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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 9am  CBS  March 5, 2024 9:00am-9:31am PST

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from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. there is no reason not to vote. >> super tuesday is here and polls are open and voters are casting their ballots . we have a look at the hot races in the bay area. the push to oust controversial alameda county district attorney pamela price is now the clock certifying signatures calling for her ouster in the pushback from her camp . we want to get to breaking news. facebook , instagram and other metal platforms are down for thousands of users right now. according to out
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instructor, down detector, at least 500,000 facebook users reported issues logging in or accessing the site . some uses found they had been logged out of the facebook account . others got notifications on instagram that something went wrong and their feeds cannot be loaded. threads and facebook messenger also went down. a meta spokesperson said the company is working to bring the sites back up and we have reached out for more details. it is super tuesday. today is the biggest day of the presidential primary season . so far with voters in more than a dozen states and one territory headed to the polls . you can see a map of all participating in super tuesday. it comes one day after the u.s. supreme court ruled against colorado's efforts to remove former president donald trump from the ballot. on the
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democratic side, president biden faces two longshot challenges and continued resistance to his handling of the israel-hamas war. right now, voting polls are open across california. we have seen voters in southern california punching their ballots . in the bay area, we are in san jose where voters are also deciding on a number of key races. joining them is shawn chitnis and he is at the santa clara county registrar of voters . are things picking up this morning? >> reporter: gianna, good morning. yes they are. we are two hours into the start of voting on primary day. and we know that the team has been working hard. not just early in the morning and over the weekend but in the days , will out as well as weeks out to make sure that they are ready to go. serving 1 million voters just in this county. wanted to make sure it is both a securing election, and they are able to reach as many eligible voters is a can. and get them to participate in this cycle. we saw for ourselves late last
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week on friday some of the preparations going into this primary. specifically in santa clara county. they hired 2000 temporary workers to help them run their operation across 104 voting centers. the centers are opening on saturday. that is in addition to workers to help out with other services and other needs like preparing language aids for voters and turnout now expected to be probably under 40% and that is well below the normal range that they see. as of this morning, we knew they had already gotten about 16% of voter participation in the workers who have been here for quite some time at this office say they want to make sure they do an extra job. the fuel that keeps them going after so many elections. and they do want to encourage more people, especially those who are eligible and have not voted yet, to participate in this primary. >> i would say get out and vote. there is no reason why not to. everyone in the past is fought really hard for this right and exercise that vote. it is more important than you
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think. >> reporter: this is one of the many voting centers in the county, open until 8:00 p.m. if you are voting in person, you need to get in line by 8:00 p.m. and if you have a ballot to turn and there are ballot boxes in the room that we are in and they are available by 8:00 p.m. if you are dropping off a ballot into a mailbox, you need to check to see what time this picked up so it gets postmarked today and gets here to the headquarters by march 12th. gianna, back to you. let's get a live look in oakland. your district attorney pamela price faces losing her job after a group collected more than 127,000 signatures, calling for her ouster. election officials now have their signatures. the county registrar of voters now has 10 days to validate the signatures . if everything checks out, the board of supervisors can schedule a special recall election. the recall group
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accuses price of failing to enforce the law in the face of rising crime. meanwhile a group of price supporters say a recall effort is led by a handful of superrich people who have prompted political actors to make it appear that alameda county residents are behind this effort to recall price. price supporters are accusing the recall signature gatherers of misleading people into signing. and as attorney general rob bonta to investigate. the recall group has deny those allegations. the already divisive recall campaign against the alameda county district attorney could get even more complicated. as juliet goodrich explains, today voters will get the chance to potentially change the rules for recall elections. >> recall price . recall price. recall price. >> reporter: leaders of the group, save alameda for everyone, delivered 10 boxes of signatures to the counties registrar of voters to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price. >> we have collected 123,387
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signatures. >> reporter: it is an unprecedented move to remove the counties da. nearly a year after she took office. brenda, led the recall effort. she and others signed the petition, accusing price of ignoring victims families and protecting criminals . >> these mothers are crying on television , telling you what they were going through, through the administration of pamela price. >> reporter: 73,195 of the signatures are valid, the recall would meet the threshold and be put before the voters. the county's election office now has 10 days to validate signatures. but not so fast. on the primary ballot, measure b is asking voters to reform the counties recall laws. to conform to state laws. those
