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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 9am  CBS  March 6, 2024 9:00am-9:31am PST

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from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. super tuesday results are in. more than a dozen states voted in the presidential primaries. millions of people including the bay area went to the polls to have your voices heard. we begin with big news on the republican side . former
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u.n. ambassador nikki haley announced that she is suspending her campaign for the republican presidential nomination. haley face an uphill battle last night. former president trump quickly established a commanding lead in the delegate count. sweeping nearly all of the super tuesday primary. haley made history. as the first republican woman to end two primary races in vermont and washington, d.c. president joe biden is not facing any major competition in the primary cycle. he won all but one of the democratic contest on super tuesday. the largely unknown jason palmer beat biden and american samoa. the results point to a likely repeat of biden versus trump this november. skyler henry has more from washington, d.c. >> reporter: former u.n. ambassador nikki haley announced she is suspending her campaign for the republican presidential nomination. >> although i will no longer be a candidate, i will not stop
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using my voice for the things that i believe in. >> reporter: haley, them last major gop challenger to former president trump is dropping out, following his decisive super tuesday victories in almost every state that held a primary. >> they call it super tuesday for a reason. this is a big one. >> reporter: in a speech on wednesday haley notably did not endorse the former president. >> it is now up to donald trump on the votes of those in our party and beyond and he did not support him. and i hope he does that. >> reporter: during his victory speech tuesday night the former president focused on is all but certain general election rematch with president biden. >> november 5th is going to go down as the single most important day in the history of our country. win the former president also called for unity , but it is unclear how many of haley supporters he will pick up. >> it hurts my soul to say that i will vote for joe biden of obama donald trump. >> reporter: president biden dominated super tuesday on the
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democratic side but not all democrats are behind him. in minnesota, those protesting his handling of the israel-hamas war voted uncommitted. >> we did this for the people of gaza. we did it for the children of gaza. >> reporter: organizers there and in other states are calling on biden to back a permanent cease-fire. orioles risk losing their support in november. in california president biden's with the state. is the project a winner of the california democratic primary after winning every single county. next president biden and former president trump are headed to georgia, both are expected to campaign there this weekend. that state and several others will hold their primaries on march 12th. some voters of cost california cast their ballots in person. we saw governor gavin newsom cast his vote in sacramento as well as people in beverly hills and at san francisco city hall. many focused on the marquee race to replace the late california senator dianne feinstein. the seat is prime
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political real estate. the california primary by design since the top two vote getters to the special election in november. here is why we are in about account right now. democratic congressman adam schiff leads with about 33%. former professional baseball player steve garvey came in second, just a hair behind a 32%. and congresswoman katie porter and bay area congresswoman barbara lee faded to third and fourth. earlier we were joined by csu east bay professor dr. nolan higdon to break down the results and he says on top of shifts donor backup, one of the other defining factors that gained him the top of was just how similar the other two democratic candidates are on the ballot. >> the remainder of democratic voters were left with the choice between katie porter and barbara lee who are different in some areas but very close and a lot of them. they are both progressives. any money or enthusiasm was split between
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those two. that was an extra challenge they had to face that there was another progressive in the race. adam schiff really did not have to run against another establishment democrat. >> the winner of november's election will finish find signs term , ending in january and begin a full six-year term. the loss for barbara lee means the turning of a political page. to run for senate, lee gave up her seat in congress and she now passes leadership to a possible successor in district 12. we will drill down on the more about the race for district 12 congressional seat in just a moment. let's take a live look outside on this wednesday morning. some rain is in the bay today. let's get over to first alert meteorologist jessica burch , who is timing it all up for us. >> it is a cool and cloudy day in the bay area with some light showers still moving in from the south, all throughout this afternoon. it will not be a
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law but in the grand scheme of things we could see close to an inch of rainfall in the santa clara valley and lighter numbers and the north bay and the system tracks to the south and as we watch that move to the south we are left with a nice dry break , not only for thursday but friday also and it is perfect timing because we will warm up as we head into our friday forecast. dry conditions, sunny skies and upper 60s and lower 70s and the forecast and our inland areas, which looks nicer compared to what we have today. today we are talking about upper 50s and low 60s matched with cloudy and wet conditions. into the afternoon today the winds will stay relatively light and really what we are gearing up for his a nice dry break around the corner so we could take a look at that and are 70 models. thursday and friday looking promising, saturday is when the rain starts to come back and we are left with cloudy skies for a sunday forecast and morning showers to kick off early next work week. back to covering your vote. a couple of congressional races in the bay area. as we just mentioned, barbara lee's loss, she gave up her seat in congress, now she passes leadership to her possible successor lateefah simon in district 12. simon has a
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commanding lead over her closest competition jennifer tran. we are watching another big bay area congressional race the contest to replace retiring representative anna eshoo. who has represented silicon valley for more than three decades. she was first elected in 1992 in what was called the year of the woman. there are 11 candidates are vying for her house seat. let's take a live look at the results . former san jose mayor sam liccardo leads the pack. followed by date assembly member evan low. and santa clara county supervisor joe simitian. in the top two candidates will head to the november runoff. shawn chitnis is live in palo alto this morning. to break down the results so far in the reaction from our candidates. good morning, again. >> reporter: nicole, good morning. we are in palo alto .
