? we're learning more about trump's first term in the white house. and spoiler alert, not great. about a month ago, the defense department issued a report about the lax drug controls in the trump white house. one person who worked in the pharmacy described their policies this way. "things were pretty loose. whatever someone needs, we were going to fill this." coincidentally, don jr.'s secret service code name
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"someone." now, we've found out since then which drugs they were taking and apparently trump's white house was awash in speed and xanax. so why xanax? becae they're all on speed. but why speed? well, one former staffer explained it this way, "i had a lot going on in my life and i wanted some." perfectly reasonable. it reminds me of that famous slogan. "dare to keep kids off drugs unless they want some." we got a great show for you tonight! my guests are rupaul and "sapiens" author yuval noah harari. but when we come back, "meanwhile"! join us, won't you? thank you! ♪ ♪ >> announcer: "the late show with stephen colbert" sponsored by always ultra thins with the rapid drying technology that absorbs two times faster than
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the leading store brand.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. ♪ ♪ >> stephen: hey, everybody! give it up for louis cato and "the late show" band. we have two amazing guests tonight. we have come as you know, the
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book "sapiens," we have yuval noah harari with his new book "unstoppable us. coastal before that we have a force of nature in the end of his self. rupaul will be out here in just a moment. lovely. and special announcement, this is breaking news. "the late show" will be live this thursday after biden's state of the union. do join us. [applause] because when we're live and i [bleep] up, we can't change it like believing the word [bleep] up. if you watch the show, you know i spend most of my time right over their sourcing the days finest news cotton then weaving the most topical stripe motif into the fluid texture of the fabric on my story loom and hand-cutting and tailoring it with a provocative femininity and adding a canvas draw string and knit logo to create for you the delicate yet iconic miu miu jacquard ponge boxer shorts that are my monologue.
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but sometimes, just sometimes, folks, i am spat naked out of a runoff sluice after passing out in a sewage treatment plant, then stumble through a derelict construction site where i rip the tarp off a cement mixer and yank a discarded kite string out of the teeth of an abandoned snowblower so i can gird my loins with the scrap-heap banana hammock of news that is my segment... >> "meanwhile"! [cheers and applause] >> stephen: right there. that is palliative care. meanwhile, in nashville, a christian nightclub has opened where there's no twerking, no drinking, and no smoking. but they do demand you dress well. as the organizers put it, "when you pull up, we expect to see you in your holiest drip." oh, i gotta hit this place up. as a catholic, we know how to arrive in the holiest of drips. okay? the bishop of rizz! the servant of god being serving
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and [bleep]! i'm just saying. the pope is fully snatched. meanwhile... meanwhile, in breaking cookie news, oreo will debut two new flavors inspired by mud pie and tiramisu. why? why? oreos don't need new flavors. they're already the perfect combination of chocolate and shame. meanwhile, "dune 2" star and friend of the show rebecca ferguson has internet sleuths abuzz. you see, on a recent podcast, she alluded to an old colleague, saying, "i did a film with an absolute idiot of a co-star, and this human being was being so insecure and angry that i got screamed at, and i would cry walking off set." which caused the internet to explode with speculation about who that co-star could be.
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but you know rebecca and i are besties, and i'm in the biz, so i already now. kind of an open secret that this person is a moody, unstable jackwad. of course i'm talking about rebecca ferguson's costar from "men in black international." pawny the tiny alien warrior. apologize, bastard! i swear to god, i will shove you up a horse, you little suppository! [laughter] what am i doing here? what was i talking about? anyway. meanwhile, in massive red flag news, a tech worker wore apple's creepy vision pro headset during his wedding photo, much to his wife's dismay. i assume he got them so he can experience an artificial reality where he's still married.
