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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 6pm  CBS  March 6, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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alert weather day after a very active day of weather. some heavy downpours in the bay area resulting in localized flooding issues. now the sunshine is breaking back through. a look at a couple of dry days in the first alert forecast. public safety wins big on the ballot in san francisco. >> it is clear from what we see in the election results last night that people also want accountability. >> reporter: is it a sign of changing views in the famously liberal city? >> it is not the voters who have changed. it's that the city, elected officials have stopped delivering the results. >> reporter: the november senate showdown is set, but results are still coming in for another hotly competitive seat in congress. >> i'm pretty familiar with the turf from washington, d.c. >> reporter: it is a nail biter for the proposition the governor says is key to solving the homeless crisis. and think twice about leaving your trash. the bay area city that just approved some hefty fines for illegal
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dumping. >> especially over the past five to six years. we've seen a huge increase in illegal dumping throughout the city. good evening. some wild weather developing in just the last few hours. thunderstorms rolling through the bay area along with some pretty heavy rain. our photojournalist jim flanagan capturing a lightning strike as he was driving along san jose earlier this afternoon. look at that. not long after the skies really e opened up when jim was driving south on 101. and then check out this photo, what appears to be a funnel cloud just before 3:00 p.m. officials say it did not touch down. so let's take a look outside right now, some sunshine and blue skies, peeking through the clouds. let's get to chief meteorologist paul heggen with what's going on. >> reporter: juliette, some leftover showers is what's happening at the moment. the heaviest downpours have been
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quieting down over the past couple of hours with a couple dozen lightning strikes across the bay area and the number of urban and small stream flood advisories issued as well. one of those just in the process of being canceled by the national weather service i believe. suppose to go until 7:15, but the rain has diminished with a couple of sprinkles, so that should be canceled early. a few leftover showers in the north bay and a few locally heavy downpours reporting around heelsburg and higher elevations of the mountains of northern napa county. a few leftover showers further south as well. but basically down to a couple of leftover sprinkles. as we look back in time, a couple hours ago, you can see on the loop how impressive the downpours were especially the east bay into the south bay at the peak of the storm's intensity this afternoon. but now the sun has been dipping lower in the sky, about to go down. takes a lot of energy out of the atmosphere and that will quiet down the last of the leftover showers. dry weather will take over tonight. we'll start off tomorrow morning with locally dense fog. we'll see plenty of sunshine by tomorrow afternoon. we'll see how long
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we could keep that around coming up in the full forecast. >> all right, thank you. we have new results that are still coming in for some of the big races in california's primary. but we know one thing. san francisco voters, they are fed up with the city's challenges, sending a clear message at the ballot box. so mayor london breed will be holding her state of the city address tomorrow. laying out her vision for the future. it comes after she got a big political win last night with voters passing two measures she backed, designed to deal with public safety and the drug crisis. prop e passed with a nearly 60% vote. it's designed to give police more powers, including access to surveillance cameras and drones. it would also lift restrictions on police chases. and then prop f, it passed with 63% of the vote. it would require mandatory drug screenings for people struggling with addiction who are getting cash assistance from the city. >> this is not about being hard on crime. it is not being soft
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on crime. it's about being smart and being balanced and being fair, providing those second chances and providing the opportunities. and making sure those lines are crossed that there say count ability. >> reporter: so the decisive results were a victory not just for the mayor, but a more moderate agenda. wilson walker has more on what the election says about the current political pulse of the city. i think there is a good chance that we'll see a couple of chances. hopefully prop 8 could hold on. and probably have a little bit of a mixing in the middle of the pack. >> reporter: even with some changes, a big night for the director of grow sf and one of the architects of a string of victories for san francisco's moderate democrats. >> i actually don't feel like it was us that influenced the election. it was the voters and us responding to the voters. >> reporter: the set of
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victories, however, hardly the beginning of something for the city's moderates, this is now a pattern going on two years. >> you know, november 2020, we basically lost everything. and then we got the school board recall. we got the recall. we've got matt dorsey and brook jenkins. and now we've got democratic party and we've got prop e and f. >> whether you're the school board, the d.a., they're throwing you out. so the question is whether the mayor and supervisors will be next. >> reporter: what can they tell us about november? we ran into the assembly member at city hall, offering a take on the implications, starting with the mayor's office. >> with respect to our friends, where that got crushed. i don't know what the narrative is now. >> reporter: last night's vet has implications for the board. >> now you have a democratic
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party that's controlled by the moderate faction that are going to endorse all the more moderate candidates in november, which means likely some trouble for con knee, some trouble for de. >> the lesson i learned from last night is that the grassroots campaign must mobilize. >> reporter: supervisor con knee chen, up for re-election in district one pointed to low turnout and tied the results in the city shifting politics. two national political trends. >> i am saying that they are political opportunist, taking the trends, taking the scene, and they are grabbing onto it and turning that into something else in san francisco. >> reporter: does your group plan to endorse somebody? >> we will definitely make endorsements, but we will wait. >> reporter: that filing deadline is in june, still plenty of time for everyone to let the results shake out.
