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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  March 6, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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thank you so much for joining us this morning. it is the day after super tuesday. wednesday, march 6th. >> so much to get to this morning. so let's get started. >> making your voices heard in issues affecting our community. from the local races in the bay to the contests that affect our entire state. and i look forward to working with you all and onwards to victory in november. >> your vote was your shared belief with me that california is no longer a heartbeat of america.
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>> and then there were two. who will fill the senate seat once held by the late senator dianne feinstein? we have the better picture of who it could be. i just want to say proposition e. and f. right now are leading. [ cheering and applause ] >> you can say it was a good night for san francisco mayor london breed. what these propositions actually mean for you. and could a rematch be in the works? super tuesday proved to be a big night for both president biden and former president trump. and we begin with some major breaking news. cbs news reports that nikki haley is expected to suspend her presidential campaign and sources familiar with her plans say the former south carolina governor is not planning to endorse former president donald trump just yet. instead, calling on him to earn the support of those who backed her. the news comes after trump's commanding victories across nearly all the states holding republican contests on
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super tuesday. still, haley became the first republican woman to win two primary races in vermont and washington, d.c. good morning and happy wednesday to all of you. i'm nicole zaloumis. a lot to unpack there with in news of nikki haley. >> absolutely from news on the national forefront to also the issues that affect you in your communities. we have you covered. i'm reed cowan. >> all the results in the latest information for you. i'm gianna franco. right now though we want the help you get the day started. this is what we like the call the jewel box of san francisco on this wednesday morning. beautiful and glistening that's because there's not a lot of clouds hovering over the city just yet but we know that can change. some rain is in the bay for today so we are going to check in with first alert meteorologist jessica burch to time it all out for us. jess? >> oh. we have one more day of rain in the forecast and then it's sunshine and sunshine and more sunshine as we head into the workweek's forecast. let's dive straight into that as we
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wake up this morning. all throughout the bay area we have some light showers kind of sweeping in from this south. this area of low pressure starting to really impact us right before we head out for the morning commute. we're already seeing light showers in the east bay and in the grand scheme of things the winds are sweeping in from the south. continue to watch the storm develop moving in if the santa clara valley north. watch what happens as we head along the peninsula. more heavy rain currently falling in areas like half-moon bay into pacifica and continue to watch that sweep into france within the next 15, 20 minutes or so. watch what happens as we head down into the santa clara valley now. this is the area that's going to get hit with some of heaviest rain today. we're averaging about an inch of rain on the modelings right now near san jose and los gatos and all along the foothills and will continue to watch these showers move in from the south with windy conditions this afternoon. luckily once the system really starts to break apart and move to the south, we are left with those drier sunny conditions right around the corner so i'm going to have moreen that coming up in bit. for now over to you, g. let's talk about the freeways right now. again you
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might be dealing with some slick surfaces here and there. certainly something to keep in mind as you head out and commute this morning. i had a few drops on my windshield. just a heads-up. taking the bay bridge, traffic looks well and moving along at a nice pace with no delays or issues and most of the bay area bridges are actually looking okay for the most part as we take a look at other parts of the bay. here's a live look at the san mateo bridge. and unfortunately they're getting a little bit of the wet weather jess just talked about there this morning. a slick ride between 880 and 92 across the span. . well, it's a post super tuesday wrap up we have you covered. >> we wake up this morning with eyes to the issues and the hottest contests. starting with the showdown to replace the late california senator dianne feinstein. >> so her seat we know this is
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prime political real estate and now we know who will bid to fill that seat that's really been held by democrat for decade. so voters listen up. here's your match-up. democrat adam schiff and republican steve garvey. you know, the california primary by design sends the top two vote getters to the special election in november. to decide on who will fill that feinstein seat. so here's where we are in the ballot count right now. it is going to be a democrat versus a dodger. adam schiff 33.2%. keep in mind, he took on president donald trump in the first impeachment hearings but look there. closely behind him, steve garvey. the dodger at 32.4%. congresswoman katie porter and bay area congresswoman barbara lee faded to third and fourth. let's begin with katie nielsen reporting from los angeles and she was at adam schiff's election night party and has reaction from both men who are now moving on to the big
