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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  March 5, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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(psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. thank you so much for joining us this morning. it is super tuesday. march 5th. >> so let's get it started. >> i was thinking get out there and vote, you know, there's no reason why not no. >> a message for you waking up on super tuesday, you are heading to the polls this morning deciding races and other measures affecting our community. hey there. my name is jennifer and i'm an artificial
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intelligence volunteer. >> have you gotten one of these calls? artificial intelligence is becoming a bigger part of our lives. and now it's being put to use in our elections. it's terrible. >> digging out from the snow in the sierra as people wake up to this at their door. but more powder could be on the way. and here we go again. are you feeling lucky? we have lottery fever on this tuesday morning with your chance at another big jackpot tonight. and thanks so much for joining us. it is super tuesday. i'm gianna franco and presidential campaigns, i'm one of the biggest prizes right here in california with our primary. >> polls starting to open up right now and we have you covered throughout the morning and i'm reed cowan. >> we do have you covered and i'm nicole zaloumis. and i'm really excited to unveil our vr set this week that will be a lot of fun when it comes to our election season. well, let's take a live look outside on this super tuesday morning. and are we going to have superweather, jessica? hopefully lot more super than
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this past weekend. and the soupy skies that we saw at the beginning of the week. >> oh, yeah. you know it's interesting day-by-day it's getting a lot better and today, we might still see just a splash of showers up in the north bay. a light chance of showers actually anywhere throughout the bay area. because as we wake up this morning along our coastline, we kind of see some of that right now. but for the most part, this is what we're going to be dealing with down into the santa clara valley. partly cloudy skies heading into this afternoon. those clouds holding on tight for us today too. throughout the afternoon hours as the temperatures start to rise as the atmosphere above us is still a little bit unstable. the puffy cumulus clouds the beautiful ones and then a light chance of showers associated with those ones too. as we take a look at the doppler this morning, this is what we're waking up to. light showers moving in from offshore, this is impacting areas like pacifica all the way up into south san francisco. and sfo currently light drizzle kind of just trickling its way in from offshore and that will start to dissipate the more inland it moves. cloudy skies and a light splash of showers here and there and again some gusty
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conditions in the afternoon hours today. not too concerned about the winds though in the grand scheme of things. at max we can see about 15, 20-mile-per-hour wind gusts and then the rain will actually start to die down as we head into thursday and friday forecast leaving us with beautiful sunshine and a nice warm-up as we head into this weekend. but speaking of this weekend i mean read it and weep. more rain right around the corner for us and i'm going to time that out for you coming up in just a bit. for now over to you, g. jessica thank you. let's get a live look at the richmond-san rafael bridge, you can see traffic is moving just fine once again. lanes were shut down overnight this was for emergency road repairs. you will seeexactly why. the large pothole there forced the closure of a westbound lane on 580 just west of the toll plaza. our chopper saw crews out there yesterday. hopefully things will be better and easier today as we take a look at traffic current conditions on the bridges are quiet. that includes the golden gate bridge with an easy ride into san francisco this morning. those lane changes have been done and
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a different story here at the bay bridge which is one of the headlines right now. we are tracking brake lights here into san francisco. also getting busy westbound 80 as you head out of richmond working your way towards the bay bridge and of course across the upper deck heading into the city. it is decision day and your community station covering the issues where you live on this super tuesday. in addition to the presidential primary, voters out there will shape our future in their choices in key races and ballot issues while we await polling locations to open across the bay area, poll workers are up early. they're getting ready to welcome you to cast your vote and make sure everything goes along in on orderly fashion. one such location san jose and at the santa clara county registrar of voters and we find shawn chitnis live this morning. shawn, we understand about 10% of voters have returned their ballots in early voting. it will be interesting in this primary season to see if people
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actually line up today. >> reporter: hey reed, good morning. yeah, that was one of the earlier figures that we got just this morning. we are being told that that number is likely going to get updated to a little over 15% today going into primary day. but there are some concerns that turnout will be even lower than what they first estimated so they are going to continue to make that final push to get folks to turn in those ballots or come in and vote in-person. they have done quite the effort here decorating inside the headquarters and of course making sure that folks have both a secure election and again getting as many eligible voters out to cast their ballot. so we saw for ourselves some of the preparations happening here in santa clara county late last week. they have hired 2,000 temporary workers to help them run the operation across 104 voting centers and those opened saturday and continued operating through today. that's in addition to the workers who were there on friday helping to prepare language aids for voters throughout the county. now again, turnout expected to be
