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tv   The Late News  CBS  March 6, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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now at 11:00 a home apparently rigged to explode steps away from a school, the bizarre sequence of events that led to the rest of a south bay engineer who had been kicked off that campus days before. >> we were not notified for two days. was she lifted her san francisco apartment longer than most people have lived. >> we moved here in 1942. >> the eviction scare that
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nearly forced her out at the age of 94. downpours and lightning were one thing, but it is a good thing this didn't come down. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey, on cbs news bay area. hi, i am sara donchey pretty nice we begin with a truly bizarre sequence of events that not only scared a lot of people, it left some wondering how did we get here? so it began with a man who should not have been there, but turned up at a south bay school, and ended with police and firefighters walk into what can only be described as a -trap ready to explode. police say 46-year-old software engineer marcus beck was caught last week looking around in elementary school. theodore down. two days later police arrested him for a dui crash nearby and say they found multiple loaded guns in his
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bmw including an ar 15, the filed a gun violence restraining order. when they showed up to serve it they say officers were overwhelmed by the smell of gas spewing from earners. on the kitchen stove. the chimney and the fireplace were plugged up and strangely there were cell phones strewn around the house. the d.a. thinks maybe to try to remotely ignite a fire. the neighborhood was evacuated and the elementary school was put on lockdown. fortunately firefighters and gas crews were able to shut everything down before anything exploded. kelsey thorne spoke with parents who say they are still trying to process everything that happened steps away from where their kids sat in class. >> reporter: the suspect may be behind bars but many parents here remain concerned about security at the school. >> i think the big problem was the lack of communication. parents weren't hearing much of anything. >> reporter: brandon einhorn
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is just one of several parents worried about the safety of their children in the aftermath of a string of strange crimes allegedly committed by a man who lives just across the street from this elementary school. it makes us feel like we are not doing our best job to protect our kids and maybe the school might not be doing their job, as well. >> during the incident the school to communicate what was going on. please someone walking around the schools and we were not notified for two days. >> i just want my kid to come to school and feel safe. took the whole series of events has shaken the community. so much so, the school held an emergency meeting last friday. >> i feel like they are doing the best that they can given the situation. obviously changes don't happen overnight. >> reporter: brandon says the school has already put up a temporary fence around the campus and has also added more security on site during the day. what happened here is a
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sad reminder of the threats out there and should prompt local officials to take more proactive steps to keep their children safe. >> it is easy to forget all these instances that have happened around our country for years. until it hits close to home, it is easy to be busy and forget that we need to be taking care of our kids and make sure they are safe. >> reporter: brandon also told me he heard then school officials are planning to put in a permanent fence around the campus. so earlier today i asked the deputy district attorney about this very strange case. she told me the suspect is facing seven charges so far for the alleged crimes and that more are coming. >> the person getting behind the wheel like that, crashing into cars is apparently dangerous. offloaded firearms in the car? even more dangerous and the conduct that he is currently charged with for what was going on only magnifies concerns, especially when you are four doors down from an elementary school.
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>> reporter: beck is being held without bail tonight, he is expected in court in april. april. in a joint statement with the city, the school district said it is reviewing how the case was handled in terms of notified parents and is already planning a new safety training. by the hour, it has been near impossible, but most a groups to get help and people, many have been reduced to eating animal feed to survive. a growing number of children are dying from dehydration and malnutrition. one of the people working day and night to help
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is this e.r. physician from the south bay, dr. mohammad subeh traveled to gaza a few weeks ago, knowing full well he may not return back home. he showed our kenny choi what he is dealing with every day and we do have to warn you, his story, although powerful, may be difficult to hear and see. >> reporter: the wounded, like this infant, desperately cry for help. dr. mohammad subeh is losing count of shrapnel injuries in the war . he has never experienced until now. >> today was packed with gunshot wounds to the chest, to the face, to the admin. >> reporter: before leaving in february, the emergency room doctor had only seen media images of civilians becoming casualties of war this baby and little boy were found under rubble, no family to be found. >> you don't like how dire the circumstances are until you
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come and work here. >> reporter: we pieced together clips and an interview cut short because of unreliable cell reception, he says it is tough to cope with an endless stream of unconscionable injuries. >> i was called into a resuscitation bed to a 12-year-old , had his brains blown out and was taking his final breath. >> reporter: fewer than half of the hospitals in gaza are even partly functional. he is deep in the heart of gaza where the cost of war is piercing. >> i held an older man in my arms as he was crying at the loss of his wife. >> reporter: the former refugees grew up in the west bank, came to the united states when he was seven years old.
