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tv   The Late News  CBS  March 7, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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now at 11:00, even an understanding insurance adjustor would have trouble buying this. >> the wheel fell off here. >> the plane part that fell out of the sky and gave sun rough a
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whole new meaning. >> we had to close the runway because somebody lost a tire. plus. >> and they pointed the gun at me and told me to get out of the car. >> uc berkeley students who say they're not safe on campus have a new group of guards watching over them. why parents are picking up the tab. and who put a panda on the packing list? where airport security found 87 animals in a bunch of luggage. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. hello, i'm sara donchey. we do not want to see things flying out of the sky over an airport runway for any reason at any time. certainly not a vital piece of the landing gear of a plane. but that is what went tumbling out of the sky over sfo today. and it made a crash landing in a very interesting place. >> yes, there's a tire going down the runway. >> we had to close the runway because somebody lost a tire. >> just after united flight 35
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took off around 11:30 this morning, a camera captured the moment the wheel fell off. they were headed to japan with 149 passengers and crew, but of course they couldn't continue. it was rerouted to los angeles and managed to land safely at lax. back at sfo they had to deal with some collateral damage because the tire fell straight from the sky onto a car in the employee parking lot. >> you say the wheel fell off where? >> from a plane and lands here. >> what the? >> i mean, i was so lucky, man. yeah, just two cars away. i'm almost the one. >> that was william counting his blessings. luckily no one was in the car that was hit at the time. no word on why the the wheel fell off of the plane, but we do know this particular jet has been in service for more than 20 years. >> i know people are going to look at this and say oh my goodness, this is another
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boeing problem. i highly suspect it has anything to do with the manufacturing or design of the plane by boeing. >> something similar happened in january 2020 when a flight canada plane lost a wheel taking off from montreal. it landed safely as well. in berkeley, some parents who have been calling for more security at cal are putting their own money up to provide it. they raised tens of thousands of dollars to put private guards on patrol along the south side of campus where the dorms for years. the chorus for more security got louder in 2022 after a deadly shooting just steps from a dorm. >> i'm really afraid to walk at night and can't go anywhere by myself right now. >> there's a lot of anxiety going on. >> we feel very uncertain, unsettled, insecure leaving my children here. it makes me feel like i need to drive to campus and pick up my children, which seems kind of insane. >> just a few weeks ago, a man
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fired a gun in the air on campus forcing students to run for cover and shelter in place. tonight our andrea nakano spoke with a student who has been wanting to see a change after being robbed at gun point. >> reporter: the security guards will be out here from 6:30 at night to 3:00 in the morning to patrol three main dorm buildings and the surrounding area. parents in this group say this is long overdue, but some wonder if this will really make a difference to make the streets safer. rebecca has been studying at cal since 2018. at first it felt like normal life on campus until recently. >> and i parked in my driveway. as i was unlocking the door, two people approached me from behind. one came to the driver's side, one came to the passenger side. they pointed the gun at me and told me to get out of car. >> reporter: rebecca has been robbed not once, but twice off
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campus. she asked us to protect her identity by concealing her face. the robbers took something, her sense of safety in college life. >> i feel like it's not really a sustainable life style anymore. >> reporter: it isn't a concern for just students. parents like sandra, who has twin boys at cal, took matters into their own hands. >> the fact is if they're not going to act, despite repeated entreaties from parents and now students as well to take more substantial action, then we're going to act. we're going to do what needs to be done to keep our families safe. >> reporter: parent group safe bears raised $40,000 to hire private security guards to patrol near campus housing on bikes and on foot for the next few weeks. after that, the hope is that the university will take over. >> we want to frankly turn up the heat with the