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meanwhile. meanwhile, for one day only here in new york, rockefeller plaza will be renamed olivia benson plaza in honor of the 25th anniversary of the show "law & order: svu." 100%. 100%. it's the biggest tv character takeover of a new york landmark since the '80s renaming of the "alf-pire state building." meanwhile, news from the world of baseball, where the philadelphia phillies are scrapping their $1 hot dog nights following unruly fan behavior after the field was sullied because fans began chucking their meat during a game. hey, come on. you can't blame anyone for "chucking their meat" when the philly phanatic keeps flaunting all that junk in the trunk. [laughter] meanwhile, the diner booth from the final
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scene of "sopranos" is up for auction on ebay. now people are making a lot of easy jokes about this, but there's a lot to unpack here, and some may have strong opinions because they're so emotionally invested. but i believe -- [cheering] meanwhile, in mexican volcano news, mexico's popocatepetl volcano -- and i trust i'm mispronouncing that correctly -- erupted 13 times in one day and mexico's national disaster prevention center "urged people not to try to climb it." well, yeah. do you really need to tell people not to climb the active volcano that erupted 13 times today? do you also need signs warning people "do not stick penis into beehive." we'll be right back with rupaul!
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. ♪ the little pill ♪ let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad. ♪ ♪ >> stephen: hey, everybody! welcome back. ladies and gentlemen, who my first guest is a 14-time emmy award winner, a pop culture icon, and the queen of drag. please welcome back to "the late show," rupaul!
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[cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> rupaul: i love it. i love it. i wish we could just dance. i love to laugh and i loved to dance. >> stephen: sure. >> rupaul: you are a good dancer. >> stephen: that's very kind of you to say. >> rupaul: you are? >> stephen: i do enjoy myself. i was second best all-around dancer at my cotillion in middle school. >> rupaul: you're kidding. >> stephen: not kidding. >> rupaul: i won best dancer in the ninth grade and best afro when i used to have hair but i have plenty of afros at the house. >> stephen: if i want to drop by? >> rupaul: yes. >> stephen: you just
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regionally picked up your 14th emmy. there you are. [cheering] >> rupaul: thank you, thank you. >> stephen: 14. is it old hat at this point? how do you celebrate? >> rupaul: no, it's not old hat. i get to work with my friends. i met these guys in the east village. new york in 1985 and i still work with them today. and we get to have so much fun. we celebrate by going right back to work and making more television. [laughs] >> stephen: that is the great thing. getting to do more shows. >> rupaul: that's right. >> stephen: asking what's the best thing about being famous and i said "work." it allows you to work more. >> rupaul: in this business, you just don't know and i've been out of work before so if someone wants to hand me a microphone. >> stephen: you've been out of work? >> rupaul: i've been out of work before. several times. >> stephen: rupaul, i don't know if you ever heard this, but you better work.
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[laughter] you have just written a new book right here. it's called "the house of hidden meanings." it's out tomorrow. that sounds a little mysterious. what is this house? what is it hiding and what is it meaning? >> rupaul: [laughs] well, listen. i've always love mysteries. i've always loved what lies beneath and i have always -- as a kid, i remember thinking the emperor is not wearing any clothes. remember that. the emperors not wearing any clothes. and then on top of that, there's so many more secrets and mysteries of life. this is the mystery of my own life. i get to recall all of the adventures i've had, and i wrote them all down for everybody to read. >> stephen: you tackle a lot of difficult things in this book. your parents divorced, struggling to find work, hardships in love. your journey towards sobriety.
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was that difficult to approach? gratifying? or both? >> rupaul: it's all of the above. it's scary because you know, listen. i'm an extrovert. i'm an introvert masquerading as an extrovert. >> stephen: go back one more time. >> rupaul: say what again? >> stephen: your introvert masquerading as an extrovert. >> rupaul: so the idea of really revealing myself, i have learned how to be out on stage and do all the thing but but my real, real self i lay out in this book. >> stephen: have you ever heard the phrase, if you want a man to reveal himself, give him a mask? the mask allows you to reveal yourself. >> rupaul: that's so true. the first time a straight guy gets into drag, you get to see exactly who this dude is. i swear. a lot of times, you know, you give a straight dude some drag. you don't know if they're going to be a quality lady or if they're going to be a slut.