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who support measure b say changes long overdue. and would help facilitate smoother elections to save the county money. >> i think the matter what happens with the recalls underway, there will be cases for legal challenges, which get expensive. we need clear rules and we need rules that can be implemented. easily. >> reporter: alameda county supervisor dave hauber thinks the counties recall rules need to be replaced with state rules. he just does not think now is the time to change them, in the middle of a recall effort. >> we have had the charter since 1926 and charters are made so local control can exist, within the jurisdiction of the county. very few counties have charters, but many do for the reasons to have local control. the problem is, when you become
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in conflict with state law, the state law generally overrides. >> reporter: some say those involved in the price recall may have strategically turned the signatures in, a day before the election , with measure b on the ballot. >> if this current effort has enough signatures under pre- measure b law, and measure b law disqualifies the amount of signatures and they say it is not enough, that will anger those in public opinion houthi measure b as a way to protect pamela price, not a way to correct the democratic process of a recall. another big question, who will feel california's u.s. senate seat? the position was left open after democratic senator dianne feinstein died last september. voters will be asked to vote twice once for a partial term for the remainder of the term november to january, in for a full six-year term in which the top two vote getters will advance to the general election in november. labor union official , laphonza
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butler was appointed to take the seat by governor gavin newsom last october. but she later announced she would not be running for a full term. it is down to four leading candidates that have been making their final pushes . former chair of the house intelligence committee adam schiff is leading his fellow democratic candidates. he served as part of the panel that investigated the january 6th insurrection. as well as also leading efforts to investigate and impeach former president trump. oakland representative barbara lee says her progressive record and her identity as a black woman is a much-needed voice to the senate. the democrat was also the only member of congress to vote against the war in afghanistan. democrat katie porter is a current member of congress from orange county. part of her campaign advocates against lobbying and corporate special interests. and ending the earmark process which allows congress members to direct federal funding to specific projects. former dodger player, steve garvey stands out as the only republican of the four leading candidates. he says he wants to focus on fixing homelessness
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and crime, lowering inflation, and bettering education. a poll taken just last week by uc berkeley shows republican steve garvey out in front of his democratic rivals. in a primarily democratic state, it is interesting to see garvey amassing so much support . earlier we spoke with senior business and technology correspondent , jo ling kent about how garvey could have gained this recent lead and she explains candidate katie porter attribute a lot of it to ads. >> she says it is due to the fact that the front runner or the front runner through most of the race adam schiff has been elevating garvey's name in his advertising. the broader context is that steve garvey has not run a tv ad but he has been the subject of the super pack and the adam schiff campaign ads. he is getting more airtime across the entire state. >> kent said this is the most expensive senate race in california history with a total of $65 million spent. that is nearly 250% more spending than
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three senate races combined. california is just one of 15 states and one territory headed to the polls for super tuesday. streaming at 9:30 we have the latest of the race for the white house takes shape. also a reminder to join us tonight for complete coverage as a result role in. juliet goodrich, devin fehely and sara donchey will be following all of it from 7:00 until 10:00 on pix+ and streaming online with another 90 minutes of coverage right here on kpix starting at 10:00. throughout the bay area today we are talking about upper 50s and lower 60s for the daytime highs with cloudy conditions and a light chance of showers in the forecast. all the way down into the santa clara valley , we are sitting in the mid 60s and we will see a warm up throughout the rest of this week. we have unsettled weather today and tomorrow, meaning there is a light chance of showers anywhere in the bay area. luckily as we head into the evening hours tonight we will see a dry break as we gear up for light showers in the south bay tomorrow. i want to show you that on future cast
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let's look at what is going on right behind me. here are the light speckles of showers building in from offshore today with the cloudy skies. we will get wind gusts up to 15 to 20 miles per hour as the storm cell mostly stays offshore until tomorrow. this is an area of low pressure and it works in a counterclockwise direction so it will pull the winds offshore near san jose with the rain tomorrow heading into the afternoon hours. in total they could see about an inch of rain throughout the santa clara valley as a system is to the south and we are left with drier conditions not only for our thursday forecast, but sunny skies and 60s expected for friday as we gear up for another chance of showers into saturday. time for this morning's top stories the san pablo man stands accused of being responsible for the deaths of his wife and mother-in-law. today he faces a judge phuc vo's wife , tho ly and her mother, que tran, had been missing since early september. after the disappearance, police a phuc vo told them the women drove to southern california
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after a family argument. neither his wife nor mother-in-law ever turned up. police say december, detectives saw phuc vo driving the car he had said the women drove to southern california. here is where we are now. no bodies have been found, but police say a have evidence the women were murdered. it is a chance to show off for the community. why som
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when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad.
