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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  March 8, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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and we thank you for joining us this morning. it is friday, we made it. march 8th. and it's also international women's day. >> let's get started everybody. >> i feel like when i'm walking the streets i'm always scared and always like that's looking around. >> uc berkeley students have a new group of guards watching over them. the issues facing our nation isn't how old we are. it's hold are our ideas. >> president biden addressed the country in a fiery state of the union address. ahead of what will likely be a
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contentious re-election battle. going back door. going -- there's turn. the right hang 8:00. >> warriors' star player steph curry injuring his troublesome right ankle once again last night. can they survive without their superstar. people should tune in and sell brit women in sports. >> on this international women's day we're celebrating women that are breaking barriers. we highlight a local bay area basketball team that's rising above the court. we're highlighting them and of course on a day like today where we celebrate, you know, hopes of the equality and age collusion. i'm gianna franco. >> i'm reed cowan. and i just have to say right off the top i'm so grateful for both of you and we have a team of rock star women behind the camera all throughout the station. when you watch the broadcast, know that we are standing on their shoulders as well. good morning. >> and can we shout out a special woman? because we are one day away from gianna's birthday. this is -- >> turning 27. >> 28. >> which is a lie. yes. >> i'm nicole zaloumis. happy early birthday and this is like
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her work birthday here on this friday morning. >> it is. >> what'd you get us? [ laughter ] >> well, i got a bottle of wine from someone. nicole. thank you very much. >> yes. well, let's take a live look outside this friday morning and we're not going to stumble outside right now. we're going to look out to the sutro our cam and there you go. the glittering lights laid out for you this morning. and we hope you are off to a great start on this friday. and you are going to recreate not just recreate, but recreate in the weekend. what will mother nature who's really in charge, she's like the big momma right? what's she going to do for you, jess. today providing so much sunshine and then suddenly we head into this weekend and with some more unsettled weather in the forecast for us. but on the this morning. it's clear as can be and widespread throughout the bay area. all the way over into san jose too where we're taking a live look right behind me. waking up this morning and head outdoor just be ready for sunshine and temperatures sitting a little bit above average today. i'll show you those in just a minute. we have a couple of passing showers for
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our saturday forecast. heading into sunday. then we're talking about some steadier rain that's going to roll in through the afternoon hours lasting into evening hours too. then by early next week more unsettled weather right around the corner. so basically, enjoy the day that we have today. because once we head into this afternoon, we're talking about some of the warmest temperatures we've seen all week. we're talking about plenty of sunshine and light wind along the coastline unlike yesterday. we're going to see the passing showers kind of sweep throughout the morning throughout san francisco. so if you are thinking of heading the giants' fan fest just keep in mind grabbing ability umbrella is not a bad idea. the saturday evening forecast we clear up little bit gearing up for some heavier rain rolling in on sunday. i'm going to time that out for you. right now though on futurecast things are looking pretty mild until early saturday morning up in the north bay lasting into the afternoon hours all the way down into the santa clara valley. we're going to see a splash of showers there too. more on that coming up in bit. for now over to you, g. thank you, jess. let's talk about the freeways and hey friday. happy you are here and happy that the roadways are reflective of that friday light travel conditions. heading over into san francisco. looking
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pretty good right now. let's hope it stays that way. great start on the bay area bridges. san mateo bridge great in both directions and look at the freeways showing green and that means good because speeds above 55 miles per hour. really on all of the bay area freeways a little slow into the altamont pass but a that's to be expected. but not too bad as you work your way westbound heading over towards that area near the dublin interchange. and south bay commuters, good morning to you. if you are up early getting out the door, no delays or any issues to slow you down. mr. speaker, the president of the united states. [ cheering and applause ] >> and with that, president joe biden entered the chambers of a divided congress as millions of us watched his annual state of the union address last night. so let's set this up. the speeches are always laced with strategy. it's an election year. keep that in mind and what the president says sets the stage for what he and his opponent in the race to the white house will debate in the coming months. so let's talk about the issues. the economy,
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threats to democracy, and the balancing act between support for israel's right to defend itself and the war in gaza killing innocent people. and the president did not hold back from the issue that some call the elephant in the room. his age. listen. >> in my career, i have been told i was too young. [ laughter ] by the way they didn't let me on the senate elevators for votes sometimes. not a joke and i've been told i'm too old. whether young or old i have always known what endures. >> so let's talk about the counterpoint to the president's speech. and the topic of age from her kitchen in alabama, senator katie britt delivered the republican response. saying that biden is what she calls a diminished leader and really teed up what you can expect will be the republican talking points in the race to the white house. here's that. >> america deserves leaders who