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i mean, i have seen you in drag. you are the slut. [laughter] >> stephen: you've got to have some fun. you've got to have some fun. >> rupaul: give someone a mask and you get to see who they really are. >> stephen: i love that your earliest performances were for an audience of one, your mom. >> rupaul: yeah. >> stephen: who you are entertaining in your living room, making her laugh. so that's where all this started? >> rupaul: that's where all this started. in fact, even when i come out on the stage i think of her and if i'm on any stage, i think of my mother's living room and i think don't be nervous, go out. this is mama's living room. you're going to be fine. she's going to love whatever you do. just of out there and be yourself. >> stephen: well, as his -- this audience of one that you first started with. tell me about your mother. >> rupaul: my mother was a world-weary person. she was not very happy. she's been gone for over 30
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years now. but i felt it was my job to lift her up and to share my joy with her. so i did that and you know, it worked. it worked for a while but she was very world-weary. listen, this is my theory. a lot of people are depressed today and i say to them, you know what? depression is the right reaction to what's happening in the world. but you can create joy in your life. now, it's hard work. but create the joy in your life. if you're depressed, that's the right reaction. lawanda page used to say you was crazy as hell when they brought you here but you are in your right damn mine now! lawanda page. do you know lawanda page? she was aunt esther on sanford and son. she was on my first record. i did a record 30 years ago she
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was on that record. i called her up. my mother loved aunt esther. flip wilson. flip wilson is now showing on amazon prime right now i'm watching all the geraldines. >> stephen: killa! >> rupaul: don't touch me. >> stephen: you don't know me like that. nobody knows me. i love. i would do geraldine and my living room. honest to god. flip was the best. >> rupaul: find the joy in your life. that's your life's work. >> stephen: and make joy for other people. if you're depressed, try cheering up somebody else. you'll feel better. >> rupaul: the secret of happiness is being in service to other people. can i get an amen up in here? >> stephen: you have a lot of great phrases. you better work. how do you love somebody else if you don't love yourself question work on paraphrasing. did you get any of these from your mom? >> rupaul: my mother collected sayings. one of my favorite from her, she
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used to say i don't lend. i don't borrow. i don't visit. she had another one that i still can't decide, i think i know what it means but she said blind tom said site beat the world and we shall see. let's dissect. blind tom said site beat the world and we shall see. i think it means that if blind tom was optimistic enough that one day we will all see then we have to look forward to -- come on. help me, somebody. >> stephen: for the scales to fall from our eyes. to seat not through a glass darkly but clearly, to be known as surely as we know. >> rupaul: amen. amen, that's it right there. >> stephen: we are going to take a quick break but don't go anywhere. we're going to be right back with more rupaul, y'all. let's imagine that ll cool j has a bubble around him. -do we want to be inside -- ohh. -hey, i'm keith.
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what do i see in peter dixon? what's happening? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton
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in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. ♪ ♪ >> stephen: there you go. hey, everybody. we are back with the author of the new book "the house of hidden meanings." you know him. it's rupaul. you've had a lot of different jobs. one of the things that you write about in the book here, "the house of hidden meanings," is that -- i love people who had a lot of interesting jobs when they were younger in show business. because everybody's just hustling and scrambling and tries to get going while they're trying to figure out what their voices and with their play is in this great game that we all do.
