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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  March 7, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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welcome on in and thank you for joining us this morning. it's thursday, march 7th. >> so let's get it started. >> you don't realize how dire the circumstances are until you come and work here. >> a bay area doctor's account of working in a war zone. as global calls for a ceasefire mount, a personal perspective from one of our community's own. mr. speaker, the president of the united states. >> after becoming the presumptive nominee for his party, president joe biden takes the mic speaking to millions in the state of the union address. can his words capture undecided voters as he looks to take on trump? i had my best on and i went into costco. and some guy walks over and goes, you must be a crosswalk guard. and i said, no. i build homes.
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>> building homes and building bridges in our community. to make ways for women. feel powerless in your career? meet a woman changing a system dominated by men. like self-checkout at the grocery store? how about the same experience going through security at the airport? we're checking on this on a thursday. good morning, everybody, i'm reed cowan. >> i'm nicole zaloumis. i feel like super tuesday and then a recap wednesday and now just here in the confines and like being home on the couch. >> here we are. >> and it's thursday which means it's friday junior. i'm gianna franco so the weekend is just around the corner. so loathes to look forward to. >> a live look at highway 9 in saratoga this morning. shut down due to the mudslide. we don't have the live shot unfortunately. the road closure between redwood gulch is expected to last through at least tomorrow. update there. and jessica, update on the weather. i think you said yesterday that we have some dry
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conditions for a few days here. thank goodness. oh my gosh. it's about time and i mean it was a very active weather day yesterday and i was actually down into the santa clara valley yesterday and the thunderstorms were no joke and they were loud too. they were kind of chatty just constant noise in the atmosphere. here's what's happening for us today. we're drying up finally but yesterday's rainfall totals were pretty impressive in some areas. a quarter inch in san rafael. they actually started to dissipate pretty fast in the north and annalist with drier conditions but skill cool and dense fog this morning in certain local areas especially up in the north bay. we have a mix of sun and clouds heading into this afternoon and it will clear up and it will be pretty nice for us today. little bit gusty along the coast and then we head into the friday forecast with some of the warmest weather we're going to see all week and a lot more sunshine right around the corner just to gear up for more unsettled weather into this weekend. so bit of a dry up just to see the exact same heading into saturday and
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sunday. here's what the winds are doing for us this morning. moving in if the north about 20-mile-per-hour, even 25-mile-per-hour winds along the coastline. but a lot lighter in the inland areas, pacifica, half-moon bay, maybe put the outdoor objects inside t going to be gustycontinuously in the afternoon hours today. as i mentioned a mix of sun and clouds for us this afternoon. not that bad. showers down into the santa clara valley and up into the sierra but back here in the bay not until saturday where we see a new frontal system slowly creeping its way in. i'm going to time this out for you coming up in the first alert forecast but for now back to you, g. >> thanks jess. and it helps that the roadways are dry this morning. live look here at the golden gate bridge. i just checked in with chp and a great start to the thursday morning drive. lightly traveled here and most of the bay area bridges are looking really good and in fact here's an overview we're seeing a lot of green on the sensors. so thumbs up for some of our major commutes and those areas that tend to bottleneck which is that ride to the bay bridge and that ride out of castro valley and hayward and 880 as you head to 92 and of course rides out of the south
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bay right now look really good. the one spot we're keeping a close eye on is that ride out of the altamont pass -- into the altamont pass coming out of tracy from 205 over to 680. speeds dipping down to about 20 miles per hour right at the connector and once past north flynn everything is back up to normal to the dublin interchange and even beyond that headed to 880. all right, fresh off his primary wins, president joe biden will speak to millions tonight in the state of the union address. it's really his chance to capture voter confidence as he seeks to take on trump. the president has now become his party's presumptive nominee preparing to go face-to-face with trump. in the next half hour we'll have a live report from washington, d.c. to drill down on how a presidential address is also strategy. setting the narrative on issue like the economy, immigration and the wars in ukraine and go k. looking live at san francisco where mayor breed will also sell herself and her
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accomplishments in her state of the city address later this morning. you know, breed also faces challengers who want her out of office in november. we expect breed will have more to say on public safety initiatives that voters green lit on super tuesday. addressing public safety in san francisco. so drilling down on the wins our wilson walker with a story that really shows the vote count on police and public safety has a lot to say about the political pulse of san francisco. >> i think there's a good that happens we see a couple of changes and hopefully prop a. can hold on and i think the d triple c candidates 8017 and 19 probably have a little bit of mixing in the middle of the pack. >> reporter: even with some changes it was a big night for steven buss director of grow sf. and one of the architects of a string of victories for san francisco's moderate democrats. >> i actually don't feel like it was us that influenced the election. it was the voters and it was us responding to the voters. >> reporter: the set of