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recognize that secure borders, stable prices, safe streets, and a strong defense are actually the cornerstones of a great nation. >> well, also perhaps some strategy revealed there. while president biden mentioned his predecessor 13 times, he did not mention donald trump by name. so coming up we're going to ask an expert about the strategy of the speech and also what's ahead in the race to the white house. that's coming up at #:30 in the morning. and good morning to those of you waking up in san francisco looking live at city hall right now. beautiful and lit up. that's where mayor breed tried to shape the narrative about san francisco in her state of the city address. like the president breed also faces opponents who want her out of office. her response is a plan for major changes in the city by 2030 and in set a six year clock to revitalize downtown. >> downtown can't just be about jobs. it can't just be the 9 to 5 financial district. we also need more people to
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live and study there. so our new initiative, 30 by 30. 30,000 more residents and students downtown by 2030. a comprehensive plan for a dynamic resilient downtown with residents' night life and businesses. a neighborhood that keeps going around the clock. downtown 24/7. >> former san francisco mayor mark ferrell who is challenging breed offering counterpoint to her words and plans saying san franciscans have lost faith in her ability. the city he says needs a mayor with a track record of effective leadership inside and outside of city hall. nicole? well, here's a look at some of orator top stories. a scary incident at sfo. where a giant tire came crashing down on some cars after suddenly falling off of a departing plane. >> this is the tire going down the runway. >> somebody lost a tire. >> just after united flight 35
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took off after 11:30 yesterday morning a camera captured the moment that one of the plane's rear tires fell off. the boeing 777 was heading to japan with 249 passengers and crew and united airlines says the plane could land safely with a missing or damaged tire. the decision was made to reroute to l. a. x. where it landed safely and then a new plane took the passengers to japan. back at sfo, they had to deal with some collateral damage because the tire fell straight from the sky and on to a couple of cars in an employee parking lot. >> see eel e fell off from where? >> off a plane and lands here. >> what the [ bleep ]. >> i mean, i was so lucky man. because -- yeah. just two cars away i'm almost the one. >> incredibly lucky there. william was parked just two slots away as he said from the car that was crushed. and thankfully, nobody was in it at the time. no word on why the wheel fell off. but we do know
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that this particular jet has been in service for more than 20 years. gianna? >> wow. to berkeley now, some parents who have been calling for more security at cal are now putting up their own money up front to provide it as they raise tens of thousands of dollars to put private guards on patrol. along the south side of campus where the dorms are. now we've been following crime concerns at uc berkeley just a few weeks ago a man fired a gun in the air on campus. on lower sprout plaza. forcing students to run for cover and shelter in place. our andrea nakano spoke with the student who has been wanting to see a change after being robbed at gunpoint. >> reporter: the security guards will be out here from 6:30 at night to 3:00 in the morning to patrol three main dorm buildings and the surrounding area. parents in the group called safe bay area say this is long overdue but some wonder if this will really make a difference to make streets safer. rebecca has been
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studying at cal since 2018. at first, it felt like normal life on campus. until recently. >> and i parked in my driveway as i was out locking the door two people approached me from behind. one came to the passenger's seat and they pointed a gun at me and told me to get out of the car. >> reporter: rebecca has been robbed not once, but twice off-campus. she asked us to protect her identity by concealing her face. the robbers told her personal belongings and her car but they took something much greater, her shot at a normal college life. >> yeah, and i feel like when i'm walking the streets i'm always scared and always looking around when i get in and out of cars. always running to my car and lock it immediately. not really a sustainable lifestyle anymore. >> reporter: it isn't a concern for just students. parents like him who has twin boys at cal took matters into their own hands. >> the fact is a if they're not going to act despite
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repeated entrities from parents and parents as well to take more substantial action, then we're going to act. we're going to do what needs to be done to keep our families safe. >> reporter: parent group safe bears raised $40,000 to hire these private security guards to patrol near campus housing on bikes and on foot for the next few weeks. after that, the hope is that the university will take over. >> we want to frankly turn up the heat. with the administration. we want to show we're not content to wait forever to have the safety ambassadors deployed. >> reporter: the patrols are not armed but they have radios and are trained to de-escalate conflicts and call police if necessary. >> i guess i just wonder like what their approach is supposed to be if suddenly like someone appeared like out of the blue. like -- i don't know. like what -- proactive measures like they're ready to take. >> i like the campus security officers. because i know that like they're there to make students feel safe bull i don't think we need additional security. >> reporter: rebecca hopes it
