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tv   CBS News Bay Area Prime Edition 9pm  CBS  March 7, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm PST

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draw in near. from beyond, join us here. all: spirits, spirits, draw in near. from beyond, join us here. hey, flower. (chuckling): oh, my gosh. it's just so good to see you, girl. we missed you so much. it didn't work. thorfinn: where's flower? why not work? (mutters) must be something wrong with... maybe object not belong to flower. or, or perhaps the object needed to be something that was on their person when they passed. remember, the maid died with the feather duster. jay, the ghosts think that maybe it didn't work because flower didn't have this weed on her when she died. interesting. (chuckles) that's going in the ghost notes. yes! so simple. make sense now. samantha, you must procure object that flower did die with. fast! we have mere hours left till midnight. thor, i want to bring flower back, too, but, i'm sorry, i wouldn't know where to start. well, we know that flower was mauled by the bear
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on the property. you guys were there. did anything fall off of her? did she drop anything? it's possible, and i don't want to get too graphic, but there was a lot of stuff flying around-- you know, clothes, jewelry, intestines... why? why did she think the bear wanted a hug? well, there you go, samantha. you just simply must leave the party and go dig up the site of flower's demise. or, more likely, just make jay do it. uh, jay, the ghosts are saying that you should dig up the spot where flower died and see if you can find anything that was on her person. that's what that long-ass pause was for? no. we're throwing a party. i-i want to see people try my shrimp toast. please, small man. thor want to tell flower that... i love her. when she was here, too afraid to tell her, but is one true wish that she know. aw, thor wants to tell flower that he loves her. he never got a chance to tell her. (groans softly) i mean, the body's not still there, is it? i think they got most of it.
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you know, maybe there's a toe or some teeth. nope, they took it all away. okay. i'm going to go excavate the site of a bear mauling because my wife fell down some stairs once. (all cheering) ♪ i'm all dressed up with nowhere to go... ♪ but that's what happens when you take the g train. (laughing): the g train. she's laughing way too hard. that's it, samantha, they want to see your back teeth. sam's spending way too much time with them. that girl is lingering. trevor: is nico checking his phone? oh, damn it, sam, get out of there. uh, uh, what was i saying? there you are. one sec. i saw a young man putting a beer down on a wooden credenza. i scolded him and he completely ignored me. young people. okay, well, thank you for telling me, carol, but actually, we were planning on refinishing it anyway. (chuckles) uh-huh. no, i'm a little busy right now, carol. okay, well, suit yourself.
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see you later. sorry, we invited her by accident. she's the worst. (chuckles) pete, want to join us at the party? you're being a real john jay up here. (laughs) he was most shy. i can't go down there. carol's circling like a shark with cat ears. (to tune of jaws theme): ♪ meow, meow, meow, meow ♪ ♪ meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow ♪ ♪ meow, meow, doo-dah-doo. ♪ what are you-- what is that? it's from jaws. i-- okay, it do-- it doesn't matter, because just look on the bright side, all right? she'll be gone by tomorrow. yeah, that's true. with any luck, i'll never have to see her again. well, i'm gonna go to my room and... i don't know, remember different knots? you got the square knot, obviously. yes, that's the spirit, you odd little man. ♪ at the door... ♪ watch out. carol: ooh. you guys win the costume contest. (gasps) nice fabric. got to say, you do not see that on a ream at joann's. wow. uh-oh. (laughs softly)
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so, carol's a ghost. hetty: oh, my goodness. she must have expired somewhere on the property. this is remarkable. we got to tell sam. sam! samantha! oh! oh! oh! hey, sam, we know you said not to bother you, but... (samantha shushes) i don't want to hear it. i very politely asked you guys not to talk to me at the party, because when you do, it makes me look like a crazy person. samantha... no. i've had it. i don't want your help. you died hundreds of years ago, and i'm sorry, but your advice really isn't all that relevant. (gasps) oh, my goodness, are you kidding? like i'm watching a toddler. carol. well, what do we do now? you heard her. little miss living doesn't want our help. (scoffs) hey, carol. uh, can i steal her away for a sec? carol: i'm telling my daryl hall story. he hit on me once at a safeway. well, maybe it's not the best time for that. (whispers): so sorry about her. okay, yeah. we're gonna go, um, get snacks. (laughs softly) thanks a lot, carol.