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lower than initially estimated from thirteen 44% to 55% to now lower than average and likely be between 35% and 340%. workers who have been a part of office for years say ensuring an effective and honest election is one of the most critical responsibilities they have in their role. >> i would say that no election is the same. you know, elections are always evolving and there's always something that comes up that's new, that's different. and it's a privilege to be able to put that in practice for our county. for our citizens. >> reporter: okay. so they're getting ready to open here at 7:00 a.m. as well as at all of the other voting centers in the county. they'll be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and remember if you want to vote in-person you need to be in line by 8:00 p.m. if you are turning in a ballot it has to come in by 8:00 p.m. to an election box or ballot box. but if you are trying to send it through the mail, make sure that it gets postmarked today which could be quite early compared to 8:00 p.m. and then of course that has to get here
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to headquarters by march 12th. reed, back to you. >> atz always remember our poll workers are serving democracy and say thank you. shawn chitnis, thank you so much. well, there's only one statewide measure on the primary ballot. proposition 1. a multibillion dollar measure to address mental health and homelessness. it's an issue that we know all too well across the bay area. and especially in san francisco. the $6.3 billion bond is a big part of governor newsom's plan to create drug and mental health treatment beds. to get people off the streets. he joined san francisco's mayor and district attorney at a rally urging voters to go to the polls. and we spoke to a member of the california teachers association board of directors who supports prop 1. she says it would help provide mental health resources for people in need. >> any educator can tell you what it means to have a student in their class who can't focus on the academic aspect of the classroom. because they're worried about where they're
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sleeping or what problems that their parents may have or someone else in their family. >> we also spoke with the member of the no campaign who says prop 1 would divert billions of dollars away from already effective mental health services. >> not only do the vast majority of unhoused people not have a serious mental health condition, they therefore would not even qualify for the services under proposition 1 which require a serious mental health diagnosis. >> opponents also say it's too expensive at a time when the state's budget deficit is soaring. the measure needs a simple majority to pass. gianna? well, another big question today is who will fill california's u.s. senate seat in the future? it was democratic senator dianne feinstein's seat until she died last september. voters are being asked to vote twice. once for a partial term for the remainder of the term, november to early january. and then for a full six year term in which the top two vote getters will advance to the general election
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in november. now labor union officialaphonza butler was appointed to the seat last october by governor gavin newsom but she announced she would not be running for a full term. now it's down to four leading candidates that have been making their final pushes. former chair of the house intelligence committee adam schiff is leading his fellow democratic candidates. he served as part of the panel that selected the january 6th insurrection as well as also leading efforts to investigate and impeach former president donald trump. oakland representative barbara lee says her progressive record and her identity as a black woman is a much-needed voice to the senate. and the democrat has -- was also the only member of congress to vote against the war in afghanistan. now democrat katie porter is a current member of congress from orange county and part of the campaign advocates against lobbying and corporate special interests and ending the earmark process which allows congress members to direct
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federal funding to specific projects and then former dodgers' player steve garvey. stands out as the only republican of the four leading candidates. he says he wants to focus on fixing homelessness and crime and lowering inflation and bettering education. a poll taken just last week by uc berkeley shows garvey out in front of his democratic rivals. and stay with us after the break as we talk with senior business and technology correspondent joeling kent to break down the senate race. also posted everything you need to know along with a complete voter guide on and don't forget to join us for for complete coverage as the results roll in. juliette goodrich, devin fehely, and sara donchey will be following all of it from 7:00 to 10:00 on pix+ 44 cable 12 and streaming online with at 909 minutes of coverage right here on kpix that starts at 10:00. reed? 6:10 in the morning. the push to oust controversial alameda county da pamela price is now a shove. now there's a
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clock ticking to certify signatures calling for her ouster and of course there's pushback from her camp. and later, it's lottery fever. the mega millions is back tonight and your chance to retire early. well, maybe. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. with nurtec odt i can treat and prevent my migraine attacks all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec.
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allergic reactions can occur even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion and stomach pain. talk to your doctor about nurtec today. what do i see in peter dixon? talk to your doctor i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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all right. let's look live at oakland amidst allegations of failure to enforce the law in the face of rising crime, your district attorney pamela price faces losing her job. so here's what's happening. a group collected and delivered more than 127,000 signatures and those signatures are calling for price to be pulled from office. so what's next? well, the county registrar of voters has ten days to validate those signatures. and if everything checks out, the board of supervisors can schedule a special recall election. meanwhile, a group of price supporters had this to say. they say the recall effort is led by handful of superrich people who have propped up what they call political actors that make it appear that alameda county residents are behind this effort to recall price. in fact, they are getting even more serious and they want attorney general rob bonta to step in and launch an investigation. their allegations? people who signed were misled and something those behind the recall effort fight against and deny.