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victories, however, hardly the beginning of something for the city's moderates. this is now a pattern going on two years. >> you know, november 2020, we basically lost everything. and then we got the school board recall. we got the boudin recall and we've got -- matt dorsey and brooke jenkins. and now we've got democratic party. and we've got prop e. and f.. >> whether you are the school board. the da, the democratic party members, they're throwing you out. and so the question is, you know, will the mayor and the supervisors be next? >> reporter: what can the march vote tell us about november? we ran into assembly member matt haney at city hall and the former supervisor offered a candid take on the election's implications starting with the mayor's office. >> you know, with all respect to my friend, you know asha. really went in on prop b. and that got crushed. aaron, you know -- i don't know what aaron peskin's narrative is now if he gets in the race. now you have a democratic party that's controlled by the moderate faction. that are
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going to endorse all -- all the more moderate candidates in november. which means likely some trouble for connie. some trouble for dean. >> the grassroots campaign must mobilize. >> reporter: supervisor connie can a progressive up for re-election in district 1 pointed to low turnout. she also tied the results and the city's shifting politics to national political trends. >> i am saying that there are political tunists that they are taking that trends and that they are taking -- political wins and they are grabbing on to it and turned that into something else in san francisco. >> reporter: is this your group? plan to endorse somebody for the mayor? >> we will definitely make endorsements for mayor but we're going to wait until after the filing deadline. >> reporter: the filing deadline is in june. still plenty of time for everyone to let the results shake out and digest them but it's clear the, the trend, the course, appears to be set here in san francisco. as the city
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approaches a very high-stakes election in november. >> going to be a big one. election officials still have to process about 110,000 ballots this morning. they expect to release the next preliminary votes this afternoon and we will be watching. links to updated election results by the way can be found on nicole? developing in the middle east, the situation in gaza is getting more desperate by the hour. it's been near impossible for most aid groups to get in and according to the "new york times," many people have been reduced to eating animal feed to survive. and a growing number of children are dying from dehydration and malnutrition. one of the people working day and night to help is a physician from the south bay. he traveled to gaza a few weeks ago knowing full well he might not return thome. he showed our kenny choi and a warning his story although powerful may be difficult to hear and watch. >> [ spea king in a global
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language ] >> reporter: the wounded, like this infant, desperately cry for help. dr. mohammed sue bay is losing count of shrapnel injuries in war he has never experienced until now. >> today was backed with gunshot wounds to the chest. to the face, to the abdomen. to the pelvis. >> reporter: before leaving the bay area in february, the emergency room doctor had only seen media images of civilians becoming casualties of war. this baby and little boy were found under rubble with no family to be found. >> you don't realize how dire the circumstances are until you come and work here. >> reporter: we pieced together clips in an interview cut short because of unreliable cell reception. he says it's a struggle at times to cope with what seems like an endless stream of unconscionable injuries. >> i was called into a resuscitation bed. you know, 12-year-old who had his brains
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blown out. and was taking his final breaths. >> reporter: the world health organization says fewer than half of hospitals in gaza are even partly functional. he is deep in the heart of gaza with the cost of war is piercing. >> i held an older man in my arms as he was -- he was crying at the loss of his wife. >> reporter: the former refugee who grew up in the west bank came to the united states when he was 7 years old. the stanford educated doctor is seeing this war through a different lens. >> the palestinians here have been so dehumanized. they've -- we've lost perspective at the -- the human dignity that each one deserves. >> reporter: explosions rattled the field hospital in rafah where he is stationed in southern gaza. he says some have detonated less than a third of a mile away. >> makes you wonder what the
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rest of the world is doing. >> reporter: health officials report at least 20 people have died from malnutrition and dehydration as the call to allow more aid into gaza grows louder. sube says he's focusessen what he can control but is at times immersed in the struggle between hope and despair. >> i think most of us would give up even if we lived few days here. >> reporter: the u. n. says at least 300 health care workers have been reported killed since the start of the war. sube left behind his wife and teenage son and 7-year-old mahed in the bay area. >> i miss my children. and i miss holding them every night. >> reporter: it's a sacrifice his elder son ahmad told me he accepts and understands. knowing his father is entrenched in more than a medical mission. >> ultimately, kind of remember