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will help other students avoid being victimized like she was. but says it's just a start. >> i think there are actions that can be taken at multiple levels. at the university level, at the city level and state level. time right now 5:11 in the morning. supercharged snowstorms. are they the new normal for a changing planet? we'll dig deeper into the deep snow and what it means in "project earth" ahead. and powerhouse women with shawn chitnis this morning. good morning, shawn. >> reporter: hey reed, good morning. we are here in san jose four of those powerhouse women. the number one team in the country when it comes to high school women eschewal. and coming up, we're going to introduce you to one of the players who has a lot to celebrate even before the state championship game. and on this international women's day we want to highlight one of san francisco's best known murals in the mission district. this is a live look at the women's building, a women led nonprofit arts and education center. this mural on 18th street was painted in 1994 and is called
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today on international women's day we are celebrating women in our lives and remembering those in the past and present who fight for a better future and cheering on the ones today who are living out their dreams. shawn chitnis
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is live this morning at archbishop mitty high school. shawn is there to highlight one of the current star players who is continuing that tradition today. >> reporter: hey, gianna. good morning and yes as you know there's such a great history of athletic excellence here and the player that we got the spend some time with lives up to that and large part because of an amazing coach that they have here as well. but this is all building up to what is going on a very exciting game tomorrow. the team is undefeated and number one in the country. al tradition of excellence rises above the court at archbishop mitty high school in san jose. every player knows it including morgan comelily a senior on the women's basketball team. so many of the championships won by girls like her just getting started in what she hopes will be a long career. >> my goal is to play in the
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wnba and i'm super excited for uconn and the next step and this new chapter. >> reporter: and that next phase of basketball will bring her to one of the most respected programs in college sports. at a time when she feels the momentum is building for all female athletes. >> i think it's a great thing. but it can be even better and it can always you know, be improved upon. and i just think it's heading in the right direction so i'm super excited. >> reporter: her coach sue phillips couldn't be more proud of the success she's seen in the sport. and the woman morgan has become. >> morgan is an outstanding person. just an incredible human being. kind. considerate. respectful. endearing to all that come across her. >> reporter: but coach phillips agrees that while women have come a long way, they still have a ways to go. they can both look forward to what is just around the corner for women who love basketball in the bay. a wnba franchise coming here in 2025. morgan hopes another professional team
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will help to grow the future audience for players like her. >> it's an amazing legacy that we have. and for women's sports in general. and i think we're just continuing to grow. and people should tune in and celebrate women in sports. >> reporter: so morgan is off to uconn and if you think about it with that new tame launching for the wnba the thyming may be on her side when she's done with college so we will certainly look forward toe. but well before talk about tomorrow and the big game. the monarchs are number one and undefeated and by the weatherer returning to the state championship game and gianna, they are going to face the same team they played last year. who they lost to. so perhaps this is a chance at revenge or at least dereligious. back to you. >> yeah, thank you. and i mean clearly the team is very special and incredible and you hear stories like morgan who just are doing really good things. bright future there for her for sure. all right, well, good luck to them. thank you, shawn. it is also women of
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aviation worldwide week. it's celebrating women's past and present contributions in the air and space industry. and this week, promotes aviation opportunities to girls and women all around the world. and we want to highlight our own jessica burch this morning who is a blackhawk pilot for the national guard. she was like i went flying last night and just another one of jessica's many talents. >> id went with a boy and it didn't work out. [ laughter ] >> i kicked him out of the -- helicopter. gave him a parachute. >> no thank you guys for highlighting that. it is women in aviation week. and it's really cool highlighting all the women nationwide and worldwide that have just done so much for the industry. but let's take quick look at the weather too. because you can't be a pilot without knowing some weather at least. luckily i have a degree in it. here's what we're looking amount as we wake up this morning. down into the santa clara valley, clear conditions right now and clear conditions all day long as we head into the next couple of hours. it will be beautiful
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and i just checked the wind and they're mild all day long. this afternoon it's going to be sunny in the coast and inland areas which is great too. also hitting upper 60s today and take a look at this. advance futurecast and you are really not seeing too much of the forecast today. here we go into the 7:00 hour and 8:00 hour tonight, we start seeing just some light clouds along the coastline and nothing to write home about. in the forecast tomorrow morning, well, we see our first cold front approach us as we head into this weekend's forecast. this happens up in the north bay just around 7:30. it continues to sweep to the south impacting san francisco just around 11:00 a.m. so if you are thinking of heading to the giants' fan fest, keep that in mind that might give you just quick splash of showers. this is light rain though and it continues to track to the santa clara valley dissipating into the afternoon hours. after that, we're kind of just left with some unsettled weather and clouds in the forecast for us. we're gearing up for some heavier rain once we head into sunday. so i'm going the stay on futurecast just a little bit longer and show you this next frontal system moving in on sunday. this happens into the afternoon hours. so around lunchtime up in the north bay.
