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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  March 7, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PST

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this is cbs news bay area with elizabeth cook. breaking news. an airplane emergency. a tire falls off a plane during take-out at sfo. the damage and questions about how this happened. thank you so much for joining us this afternoon. a whole lot of questions after part of the landing gear fell off a plane as it was leaving sfo. let's get right to anne makovec with this breaking news. >> that united airlines flight lost in the tire during takeoff at sfo. this video of the takeoff, you can see that tire will fall off right there. we are also hearing some air traffic control audio we believe may be from other pilots communicating about this
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emergency. >> there is a tire going down the runway. that 777 that just took off lost the tire. >> thank you. we had to close the runway because somebody lost a tire. >> it did not stop on the runway. the tire debris landed in an airport employee parking lot. from our chopper, we could see police cars and crime tape around it. an sfo spokesperson says nobody was hurt but there was some property damage. there runway was briefly closed to clear some of the debris but it has been reopened. the tire also hit some cars. you can see some of the damage there with vehicles crushed by the impact of this thing. the tire also hit a fence and a concrete barrier. you can see the fence
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there. that is before it ended up hitting some of those cars. here is some video of the tiger being taken away from the scene. this was this afternoon as police had that blocked off for several hours. united flight 35 originally headed from sfo going to osaka, japan. it had to be diverted to lax today. this is video of it landing there. the faa will be investigating. as it is landing, you can see all eyes on the landing gear. there are other tires that are able to absorb the impact. again, no injuries on the plane, nor on the ground. we are going to continue to follow this breaking news as the faa investigation goes on. >> thank you. aviation expert robert somewhat joins me now live. thank you so much for joining
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us. very unsettling seen there at sfo seeing that tire fall off just moments after that plane took off. quickly did the pilots know what was going on before they were able to report it to air traffic control or did air traffic control know before they did? >> that is a really good question. it is most likely that the pilots themselves would not have even known. this is a big airplane, a heavy jet. just having a tire assembly follow-up would not even be noticeable by the pilots of that airplane. >> why do you think the pilots would choose, or the airline chose to go to lax instead of turning back to sfo? was not to alleviate any impact from other flights going in and out of sfo? >> that is a good question. united has a big maintenance base at san francisco. why did they go to lax? longer run race at lax. they would have to burn off some fuel anyway to get down below a max landing
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weight. i am not sure exactly what that decision process was but it sounds like -- >> it is so alarming to see the video of that tire falling from the sky just moments after takeoff., and are incidents like this? >> unfortunately, it is not common at all. there was an event a few months ago with the tires falling off of another airplane but it is not common. i want to emphasize that even though this does not look good, it does not sound good, i do think there is a safety of flight issue associated with it. there are several other tires on that particular landing gear. obviously you would not want to continue the flight to japan with that situation. >> this is the latest in a
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series of incidents involving aviation and malfunctioning equipment on these planes. will this particular case be investigated? >> i want to point out that a lot of people are going to jump to a conclusion and say this is another boeing problem. this airplane was 20 years old so i highly doubt that this has anything to do with the way that the airplane was manufactured or designed. it is probably a maintenance issue where, somewhere along the line, the investigators will be looking at maintenance and touching the wheel assembly glass. they will be doing an examination to see the condition of the metal of that wheel assembly, maybe the bearings heated up. whatever it is, i am confident that the investigators, whether it is the faa, the ntsb -- i was chairman at the ntsb per four years and served on the board for 15 years. i am pretty sure that the investigation will quickly reveal what the problem
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was . most importantly, how to prevent it in the future. >> everybody seemed to act very quickly in terms of making decisions and where that plane should go, what should happen next and no injuries again to report. also, no impact to airport operations. robert, thank you so much. >> great to be with you. thank you very much. >> we will have updates on this breaking news as we get them. other bay area news headlines we are following. interstate 5 80 and pleasant hill is back open after being shut down for a few hours earlier today due to a put our chopper captured a white pickup truck and a black lexus inside this area of police said the standoff involving murder suspect who ended up taking his own life. another major store is closing is union square. the north face store will close at the end of this month. the brand launched in the 60s as a mail-order and retail companies
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selling rockclimbing and camping gear. the only other north face outpost in the bay area are in santa clara, berkeley, walnut creek and palo alto. today was the grand opening of a grocery outlet market in marin city. the discount option for groceries say it was desperately needed there. before, marin city residents had to cross 101 to get to the nearest grocery store. they say this brand-new grocery option completely changes the game. >> not everybody have cars. not everybody have family that can pick them up and take them. it is nice. we appreciate them to be here. >> it has been needed for a long time . for us to have a grocery outlet where we can save money on grocery shopping is great. >> since 2020, food and beverage prices have gone up
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more than 20%. a stretch of highway 9 in saratoga shut down due to a mudslide. this is the redwood gulch. caltrans says the closure is expected to last through tomorrow. onto first alert weather now. it seems like it has been a while since we have had dry weather but just a few clouds today. no sprinkles. here is meteorologist jessica burch. >> a partly cloudy day for us in the bay area. we have some thunderstorm activity down in the south bay and we even saw a funnel cloud out in solano county. today, a mix of sun and clouds. we have more sunshine in the forecast as we head into our forecast tomorrow. let's dive into that. it is breezy along our coastline. wind speeds up to 35 miles per hour near bodega bay. we can see a similar trend near half moon bay and pacifica. it will be a lot lighter in our inland areas. if you live near concord or napa, don't worry about it.
