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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  March 8, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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thank you for joining us this morning. it is friday, march 8th and also international women's day. >> so let's get started. >> i feel like when i'm walking the streets, i'm always scared
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and i'm always like looking around. >> uc berkeley students who say they're not safe on campus have a new group of guards watching over them. why parents are putting in their own money to protect their kids. the issues facing our nation isn't how old we are. it's how old are our ideas. >> president biden addressed the country in a fiery state of the union address ahead of what will likely be a contentious re-election battle. going back door. going -- there's the turn. the right ankle. >> warriors' star player steph curry injuring his troublesome right ankle once again last night. can they survive without their superstar? people should tune in and celebrate women in sports. >> on this international women's day, we're celebrating women that are breaking barriers. we highlight a local bay area basketball team that's rising above the court. and those girls are breaking barriers on so many levels. excited to cheer on them this
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weekend as well. i'm gianna franco. >> i'm reed cowan. grateful for the great women in my life and from the mom and grandma and all the wonderful women i surround myself every day. just want the say it's not enough to say thanks. it's also so important for us men to advocate for the women in our lives. good morning. >> you are so wonderful. >> i want to be but nobody is there. right? but we want to be. you point your sales towards that. >> and i'm nicole zaloumis and i want to celebrate gianna because her birthday is tomorrow. happy birthday, friend. >> thank you. thank you. i'm getting a little shy aboutbirthdays. >> you are superwoman. >> i feel like it's attention it's your day. i'm very appreciative to be living at year around the sun. so yeah. >> you know what she's not shy about? doing karaoke tomorrow. what's the go to song? >> that's at home. that's at home. >> also say stay for me to your mom? and your aunt as well. >> yeah. i will. i will. >> okay. good morning to you out there. we know you are watching irma. taking a live look outside this morning. and maybe even your aunt in san diego. who we also love. let's talk about the weather
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from another superstar in the strata of women in the bay and that is you, jessica burch, we also honor you and your service to our country. i still can't believe you have the keys to a blackhawk helicopter. >> why did the government -- i'm just kidding, gianna, what's your karaoke song? >> last time it was "stay" by lisa lo eb do you remember that song? >> of course. >> you sing it. >> gianna is much better than me. >> this is why that happens at home with friends and family. not in public. >> fun fact about gianna, she used to actually be a lead singer in a band. this is true. >> you are killing me. >> am i right? >> yes. >> i'm right. >> now, ladies and gentlemen, gianna franco. >> that's the rest of the news for the day. >> no seriously guys real fast let's take a quick look outside on this beautiful light day for us here in the bay area. waking up and heading outside we're seeing clear conditions whether you live down into the santa clara
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valley with one of most beautiful sunrises i have seen so far this week. or all the way up to the bay bridge where visibility is not an issue at the surface level because we have no fog. we have no clouds. gosh it is gorgeous out there as we head out the door and we have high pressure to thank for that. sitting just offshore that's changing the direction of the wind and also giving us a nice little break from the rain but that's going to change right around the corner. take a look at this. waking up this morning and head out the door, truthfully enjoy the day. we have light winds and temperatures above average and clear skies. a couple of passing showers in the forecast tomorrow though and then some more steady rain as we head all the way into our sunday forecast. with some unsettled weather into next week. so if you are thinking of heading out of town this weekend, well, just keep that in mind. you are going to be dealing with some slick roads at times especially on sunday but staying in town, just also keep in mind have the umbrella ready to go especially if you are going togiants' fan fest. expecting 50s all day long and light winds for the most part and the splash of showers that happens in the morning. winds are light already in the morning in the afternoon hours today. rain coming up and just a bit. for
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now g? you know the roads are looking really good, jess. in fact if you are getting ready to head out the door and take that ride across the golden gate bridge, look at that. smooth sailing both directions. we're seeing more volume southbound but that's to be expected. that's the commute direction for folks heading into san francisco today. but hi bay bridge, you are looking great this morning. and commuters if you are coming out of the east bay, you have got some extra time to sort of get out the door and maybe get that extra cup of tea this morning. because everything is looking pretty clear overall. san mateo bridge, no delays there. and as we do overview here and kind of look at some of the areas east bay looking great. peninsula even the south bay we're not seeing a lot brake lights not yet anyway. mr. speaker, the president of the united states. [ cheering and applause ] >> and with that, president joe biden entered the chambers of a divided congress as millions of us watched his annual state of the union address last night. so let's set this conversation up a little bit. these speeches are always laced with strategy. let's keep in mind, it's an election year. and what the
