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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  March 5, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PST

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thanks so much for joining us on this super tuesday. march 5th. >> let's get it started. >> i was thinking get out there and vote you know, there's in reason not no. >> a message for you waking up on super tuesday, you are heading to the poll this is morning deciding races and other measures affecting our community. hey there. my name is jennifer. and i'm an artificial intelligence volunteer. >> have you gotten one of these calls? artificial intelligence is becoming a bigger part of our lives. and now it's being put to use in our elections. it's terrible. >> digging out from the snow in the sierra as people wake up to this at their door. but more powder could be on way. and here we go again, are you feeling lucky? we have lottery fever on this tuesday morning with your chance at
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another big jackpot tonight. well, happy tuesday and happy super tuesday, i'm gianna franco. and hopefully you are feeling lucky. i am. i got my tickets last night. >> yeah. it's nice to have you all with us this morning. i'm reed cowan. of course we've got you covered for all of the issues and all of the races and ballot initiatives in your community. >> and i'm nicole zaloumis and gianna feels lucky every week because she has played the lottery since what 18 years old, gianna? >> maybe 21. >> buy one of just cut milos. >> if you don't buy one you don't have a chance of winning. >> are you going to buy one reed? >> i'm going to vote. >> if you don't vote you don't have a chance of making a change. >> that's a win. reed. >> i agree. >> let's take a live look outside on this super tuesday morning. and do we have superweather in the forecast? look at that. the jewel box. we have beautiful shot annie mac. there's no better way to describe this city. look at all the shining lights and jessica, hopefully they stay throughout the rest of the week. and we don't have any rain drops on
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them. i know, the first thing when you came in this morning to the makeup room and you said what's the weather going to be like and i'm thinking okay this day, this day, this day, dry, dry, wet. >> because the little league season is upon us. i'm wondering what games are going to be canceled and what we're going to play the weekend. i'm sure a lot of parents at home are wondering the same thing. as we wake up this morning and head out the door it's off to a cool and mild start throughout the bay area. little bit cloudy in certain pockets of the bay especially along the coast and to be honest with you, we're not done with unsettled weather just yet. we actually have some more showers in the forecast for us this afternoon and this morning as we wake up and head out the door. some of us along the coastal areas are seeing some light drizzle in the forecast for us. today and tomorrow we still have some unsettled weather in the forecast. but luckily we start to dry up fast as we head into our thursday and friday forecast and saturday morning too. take a look at that as we zoom in closer to home. areas like santa rosa and themarin
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headlands. currently getting splashed with light drizzle in the forecast for us. the peninsula getting hit with that soon. by the way that's not rain get picked up by the radar, something else. we'll dive into that in just a bit. as we take a look this morning in the next couple of days our rain forecast is showing light chances of showers today and tomorrow. the much-needed dry break thursday and friday and a wet weekend right around the corner but not looking that bad in the grand scheme of things. futurecast is a great tool on a week like this because it's one thing to pull out the iphone and look and be like okay there's rain icon but how much and where's it going to truly hit and with the rain heading into this week it's really not that much. when it comes to amounts of showers. now i'm going to send it over to you, g right now for -- i can't speak right now. over to you. >> all right. thank you. we're going to talk about the richmond-san rafael bridge. here's a live look at that bridge and you can see traffic is moving once again and lanes
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were shut down overnight for emergency road repairs. take a look and you will see why. this is large potholes forced closure of one westbound lane of 580 that's just west of the toll plaza. our chopper found crews working to fix the damage yesterday. and hopefully things will be a little bit easier today as you navigate the bridges and the richmond-san rafael bridge or maybe the bay bridge right now. it's early and traffic is light and metering lights are off and overview here as you wake up on this tuesday everything is clear for most of the freeways with the exception of the ride into the altamont pass. where traffic is busy and there's a crash near grant line. it is decision day and your community station covering the issues where you live. on this super tuesday. in addition to the presidential primary, voters will shape our future in their choices in key races and ballot initiatives. so while we await polling locations to open across the bay area, poll workers are up early and our
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community servants out there. they're getting ready to welcome you as you cast your vote. and one such location san jose at the santa clara county registrar of voters and that's where we find our shawn chitnis live outside this morning. we can see the tents going up there behind you and the volunteers getting ready to support democracy this morning. shawn? >> reporter: hey reed, good morning. yeah, it's quite an impressive setup they have here to make sure people can get in and out and quickly vote and you can say it's a small army that is making sure that everyone who is eligible can participate in this primary and to make sure that it is a secure election. and so yes, they will be getting ready to open doors in just a couple of hours here. but they have been working long before that not just for primary day, but in the week leading up to it. and we have the chance to actually see some of that late last week when we were here. appreciating the work that is happening in santa clara county. they have hired 2,000 temporary workers to help them run their