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big decisions today for you. you will vote on the next senate seat representing california for both the partial and a full term. this, after dianne feinstein's death last september. laphonza butler is currently interim senator but won't run for a full term. your california candidates are democrats adam schiff, barbara lee, coo i tee porter and lone republican steve garvey. >> joining us this early morning is senior business and technology correspondent jo ling kent. good morning. thanks for being here and we're going to dive right in. we've seen the ads and we've heard the public debates from the candidates but talking about a lot of issues we worry about here in california. what is their priorities and their main focus? >> reporter: well, first of all, happy super tuesday. and the priorities largely focus on the economy and inflation. right? so let's take a look at adam schiff. i interviewed him yesterday on the last full day
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of campaigning. he tells me it's all about economy reducing inflation and increasing the amount of affordable housing out there. and then garvey obviously running neck and neck with schiff according to the latest berkeley poll and garvey says he wants to reduce inflation and reduce taxes and repeal some of the regulations that businesses are facing. if we look at katie porter the representative, she's obviously wanting ambition overhaul on ethics and housing and also looking at major issues like the economy and inflation and representative barbara lee also focused on affordable housing as well. she was among the first to call for a permanent cease fire in gaza. and she is the only person of color running in this race and she believes there needs to be more diversity in the u.s. senate. >> interesting to see steve garvey really having the conversation that speaks to all our wallets. what we pay at the pump. is that the reason why we're starting to see him pull
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ahead? >> reporter: well, we're seeing a lot of fatigue for existing candidates and well-known candidates. in some of the polling. you can see if you look at the presidential polling across the board, the -- the performance of president biden has not been a bright spot for many likely registered voters and you can see that trickling down to the california senate race. what we're seeing in the polling here is that schiff has been the long time frontrunner and garvey then having this surge over the past few weeks. a lot of that may have to do with the fact according to representative katie porter who is sitting in third place right now. she believes that that's because congressman schiff has been advertising aggressively and mentioning garvey's name. giving him that elevation. now the broader context of that of course is that steve garvey hasn't run a tv ad. but he certainly has been the subject of the super pac and schiff campaign ads. getting more time. >> we know you are busy today and thank you for your time.
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all right, the conditions in the sierra this morning. a live look at i-80 in soda springs. good news for people trying to get in and out of lake tahoe. that part of the interstate has finally reopened. it opened up yesterday and the intense snowstorm forced it to shut down. that was between donner summit and tahoe for three days. so if you take i-80 today, don't forget though you still need chains for your tires. they are still required. >> and the snowfall and wind may have died down a bit today, but people in lake tahoe are still feeling the effects of that blizzard that hit the sierra this past weekend. jess? >> i know, and if you want to see how bad things got, all you have to do is just look outside. check out this video from palisades tahoe. the strong winds actually blew the windows out of the building that uses the controls to actually control the ski lifts. completely just filling it with snow. then over at
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sierra-at-tahoe crews have been actually trying to dig out of this. the bottom of one of the chair lifts was completely buried away. this was yesterday afternoon. the storm really made its impact on the sierra and as we take a look at conditions today, man, they are starting to clear up and yes the highways are starting to improve too. we're actually able to get through i-80 today but not the day to really jam up there. i would say just give them couple of days of fresh breaths of air and then we can gear up for a nice weekend heading up ott sierra with all the fresh powder. back here in the bay that storm that impact it had sierra over the weekend it's still lingering around. the area of low pressure still has some unsettled weather in the forecast for us as we wake up and head out the door today. so that's reason why we're kind of just seeing some light scattered showers moving in from offshore, san francisco all the way down into half-moon bay up into the marin headlands. light drizzle here and there. in the big picture though. not amounting to much. the radar is picking up activity in the east bay but if you are wondering wait, why on earth are we even seeing any of
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that reflectivity from the radar? it's not actually it will rain that's getting picked up. it's the wind farm that's out there. so that's one thing worth mentioning. of course keep a close eye on the radar and the futurecast of course because this is a great tool on a day like today. to kind of show you what's to come. now it's not going to amount to much. the rain that we're going to see throughout next couple of days just light scattered showers for the most part. most of us as we look out the windows and go through the day-to-day lives really just going to see cloudy skies and maybe, maybe a chance of showers especially if you live down in the south bay waking up tomorrow morning areas like san francisco along the peninsula could have a little splash of showers in the morning heading into the afternoon hours. some storms could develop down closer to the santa clara valley. and then that system sweeps to the south as we head into our thursday and friday forecast. leaving us with dry, dry conditions. it will be a beautiful forecast for us heading into thursday and friday. and any outdoor activities it's a go for the those two days. and then once we head into the weekend, there's another chance of showers that moves its way in