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what did i do? you talked their ear off. they weren't giving me much back. (sasha sighs) this is really disturbing, nico. sam's talking to imaginary people. she's completely lost it. well, she's stuck up here in the middle of nowhere in this creepy old hotel. sasha: speaking of creepy, look at this halloween decoration. geez, that looks realistic. oh, well, there's carol's corpse. (chuckles) i was wondering where that was. mm, mystery solved. sasha: that does look really real. yep, that's a dead body. oh, my god. sasha: oh, my god. nico, that's the lady from earlier. the one we said was a bit much. and then sam said that jay would "take care of her." see, this is interesting, because they think that sam and jay murdered carol. (gasps) oh, i would love to alert samantha, but i also want to honor her wishes not to bother her with my outdated advice. what to do, what to do? mm. oh, my god. you don't think...? that they killed this lady 'cause they're desperate to be friends with us and we said that we didn't like her?
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i knew they could smell the desperation. i told samantha to rein it in. maybe it's just a coincidence. yeah. i mean, people can be crazy, and there can be dead bodies, but it doesn't mean that the crazy people killed them. no, right. she could have bonked her head and... (door closes) (screams) ♪ ♪ hi. ah... nico: nice shovel. (chuckles) what? oh, i had a gardening emergency. yeah. smooth. cool. totally. yeah. makes perfect sense. nico: i'm gl-- i'm so glad you got that done. i'm gonna go clean up. but you guys, you don't go anywhere, okay? 'cause sam and i got big plans for the both of you this weekend. oh... (whoops, chuckles) aye, aye, captain. aye, aye to you as well. well, they think they're gonna die. delightful. we have fun. mm. numbers move you. but some can stop you in your tracks. like the tens of thousands of people who were diagnosed with certain hpv-related cancers. for most people, hpv
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small man delivers. behold the ring of flower. jay, you're amazing. how did you find this? i went right where you told me to and i started digging and it was creepy and it was dark, and then i heard an owl make a hoot, which brought up some really painful memories, but you know what? i hit pay dirt. how's it going here? not great. carol keeps hovering when i'm trying to talk to sasha and nico. i don't know why she's still here. (singsongy): i got a clue. jay (distant): it's okay, babe, i'm here now. everything's gonna be fine. we are gonna get rid of carol, and then we're gonna take care of sasha and nico. (whispering): they must know we saw the body. we know too much. okay, go. go, go, go. enough talking! only three hours left till midnight. thor yearns to tell flower he love her. and do other things that, again, others are invited to watch in living room. isaac: and with that, let's bring back a ghost. uh, nico and sasha are packing up faster than the hendersons back in '84 when they had to flee the bahamas due to a hurricane. i was working on getting them a full refund when yuh-oh.
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pete says sasha and nico are leaving. what? no, no, no. we got to stop 'em. wait, we bring back flower first. and now they're sprinting down the stairs. (gasps) thor, i'm sorry, we'll be right back. jay, let's go. i bet this is because of carol. (singsongy): you're probably right. hey, seriously? you're just gonna leave the big guy hanging? what about his loins? (groans) ugh. i hate that i asked that. wait. damn. i forgot my coat in the closet upstairs. leave it. it's loro piana. it's quiet luxury. oh, your father will buy you a new one. well, i hope so. you guys aren't trying to escape, are you? (screams) we are not letting you get away that easy. oh, yeah, uh... no! no, we weren't. okay. we don't want to-- we just-- uh, we... we have to go now. is this because of carol? no, no, no. something came up. and, uh, we don't even know what you're talking about. wait, well, did somebody else bother you? because if they did, i can stick them in the kitchen, too. no, no, no, no, no, no! everyone has been so chill. it's been awesome and... and we won't tell anyone what we saw, we swear to god. what you saw? sasha, are you feeling okay?