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heavier rain associated with this system by the way. it's not like saturday's by any means and continues to move to the south in the evening hours that night and then we're left with drier conditions and still cloudy skies heading into our monday forecast. another thing to mention too. this is the weekend to set the clock forward. so here's the friendly reminder and take the down. daytime highs today are a lot nicer compared to yesterday. still seeing some low 60s along the coastline and san francisco. more inland we go the warmer it gets and areas like concord and napa hitting the upper 60s today. close to the 70s down into the santa clara valley. it's going to be a gorgeous one to really get out there and take advantage of the amazing weather and then gear up for rainy skies right around the corner. g? let's talk about the roadways right now and it's not too bad. in fact it is friday light as we like to say. traffic is moving along very well as work your way across the bay area bridges and in fact a live look at the bay bridge. and that's an easy ride as you head over into san francisco this morning. so some good news to report there. and in fact, most of our traffic this morning is great news. here's live look at the san mateo bridge. and look at that.
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it's moving along very well. we're seeing more cars more of that volume as you head westbound over towards 101 but still a nice ride through there and overall things are looking pretty good ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪
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parts of california in just four days ending the state's snow drought. but february was also the warmest february on record globally. and we're already seeing signs of an early spring. so what's going on? kelsi thorud explains in this morning's "project earth." >> reporter: it was a monster blizzard. >> we're trying to get out but i think we're stuck here tonight. >> reporter: the storm slammed california with heavy snow, high winds, and treacherous whiteout conditions. but the aftermath simply epic in just four days, 6 to 10 feet of snow fall. concern over california's snow drought? evaporated. >> we went from 0 to 100 pretty fast. >> reporter: however, we have yet to dig ourselves out of the much bigger problem. it may appear hard to fathom but the blockbuster blizzard with all of this snow may have links to our warming planet. experts believe global warming may be supercharging some of our
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snowstorms. while boosting the risk for a rapid snow melt. >> climate change is really affecting the underlying set of possibilities for what the weather system is capable of doing. >> reporter: andrew jones is a climate scientist at the lawrence berkeley national lab. his research involves hydroclimate extremes and snow dynamics in particular. this blizzard got his attention. >> this was a very interesting storm. >> reporter: a warming planet should mean less snow. but this was the law schoolpalooza of snowstorms. >> really does highlight this conundrum we see. climate change kind of causing two counteracting forces at the same time. >> reporter: with this blizzard, cold arctic air made a beeline to california. on the way, it traveled over the warming pacific ocean. warming due in part to climate change. the higher temperatures in the ocean and the air allow the atmosphere to hold more water. >> so the ocean temperatures
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are warm right now and so this cold mass of air that moved down from the we aring strait picks up heat and picked up moisture as it moved across the pacific. >> reporter: creating a warmer, wetter storm that was still below freezing. jones is now keeping his eye on the snow pack with good reason. february was the ninth straight month in a row to be the warmest on record globally. >> because of overall conditions are warmer, the snow might knelt melt faster than normal. >> reporter: jones is homeful for new strategies that might aim to capture excess water and direct it underground. he also says it's not too late to slow down climate change and we have to be aware of the changes that are happening and start to prepare for them. >> reporter: so we can weather any storm. time right now 5:27. we are watching washington this morning. did president joe biden tip the needle in his
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right now on cbs news bay area at 5:30 in the morning, millions of us watched president joe biden touting his administration's accomplishments while also drawing a line between himself and his likely opponent in the fall election against former president donald trump. willie james inman live in washington this morning for us, always good to talk to you willie.