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into saturday afternoon. here's what it's looking like for us today. right behind me you can kind of see it's cool and cloudy near san francisco and oakland across the bay bridge. that's the case for usthroughout the afternoon too. cool cloudy daytime highs sitting in the 60s and a little bit of the onshore flow moving into the afternoon showers meaning wind gusts anywhere up to around 15 miles per hour. not going to be too gusty of a day but windy at times. we'll feel that in the inland areas too. thursday and friday the most sunshine so take advantage of that while we have it. because it's going to believe cloudy and cool and a little bit wet as we head into next week. g? thank you, jess. let's talk about the roadways this morning. as you get up and head out the door, there's some positives if you are making that ride over towards the golden gate bridge. you have got plenty of time. that marin county commute to grab that extra cup of coffee this morning. no brake lights or issues here. definitely one of the brighter spots. not quite the case over at the bay bridge. business as usual. this is typically your morning commute, that ride off the eastshore freeway heading over
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into san francisco. well, that's already starting to back up. and early. look at that bumper-to-bumper traffic already and not even 6:30 yet. so you better get going if you are taking that ride over into san francisco this morning. you are going to need a few extra minutes. we are definitely tracking the slow ride there. and getting reports of a possible crash not too far from the toll plaza. that might be adding to what we're seeing a bit of a busier ride as you head through there. the rest of the bay area though heading steady with the exception of the altamont pass and a few brake lights south 880. actually doing okay. taking the san mateo bridge light conditions there. extra volume westbound, but the travel times look great. only about 15 minutes between 880 and 101. of course you will get that more specific travel time as you hop in the car and get on your personal app that you like to use. if you are taking the northbound ride through 880 that's looking great there in both directions actually. nicole? time now 6:22. a story of a bay area bounce-back on this tuesday morning. we take you to oakland and the hope for restaurants this month. hey, before we head to break taking a live look from larkspur. good morning to our
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friends in the north bay. as you head to the polls today, you might notice something called measure d on your ballot. it's a proposed cap on rents and already proving to be divisive for renters and landlords there in larkspur. that's one thing facing the people
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take that up a little bit higher. you should feel that, like, right back here. oh, yeah, i felt that! good, that is so much better than last week. thanks, i've been doing 'em every night while i'm watching tv. - oh, what are you watching? it's a mystery. high quality care that meets you where you are. all righting looking live at oakland and the work to
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bounce back with oakland restaurant week. good morning to our friends waking up in the east bay. here's the word of the day for oakland residents called resilience. they have often been the target of crime these businesses but a lot of them are staying strong for the community. >> strength and really good food because there's going to be a lot of fantastic food at local spots. >> yeah, the city hosted a preview party promoting all the eating options. >> imagine 130 restaurants telling us all about their special offerings. or different recipes and different specials that they can share with the public. >> oakland restaurant week kicks off next thursday and runs through the 24th. looks good. it's 6:26. we're hearing more and more about artificial intelligence. but should it be used in our elections? how it's already being put to the test right now. and before we head to break, taking a live look from san jose. the polls are about a half hour away from opening. we have you covered all morning long before he
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right now on cbs news bay area at 6:29. this is a live look from san jose on this super tuesday. it's really a big day to decide on some big races and issues where we all live. the polls are open between 7:00 a.m. and they close at 8:00 p.m. got to be in line by 8:00 p.m. to be able to cast your ballot. but first, taking a live look outside this morning and that just looks like a yummy postcard. did i just say yummy postcard? where
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did that come from. >> from you hungry reed? >> what is that in you know, our director said look, this shot looks blurry but it's really not. that's just the effect of a light mist of rain right there at the bay bridge. >> oh. it's misting outside. >> sort of romantic looking. >> it's beautiful. i love the yellow under the bridge there. again another thing we can paint. i need to take a class jess. >> gianna is going to have the live shots in her house. just one after the other. >> who would want to hang them up. >> gianna, aka bob ross. >> really talented. >> it's yummy. what's that about? >> g, that would be beautiful. all right, hey real fast another couple of live looks around the bay area. because i think the one behind me isn't as beautiful. let's start off as we zoom a little bit out and you can't really make it out but the bay bridge from our live cam here at the rooftop and not looking that glammous, it's cloudy and cool but the clouds are wow, okay, wait stop gianna. this is the live look from san jose. as we wake up
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this morning. a beautiful, beautiful sunrise as we wake up this morning. cloudy skies are in the forecast for us today. light winds moving in from offshore, and to add to that, we're also seeing temperatures mostly sitting in the 60s. so a little bit warmer compared to yesterday's upper 50s but it's still mild as we head out the door. not only this morning, but really into this afternoon. so let me show what you it's going on for us here in the bay area. we have a weak system sitting just offshore allowing for some unsettled weather in the forecast for us today and tomorrow. so these cloudy skies we see could potentially produce just a little bit of rain kind of like what we're seeing this morning along the coastline near san francisco stretching down into pacifica. now heading into tomorrow we have another system that's still kind of lingering around. and that's going to bring in some showers to the south bay. but it's still light in the grand scheme of things. here's what i'm talking about. some light drizzle kind of trickling in from offshore as we wake up this morning along the peninsula and up into the marin head land but still scattered and really unsettled. not a huge washout event by any means and match that with some gusty conditions today. we can