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you look a little pale. oh, it's food poisoning, yeah. but not something that you made, jay! it's from earlier. and, yeah, man, everything you made, you're an amazing cook. and, uh, we would never want to upset you. but please, man. what? sam? oh, here comes carol. carol: i don't know what's going on with this foot medicine, but i swear to god, i just saw my hand go through the back of a chair. (gasps) ("werewolves of london" by warren zevon playing) ♪ you better not let him in... ♪ pete? pete: you... you can see me? (all screaming) carol's a ghost! (screaming continues) (grunts) come on, baby, let's go! let's go! oh, jay? (gasps) right. so, couple things. uh, carol died in the kitchen. also, sasha and nico found the body,
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thought that you killed her, and now think that you're gonna kill them to tie up the loose ends. we would have loved to have given you a heads-up, but we really didn't want to be a distraction. you're welcome. oh, that lady is strong. i can't believe you guys. huh? did i choke on a doughnut hole? well, that would be ironic. you don't even like doughnut holes. i don't like doughnuts. doughnut holes are made from their own material. i'm out. isaac: well, that party ended fast. yeah, it's weird. once you tell people the coroner's on the way, they tend to clear out pretty quickly. samantha, if we may... no. i don't even want to talk to you. let's just bring flower back, since that's all i'm good for is doing stuff for you guys, even though you can't do one simple thing for me, like telling me carol is a freaking ghost when i'm making an idiot out of myself. am i really a ghost? are ghosts real? what did i do to the universe? i mean, i was a good person. sure, the deck was unpermitted, but...
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is that what this is, god? is this about the deck? sam, we're sorry we let you twist in the wind. it's just that we were hurt. hetty: we have all this knowledge and no lives with which to use it. i mean, we can't even leave the property. wait, seriously? carol, not now. but through you, in some small way, we get to continue to live. it's like they say-- you have the whole world, but you're our whole world. hetty? that's from a dog food commercial. oh, gosh, is it? don't love that. that's a new low. i may have been a little harsh, saying your advice wasn't relevant. the truth is, i could probably learn a lot from you guys when it comes to that kind of stuff. that's all we wanted. now let's talk about your hair, because your chances with sasha and nico were dead long before carol was. (thorfinn clears throat) hello? my loins. right. uh, thor's loins. i'm not even gonna ask.
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oh, no7 future renew day cream. reverses damage? what like from sleeping in my makeup? flawless! erghh! emotional damage? no... skin only. reverse visible skin damage with new future renew day cream with a world-first peptide technology no other skincare product has. whose got damage? besides all of us. don't regret, just reverse. man, wish i had 750 donuts like this sign says. it says $750 "dollars," not "donuts." what if each donut cost a dollar? i hate that you're kind of right. switch to progressive and you could save hundreds.
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(husband) rock, paper, scissors for who's on dinner duty? i hate that you're kind of right. (wife) nice try! (husband) i'll get it! (doughboy) hoo-hoo! need some help? delicious two-ingredient weeknight dinners approved! hoo-hoo! get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help get you there. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management.
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♪ i don't understand. so, we can walk through walls. how come we don't fall through furniture? it's a lot of questions. maybe just let it soak in for a bit, carol. okay. here we go. spirits, we ask you to open your door to the realm of the dead. all: spirits, spirits, draw in near. from beyond, join us here. hey, flower. i've never seen you, but your presence in this room is unmistakable, so let me be the first to... jay. didn't work, did it? no. i'm sorry, thor. why does my foot still hurt? it just does. carol, we're in the middle of something.
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hetty: why didn't flower come back? what happened? it is very curious. flower...! (animals howling) -thorfinn (in distance): flower! -flower: thor? is that you? i fell down this well, like, a month ago and i can't get out. guys! anybody? help! captioning sponsored by cbs and toyota.