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the stanford educated doctor is seeing this war through a different lens. >> the palestinians here have been so dehumanized. we have lost perspective at the human dignity that each one deserves. >> reporter: explosions rattle the field hospital in southern gaza. he says some have detonated less than a third of a mile away. >> makes you wonder what the rest of the world is doing. >> reporter: health officials reported at least 20 people have died from malnutrition and dehydration as a call to allow more aid into gaza grows louder. subeh says he is focusing on what he can control, at times reversing the struggle between hope and despair. >> most of us would give up if we lived even a few days here. >> reporter: the you and says at least 300 healthcare workers have been reported killed since the start of the war.
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subeh left behind his wife, his teenage son, and seven-year-old in the bay area. >> i miss my children and i miss holding them every night. >> it is a sacrifice his elder son told me he accepts and understands, knowing his father is entrenched in more than a medical mission. >> ultimately trying to remember our fundamental collective humanity . because without that , the world just falls apart . >> it is a humanitarian mission with countless lives and much more on the line. >> just an incredible report from kenny choi. tonight the european union is pushing for the creation of a sea route to get much needed aid to gaza from cyprus. israel is indicating it will allow it, along with more aid over land. we have had some interesting weather in the bay area in the past few weeks,
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including something spotted in vacaville we don't usually see even on our most eventful weather days. paul? >> it is the second photo clock we had in the last week or so. we also had some heavy rainfall at least for a period of time, over one inch of rain added up before things finally quieted down now we get to settle into that quieter pattern for at least a couple of days. details, coming up . if this guy was hoping for a clean getaway, he accomplished the exact opposite. have you ever heard someone describe themselves as a longtime resident of san francisco? this woman has them beat. she has lived in the same apartment for more than 80 years, until it was almost take it away. why she is breathing a sigh of relief tonight.
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some people spend a very long time in the same city, even the same neighborhood. one san francisco woman has spent over eight decades in the same apartment. and she tells andrea to connor she was facing eviction until she got some very good news. >> reporter: as you walk into this apartment, it is like taking a trip back into time. >> we moved here in 1942, which was the start of world war two . and i have lived here for 80 years. >> reporter: it was helen, her two sisters, and her father that moved in back then. her mother passed in 1937 . the last 80 years, this apartment has been full of life and
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unfortunately, death. >> wonderful memory, some bad but most of them wonderful memories. took after helen's father passed, she lived here with her sister. it was helen that took care of her sibling until she passed. >> this is the sister , her sister, and this is her, she is the youngest one. >> now helen at the age of 94 has a daughter that she was unable never able to have next door , has become much more than a neighbor. >> her sisters , her father, and now it is her turn. for me to take care of her. that is why i want to make sure she stays where she grew up. >> this is where helen wanted to live the rest of her life and she nearly missed out on that chance when a real estate investor bought the building. the plan was to get the current
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tenants out and raise the rent or sell a vacant building. but the tenants fought off the eviction attempt. >> it means the world to me. really, not just from me, but from the other people in the building. >> these two will continue to make special memories now, in their home sweet home. >> humanity is failing. no matter what you see, we are together . i told her that >> reporter: in a statement, the investor who owns the building told the renters were offered generous bias but when they learned of helen's story they decided to commit to keeping her and their neighbors in their homes. they say that will be decided in the next steps for the property's future in the coming weeks. we saw lots of rainfall today in different places. we are glad this didn't come down. >> we got some video, something from solano county around vacaville. yeah, not what you want to see anywhere. especially california where
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you don't see that very often. >> 3:00 this afternoon. >> this is what we call a cold air funnel. these rarely actually touched down but there is no way to tell it if you don't have meteorology from a funnel cloud that is in the process of becoming a tornado. >> very little discernment in terms of the difference. >> or anywhere else in the country, they do get these and other parts of the united dates, as well. very rarely they touched down. sometimes they do a little bit of week wind damage but that one state off the ground. >> good, bye-bye. please let's try out for a couple of days, how about that? comes up from both of us. let's take a look as we head into the end of the workweek, we are going to settle into a brief palmer weather pattern but let's not look at horse in the mouth a calmer weather pattern for the next couple days, dense fog will develop as we hit for the rest of tonight. i will take the first few hours of daylight to diminish and we should see