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turning to oakland. it is a big week this week coming up for business owners who could really use a break. we are talking about restaurant week. josé martinez spoke with several astronomers about their expectations. >> reporter: he is a colombian restaurant that opened in stores a year ago in downtown oakland. >> we wanted to bring the colombian community to open because of the biodiversity of the diversity we have in oakland and it has been incredibly positive . >> reporter: the welcome he got was not exactly warm. his business was broken into just three days after it's a big opening, but he is committed to staying. >> we fixed the door and
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security systems, we have alarms and all the things a place that you're supposed to have. and you go from there. again, you have to keep working every day and you show up for work and do what you need to do because we are here for the community. >> reporter: community that gather this monday to take a look and like me, to take some of the delicious food that you will be able to ensure during the 2024 oakland restaurant week. >> 130 restaurants . representing all seven districts of oakland. imagine 130 restaurants telling all about their special offers different recipes and different specials that they can share with the public. >> reporter: a special opportunity . >> it is an opportunity , we are getting more. to put it on your radar to visit. >> reporter: especially because of the restaurants can't seem to catch a break from crime. we reported on several restaurant break-ins just last week. >> with the crime and everything it is unfortunate that so many restaurants are not able to survive. but we are an affordable price point. no matter who you are if you want to have a really in exlclusive dinner.
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>> reporter: yes, i of course had to keep enjoying the food. and you can also. oakland restaurant week goes from march 14th to the 24th. we have been keeping a close eye on the sierra this past week as they have been battling with one of the strongest snowstorms they have seen so far this season and in total as we recap, there has been over 126 inches of snow that has accumulated near sugar bowl, over 96 new palisades which is pretty impressive considering the fact the palisades also got 171 miles per hour wind gusts over the weekend, just at the peak. back in the bay we got a fair share of rain and we will see that as we head into the forecast today and tomorrow with a light drizzle and the forecast. mostly just cloudy skies and cool temperatures but that will linger into our forecast tomorrow. watch what happens as we head into this afternoon. future cast showing light speckles of showers moving in from offshore and it will be breezier today , about 15 to 20
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miles per hour wind gusts along the coastline and that storm mostly stays offshore until tomorrow morning, as an area of low pressure which works in a counterclockwise motion actually sweeps its way into the santa clara valley, pulls the winds offshore and continues to move to the south giving us over an inch of rain expected her san jose and less than that along the coastline. after that, we dry out for thursday and friday forecast. and we also will warm up and it will be beautiful and sunny and another chance of showers rolls in, once again, as we head into our saturday forecast. i will show you that in the seven-day model's in a bit. let's take a look at daytime highs today. it is cool and cloudy throughout the bay area this afternoon but it is warmer. daytime highs today in the low 60s. yesterday we were mostly in the upper 50s and day by day we will progressively get a little warmer into we had friday with sunny skies and upper 60s . if you don't believe me, look at the next seven days. the forecast is
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starting to look nicer as we head into the rest of this week. by thursday and friday it is plenty of sunshine to share which is perfect the kick up the weekend and we start dry saturday but there is a chance for showers saturday evening that could linger into early sunday morning and we will have more showers rolling in as we what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant.
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a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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it is time for your money watch report. wall street kicked off the week with all red arrows on monday with several major tech companies stock losses. let's get a look at the big board. we are keeping an eye on things. it is down significantly. about 252 points. the mega millions jackpot for tonight's drawing has grown to an estimated $650 million. that is the seventh largest mega millions prize ever. the jackpot has been getting larger and larger since december 8th . when two when he tickets were sold at a chevron station in southern california. celebrating love
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here is another live look at this era. covered in all in the snow this morning. many people with homes in the bay just making their way back from the monster weekend blizzard. 10 feet of snow piled up putting weekend plans on hold. but not one bride and groom who ended up with a very white wedding, louis bowman and chris nielsen tied the knot surrounded by fresh snow and a gulf resort in truckee. the white have made it the perfect background for these photos. the bride was upset about the weather at first but decided it would not stop her from having her big day. >> monday and tuesday i think i
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cried ever more than i have in my life. wednesday i thought it would cancel it. but the show went on. >> the couple had originally invited more than 160 people, only seven , 70 rather, were actually able to make it. they looked lovely. that is it for the news at 9:00. coming up next is "the drew barrymore show". today journalist erin moriarty joined the show. for more local headlines including weather, you can join us on our streaming service cbs news bay area.
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oh, my god, have to say that. no, actually, do you mind if i say that or is that like-- that is-- oh, sorry, welcome to the show. sorry, we're just girl talking in the commercial break because we have a true crime expert with us. a major player in the field. absolutely. her podcast, my life of crime, is in its fourth season. and it just saw a 358% increase in annual downloads because everybody loves true crime. anyone here love true crime?


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