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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  March 7, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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today where a giant tire came crashing down on some cars after suddenly falling off of a departing plane. >> good evening. i'm elizabeth cook. take a look at this video showing the exact moment that tire came loose, not something you ever want to see and luckily nobody was underneath that tire when it came down, but it did do some major damage. look at these photos of the car crushed under that tire. our wilson walker is live at sfo not far from where that wheel came down. wilson, what's the latest? >> reporter: yeah, liz, good evening. the wheel came down just behind me here. first point of impact was in the employee parking lot. the folks who work at sfo and then it kind of ricocheted on from there. i'm standing on what is essentially the extension point of runway 28r where the plane was leaving. it goes right over these parking lots. for the
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cars that were there or the drivers who own them, what an incredible stroke of bad luck or in one driver's case good luck. have a listen. >> you say the wheel fell off from where? >> reporter: off a plane that lands here. >> what the [ bleep ]. excuse me. i mean i was so lucky because just two cars away. i'm almost the one. >> reporter: that is william, a very lucky sfo worker parked two cars away from the vehicle that was crushed by the tire. now let's talk about the path of the wheel. if you look closer at the car that was hit, you can sort of see the smudge of rubber there. if you back up a little bit, you can actually see what looks like the curvature of the tire on the side of the car. from there you look behind the car at the k-rail and what appears to be a big smudge from the tire before the wheel went crashing through the fence on its way to the next parking lot and we can
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show you where the tire landed. this parking lot is actually where the hertz rental cars are staged before they are cleaned and sent back into circulation. that's where the tire landed. you can see some of the employees there walking up to see the spectacle that landed in the middle of their workplace. i talked to a number of folks off camera who work for hertz. they said really nobody saw or heard it. something drew their attention to it and here's this tire sitting there. obviously an incredible sort of turn of events in light of what has happened on airplanes recently in the united states. i spoke with someone who works at sfo off camera about what they think of this. they pointed out there are plenty of camera systems, security camera systems, all around the airport. not only have we seen the wheel coming off that plane during takeoff, we'll maybe get a look at the wheel crashing down here in the parking lot. that's about all i can tell you from sfo, liz, just kind of remarkable to see
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the path of that thing hit that car, take a bounce, go all the way over into another parking lot, really incredibly fortunate nobody was hurt. >> you said it best in the beginning, wilson. it was unlucky and also incredibly lucky because when you think about sfo, it's a really busy airport, the people that work there, the hundreds of people coming in at all times of day, how many people are catching flights. it's unreal nobody was injured and so fortunate. >> reporter: yeah. if you go right past the parking lots here, it's the freeway. it's 101 right here. just a mart matter of seconds on the trajectory of that wheel could have played a difference. >> the tire going down the runway. that 777 just took off lost a tire. >> this is audio of other pilots reporting into air traffic control after spotting that tire fall off and here's
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the moments when that plane made its ascent into l.a.x. with one tire missing. thankfully, no issues there. we have reached out to united for comment. they told us that after the plane landed safely at l.a.x. they began making arrangements for a new plane to take those passengers to japan. some big questions unanswered right now. joining us live with some insight is captain ross amer, a highly experienced pilot who once flew for united. thank you so much for joining us. >> my pleasure. >> the obvious, how could something like this happen? have you ever seen anything like it in your career? >> yes. although extremely rare, but things like that happen. in fact, if i had a choice of emergencies on my airplane, i would pick one that had to do with landing gear maybe. in this particular case as you mentioned, nobody was hurt. the crew did an excellent
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job, exactly what any prudent pilot would do. they diverted to southern california and l.a.x. where we had earlier this morning pretty good weather and a long runway obviously in l.a.x., 12,000 feet, and everything worked perfectly. >> luckily no one was injured. we saw that plane make a remarkably smooth landing at l.a.x. what is a pilot supposed to do when a situation like this happens? is there protocol for it? >> yes. obviously there's training. you revert back to your previous training. in this particular case this happened right on rotation, heavyweights 777 going right to osaka with pretty much a full load of fuel and passengers. i would imagine they probably didn't even realize on departure, on takeoff immediately, until the next frequency departure control told them that there
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was a wheel missing. we were complaining earlier this afternoon in l.a. we had a hail warning on my phone, but you folks are having tires raining from the sky, but fortunately like i said, the crew did an excellent job. they diverted to l.a.x. i would assume that they dumped some fuel to make the airplane lighter and they picked a nice long dry runway and did exactly a textbook landing. >> yeah. obviously very scary situation, that video very difficult to watch. we've seen other high profile incidents recently. in your opinion, has air travel become less safe than it used to be? >> you know, this really has nothing to do with the recent news that we hear. this particular airplane, i flew it