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contest in november. katie? >> reporter: definitely some tense moments for u.s. house representative adam schiff as he was supposed to be taking his victory lap at his watch party late on tuesday night. he is the frontrunner to take over the seat of late senator, dianne feinstein. schiff was introduced by congressman eric swalwell who represents part of contra costa county in the u.s. house of representatives. schiff was only few minutes into the victory speech when protesters interrupted him. chanting "cease fire now." take a listen. [ chanting ] >> you have made your point. you have made your point. >> reporter: when they didn't quit his supporters started chanting his name adam, adam to drown out the protesters. schiff was eventually able to finish speech but inon
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ward to victory in november. thank you very much everybody. [ cheering and applause ] thank you. and let's go on and win this thing. on to november everybody. >> reporter: republican steve garvey came in second in the senate race and will advance to the general election in november. he's a relative newcomer to politics after successful career as a major league baseball player in his younger days. but he faces significant uphill challenges including the fact no republican has won a statewide office in california since 2006 when governor arnold swats megaer won re-election but garvey says he's optimistic. >> your vote was your shared belief with me that california is no longer the heartbeat of america. sadly it's just a murmur. that we have challenges to face up to like closing the border and responsibilities to live up to, like helping the homeless off the streets. and a pathway back to their dignity. and then if we do those things
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and more, our best days will be ahead of us. with california once again being that vibrant heartbeat of america. >> reporter: schiff was endorsed early on by democratic leaders like then house speaker nancy pelosi. that allowed him to raise double the money of any of his competitors. he's now sitting on a campaign war chest of more than $30 million. now schiff does have more statewide name recognition because of the involvement with the first impeachment proceedings against then president donald trump. and interestingly, garvey is a favorite of california trump supporters. so it will be interesting to see how this all plays out come november. >> katie nielsen, thank you for that. well, the loss for barbara lee means the turning of a political page. you know, to run for senate lee gave up her seat in congress and she now passes on that baton quite literally to her possible successor in district 12 and this morning, simon has really
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a commanding lead. a huge lead every those who are closest to her in the competition. 43.4% and then the next person at 17%. but our da lin knows that it's going to be a contest here. he spoke with simon's campaign last night. >> reporter: this is a joint watch party for representative lee and simon who is running to succeed her. lee's volunteers are here at the party but lee is skipping the party. instead, she says she's flying back to washington, d.c. to do some work. she is obviously disappointed with the outcome of the race. she was working hard campaigning and phone banking, she was at her campaign office in downtown oakland making calls to voters all the way until the polls closed. here's what she said briefly to the media. >> you can see the disparity in the money. i mean, come on. the establishment money doesn't go to a black progressive woman. but we have people and we have low donors and we have recurring donors. >> only took two questions from the media. >> reporter: we did ask her
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what her future plans are and she didn't answer that question. back to you. >> and big wins for san francisco's moderate democrats last night including mayor london breed. several of her proposals fared well as did a push to change the democratic party's steering committee. >> so nicole, let's take a look at the propositions you voted on and you can see the results for proposition f. that's where we'll start are right here with 63% voting yes. and it is somewhat of a controversial measure that has been hitting national headlines. it's an effort made by mayor breed that would require mandatory drug screenings for those receiving cash assistance from the city. >> and prop e. another one of london breed's measures would give police more powers including access to more cameras and drones and it would also lift restrictions on police chases and as you see here, 59.9% voting yes there, g. >> okay. sot let's go into some of the other san francisco propositions. let's talk about proposition a. right now. which
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is the affordable housing measure would give the city a $300 million housing bond to build more affordable housing and right now 67.7% voting yes. now this is one of the only measures that needs 66% and two-thirds of the vote to pass. the rest need more than 50% to pass. >> looking at prop b. now. what opponents of the measure call the cop tax. it would set a nominal mum staffing number for police officers and this is an overwhelming 67.4% voting no. >> and for proposition dr., calls for a one-time real estate transfer tax break for converting empty office spaces specifically in the downtown area into living spaces. and 53.9% voting yes. >> prop d. now would strengthen the city's ethics laws and create a uniform set of rules that further restricts gifts given to city employees and officers, 88% yes. >> wow. last night, our wilson walker joined a collection of
