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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  March 6, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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if you try vaping to quit smoking, it might feel like progress, but with 3x more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes - vapes increase cravings - trapping you in an endless craving loop. nicorette reduces cravings until they're gone for good. what happened overnight? thank you so much for joining us this morning. the day after super tuesday. it is wednesday, march 6th. >> there's so much to get to
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this morning. so let's get started. >> making your voices heard in issues affecting our community. from the local races in the bay to the contests that affect our entire state. and i look forward to working with you all and onward to victory in november. >> your vote was your shared belief with me that california is no longer a heartbeat of america. >> and then there were two. who will fill the senate seat once held by the late senator dianne feinstein? we have the better picture of who it could be. i just want to say propositions "e" and "f" right now are leading. [ cheering and applause ] >> you can say it was a good night for san francisco mayor london breed. what these propositions actually mean for you. and could a rematch be in the works? super tuesday proved to be a big night for both president biden and former president trump. breaking news.
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cbs news reports that nikki haley is expected to suspend her presidential campaign. sources familiar with her plans say that the former south carolina governor is not planning to endorse former president donald trump just yet. instead, calling on him to earn the support of those who backed her. the news comes after trump's commanding victories across nearly all the states holding republican contests on super tuesday. but still, haley became the first republican woman to win two primary races in vermont and washington, d.c. good morning to all of you. i'm nicole zaloumis. so a lot to unpack here on this wednesday morning. >> yeah, now we jump from super tuesday to what is going to be a superrace in many contests headed into the general election. good morning everybody. i'm reed cowan. >> i'm gianna franco. but we do need to get you out the door and up and at them on a wednesday morning. so let's take a live look outside as you take a view here and a perspective from what it looks like when it comes to your forecast. and it's looking pretty cloudy and gloomy out there at least over the city of
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san francisco this morning. and some rain is in the bay today. so we need to check in with the expert let's get straight over to our first alert meteorologist jessica burch timing it all out for us. it's foggy out there and a little rainy too and the national weather service has their hands all over this also issuing a flood advisory for our friends down in the south bay. dive into that in just a second but what's happening today is there's a new system sitting just offshore. it's an area of low pressure and it's bringing in more unsettled weather for us all throughout the bay area as we head into this afternoon. but what's interesting about this storm system, it's parked just a little bit south of us so our friends near the santa clara valley are getting their fair share of rain a lot more than our friend up in the north bay but let's dive into this too. there's the flood advisory right now in areas like milpitas along the foothills stretching down into the santa clara valley. as we're seeing the heaviest rainfall down there this morning. and off into the coastline to. take a look at this. light showers still filling the east bay right now with the cloudy and cool skies as we head off into east bay, we're actually all the way along the peninsula,
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that's where some of the heavier cells are starting to form. moving into pacifica stretching slowly up into south san francisco. within the next 15, 20 minutes. now as we head over into the santa clara valley, there's that flood advisory or at least that community that's hit with that in the next couple of hours continue to keep a close eye on the santa clara valley. today we can see anywhere up to around an inch of rainfall near san jose. that's what it looks right now on futurecast for us as the storm continues to sweep in the south with some gusty conditions too. we'll watch that rainfall as it moves its way offshore into the evening hours tonight. giving us about 0.1 closer to areas like san francisco and san jose i'm going to give you the numbers coming up in just a bit. g? jessica, thank you. you were just talking about the wet weather happening and some of the rain happening along the peninsula. and near the coast. and that's an area where we're seeing a couple of crashes into the traffic center. 280 and highway 1. 280 serramonte and into san francisco. so pretty slick out there. be extra careful and you can see that in our live look here at the golden gate bridge. those rain drops kind of settling in on
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the camera lens which means it's settling in on the freeways too. so be careful there. that's really the traffic headline this morning as you get up and at them. it's slick out there and seeing some slow and go conditions south 101 because of that heading into san francisco. . it's a post super tuesday wrap up as voters voice their choice from ballot measures to those big match-ups and we have you covered. >> yeah, we wake up this morning with eyes to the issues and the hottest contests and we start with the showdown to replace the late california senator, dianne feinstein. >> yeah, her seat really is prime political real estate and now we know who's going to bid to fill that seat held by a democrat for decades. so voters listen up. here's your match-up. democrat adam schiff and republican steve garvey. and right there, you see how things came about last night. california primary, by design, sends the top two vote getters to the special election in