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see wind gusts today anywhere up to around 15, maybe 20 miles per hour along the coastline. so that's going to be our setup for us this afternoon. partly cloudy skies and of course those light showers and a little bit of wind. daytime highs in the 60s and we're going to have more on what you can expect for the rest of this week coming up in just a bit. for now over to you, g. thank you. a live look at the richmond-san rafael bridge right now. all lanes have reopened after shutting down for nine hours of emergency pothole repairs. and you can see it's getting busy already out there. our chopper found crews working to fix the damage. this is a look at what was going on yesterday. the pothole opened up monday on the upper deck just beyond the toll plaza. and it did shut down at least one westbound lane of 580. and you can see in that live shot we just showed you it gets busy there for folks heading west or eastbound for the commute. and as we take a look at traffic now, speaking of bridges, look at the bay bridge. already backed up this morning. you have got bumper-to-bumper traffic for anyone heading over into san francisco. this is our hotspot right now. not a lot of crashes which is good news, but there is a trouble spot heading on that westbound 580 connector as
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you work your way into the macarthur maze. the primary elections are here. voters in more than a dozen states including california will be heading to the polls. and here in the bay area, there are a number of key races that voters will be deciding on. for tow let's send it to shawn chitnis who's out at the santa clara county registrar of voters where you have a look at some of the work happening today and the days leading up to super tuesday, good morning to you once again shawn, we're just minutes away here. >> reporter: that's right. about 30 minutes from now they'll be open and they have been working hard. the place looks great and let's say hello to evelyn mendez a public information officer with santa clara county. great to see the setup that you have here, good morning. tell us how things are looking with turnout going into primary day. >> right now we're only about
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16 management and we're expecting 35% to 45% and hopefully higher. we have over a million voters here so we want everybody to come out today. >> reporter: right and obviously the primary not going get the same amount of turnout as a general election but right now a little bit lower than moll. >> a little bit lower than normal. we understand people procrastinate and wait till the last-minute and get the research and look into all the candidates. it's going to happen today hopefully. >> reporter: only a little more time. explain to folk what is the key deadlines are. >> yeah. the vote centers are open from7:00 to 8:00 p.m. you can be in line by 8:00 p.m. in order to vote. we want to make sure you get the ballot there or in an official drop box around the county or in the mail. but it has to be postmarked by today. >> reporter: and then you are also explaining to us you have to be careful with the mailboxings right? because you might actually miss the deadline if you wait until the evening. >> yes, because the mailboxes have different pickup times so people might think oh it's going to be postmarked by today. if they get it in there by midnight, but that's not the case. they have to get it into an official drop box boy 8:00 p.m. or like i said check
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the -- pickup times. >> reporter: almost safer to go with the ballot drop box because then you know you have that 8:00 p.m. deadline. so as we're here we're looking at all the great decorations and we know you guys were busy working well before last week to get ready with the voting centers opening on saturday. tell us what it takes to have this operation when you have so many voters in your county. >> it's a huge operation. we get a lot of volunteers a lot of people that help us you know, make the processes work. every step of it picking up ballots and dropping them off. opening and slicing them. checking signatures. human eyes are checking the signatures on every ballot that comes in. it's going to the ballot counting machine. someone checking to make sure that all of that is you know, secure and safe. so a lot of steps to the process. >> reporter: yeah, we appreciate you being here this morning. we know it's the early beginning of a long day for you. but great to hear all of the work that is happening here in santa clara county. as she mentioned. about making sure it's a secure election but of course trying to get out as many eligible voters as
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possible. nnicole, back to you. >> super useful information on this super tuesday. thank you. well, on a national level, roughly one-third of the delegates that will determine the presidential nominations are at stake for republicans and democrats today. and skyler henry is live in alexandria, virginia where super tuesday voting is well under way. good morning skyler. >> reporter: hey reed, good morning to you. voters coming out in steady streams here to make their voices heard as you all pointed out here. and they're going to be doing that from coast-to-coast as we will see ultimately what shakes out for both republicans and democrats. the front runters are confident but so too is nikki haley bass who says she deserves some time in the race as she fights to try to keep her campaign alive. super tuesday is here with hundreds of delegates up for grabs. last night, the gop frontrunner, former president donald trump, swept the north dakota gop caucuses. it followed the
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release of the supreme court's unanimous decision which says states like colorado cannot disqualify trump from the ballot. >> it was a very important decision. i think it will go a long way toward bringing our country together. >> reporter: for republican rival nikki haley, it's make or break, amid growing gop calls for her to drop out of the race. though over the weekend, she picked up her first primary win in washington, d.c. >> we can either have more of the same or we can go in a new direction. >> reporter: new cbs news polling shows that a large margin of likely voters have negative feelings about a possible biden versus trump rematch. those same polls show president biden currently four points behind trump in a head-to-head match-up. meanwhile, activists in states like minnesota are pushing those headed to democratic primary polls today to vote uncommitted in protest of biden's handling of the israel-hamas war in gaza. >> we all want this conflict to end as soon as possible. >> reporter: even if both frontrunners pull off a clean sweep tonight, they still