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one of the many communities that make up this congressional district. considered to be dynamic and diverse because of all the areas that are covered. not only a section of the peninsula but also parts of san mateo county and the south bay. late last night we saw those who were in this race, ready to declare themselves winners and able to move on into the general election and that includes former san jose mayor sam liccardo of the top of the pack among those 11 candidates who hope to replace representative anna eshoo. she is held the seat since 1992. sam liccardo is leading into what kind of member of congress he would be. able to show some productive skills amid all of the d.c. gridlock. it was a close fight for the other spot to advance onto the general election. that included current santa clara county supervisor and former state senator joe simitian , he was edging out assembly member evan low for second place in the primary. no had not conceded as of last night. joe simitian served as mayor of palo alto and with decades of local experience he helped to push that forward on the major national issues , campaigning as a problem solver.
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>> i am pretty familiar with the turf in washington, d.c. and what i know is we've got to get congress focus on the problems that our residents are most concerned about. like homelessness and the housing crisis and utility costs a whole was of challenges that is not just us facing but many communities throughout the country are facing. >> on day one we will restore a woman's right to choose . reproductive freedoms. we will press forward farther and faster on climate change in the united states and around the globe. >> reporter: this race as we have talked about was crowded with so many candidates . it also was the most expensive u.s. house race in the country. just for the primary , as of mid february there was more than $8 million raised just for ads on tv, radio, as well as the ads you get in the mail. and a good percentage of
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that $8 million coming from just the top two candidates. nicole, back to you. now to san jose were mayor matt mahan will have no problem keeping the job he is held for the past two years. he is up 87 6.6%. he is up for re-election early after san jose changed its mayoral election calendar to coincide with the presidential election cycle. staying in santa clara county, razor thin race to replace district 2 supervisor cindy chavez who has turned out. right now we are seeing madison nguyen lead by just a little bit. i want to say proposition d and f are leading. >> you can say it was a good night for san francisco mayor london breed.
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two lives half a world away and the unforgettable journey that led them to love and purpose josh and rachel brown share their love story.
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from cbs news bay area, this is voters decide. big wins for san francisco's moderate democrats last night. including mayor london breed. several of her proposals fared well. as the the push to change the democratic party's steering committee. you can see the results here for pop f. it is a somewhat controversial measure that has been hitting national headlines. 62% voting yes. it was an effort made by late mayor breed that will require mandatory drug screenings for those receiving cash assistance of the city. how about prop e, one of
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london breed's measures. it would get police more powers including access to more cameras and drones. it would lift restrictions on police chases. 59.9% voting yes. let's go into some of the other san francisco propositions. the affordable housing measure that would give the city a $300 million housing bond to build more affordable housing , 67.7 voting yes. this is the only one of the measures that needs 66 2/3 of the vote to pass. the rest need more than 50% to pass. prop b is what opponents of this measure called the cops tax. set a new minimum staffing number four police officers. 67.4% voting no. prop c calls for one-time real estate transfer tax break for converting office space specifically in the downtown area into living spaces. 53.9% voting yes. prop d would
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strengthen the city's ethics laws and create a uniform set of rules that further restricts gifts given to city employees and officers an overwhelming 88% voting yes. last night wilson walker joined a collection of moderate democrats who supported the measures for their reactions on the results . take a listen. >> reporter: a lot of votes to be counted in san francisco. if you were here at moderate campaign headquarters there was a lot of optimism on election night. >> i just want to say proposition e and f are leading. proposition c is leading. as supervisor endorsing, proposition b is losing. >> reporter: mayor london breed watch the early results, caught the phone with a collection of san francisco's moderate democrat groups , grow sf, together sf, in san francisco democrats for change. from the ballot measures to the d.c. cc
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late there was a lot of reason for cheering. >> i think it is the entire democrats for change so late. -- slate . let's hear it for it. >> reporter: the major issues with the public safety measures with f, drug screening and e altered police procedures, both ahead in the early results. >> we are in the midst of a voter rainfall on public safety and voters are still speaking . thank you mayor london breed for your leadership. i am proud to be standing shoulder to shoulder with you. >> reporter: it appears to be a very strong night for moderates in san francisco. the ballot members and ultimately the mayor herself , as she heads toward a re-election fight in november. today is the last day of unsettled weather in the