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administration. we want to show that we're not content to just wait forever to have these safety ambassadors deployed. >> reporter: the patrols are not armed, but they have radios and are trained to deescalate conflicts and call police if necessary. >> i guess i just wonder what their approach is supposed to be? like, if suddenly like someone appeared like out of the blue, like i don't know what proactive measures they're ready to take. >> i like the campus security officers because i know they're there to make students feel safe, but i don't think we need additional security. >> reporter: rebecca hopes it will help other students avoid being victimized like she was, but says it's just a start. >> i think there are actions that can be taken at multiple levels, at the university level, the city level, and state level. >> we asked to speak to someone from the university tonight, but they gave a statement saying hiring private security raises training about their experience and university funds are better spent hiring for uc
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police officers. the university did say they're taking steps to increase security on campus. tonight, president biden addressed the country in a fiery state of the union ahead of a crucial election. he had plenty of off the cuff moments and played along with republicans who heckled him. >> the result was a bipartisan bill with the toughest set of border security reforms we've ever seen. oh, you don't think so? oh, you don't like that bill, huh? that conservatives got together and said was a good bill? i'll be darned. >> the 81-year-old also addressed criticism about his age. >> in my career, i've been told i was too young. by the way, they didn't let me on the senate elevators for votes sometimes. not a joke. now i've been told i'm too old. whether
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young or old, i've always known what endures. >> alabama senator katie britt delivered the republican response from her kitchen, slamming the president as a diminished leader. >> america deserves leaders who recognize that secure borders, stable prices, safe streets, and a strong defense are actually the corner stones of a great nation. >> never once in his 68 minute speech did president biden say donald trump's name. but he mentioned my predecessor 13 times as he criticized him. we have beautiful weather across the bay area this evening, and more nice weather in store tomorrow. nice to see the green hills around san jose, but also nice to see the blue skies overhead this afternoon along with a few fair weather clouds. we'll see mostly sunny skies tomorrow. how long will it last? the answer coming up in the first
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alert forecast. ahead in sports, what is up with the most important right ankle in sports? especially when it's connected to steph curry. a huge owie tonight with 3:53 left in the game. and it's a real story that sounds a lot like satire. this san francisco toilet was supposed to cost 2 million bucks, leading some to ask if it was made of gold. well the throne is finally here, and we found out how much it cost the city in the end.
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san francisco's union scare has been hemorrhaging stores. macy's announced they were closing their west coast flagship last week, and now an iconic outdoor brand is pulling up stakes too. the north face store is closing at the end of the month. it's the last north face location in the city where the brand was founded in the 60s. and tonight, the san francisco chronicle is reporting that zara is closing its union square location by the end of the year. but for all of those closures, there is one big opening to tell you about tonight. a toilet. and before you poopoo it as no big deal, this john was a big story last year when its initial cost was estimated to be $1.7 million. it turned out to be
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300 grand after the city got a gift. the throne was gracefully lowered down into town square in noie valley, and it should be opened by the end of the month. in four days a blizzard dropped 400 inches of snow in california, ending the state's snow drought. but february was also the warmest on record globally, and we're already seeing signs of an early spring. so what's going on? here's more in tonight's project earth. >> reporter: it was a monster blizzard. >> we're trying to get out, but i think we're stuck here tonight. >> reporter: the storm slammed california with heavy snow, high winds, and treacherous whiteout conditions. but the aftermath simply epic. in just four day, six to ten feet of snowfall. concern over california's snow drought evaporated. >> we went from 0 to 100 pretty fast. >> reporter: but we've yet to dig ourselves out of the much