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our fundamental collective humanity. because without that, the world just falls apart. >> reporter: it's a humanitarian mission with countless lives. and much more on the line. >> that was kenny choi reporting. it's 5:11. still ahead a major retail theft bust in alameda county is showing just how sophisticated some of the operations have gotten. why police say the problem. it's creating more of a challenge for them. shawn? >> reporter: well, it's an industry that's almost 90% men. that's why one local woman isstanding up for her career in construction. coming up. why she says there could be more women like her easily in this business. here's a live look outside before we head to break. sunny skies ahead and we're going to ask jess all about that as
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welcome back on this thursday morning. all month we are celebrating the contributions of women past and present and during women in construction week, we want to highlight a woman standing out in the bay area for her career in an industry that is dominated by men. our shawn chitnis is live this morning in cupertino with more on how she got her start and hopes other women will consider doing the same in construction. good morning, shawn. >> reporter: hey gianna, good morning. we are here at one of the communities made by the home builder taylor morrison. that's the company who employs this woman we want to introduce
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you to. and they say by the way that they have more than doubled the number of women who work for their company over the past five years. this particular woman has taken on a leadership role. she gets that last look and that final word before a home is signed off and delivered to a family. >> i had my vest on and i went into costco and some guy walks over and goes, oh, you must be a crosswalk guard. and i said no. i build homes. >> reporter: atria started in that line of work at a young age. her father was an electrician and brought her along on jobs when she was growing up. today, she represents the 11% of women who work in construction. >> this division of the bay area i am the only woman superintendent here. so that's pretty cool. >> reporter: she's been in that role for about ten years and had to prove to plenty of men that she's up for the job.
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transitioning from the customer service side of construction she loves to oversee one mouse after the other getting ready for someone to move in. she wants people to imagine more women doing work like this. not limited to the sales and marketing jobs in the business. >> it is so rewarding for my kids to drive through a community and say you know, mom built those homes, that's cool. >> reporter: as a superintendent her day is filled with inspections making sure they are meeting all city requirements at all stages of the process. she says she had to work harder and be better to earn her spot in the industry. being detail oriented and a multitasker which she hopes helps more women to join her in construction. >> this is not something that you have to be a male to do. >> reporter: she says a lot of women already have the mindset if the skills to do the work. but don't realize they could be a part of this industry. where there's a common goal so many would enjoy athieving together. >> the end result is you are building a dream.
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>> reporter: and she says that one aspect of her work and the company that continues to inspire her is that the ceo of taylor morrison is also a woman. and that the board that oversees the company is half men and half women. gianna, back to you. >> shawn, thank you for that. these women building not just homes, but future for other women who may be want to do the exact same thing. appreciate you. well, now taking a live look outside on this thursday morning. it's clear now but yesterday we saw plenty of rain come down in the bay area. so is it going to stay clear as you see that beautiful shot of san francisco this morning. >> yeah, and jessica, we've had some pretty interesting weather the past few weeks here in the bay area including something that was spotted in vacaville and it's something we don't usually see. >> no. it's that -- that's true gianna. if only you live in solano county you probably saw this. it appears to be a funnel cloud. this photo was shown in the scene of vacaville just before 3:00 p.m. yesterday and emergency officials say it didn't touch down and luckily damage was not reported. but we
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also saw some lightning strikes due to the unsettled weather and photojournalist jim flanagan captured this strike as he was driving along highway 87 in san jose. it was so active yesterday down into the santa clara valley. i was actually driving down there yesterday for an appointment and as i made my way down there, i kept looking at those strong storm cells thinking wow, san francisco doesn't even know what's going on down here right now. it was a very active weather day yesterday and san jose got a half inch of rain. yeah, my raga over an inch of rain and san rafael got quarter inch of rain from memory from looking at models earlier. but the forecast for us today we're clearing up. i mean today is going to be a mix of sun and clouds. don't get me wrong. by tomorrow look at friday i mean there's nothing on our first alert doppler. that changes though as we head into our saturday forecast and tomorrow is going to be warm and sunny and beautiful. some of the warmest weather all week with upper 60s and then another cold front moves in from the north that happens saturday morning and lasting into the afternoon hours. notice how it