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november to decide who will fill dianne feinstein's long held seat. so here's where we are in the ballot count right now. it is going to be the democrat versus the dodger. adam schiff leads with 33.2% of the vote. look at that. steve garvey is in second place. not far behind at 32.4% of the vote. congresswoman katie porter and bay area congresswoman barbara lee faded to third and fourth place. that's your match-up. cay katie nell sen reports from los angeles that schiff's post election party. >> reporter: definitely some tense moments for u.s. house representative adam schiff as he was supposed to be taking his victory lap at his watch flushparty late on tuesday night. he is the frontrunner to take over the seat of late senator, dianne feinstein. schiff was introduced by congressman eric swalwell who represents eastern alameda county and part of contra costa county in the u.s. house of representatives. schiff was only a few minutes into his victory speech when protesters
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interrupted him. chanting "ceasefire now." take a listen. [ chanting ] >> you have made your point. you have made your point. >> reporter: when they didn't quit, schiff's supporters started chanting his name adam, adam to drown out the protesters. schiff was eventually able to finish his speech, but continued to be interrupted. >> want to acknowledge again -- my great gratitude to all of my wonderful supporters and i want to acknowledge the right of our protesters and i look forward to working with you all and onward to victory in november. thank you very much, everybody. [ cheering and applause ] thank you. and let's go on and win this thing. on to november, everybody. >> reporter: republican steve garvey came in second in the
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senate race and will advance to the general election in november. he's a relative newcomer to politics after a successful career as a major league baseball player in his younger days. but he faces significant uphill challenges, including the fact no republican has won a statewide office in california since 2006 when governor arnold schwarzenegger won re-election, but garvey says he's optimistic. >> your vote was your shared belief with me that california is no longer the heartbeat of america. sadly, it's just a murmur. that we have challenges to face up to, like closing the border and responsibilities to live up to, like helping the homeless off the streets and a pathway back to their dignity. and then if we do those things and more, our best days will be ahead of us, with california once again being that vibrant heartbeat of america. >> reporter: schiff was endorsed early on by democratic
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leaders like then-house speaker nancy pelosi. that allowed him to raise double the money of any of his competitors. he's now sitting on a campaign war chest of more than $30 million. now schiff does have more statewide name recognition because of his involvement with the first impeachment proceedings against then-president donald trump. and interestingly, garvey is a favorite of california trump supporters. so it will be interesting to see how this all plays out come november. . >> katie nielsen in los angeles there. well d loss for barbara lee means the passing of the baton quite literally. to run for senate lee had the give up her seat in congress. she now passes leadership to her possible successor in district 12. this morning, lateefah simon has a commanding lead over the closest competition and you see how that stacks up. 43.4% for simon and then everybody else trailing badly behind her. da lin spoke with
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simon's campaign last night. >> reporter: this is a joint watch party for representative barbara lee and lateefah simon running to succeed her. lee's volunteers are here at party but lee is skipping the party. instead she's flying back to washington, d.c. to do some work. obviously disappointed with the outcome of the race and she was working hard campaigning and phone banking. she was at her campaign office in downtown oakland making calls to voters all the way until the polls closed. here's what she said briefly to the media. >> you can see the disparity in the money. i mean, come on. the establishment money doesn't go to a black progressive woman. but we have people and we have low donors and we have recurring donors. >> reporter: she only took two questions from the media. we did ask we are what her future plans are. she did not answer that question. back to you. >> and big wins for san francisco's moderate democrats last night. including mayor london breed. several of her proposals fared well as did a
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push to change the democratic party's steering committee. >> so let's break this down a little bit and take a look at the propositions you voted on and you can see the results are here for proposition f. and that is 63% of voting yes. and it is somewhat, nicole of a controversial measure that's been hitting national headlines. it was an effort made by mayor breed that would require mandatory drug screenings for those receiving cash assistance from the city. >> and prop e., another one of london breed's measures would give police more powers and also lift restrictions on police chases and as you see here, 59.9% voting yes. >> let's go into some of the other san francisco propositions and move to proposition a. right now. this is the affordable housing measure. it would give the city a $300 million housing bond to build more affordable housing. and you can see here the results at 67.7% with yes. >> now this is the only -- one of the only measures that needs
