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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  March 6, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PST

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merchandise recovered. how a particular theft in an alameda old navy store led to the take down of an alleged crime ring. a sobering perspective through the eyes of an er doctor who left his own children in the bay area to treat children in gaza's war zone. >> it makes you wonder what the rest of the world is doing.. and panera is raising the minimum wage in a wake of a firestorm with the ceo's connection to governor newsom. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. so, let's start with the wild weather. it really made for rare sights around the bay area. take a look. you may of seen this. it appears to be a funnel cloud. this photo showing the scene in vacaville just before 3:00 p.m. emergency officials say it did not touch down and no damage was reported. we have seen
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lightning strikes due to the unsettled weather. photojournalist captured this as he was driving down highway 87 in san jose. with the thunderstorms came the rain. the sky suddenly opening up in gilroy this afternoon. for more on all of this wile weather and if is going to calm down, here is paul heggen. >> we expected the showers but not the number and intensity of the thundershowers. the funnel cloud likely what we call a cold air funnel and they rarely ever reach down close to touching down but startling if you were seeing that. now thing are calming down. we have an urban and small stream flood advisory in effect for alameda county until 7:15. i thought the weather service was going to cancel it 45 minutes ago because the rain quieted down in that part of the region. a few pinpoint showers one in santa rosa for the most. those will calm down now that the sun
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is down it takes a lot of the energy out of the atmosphere. the loop over the past couple hours, you see the showers diminishing minute by minute and that was the trend we expected to occur and it will be clearing out. locally dense fog on thursday. dry weather returns to the pay area on thursday and continues as we finish the workweek on friday. can we keep it going into the weekend? it is 2024, not many dry weekends to this point. details on this coming up. >> looking forward to that. take a look at this. these are piles and piles of clothes, obviously, it is part of a huge haul of mensh merchandise stolen. it shows the sophistication of how these rings have gotten. >> reporter: the police tracked it down to a home in oakland but the investigation started
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at this old navy store in alameda. >> reporter: they are not revealing the location of the home. but the alameda police chief says the stolen merchandise was arranged as if it was on display for shoppers. >> most of the items had the tags on them. hangers, the operation when i say it was similar to any other retail store there were specific locations at this residence where specific items were categorized and stored. >> reporter: a side from $10,000 in cash and several vehicles, officers recovered eight truck loads of stolen merchandise. much of this clothing. they caught wind of it after a robbery. store security spotted a pattern of other thefts at stores in the center and was able to help the police identify individuals involved and a location of their drop off point.
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>> we began to learn that loss from retailersed in of alameda and other cities was being brought to that location as well. that further led us to believe that there was a fencing operation that it was coming throughout the region. >> reporter: retail theft has grown in recent years but california attorney general says that it is a mistake to think that it is just being committed by people in need. >> let me be clear it is not about one off thefts from stores, it is not about the occasional smash and grab at the local big box store. this is about a multibillion dollar criminal enterprise. criminal schemes that are complex and orchestrated and incredibly organized. >> for example. they announced the arrest of michelle mack. accused of running an $8 million theft ring throughout
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california out of her san diego mansion. she allegedly dispatched women around the state to steal beauty products from ulta and stephora stores. the fencing operation in oakland was not quite on that level. but, again, she says that they are still not sure how far it may reach. >> they are not stopping here. it is possible that we want to go as high up as we can to figure out who all is involved, where else is it occurring, where are the links. >> reporter: the thieves are organized so prevention needs to be organized as well. law enforcement, business community and the public must work together to fight a crime that is costing everyone a lot of money and putting people at risk. >> wow. >> state lawmakers are currently discussing a package of bills aimed at stopping organized retail theft. the measuresip cludeincreased penalties and a requirement for
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online retailers to have records to prove. and aimed at deploying new tactics to fight crime and drugs the two measures are backed by mayor london breed making it a big political win for her. prop e. passed with a 60% vote. it gives the police more powers including access to more cameras and drones. it lifts restrictions on police chases. and then prop f. it is passed with 63% of the vote. it requires mandatory drug screenings for those receiving cash assistance from the city. the results are showing the shift towards a more moderate agenda in san francisco. >> i actually don't feel like it was us that influenced the election it was the voters. it was us responding to the voters. >> some of the moderates behind the prop say this is now a pattern going on two years. but, progressives are now pointing the finger at low voter turnout and a shift in national political trends.