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kind of acts like windshield wiper slowly sweeping through the communities. it clears up behind it with cooler dense air and just some mild conditions in the evening hours that night. if you are planning on heading out to giants fan fest tomorrow. excuse me, saturday. we could be upper 50s in the afternoon hours and partly cloudy skies and a light chance of showers and then we head into sunday with more unsettled weather and this is just your reminder to set the clocks forward heading into sunday. right around the corner we're going to be needing to do that and let's take a quick look at what's going on for us today here in the bay area. for now, before that cold front moves through, we're actually seeing a smidge of a warm-up today and tomorrow daytime highs are going to start warming up a little bit more and still kind of a cool and cloudy day for us at times. at times a mix of sun and clouds especially down into the santa clara valley. kind of nice after what we had yesterday with all the weather and then here we go into the next seven days. here's the warm-up and sunshine as we head into friday and then more unsettled weather heading into our weekend forecast. saturday and sunday we have the morning showers for saturday and clearing up into the afternoon
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hours. sunday we see evening showers and then heading into monday's forecast, it's a little bit unsettled weather as we gear up for tuesday with upper 60s right around the corner as we head into mid next week. we'll keep you updated on this forecast at least today's dry so you can ditch the umbrella before you head to work today. probably still keep the jacket though. g? yeah, keep the jacket plus you never know. hey, and you know what's good jess is the roadways are dry. so that's certainly going to help the morning commute because yesterday was a bit of a tough drive for anyone commuting up throughout most of the bay area. right now, our bridges are looking good. that's what we're starting off with this morning. and that's pretty much our headline if you are up early getting out the door. not a lot of traffic right now. looking good at the bay bridge and in fact most of the bay area freeways are holding steady with no issues or delays. with the exception of two things. one the altamont pass that's where we've got the brake lights already for supercommuters. but if you typically take that ride out of tracy on to 580 you know exactly what to expect. it's usual stuff there heading towards the dublin interchange and i want to head to the south bay right now and just alert
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you to a closure on highway 9 congress springs road both directions from san born to redwood gulch. a live look at that in a bit but the closure still in effect. so just keep that in mind. you have to use an alternate route in and around that area but yeah everything else looks really good. here's a live look at the san mateo bridge. and 880 all the way westbound to 92 over to 101. no brake lights or delays. time now 5:20. after suffering one of the worst losses in franchise history, the warriors were back in action last night. bouncing back with a vengeance. and why don't we take a look out the window this morning as we wake up on a thursday? look at this gorgeous view from our treasure island cam. looking towards the bay
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if you try vaping to quit smoking, it might feel like progress, but with 3x more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes - vapes increase cravings - trapping you in an endless craving loop. nicorette reduces cravings until they're gone for good. after getting routed by the number one seed in the east. the celtics on sunday, the dubs were back at chase facing the east number two seed. >> yeah, and last night the dubs showed their grit and their ability to bounce back. thankfully. they welcomed one of the top offensive teams into chase center the milwaukee bucs but the warriors found the offense clicking all night. the dubs were scoring out of the gate taking a pretty good lead 78-58 into the locker room at halftime. steph curry led the way with 29 points and rookie
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trace jackson davis has a pretty huge impact off the bench scoring 15 points and snagging four blocks. a big win for the dubs, 125-90. now the team is sitting at ninth in the western conference. how about this? baseball and women's history month are blending together. sports video game mlb the show '24 will now allow players to play as women for the first time ever in its newest feature. a trailer for the mode called "road to the show women pave their way" how you can create and play as a female ballplayer including a story that evolves with the player over the course of their career. and the trailer also features kelsey whitmore the first female player in an mlb partnered league and the show '24 is scheduled to be released march 19th. all right, time right now is 5:26 in the morning. as voters eye a biden versus trump match-up for the november.
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what's the state n? this time it's about the race. home apparently rigged to explode steps away from a school. the strange sequence of events that led to the arrest of a south bay engineer. here's a live look outside before we head to break on this thursday morning. it's not quite friday. but things are looking up because it's dry in the bay area. if you try vaping to quit smoking, it might feel like progress, but with 3x more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes - vapes increase cravings - trapping you in an endless craving loop. nicorette reduces cravings until they're gone for good.