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moderate democrats who supported e., f. and other measures for their reactions on the results. take a listen. >> obviously caveat that there are a lot of votes left to be counted in san francisco. but if you were here at moderate campaign headquarters, there was a lot of. mitch on election night. >> i just want to say proposition e. and f. right now are leading. [ cheering and applause ] proposition c. is leading. [ cheering and applause ] and supervisor dorsey, proposition b. is losing. [ cheering and applause ] >> reporter: mayor london greed watched the early results come across the phone with a collection of san francisco's moderate democrat groups grow sf, together sf and san francisco democrats for change. there was lot of reason for cheering here. >> i think it's the entire democrats for change slate. [
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cheering and applause ] >> all right. let's hear it for algebra. yes. >> reporter: the major issues however, were the public safety measures with f.. drug screening and e. altered police procedures both ahead in the early results. >> we are in the midst of a voter revolt on public safety and voters are still speaking, thank you mayor london breed for your leadership. i am proud to be standing shoulder to shoulder with you. >> reporter: so what appear to be a very strong night for moderates in san francisco, their ballot measures and ultimately the mayor herself, as she heads towards a re-election fight in november. >> well, what really strikes me is that voters signaled yes to more police powers but no to the money to get the job done. that's fascinating. >> so then where are the funds going to come from? >> how do they accomplish what they said yes to. >> surprising too with that because i think the issues for
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some voters were the privacy issues with pushing that through especially with drones and giving more opportunity to police to sort of investigate in different ways. so yeah, very interesting how they're going to get the money. up next the only state proposition on the ballot focusing on homelessness and mental health. and with republican challenger nikki haley appearing to suspend the campaign in the race to the republican nomination, all eyes this morning on the big prize of the presidency. our team drills down with the experts on a biden-trump rematch in >> woman: why did we choose safelite? we're always working on a project. while loading up our suv, one extra push and... crack! so, we scheduled at we were able to track our technician and knew exactly when he'd arrive. we can keep working! ♪ synth music ♪ >> woman: safelite came to us. >> tech: hi, i'm kendrick. >> woman: replaced our windshield, and installed new wipers to protect our new glass.
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that's service on our time. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ some migraine attacks catch you off guard, but for me a stressful day can trigger migraine attacks too. that's why my go to is nurtec odt. it's the only migraine medication that can treat and prevent my attacks all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion and stomach pain. now i'm in control. with nurtec odt i can treat
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a migraine attack and prevent one. talk to your doctor about nurtec today. a perfect day for a family outing! shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today.
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welcome back on this wednesday morning. super tuesday has come and gone and we're making sure you are covered with all the results. >> from the local races in the bay to the contests that shape our entire state to the national race everyone is talking about. >> so let's talk about that big contest. the race to who will get the keys to the white house in november. president joe biden and former president donald trump have all but cemented a november rematch. you know, until this morning, trump had opposition within his own party in nikki haley. cbs news though reporting haley plans to suspend her campaign. her only win last night, vermont. by contrast, trump dominated 14 states. so all right, let's look at how
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california presidential primary contests match up there. you see donald trump right there from the republican party vote 78.66% and nikki haley trailing badly in the state of california. and that's with about 50% of the vote coming in. you know, president joe biden dominated the president won all primaries but one in american samoa. interesting here. the largely unknown jason palmer beat the president there. biden's other wins though showed some weakness and perhaps some need to address the war in gaza. like this. think about it. michigan voters sent a message to biden on the war in gaza. a large group of voters in minnesota did the same. they marked uncommitted as protests over biden's support for israel's response to the hamas attack. for that, biden saw an erosion in states he performed strongly in last time around. so here in california, president biden is the projected winner of the state of california in the democratic primary after winning every single county in the state. that's not a big surprise when you look at the
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electorate here where we live. meanwhile, gianna and nicole. you have more on the only statewide proposition on the ballot this time around. >> every californian saw prop 1 on the ballot yesterday. the measure is part of governor gavin newsom's plan to get people with severe mental illness off the streets and into treatment. >> nicole we are keeping a close eye on the results of the vote this morning. and right now you can see 52% with yes. now the measure needs more than 50% to pass. >> all right, well, let's take a live look outside on the wednesday morning. and it's another day of scattered showers in the bay. but don't be upset. we do get a chance to eventually dry out this week. so let's send it over to our first alert meteorologist jessica burch who is timing out the rain today. jessica, and i just want to know when i can get my car washed. >> all right. let's take a quick look at what's going on outside for us throughout the bay area. a flood advisory just got updated by the national weather service for our friends down into the santa clara valley. and as we head into this next couple of hours, we're definitely going to