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66 and two-thirds of the votes to pass. the rest need more than 50% to pass. >> let's take a look at prop b. now. would opponents of this pressure called the cop tax. it would set a new minimum staffing number for police officers. only 32% voted yes. overwhelming 67% voted no. >> pretty big gap there. proposition c calls for a one-time real estate transfer tax break for converting empty office spaces which we see pretty often here in the city, specifically in the downtown area into living spaces. and those results are right here with 53.9% so almost 54% voting yes. >> and to prop d. now. now this would strengthen the city's ethics laws and create a uniform set of rules that further restricts gifts given to city employees and officers and 88% voting yes on this one. last night our wilson walker joined a collection of moderate democrats who supported e., f. and other measures for their reactions on the results. take a listen. >> reporter: obviously caveat
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there are a lot of o vote left to be counted in san francisco but fitch up here moderate campaign headquarters. there were a lot of ott mitch on election night. >> i want to see proposition e. and f. right now are leading. [ cheering and applause ] proposition c. is leading. law legal cause and supervisor dorsey, proposition b. is losing. >> reporter: mayor london breed watched the early results come across the phone with the collection of san francisco's moderate democrats groups. grow sf, together sf, and san francisco democrats for change. and from the ballot measures to the d triple c slate. there was a lot of reason for cheering here. >> i think it's the entire democrats for change slate. [ cheering and applause ] >> all right. let's hear it for algebra. yeah. [ cheering and applause ] >> reporter: the major issues,
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however, were the public safety measures with f.. drug screening and e., altered police procedures. both ahead in the early results. >> we are in the midst of a voter revolt on public safety and voters are still speaking. thank you mayor london breed for your leadership i am proud to be standing shoulder to shoulder with you. >> reporter: so what appears to be a very strong night for moderates in san francisco, their ballot measures and judgment the mayor herself, as she heads towards a re-election fight in november. >> all right, so the conversation continues now on public safety but on that note, again, i said this before. it's so interesting to me. voters green lit giving police more power to chase and juice drones, but then voters gay a red light to the money to make the things happen. >> exactly. where are they going to get the money? that's the big question. >> a very good question too considering you know, financially it's very difficult to pull that money and give it towards police support and i was very surprised too about a lot of
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people talking about how privacy was a big issue and something we all think about on how so many levels and people were okay with it you know. having more police having more opportunity to sort of dip into the information. >> willing to compromise the privacy for more safety. >> well, and i have -- requests out from supervisor safai and dorsey and others to see any reaction to that because that will shape the conversation in so many races yet to come. up next, the only state proposition on the ballot focusing on homelessness and mental h
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welcome back on this wednesday morning. super tuesday has come and gone. and we're making sure that you are covered with all of the results. >> yeah, from the local races in the bay to the contests that shape our entire state to the national race everyone is talking about. >> so let's talk about that very big contest. the race to who will get the keys to the white house in november. president joe biden and former president donald trump have all but cemented that november rematch. you know, until this morning, trump had opposition within his own party. and you
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know who. nikki haley. cbs news reports haley now plans to suspend her campaign. we understand we'll go going to her live in about 40 minutes. vermont was the only win last night for her. so let's take a look at the california contest right now. where the presidential primary is concerned. donald trump 78.6% and nikki haley's 17.9%. the president won all primaries but one talking about president joe biden. and he lost in american samoa. the largely unknown jason palmer beat biden there. biden's other wins showed some weaknesses and perhaps some need to address the war in gaza. just like michigan voters did. they sent a message to biden on the war in gaza, a large group of voters in minnesota did the very same thing. how did they do that? on their ballots they marked uncommitted which in those two states is allowed. and a lot of people say that's a protest over biden's support for israel's response to the hamas
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terror attack. for that, biden did see an erosion in states he performed strongly in last time around. so here in california president biden is the projected winner of the california democratic primary after winning every single county in the state of california. really when you look at the electorate that's not a big surprise. meanwhile, gianna and nicole. you have more on the only statewide proposition on the ballot this time around. take it iowa. >> reed, every californian saw prop 1 on the ballot yesterday. it's part of governor gavin newsom's plan to get people with severe mental ill honest off the streets into treatment. >> so we are keeping an eye on the results of the vote this morning. and here's how it sits right now 52% voting yes. and the measure does need more than 50% to pass. live look outside on this wednesday morning and another day of scattered showers in the bay. but don't be upset. we do get a chance to eventually dry out this week. so let's send it over to our first alert meteorologist jessica burch.