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in 1995. so it's an old 777 200 which has done a wonderful job, very, very safely all these years and this particular incident, it really has nothing to do with the design of the aircraft. we'll find out exactly why it was not secured properly or perhaps a failure on the tire assembly itself or the wheel assembly itself. we'll definitely -- faa will find out exactly what happened. >> yes. lots of questions to be answered and the ntsb and faa both said they'll be investigating this. thank you so much. >> my pleasure. let's go to anne makovec. anne, this is far from the first problem boeing planes have had in recent months, right? >> yeah. whatever caused this, it is not a good look for boeing. the airline manufacturer has faced a lot of questions about its safety
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culture after a string of incidents, speaking of wheels falling off, an incident in atlanta still under investigation. a boeing 757 jet operated by delta lost a nose wheel while preparing for takeoff. this was in january. nobody was injured and the plane was put back into service the next day. earlier this year you might remember a door plug blew off an alaska boeing 737 max 9 jetliner as it flew above oregon, leaving a gaping hole in the side of the plane. since then alaska airlines and united reported finding loose bolts and other problems in the panel doors of other max 9s. this is now under investigation by the justice department which could expose boeing to criminal liability. as one of several ongoing federal investigations into boeing and in a new faa report, a panel of aviation experts say they found a lack of awareness of safety-related metrics at all levels of boeing, suggesting that employees weren't properly trained and that some feared
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retaliation if they raised safety concerns. we've reached out to boeing and have not heard back yet. congress ordered that study i just mentioned back in 2020 and in the aftermath of two deadly crashes involving boeing 737 max jetliners. >> thanks so much. interstate 580 in san leandro is still partially shut down after a police standoff on the roadway ended with the suspect killing himself in his car. our chopper captured a white pickup truck and black lexus inside a cordoned off area. right now two of the westbound lanes remain closed as police kept the scene closed off. police were following the suspect vehicle while investigating the death of a woman found with multiple gunshot wounds. she was found inside a home near owens drive and west las positas boulevard in pleasanton. let's take a live look inside the u.s. capitol where president joe biden is preparing to deliver his state of the union address less than
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one hour from now as his administration deals with some serious issues both here at home and overseas. tonight the president is expected to talk about a new effort delivering new aid to gaza. the white house will direct the u.s. military to establish a port in the mediterranean sea where ships can provide food, water, medicine, and shelter. the president also expected to touch on immigration, the economy, and a number of other important topics. natalie brand is in washington with what to expect from tonight's speech. >> mr. speaker, the president of the united states. >> reporter: as president biden steps before congress and the american public tonight, the stakes are higher as he sells his vision for another four years. in a new cbs news poll, most americans describe the country as divided. >> state of the union is a catastrophe. >> chaotic, disorganized. >> it's a mess. >> it's a mess. >> reporter: facing low
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approval ratings, the president is expected to make the case the economy is improving. tonight he'll call on congress to increase medicare's ability to negotiate prescription drug prices and expand caps on prescription drugs. he'll also pitch raising the corporate minimum tax rate to 21% and he'll highlight legislative accomplishments like the bipartisan infrastructure bill. >> these things don't sell themselves. that's part of why tonight is so important. this is a chance for the president to talk about the strides that our economy has made under his leadership, adding more jobs than any president ever. >> reporter: even though this is an official speech, the president will focus on key issues weighing heavily on the 2024 election. >> he's going to try to take this immigration issue and turn it against the republicans. >> reporter: the president has urged congress to take up the bipartisan border security deal that fell apart last month. house speaker mike johnson says the biden administration let the problem get out of control. >> the white ribbons we're wearing is in honor of the
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angel families. they're american citizens, american families, who are losing family members to brutal murders and violence because illegal aliens are allowed out into the streets. >> reporter: another source of division, the fall of roe versus wade, among the first lady's guest tonight, a texas mother denied an abortion to end a high risk pregnancy. >> alabama senator katie britt has been chosen to deliver the republican response and is expected to say biden is too old and out of touch with average americans. let's take a live look at san francisco city hall. mayor london breed gave her state of the city address today, trying to change the narrative around her city and her role in it heading into the november election. in the state of the city address, mayor london breed focused much of her speech on the future and asking san franciscans to embrace the necessary changes that she says are coming for the city. >> downtown can't just be about jobs. it can't just be the 9:00 to 5:00 financial district. well also need more