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you drove cars. what does that mean? >> rupaul: my brother-in-law had -- slipped these european cars and i would drive them from atlanta has to san diego, actually all over the united states. it's a long drive. i did this for six years. i drove cross-country in the united states about 50 times. >> stephen: what years of your life? >> rupal: this was from the time i got my license the day i turned 16 to 21 years old. >> stephen: you are hauling are hauling back and forth across the united states at that age in some strange car you've never driven before. >> rupaul: yeah, no. but i can drive anything. i was just driving this bus the other day. it's true. >> stephen: i love this. i love this. tell us about the rainbow book bus. >> rupaul: yeah. [laughs] all-star is about bookstore i'm involved with that's bringing books to people who need to read
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them and in areas where they banned books. i have said this before. i wasn't the first to say it but knowledge is power. knowledge is power. it's true. i didn't come up with that. it's true. and if somebody is trying to take away your power, they are trying to render you powerless. so read a book. read a book. get some knowledge. >> stephen: where is this going to be on the road? >> rupaul: it's going to be on the road across america. i won't be driving the bus but i'm going to need it in atlanta. i'm on notebook tour during this stuff. but i have driven every kind of car you can imagine. >> stephen: you have a favorite? back in the day. >> rupaul: because of the tv show mission impossible i love '68 mercedes 280sl is my favorite. but i have a lot of cars myself because i love cars. but i want '70s corvette.
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what is your dream car? do you like cars? >> stephen: i mean, i'm not crazy about cars but as a kid i really wanted a firebird. >> rupaul: ooh, like smokey and the bandit? >> stephen: i wanted to be burt reynolds. i wanted a smokey and the bandit firebird or i would really like an old grand wagoneer from the 70s with the fake wood panels oy just a dashboard that would go right through your skull. such a dangerous thing. i have driven one of those before. some friends out in the country and i go "i have to have this carpet goes when every time i'm about to buy one, evie's like, "do you really want that car? you're going to wanted to work and it's not going to work." this covers up until your early 40s, right? the first 40 years of your life. when can we expect part two? >> rupaul: that's a good question. this took three years for me to do so may be another four years. >> stephen: ru, thank you so much for being here.
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>> rupaul: i love you. >> stephen: i love you too. "the house of hidden meanings" is out tomorrow. rupaul charles, everybody. we'll be right back with the best-selling author of "sapiens," yuval noah harari. ta. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least 1 heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur.
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♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> stephen: hey! welcome back. ladies and gentlemen, my next
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guest is an historian, philosopher, and the bestselling author of "sapiens." please welcome yuval noah harari. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ please. nice to meet you. as i was saying backstage, i feel like i had interviewed you before because i have read "sapiens." i had seen you being interviewed. it feels like we know each other. everybody knows this book. this is "sapiens," one of the most successful nonfiction books of all time. [applause] and it tackled the sort of niche subject, this niche subject which is the entire history of humankind. i am just curious how you describe your field of study since what you study is
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everything. >> yuval noah: i'm a historian. but i understand history not as the study of the past. rather it's the study of change, of how things change and what makes it relevant to the present and future. >> stephen: you recently turned your focus from the past to the future, what we are talking about now, specifically the impact of technology. and it feels like things are changing incredibly fast. like this generation is undergoing a more rapid change of their technological environment than ever before. is it really? or does every generation feel that way? people are going, why aren't we carving in stone anymore? these kids with their papyrus. is it real that we are going through some accelerated change? >> yuval noah: every generation thinks like that but this time it's real. it's the first time in human history that nobody has any idea how the world would look like in 20 years.
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now of course politically it was always impossible to predict the future. if you lived in the middle ages, you do not know maybe next year the vikings invaded. the mongols invaded. there's an epidemic. you can't predict that. the basic stuff of human life, the basic skills. >> stephen: we are all going to be herding sheep in 20 years no matter who's in charge. >> yuval noah: you're going to need to teach your kids how to plant rice and wheat, how to ride a horse, how to shoot a bowl. it will still be relevant in 20 years but today nobody has any idea what to teach young people that will still be relevant in 20 years. >> stephen: do we need to teach our young people anything now that ai is here? >> yuval noah: how to deal with it. >> stephen: how to deal with it, okay. ai is of course one of the latest things that we've been anticipating for a long time but now in some -- i actually think so far very minor ways ai is showing up. >> yuval noah: it's still a baby. we haven't seen anything yet.