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forecast for us. we have upper 50s and lower 60s throughout the bay area for daytime highs. it is cool and cloudy and yes, it is wet in certain communities as we head into the afternoon hours but the light splashes of showers will start to dissipate as we head into the evening hours tonight and suddenly we will be left with drier conditions the forecast as early as tomorrow, lasting into friday with a nice warm up around the corner. sunnier skies in the distance. as we take a look at today's forecast on future cast we are seeing lingering showers really scattered throughout the bay. whether in santa rosa or near san jose we will get a quick splash of showers. it clears up overnight tonight and we are left with drier conditions once the system moves up into the east. as we head into on thursday and friday forecast i hope you enjoy those dry days because we have more showers and the forecast for our saturday set up and it lingers into sunday and one day forecast and we will keep you updated with the rainfall totals as we get closer. we are wrapping up super tuesday and as we begin to
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look ahead to the november election, election officials are warning voters to watch out for misinformation. a.i. is a huge concern this year. a new study from the center for the encountering digital hate found some of the top a.i. photo generators can create misleading election related images. the study said despite content monitors on chappy pt, microsoft image creator and other a.i. programs, current projections just are not good enough and almost anyone can create and spread election disinformation with these tools. tiktok is under new scrutiny. storming -- streaming and 9:30,
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u.s. lawmakers are racing against the clock to get funding bill through congress before a possible government shutdown on friday. there was optimism in both chambers that congress will be able to get the spending package past. it is backed by top democrats and republicans in the house and senate. this comes as president biden prepares to deliver his state of the union address tomorrow. it is time for your money watch report and super tuesday brought big drops on wall street yesterday with several tech companies stocks taking a tumble. this morning stock futures in the green, looking better. let's see what the markets are right now. on this
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wednesday morning. in the green, up 220 points. target is launching a new paid membership program called target circle 360. program promises free same day delivery and also offers delivery in as little as an hour. if you're interested you can sign up on april 7th for $49 a year. the target said the price will jump to $99 a year after may 18th . for those who do not have a target card. burned out after completing your ballot? you are not alone. how experts say you can reduce some of that election anxiety. the bay area event calendar. brought to you by broadway san jose. >> here is what is happening this weekend. treat your little ones to the jo of music and movement. the san francisco symphony , let's dance concert is at davies symphony hall saturday. >> chinatown is kicking off the night market season with dancing, fun and delicious food beneath the iconic festival
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entrance along san francisco's grant avenue friday night. ♪ >> "mean girls", the helen was hit musical by tina fey returns to the bay area for one week only. what makes a medicare supplement insurance plan, like an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare a good choice for people on medicare? it's smart for you to have now... i'm 65. and later on, for the future you... i'm 70-ish. it's really smart.
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>> just because they are in space is not mean our astronauts are not exercising the right to vote. they posted a picture on social media shows them casting their ballots and pick the process is a bit limited from space as the they had to complete electronic ballots. they were sent to the ground antenna in new mexico and ends at mission control in houston. one has been on the iss since august and one since september. super tuesday is over and typically it is seen as the unofficial start to the primary calendar. even though the presidential collection is eight months away, most americans are already exhausted including myself, just thinking about politics. that is according to a recent cbs news poll and found more than 40% of voters you very much campaign between president biden and former president donald trump , as depressing. harvard professor and author arthur brooks says getting
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involved could help improve your mood. >> when your political involvement is all about watching cable television and screaming at the tv or writing on social media it is incredibly disempowering to you. the most support thing that people can do to feel like they are more empowered , when the don't like what is going on is to get involved and get involved at a local level. he said when you disagree with a friend or family member, be curious to find out why they think that way. instead of just brushing their ideas off. that is it for the news at 9:00. next in "the drew barrymore show". today size of the real housewives join the show. for more of our election coverage join us on our streaming service cbs news bay area. well, well, well, dr
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ew. finally, housewives.. yeah, get into it, drew. [music playing]


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