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5:30 in the morning. and welcome back to cbs news bay area. let's talk politics and you know every year the president of the united states stands in front of congress to essentially give a report. it's called the state of the union. in nonelection years it's a time for reflection and agenda setting. but in election years, like this one, it's a chance to stump for votes and skyler henry now with a preview not only of the state of the union, but the strategy of the race by the biden camp and i must note you are competing for best dressed reporter in the country this morning. skyler henry. >> reporter: don't you dare make me blush, reed, good morning to you. well, talking about what the president has to deal with today, he is certainly going to be trying to do something where he's killing two birds with one stone if you will right? talking about what he and his administration have been able to accomplish over the course of the last years and also looking ahead and touting everything they've done including the strong economy that we're seeing up until
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this point but alsopittsburghin g on congress to pass certain measures of legislation. also an opportunity for the president to quell any of those concerns surrounding his age as well. >> mr. speaker, the president of the united states. [ cheering and applause ] >> reporter: tonight, president biden will deliver his third state of the union address to the american people and a divided congress. just months before the next presidential election. >> the president will outline an agenda that is about continuing to build on the progress that we've made over the last three years. >> reporter: according to the white house, the president will touch on several top issues facing americans, on the economy, he'll push to raise the minimum corporate tax rate to 21%. and to restore the expanded child tax credit. the president plans to push congress to take action to extend the $2,000 out of pocket drug cost cap that currently applies only to seniors, to all americans with private insurance. he'll also focus on other aspects of health care,
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including mental health and reproductive rights. >> additionally the president will be greeted tonight by a new republican house speaker. >> reporter: louisiana's mike johnson. the two have recently clashed over several major issues including border security and funding for ukraine. >> president biden is going to try to suggest that the state of the union is strong. but of course the state of the union is not strong. >> reporter: alabama senator katie britt will give the official republican response. the president's likely 2024 gop rival, former president trump, also says he'll do a live play-by-play of the address on social media. and so reed, that is actually going to be a bit of counterprogramming if you will that we will also be paying attention to as we watch to see what the former president has to say about the state of the union address. to that point however, we expect president biden to sharpen his messaging setting that line in the sand if you will, differentiating himself between the former president. >> fascinating times and agenda
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setting and realtime. skyler henry, thank you so much this morning. let's get a live look right now over at highway 9 this morning or we'll look at something else. we'll show you that in just a minute. we're going look at what we like to call the jewel box which is this gorgeous view of san francisco and we can see it nicely today. because no clouds hovering over or rain to boot. >> it is another cool and mild day for us today but gianna, yeah, at least it's dry. as we head out the door and headinto the next couple of hours we're actually going to see localized dense fog at times but for the most part down into the santa clara valley as we take live look from san jose this morning, a cool and cloudy start. not bad way to kick off the morning knowing there's no rain in the forecast this afternoon. really ditch the umbrella and grab the jacket and that's all you are going to need for us today. here's our rainfall totals from just jed. over an inch of rain in areas like mirago and a half inch of rain all the way over into san jose and some really active storm cells yesterday that moved all throughout the santa clara valley. dublin
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topped off close to half an inch and san rafael close to quarter of an inch but we will continue to see just locally dense fog in the communities especially up in the north bay but this afternoon a mix of sun and clouds and for us, that's what we expect through the day today as we gear up for sunshine and actual warmer temperatures heading into our friday forecast. that's going to be the way we kick tough weekend and more unsettled weather halfway through the weekend. that's coming up in just a minute. today also dealing with gusty conditions along the coastline but forget about that in the indians in. near bodega bay, pacifica, half-moon bay keep in mind it's a little bit breezy. bring the trash can in early today or make sure the outdoor objects are secured. as he head into the afternoon hours today like i said a mix of sun and clouds for us and tomorrow it's going to be clear as can be and then gearing up for a cold front to kind of sweep throughout the bay area heading into our saturday forecast. it's offshore right now and we're still watching it develop but i'm going to keep a close eye on this because this will be our next splash of showers and i'll let you know when it's going to impact us here in the bay area coming up