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operation across 104 voting centers. those opened on saturday. that's in addition to the workers we saw helping prepare language aids for voters throughout the county. now turnout is expected to be around 45% to # 5% this cycle and that's on the lower end of what they normally see for voter participation. workers who have been a part of in office for years say ensuring an effective and honest election is one of the most critical responsibilities they have in their role. >> i would say that no election is the same. you know, elections are always evolving and there's always something that comes up that's new and different and it's a privilege to be able to put that in practice for our county, for our citizens. >> reporter: and so where we are here, the headquarters is one of those 104 voting locations that are going to open up here at 7:00 a.m. and go until 8:00 p.m. the reminders to keep in mind for voting. the ballot needs to be in by 8:00 pam so either you need to be in line here by 8:00 p.m. or you need to turn it in
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and think you are mailing it. make sure the postmark today and then gets to the office by march 12th. reed, back to you. >> shawn chitnis reporting live on this super tuesday. thank you my friend. there's only one statewide measure on the primary ballot. proposition 1. a multibillion dollar measure to address mental health and homelessness. it's an issue that we know all too well across the bay area. and especially here in san francisco. the $6.3 billion bond is a big part of governor newsom's plan to create drug and mental health treatment beds. to get people off of the streets. now he joined san francisco's mayor and district attorney at a rally urging voters to go to the polls. and we spoke to a member of the california teachers association board of directors who supports prop 1. she says it would help provide mental health resources for people in need. >> any educator can tell you, what it means to have a student in their class who can't focus on the academic aspect of the
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classroom. because they're worried about where they're sleeping or what problems that their parents may have or someone else in their family. >> we also spoke with a member of the no campaign who says prop 1 would divert billions of dollars away from already effective mental health services. >> not only do the vast majority of unhoused people not have a serious mental health condition, they therefore would not even qualify for the services under proposition 1. which require a serious mental health diagnosis. >> opponents also say it's too expensive at a time when the state's budget deficit is soaring. the measure needs a simple majority to pass. and another big question of the day, who will fill california's u.s. senate seat in the future? it was democratic senator dianne feinstein's seat until she died last september and voters being asked to vote twice. once for a partial term for the remainder of the term november
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to early january, and for a full six year term in which the top two vote getters will advance to the general election. that's in november. labor union official laphonza butter was appointed to the seat by governor gavin newsom last october but she announced she would not be running for a full term. now it's down to four leading candidates that have been making their final pushes. former chair of the house intelligence committee adam schiff is leading his fellow democratic candidates. he served as part of the panel that investigated the january 6th insurrection as well as also leading efforts to investigate and impeach former president donald trump. oakland representative barbara lee says her progressive record and her identity as a black woman is a much-needed voice to the senate. the democrat was also the only member of congress to vote against the war in afghanistan. and democrat katie porter is a current member of congress from orange county and part of her campaign advocates against lobbying and corporate
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special interests. and ending the earmark process which allows congress members to direct federal funding to specific projects. and then there's former dodgers' player steve garvey. stands out as the only republican of the four leading candidates. he says he wants to focus on fixing homelessness and crime, lowering inflation, and bettering education. now poll taken just last week by uc berkeley shows garvey out in front of his democratic rivals and stay with us after the break as we talk with senior business and technology correspondent joe lean kent to break down some of the senate race. and we posted everything you need to know about casting your ballot along with a complete voter guide that's on our website at and joining us tonight for complete coverage as the results roll in. juliette goodrich and devin fehely and sara donchey will be following it all from 7:00 10:00 on 44 cable 12 and streaming online with at 90 minutes of coverage right here on kpix starting at 10:00. the push to oust controversial a.m. district
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attorney pamela price is now a shove. the clock ticking to certify signatures calling for her ouster and the pushback from her camp. and later, it's lottery fever. the mega millions is back tonight
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or dental procedures. the number one cardiologist-prescribed blood thinner. we're going for it. ask your doctor about eliquis. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. top stories this morning. san pablo man stands accused of being responsible for the deaths of his wife and mother-in-law and today he faces a judge. his wife