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really felt like joe biden wanted to dispense of the age question. what were your observations and report this morning? >> reporter: hey there reed, good morning to you. yeah, there's right. that was one of the topics that came up last night during the president's final state of the union address during his first term. he talked about age and he talked about the economy but one of the things that he sought to do was to lay out a path forward for the nation and this is all happening months ahead of the election. >> mr. speaker, the president of the united states. [ cheering and applause ] >> reporter: president biden came out swinging in an election year state of the union address. hitting many of the key issues on voters' minds like his age. >> the issue facing our nation isn't how old we are. it's how old are our ideas. >> reporter: reproductive rights. >> i will restore roe versus wade as the law of the land again. >> reporter: the economy and immigration. >> we need to act now. >> reporter: the president
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sometimes sparred with republican lawmakers. like this response to congresswoman marjorie taylor greene own over the killing of a young georgia woman. >> laken riley. an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal. >> reporter: the president also took on his likely 2024 gop rival, former president donald trump. referring to him as my fred seducer 13 times. what's happened now is a horror show. >> reporter: trump slammed the address on social media, calling it quote, an angry, polarizing and hate-filled speech. while alabama senator katie britt delivered the official response. >> president biden just doesn't get it. >> reporter: on foreign policy, biden vows to stand up to russian president, vladimir putin. as pro palestinian protesters stood outside the capitol, inside, the president announced plans to build a temporary port to get more humanitarian aid into gaza and
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plans to bring israeli hostages taken by hamas home. and the president will take his message on the road today traveling to philadelphia. he'll also travel to georgia for a campaign event and the biden campaign seems to be celebrating the president's speech from last night. in fact, the hours around the president's speech were the most lucrative for the biden campaign since they launched in april of last year. reed? >> willie james inman always putting it in brilliant perspective. thank you so much for your report this morning. so let's come home and drilling down with david mccueen political science professor from sonoma state university. the president really needs to attract a lot of people who may not agree with him and at the same time, strategy speaking, he has to really paint donald trump as dangerous. did he meet that mark as far as strategy goes? >> you know, one way that he met that mark is because donald trump spent so much time
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talking about joe biden his age and his end capability. so the bar was set low. and because the bar was set low, one of the key tests was whether the president would be okay on delivery. whether he'd be strong on that delivery. he was. so the white house and the biden team are certainly celebrating that. the other component, the other test is whether the speech is forward focused and forward leaning if you will. and it was future focused and that's important. and as willie mentioned in a great piece there, willie noted the president's going to philadelphia. then he's going georgia and going to be on the road for a month and that's going to be important component. because they have to expand their base and they have to build up support. they have to get some enthusiasm going and basically going to be on the road for the president and vice president the next month. that's going to be their attempt and the white house has to be happy with how things went last night. >> well, david, it felt like biden had a lot to prove going into last night's address. in your opinion, what was the highlight or the big moment of the night for biden? >> you know, for myself, i mean
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look it was 59 years ago yesterday for bloody sunday. and what happened in selma. alabama. i think that was a touching emotional moment. but the president had several of those moments. you know, one way that they expand the base electorally is democrats talk about abortion and reproductive politics. that works for them. ivf. i'm not sure it worked with senator britt's response and that's going to be an issue that democrats hit over and over again because it helps with suburban women and the independents what we call the purple people that reelects the president of the united states. so i think a combination of selma, reflecting back on legacy of john lewis, huge moment as well as a talking a lot about ivf and the politics of reproductive rights. >> talk a little bit more about senator britt's response? i mean sitting at her kitchen table. very casual. a very -- completely different than what we saw from president biden obviously but how do you think that was you snow strategically
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placed in that way in the sense of you know trying to appeal the certain people and sort of swaying the vote either way? because you know, not so much astate of address but more it felt very politically intended. >> that's a tough gig. you have to follow up the president of the united states. where everyone is in the same room. your political 0.s and supreme court justices and the cabinet and everyone gathers together and you have that moment of the whole nation's attention. then you come in with the rising star of the gop. somebody who worked for a conservative senator from alabama. she's not a maga person. she's a conservative senator. and she's in her kitchen and i'm not sure that being in the kitchen doing that delivery works to get with suburban women. particularly on this issue of ivf and reproductive rights and all of those things are very difficult for the gop to handle. and so she has a tough gig. i'm not sure she pulled that off. in addition though, she is young. she's 42. she's going to be around a long time. she has the opportunity to kind of build on