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be are doing something. we all do. you know? nothing happens and you feel defeated. the summer comes and the ocean receives and you kind of forget it. the winter comes again and it's all over again. you are beating yourself up because you cannot seem to do anything. you feel helpless. in that action was seen in the form of signage. that is no match for the oceans impact for barbara and her jazz bar. >> if they don't, i cannot keep doing this. i cannot do it anymore. it's not sustainable. >> the county says they do not know how long the road will stay closed but the community meeting next month should give them a better idea of where things stand. we want to welcome the audience joining us on kpix. we are taking a look outside. let's get a check at your first alert forecast with
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chief meteorologist. >> reporter: enjoying the dry weather today, another dry day in sort of. temperatures will be a little bit warmer. as we get closer to the weekend, sunshine with mild temperatures on friday. we are back into it on the weekend. light rain showers on saturday. steady rain will move in sunday afternoon and into sunday evening and night. monday and into tuesday, light showers with widespread rain monday night and into tuesday. after that a longer stretch of dry and warmer weather will settle in. let's talk about the approach of the next system, nothing to worry about as we go through tonight and into tomorrow. we was in for a closer look. clear skies are ahead. it will be chilly to begin the day on friday but plenty of sunshine. the temperatures will warm up to a few degrees above average. clouds tomorrow evening and here is the approach of the
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next rainmaker. that's we have the best chance of picking up a couple inches of rain. it is falling apart as it was across the bay area on saturday. it is not a guarantee of rain and it will not be a washout. by saturday afternoon we will see decreasing clouds with sunshine breaking through. i would be flexible but be optimistic. you might be to get stuff with zero. barely a trace of rain in some locations, especially for the southern half of the bay area. more rain chances further to malign her let's take a look at those. sunday afternoon, sunday night, the daylight hours of monday, tuesday, a last batch of rain and things
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will settle down going into wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday. temperatures are in the mid-50s across the board. they will fall quite a bit as we go through the rest of tonight. we will see it a mix of upper 30s , low to mid 40s around the bay and along the coast. despite the chilly start, temperatures will warm up nicely by tomorrow afternoon , the upper 60s in san jose. the warm spot will fall a little short of 70 degrees. you have 70s further down the line by next week but you have to be patient. temperatures inland, and middle portion of the 60s, the cool spots along the coast, upper 50s for half moon bay. closer to 60 degrees for 62 in san francisco is the high temperature, normal for tomorrow. northbay, reaching mostly into the mid-60s by tomorrow afternoon. as we look at the ten-day temperature outlook, there is warmer weather in star. san jose as an
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example, look at the temperatures by end of next week, low 70s on thursday and upper 70s and close to 80 at the beginning of st. patrick's day we can. if you are tired of the damp weather, there is light at the end of the tunnel but you have to wait. the seven-day forecast includes the next chance of rain that comes our way on saturday. sunday afternoon and sunday evening, monday, unsettled but lighter showers during the day. one more round of widespread rain monday night and into tuesday. a couple dry days coming our way for wednesday and thursday with a warm up noticeable beginning a week from today. at least it is in sight. a community hungry for life's basic necessities, we have a report about a grocery store that is a game changer. more men than women work construction. the story of a woman who can break
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- it's so fun to watch jessica in this space. - this is a look at those clouds right now in real-time, but let's head underneath this cloud layer and take a look at our rainfall... - [narrator] the virtual view studio, part of "morning edition." weekday mornings starting at 5 on kpix.
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a neighborhood grocery store , many people in poor areas lack basic necessities. when a grocery store moves in, it's a big deal. >> reporter: it's a busy day at the new grocery outlet where residence are pretty excited about finally having a full grocery store in the area. he has lived in the area for over 50 years and today he says it was his lucky day when he realized the grocery alit was opening a store so close to home. >> i am glad to have this grocery outlet. it will be
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great for the neighborhood. >> reporter: he was one of hundreds who filled up there, carts and baskets during the opening day of grocery outlet located on donahue street. >> i would go to the grocery outlet at -- now that this is here, it is more convenient. >> reporter: that's what the new owners decided to open here. >> if you are from here or you know the area in general, the area is a food desert. because it is a food desert and we are a full grocery store where we supply everything, all of the staples, meat, dairy, they are excited to have us. our prices are unbelievable. >> reporter: it's a great way
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to bring new jobs to the community. >> we brought 19 members with us. with that we hire within the community and we are local. half of the staff lives across the street and walked to work. not only are we providing affordable groceries, we are giving back to the community. we are providing jobs. we hired over 35 team members. in the excitement was real for other customers, too. >> i am glad you are here. we came to check you out. >> thank you. we appreciate it. >> reporter: that's why they took advantage to get a few things. >> tomato ketchup, soup, and more to come.
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>> reporter: he tells me he will keep coming here because for him it is more than just grocery shopping, it is also an opportunity to connect with the community. there is much more coming up. the video is dramatic and disturbing. a plane taking off from san francisco loses attire before clearing the runway. what went wrong? we talked to an aviation expert.