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40-year-old and her mother 74-year-old cay tran have been missing since early september. after their disappearance police say the husband told police that the women drove to southern aa a family argument but here's the problem. neither his wife or mother-in-law ever turned up. and then police say in december, detectives saw mr. vo driving the car he had actually told them the women had driven to southern california. so here's where we are right now. no bodies have been found but police say they do have evidence the women were murdered. we'll be following that one closely. and good morning to our friends in oakland. you know, amidst allegations of failure to enforce the law in the face of rising crime, your district attorney pamela price faces losing her job. a group has successfully collected and delivered more than 127,000 signatures needed to be delivered to pull price from office. so the question, what happens next? the county registrar of voters has ten days to validate the signatures and if everything checks out
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the board of supervisors can schedule a special recall election. meanwhile, a group of price supporters say the recall effort is led by hasn'tful of super rich people who have propped up what they call political actors to make it appear that alameda county residents are behind the effort to recall price. they want attorney job rob bonta to launch an investigation saying people who signed were misled. something those behind the recall effort deny. big decisions today for you. you will vote on the next senate seat. representing california for both a partial and a full term. this, after dianne feinstein's death last september. laphonza butler is currently the interim senator but won't run for a full term. the california candidates are democrats adam schiff and barbara lee and katie porter and lone republican steve garvey. >> joining us this morning is
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senior business and technology correspondent jo ling kent. good morning jo, thanks for being here. >> reporter: good morning. thanks for having me. >> all right, so let's dive right in and talk about the candidates. they have publicly debated everything from inflation to homelessness to crime. what is really their main priorities as we head into today? >> reporter: yeah, yesterday was the final full day of the campaign. ahead of super tuesday. and i sat down with representative adam schiff and he's been the frontrunner for most of this race. and he tells me it's really about the economy reducing inflation and affordable housing. and that kind of falls in line with what we're seeing from representative katie porter who's also another democrat frontrunner in this race. she's polling in about third place right now. her focus is really on ambitious overhauls when it comes to ethics and housing. the other two candidates representative barbara lee and she is also focus on aroundable housing but what's interesting about lee is she's among the first to come out and call for a cease
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fire in the israel-hamas war in gaza. now as for republican steve garvey, a very interesting story that we've been following. unexpected republican surging towards the top of the polls against adam schiff here. and he says he's focused on reducing inflation and reducing regulation and reducing what he calls our tax increases. >> so let's drill down on that because to me, this is one of the major headlines especially affecting the bay area. you know that senate seat that was once held by the late senator dianne feinstein. that's prime real estate there held by a democrat. what is being said about steve garvey leading now? >> reporter: yeah, steve garvey has performed very well in the polls. in fact, in the berkeley poll, he is the frontrunner. and so if you take a look at the polling data, you can see this surge over time. katie porter who is currently polling in about third place right now, she says that it's due to the
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fact that the frontrunner throughout most of the race adam schiff has been elevating garvey's name in his advertising. this is the most expensive senate race in california history. just checking my notes here, total of $65 million have been spent and as a result of this air war, the tv ads going back and forth. even though garvey hasn't aired a single tv ad of his own, he's getting the air time through schiff according to porter which could eliminate her from the race. if you think about $65 million. a lot. right? but it's nearly 250% more spending than the last three california senate races combined. >> so let's talk about the money there. and how it has become the state's most expensive -- i mean, is this a disheartening feeling for some? is this problematic and are you at all surprised? >> reporter: you know, i'm not surprised these media markets are really expensive here in california. and as we know for buying ads. but what we do know
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is that there has been some criticism of how long the campaign is going on and how much money has been spent but if you look at this. this has been a race that really for a long time was between three well-known democrats between lee, porter schiff and now with the introduction of garvey it could be a case where a democrat and a republican advance to the general election. now as for the support that garvey has he's not yet received the endorsement of president trump or the state gop just yet. that nominating convention is in may according to the state gop chair in an interview we did with her. and then if you look at schiff, he is not shying away from the fact that you know, he's obviously got biden on the top of the ticket. i asked him point-blank you are struggling with younger voters and obviously president biden is facing a lot of blowback about age and performance. but schiff tells me he will invite president biden to come to california to campaign