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timing out the rain today, jess? >> all throughout the bay area, nicole, gianna, reed, as we wake up and head out the door this morning, yeah, it's off to a cool and cloudy and a little bit of a wet start too. there's gray all around me but the sunshine is right around the corner as we head into the next couple of days so just hold on tight. the national weather service already issued a flood advisory for our friends down along the foothills near the santa clara valley. waking up this morning in the zone right here, if you live near milpitas to gilroy and all throughout the local communities near half-moon bay also, i mean, we are talking about some active weather that's still falling from offshore. now this storm system is bringing in some light rain off into the east bay. some hear pockets of rain starting to fall all throughout our bay area waters and i mean we're talking about all the bridges from golden gate bridge over into the bay bridge. we're seeing some moderate to heavy rainfall right now and that will continue to move to the north as we head into the next couple of hours. here we go down into the santa clara valley, active weather currently falling near san jose and santa clara and milpitas too. we are keeping a close eye
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on this system for a couple of reasons. one, it's not only the rain that we're concerned about. but those gustier conditions too. we can see wind speeds anywhere up to around 15, 20 miles per hour right now but it get breezier into the afternoon hours as the storm system continues to move a little bit offshore giving us close to an inch of rain down into the santa clara valley. less impressive numbers the more north we go. now here's the thing i mentioned it a second ago. we dry up once the system continues to track to the south. it's going to move to the central coast of california and drier conditions tomorrow and a light chance of showers into saturday. but that's in just a minute. the daytime highs today. now that the system has moved in from the offshore not only do we have the winds and the rain, but we're also seeing temperatures kind of sitting a little bit below average. today we're talking about upper 50s in san francisco and low 60s in fremont stretching off into livermore. 61 degrees today in concord and 62 in san jose and we're pretty much all hand-in-hand right now but watch what happens as we head into the next seven days. here's the light at the end of the tunnel i was talking about. friday is looking beautiful with upper 60s and sunshine around the corner. we can see clouds rolling their way back
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in for saturday with a light chance of the morning showers and cloudy and cool for our sunday forecast. and more rain right around the corner to kick off next week making the roadways wet once again. g? hard on the roadways, jess. and we're getting a a laundry list of issues into the traffic center now this morning. because of that wet weather and look at this. live look at the bay bridge. already backed up well beyond that overpass. almost to the foot of the maze at this point. and the slick surfaces could be an issue for your drive this morning. so that is our traffic headline. you have got wet roadways and you have already got a backup early this morning at the bay bridge commute. heading over into san francisco. that will affect a lot of commuters coming out of the east bay. let's take a look at traffic elsewhere this morning. i do want focus our attention and we're going to zoom in here on a trouble spot in and out of daly city. if you are headed along 280 getting reports of a crash not too far from that highway 1 connector and that's an area jess just stalked about where we are seeing some of that rain coming down right now. so be careful out there. it's 6:23. let's get a live look outside. it is wednesday. and a wet wednesday
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to boot. so be careful as you head out the door and we of course have you covered all morning long with
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testing that could clear his name. peterson is serving a life sentence for the murder of his pregnant wife l aci and their unborn son 20 years ago. after days of talks, there's no movement on a ceasefire in the war between israel and hamas. it's less than a week before the holy month after ramadan. the informal deadline for a deal. the nearly five months of fighting has left much of gaza in ruins. time now 6:27 in the morning. waking up to how you shape your community and the nation by casting a vote. more election coverage coming up in our next half hour. yeah, skyler henry will join us live from our nation's capital with a look at what happened across the country. and shawn chitnis is live in the south bay with
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to care for all that is you. right now on cbs news bay area at 6:29. welcome to our election virtual set on this wednesday morning. i'm nicole zaloumis. >> i'm reed cowan and one heck of a living room we have here. bringing the election results of super tuesday to life for you at home. >> yeah, there was some big decisions made yesterday so we have to go big right? i'm gianna franco. but before we get to the election coverage let's take a live look outside. it is wednesday, you are halfway through the workweek. and as you look towards the weekend, you are going to have to get through a little bit of that wet weather.