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won't win enough delegates to clinch their party's nomination. and so as the former president looks to ride the high if you will based off the supreme court decision yesterday, trying to rally up his voter base, president biden will get an opportunity to speak to his supporters if you will, a little bit later on this week during the state of the union address. making his case as to what he and his administration have been able to do over the course of the last three years and then he will be hitting the campaign trail making stops and battleground states, pennsylvania and georgia. but just goes to show that this is we're here, this is election season. and the campaign is absolutely ramping up on this race to the white house. guys, back to. >> getting us ramped up. skyler henry reporting live from alexandria, virginia. thank you so much today. well, in this year we are seeing the role artificial intelligence is playing in our elections. and experts in the field have been warning about ai's role in the electoral
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pros. as deep fakes have already been caught spreading false messages to voters. lauren toms has more on the campaigns already using ai today. >> hey there, my name is jennifer. >> reporter: jennifer isn't your average campaign volunteer. >> i'm an artificial intelligence volunteer for peter dixon's run for congress in california's 16th district. >> reporter: its use marks a historic shift in election campaigns, naturally coming from the heart of silicon valley. and the candidate himself says it's an effort to reach a wider audience in the short three month campaign. >> it allows voters to spend as much time as they would like engaging with the capability and getting a sense, truly, of who i am and what i stand for. so they can be informed when they go to vote. >> reporter: he's one of a small handful of campaigns across the country deploying new technology from political ai company civox in the run-up to the primary elections. >> jennifer's ability to answer questions accurately, to not sort of -- guess if there
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wasn't a real answer, but to be able to say, i'm not familiar with peter's position on that. and really be a good steward of answering questions honestly and truthfully. >> reporter: jennifer isn't the only ai campaign voice. i spoke with one version called ashley who answered questions about economic, foreign and social policies for two minutes and 43 seconds. the caller gave detailed responses that outlined the candidate's platform and gave conversationally short replies. and while the answers appear to be factually correct, the potential of ai's wider presence in elections has prompted state lawmakers to introduce legislation that would protect voters and candidates alike from deceptive content. drew liebert is the director of the california initiative for technology and democracy, a co-sponsor of the legislation. he says his top priority is preventing the seamless spread of misinformation. >> already seen it, for example, in new hampshire. where the alleged voice of the
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president of the united states was discouraging all these democrats from voting. saying don't vote in the primary. wait until the general. and of course what that was about was trying to make sure that democrats wouldn't vote in that election. so that's a form of ai that's incredibly deceptive. >> reporter: the proposed legislation seeks to require social media companies to label ai generated content, provide verification tools for images, and ban deceptive deep fakes for four months before an election and two months after. >> we are on the precipice of our first real ai election. that we all need to recalibrate the way we're looking at protecting our democracy. >> reporter: all eyes will be on jennifer, ashley, and the other ai voices nearly as much as their candidates. >> i'm calling on a recorded line. am i speaking with kevin ford? >> reporter: as they pioneer what could be the future of election campaigning. >> well, we've posted everything you need to know
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about casting your ballot along with a complete voter guide on so make sure you check that out. and join us tonight for complete coverage as the results roll in. juliette goodrich, devin fehely and sara donchey will be following all of it from 7:00 to 10:00 on pix+ and streamingen line with at 90 minutes of coverage right here on kpix and that starts at 10:00. this super tuesday also travel tuesday. more budget airlines are taking off since the pandemic. the advantages an
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good morning to our friends in san jose waking up with us. it is a big day super tuesday right? for voters all over the bay area. time to cast your ballots in the primary elections. we've got you covered and more on today's key races throughout the morning. polls are now open and close at 8:00 p.m. nicole? it's time now for your money watch report. remember when elon musk took over twitter and then immediately fired its key executives last year, well, now they're suing him. twitter's former top brass say musk owes them more than $128 million in unpaid severance. the lawsuit alleges musk made up fake cause to fire them to cheat them out of money as a form of revenge. because he was forced to go through with the $44 billion acquisition after spending months trying to get out of it. we're reaching out to musk and
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x for comment. it's time now for look at what's coming up later on "cbs mornings." and nate burleson joins us live now from new york. good morning to you, nate, and happy super tuesday. >> happy super tuesday nicole. good to see you. what's coming up on "cbs mornings"? voters are hitting the polls for super tuesday as we know. but most americans say they feel exhausted or even depressed about the election. we will talk with an expert who shares tips on how to stop politics from making us sad and just messing up the vibes. vlad will introduce you to a 17-year-old guitar prodigy grace bowers, she jams with him and talking about breaking barriers as a guitarist on a male dominated stage. and comedian and globe trotter eugene levy here in studio. the new season of his hit series returns. everything you need to know and more on the show. we'll see you at 7:00. >> thank you nate.