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there is no issue in the forecast. we will watch the clouds dissipate to the south as we head into the next couple of days. it will clear up nicely for friday. early saturday morning, we see a shift in the forecast as an area of the pressure moves its way in. this cold front right here will slowly impact us with light showers sweeping throughout the bay area in the morning hours into the afternoon and then cloudy skies backing that up heading into saturday evening and sunday morning. long story short, if you are thinking of heading out to the giants fan fest, by all means, go, just bring the umbrella. upper 50s at that point but we will also see that splash of showers . a little bit drizzly for us then and then we may see some more unsettled weather heading into sunday which, by the way, is the time where we need to set those clocks forward and spring forward into the upcoming season. here is what it is looking like for us today. we are talking about a. we all know it was breezier along the
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coast . low 60s in the forecast our inland areas. similar trend down to the santa clara valley where it was active yesterday. we got inch of rain, a half inch all the way down into san jose. no matter where you live in the bay area, pretty impressive storm cell that swept its way through. now we are clearing up nicely through friday. sunshine right around the corner. upper 60s in the forecast tomorrow and then we get right back down to low 60s once that cold front sweeps through, leaving us with some unsettled weather heading into next week. just days after her ballot measure is passed to limit police oversight and increase their surveillance capabilities , as well as drug testing people who received cash assistance from the city. mayor britt gave her state of the city address today, trying to change the narrative around her city. >> we doubled the number of drug arrests in 2023. retail theft and car break-ins
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plummeted. our homicide arrest rate was 2023. 25 point the national average our crime rate is the lowest it has been in 10 years . now, i do recognize that some people don't feel the lower crime rate yet. if you or someone you know is a victim of a crime, all of the stats me nothing. i understand that. i hear your concerns. that is exactly why we are not letting up. we will roll out 400 automated license plate cameras and -- at 100 intersections across the city this month. >> she shifted the focus of her speech to the future in asking san franciscans to embrace the necessary changes she says are coming to the city.
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>> downtown just can't be about jobs. it can't just be the 9:00 to 5:00 financial district. we also need more people to live and study there. our new initiative, 30 by 30, 30,000 more residents and students downtown by 2030. comprehensive plan for a dynamic resilient downtown with resident nightlife and businesses. a neighborhood that keeps going around the clock, downtown 24/7. >> former san francisco mayor mark farrell offered a response to mayor london breed speech saying the city can't afford another four years of her leadership and that san franciscans are hungry for new leadership and policies. high-stakes and tonight's state of the union address. the issues president biden will focus on as he makes a case for another term in the white house. a bay area doctor working in gaza right now gives us a first-hand
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about three hours from now, president joe biden will deliver his third state of the union address to congress and the nation. it could be his biggest audience before the november election. the president will be looking for
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support addressing some key issues, urging congress to continue the child tax credit for low-income families and to cap out-of-pocket prescription drug costs a $2000 a year for anyone with private insurance. >> alabama senator katie britt will give the official republican response. ahead of his first state of the union, mike johnson released a video criticizing, among other things, the biden administration's immigration policies. meanwhile, former president trump is promising to do a live play-by-play of the state of the union address. he also says he is willing to debate president biden in his words, anytime, anywhere. earlier, anne makovec spoke with longtime bay area congresswoman anna eshoo. she was joined by stanford artificial intelligence expert. >> i advocated for therapy to
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support public sector ai research, education, and of element because ai is so critical that it will have so many policy changes and potential to unleash positive potential solutions to many issues in the world. it is a powerful technology -- we need to do it responsibly, ethically. >> i think the president has the capacity to lift people up and let the american people know how we can make the country compelling about a vision for our future . artificial intelligence is very much a part of that. >> you can watch the state of the union address live on kpix and streaming on cbs news bay area starting a 6:00 tonight. structure the israel-hamas war is giving -- getting more