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that we're seeing today and as we see live here. there are some clouds hovering around the bay area. and that rain is hanging around today. so let's get straight to first alert meteorologist jessica burch with all the latest and time it out for us, jess. we have the clouds -- [ inaudible ] you can hear me now. we have the rain and we have the fog and we have that heavy weather as we move in from offshore. and now as we head into the next couple of hours take a look at this. light rain currently falling just off into the east bay a similar trend in the north bay. it's cloudy and it's cool and it's wet along the coastline anywhere from daly city stretching down into south san francisco -- excuse me. san francisco. just along the 101. as we continue to track south closer to san mateo, we're watching the showers move in from offshore, now this rain is going to start picking up a lot more within the next couple of hours especially down into the santa clara valley. where the national weather service has already issued a flood advisory that's going to stay in effect
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throughout the next couple of hours. in areas like milpitas along the foothills closer to san jose. in one of the flood prone area take it slow this morning. a look at futurecast a cool and cloudy day despite all the rain too. so if you do get a little bit of a break from the rain, just get prepared because we are still dealing with that cool, cloudy and below average weather for us today. below average temperatures into the afternoon hours that's with we're forecasting. now we'll continue to keep a close eye on the winds as well because as the system continues to sweep in if the south we can see wind gusts anywhere up to around 15, 20 miles per hour. we're going to have more coming up in just a bit. for now over to you, g. have to get through today and all that wet weather. jess and showing you the live looks leer. look at the bay bridge, slick and not a fun commute at all as you head into san francisco this morning. that's our traffic headline right now. dealing with all the wet roadways and we've got some crashes coming into the traffic center. some pretty serious accidents. one eastbound 80 near east of pinole valley
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road. it's countercommute but with injuries and causing a bit of a backup there. let's cycle through and show you the maps right now. it's getting busy anyway as we start seeing the morning commute sort of heat up working your way in parts of 88 roll and if you are taking that 280 ride in and out of daly city, that's slow because of a crash. and it is a post super tuesday wrap-up and we have a lot of results to get this morning. >> at the top of the list is theshowdown to replace the late california senator dianne feinstein. >> so this is one of the contests that will make national headlines and conversations all day long. this november match-up will pit a democrat against a dodger. we're talking about democrat adam schiff and republican steve garvey. so this is a look right now at how the ballot count stands this morning. as you wake up. schiff leads with 33.2% there. but former l. a.
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dodger steve garvey pretty close there. second place at 32.4%. by the way chi kay tie porter and barbara lee sitting at third and fourth. top two vote getters in the contest, they are the ones who get to go on to the big dance. all right, so let's jump that satellite delay right now this morning. cara fin stromb is live joining us now with a closer look at the california senate race and what people are perhaps saying down in the south land. >> reporter: good morning, reed. interesting race to watch for sure. we're at the l. a. county registrar's office and continue to rally and verify all the results but as you mentioned the top two finishers are already preparing for a face-off. take a look. democratic representative adam schiff and republican former dodger steve garvey topped the crowded field. irvine representative katie porter came in third and oakland representative barbara lee fourth. schiff is the heavy favorite for november. last night, protesters chanting
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ceasefire now and free palestine interrupted his campaign's celebrations in hollywood. we've got some of that to show you here. security officials dragged some protesters out and others remained forcing schiff to try to speak over them. the shouts highlighting a critical issue, democrats will face in november elections that the u.s. handling of the israeli are miss war. many analysts anticipated a schiff and garvey runoff. heavily democratic california. some charging schiff encouraged that outcome. schiff and garvey will actually appear twice on the november ballot with both also seeking to fill out the remainder of feinstein's term. that ends in january. here's a little of what we heard from both during last night's celebrations. >> looks like we're going to the general, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheering and applause ] you helped us build
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the biggest grassroots campaign for senate in california history and i can't thank you enough. >> opponent has been advertising that he wants me and he's mistaking kindness for weakness. he's like the pitcher that throws me 70-mile an hour fastballs. [ laughter ] and then watches me run around the bases. >> reporter: garvey and supporters rallied in palm desert there. no republican has won a senate race in california since 1988. so big challenges ahead for him both with fundraising and getting his message out there. back here live reed, we can expect to hear more from both of these candidates on their very differing opinions going to have a republican and a democrat facing off here about the future of california. so stay tuned. buckle up. >> framing the conversation going forward. reporting live, thank you so much. now to the south bay where another big congressional race is taking place. nearly a dozen