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the mega millions jackpot for tonight's drawing has grown to an estimated $650 million. it's the seventh largest mega millions prize ever. the jackpot has been getting larger and larger since december 8th when two winning tickets were sold at a chevron station in southern california. gianna, do you have a set number list that you go through? always random each week? because gianna plays the lottery -- >> i do. i mean and it might seem silly to some people but i love the idea of having a little open hope and dreaming and really that's what the $3 to $5 goes for. it's my thing. but i don't have a specific number i play. sometimes i will occasionally if i'm feeling that number. like number 9 was a specific number i picked this week. but my birthday is coming up. and that's -- the number 9. so -- it kind of fit. and it came up. so. like here we go. >> what's the dream car? purchasing a car as soon as we win. >> yes of course. yes. speaking
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of g. a g wagon for short. >> that would be cute. >> you might need one because bay area residents are now coming home after watching up to 10 feet of snow. open up the door, just piled up right there. as you can imagine instead of digging out they waited it out. the resorts saying this is a positive. bring the g wagon up here. >> this is setting us up for the rest of the year, this is a great storm and i always keep my fingers crossed because they've kind of let us down a few times this year. i was kind of like really get 3, 4 feet. >> really did barrett. another plus is water. snow in the mountains fills hope for full water supplies to get us through the dry spring and summer patches. now to a live look at i-80. this is in soda springs. the freeway is back open thankfully this morning after being shut down for days. now the snowstorm forced it to close over the weekend between donner summit and tahoe. now if you do take the interstate today,
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chains are still required. also huge shout-out to our kelsi thorud, she is such a trooper. she was up in truckee covering the storm with her photographer jim standing outside in the blizzard. doing all the live shots. and at one point, the two of them could barely even get out of their hotel parking lot. i mean, look at that. that's how bad the weather was. but with i-80 back open they're finally heading back to the bay area. >> here we go. we're at the summit. so this is how things are looking up here. it's still down to just one lane of traffic. and now we're starting to make our way downhill. but you can see all the snow. >> nope. nope. >> it's a hard pass for you. >> i'm happy for her. >> i will say this, a good workout you know, at least you are getting your biceps and your arm you know. i'm trying to stay positive here people. glass half full. >> i like it. >> no, i mean being born and raised in las vegas i actually have nightmares sometimes of being like -- in the snow. like
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stuck in the snow. and watching her have to deal with that, shoveling it out uh-huh. i can't do it guys. but let's take a quick look at what's going on for us here in the bay area as we wake thumb morning and head out the door. because here in the bay area, we don't have any snow to report. we have some light rain in the forecast for us but for the most part just seeing the cloudy skies fill the bay area throughout the next couple ofhours and heading into this afternoon, now we're going to see a nice onshore flow throughout the day today. we could see a splash of showers into the evening hours tonight. but as we take a look at the first alert doppler this morning, we're actually already seeing just a little bit of that move in from offshore. light drizzle along the peninsula. all the way up into the marin headlands and not going to impact the roads by any means. if anything you get a quick splash and then it dries p but if you want to keep the umbrella handy throughout day it's not the worst idea ever. now as we head off into the east bay, there's one thing i want to mention. if you are curious as to what that system is over there or what it looks like to be a system over closer to rio vista. if you live here you know what this
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is. but it's the wind farms and i think this is kind of cool to note because this is something that our radars do pick up. it's the activity in the reflection from the wednesday farms over in the east bay. so as we take a look at the doppler today, don't be too alarmed if you see something over there because it's not the rain most likely. we're mostly seeing the showers just isolated along the coastline and throughout the peninsula with some gustier conditions in the afternoon hours today. at max 25-mile-per-hour wind gust along the coastline and match that with some just light drizzle kind of filling in from offshore. that will be the trend for us as we head into the overnight hours tonight. storms mostly tracking to the north for now and then we actually watch this area of low pressure sweep to the south. by tomorrow morning, heading into the afternoon hours, areas like san jose and half-moon bay are more likely to get hit from just some light to moderate rain. that will clear up into the afternoon and evening hours to the south and then we're left with dry conditions thursday and friday. those two days are going to be beautiful by the way. honestly. if you have any outtar plans any day is fine. some splashes of
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showers today and tomorrow but thursday friday, the sun is coming out and it's going to look beautiful for us. so let's take a look at what's happening for us today. here in the bay area, we're actually experiencing a little bit of a warm-up. not by much. but yesterday it's worth noting that we were mostly if the upper 50s. today, we're seeing lot more lower 60s throughout the bay area near antioch and stretching over into redwood city. and all the way over into livermore and the santa clara valley. as we head into the next seven days that's when we warm up a smidge more. 60s in the forecast for us still as we head into thursday and friday. but we get closer to the 70s with all that sunshine too. and then the clouds start rolling their way back in heading into our weekend forecast. there's another chance of showers heading into this weekend. for now over to you, g. jess, thank you. your drive on this super tuesday. if you are up early heading towards bay bridge, we are already tracking some brake lights and busy conditions. there's a crash westbound 580 as you work into the maze. adding to what's already a very slow ride heading into san francisco this morning. if this is your