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it's clear if you look back last year that the trend of the course appears to be set here in san francisco as the city approaches a very high stakes election in november. >> san francisco's department of elections says they still need to process and count more than 110,000 ballots. they expect to release the next elizabeth cook preliminary votes tomorrow afternoon. so a hotly contested race to represent silicon valley in congress is still too close to call. anne makovec here on district 16 race to fill anna eshoo's seat. we're still looking at the numbers coming in? >> yes, we are and hot off the prez as we just got new minutes in the next past few minutes or so. it changes some of the percentages. so for these candidates, it is all still up in the air with a lot of people waiting for all these votes to be counted because it's razor thin. and so here are the latest numbers right now. this is sam liccardo leading, which
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we knew that already. joe simitian, 17.7%. and evan low has 15.6%. so just some very minor changes in the percentages there. the top two candidates, of course, are going to head to the november runoff. liccardo's spot in the race is all, but confirmed. he was already celebrating last night. it was an early front runner, raking in nearly double the cash as his competitors in the first month and a half of that campaign. >> i'm pretty familiar with the turf if washington, d.c. and what i know is we've got to get congress focused on the problems that our residents are most concerned about like homelessness and the housing crisis and the utility costs, and a whole host of challenges that it is not just us facing, but many communities across the country are facing. >> reporter: young joe simitian was hopeful last night. he has 40 years of elected office experience including serving on the state senate, and the palo
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alto unified school board. now he has his eyes set on wider goals. >> on day one, we're going to restore a woman's right to choose. we're going to press forward farther and faster on climate change here in the united states and around the globe. we're going to make sure that everyone in this country has access to affordable healthcare and keeps themselves healthy and well. >> reporter: so the district that they are vying for will cover parts of san mateo and santa clara county. mountainview and parts of san jose. the race to succeed will represent anna eshoo as the nation's most expensive u.s. house race. and now you might have seen the ads for this candidate. plastering the air waves over the last couple of months including spending much of his own money, coming up
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fifth place overall. so again, we are still waiting for more updated numbers, where it could be several days away. but the top two has not changed since last night. just those little percentages, but evan low, yeah, no word from his campaign and i don't think that he will be bowing out until we see more results. >> and i was still waiting for him to say buy everyone a round of ice cream. [ laughter ] >> very wholesome party over there. >> it really was. anne, thank you so much. all right, so the stage is set for a november showdown in the race to replace the late california senator dianne feinstein. democrat adam schiff and republican steve garvey claimed the top two spots ahead of katie porter and bay area congressman, barbara lee. >> we are so lucky. >> but as you see here, there were some tense moments last night during schiff's victory speech in southern california. protesters interrupting him, calling for a cease-fire in gaza. in fact that's what they were shouting. schiff stopped
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speaking, waiting for demonstrators to stop. when he didn't, his supporters started chanting his name. schiff was eventually able to finish his speech. he reacted to the results and addressed the conflict in the middle east today. >> our democracy continues particularly when we have a presidential candidate promising to be a dictator on day one. but look, in terms of the middle east, i want to live side by side in peace. i want the west bank and gaza to be controlled by a reformed palestinian authority. not run by a terrorist organization. i want to make sure we get the hostages released. >> garvey is a newcomer to politics after a successful career as a major league baseball player. but he faces significant uphill challenges including the fact no republican has won a statewide office in california since 2006. but garvey says he is optimistic. >> welcome to the california comeback. [ cheering ] what you
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are all feeling tonight is what it is like to hit a walk-off home run. keep in mind this is the first game of a double header. so keep the evening of november 5 open. as we will celebrate again. >> it means no matter who wins in november, california will not have a woman representing for the first time since 1992. prop one, the only proposition in the ballot is still a nail biter. you can see the numbers right here. look at how close that is. a part of governor newsom's plan to address the homelessness and mental health crisis a split by 50-50. the latest numbers show the yes vote ahead by less than 22,000 votes. all right, we will keep you posted on the big races still in play. you can find links to
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updated election results on still ahead, an arrest in a bizarre crime spree happening in the south bay that started with a suspected dui crash. why police say things got really disturbing when they searched the suspect's home. and one east bay city wants to make illegal dumpers pay for the clean up. it's the ne you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile.