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candidates are competing to replace anna eshoo who is retiring after more than 30 years representing the peninsula and the south bay. 11 candidates are in the running to take her seat including former san jose mayor sam liccardo and joe simitian and tech entrepreneur peter dictionon. 21% liccardo leaving. our shawn chitnis is breaking down the results so far and the reaction from the candidates, shawn, good morning to you once again. >> reporter: hey nicole. good morning and yes some of the leaders in this race already going to twitter to either declare victory or say that they may still have a chance. we're here in palo alto this morning because this is one of the many communities that make up this congressional district. not only parts of the peninsula, but also the south bay as well as a section of san mateo county. and so going into last night and then looking at where the results are this morning we still see that former san jose mayor sam
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liccardo is in the lead. and in a comfortable position among that pack of 11 candidates who hope to replace representative anna eshoo who held this seat since 1992. sam liccardo is saying he would be productive. now it was a closer fight for the other spot to advance in the race for the general election. current county supervisor for santa clara and former state senator joe simitian edging out evan low for the second place spot in the primary. low though has not conceded as of last night. simitian did declare himself a winner and also was mayor of palo alto and says he will be focused on some major national issues in this campaign as a problem solver. >> well, you know when you serve a city of a million people, you are already working pretty hard at the national level. i spend a lot of hours on capitol hill and with the administration, trying to help
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us get veterans off the street. and trying to address gun violence. whole host of challenges. so i'm pretty familiar with the turf in washington, d.c. and what i know is we have to get congress focused on the problems that our residents are most concerned about. like homelessness and housing crisis and utility costs. >> on day one, we're going to restore a woman's right to choose reproductive freedom. [ cheering and applause ] we're going to press forward, farther and faster on climate change here in the united states and around the globe. >> reporter: and so this race for this particular house seat replacing anna eshoo already the most expensive in the country. as of mid-february, $8 million had been raised and used to spend on ads for both tv, radio as well as those that are sent by mail. and much of that money really just for the top two candidates so we will have to see what kind of fundraising happens as we now
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head towards november in the general election. nicole, back to you. >> all right, shawn chitnis in palo alto this morning. thank you, shawn. on the national stage, big news in the republican race for the white house. nikki haley is expected to suspend her campaign while president biden and former president trump they edged closer to clinching their party's nomination after super tuesday. so let's go to skyler henry live in washington, d.c. this morning with details and good morning. looks like we are heading to a repeat of biden versus trump this november. i feel like we've been there done that and here we go again. >> reporter: it looks like we have the t-shirt too. good morning. we expect the former ambassador to make a public remark about her dropping out of the race in about 20 minutes or so. but for some time, she'd made mention of the fact that she wanted to remain quote unquote competitive. her campaign never really defined what that was. but it appears as if her performance yesterday during super tuesday was enough for her to say enough was enough. and that's because of
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what you pointed out. the former president having such a strong showing throughout many of the super tuesday states. president biden also performing well. but he still has a bit of work cut out for him as he's trying to get his voter base a bit more enthused about the possibility of a second term. >> this is a big one. >> reporter: a big night for former president donald trump and president joe biden on super tuesday with major wins in several states. the two frontrunners already shifting focus to a likely general election rematch. >> our poll numbers are so much higher than joe biden's. he's the worst president in the history of our country. >> reporter: in a statement, president biden described trump as quote, driven by grievance and grift and determined to destroy our democracy. source, familiar tell cbs news nikki haley bass will suspend her campaign after she picked up one win in vermont yesterday. according to cbs news exit polls, immigration and the economy were top issues for gop voters. >> i'm going to vote for
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anybody who says they're closing the border. >> reporter: biden again faced opposition from some voters over his handling of the israel-hamas war, with tens of thousands in minnesota casting a protest vote of uncommitted. >> we did it so we can have a cease-fire now. >> reporter: all eyes were also on the crowded california senate primary for the seat previously held by late senator dianne feinstein. on record as the most expensive senate election in state history. democratic congressman adam schiff and republican and former professional baseball player steve garvey will face off in the general election. and as we wait for the announcement from the former u. n. ambassador the two frontrunners are expected to hit the campaign trail pretty hard this week. heading to two battleground states pennsylvania and georgia. back to you. >> it will be interesting to see what voter enthusiasm will look like, thank you so much. and of course not just that voter enthusiasm but where are