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you're watching the primetime edition. these are your headlines at the half hour. protesters rallied out of the public utilities commission urging them not to allow at&t to get out of man line service. it currently is the state's carrier of the last
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resort until another provider takes over. they say they are essential in rural areas . they did not make any decisions today. they are calling for the public to weigh in. sweden joined nato ending postwar world neutrality. president biden said that his nato counterparts vowed that ukraine would join one day, too. what could've taken hours was done in less then 60 minutes thanks to the police helicopter. they found a skier who was lost. luckily the skier had enough of a signal on his cell phone to get through. taking a look outside at san jose, we get a check of the first alert forecast.
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beautiful weather across the bay area today. nice to get a break from rainfall. it has been a wet start to 2024 , but consequence of the rain, look how green the hillsides are. some clouds floating through. a few clouds over the higher elevations that try to bubble into an actual shower. the entire bay area almost stayed dry today. the skies have cleared out, temperatures by tomorrow morning will be a little bit chilly. we start off early friday morning mostly in the mid to low 40s but it will dip down to the upper 30s. along the bay and coast , low to mid 40s. it will be a mix of upper 30s and low 40s further inland. the northbay will have to chillier readings , down to 37 in santa rosa. 35 to begin tomorrow. with full sunshine
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overhead, no early-morning cloud cover to slow down the warm up. temperatures will end up near or a little bit above average by friday afternoon. temperatures in the 60s across the entire bay area, pretty much. this stretch will not last too long. showers are back as we go into the weekend. treatment getting back to the top story, the tire from a united airlines plane that came loose during takeoff, pilots reported it to air traffic control after spotting the wheel falloff. she make the tire is going down the runway. it just took off the runway. >> here's a look at the moments when the plane made it into lax with a tire missing. united told us after the plane landed safely, they were making arrangements for a new plane to take the passengers to japan. we are joined by cbs news aviation expert, robert. let's start with the question that
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the public wants answered. to the best of your understanding, what happened today and how great of a safety risk is it to lose a will upon takeoff? >> the pictures speak for themselves. having any sort of object dropping from an airplane has the potential to do damage or cause injuries, death, on the run. fortunately none of that happened. there was property damage. as far as a safety of the airplane is concerned, i will not say it would be jeopardized at all. that particular landing gear has three additional wheels and tires on it. i am sure the airplane could've landed safely as it was earlier this morning in los angeles. >> basically there is some level of redundancy. is not a single point of failure. you do not want to lose that tire, but there are other tires on the left side that can adequately
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land the plane? >> that is right. you said it perfectly. >> the other question, i heard you say earlier today that because of the age of this plan, it is roughly 20 years old, you think it is less a manufacturing issue and perhaps a maintenance issue. walk me through what the maintenance protocol should be before the plane takes off? >> airplanes of this size have various inspections periodically. the investigations, whether it is the faa or the ntsb , i was chairman of that for four years, so i know what they will look at, but they will go back and look at the inspection records, the maintenance records, to see the last time the wheel and the tire were maintained. was there enough grease on the axle? were the bearings like on the wheel? they will look into those
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sorts of things. >> is seems to the average person that , it is deeply disturbing to see a plane that really has not gotten more than 100 feet off the ground and it loses a critical piece of equipment. >> it is disturbing. it certainly is not something that is supposed to happen. as i have said, from a safety point of view, there is enough redundancy in the system that the airplane could land safely. >> every time something like this happens, there is an investigation that is launched , things that are learned, hopefully there is something that is done to prevent something like this from happening again. i know that we're jumping a number of different steps, but what you think the lesson might be? what do you think the aviation industry can do differently or better to perhaps minimize the risk of something like this happening? >> that is a great question and i think in order to answer that we have to know exactly where
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the failure occurred. did it occur -- why did it occur? what was it? to answer your question, we really have to know first what caused the will to come off. >> any other thoughts that you have, given the fact that it was dramatic video. it's highly unusual that we have video of the takeoff that shows is so clearly, this piece of equipment falling off. any general thoughts or concerns you might have before we wrap things up? >> as you pointed out, there have been a lot of aviation events occurring lately. that is disturbing. i think it is highly important for the public to understand that we have an extremely safe commercial aviation system here in the u.s. i would have no qualms at all about getting on an airplane today, tomorrow, i