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>> stephen: a lot of people are worried. i'm not that worried about ai. it doesn't get my blood going to get worried about ai. i think of some positive aspects of it. i have seen how humans have handled history and not great. so i'm ready for the big machines that make big decisions programmed by fellows with compassion and vision. i'm ready for the machines to tell us what to do. are you? >> yuval noah: not really. it's extremely dangerous. >> stephen: why is it dangerous? >> yuval noah: to give power to something we don't understand. >> stephen: they are just extensions of us. >> yuval noah: know they're not. >> stephen: yes they are. we made them. they are us. >> yuval noah: we made them but now the become potentially independent of us. the one thing to know about ai, the most important thing to know about ai, it's the first technology in history they can make decisions by itself and can create new ideas by itself. people compare it to the printing press, the atom bomb, no, it's clearly different. >> stephen: any proof that ai
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has come up with a new idea? >> yuval noah: absolutely. all the time. >> stephen: what? give me one. >> yuval noah: for instance, deciding what to show us on social media. >> stephen: that's not a new idea. it's making decisions. >> yuval noah: two things. making decisions and new ideas. if you think about ideas and you take for example the game of go. >> stephen: what is go? >> yuval noah: a much more common version of chess. in east asia it's one of the oldest gaes to be known. 3,000 years of tradition in east asia. entire schools of thought. ai comes and within a few years plays like no human ever imagine that it's possible to play. this can happen in more and more fields. we have never encountered anything like that before. because every previous information technology, it's simply copied and disseminated our ideas. the printing press just produced
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more books. television just broadcast our thoughts. here we have something that can create entirely new ideas which are not even bound by the limits of our imagination. our imagination is the product of organic biochemistry. ai is not limited by that. >> stephen: all right, so you have a new book now. it's called "unstoppable us." why the world isn't fair. i'll bite. why isn't the world fair? is this a message, this is for young people? >> yuval noah: yeah, it's for kids age eight to 12. >> stephen: hey, kids! [laughter] the world isn't fair. >> yuval noah: they know the world is in fair. one of the first things that kids everywhere say "it isn't fair. because what it's not something that adults only say. and in the end, from a historical perspective it's the stories that we believe. if you look at the major conflicts and injustices in the world, it's ultimately about the stories we believe.
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we are storytelling animal. some people think that human conflict, that humans fight over the same reasons that other animals fight. over territory come over food. this is rarely the case. if i think for instance about the terrible conflict in my region of the world between israelis and palestinians, it's not really about territory or food. there is enough land to build houses and hospitals and schools for everyone. there is enough food to feed everybody. people fight over the imaginary stories in their mind. who is god's favorite children? who god gave jerusalem or these holy stones too. this is why most conflicts in the world are about. which is also good news because of conflicts are about objective things, the only way to end them is with violence. but if conflicts are about the stories we believe, there is a chance at least in some cases to
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just talk about it and perhaps change the story. and find a common story that we can both be happy with. [applause] >> stephen: his new book "unstoppable us" volume two is available now. yuval noah harari, everybody. we'll be right back. - temperatures cooling down as we head into the weekend and stronger onshore... ah, i stepped off the coast again. - the winds are really picking up. - fog spreading farther inland. - and in the north bay, you're gonna get soaked. (water splashing) - [narrator] presenting the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. - as i lift this, you can actually see...
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♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands ♪ - [announcer] find your happiness in san diego. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. democrats agree. with democrat katie porter. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost
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to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. >> stephen: that's it for "the late show." tune in tomorrow when my guest will be senator bernie sanders. now stick around for "after midnight" with taylor tomlinson and her guests rob riggle, adam ray, and monet x change, plus a special appearance by jeff probst. good night! ♪ ♪


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