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plenty of sunshine lots of sunshine, warmer temperatures on friday and we are back into our cooler unsettled pattern as we head into the weekend. with that additional sunshine it will boost our solar electricity generation numbers which took a hit over the past several days. the cloud cover and all the rain chances, friday will be the hot water mark for the clouds to start to roll back in let's take a look at the clouds and the radar simulation on future cast. there is some of that fog tomorrow but it does diminish as we head toward's new. plenty of sunshine the rest of the day. i don't think we will see nearly as much fog on friday, which gives us that additional sunshine earlier to help boost temperatures up to a couple of degrees above average to finish off the workweek. the clouds approach friday night here comes the rain into the north bay is the sun is coming up on saturday, showers that will be really falling apart as they march across the bay area, not much more than a quarter inch of rain out of the system, the most likely scenario at this . by saturday afternoon we will see a few breaks in the cloud
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cover but we are not done with the rain chances at that .. another chance will be moving in late sunday and that will linger into early next week . while we are in this dry break, the price we pay is an increase in the pollen count. medium-high on friday. so if you are sensitive to juniper, older, or poplar, make sure you have the medication and a box of tissues handy. temperatures are dropping off with a clearing skies overhead. upper 40s and low 50s we will end up in the 40s by early tomorrow morning. chilly spots in the north bay valleys all the way down into the upper 30s but only a few degrees below average. let's take a look at tomorrow forecast highs which will be almost exactly average low to mid 60s for most of the bay area, including the santa clara valley, inland in the east bay, on the south end it doesn't matter if you are fremont or down in the peninsula. most likely topping out . tomorrow afternoon but on the coast a little cooler. upper 50s also very close to normal for this time of year.
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just about 60 degrees in san francisco and a few warmer readings in the north bay all the way up into the mid-60s around nevada with a couple of degrees warmer before the end of the workweek on friday. if you are looking forward to a longer stretch of dry and warmer weather we do have that eventually headed our way. a little farther down the line. the climate prediction center shows a significant chance of drier than normal conditions and warmer than normal conditions as we head towards the end of next week into st. patrick's day weekend. so there is prolonged light at the end of the tunnel. to get there first. let's take a look at the seven-day forecast. it is an unsettled we can forecast once we get past our dry weather tomorrow and write a and then light showers saturday and late sunday. the heaviest rain will be sunday night and again on tuesday neither of the systems look like they will bring any significant wind damage or flooding potential but it is something we keep an eye on and wednesday starts that larger stretch and warmer weather. something to look forward to. straight ahead in sports, no bigger sport story tonight and what the warriors did to the number two team in the
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east. statement game? what a difference a few days made. they crushed the milwaukee bucks
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good evening, everybody. the nba is a funny game. dubbs went from the worst loss of the season sunday in boston to the largest margin of victory against another kingpin of the league. steph curry's game was in witness protection sunday, only four points. tonight he was feeling himself. six threes. and with the ball left his hand, hit the sweet spot. 29 points. he actually had more rebounds then john is attending combo. stretch the lead to 25. does make 19 threes at it. 37 assists , warriors by 35. but it wasn't the player the game it was tracy jackson davis, jan is attending combo twice here, four times in the game . and he got rewarded at the other end as curry lobbed it
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for two-fisted slam . he scored 15 points and added seven rebounds, plus the locks. season-high 13 blocks in the game against the best offense in the league. the 57th overall pick of the teams that passed him in the draft would regret it and he made his case tonight. i am not calling them unsung heroes but the bench gets a shout out. not just for tonight but for this midseason turnaround for the bench accounted for 53 points and the difference maker of the second unit has been klay thompson . yes, he is not starting but his outlook, his attitude? >> what a day. look at this, are you kidding me? that is classy. >> thompson finished this sequence here. check the second quarter hustle. i love this place. jonathan kuminga hustle. thompson threw it down. what a
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five and double figures with 10. kerr pulled his guys when it was out of hand. played like this most of the night. this was the box first loss since the all-star break. so sara , they can enjoy this night as they move back to ninth in the conference to try to get to six. the chicago bulls are at chase center on thursday night but the warriors contested shots, they played far faster and they outscored the bucs 32-9 in the fourth quarter. that is domination. >> not a bad team to be, either. who could be mad going to work? i would be in a great mood, too. thank you. when things went south for the small plane and - it's so fun to watch jessica in this space.