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route, you need to leave a few minutes early this morning because it's extra show in and around area. you can see on the maps all the red popping up there and now we're getting word of possible crash on the upper deck of the bay bridge too. bit of abbeys ride for anyone heading into san francisco this morning. something to keep in mind. other than that we are pretty much business as usual. headed to the san mateo bridge, looking a little slow westbound now over towards 101. and you know, it is super tuesday and lot of people hopefully are going to get out and vote. so your polling places might be extra busy for people before and after work as well as they get in there before 8:00 tonight. so something to think about as you commute on surface streets in and around the areas. definitely slow in the altamont pass as well as the ride along westbound 80. well, a live look right now at sfo. where there's a new flying experience for travelers. it's travel tuesday and we are talking act budget airlines. low cost airlines have grown from 5% to 15% to have u.s. market. more than a
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dozen launched since the pandemic started. some already folded but most are actually taking off. >> basically about getting from a. to b. and most people want to do that as cheaply as possible. you can basically spend your money on the holiday. >> we are seeing in the last month alone a 5% increase in the amount of people that are traveling since 2020. >> well, that hunger for travel is boosting business. breeze airway at sfo is adding 13 airports and 25 domestic routes in 2024. new airlines launching this year include u.s. based avelo and air jet mostly in the caribbean and norwegian based norse and air pre mia and greater bay and zip air all in asia. they have lower on time performance. so something to think about. reed? 6:54 in the morning. and ahead the bride wore white and so did mother nature. a whiteout wedding and blizzard bliss. before we head to break
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taking a live look from san francisco. voters have a lot to decide on with several propositions today. remember the polls open at 7:00 this morning. we'll be right back.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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i'm kareem abdul-jabbar. i was diagnosed with afib. when i first noticed symptoms, which kept coming and going, i should have gone to the doctor. instead, i tried to let it pass. if you experience irregular heartbeat, heart racing, chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, or light-headedness, you should talk to your doctor. afib increases the risk of stroke about 5 times. when it comes to your health, this is no time to wait. deep breath. cancer is a journey you don't take alone. you did it! our cancer care team works together to care for all that is you.
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welcome back. get you updated on the backup or the backup we've been following on the bay bridge. a live look from the treasure island cam and you can see the flashing lights to the side there. a crash on the upper deck of the bay bridge which is causing a big backup as you head to the toll plaza. so slow commute there. looks like at least one lane is blocked because of that and traffic is very slow. let's jump over to a different perspective. this is what it's causing. this backup here. well into the maze. for anyone working their way westbound over into san francisco. so we'll keep an eye on that once you are past all that everything looks good and the rest of the way over into the city. but again, we've got a crash upper deck of the bay
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bridge. so be careful. reed? all right, so let's get a nice view here. doesn't that just look lovely? this is a much bit every picture. a picture-perfect wedding for a couple caught in a sierra blizzard. that's chloe bowman and chris nielsen in truckee tying the knot. the couple at first worried about the weather but they decided we can weather anything as a couple. >> monday and tuesday i think i cried more than i have ever in my life. [ laughter ] wednesday, my planner thought i was going to cancel it but she was the trooper and just -- kept the show going on. >> couple had originally invited more than 160 people but only 70 were actually able to make it up to the mountain. >> those pictures. i mean -- they made it for gorgeous photos. >> i promise to keep you warm in a blizzard. literally hold you close. brace the impact of this blizzard. i'm just cold looking at it. >> i know. >> if you mess up you will get the cold shoulder. >> that's good.
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coming up at 7:00 a hate crime investigation at a bay area university. why some students say they were forced to escape through a tunnel during a protest. and the unexpected benefits of a weight loss drug that could help those struggling with alcohol. let's get a live look outside though on this super tuesday. looking a little gloomy in some spots. we hope to see you over on pix+ 44 cable 12. we'll be there in just a few seconds. ♪ hey there. welcome to "cbs mornings" on this tuesday, march 5th. hello to our viewers on the west coast. super tuesday, time to vote. i'm tony dokoupil. >> i'm nate burleson. >> nancy cordes. >> gayle is off but it's your world in 90 seconds. >> voters head to the polls for super tuesday after the supreme court rules dtr


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