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start seeing the showers add up in communities like san jose, all along the foothills as we lead up into the higher elevated areas off into the east. let's zoom into some of is coming ups this morning for our friend off into the east bay, it's light showers right now. as they sweep in from the south. wind gusts today anywhere up to around 15, 20 miles per hour. along our inland areas. dry right now in the north bay. but in the half-moon bay moderate pockets of rain from the south and that will continue to move to the north in the next 30 minutes to an hour. here we go near milpitas and san jose, that is where the advisory is currently in effect and i'm actually building a graphic right now i'll show you soon. i wouldn't be shocked if the national weather service issue mrs.advisories just for local communities down there. the storm is actually starting to add energy in the next couple of hours so we'll watch it sweep in from in north -- the south to the north. and then once we head into the evening hours tonight, this system starts to die down and we are
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left with drier conditions in the forecast right around the corner. now i want to show you something else too. our daytime highs today are very similar to what we dealt with yesterday. upper 50s and lower 60s are in the forecast for us today. it's a beautiful, mild day here in the bay area. and as we gear up for the next couple of days well, we're actually going to be seeing drier conditions. yes the weather is still pretty active in the south bay but still pretty mild compared to recently. today's rain it's relatively light and will continue to watch that develop as we head into the next couple of hours. taking a look at in next seven days, there's the light at the end of the tunnel. thursday and friday. looking beautiful and mild. then clouds start to roll in if you don't mind zooming in simon right here, clouds start rolling in as we head into early next week with another chance of showers right around the corner in our forecast as we kick off next workweek. we'll keep you updated on that but for now over to you, g. all right, thank you taking a look at the roadways right now. some of the slick surfaces andlive look here at the bay bridge. quiet no metering lights just yet. that will likely change very soon. as that morning commute ramps up
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just a bit. now over towards the san mateo bridge we go, live look here and you can see it's very slick here. so be careful as you head between 880 and 101. note seeing a ton of brake lights, but certainly with the slick surfaces always an issue for the morning drive. and taking a look at traffic elsewhere this morning. a bit of an overview here you can see a lot of groan still very quiet out there on the freeways. heads-up though if you do plan on taking the golden gate ferry service. delays and cancellations due to mechanical issues so check that schedule before you head out the door. it's 5:22 on this wednesday morning. let's get a live look outside over towards san jose. you can see some clouds just kind of hanging out this morning and of course jess is tracking that rain we are dealing with as you head out for your wednesday morning commute. and we have you covered
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(psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. all right. we are waking up on the day after super tuesday and welcome ban on this wednesday morning. we have unprecedented virtual election coverage tracking the races and the issues that you shaped last night by casting your vote. >> from the local races in the bay to the contests that affect our entire state. and the runup to the race for the white house in november. we have you covered.
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>> and we have a lot to get to after super tuesday. those headlines in just a moment. but first there are other headlines to get to you. convicted killer scott peterson is getting a status hearing. the los angeles innocence project is hoping a judge will let them bring additional evidence and dna testing that could clear his name. peterson is serving a life sentence for the murder of his pregnant wife and unborn son. this was 20 years ago. their remains found in the san francisco bay. peterson is expected to appear remotely in san mateo county superior court next tuesday. all right, let's look live at oakland right now. police say they have made an arrest in the case of the killing of a longtime corner store clerk. 46-year-old shot to death during a robbery at a store on linden street in january. your headline this morning. police say they have caught and cuffed a juvenile in the case. now because the suspect is a juvenile, we really don't know the suspect's name or the exact age of the accused but we
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will be watching this closely. a lot of people outside that store hurting after that killing. time right now 5:26 in the morning. ahead we expand our coverage to california and look at how voters shaped the balance of power nationally. skyler henry will join us live from the nation's capital with the look at what happened across the country. and shawn chitnis is live in the south bay with oooh! i can't wait for this family getaway! shingles doesn't care. shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. ahhh, there's nothing like a day out with friends. that's nice, but shingles doesn't care! 99% of adults 50 years or older already have the virus that causes shingles inside them, and it can reactivate at any time. a perfect day for a family outing! guess what? shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose.
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an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today.