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this. but in the past, the gop -- or the opponent who's delivered the speech in response to the president the last couple of years, they're kind of disappeared into political oblivion. let's see what happens here with the senator. >> david, thank you so much. as always for the conversation. and analysis. and for those of you watching online, reach out to us with your reaction to the state of the union speech. and make sure you use that #kpix so that we can see your response and perhaps put it on air. thank you so much professor. all right, so let's take alive look. this is from our mark hopkins cam on this friday as we get set for the weekend and jessica you told me yesterday how beautiful it was going to be in the bay area. it was gorgeous in danville. hit me with it. >> if you liked yesterday, you are going to love today. because it's going to be warmer and sunnier and the winds are even lighter than what they were yesterday. especially for our friends along the coast. gianna can attest to that. take a look at the daytime highs today, other
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we're talking about well above average temperatures and dry conditions all throughout the bay area, not a cloud really in the sky as we head in the next couple of hours. a beautiful one for us today. heading out the door, you are going to love this forecast all day long. we're seeing mild conditions today a couple of passing showers tomorrow into the morning and afternoon hours. it's pretty light and i'm going to show it you in just a minute and then we have more steady rain in the sunday forecast that will last in the evening hours on sunday. we clear up a lit bit on monday but still unsettled weather in the forecast for us heading into next week. but next week we have to get through this weekend and if you are spending time in the city this weekend and going to giants' fan fest. a quick splash of showers around10:00. 11:00 a.m. hour. on the bright side at least it's mild for us this weekend. now as we take a look at the winds immensed this earlier a bit of the offshore flow this morning. that will be the trend for us this afternoon and i want to show you the rain but for now g over to you. because
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those roads are dry out there right now and that's a great way the kick off friday light. now e, what a nice way to start weekend jess. i totally agree. and so far things are looking pretty good. and if you are getting out and about this weekend, there are a couple of things going on specifically fan fest. giants at oracle park. and you are going to see a lot of, you know, people out there. so maybe some busy conditions. in and around king street coming off the 280 extension over the weekend on saturday. and maybe take public transit. b.a.r.t., caltrain, muni all options to get through easier and maybe not being stuck in the backup or brake lights but so far, so good on the roadways. look at this. bay bridge toll plaza quiet heading into san francisco and really not seeing any major issues. on any of the bay area bridges. and we're showing a lot of nice conditions on all of the major freeways. so safe to say it's a very, very good start to your friday morning commute. we just got to keep our fingers crossed and hope it stays that way. the recent series of storms turned a probe in half-moon bay from bad to worse for erosion. we're talking about the road
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along the coast and unincorporated san mateo county. people who live and work there tell lauren toms the ripple effects from all that bad weather are threatening to sink them. >> reporter: residents and bids owners on the road here in half-moon bay are no stranger to the power of the ocean. but recent storms have caused serious damage to the one main road and they're begging officials for a permanent solution. >> you can feel the spray and you know, this -- a place right here where it does come over. >> reporter: homes and businesses like barbara richings' historic jazz club in half-moon bay on the road are just one big wave away they say from irreparable damage. >> we've had storms you know forever. just a typical thing. that's why every year they need to come out and refortify it. >> reporter: a series of strong storms have caused erosion to their single road. worsening with each change of the tide. this week, san mateo county took action by turning the road
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into a oneway. to make room for frequent pedestrians. but barbara and neighbor linda patterson say it's not only a temporary fix, but a safety hazard. >> these are tax dollars at work. and it's not solving anything. it's -- it's kind of like the band-aid. it's like we've called out. there's a problem. so now they're protecting themselves by putting all these signs up. but it's not protecting the people. >> reporter: the pair have a long history on the coastal road. each dieting back to at least the '80s. they say the problems began when a harbor was built in the '50s and neglect to upkeep the rip raft protecting from erosion has led to a more serious situation. one controversial solution they say could be installing a seawall. residents of a nearby condo complex sued the california coastal commission for restricting the structure that would protect seaside buildings. the implications could span from san diego all the way up to the coast of oregon but for the road, they