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alongside him. >> though you can't see it, she has her running shoes on as do all of our political correspondents. all over the country with cbs -- >> reporter: i have the sneakers on. >> your producer elizabeth also has those nikes on as well. good morning to both of you and thank you so much. >> reporter: yes, campbell is right here, thank you so much. >> it is going to be a busy day for sure. all right, now to conditions in the sierra, here's live look at interstate 80 in soda springs. good news for people trying to get in and out of lake tahoe. that part of the interstate finally been reopened. the intense snowstorm forced it to completely shut down between donner summit and tahoe for three days. if you take the interstate, tire chains are still required. >> the snowfall and wind may have died down a bit today, but people in lake tahoe are still feeling the effects of that blizzard that hit the sierra this past weekend, jessica. >> if you want to see how bad things got. just look outside. take a look at this. this is
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video from palisades tahoe. and it will take a while to clean up this mess. the strong winds blew out the windows of the building that used to control the ski lifts. now this is completely filled with snow right now. they're definitely going to have some issues using that and over at sierra-at-tahoe, crews have been trying to dig out of this. the bottom of one of their chair lifts was completely buried yesterday afternoon and it was a tight to see really after the storm blew through. and as we take a look at current conditions this morning, let's dive over into our first alert doppler. and head up to the sierra real fast and there's still some snow just north of 80. as that continues to fall closer to areas actually more along the sierra valley -- actually the santa clara valley -- not the santa clara valley, the sacramento valley all the way along the foothills near la port. as we take a look back here at the bay area, waking up this morning heading out the door, light drizzle in the forecast for us. our radar is such a great tool on a day like
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today. getting the neighborhoods splashed with light rain from offshore but one thing to note too as with you take a look at the first alert doppler it's hard not to look over closer to rio vista and antioch and i want to show you what's going on there in just a minute. right now we have light rain falling its way in from the coastline from ocean beach into the inner richmond up along the marin headlands and all the way over to the east bay we go. that's not rain that's falling. that's actually energy being reflected and picked up from the wind farm that's off into the east bay and actually i was flying over it yesterday and i was able to see exactly what that is when it gets picked up from the radar. rest assured it's dry right now on the east bay and just the wind farm showing off a little bit. as we wake thumb morning and head out the door, continue to watch light splashes of showers move in from offshore, if anything close to around 0.1 of rain as the storm continues to dissipate throughout the next couple of days. now i will say this. heading into our forecast for wednesday, we see a little bitof onshore flow moving in from the south. that will pick up more along the southern
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coastal areas like half-moon bay potentially down into the santa clara valley actually getting a little bit more rain for our wednesday forecast compared to our friends up in the north bay. but no matter what as we head into our thursday forecast, that's when we start to dry up. as we take a look at conditions today, heading out the door, later into this afternoon, once again we're sitting in the upper 50s and lower 60s. we're actually seeing a little bit of a warm-up as we head into the next couple of days. despite the fact that the rain is still in the forecast for us this morning heading into this afternoon. like i said, it's isolated and for the most part it's going to taste very similar to what we had yesterday. dry conditions and cloudy skies and a little splash of showers up in the north bay. we'll see that trend into wednesday and then we start to clear up for thursday and friday with beautiful sunshine to kick off the weekend. g? jessica, let's talk about the roadways now as you get up and early on this tuesday morning. if you are headed out over towards the bay bridge, right now things are fairly quiet. not seeing a lot of brake lights or issues. but things might get a little bit busier later on especially near polling places as a lot of people get out and vote for super tuesday. so keep that in mind. but right now things are
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moving along pretty well here at the bay bridge toll plaza. elsewhere, not bad. in fact, we've got the thumbs up on most of the bay area freeways with the exception of the altamont pass. that's where we always see the supercommuters backing up just a little bit out of tracy as you work to 580. story of a bay area bounce-back on this tuesday morning. we take you to (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good.
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until they're gone for good. all right, looking live at oakland right now. the work to bounce back with oakland restaurant week. you know here's the word of the day for all of you. resilience especially where your restaurants are concerned. you know we know the restaurants have often been the targets of crime but many are staying strong for the community. >> strength and really good food. at local spots. >> the city just hosted a preview party promoting all the eating options and oakland restaurant week kicks off next thursday and runs through the 24th. are you hungry now? probably. it is 5:27. we're hearing more and more about artificial intelligence. but should it be used in our elections? how it' a perfect day for a family outing! shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older.
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shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today.