5:29 am
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right now on cbs news bay area at 5:29. welcome to our election virtual set on this wednesday morning. i'm nicole zaloumis. >> i'm reed cowan so being issues and we're going big with the visuals. welcome in. >> absolutely and i'm gianna franco. but before we get to the election coverage, let's get a live look outside on this wednesday morning. we got to get you up and at them and out the door. and dealing with some fog this morning. you can see in some clouds kind of hanging out over the buildings as we take a live look at the city of san francisco this morning. a lot was happening overnight because of the election so we will have more of that coming up. but let's talk about the rain in the bay today and get straight to meteorologist jessica burch. timing it all out. >> fog, rain, clouds. we have it all in the forecast for us today. but the good news is, right around the corner there's sunshine in our thursday and friday forecasts. we have to get through today first and let's dive into it on the virtual reality map. we can really see the fog layer holding on tight to san
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francisco and up into napa and sonoma too. take it slow out there on the road. visibility is probably not the best in the low-lying intersections but some other things to talk about too with the rain. you can see the first alert doppler right behind me. light showers from the south in communities like concord and san ramon up into napa within the next ten minutes or so. in the peninsula, there's some more active weather a lot heavier cells starting to build in from the coastline in half-moon bay and that's going to start making its way up along the coastline all the way into pacifica within the next 10, 15 minutes or so. let's head more south now and santa clara valley, there's actually a flood advisory in effect right now in communities like milpitas and san jose and stretching along that foothill all throughout the communities where they're more likely to see flooding conditions from today's storm cell moving its way through. as we advance futurecast continue to watch the showers build in if the south and gusty conditions are expected for us today anywhere from 15, 20 miles per hour in our inland areas. breezier conditions along the coast so just take it slow and hold on tight to the umbrella. you are
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going to need it as we head into this afternoon. but for now g, over to you. how are the roads? jessica, thank you. let's talk about the freeways right now. if you are headed out and about, you are dealing with slick surfaces and just be extra careful. a live look at the golden gate bridge, you can see traffic is moving along at the limit with no delays. that's the good news, taking public transit show. golden gate ferry service, there are reports of delays and cancellations. keep that in mind. here you can see for the most part we're actually doing okay. traffic is moving along well with no major issues or issues. and let's zoom in here and show traffic through the altamont pass, this is where we're seeing some brake lights this morning. certainly one of the hotspots for commuters and as you head westbound 580 getting into the altamont pass and there might be a crash slowing things down on what's already considered a very busy commute on this wednesday morning.
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well, it's a post super tuesday wrap up and we have a lot of results this morning to get to. >> the top of list is the showdown to replace the late california senator dianne feinstein. >> this is one of the contests that make national headlines. the november match-up is really going to pit a democrat against a dodger. we're talking about democrat adam schiff and republican steve garvey. this is a look how the ballot count shaped out right there. 33.2% to adam schiff but right there behind him, steve garvey the former l. a. dodger in second place. congresswoman katie porter and bay area congresswoman barbara lee, they are sitting at third and fourth. the top two vote getters are the ones that knew go to the big dance. we're also getting a taste of the issues that garvey and schiff will have to speak to in the general election. minutes into schiff's speech, protesters interrupted schiff chanting ceasefire now. that didn't happen where garvey spoke to his supporters. his followers heard more about the challenges
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here at home in california. >> we have challenges to face up to like closing the border and responsibilities to live up to like helping the homeless off the streets and a pathway back to their dignity. >> want to acknowledge again -- [ chanting ] my great gratitude to all of my wonderful supporters and i want to acknowledge the right of our protesters and i look forward to working with you all. >> well, garvey, the underdog in this race, faces an uphill battle. keep this in mind. this is going to be a national talking point. no republican won a statewide office in california in nearly two decades. gianna? >> well, reed on the national stage, big news in the republican race for the white house. nikki haley is suspending her campaign. while president biden and former president trump edge closer to clinching their party's nomination after super tuesday. well, skyler henry live in
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washington, d.c. with details. good morning and looks like it's a little bit of deja vu i guess, we're heading to a repeat of biden versus trump this november. >> reporter: oh, yeah. rematch, gianna. good morning to you. biden beat trump as for the former u. n. ambassador we expect her to make comments around 10:00 eastern time. talking about as to why she decided to end her presidential bid. but we should point out that don't immediately expect her to endorse the former president saying instead that he has to earn the endorsement and the support of those moderate members of the republican party and those independent voters who are looking for a trump alternative. as for him, he did perform imcredibly well yesterday. gobbling up a lot of those delegate rich states including california. president biden performed well yesterday as well. but he also has his work cut out for him as he is trying to get his voter base more enthused about a potential second term. >> this is a big one. >> reporter: a big night for