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the voters that were voting for nikki haley? that were her supporters. where are they going to end up whether it's biden or trump or maybe something else. >> i like that she used the word courtship. you know, you have to court my voters. >> right. and you know, she was very careful in her language. she -- keep in mind she had to appeal to independents to democrats and republicans if she were to win the general election. which all analysts say was never going to happen. now where will those voters go? and in whose vote pocket so to speak will they end up? that will decide the presidency. >> she will be speaking coming up at 7:00. up next three we're going to chat with a
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sometime now for the money watch report. the biden administration is taking on more junk fees. with the new rule that caps most credit card late charges at $8. that's down from the average of $32. banks that charge more would need to show why. the rule is expected to face legal challenges. president biden also announcing a new strike force to crack down on illegal and unfair pricing on things like groceries, prescription drugs, health care, and housing. millions of people went to the polls to make their voices heard. >> yeah, big super tuesday wins for former president donald
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trump and president joe biden. that word came this morning that nikki haley is suspending the campaign. >> awaiting a news conference any moment about that talking the evolving race to the white house. csu east bay professor dr. nolan higdon. my big question is her decision a surprise and then the other part of that, who will she advocate for and who will get her voters? >> yeah, i think the only real surprise is that haley hung on as long as she did. you know, the -- it seemed like trump had this wrapped up basically for the entire race. now where her voters go is a very difficult question. some of the polling we had albeit weak, seemed to indicate that a lot of her supporters didn't vote for trump in 2020. so if that means they're going to go third party or not vote or maybe switch the democratic party, remains to be seen but clearly there are some voters up for grabs with this haley
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announcement. >> and what is their level of enthusiasm? i'm so curious about that as we look towards november and turn our attention to what could be a trump and biden rematch and what can we expect in the campaign in the future primaries. >> yeah, you know, it's interesting electoral outcome because you know, americans don't agree on much politically these days. but there was agreement that americans didn't want to see a rematch of 2020 yet that seems to be what they're going to get. in terms of enthusiasm, this is again where, you know, it's been happening for a decade at this point now. but it really comes back to donald trump. donald trump is a figure who complicates these races and because he's a very polarizing figure. he is one of the best candidates to drive out republican voters which is going to be you know, necessary to win the presidency. but he's also one of the biggest drivers of democratic voters as well. so trump can cause
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enthusiasm on both sides. the democrat and republican divide. >> doctor, what will this match-up mean for voter turnout? >> you know, it's -- very difficult to say at this point. what it's going to mean for voter turnout. as i mentioned, trump is really decisive in bringing out voters on both sides. but, you know, the democrats do have some problems as the uncommitted vote in michigan has demonstrated and now in minnesota. that there are some democrats who are claiming that they may vote third party or not vote at all. and it's worth reminding the audience here that trump only won by about 40,000 votes in three key states in 2016. biden only won in 2020. we're talking about very thin margin. if the uncommitted voters don't come to the democratic party, they could be pivotal in deciding who wins the election. >> well, you raised the potentiality for a third party and you know we keep saying biden versus trump. but there
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are developments when we talk to you next time i want to ask you about something called no labels. attached to a big name. joe lieberman. thank you so much, dr. nolan higdon with csu east bay, we appreciate you. fascinating times and to look at the weather as well as times change so also does the weather on wednesday morning. and there you go. i like to call that soupy. jess? talking with the forecast. i like to call that bay area weather in march. half laugh because it's true. i mean, this is literally the patterns that we're used to during this time of the year. and we take a look outside this morning this area of low pressure that's kind of sitting offshore right now bringing in its fair share of showers and unsettled weather and breezy conditions and all that fog and clouds that we see outside this morning outside our windows. so let's zoom into the local communities. near san ramon probably thinking what is she talking about? it is dry as can be there. well, it is dry right now but we're continuing to watch the showers sweep in from the south. in the north bay a similar trend near santa rosa and napa. the showers will
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slowly start to trickle their way into the communities. we have a larger cell actually moving to the north just along our coastline so if you live near ocean beach along the sunset. that's where some of the most active weather is currently happening. all the way down into the santa clara valley we are go. i really want to highlight this area right here, milpitas and san jose kind of off along the foothills because there's a flood advisory issued by the national weather service in effect right now. in the low-lying locations just along the foothills take it slow out there energy. continue to watch futurecast show the showers track to the north and it's an area of low pressure so it actually has some circulation to it moving counterclockwise offshore. continue to watch the system moving to the south in the afternoon and evening hours tonight and then left with dry conditions and here's that system just in the larger scale. there's our dry bracket we get as we head into the thursday and friday forecasts. it's going to be sunny and beautiful and augites are going to love the weather as we head into the next few days. this weekend, a light chance of showers returns into saturday so really enjoy thursday and