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bigger problem. it might be hard to fathom, but this blockbuster blizzard may have links to the warming planet. experts believe global warming is supercharging some snowstorms while boosting the risk for a rapid snow melt. >> climate change is really impacting the underlying set of possibilities for what the weather system is capable of doing. >> reporter: andrew jones is a climate scientist at the lawrence berkeley national lab. his research involves hydroclimate extremes and snow dynamics in particular. this blizzard got his attention. >> this was a very interesting storm. >> reporter: a warming planet should mean less snow, but this was the lollapalooza of snowstorms. >> it really highlights this issue we're seeing. climate change causing two counteracting force test same time. >> reporter: with this blizzard, cold arctic air made a beeline to california. on the way it traveled over the
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warming pacific ocean. warming, due in part, to climate change. the higher temperatures in the ocean and the air allow the atmosphere to hold more water. >> so the ocean temperatures are warm right now, so this cold mass of air that came down from the bearing strait picked up heat and moisture as it moves across the pacific. >> reporter: creating a warmer, wetter storm, that was still below freezing. jones is now keeping his eye on the snow pack, and with good reason. february was the ninth straight month in a row to be the warmest on record globally. >> because overall conditions are warmer, the snow could melt faster than normal. >> reporter: he's hopeful for new strategies to catch excess water and store it underground. he also says it's not too late to slow down climate change. >> we have to be aware of the changes happening and start to prepare for them. >> reporter: so we can weather any storm. for the moment, we're in a
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break between storms. a brief little break from the rain chances, and even once the rain chances return, we're not talking about any torrential rain headed for the bay area. in the short term, more atmosphere on top of us suppressing the development of any clouds for most of the day on friday. but the next storm system already lining up to send a chance of showers into the bay area on saturday. while we're in this break, the solar electricity generation numbers have really responded to the sunshine breaking through the clouds today. the numbers really spike tomorrow with full sunshine throughout the day. then as the clouds return, we'll take a bite out of the numbers for the first half of the weekend. likely the same on sunday. tonight clear skies overhead. temperatures chilly to start the day, but we warm up with full sunshine overhead. the moisture holds off until about the time comes up saturday. showers moving into the north bay around sunrise saturday morning. but watch what happens to this line of rain as it tries to move across
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the bay area. it just kind of falls apart. the best chance of measurable rain is over the north bay. the rest of us could see a trace, a couple hundredths of an inch. by the afternoon breaks in the cloud cover. keep in mind, the forecast model data is never perfect. if things slow down a little bit, that would push the showers into the afternoon. but at the moment, cautiousfully optimistic that saturday afternoon might be okay for the outdoor plans. total rainfall is modest at best or worst depending on our perspective. less than a quarter inch of rain, most areas getting barely a trace. especially for the southern half of the bay area. as we have the seven-day outlook for rain. more chances are in the forecast by sunday. especially sunday afternoon into sunday night. then another spike in the rain chances monday night into tuesday. then things are going to dry out on a longer term basis. right now outside clear skies overhead.
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temperatures dropping off into the low 50s and 40s. these numbers anywhere from a couple to about a half dozen degrees below average, but no records set. temperatures bounce back into the upper 60s for high temperatures in san jose. 68 degrees there. that's the warm spot. so even the warmest spot will stay below 70 degrees. only a couple degrees above normal for most of us. along the coast and half moon bay, you fall just short of 60 degrees. just above in san francisco, 62 is exactly the normal high temperature for the eighth day of march, and temperatures in the north bay also reaching up into the mid-60s. but if you're in the sun, it is going to feel warmer than these near or slightly above average temperatures. and there's actual warmth just around the corner. look at the ten-day temperature outlook for san jose. there's a big spike in temperatures from thursday and especially into friday and saturday of next week. temperatures flirting with 80 degrees heading into st. patrick's day weekend. but we have to get there first through an unsettled weekend. not a
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washout on saturday. sunday afternoon looks fairy wet. bit of a break during the the daylight hours monday. but more rain monday night into tuesday. then there's the beginning of the drier and warmer stretch of weather starting wednesday and thursday of next week. vern? all right, straight ahead in sports, maybe you heard of bumps in the road? well, tonight the warriors had a bump at home. what the game against the bulls means with 20 games left in the season.