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5:30 am
with nurtec odt i can treat and prevent my migraine attacks all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion and stomach pain. talk to your doctor about nurtec today. right now on cbs news bay area at 5:30 on this dot, taking a live look from san jose on this super tuesday. it's your time today to decide on some big races and issues in your community. the polls open between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. first taking a live look outside right now. from the top of the mark. there is the salesforce tower and all the beautiful buildings there at its feet. the lights glowing and they're even bouncing off that deck of clouds. but what's been the clouds? that's what i want to know. jess has the weather, good
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morning, jess. >> good morning, yeah it's going to be a cloudy one for us today just like yesterday. a light chance of showers heading into this afternoon. many of us didn't experience that yesterday but a few -- of us did up in the north bay. a cool chilly start and what's going on on the doppler and what's happening in our big picture because this is a new system approaching us, we are still dealing with some unsettled weather. not only today, but tomorrow too. it's actually moving just a little bit south of us impacting the friends closer to los angeles and a lot more but a quick splash of shower in the forecast and i'll show you that on futurecast in just a minute. as we wake up this morning we're already seeing a quick splash of showers in some of the communities waking up and heading out the door. if you live closer to areas like ocean beach, the richmond, all along our coastline, all the way off into mill valley too, san rafael we're going to start getting a little bit of light rain moving our way in within the next 15, 20 minutes or so. this system will continue to track off into the east and light rain in the grand scheme
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of things. and now it's actually sweeping down into areas like pacifica and soon to be half-moon bay as well. as we fake a look at futurecast this is not going to amount to much. if anything close to around 0.01 of rain accumulating throughout the day today. really matched with cold air into this afternoon with the light showers and cloudy skies as well. the winds are going to stay light as we head into this afternoon and there's a lot to break apart as we head into the rest of this week. because we have a much-needed dry break right around the corner and more on that coming up. for now over to you, g. all right, thank you. let's get a live look at the richmond-san rafael bridge this morning. where you can see traffic in lanes are now open after shutting down for nine hours of emergency pothole repairs. now our chopper found crews working hard to fix those damaged roadways. the pothole opened up on monday on the upper deck and you can see it right there. and it was just beyond the toll plaza and it shut down one lane westbound on 580. making it for a big traffic mess for a lot of people. but lanes are now open and this morning, traffic is moving along well as we showed you in the live shot. golden gate bridge is moving along well also. they have not done
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the lane changes. we just have that singular lean heading southbound into san francisco. so if you are headed out and about this morning, traffic is pretty light for the most part on most of our bay area freeways. later on though things might get a little bit busier especially near the polling places today. something to keep in mind as you head out and vote. nicole? all right, elections are here and voters more than a dozen states including california will be heading to the polls. here in the bay area, there are a number of key races that voters will be deciding on. for now, let's send it to shawn chitnis who is out at the santa clara county registrar of voters where he has a look at some of the work happening today and really in the days leading up to super tuesday. shawn, good morning to you once again. we can't shout-out our volunteers enough. >> reporter: nicole, good morning. it is certainly an impressive effort that's happening here and that they started well before primary day. we've come inside so you will get a better sense of what will be happening in the hours to come as well as during what will be a long primary day. they've got a nice way for
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folks to get in and out hopefully as quickly as possible. really a small army that makes this all happen for folks in santa clara county. now we have the chance to actually see some of the work that was happening late last week before the weekend and when we saw some of those voting centers open. they've hired 2,000 temporary workers to help them run 104 voting centers, those started to begin operations on saturday. now that's in addition to the workers that were there on friday helping to prepare some of the language aids that make it easier for voters throughout the county to participate. so as of right now, we're told that turnout is just above 15%. and while they were hoping to get around 45% to 55% and be on the lower end of that, now being told that that there's a revised number for voter participation that will be between 35% and 40%. so workers who have been a part of this office for years say doing an accurate job is the fuel that keeps them going after so many elections. and they want to
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encourage more eligible voters to take part during this primary. >> i would say get out there and vote you know, there's no reason why not to you know. everyone in the past has fought really hard for this right. and i mean, exercise that vote -- it's more important than you think. >> reporter: all right, so that means that you have from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. to go to all of the voting centers including the one we are at here in san jose. remember that you need to be in line by 8:00 p.m. to vote. or make sure that your ballot is turned in and also make sure that you are turning it in at a mailbox before it gets postmarked and then ultimately gets here to the registrar's office before march 12th. nicole, back to you. >> all right, very useful information, shawn chitnis, thank you. well, let's talk about things on a national level. roughly one-third of the delegates that will determine the presidential nominations are at stake for republicans and democrats on this history making day. skyler henry is live in alexandria, virginia where super tuesday voting is under way. good morning my friend. it's good to see you