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people to live and study there. so our new initiative, 30 by 30, 30,000 more residents and students downtown by 2030, a comprehensive plan for a dynamic, resilient downtown with residents, nightlife and businesses, a neighborhood that keeps going around the clock, downtown 24/7. >> mayoral candidate and former mayor mark farrell responding saying, "san franciscans have lost faith in her ability to meaningfully tackle our city's challenges. the step needs a mayor with a track record of effective leadership inside and outside of city hall." candidate daniel lurie saying, "not once did the mayor propose the magnitude of reform that our city needs. the city needs a new era of accountable leadership and new ideas." the mayor's speech came on the same day another iconic san francisco business announced it was leaving the city. the north
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face store is closing its store in union square at the end of the month. it's just the latest one still open in the city. this is the last one still open in the city. the brand launched in north bay in the '60s and has retail locations in santa clara, berkeley, walnut creek and palo alto. still ahead, new developments into the investigation at a mass shooting at a monterey birthday party. one bay area community celebrating the opening of a new grocery store today, why residents say this is a huge deal. many newborns rely on donated milk to grow into healthy children, but there's a serious shortage, how one south bay facility is getting creative to address the problem. >> i think it's wonderful and it just makes perfect sense because there are some women who overproduce breast milk and there's some women who don't make enough. beautiful weather across
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the bay area today, finally a dry day, a few clouds trying to bubble up, but just fair weather clouds on the
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authorities in monterey county recovered the vehicle linked to a deadly house party shooting in king city. police continue to search for the three gunmen who opened fire at a birthday party sunday night. four people were killed and seven others injured in that shooting. two of them are listed as critical. police are offering $20,000 to anyone with information that could lead to an arrest. at tonight's state of the union address bay area congressman eric swalwell is hoping to put the spotlight on new mothers. his guest is emily kallandrelli who was improperly blocked from flying with breast milk and related accessories. the incident sparked new effort
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to put more family friendly policies in place and make sure the current ones are followed. in the bay there is a milk shortage at the nation's oldest milk bank based in san jose and the nonprofit says they are in desperate need of donors. our loureen ayyoub spoke with a new mom whose experienced firsthand the importance of donated milk. >> reporter: they say breast is best, but what happens when there's just not enough? as milk banks deal with a shortage in supplies, one nursing mother says new moms should have access to liquid gold. what could be more peaceful than the sight of a baby enjoying some fresh milk? it's the kind of precious moments new mother jacqueline mastrelli has always dreamed of. she loves motherhood and forming memories with her son jaco, but she says challenges with breastfeeding came as a surprise to her. >> i was a bit arrogant going into having the baby. i just assumed that breastfeeding
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would come so naturally. >> reporter: according to mothers milk bank, a nonprofit that provides infants in need with human milk, jacqueline is not alone. the demand for human milk is ever present and access to those peaceful milk moments have become a challenge. the milk bank is dealing with an urgent donor shortage. >> it is critical that the mothers milk bank has enough milk donations to help save fragile babies in intensive care units. >> reporter: to support new mothers like jacqueline and so many more, the mothers milk bank is inviting lactating mothers to participate in milk meet-ups, encouraging those who are able to donate. all milk is tested before distribution. angelica rojas with mothers milk bank emphasized the benefits of breast milk. >> human milk has all the nutrients needed for a baby to thrive and grow and develop properly. >> reporter: extremely premature babies and those with
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special medical needs depend on breast milk for their survival. jacqueline said if she had a surplus supply, she would have loved to donate. she currently has to switch between breast and bottle and realizes the great value the banks have. >> i think it's wonderful and it makes perfect sense because there is some women who overproduce breast milk and there's some women who don't make enough, which is in my case, and i think it's a wonderful opportunity for milk not to be wasted, for women to kind of help each other. >> reporter: breast milk is known to have exceptional benefits for newborns, including protection from diseases and infections. >> every single ounce is so, so important and moms who have gone through that know what that's like. it's very, very valuable. >> reporter: the kind of value she believes every mother should have access to. >> nothing cuter than a new
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baby. marin city has long been without a supermarket, but that all changed today. a new grocery outlet bargain market opened today on donahue street. three years ago a cvs store was shut down at that same location. community leaders and state leaders say marin city desperately needs places to find fresh, healthy food. >> it's been needed for a long time. we've had other stores here in the past, but i think we're excited. they're doing some other stuff around the shopping center. this is another piece to the puzzle and hopefully it does well and people support the community. >> i don't drive. so it makes it easy for me. i can walk down here, pick up my stuff what i need and go back home. >> before today marin city residents needed to travel by car or bus down highway 101 to reach the nearest grocery store. let's switch gears to weather and a beautiful day. it was so nice, take a little break from all the rain, paul.