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- this is a look at those clouds right now in real-time, but let's head underneath this cloud layer and take a look at our rainfall... - [narrator] the virtual view studio, part of "morning edition." weekday mornings starting at 5 on kpix.
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this next story takes running from the cops to a whole new level. this video from a chp helicopter so solano county sheriff's deputies going after someone who tried to run than swim away from them, kind of pick it happened near vallejo, they said they got a call, saw a man who looked suspicious and say he gave them a fake name and took off. he ended up crawling through the mud at low tide. >> hey, you in the red might as well keep going. you are going to freeze out there. might as well keep going towards land , you're going to freeze. we still see you. solano h3, looks like he is sliding toward land again. >> a sheriff's office says eventually they caught him and arrested him on multiple outstanding warrants. we are still waiting to hear back from them about what they were for. i don't know about you but i have always wondered if this is possible. apparently it is. a plane deployed its own parachute to avoid crashing into the ground. >> is anybody else seeing this? holy [ bleep ] >> i will say that again. actually, i can't. this
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happened in washington state, and while it still counts as a crash landing it was definitely a softer landing than it would have been the two men inside walked away. it is believed that the planes engine failed. one taylor swift says shake it off, you shake it off. the woman who came out of a co here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs
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they say laughter is the best medicine but don't underestimate the power of music, especially, apparently, when it comes to taylor swift . a missouri woman told reporters she was in a coma and her doctors had basically given up on her when her family told her to shake it off. >> everybody tells me that i almost died. >> angela fisher went to the hospital at the end of january for a >> then i had a massive bleed.
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>> reporter: as she was rushed into surgery, as she got out, she never woke up. for nearly seven days, angela lay motionless in a coma until an icu nurse had a suggestion. >> make some noises, do some thing. maybe we should start singing. >> reporter: started singing taylor swift over and over, louder and louder next to angela's bed. then the song ocher from the nearly week long coma. >> it was like she was struggling fairly. but we could tell that it seemed like she was hearing us. >> we were thrilled like oh my gosh, she blinked. >> i am so proud of my family and thankful to god. >> also thankful to the icu nurse. >> with the doctors gave up on me and told my family to tell me goodbye, she worked and worked and worked and here i am because of her. miracles do happen and it is wonderful to be here. >> reporter: it is a song that
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will forever be stuck in her head. please shake it off, shake it off. yeah, shake it off is really working well for me. >> that song is going to be buried in her subconscious for all time now. >> that store is going to get back to taylor swift. >> i am sure it will. but really, at the end of the day, the hero is that nurse who refused to give up. so even if she doesn't get to meet taylor, she has met a real-life superstar superhero. so many nurses are that way. we are super grateful for that. >> a family of swifties. >> tired of sleeping in your office, i'm just going to blast that song. >> jolted me awake. >> jordan ne >> miami beach wants to break up with toxic spring breakers. in a new psa, the city outlined the strict rules it'll implement this month in response to unruly crowds in past years. this includes curfews, higher parking fees, and limited beach access. >> and now,


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