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a mother and a child were found dead inside an apartment. according to the press democrat, officers found the woman and her 10-year-old son just before 8:00 this morning at the spring lake apartments. details are limited on their cause of death and their names have not been released. a gilroy man already in jail for allegedly hitting two cars while drunk and having guns in his vehicle is now accused of trying to rig his house with explosives. so the crash haened on february 28 near mantelli drive and wren avenue. police found the man sitting in his bmw nearby. an ar-15 in the trunk. 46-year-old marcus beck is a german citizen working and living as a software engineer in gilroy. police say after the arrest when they went to search his house and seize more weapons, they were overwhelmed by the smell of propane coming from the kitchen stove, which they then determined was rigged to
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explode. luckily that didn't happen and no one was hurt. but the deputy d.a. says it wasn't just the officers at risk if the worst had happened. >> the person getting behind the wheel like that crashing into cars is incredibly dangerous. the person doing that with loaded firearms in his car is even more dangerous. and the conduct that he is currently charged with for what was going on inside his house, not only magnifies concerns especially when you are four doors down from an elementary school. >> here is what's scary. they thought he would try to remotely light the gas. now the city of pittsburg is trying to get tough. the city just boosted its fines with the hope of making people think twice. >> reporter: they have seen it all over the last 12 years
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since opening hair style beauty supply in pittsburg. >> people, i e don't know what time they are coming in, but they will be coming in. a lot of trash is going around. i'm actually, personally always picking up in this area. >> reporter: he's talking about this illegal dumping spot right across from his business at the corner of harbor street and atlantic avenue. this is what we found today. debris and lots of trash in a shopping cart. >> i think it is necessary to give out an extra fine. we need to be enforcing. >> reporter: that is exactly what pittsburg city council is hoping to do after introducing a proposed ordinance that would increase fines for illegal dumping to $1,000 per incident,, the maximum allowed by the state. >> we have seen a huge increase in illegal dumping throughout the city. for and it has become a problem all over the bay
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area. here, we recognize the need to really do something about that as we see more and more development. and a lot of investment in our roadways and infrastructure, it is something that we want to make sure that we are addressing. >> reporter: jordan davis, pittsburg's director of community and economic development says this ordinance would also give the police the authority to hold the person dumping the trash responsible for the cost of the cleanup. they will also use license plate readers technology to catch those vehicles involved. >> so right now we're looking at april 18, april 19 for the ordinance potentially going into effect. we would begin enforcing it that day. >> reporter: even though kim tells me one thing leads to another from trash to crime to homelessness. he hopes this plan will work because he wants his customers to feel comfortable coming here. >> i'm always praying for that. but i have hope that they
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will keep trying and it will get better. >> okay, so the city says it spends $100,000 a year on the clean up of illegally dumped debris. still ahead from thunderstorms and lightning today to sunshine. things are drying out
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kind of a bumpy day as we expected the showers. but what we didn't expect is the intensity of the thunderstorms or how numerous they became. here is the rain dumped across parts of the bay area and over an inch of rain that fell on the st. mary's campus. picking up half an inch of rain just short of that and mountainview, a third of an inch of rain. but it is not the specific numbers, it's how fast the rain fell as the thunderstorms that will develop kind of parked in place. so why did we see so many more thunderstorms than expected? well, we knew there would be moisture being sent in. we knew they would send most of their moisture, most of their energy into southern had california. and as we went through the midday. and pin wheeling around us. and now
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those showers and thunderstorms are quieting down. a few leftover sprinkles this evening, they will fall apart over the course of the next couple of hours. and the high category on friday, it is that time of the year, right around the corner, knocking down the pollen count by saturday and sunday with more showers in the forecast. and make sure you're stocked up on allergy medication and tissues as well. let's take a look outside right now from the mark hopkins, san jose. and the warm spot on the map in santa rosa. later on tonight, it will be the cold spot down to 38 degrees while the rest of the bay area will level off in the
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40s to begin the day on thursday. temperature are going to warm up despite that cool chilly start. high temperatures are going to reach up to a degree or two of what's normal for this time of the year and for most of us into the low to mid-60s by thursday afternoon. and not a whole lot of variation unless you're right along the coast where the temperatures will be a little cooler, which is what you would expect. the upper 50s for half moon bay and in san francisco, it is one degree below normal. and a little warmer up to 66 degrees for the high temperature in novato. temperatures reaching the mid to upper 60s on friday, even touching 70 degrees. you're looking forward to a longer break from the dry weather. well, we're going to have to wait a little bit longer. and the great dog walking weather here for those that look
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uncertain. and plenty of sunshine throughout the rest of the day. you'll want to wait for the longer stretch of dry weather and it is in the long term forecast. and not just for the bay area and most of the western u.s. and a significant chance of warmer than normal conditions. and that will carry us into st. patrick's day weekend as they will arrive on march 19 this year. thanks to leap year. let's take a look at the seven-day forecast, including the traditional chance for showers over the weekend. and light shower activity on sunday. but the showers are going to be out there and be flexible with any outdoor plans and be ready to adjust. the heaviest rain, probably monday night into tuesday, and then the beginning of that dry stretch of weather. the warmer stretch of weather that will start to settle in on
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wednesday of next week. it's getting away. all right, thank you. still ahead, the rare visitor in
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but a rare and unexpected visitor forced the bellagio to halt its fountain show last night. here's why. >> ladies and gentlemen, due to technical difficulties, the next regularly scheduled show at the fountains of bellagio will not be performing. >> what? why? that's because a yellow loom landed on the lake. it's first spotted on february 26 in henderson after getting blown off course during a migration north to alaska. >> it is really off course here. very unusual to see >> these brazen, heinous attacks on our subway system will not be tolerated. >> norah: tonight, crime in america. new york's governor deploys national guard troops to patrol the country's largest mass transit system amid an uptick in violent crime. >> because i don't


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