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need a more immediate solution. >> they just assume that powers that be are doing something. we all do. you know? and you make up about it and then nothing happens and you just -- you just feel defeated and then the summer comes and the ocean recedes and you kind of forget it and then the winters come again. and it's like all over again. you are just -- beating yourself up. because you just can't seem to do anything. and you feel -- just you know, helpless. >> reporter: today that action is seen in the form of restriping and signage. but that's no match for the ocean's impact for barbara and her beloved jazz bar. >> if they're not going maintain the road, i can't keep doing this. that's just -- cut and dry. i can't do this anymore. >> well, the county says they still don't know how long the road will stay closed but a community meeting next month should give them a better idea of where things stand. time 5:42 in the morning. our friends in marin city thrilled to bring life to what was a grocery store food desert. how bringing food
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closer to home is a big help. and another rate hike for pg&e customers, how much more you will be paying in this morning's money watch report. and it's international women's day. you are looking live at the women's building in san francisco's mission district. the center is a safe place led by women and for women serving the
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time now for the money watch med lines. this just in. u.s. employers added a surprisingly robust 275,000 jobs in february. in a sign of continued economic strength. however, the unemployment rate ticked up to 3.9%. we're going to break down what those latest numbers mean in our next hour with cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger. meantime, protesters rallied outside of the public utilities commission where regulators approved another pg&e rate hike. the average customer will be paying at $4 to $6 a month starting in may on top of the last hike in january and on top of pg&e's $2.2 billion profit last year. the utility company says that it needs the money to pay for safety upgrades that it's already made. tiktok's time in the u.s. may be ticking away. the house energy and commerce committee voted to advance the bill that could ban the china linked social media platform from all
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u.s. devices like phones and tablets. if the bill is enacted, tiktok's parent company bytedance would have 165 days to sell the app. tiktok is already prohibited on government owned devices. well, listen up everybody. if you have a grocery store within a short distance from your front door, it is a privilege that likely you take for granted you know for years the people of marin city haven't had that. it's called a food desert. and it's a problem in the united states and especially for marginalized communities. so let's talk about a bay area bounce-back. to change that, it took vision and leadership and this morning, your community station holding up a mirror to the excitement of the people of marin city who walked in the doors of this new community grocery store on donahue street. you know, before this, the people you see here had to take a bus or drive miles down highway 101 just to buy fresh healthy food. >> it's been needed for a long time. we've had other stores here in the past. but i think we're excited. they're doing
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some other stuff around the shopping center. so this is another piece to the puzzle. and hopefully it will, you know, do well. and people will come out and support the community. >> i don't drive. so make it easy for me i could walk down here and pick up my stuff what i need and go tobacco home. >> gloria we celebrate with you. you know we know from the partnerships with food banks allover the bay that food desertings and food insecurity is a real problem. in fact we found a report this morning showing almost 900 bay area neighborhoods are inside food deserts. now taking a live look outside this morning. it is friday yay. happy weekend everyone and look at that. you can see sutro tower kind of blinking there in the distance. shaping up to be a very lovely day jess. >> oh, yeah it is in time for your birthday. g. as we take a look outside this morning. it's beautiful and it's clear. it looks a lot different compared to just two days ago as we were dealing with some
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unsettled weather for our forecast this week. now i want to start off down into the santa clara valley. on our virtual reality map there's not cloud in the sky. it's beautiful as we wake up this morning near san jose. with a beautiful mild and stunning sunrise. now as we head all the way up into the bay bridge, right behind me you can see that sunrise slowly starting to come just over the hills of oakland. and i want to show you what it's looking like for us today throughout the bay area. especially when it comes to the clouds. now i i mean this is going to be a thing of the past really. clear skies this afternoon. not until around 7:00 tonight where we see clouds kind of building in along coast. gearing up for heavier clouds to roll in tomorrow morning and a quick cold front that's actually going to impact the north bay first as it move its way in from the north. and gettives a splash of showers a areas to areas like santa rosa by 10:00 and by lunchtime now impacting the peninsula in san francisco. going to giants' fan fest just the quick showers that we see around this time and here we go down into the santa clara valley. that system starts to lose its energy and we see less rain going to the south. and