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there. you have got a thicker coat on where you are in that part of the country than we're wearing here in the bay area. >> reporter: very necessary, reed. so good to see you as always. as the rain has poured all day today throughout the state of virginia. but voters are still making their way out to the polls and kids in tow umbrellas in tow as well. and really as you all have been pointing out, this will be the case all day today throughout the super tuesday states. all across the country as the race really is starting to shape up if you will as the front runners in both the republican and democratic contests look to try to inch closer to the white house. super tuesday is here. with hundreds of delegates up for grabs, last night, the gop frontrunner, former president donald trump, swept the north dakota gop caucuses. it followed the release of the supreme court's unanimous decision which says states like colorado cannot disqualify trump from the ballot. >> it was a very important
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decision. i think it will go a long way toward bringing our country together. >> reporter: for republican rival nikki haley it's make or break. amid growing gop calls for her to drop out of the race. though over the weekend, she picked up her first primary win in washington, d.c. >> we can either have more of the same or we can go in a new direction. >> reporter: new cbs news polling shows that a large margin of likely voters have negative feelings about a possible biden versus trump rematch. those same polls show president biden currently four points behind trump in a head-to-head match-up. meanwhile, activists in states like minnesota are pushing those headed to democratic primary polls today to vote uncommitted in protest of biden's handling of the israel-hamas war in gaza. >> we all want this conflict to end as soon as possible. >> reporter: even if both frontrunners pull off a clean sweep tonight. they still won't win enough delegates to clinch their party's nomination. and to that point,
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we will expect to see president biden really ramp up his campaign later on this week during the state of the union address. where he'll have an opportunity to speak to millions of voters. obviously congress as well but really tout the accomplishments that he and his administration have been able to achieve over the course of the last three years. he will then hit the campaign trail and head to several battleground states, pennsylvania, georgia, really quickly reed before we go. obviously all eyes are on the presidential contest i think you guys have pointed this out as well. there are several other important key races down the ballot as well. obviously the race for u.s. senate there in california. some states' governor races that we're paying attention to and a little more than 100 seats in the house will kind of be shaped up by tonight as well. considering that these primarywinners won't have much of a contest when we look ahead to the general election down in november as well. we are here in virginia, i'm skyler henry, reed, back to you. >> no limit in the sky. that's
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skyler henry. good morning and thank you my friend. well, this year, we are seeing the role artificial intelligence is playing in our elections and experts in field have been worn about ai's role in the electoral process as deep fakes have already been caught spreading false messages to voters. lauren toms has more on the campaigns already using ai today. >> hey there, my name is jennifer. >> reporter: jennifer isn't your average campaign volunteer. >> i'm an artificial intelligence volunteer for peter dixon's run for congress in california's 16th district. >> reporter: its use marks a historic shift in election campaigns naturally coming from the heart of silicon valley. and the candidate himself says it's an effort to reach a wider audience in the short three month campaign. >> it allows voters to spend as much time as they would like engaging with the capability and getting a sense, truly, of who i am and what i stand for. so they can be informed when they go to vote. >> reporter: he's one of a small handful of campaigns across the country deploying
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new technology from political ai company and the runup tonight primary elections. >> jennifer --'s ability to answer questions accurately, to not sort of -- guess if there wasn't a real answer, but to be able to say i'm not familiar with peter's position on that. and really be a good steward of answering questions honestly and truthfully. >> reporter: jennifer isn't the only ai campaign voice. i spoke with one version called ashley. who answered questions about economic, foreign and social policies for two minutes and 43 seconds. the caller gave detailed responses that outlined the candidate's platform and gave conversationally short replies. and while the answers appear to be factually correct. the potential of ai's wider presence in elections has prompted state lawmakers to introduce legislation that would protect voters and candidates alike from deceptive content. drew lean effort is the director of the california
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initiative for technology and democracy, a cosponsor of the legislation. he says his top priority is preventing the seamless spread of misinformation. >> already seen it, for example, in new hampshire. where the alleged voice of the president of the united states was discouraging all these democrats from voting. saying don't vote in the primary. wait until the general. and of course what that was about was trying to make sure that democrats wouldn't vote in that election. so that's a form of ai that's incredibly deceptive. >> reporter: the proposed legislation seeks to require social media companies to label ai generated content, provide verification tools for images, and ban deceptive deep fakes for four months before an election and two months after. >> we are on the precipice of our first real ai election. that we all need to recalibrate the way we're looking at protecting our democracy. >> reporter: all eyes will be on jennifer, ashley and the other ai voices nearly as much
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as their candidates. >> calling on a recorded line. and i speaking with kevin ford. >> reporter: as they pioneer what could be the future of election campaigning. it is 5:40. it's travel tuesday and more budget airlines are taking off since the pandemic. the advantages and disadvantages of flying with them. nicole? and before we head to break, heading up to the north bay. taking a live look from larkspur where measure d. is getting a lot of attention this morning. it's a proposed cap on rents and it's already proving to be divisive for renters and landlords. before voting today, you can find that st
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(psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. your heart is the beat of life. if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body.