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president says really sets the stage for what he and his opponent in the race to the white house will debate in the coming months. issues like the economy, threats to our democracy and the balancing act between support for israel's right to defend itself and the war in gaza killing innocent people. and the president did not hold back from the issue that some call the big elephant in the room. his age. listen at how he did that. >> and in my career, i have been told i was too young. [ laughter ] by the way, they didn't let me on the senate elevators for votes sometimes. not a joke. and i have been told i'm too old. whether young or old, i have always been known -- always known what endures. >> so let's talk about the counterpoint to the president's speech and the topic of age. from her kitchen in alabama, senator britt delivered the republican response saying biden is what she calls a diminish leader and
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really teed up what you can expect will be the republican talking points in the race to the white house. listen to that. >> america deserves leaders that recognize and secure borders, stable prices, safe streets, and a strong defense are actually the cornerstones of a great nation. >> well, also perhaps some strategy revealed while president biden mentioned his predecessor 13 times, he didn't mention donald trump by name. so coming up we're going the ask an expert about the strategy of the speech and also what's ahead in the race for the white house. when it comes to issues that are important to you. that's coming up at 6:30 this morning. nicole? wellings here's a look at some other top stories. a scary incident at sfo where a giant tire just came off of the plane crashing down on some cars after just suddenly as you can see there, falling off of a departing plane. >> tire going down the runway. >> we lad to close the runway
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because somebody lost a tire. >> after united flight 35 took off around 11:20 yesterday morning. a camera captured that moment. the boeing 777 was heading to japan with 249 passengers and crew and united airlines says that the plane could land safely with missing or damaged tire. but the decision was made to reroute to l. a. x. where it landed safely and then a new plane took the passengers to japan. back at sfo though, they had to deal with some real collateral damage because the tire fell straight from the sky and onto a car in an employee parking lot. >> see the wheel fell off from where? >> off a plane and lands here. >> what the [ bleep ]. i mean, i was so lucky, man. almost the one two cars away. >> well, william was parked just two slots away as he said. from the car that was just as you can see completely crushed.
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luckily, no one was in the car at the time. no word on why the wheel fell off. but we do know this particular jet has been in service for more than 20 years. gianna? well, to berkeley now where some parents who have been calling for more security at cal are now putting their own money up to provide it. they raised money to put private guards on patrol along the south side of campus where the dorms are. now we've been following crime concerns at uc berkeley just a few weeks ago, a man fired a gun in the air on campus on lower sprout plaza. forcing students to run for cover and shelter in place. our andrea nakano spoke with a student who has been wanting to ski see a change after being robbed at gunpoint. >> reporter: the security guards will be out here from 6:30 at night to 3:00 in the morning to patrol three main dorm buildings and the surrounding area. parents in this group called safe bears say this is long overdue, but some wonder if it will really make a difference to make streets safer. rebekah has been
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studying at cal since 2018. at first, it felt like normal life on campus. until recently. >> and i parked in my driveway. as i was out locking the door, two people approached me from behind. one came to the driver's side and one came to the passenger's seat and they pointed a gun at me and told me to get out of the car. >> reporter: rebekah has been robbed not once, but twice off-campus. she asked us to protect her identity by concealing her face. the robbers stole her personal belongings and her car, but they took something much greater -- her shot at a normal college life. >> yeah, and i feel like when i'm walking the streets, i'm always scared and i'm like always looking around when i get in and out of cars. always running to my car and locking it immediately. i feel like it's not really a sustainable lifestyle anymore. >> reporter: it isn't a concern for just students. parents like sagar jethani who has twin boys at cal took matters into their own hands. >> the fact is if they're not going to act despite repeated
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entreaties from students and parents as well to take more substantial action, then we're going to act. we're going to do what needs to be done to keep our families safe. >> reporter: parent group safe bears raised $40,000 to hire these private security guards to patrol near campus housing on bikes and on foot for the next few weeks. after that, the hope is that the university will take over. >> we want to frankly turn up the heat with the administration. we want to show we're not content to wait forever to have these safety ambassadors deployed. >> reporter: the patrols are not armed, but they have radios and are trained to de-escalate conflicts and call police if necessary. >> i guess i just wonder like what their approach is supposed to be if suddenly like someone appeared like out of the blue. like -- i don't know. like what -- proactive measures like they're ready to take. >> i like the campus security officers. because i know that like they're there to make students feel safe, but i
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don't think we need additional security. >> reporter: rebekah hopes it will help other students avoid being victimized like she was. but says it's just a start. >> i think there are actions that can be taken at multiple levels. at the university level, at the city level and the state level. time right now 6:11 in the morning. supercharged snowstorms. are they kind of a new normal for a changing planet? we will dig deeper into this. the deep snow and what it means in "project earth" ahead. and on this international women's day, we want to highlight one of san francisco's best known murals in the mission district. this is a live look at the women's building. a women led nonprofit arts and education center. the woman that you see at the top of the mural won the 1992 nobel peace i'm kareem abdul-jabbar. i was diagnosed with afib. when i first noticed symptoms, which kept coming and going, i should have gone to the doctor.