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former president donald trump and president joe biden on super tuesday with major wins in several states. the two frontrunners already shifting focus to a likely general election rematch. >> our poll numbers are so much higher than joe biden's. he's the worst president in the history of our country. >> reporter: in a statement, president biden described trump as quote, driven by grievance and grift and determined to destroy our democracy. sources familiar tell us that former u.n. ambassador nikki haley will suspend her campaign. according to cbs news exit polls, immigration and the economy were top issues for gop voters. >> i'm going to vote for anybody who says they're closing the border. >> reporter: biden again faced opposition from some voters over his handling of the israel-hamas war, with tens of thousands in minnesota casting a protest vote of uncommitted. >> we did it so we can have a ceasefire now. >> reporter: all eyes also on
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the crowded california senate primary for the seat previously held by late senator dianne feinstein on record as the most expensive senate election in state history. democratic congressman adam schiff and republican and former professional baseball player steve garvey will face off in the general election. as for the presidential races we will see this campaign trail heat up now as both front runners will head to battleground states this week including pennsylvania and georgia. as you pointed out though, gianna, rematch 2024. trump v. biden. it's all feeling a lot like deja vu. >> it will be interesting to see too where haley supporters land as we look to november. we appreciate your reporting and thank you. now to the south bay where another big congressional race is taking place. near lay dozen candidates are competing to replace annaest shoe who is retiring after more than 30 years representing the peninsula and the south bay. 11 candidates are in the running to take her seat including
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former san jose mayor sam liccardo. state assembly member evan low and tech entrepreneur peter dixon. we have liccardo leading the pack at 21.7% and our shawn chitnis is live in palo alto this morning to break down the results so far and the reaction from our candidates. hey shawn, good morning to you. >> reporter: hey nicole. good morning, we're here in palo alto which is one of the many communities that is represented by the 16th congressional district of course it includes part of the peninsula along with areas in the south bay and some of san mateo county. and as you mentioned we do have an idea now this morning of the two candidates that are emerging out of that crowded field of 11. that include the two that you mentioned there, the mayor and the commissioner. so this all to replace the representative who has held the seat since 1992. san jose mayor
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liccardo is really leaning into just being a member of congress saying he could be really presumption of guiltive amid all the dc gridlock and it will be a close fight at least based on what we're seeing right now. it was certainly tight to figure out who would move on to the second spot right now current county supervisor and former state senator joseph median is edging out evan low for second place in the primary. he also served as mayor of palo alto and he says he is focused on some of the major national issues in this campaign as a problem solver. >> well, you know when you serve a city of a million people, you are already working pretty hard at the national level. i spent a lot of hours on capitol hill and with the administration, trying to help us get veterans off the street. trying to address gun violence and whole host of challenges so i'm pretty familiar with the turf in washington, d.c. and what i know is we got to get congress focused on the problems that our residents are most concerned about. like homelessness and housing crisis
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and utility costs. >> on day one, we're going to restore a woman's right to choose reproductive freedom. [ cheering and applause ] we're going to press forward farther and faster on climate change here in the united states and around the globe. >> reporter: and the race to replace her already the most expensive u.s. house seat a race in the country. more than $8 million raised by mid-february of course that was just for the primary we will now see what happens with our top two candidates moving forward to the general election. nicole, back to you. >> looking fore ward to that. shawn chitnis, live in palo alto. thank you, shawn. >> really fascinating to see who spent what and where. because that also reveals quite a bit of strategy coming up we're going to have that conversation with an expert. >> yeah. and lot of conversations and lot of these race about how the money and how much that's been spent. which is a lot. record amounts. really surprising. all right, up next, we actually are going to chat with a professor from csu east bay to
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(psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
5:42 am
>> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, flonase all good. and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. >> tech: we're all set. >> woman: wow. that looks great. >> tech: schedule now at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ( ♪♪ )