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in just a bit. for now over to you, g. thanks jess. let's talk about the freeways right now and the headline they're dry. thankfully which makes it easier for the commute on this thursday morning and we're not seeing a lot of problems or issues right now which looks good. live look at the bay bridge, easy ride no metering lights as you head into san francisco. our only hotspot is that ride as you head into the altamont pass traffic is a little bit slow through here westbound as you head over from tracy getting on to the altamont pass. speeds down to about 14 miles per hour especially at that connector there. we couldn't show you a live look there but we do want to let you know e about the closure on highway 9. congress springs road both directions from sanborn to red gulp. a mudslide and once again that area is shut down and likely won't open up at least until tomorrow. so keep that in mind. everything else is pretty clear and quiet though on this thursday and you can see a live look there at san mateo bridge and golden gate bridge clear into the city. time now for a look at this morning's top stories. a man in san jose has been arrested after he was accused of killing
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two people and injuring a third by firing into a crowd who were gathering for a vigil. it happened in mid-february near story and south white roads. police say a group was gathered there to remember someone else who'd died when the gunfire erupted. they arrested juan carlos perez on friday and no word yet on a motive. staying in san jose, the city will kick off a series of community mitings today through march 22nd as part of the search for the next police chief. residents are encouraged to share feedback during the meetings and a survey on the city's site. the next meeting is next wednesday. and the white house is throwing its support behind a bill that could ban tiktok. the u.s. house energy and commerce committee is reviewing the bill requiring the social media company to separate itself from its chinese based owner, bytedance. if not, the app could face a ban in the u.s. president biden already signed a bill two years ago banning the app on government phones. all this pushback has to do
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with security concerns over users' personal information. well, gilroy man is under arrest in a disturbing series of events that could have ended in a catastrophic explosion. this is just steps away from an elementary school in the south bay. our kelsi thorud spoke with parents who say they are still trying to process everything that happened. >> reporter: a bizarre crime spree involving drunk driving, guns, and a trapped house. allegedly committed by a man who lives just blocks from this gilroy elementary school has this community on edge. that suspect is now behind bars but parents at this school say they remain concerned about security. flush. >> i think the big problem was the lack of communication. parents weren't hearing much of anything earlier in the week. >> reporter: brandon is just one of several parents worried about the safety of their children in the aftermath of a string of strange crimes. allegedly committed by a man who just days earlier, had
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tried to enter luigi aperea elementary school. >> like we're not doing our best job to protect the kids and maybe the school might not be doing their job as well. >> reporter: according to gilroy police, 46-year-old markus beck was arrested last week for a dui hit and run. as officers were arresting beck, they say they found a loaded gun in his driver's compartment and a loaded ar-15 in his trunk. two days prior to that arrest, police say they were called to the elementary school after staff said beck tried to enter the school and then loitered outside the building. >> when officers arrived own scene, he'd already left campus. but lived very close by to the campus. and made contact with him there. >> reporter: after the dui arrest and learning about the school incident, police obtained a restraining order to seize beck's firearms. when they arrived at his house, police say it had been trapped. the gas stove had been turned
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on and the house was at risk of exploding. >> at the gilroy fire department to secure the residence so we could continue serving that gun violence restraining order and as a result, the school was put on lockdown. >> reporter: thankfully, firefighters were able to clear the scene with no injuries. and the lockdown at the school was lifted. but brandon says the whole series of events has shaken the community. so much so the school held an emergency meeting last friday. >> i feel like they're doing the best that they can given the situation. obviously changes don't happen overnight. it cost time and money. >> reporter: brandon says the school has already put up a temporary fence around the campus. and has also added more security on site during the day. he says what happened here is a sad reminder of the threats out there and should prompt local officials to take more proactive steps to keep their children safe. >> it's easy to forget all these incidents that have been happening around our country
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for years. until it hits too close to home, it's easy to be -- and they feel safe when they're there. >> reporter: and brandon told me he has heard that the school is planning to put up a permanent fence around the campus here. beck remains behind bars being held on no bail. >> thanks. so video like this of crooks are more and more common on your television screen or streaming in the palm of your hand. you see the crooks here more and more just going into a business and running out without paying and it's a problem getting more and more coordinated and organized where we live. and now getting more attention from leaders. in fact, we're talking about leaders pushing for a bay area bounce-back tracking some success in tackling the problem. case in point look here. alameda police busting criminals at one location they found more than $75,000 in solen goods. john ramos spoke to authorities about just how sophisticated these operations have become. >> reporter: police tracked down the stolen merchandise at a home in oakland but the
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investigation that led to that discovery started at this old navy store in alameda. they're not revealing the location of the home, but alameda county police chief joshi says the steelen merchandise was arranged like it was on display for shoppers. >> much of the loss items still had itsing toes on it. they were on hangers. the operation when i say was similar to any other retail store. there were specific locations that the -- residence where specific items were categorized and being stored. >> reporter: aside from $10,000 in cash and several vehicles, officers recovered eight truckloads of stolen merchandise. much of it clothing. police caught wind of the operation after a february 9th mass shoplifting at the old navy store in alameda's south shore shopping center. the store's security team spotted pattern of other thefts at