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friday for what it's worth. because we have more unsettled weather because keep in mind it's still march and as we head into the next couple of days and in our long-range models too. so here's the daytime highs today. upper 50s and lower 60s a little bit below average. but match that with the cloudy skies and it's kind of expected right? take a look at the next seven days and here's the sunshine i was talking about for our thursday and friday forecast. saturday is cloudy and cool with temperatures jumping back down to the low 60s after a beautiful day of upper 60s and on friday, and then heading into next week, more unsettled weather right around the corner for saturday and monday and that's going to last into our tuesday forecast too. g? with all this rain how are the roads looking? not so great jess and yeah the weather can change the morning commute. always busy on a wednesday and usually one of the busiest days for the week as you commute this morning and plus all the slick surfaces so that's our traffic headline this morning. really no matter where you are commuting this morning. going deal with some of the slick surfaces and the wet weather. live look here @ golden gate bridge, not a lot of crashes. that's good news but certainly changes on other
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bridges. here's a live look at the bay bridge and look at this bagup to the foot of the maze. headed westbound 580 and 80 those are the busiest spots. some unusual brake lights that we see along 280 right now. that's because of a crash as you head your way northbound not too far from that highway 1 connector and jess has been tracking the storm for us. pretty heavy and that could be an issue here and why we have the accident now causing a bit of backup there. 101 looking better in and out of south city and we have another crash second one of this morning. westbound 580 through grant line. nicole? time now 6:52. a big birthday for the world war ii veteran. we take you to danville aft break. but before that taking a live look from concord and the hotly contested race to replace turned out state senator nancy skinner in district 7. the top
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two will advance to november. jesse arreguin leads with more than 30% of the vote followed by dan kalb. as we head to break, here's some more election results. here's what's happening in the bay area this weekend. treat your little ones to the joys of music and movement from bernstein to beyonce. let's dance concert is at the davies symphony hall saturday. anchinatown is kicking off the night market season with dancing, fun and delicious food beneath the iconic fest i lanterns along san francisco's
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grant avenue. friday night. ♪ ♪ "mean girls" the hit musical by tina fey returns to the bay area for one week only. tickets are going fast and
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take that up a little bit higher. you should feel that, like, right back here. oh, yeah, i felt that! good, that is so much better than last week. thanks, i've been doing 'em every night while i'm watching tv. - oh, what are you watching? it's a mystery. high quality care that meets you where you are.
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well, let's get you rolling
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on the freeways this morning. live look at some of the wet roadways look at those rain drops hanging out at the golden gate bridge. slick surfaces and that's your headline this morning. as you make your way out and about on this wednesday. looking at other bay area bridges, live look here at the bay bridge. and you can see that backup is pretty significant already and pretty sloppy. we've had a laundry list of crashes into the traffic center and one of them along 280. another map here so we just want to show you sort of where we're seeing things picking up bit. southbound 680 into the sunol grade and also southbound 880 out of hayward. and we're going to zoom in on this crash along 280. this is as you head near daly city right around 280 highway 1. so just out of coleman really backed up unusually slow this morning. ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ [ applause ] well, it's not every day that someone turns 104 years old. world war ii veteran arthur larson was presented with the key to the city of danville own tuesday. and right there by his side joanne his
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wife of 72 years, two of them live at the lodge. arthur says he has an active social life and as we found out a self-deprecating sense of humor. >> well, i'm just thankful for brookdale and all these friends that are here. and i guess -- the television come in, i hope i can hide before you play it. >> served in the army for much of world war ii and he later devoted his life to education, teaching in san leandro as well as a handful of bay area colleges. he also served in the oakland red cross and he told us he is currently working on a memoir. >> can you imagine those story he has to share? i would love to read that memoir. >> he deserves the key to the city and many more. every time i cast my vote i think about that the greetest generation. and so many other soldiers who came after defending our right
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to vote and have a goal. >> when you have a goal like that and a project and wife by your side. that's an accomplishment in itself. congratulations to him and them. well, super tuesday has come and gone. but many of you are feeling a little burned out on politics. coming up at 7:00 tips to reduce some of the election anxiety. all right, we await a news conference from former u.n. ambassador nikki haley. the report this morning is that she plans to suspend her campaign in the race for the republican nomination. we're keeping an eye on what comes next. what looks like to be a biden and trump tch-up, coming up. ♪ ♪ cue the trumpets as we welcome you co"cbs mornings" any hello to you our


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