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just got off an airplane three days ago. i am spending a lot of time on airplanes these days. i have no safety concerns at all. >> you have been very gracious with your time today. thank you for your expertise, your insight and analysis. thank you. there is a critical shortage that is affect the new parents in the south bay. >> there is a milk shortage at the nation's oldest milk bank. it is based in san jose for the nonprofit running it says they are in desperate need of donors. we talk with a new mom who is experiencing firsthand the importance of donated milk. in they say breast is best what happens whether it just is not enough? thanks have a shortage of supplies , a nursing mother says new moms should have access to liquid gold. what
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could be more peaceful than the sight of a baby enjoying fresh milk? it's a kind of precious moments new mother jaclyn has dreamed of. she loves motherhood. for me memories with her son, but she says challenges with russ feeding came as a surprise. >> i was arrogant going into having a baby. i assume that breast-feeding would come naturally. in according to the milk bank, the nonprofit that provides invincible technique with human milk, jaclyn is not alone. the demand for human milk is ever present. access to the peaceful milk moments have become a challenge. the milk bank is dealing with an urgent donor shortage. >> it is critical that mothers milk bank has donations to help save fragile babies in intensive care units. remic to support new mothers like jaclyn and more, the milk bank is inviting lactating mothers to participate. encouraging those
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who are able to donate. all milk is tested before distribution. they emphasize the benefits of natural breast milk. >> human milk has all the essential nutrients a baby needs to thrive and to grow and develop properly. in infant groups with special needs depend on breastmilk for survival. jaclyn says if she had a surplus supply she would have loved to donate. she has to switch between her breast and bottle. she realizes the value the banks have. >> i think it is wonderful and it makes perfect sense because there are some women who overproduce and there are some women who do not make enough , like in my case. i think it is a wonderful opportunity for milk not to be wasted. for women to help each other. in breastmilk is known to have a central benefits for newborns including protections from
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diseases. >> every ounce is so important . moms who have gone through that know what it is like. it is very valuable. it >> reporter: the kind of valuable she believes every mother should have access to. the state of the union address, eric swalwell hoped to put the spotlight on new mothers. his guest was emma who was improperly blocked from flying with russ milk and accessories. this sparked a new effort to put family friendly policies in place and make sure current ones are followed. much more coming up on tonight's runtime addition. maxeys they get confused as a crossing guard because men could not imagine a woman working in construction. her story is coming up.
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being a landlord , it's a business. a landlord has every right to make a profit. at the same time, a 94-year-old should not face eviction. liz? >> as developers explore new opportunities in san francisco, some residents say they are being pushed out. met a woman who was facing eviction after more than a decade in the same apartment. just learned that she can stay. >> reporter: as you walk into this apartment on cesar chavez street, it's like taking a trip back into time. >> we moved here in 1942, which was the start of world war ii. i have lived here for
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80 years. >> reporter: it was helen, her two sisters, and her father, who moved into this apartment. her mother passed in 1937. the last 80 years, this apartment has been full of life and unfortunately death. >> wonderful memories, some bad, most are wonderful memories. in after helen's father passed, she lived here with her sister. it was helen that took care of her sibling until she passed away. >> this is her, she's the youngest one. in at the age of 94, she had us a daughter she was never able to have. she lives next door and became much more than a neighbor. >> it's her turn. we take care of her. i want to make sure she stays where she grew up. we're like her dad and
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sisters, this is where helen wanted to live the rest of her life. she nearly missed out on that chance when a real estate investor bought the building. the plan was to get the current tenants out and raise the rent or sell a vacant daily. the tenants fought off the eviction attempt. >> it means the world to me. not just for me, but for the other people in the building. remic these two will continue to make special memories in their home sweet home. >> we are together. >> the investor who owns the building told us the renters were offered generous buyouts. when they learned of helen's story, they decided to commit to keeping her and her neighbors in their homes. they say they will decide the next us for the property's future in the coming weeks. taking a look outside of
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san francisco, let's get a checkup of the first alert forecast. we're seven days into the month of march and the first dry day paid a visit. two in a row with friday , looking like it will remain calm. the area of high pressure , it won't hang out long. the storm system is lining up off the coast we have two different ripples in the atmosphere that will give different chances of rain as we go into the weekend. we will have clear skies tonight and abundance of sunshine tomorrow. temperatures will start of chile but will warm up above average. the clouds start to after the sun goes down. it does not move in until the sun comes up on saturday. for the north bay, the best chance of adding up . the rain falls apart as it