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instead, i tried to let it pass. if you experience irregular heartbeat, heart racing, chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, or light-headedness, you should talk to your doctor. afib increases the risk of stroke about 5 times. when it comes to your health, this is no time to wait.
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thank you for joining us on this friday morning. remembering those in the past and present who fight for a better future and cheering on the ones today who are living out their dreams. shawn chitnis is live this morning at archbishop mitty high school. a school with tradition of young women standing out in sports and shawn, you are there to highlight one of the current star players who continue that tradition today. >> reporter: yeah, she's certainly living up to that
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reputation. being named to the all-american first team but it really is hard to keep track of all the awards and accolades the players and teams have at this particular school. it is important to note though as we go into the state championship is looking especially good. they are number one in the country and they are undefeated. a tradition of excellence rises above the court at archbishop mitty high school in san jose. every player knows it, including morgan cheli, a senior on the women's basketball team. so many of these championships won by girls like her just getting started in what she hopes will be a long career. >> my goal is to play in the wnba and i'm super excited for uconn and the next step and this new chapter. >> reporter: and that next phase of basketball will bring her to one of the most respected programs in college sports, at a time when she feels the momentum is building for all female athletes. >> i think it's a great thing. but it can be even better and
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it can always, you know, be improved upon. and i just think it's heading in the right direction so i'm super excited. >> reporter: her coach, sue phillips, couldn't be more proud of the success she's seen in the sport. and the woman morgan has become. >> morgan is an outstanding person. just an incredible human being. kind. considerate. respectful. endearing to all that come across her. >> reporter: but coach phillips agrees that while women have come a long way, they still have a ways to go. they can both look forward to what is just around the corner for women who love basketball in the bay. a wnba franchise coming here in 2025. morgan hopes another professional team will help to grow the future audience for players like her. >> it's an amazing legacy that we have. and for women's sports in general. and i think we're just continuing to grow. and people should tune in and celebrate women in sports. >> reporter: and so let's also
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take a moment to appreciate the coach there. sue phillips named coach of the year. she has been doing this for three decades. and she has also coached for usa ball. so certainly another important part along with the team that feels special as we mentioned. they're undefeated and they're number one in the country and they are returning to the state championships that game tomorrow and oh by the way, they are playing the same team they lost to last year. so let's hope for some redemption on saturday. back to you. >> i hope they win and i feel like it's a movie in the making. highlighting too some very incredible women from coaches down to the players. thanks a lot, shawn. >> game on. i am hyped for them. well, it's also women of aviation worldwide week. celebrates in the air and space industry and this week promotes aviation opportunities for girls and women all around the world. and we want to highlight our own jessica burch. this morning. who is a blackhawk pilot for the national guard and you know you never disappoint us. everything that you do, it's like oh, yeah, i
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speak fluent mandarin. i fly blackhawks. i'm a meteorologist. there's nothing that you can't do. jess. >> it's really sweet of you guys to say that. >> i have a question though. like who planted that in your mind? in your life. because i know lot of girls out there could look at you as a role model and you accomplished all these things. but who put that in you and showed you you can? >> i hope my mom's watching right now. she always watches our morning shows but all my thanks to hear. she pushed me and put me into that language program at a young age. she was the reason why i got into aviation. she's the reason why i became a meteorologist. so women leading women. you know? that's just how it kind of works. >> what is your mom's name. >> faith. >> we shout you out this morning. >> yeah. go mom. all right, well, hey guys let's take a quick look at the forecast real fast and my mom always loves, loves, loving watching these morning shows and i hope she's watching right now. a quick look outside and head out the door, not only beautiful for us here in the bay area but up in oregon too for my mom. high pressure is building in right now and that's allowing for a dry break for us heading into this afternoon and i want to