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stores in the center and was able to help police identify individuals involved and a location of the dropoff point. >> we began to learn that loss from retailers outside of alameda in other cities was being brought to that location as well. so that further led us to believe that there was a fencing operation that -- where loss throughout the region was coming to. >> reporter: as seen on the "nightly news," retail theft has grown in recent years. but california attorney general rob bonta says it is a mistake to think that it's just being committed by people in need. >> let me be clear. this is not about one off thefts from stores. it's not about the occasional smash and grab. at your local big box store. this is about a multibillion dollar criminal enterprise. criminal schemes that are complex and orchestrated and incredibly organized. >> reporter: for example, recently he announced the arrest of michelle mack. a
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woman who is accused of running $8 million theft ring throughout california out her san diego mission. she allegedly dispatched women around the state to steal beauty products from ulta and sephora stores selling them have online shopping site. the fencing operation in oakland wasn't quite own that level but then again, chief joshi says they're still not sure how far this may reach. >> i'll tell you this, we're not stopping here so it's only -- we want to go as high up as we can to figure out who all is involved and where else is this occurring. what are the linkages. >> reporter: officials say the thieves are organized so prevention needs to be organized as well. they say law enforcement, the business community, and the public must work together to fight a crime that's costing everyone a lot of money and putting people at risk. >> well, speak of working together, off the streets, lawmakers drafting bills specifically to shore upstate laws. the measures include increased penalties and a
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requirement for online retailers to have records to prove that their goods are legal. so do you want to be a part of the fix? visit the attorney general's online portal about retail theft it is there for you. more information, more power right? and more ability to share information in your community. we've got that link for you at time now 5:43. iconic clothing brand levi's announcing layoffs at its san francisco headquarters. we'll explain their broader plan to trim its global corporate work force in our money watch report this morning. well, check out in aisle one. only this is not a grocery store. it's at the airport security line. there's a new strategy in our country rolling out in the city of high rollers. but will it work? we'll drill down. and here's a live look outside on this thursday morning. i see the weekend hopefully you do too. we see a few clouds as well. we'll have
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have heart failure with unresolved symptoms? it may be time to see the bigger picture. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeat could mean something more serious, called attr-cm a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time. sound like you? call your cardiologist and ask about attr-cm. ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do?
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( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ time now for the money watch report. levi's is slashing 146 employees at its san francisco headquarters. the clothing company says it's part of its plan to trim up 15% of the global work force over the next two year. the cuts will take place by the end of april. the company called the layoffs difficult, but necessary. they have been based in san francisco since 1863. instagram and facebook hacks are becoming a big issue for users and now california
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attorney general rob bonta is calling on meta to take action. a letter to the tech company, he and dozens of his counterparts asked meta to beef up its investments to fight account takeovers. well, replacing people with machines. it continues in our country. this time, our friends at the tsa, they're rolling this out. it's a self-service security screening system. think of the grocery store. the agency wants to make getting through security more do it yourself. the system being tested at harry reid international airport in las vegas. here's how it works. passengers greeted by remote agents on a screen. and they even have automated bag screenings. the sell by the tsa to the public, you can move at your own pace right? here's a sample of the experience. >> i see. the hair clip. >> normally i wouldn't have a hiccup but i don't like gettingscanned four, five times. >> is this as secure? >> it is. we do independent
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tests and evaluation against the threats and type of things that pose risk to air travel. >> the new screening system only be available to tsa precheck passengers traveling through terminal 3 right now at harry reid international airport. that's the international terminal by the way at las vegas. we got used to knowing which terminal was which when we covered the super bowl right? >> yes we did. sfo and for a little bit in vegas too. >> now you can bring a bag of bread. just like which checkout. >> one of my favorite stories that you did. gianna stuck at the airport. headed to super bowl. >> with max. thankfully it was max because he's really easy to get along with and we are like just go with the flow. all right, a live look outside on this thursday morning. by the way it's national cereal day. so you have cereal for breakfast. let us know what kind you like. i'm honey nut cheerios kind of girl. >> same. >> i was a little confused when you say harry reid airport? still used to calling it mccaren. >> big news out of major name change and u.s. senator yep.