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don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor if entresto is right for you. what do i see in peter dixon? or high blood potassium. i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. if you try vaping to quit smoking, it might feel like progress, but with 3x more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes - vapes increase cravings - trapping you in an endless craving loop. nicorette reduces cravings
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until they're gone for good. good morning to the friends in san jose, big day for voters all over the bay area. time to cast your ballots in the primary elections. it is super tuesday we're going to have more in today's key races and polls are open between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. nicole? well, it's time now for your money watch report. remember when elon musk took over twitter and immediately fired its key executives last year? well, now they're suing him. twitter's former top brass say musk owes them more than $128 million in unpaid search. the lawsuit alleges musk made up fake cause to fire them. to cheat them out of the money as a form of revenge because he was forced to go through with that $44 billion
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acquisition after spending months trying to get out of it. we're reaching out to musk and x for comment. and the mega millions jackpot for tonight's drawing has grown to an estimated $650 million. it's the seventh largest mega millions prize ever. the jackpot has been getting larger and larger since december 8th when two winning tickets were sold at a chevron station in southern california. i'm feeling like i'm due for $650 million. it's my time. it's my time. >> gianna can show you how. >> i can show you every week. you know, it's -- like habit for me now but i really say this every single time and i will say it again because i'm putting it out in the universe. it's due. >> what would my universe be and then if i don't win the money i can still keep going for the goal right? >> it's a nice daydream. >> it is fun to dream. isn't it? ingly just know so many people would ask for money. and that would be annoying. >> yeah. that's the hard part. >> people to talk to those people. all right, so bay area
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residents stuck in the sierra after a monster blizzard are now starting to make their way home after watching ten feet of snow pile up outside the doors. wow look at that. while some had to wait it out the resorts say there's a positive here, that means an extended ski season. >> this is setting us up for the rest of the year. this is a great storm. i always keep my fingers crossed because they've kind of let us down quite a few times this year. so i was kind of like -- really going to get three, four feet. >> another plus, water, the california department of water resources say snow in the mountains fills hope for full water reservoirs to get us through the dry spring and summer stretches. >> let's get a live look at i-80 in soda springs this morning. the good news is the freeway is back open after being shut down for several days. the snowstorm forcing it to close over the weekend between donner summit and tahoe. but if you do take 80 today, i-80, make sure you have got your chains, they are still required to get through there. and look, let's get a huge shout-out to kelsi thorud who
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was out in truckee to cover the storm with her photographer jim. look at them. just out there in the elements standing outside in the blizzard. doing live shot after live shot and at one point the two of them could barely even get out of their hotel parking lot because of how bad the weather was. man, they are troopers. but with i-8 # o back open, they managed to finally make it out of the snow and head back to the bay area. >> here we go. we're at the summit. so this is how things are looking up here and it's still down to just one lane of traffic. and now we're starting to make our way downhill. but you can see all the snow. >> you can hear relief in her voice. >> she's like i'm going home. yay. >> does she have pets? that would be a little bit problematic especially if you yes, sir, with chopper. >> i would have -- easily taken care of her pets if she got stuck up there a bit longer and i'm sure she would do the same for me too. but you know what's crazy, the roads even though they are starting to clear up, still notthe time you want to head up there and pack
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it all in. you know ski trips can wait until later this weekend. yes the snow is starting to kind of taper off but they're actually seeing a little bit more north of i-80 currently. and that system could sweep to the south. so just give them some time before you start thinking your next trip up there. back here in the bay area we're waking up to some light rain in the forecast for us along the peninsula. and along the golden gate bridge and all the way up into marin county as we wake up this morning and head out the door. mostly along our coastline we're seeing that light drizzle impact us and all the way into the east bay we go. this is worth noting especially on a day like today. this is not rain that we see in the east bay. it's getting pickled up by the radar right now. it's actually the wind turbine farm that's just out in the east bay too. so it's worth noting that on days like this, if you do have a radar app and you are looking in the local communities and you do live in the east bay, that's what that is right now. that's getting picked up by the sacramento radar and actually the reflectivity moving back. it's that energy moving back to the radar getting picked up and showing on screen. the next
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couple of hours and throughout the afternoon hours today. for the most part, that rain remains relatively light. it's not going to pick up too much more heading into this afternoon. if anything, we'll see about 0.01 of rainfall near fremont and all the way off into fairfield and back up into the north bay too. here we go advancing all the way into wednesday's forecast. we have a new system moving its way in. this time from the south. and that will splash our south bay and the santa clara valley just a little bit more as we head into our wednesday afternoon hours. but after that system kind of moves its way through and pulls to the south we're left with dry conditions for thursday and friday which means if you have thursday and friday plans, it is a go. i mean, it's going to be beautiful weather for us and we're going to see a little bit of a warm-up heading into the two days too and this weekend another chance of showers kind of sweeps its way in from offshore, it's going to be light in the grand scheme of things. but it's worth noting that if you do have outdoor plans this weekend, it's not a bad idea to keep the umbrella at least nearby in the trunk ready to go right? here's what it's looking like for us today. throughout the bay area, we're starting to see just a little bit of a warm-up. not by much. but we're sitting in the