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it will be democratic congressman adam schiff and republican steve garvey competing for the highly coveted senate seat with katie porter, east bay congressman, barbara lee now out of the running. it will be the first time california will not have a woman in the senate since dianne feinstein took the seat more than 30 years ago. >> so lucky, so lucky to live in a democracy. there was a lot of drama at his election night party with protesters calling for a ceasefire in gaza shouting him down. two jewish groups claim to be behind the protest and today he addressed it >> first of all i am glad i live in the country where it is is alowed. i want to make sure that our -- is allowed. i want to make sure that our democracy continues when we have a republican candidate promising to be dictator on day one. i
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want to live side by side in peace. west bank and gaza to be controlled by a reformed palestinian authority not run by a terrorist organization and i want to get the hostages released. i want to make sure we get aid to the people in gaza and reduce casualties there. >> more than a dozen american family members of those taken by hamas met with lawmakers to call for the immediate release of the hostages. they will also be at the state of the union tomorrow and are asking those in attendance to wear yellow ribbons or doing tags a sign of solidarity. negotiations are underway to reach a temporary ceasefire by the start of ramadan that is this sunday. the deal includes the release of hostages and humanitarian aid to gaza. for those stuck in the war zone. we checked back in with a local doctor who left his own
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children behind right here in the pay area to treat other children in gaza. now, some of the images that you are about to see are heartbreaking. they are disturbing. you know, it even generated a long editorial discussion right here in our news room. we decided it was important to show the reality of war. >> reporter: the wounded, like there infant cry for help. the doctor is losing count of shrapnel injuries in a war he never experienced until now. >> today was packed with gunshot wounds to the chest, to the face, to the abdomen to the pelvis. >> before leaving the bay area in february the emergency room doctor only seen media images of civilians becoming casualties of war. this baby and little boy were found under rubble with no family to be found. >> you don't realize how dire the circumstances are until you come and work here.
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>> reporter: we piece together clips in an interview cut short because of unreliable cell reception, it a struggle at times to cope with what seems like an endless stream of injuries. >> i was called into a resuscitation bed to a 12-year-old who had his brains blown out and was taking his final breaths. >> the world health organization says fewer than half of the hospitals in gaza are even partly functional. deep in the heart of gaza where the cost of war is piercing. >> i held an older man in my arms as he was, he was crying at the loss of his wife. >> reporter: the former refugee that grew up in the west bank came to the whuz he was 7 years old. the stanford-educated doctor has seen this war through a different lens. >> the palestinians here have
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been so dehumanized. we lost perspective of the human dignity that each one deserves. >> explosions rattled the field hospital in rafah where he is stationed in southern gaza. some detonated less than a third of a mile away. >> it makes you wonder what the rest of the world is doing. >> reporter: health officials report at least 20 people died from malnowtrician and dehydration he says he is focusing on what he can control but at times immersed in the struggle of hope and despair. >> the u.n. says at least 300 health care workers reported killed since the start of the war. >> reporter: he left behind his wife, his teenage son, and
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7-year-old son in the bay area. >> i miss my children and i miss holding them every night. >> reporter: it is a sacrifice his elder son told me he accepts and understands knowing his father is in more than a medical mission. >> ultimately kind of remember our fundamental collective humanity because without that the world just falls apart. >> reporter: it a humanitarian mission with countless lives and much more on the line. >> he is nearing his five week mission. he is expected to head back to the bay area and his family in less than two weeks. we will be right back deep breath. cancer is a journey you don't take alone. you did it! our cancer care team works together to care for all that is you.