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devastating by the hour and is likely to be a topic of discussion at tonight's state of the union. one of the people witnessing it firsthand is an e.r. doctor from the south bay. you showed our kenny choi what he sees on a day to day basis. a warning, his story, although powerful, may be difficult to hear and to watch. >> the wounded, like this infant, desperately cry for help. dr. mohammad subeh is losing count of shrapnel injuries he has never experienced until now. >> today was packed with gunshot wounds to the chest, to the paste, to the abdomen. before leaving the bay area in february, emergency room doctor had only seen media images of civilians becoming casualties of war. this baby and little boy were found under rubble with no family to be found. >> you don't realize how dire the circumstances are until
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you come and work here. >> we piece together clips in an interview cut short because of unreliable cell reception. subeh says it is a struggle at times to cope with what seems like and skinless stream of unconscionable injuries. >> i was called into a resuscitation bed for a 12-year-old who had his brain blown out and was taking his final breath. >> the world health organization says fewer than half of hospitals in gaza are even partly functional. subeh is deep in the heart of gaza with a cost of war piercing. >> i held an older men in my arms as he was crying at the loss of his wife. >> the former refugee who grew up in the west bank came to the united states when he was seven years old. the stanford educated dr. has seen this war through a different lens. >> the palestinians here have been so dehumanized. we have
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lost perspective of the human dignity is that each one deserves. >> explosions rattled a field hospital in rother where subeh is stationed. he says some have detonated less than a third of a mile away. >> it makes you wonder what the rest of the world is doing. >> health officials report at least 20 people have died from malnutrition and dehydration as a call to allow more aid into gaza grows louder. subeh is focusing on what he can control while he is immersed in the struggle between hope and despair. >> most of us would give up if we lived even a few days here. >> the u.n. says 300 healthcare workers have been reported killed since the start of the war. subeh left behind his wife , his teenage son and 7-year-old son in the bay area.
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>> i miss my children and i miss holding them every night. >> it is a sacrifice his older son accepts and understands, knowing his father is entrenched in more than a medical mission. >> ultimately, we remember our fundamental collective humanity. without that, the world just falls apart. >> it is a humanitarian mission with countless lives and much more on the line. >> so difficult to see the images coming out of gaza right
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this week is women in construction week and we are highlighting one of the bay area female standouts in an industry dominated by men. shawn chitnis looks at how she got her start and how she is working to empower other women. >> i had my best on and i went into costco and some guy walks over and goes, you must be a crosswalk guard. i said, no, i build homes. >> adria billerica started in the line of work at a young age. her father was an electrician and brought her along on jobs when she was
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growing up. today, she represents 11% of women who work in construction. >> this division of the bay area, i am the only woman superintendent here . that is pretty cool. >> she has been in the role for 10 years and has had to prove to plenty of men that she is up for the job, transitioning from the customer service side of construction. she loves to oversee one house after the other, getting ready for someone to move in. adria wants people to imagine more women doing work like this, not limited to the sales and marketing job in the business. >> it is so rewarding for my kids to drive through a community and say , mom built those homes. >> as a superintendent, her day is filled with inspections, making sure she is meeting all city requirements at each stage of the building process. adria had to work harder and be better to earn her spot in the industry, being detail oriented and a multitasker, which she hopes help more women to join her in construction.
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>> this is not something that you have to be a male to do. >> many women have the mindset and the skills to do the work but don't realize they could be a part of this industry where there is a common goal so many would enjoy achieving together. >> the end result is you are building
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coming up, we continue to follow the breaking news of a tire falling off a united plane during takeoff at sfo. we are gathering new details and we will have a live report, coming up. you can watch president joe biden's state of the union address live right here on cbs news bay area and streaming on cbs news bay area. the cbs evening news is next on kpix and local news continues on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. i will see you at 5:00. ♪ ♪ >> norah: tonight, one of the most important speeches of joe biden's career. as the president delivers an election year state of the union. the economy, the border come at the other topics he'll cover. the president aims to to convince he is fit for a second term in office. the "cbs evening news" starts now. ♪ ♪


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