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than we're just left with some cloudy skies. once we head into the sunday forecast we talked about this earlier, we have some more stable rain in the forecast for us and then once again it comes in from the north if this is another cold front building its way in. notice all that yellow and orange. this is a heavier system as we head into sunday afternoon. it's starting up in the north bay and stretches down into the peninsula just aroun 4:00, 5:00. continue to see overnight showers in the forecast for us heading into sunday and early monday. now speaking of those times you probably want to make sure you get ahead on this and set your clock forward heading into the weekend. right around the corner. that's the time and we're getting closer to the first couple of days of spring. right as we head into the next couple of weeks. the weather as we take a look at the next couple of weeks is already starting to warm up a lot. stretching downtown a similar trend. upper 60s close to the 70s today near san jose and i show you the next seven days little bit of everything in forecast for us. by next
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thursday 70s and we have to get through the two cold fronts first which we mentioned. first one tomorrow and the second one coming in on sunday. a little bit of unsettled weather for next tuesday's forecast. in the morning hours. then we clear up and dry up heading into next week. g? something to do on celebrating today nice and sunny. taking a look at the roadways you might be celebrating your traffic and your drive to work. because it's looking really good right now. you have got plenty of time to maybe have that extra cup of coffee or extra waffle or pancake. a nice ride. live look account golden gate bridge and everything is pretty quiet here and since we have aeneas day today, you night see some busier conditions on the roadways later on as a lot of people might want to get out and about from being stuck inside with a lot of the wet weather we mad lately. live look at the bay bridge, so far, so good. smooth sailing heading into advance this morning. the bridges into the city and streets in and around oracle might be busy on saturday forgiants' fan fest. going out there, just keep in mind you are going to see some extra busy conditions sew think about parking in advance and also don't forget to maybe consider
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using public transit and save yourself some time. you have got options with muni and caltrain will get you to king street and embarcadero for b.a.r.t. as well as montgomery stations. it's game time unfiltered and last night was rough for the warriors. they blew a 13 point plead to the chicago bulls and then late in the fourth quarter, steph curry had to leave the game after twisting his ankle you see him mobiling there. now on top of that, all the teams the warriors are chasing in the postseason run, won last night. coach steve kerr did not have an update on his star point guard after the game. other than to say his foot is in an ice bucket. just 20 games left in the season, this injury could be huge for the warriors. gianna, the question now, with curry s hoe going to be okay? and what does this mean for the warriors and panicking. >> i don't know yet but i want to hear what the extent of the injury is. i think that's going to be important because it will decide how long steph will be out. but i am a little
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concerned because the warriors, it was a rough year for them anyway. if they're losing you know, on sunday, historic losses, with step on the court, it's not going to be an easy you know, task for them to make to the playoffs. i mean, it's hard to watch. look at this. i mean, unfortunately, just getting knocked over and tweaking his ankle there. >> well, and here's the thing. he has a history with ankle injuries. so you do hold a collective breath here in the bay area and anytime you see steph hobbling on the ankle because you wonder what the extent is. i look at the three games he missed this season. all ls. they lost the games without steph. and while we know that the warriors' historically are the type of team if one man goes down, they can pull it together. but for how long? if we're talking postseason. and we're talking an issue with steph. i'm panicking. i have an issue with that. but -- i think he's going to be okay. the way steve said it i think it's just you know, a little tweak of the
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ankle and he'll be back soon enough. still ahead when you get the tickets for the drake concert. anything can happen. how a longtime fan received a life-changing gift from the superstar. and here's a live look on this friday morning. from our mark hopkins cam and we're looking east through there and you (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary.
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if you try vaping to quit smoking, it might feel like progress, but with 3x more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes -
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vapes increase cravings - trapping you in an endless craving loop. nicorette reduces cravings until they're gone for good. check this out. a woman in buffalo, new york won a long battle with cancer in time to see one of her favorite artists in person. vonnie mccarter was celebrating being cancer-free with up close tickets to drake's concert and went alone to the show and brought a sign that side, i beat stage iv cancer in time to see drake. god's plan. when drake saw her in the crowd he surprised her with a life-changing gift. >> tonight, i'd like to give you $25,000 just -- beating cancer. [ inaudible ] [ cheering and applause ] >> al huge gift for her after a difficult battle and she says now that she's on the other side, she plans to take her
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kids on vacation and oh look at that sweet picture. and spread awareness. >> my gosh, this story makes
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thank you for joining us this morning. it is friday, march 8th and also international women's day. >> so let's get started. >> i feel like when i'm walking the streets, i'm always scared


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