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. welcome back in the wake of all of the exceptions of the state minimum wage law. the
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owner of 25panera bread locations decided to raise his employee's pay. it goes into effect april 1st but does not belong to putting in bread as a stand alone. it would of likely been challenged in court before he volunteered to raise his employee's pay >> there is a fast food council that is established in the law to oversee the administration of the program and to continue to set different wage levels. >> flin and newsom went to high school together and he is a long time supporter and donor to his re-election campaign and the antirecall campaign in 20 22. what a wild day s. more on the way or is it going to calm
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down? >> things calmed down this evening. they will continue to be calm as we head through the end of the workweek. we did add up quite a bit more rain than anticipated. expected the shower but the intensity and the number of the thunderstorms that was the surprising part of how things shaped up today. leftover clouds today, how much rain did add up and san jose picked up half afternoon inch of rain. just barely. on the campus in saint mary's, the numbers goes down on the list. a quarter of an inch. some of the numbers that are half a inch or above, the rainfall in a short amount of time. we had the warnings for much of the afternoon. why did the system overachieve in it did behalf sending most of the energy into southern california. the swirl of clouds is the center of the storm system. it did what we expected. sent some moisture to the bay area and lifting over the bay area. one factor not expected is that the way the winds behaved. the winds rotate
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counter clockwise, so the wind was blowing southeast to northwest across the bay area, this afternoon, around midday, the breeze tried to reassert itself, westerly winds running into southeasterly winds and that added more lift to the atmosphere and got more thunderstorms to get going. once they tapped into the instability of the upper levels of the atmosphere, they were off to the races. that maximized the flooding potential. right now, a couple left over showers, the loop, showing the showers falling apart over the past few hours, now, we will get into the dry break tomorrow and friday. skies clearing out early morning fog on thursday and we will see plenty of sunshine for the end of the workweek on friday. that is the warmest day that we are going to see until likely the later half of next week. get out and enjoy it over the next couple of days before the next system sending a chance of showers into the bay area over the weekend. looking outside from the mark hopkins hotel. plenty of breaks, 49 degrees in livermore, everybody else is still in the lower to middle 50s. there will be a few
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cool spots later tonight. chilly in the north pay valleys, down to the upper 30s. most of us starting off in the morning in the 40s, warming up to what is normal for this time of the year. that means high temperatures reaching up into the lower to middle 60s. everybody within a degree or two of what is average for the 7th day of march. the temperatures will be a little cooler right along the coast. you will be the exception with high temperatures in the upper 50s for half moon bay, pacifica, it is where you expect to number early march. upper to middle 60s. 66 degrees in nevado, warmer temperatures in store on friday. above average but just for one day. cooler and unsettled weather pattern will be back heading into the weekend. we can not shake out of it for and prolonged length of time. i will take a couple dry days, off and on showers, light, likely, more miss than hit. they will be out there. flexible with the outdoor plans, ran chances ramp back up late sunday into monday. the
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heaviest rainfall, monday night into tuesday. then, the rain chances really drop off and we begin the stretch of dry weather beginning wednesday of next week. and it will be warmer weather as well. seeing it on the 10 day temperature outlook for san jose. running close to or below high temperatures through the weekend into early next week. a steep climb up the roller coaster with the temperatures flirting with 80 degrees in the santa clara valley by friday and saturday of next week. it is well above normal for saint patrick's day weekend. we will keep you updated. ways beyond it. showery pattern, back in place. saturday, sunday, not a total wash out. you want to be flexible and have an indoor alternative ready to go. we will keep it in place on monday, monday night, tuesday, that is the most widespread rain and then we begin our stretch of dry weather on wednesday with the temperatures climbing into the upper 60s and 70s after that. just beyond the seven-day forecast. gives us something to look forward to. >> it does. i can not wait. all
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right paul, thank you very much. cell service technology is popp - temperatures cooling down as we head into the weekend and stronger onshore... ah, i stepped off the coast again. - the winds are really picking up. - fog spreading farther inland. - and in the north bay, you're gonna get soaked. (water splashing) - [narrator] presenting the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. - as i lift this, you can actually see... - [narrator] on kpix and pix+. (wind blowing) it's that real. (water splashing) - let's move on to the seven-day now. is it possible to count on my internet like my customers (wcount on me?ng) it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability.
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. the tsa is testing new self-service security screening systems as they join the growing list of companies and
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organizations trying to replace people with machines and automation. all right, so, now, passengers atlas vegas international airport where the new system is being tested are greeted by remote agents on a screen and automated bag screenings. the tsa says the new approach is meant to let passengers go at their own pace through the lines. >> i see, the hair clip. >> are you serious? >> normally i would not have a hiccup. but i don't like getting scanned four or five times >> it is as secure as a regular checkpoint? >> it is. we do evaluations against the kinds of threats that pose risks to air travel >> tsa officials say this new system allows them to have 8 agents instead of the 12 in that process. they said it will not mean a cut to the number of agents. i just hope it moves things quickly if that is the case. icons turned into dolls, how some of the most inspiring
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women in the world are being honored. tonight at 8:00 on the prime time edition, a home in gilroy rigged to blow up. we are in the community with the shocking claims from the investigators that is sat 8:00 over on pix plus
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international women's day is this friday. some of the celebration some of the inspiring women are being honored with a look alike barbie in. look at that. this year it is barbie's birthday. guess how old she is? 65. the senior vice president is her secret is she reflects the world that people see around
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them. thanks for watching. the news continues at 8:00 on pix plus and
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud." give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] steve: how y'all? i appreciate that. how y'all? thank you,


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