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>> yeah. we get another break tomorrow before showers return over the weekend. it's only about a 48 plus hour break from the showers. we'll definitely take it. we're not complaining. >> no. >> there's a longer stretch of dry weather around the corner, settling in by the middle of next week. let's get you ready as we head towards the weekend. beautiful look from the santa clara, nice to see the green hillsides, fair weather clouds over san jose, dry tomorrow, sunny, mild and light rain showers returning saturday, steady rain moving in by sunday afternoon, continuing sunday night and the unsettled pattern continuing monday and tuesday before we get to the dry break by the middle and end of next week. with the sunshine today solar electricity generation numbers went up and with full sunshine tomorrow they'll really spike and the additional clouds will take a significant chunk out of that the first half of the weekend, likely the same story sunday through tuesday. futurecast shows showers moving into the north bay by the time the sun comes up saturday is, light to
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moderate rain showers for the north bay, light for the rest of the bay area. the rain falls apart through the bay area late morning, most of us talking about a few hundredths of an inch of total rainfall, for the north bay maybe close to a quarter inch in a few spots, be flexible with outdoor plans. we have additional rain chances the second half of the weekend and next week. then the number goes down to zero for rain chances by wednesday and thursday. blue skies overhead, a mix of 50s and 60s, 63 degrees in santa rosa, 62 in concord, 60 in san jose, mid- to upper 50s for san francisco is, oakland, livermore. tonight a mix of upper 30s and low 40s by early tomorrow morning for inland parts of the bay area with low to mid-40s around the bay and along the coast. temperatures will warm up nicely. cinco looks like he's
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dressed up for the cool wet weather, tomorrow temperatures low to mid-60s in san rafael and inland parts of the bay area a little warmer, upper 60s in san jose, 68 degrees. farther down the line it looks like we'll be into the 70s by late next week. look forward to that. upper 50s along the coast and half moon bay. everybody else will be in the 60s, just a mart how far into the 60s. most of these temperatures are within a couple degrees of average but mostly on the positive side of average for at least one day. the cool weather does return as we head into the weekend. let's look at the seven-day forecast. we have that unsettled weather, especially for the second half of the weekend sunday with lingering showers monday and another chance of rain monday night into tuesday, two straight dry days wednesday and thursday, likely to end up being four or five straight dry days, something to again look forward to as we go through another damp weekend. >> that's going to feel good. thank you. once again, this weekend we'll lose an hour of sleep
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and gain an hour of daylight, but how did deep breath. canca lone.
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as we get ready to set our clocks an hour forward this weekend -- i think i can actually hear the groans of parents and young kids throughout the bay area right now -- haven't you ever wondered why we started doing this in the first place? the time adjustment was originally used in wartime to save energy and fuel during world war i and ii, but now that wartime is over, studies have shown the energy saved by springing forward is actually pretty negligible and in 2018 californians vote the overwhelmingly to allow state lawmakers to stop the time change, but proposals to do it just have died before they could reach the governor's desk. that's it for the news at
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> norah: tonight, one of the most important speeches of joe biden's career. as the president delivers an election year state of the union. the economy, the border, and the other topics he'll cover, as the president aims to to convince america he is fit for a second term in office. the "cbs evening news" starts now. ♪ ♪ good evening. i'm norah o'donnell, and


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