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>> right over my head and i'm a local too. but anyways. guys let's take a quick look outside because i'm local of the bay area now and i love living in the bay area. so much beautiful weather. we have so much culture and so many amazing places to go get food. and the weather today is the perfect day to really take advantage of your local communities. here's what i mean by that. actually clearing up unlike yesterday with all the unsettled weather today just seeing cloudy skies waking up this morning and more clear conditions this afternoon. and gosh it's going to be a beautiful one and now yesterday as we take a look at the rainfall totals real fast. in some areas we got an inch of rain and in san jose with all the huge thunderstorms and i know because i heard them and i was down there. we got over a half inch there. we got close to quarter inch all the way up into san rafael. now take a look at the weather headlines today, like i mentionedst going to be a will the more dry for us today just a mix of sun and clouds and some local dense fog this morning. and heading into our friday forecast, sunny as can be and temperatures will continue to rise into next -- actually tomorrow as well. so we're expecting upper 60s and sunshine. a great way to kick
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off the weekend. taking a look at today, wind are moving moving in from the north and a little bit breezier along the coast. a little breezy there and a lot lighter for the friends in the inland areas with the mix of sun and clouds throughout the evening hours tonight. now here's our friday forecast as we advance the clock on futurecast. clear as can be and i mnemonsly looks like a still shot almost. saturday forecast though more unsettled weather moves in from offshore, we can never catch a break from the systems during this season. here comes the cold front. as it sweeps throughout bay area saturday afternoon and morning. giant' fan fest on saturday it will be mostly cloudy with the passing showers around lunchtime and then it clears up once that windshield wiper sweeps its way through with all the rain. and then heading into sunday we have more unsettled weather and this is also your friendly reminder on sunday to set those clocks forward. i know we're losing an hour of sleep no one ever likes to hear that right?
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here's today. 60s in the forecast for us anywhere from oakland over into san francisco. low 60s off into the east bay and a similar trend down into the santa clara valley with the partly cloudy skies into the afternoon hours. and then real fast i want to show you the next seven days and we warm up tomorrow with sunshine right around the corner. and the more unsettled weather to kick off early next week. gianna? thanks yes, sir. let's talk about that backup already starting at the bay bridge toll plaza. but it's 5:50 and right about that time right? metering lights are officially on and now we're seeing things getting a little bit slow. it's backed up not quite to looks like actually is. as you take a little closer look here, just beyond the overpass. getting busy for anyone making the side into france this morning. two things actually. roadways are dry. this will certainly help commuting this morning and now things getting busier out there but for the most part we're doing okay other than the bay bridge and altamont pass everything else is looking pretty good. slight delays starting to build south 880 out of hayward but that's to be expected this time of this morning. and everything
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else is actually holding pretty steady with some pretty easy rides and travel times as you head along 101 and 280. maybe towards the airport if you have an early flight to catch. over towards the altamont pass, that's where things are still frit slow coming out of tracy getting on to 580 itself. but our bridges look pretty good. live look at the san mateo bridge more volume westbound. that's taillights for commuters heading over towards 101 but not again not too many brake lights or issues. daylight saving time starts this sunday and that means people will have to adjust their clocks forward one hour. even though you will lose an hour of sleep. you will also gain an extra hour of sunlight in the evening. meanwhile, own capitol hill, a bipartisan bill is being held up in the committee that would enable states to permanently switch to daylight saving time. now the switch could take effect in more than two dozen states. currently, about a dozen states have legislation in the works to switch to year-round standard time. reed? all right, thank you so much. time right now 5:53 in
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the morning. ahead, a "mean girls" star reveals a very nice couple that's chosed an
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hey, lindsay lohan on mommy duty. congratulations to her and we're learning her son has two amazing and kind of surprising godparents. >> yeah, they are other than nba star steph curry and his wife. in an interview on "the tonight show" earlier this week lohan explained she and her husband met in curry's through a mutual friend and they've been good friends ever since. >> who would have thought? lindsay and aisha are even starring together in the new rom-com called "irish wish." by the way still waiting to see if the curry's will return the request because this news just recently broke, she's pregnant with the couple's fourth child. congratulations. time right now 5:57. ahead sell accomplishments while also stumping for votes. why tonight's state of the if you try vaping to quit smoking, it might feel like progress, but with 3x more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes -
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vapes increase cravings - trapping you in an endless craving loop. nicorette reduces cravings until they're gone for good. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough,
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(psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. thank you so much for joining us this morning. it is thursday, march 7th. >> so let's get it started. >> you don't realize how dire the circumstances are until you come and work here. >> a bay area doctor's account of working in a war zone. as global calls for a ceasefire mount, a personal perspective from one of our community's own. mr. speaker, the president of the


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