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you know, from the casual viewer perspective, it felt like the warriors were finally starting to get their groove back. he was cohesive again, playing like their old selves. and then this. >> yeah, last night beating the bucks, like we're on to something! then tonight. chicago 16 made threes, 11 for the warriors, and they lost their star player. star player hurt, and the teams the warriors are chasing in the postseason run all won tonight. but let's get to the matter at hand. chicago was bullish and steph curry is injured. roughly four minutes left in the game, curry rolled his right ankle. tried to run it off, but was unable to continue and limped
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off the court and into the locker room. golden state was up 3 at the time. steve kerr did not have an update on the star after the game other than to see his foot is in an ice bucket. how many of the 20 games left will he miss pending on mri? so here's the finish. draymond gave the warriors a three point lead. first triple double for him since december of 2021. chicago up two, final minute. klay had a three. thompson scored 25 off the bench. back come the bulls. rosen drew a foul and still hit the jumper. chicago retook the lead. 10 seconds to go. brandon to tie the game and missed. he couldn't believe it! and the bulls won the game 125 to 122. now the warriors await word on curry with the spurs coming in to visit on saturday. college basketball, cal and stanford met tonight in pac-12
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play on both the men's and women's side. the women met in vegas. quarter final play of the conference tournament. here's the trophy. final minute of the first half. look at the bears attack! longaria, corner pocket three. cal led 36-27 at the half. but it was all stanford in the second half. down low to make it 52-46 and out score the bears in the second half and won the game 71-57. second ranked stanford will face 13th ranked oregon state in the semis on friday. mark madsen returned to his alma mater as head coach. 20 point game. stanford with a pick pocket. and at the other
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end, stanford blew out the rivals 80-58 to snap their six-game losing streak. back to the dubs, again an mri on curry's ankle will reveal more. if the warriors win on saturday, it's a 2 and 1 home stand. they have 19 games left, and hopefully the news on curry's ankle is positive. because without him, that's a rough road ahead. >> yeah, yeah, that's difficult. all right, vern, hope all is well. thank you. it may not be a sport, but - it's so fun to watch jessica in this space. - this is a look at those clouds right now in real-time, but let's head underneath this cloud layer and take a look at our rainfall... - [narrator] the virtual view studio, part of "morning edition." weekday mornings starting at 5 on kpix.
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to get the full play by play, we figured we'd bring in someone that speaks golf. vern, this was the heritage golf club near melbourne, that's all i know. >> melbourne, australia. let's go to the links and check out the highlights of the marsupials that gathered on this course today. the rules of golf, throw it out the window as the pack of marsupials raced down the fairways to get a look at some of their favorite players as they walked the links in melbourne, australia. look at them. all excited running through the sand traps, over the hills, navigating the fairways to get a feel for what is truly the gentlemen's game of golf. >> that was so good. i appreciate that more than you know. and you even have a green jacket on! >> thank you, thank you very much. it was for the occasion. >> that was everything we hoped it would be. now for the hard news, the golf course actually got in trouble back in 2021.
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they said they were going to cull the nuisance kangaroos. people were not having that. so they got a ton of pushback. they said they'd change their minds and just build fences instead. but i think it's probably not working out for them. they've got a lot of company. >> can't they just jump for a better look? speaking of animals where they are not supposed to be, apparently someone was tryi
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okay, so every now and then you hear about someone stuffing something into their luggage at the airport that they definitely should not have right? >> questionable stuff. >> you hear the tsa stories, and you're like why did you bring that? >> why did you even try? >> yeah, why did you even try? so in this case, someone seems to have brought an entire zoo with them. there were 87 animals discovered in six people's luggage. so it's not a tsa thing. this happened in
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thailand. thai customs even found on endangered red panda in the bags. they also found a monkey, cats, a lizard, squirrels, birds, and bats. thai officials arrested six people accused of trying to smuggle the animals from thailand to india. >> i would have guessed an airport in florida, not india. >> oh, man! >> miami, tampa, orlando, jacksonville. that would have been my first ten gues s. >> >> super bowl lviii was the highest rated tv program all time thanks in part to its simultaneous on the gloating. spongebob and patrick giving commentary which helped bring in a new generation of fans. >> and now to reach a new


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