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feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪♪ ) (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. time now for the money watch report. the biden administration is taking on more junk fees with the new rule that caps most credit card late charges at $8. down from the average of $32. banks that charge more would need to show why. the rule is expected to face legal challenges and president biden also announcing a new strike force to crack down on illegal and unfair
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pricing on things like groceries, prescription drugs, health care, and housing. one of the most closely watched races in the country on super tuesday, the battle for the senate seat of the late senator dianne feinstein. >> yeah, it looks like democratic congressman adam schiff and republican steve garvey a former baseball star and first time political candidate will face off against each other in a november runoff. >> let's split down the middle talking the politics and policy and that's really how we divide it up in the conversation. csu east bay professor dr. nolan hug don. a lot of people say that adam schiff knew katie porter was a tougher opponent. he really elevated the republican opponent garvey to national prominence. do you think that's true and sort of set up what a lot of people say in democrat california is a locked
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in win in november. >> good morning to everybody. yeah, i would -- agree with that. i think this -- race for the u.s. senate, the real story of it, is the battle within the democratic party. and to your point, you know, it's been a lot of reporting of how adam schiff was worried about the cost and potential loss of facing someone like katie porter. and you know, "washington post" and others have reported, started to use some of that big campaign chest that he had to put money to elevate garvey. so that it would be racing against garvey in november. and you know, historically that's a pretty good strategy. republicans usually get about 30%, 33% of the vote in senate races and democrats take the rest. so it's certainly logical from schiff's perspective that running against garvey in the general senate election would be better than someone like porter. >> and almost sort of, you know, put him out there unintentionally because garvey didn't put himself out there as much. let's talk more about
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the spending though. at least $65 million was spent on advertisements in the senate pry mire battle a record-breaking amount according to website political and citing data from adam pact a political ad tracking service. tell us about your perspective on that and really what does it say about the state and the future of where we're headed in our state. >> i think there's kind of two critical things to think about with the way that money has been spent in this race. one of them is you know, usually the overwhelming majority has sort of made up its mind about who they're going to vote for and usually they're party loyalists. it's the uncommitted voters or the independent voters in the middle the ads are trying to reach. if you have a big campaign chest, like you know, schiff had you know double nearly what katie porter had. you can reach those voters. and so that's where the pivotal change comes. so that's the first thing. the second thing
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is that these races have consistently gotten more and more expensive every single year for decades at this point. and so as this goes, it's those who can capture the money that are better positioned to win elections. and that's something that our democracy is going to have to wrestle with. >> doctor. for the first time in decades, 33 years, there are no women in california's senate seat. so is that y better positioned to win elections. and that's something that our democracy is going to have to wrestle with. >> doctor. for the first time in decades, 33 years, there are no women in california's senate seat. so is that significant and how significant is it? >> i think that's massively significant. you know, the united states lags behind lot of other countries in terms of representation for women. a lot of democracies that is. and you know, california led the way, you know, with folks like
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barbara boxer and others you know, 1992, the year of the women. nancy pelosi and others. and california's now shifted away from that. and for the feminist movement, that's -- a sad sign in general and for the feminist movement in california? general. >> maybe that says it all this morning with books and boxing gloves l you pour coffee and stay right there. dr. hug don with csu east bay. we appreciate your voice and your perspectives in our coverage and we'll revet you later in the broadcast. outside right now this morning on this wednesday morning. the mark hopkins camera fired up and looking west. and you can see that cloud deck there and there's a message here. just hold on, mother nature is not done with us quite yet before she sends in the sun. jess. >> the partly cloudy layer is fog that's kind of rolling in right now. that's big weather story for us this morning on top of the rain that's starting to move in if the south and as we zoom out just a little bit on the virtual reality map you
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can actually see the full layer and full force anywhere from san francisco up into the marin head land and all the way off into the east bay too. lower clouds kind of hanging out right now. i want to show you what's going on for us waking up this morning heading out the door in area of low pressure sitting just offshore and that's causing alot of unsettled weather not only for us here in the bay area, but all throughout the central coast too. so we are keeping a close eye on everyone in california this morning. but specifically our communities just to the east of san jose. along the foothills actually milpitas is a good example. in the low-lying intersections if you do -- if you are used to flood prone areas, or if you do commute through those, be very careful. there's a flood advisory infect as the storm really ramps its way up. the system is moving in from the south as this area of low pressure is wringing out all the energy in the south bay and along the peninsula waking up this morning and head out the door. light rain right now off into the east bay. light rain near oakland and drier conditions up into the north bay. the more south we go the more impressive the storm gets though. else gray ngata has been hit with rain for the past