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makes its way deeper into the bay area. dropping off the radar by midday. there is flexibility with the data if things slow down by a couple of hours, that will leave a chance of showers in the afternoon. afternoon and evening plans for saturday, little bit of sunshine breaking through the clouds. total rainfall amounts will be meager across the board. no heavy rain in store with the system coming in. a couple spots in between the outline could pick up a couple tenths of an of rain. the questions will be over the north bay. outside right now to the west, clear skies overhead. low to mid 50s. we will continue dropping pretty quickly and end up with a mix of upper 30s and low 40s and land with low to mid 40s around the date and along the coast by early friday morning. tomorrow's forecast, high temperatures. they could be a couple degrees above normal. the first average day
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we will have so far in the month of march. upper 60s in san jose. the warmest spots will fall short of 70. it will not be that warm but it is nice. plenty of sunshine and it will fill warmer if you're in the sunshine. it should be pretty pleasant out there. temperatures, low 60s in some physical. mid 60s for the north bay. to go along with the rain chances as we can, we have cooler temperatures. try to soak up as much of the warmth as possible. a longer stretch of dry weather, we have that in the forecast. it's further down the line. starts to kick in by wednesday and thursday. this takes us to the beginning of march madness on march 21st it is shows a significant chance of drier than normal conditions for the bay area and most of california. a better chance of warm weather to accompany the dry conditions. a good chance for above normal
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temperatures. in the short term, something to keep in mind as we go through a cool and damp weekend. light rain showers on saturday and sunday, steadier rain will move in by the afternoon and evening. that activity will not -- no wind damage , but a wave of rain on monday and into tuesday. it will clear out for some dry days. wednesday and thursday, the beginning of the longer stretch of dry and mild weather. the primetime edition, she's built a career in a field dominated by men. meet the woman with all of the tools to be a boss in the construction industry. you can watch us any time on the streaming service. primetime edition is live every night at 8:00 and 9:00.
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in san jose is one of the latest to announce their police force is taken the 30 by 30 pledge to increase female representation on the police force by 30%, by 2030. >> by encouraging more women to join the police department, we are fostering diversity and creating a force that is more reflective of the community that it serves. we have
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consistently demonstrated the positive impact of women in law enforcement. >> according to the research center, female officers are less likely to use force or fire a weapon on duty. only 12% of sworn officers in the u.s. are women. this week is women in construction week. we are highlighting one of the bay area female standouts in an industry that is dominated by men. we look at how she got her start and is working to empower other women. i have my vest on and went into cosco. a guy looked at me and thought i was a cross card. i said, i built homes. we're she started in that line of work at a young age. her mother was an electrician and brought her along on jobs growing up.
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she represents the 11% of women who work in construction. >> this division of the bay area, i am the only woman superintendent here. that is pretty cool. >> reporter: she has been there for about 10 years and had to prove to men that she is up for the job. transitioning from customer service, she loves to oversee , getting ready for somebody to move in. she wants people to imagine more women doing work like this. not limited to sales and marketing jobs in the business. >> it is so rewarding for my kids to drive through a community and say that my mom built those homes. that is cool. >> reporter: her days are filled with inspections, making sure they are meeting city requirements each stage. she says she had to work harder and be better to earn respondent . she hopes it helps more women to join her in construction. >> this is not something that you have to be a man to do. >> reporter: a lot of women have the skills to do the work.
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they do not realize they can be a part of this industry. there is a common goal so many women and joy achieving together. >> the result is to build a journal. >> she says one source of inspiration for her is to see the company run by a woman as ceo. the board has an equal number of men and women. thank you for watching tonight. delete news on kpix has your latest stories at 11:00. you can stream us on cbs news bay area , - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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(upbeat music) - this is the new pix+ with the only 8:00 and 9:00 pm news, the primetime edition: weeknights on the new pix+. 44 cable 12. (bell chiming) previously on so help me todd... margaret: you did not speak to beverly crest, did you? i am this close to getting my name above the letterhead. chuck, we have to talk. allison, are you living here? todd: is it ethical for you to kiss me, and then spend two weeks gaslighting me into thinking it never happened?


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