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low 60s today. a little bit better than yesterday's upper 50s and we will continue to see that warm-up as we head into the next seven days especially for thursday and friday as that sun starts to shine over us. we're hitting the upper 60s by friday and then it drops once again once the clouds start rolling in with a chance of showers heading into this weekend's forecast. g? thank you. let's talk freeways right now. and bridges. because we've got a few of them and they're getting busy already for a tuesday. here's a live look at the bay bridge. and you can see traffic already starting to stack up just a little bit of bumper-to-bumper as you work your way near that toll plaza area. heading towards the incline and getting crowded across the upper deck heading into the city. so looks like things are getting busy for that ride. pretty earl early here at the bay bridge toll plaza. as is the ride into the altamont pass, also tracking brake lights this morning. 51 minutes from 205/580 to the dublin interchange. it's definitely slow mostly between tracy and as you get to north flynn. once you are in the car you can get a more accurate
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idea of what your specific travel time is on your favorite app but know that area is pretty slow. san mateo bridge looks like it's getting a little bit busy as well. and you are going to see busy conditions around polling places today in and around certain communities so definitely keep that in mind as you get out and about and hopefully you do get out and vote. well, let's get a live look at sfo where there's a new flying experience for travelers. it's travel tuesday and we are talking about budget airlines. low cost airlines have grown from #% to 15% of the u.s. market, more than a dozen new budget airlines have launched since the pandemic started. now some have already folded but most are taking off. >> basically about getting from a. to b. and most people would like to do that as cheaply as possible. and so you can basically spend your money on your holiday. >> we are seeing in the last month alone a 5% increase in the number of people that are traveling since 2020. >> well, the hunger for travel is boosting business. breeze airway at sfo is adding 13
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airports and 25 domestic routes in 2024. new airlines launching this year include u.s. based asell low. aerojet mostly in the caribbean and whiz air in the middling east and air premia all in asia. tend to have fewer connections and better baggage handling but lower on time performance. definitely a few more options out there. reed? we like that. ahead bride wore white and so i know what it's like to perform through pain. if you're like me, one of the millions suffering from pain caused by migraine, nurtec odt may help. it's the only medication that can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks. treat and prevent, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. relief is possible. talk to a doctor about nurtec odt.
5:54 am
>> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and we'll come to you to fix it. relief is possible. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. >> tech: we're all set. >> woman: wow. that looks great. >> tech: schedule now at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
5:55 am
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( ♪♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪♪ ) well, a picture-perfect wedding for a couple caught in the sierra blizzard. this is chloe bowman and chris nielsen and tied the knot at a snow-covered golf resort in truckee. the couple at first worried the weather would ruin the plans but guess what? they can weather anything as a couple. >> monday and tuesday i think i cried more than i have ever in my life. wednesday, my planner thought i was going to cancel it but she was the trooper and just -- kept the show going on. >> well, the couple had originally invited more than 160 people to that show only 70 were actually able to make it. they were probably the ones with four wheel drive and
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chains. >> i mean, it was a nice day for a white wedding. right? >> she looked beautiful. >> she did. >> her dress and everything. doesn't matter. it's all about the two people. >> it's 70 people and 160. flowers, no flowers, who cares? this is love. >> and snow angels. [ laughter ] well, we wish them the best. it is 5:56. taking a live look from san jose this morning. the polls are about an hour away from opening. we have you covered all morning long with everything you need to know before casting your ballot on this super tuesday. and coming up at 7:00. a protest turns scary for a group of bay area college students who were forced to escape through a tunnel. the hate crime investigation at uc berkeley. here's a live look outside the bay area as we start to see light coming on to the horizon. this is our view from the mark hopkins and we'll be right back. if you try vaping to quit smoking, it might feel like progress,
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but with 3x more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes - vapes increase cravings - trapping you in an endless craving loop. nicorette reduces cravings until they're gone for good. your heart is the beat of life. if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren,
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or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor if entresto is right for you.
6:00 am
(psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. thank you so much for joining us this morning. it is super tuesday. march 5th. >> so let's get it started. >> i was thinking get out there and vote, you know, there's no reason why not no. >> a message for you waking up on super tuesday, you are heading to the polls this morning deciding races and other measures affecting our community. hey there. my name is jennifer and i'm an


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