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20, 30 minutes or so. pacifica you guys are next. heavier rain right around the corner. so take it slow if you are heading out the door within the next 15, 20 minutes or so. we're starting to see the heavier cells move near san jose stretching up into milpitas. continue to watch this storm system build as it moves in if the south. luckily once the system dies down in the evening hours tonight we are left with drier conditions not only for our thursday forecast with sunshine right around the corner, but for friday too. a light splash of showers to roll in for saturday. we dry up a bit for sunday. then as game on as we head into monday and tuesday of next week. with more rain around the corner. so let's take a look at the daytime highs today. it's worth mentioning that we were seeing a bit of a warm-up in the forecast. but now that the system is moving in and it's more inland than thought. the. temperatures are verysimilar to yesterday. in san jose los gatos all the way up along the peninsula along 101 into san francisco too. a look at the next seven days a little
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warm-up not by much. i mean hit the upper 60s by friday with that sunshine right around the corner. and then we gear up for more rain in the forecast for us heading into early next week and we'll keep you updated on the rainfall totals. g? >> thankful i have to make sure to remind the kids to grab the jackets this morning with that wet weather. and we're seeing it on the freeways too. live look here at the golden gate bridge. those rain drops kind of covering up our perspective. can't really see it too well because we have the slick surfaces out there. be careful as you get out this morning. that really is our traffic headline is some wet roadways as you head out on this wednesday morning. not seeing a lot of brake lights just yet but that could change certainly as the morning progresses. also keep in mind if you are taking the golden gate ferry this morning, they are dealing with some delays and mechanical issues and possible cancellations. so check that schedule before you head out the door. let's get a look at the overview here. you know, overall it's still pretty early in the morning commute and not tracking a ton of brake lights. little slow on 580 westbound through castro valley and of course for the ride in and out of the altamont
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pass specifically westbound. there was a crash near grant line so that will certainly help commuters supercommuters as you head out of tracy working your way over to the dublin interchange. but again, as you get up and get out the door, some of the wet weather and already seeing a slow ride westbound 580 and on 80 itself. nicole? time now 5:50. a big birthday for this world war ii veteran. we take you to danville after the break. but before that taking a live look from concord and the hotly contested race to replace termed out state senator nancy skinner in district 7. the top two will advance to november. jesse argon leads with more than 30% of the vote followed by dan call.
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and welcome back on this wednesday morning. where your community station offers something you won't get anywhere else. your vote and our virtual election coverage. >> yes, super tuesday is over but we have a lot of results to get to all morning long. but first an extra special birthday celebration in the east bay. ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ [ applause ] >> well, it's not every day that someone turns 104 years old. world war ii veteran arthur larson was presented with a key to the city of danville on tuesday. and by his side, joanne, his wife of 72 years. the two of them live at the brook dale diablo lodge which hosted the party. arthur says he has an active social life and as we found out. a
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self-deprecating sense of humor. >> well, i'm just thankful for brook dale and all these friends that are here. and i guess -- the television come in. i hope i can hide before you play it. >> arthur served in the army for much of world war ii and he later devoted his life to education. teaching in san leandro as well as a handful of bay area colleges. he also served in the oakland red cross and told us he's currently working on a memoir. what can't this guy do? you know it's funny i feel as people get older like my grandfather when he was in his mid 90s, they kind of lose the filter a little bit. >> yep, they lose the filter but man when i see in generation i think i have much gratitude for the fact we cast our votes yesterday. the dodger versus the democrat and the question about what's looking to be the lack of gender representation in congress from california.
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drilling down on the contest to replace dianne feinstein. and how about a quick live look outside? this is a view from our black mountain cam. ok (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
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6:00 am
if you try vaping to quit smoking, it might feel like progress, but with 3x more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes - vapes increase cravings - trapping you in an endless craving loop. nicorette reduces cravings until they're gone for good. what happened overnight? thank you so much for joining us this morning. the day after super tuesday. it is wednesday, march 6th. >> there's so much to


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