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show what's happening right around the corner for us though. it's dry for us today but always end and that happens tomorrow. let's time this out for us and futurecast showing some clouds in the overnight hours tonight. here's the first cold front moving in tomorrow morning and it starts up? santa rosa around 8:30 and continues to track to the south in the afternoon hours and continue to watch the storm dissipate moving to the south leaving us with cloudy skies on the back end. that's not it though. just saturday's forecast. look at the next frontal system moving its way in. this one a little bit more energy associated with it. there's a lot more movement with it too so gustier conditions on sunday matched with some moderate to heavy rain up in the north bay around lunchtime. it sweeps to the south close to san francisco and sweeping down allowance the pension la into the afternoon hours. that moves throughout the state of california giving more snow to the sierra and more rain for us heading into the evening hours that night. now we're going to see unsettled weather for our monday and tuesday forecasts too but by next wednesday and thursday, i was just looking at the models. oh my gosh it's
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gorgeous. like truthfully it's gorgeous and we're talking about 70s into next week just by thursday. and plenty of sunshine. so kind of like what we have today just a little bit warmer. for example today we're talking about upper 60s near antioch and livermore fremont stretching down into the santa clara valley. low 60s along the coast but who cares when it's a sunny as it's going to be today? beautiful with light winds heading into the afternoon so if you are doing a beach day today, do it. if you are doing an outdoor activity today, do it. if you were considering any of those, do it. it's going to be gorgeous heading into this afternoon. and then clouds roll their way back in with that first cold front tomorrow that dips the temperatures right back down to the 60s and 50s. a similar one on sunday and then a little bit of unsettled weather to kick off next week with gorgeous conditions on the back end. g? yeah, jess you are right. this is the day to get out and enjoy that beautiful weather. and if you are up early getting out the door, so far, so good for the most part. tracking a few brake lights as we take a look at one of our maps here. you can see just a few slow and go conditions coming off the skyway as you head over into san francisco off of the bay bridge. right on the upper deck
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commute. don't forget this weekend, giants' fan fest as well. going to be kind of busy in and around oracle park. use public transit. a live look at the golden gate bridge. this is friday light friends and enjoy it and enjoy the easy commute
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just four days a blizzard dropped more than 100 inches of snow in parts of california. ending the state's snow drought. but february was also the warmest february on record globally. and we're already seeing signs of an early spring. so what's going on? kelsi thorud explains in this morning's "project earth." >> reporter: it was a monster blizzard. >> we're trying to get out, but i think we're stuck here tonight. >> reporter: the storm slammed california with heavy snow, high winds, and treacherous whiteout conditions. but the aftermath, simply epic. in just four days, 6 to 10 feet of snowfall. concern over california's snow drought? evaporated. >> we went from 0 to 100 pretty fast. >> reporter: however, we have yet to dig ourselves out of the much bigger problem. it may appear hard to fathom, but this blockbuster blizzard with all of this snow may have links to our warming planet. experts believe global warming may be supercharging some of our
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snowstorms. while boosting the risk for a rapid snow melt. >> climate change is really affecting the underlying set of possibilities for what the weather system is capable of doing. >> reporter: andrew jones is a climate scientist at the lawrence berkeley national lab. his research involves hydroclimate extremes and snow dynamics in particular. this blizzard got his attention. >> this was a very interesting storm. >> reporter: a warming planet should mean less snow. but this was the lollapalooza of snowstorms. >> it really does highlight this conundrum we see. climate change kind of causing two counteracting forces at the same time. >> reporter: with this blizzard, cold arctic air made a beeline to california. on the way, it traveled over the warming pacific ocean. warming due in part to climate change. the higher temperatures in the ocean and the air allow the atmosphere to hold more water. >> so the ocean temperatures
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are warm right now and so this cold mass of air that moved down from the bering strait had picked up heat and picked up moisture as it moved across the pacific. >> reporter: creating a warmer, wetter storm that was still below freezing. jones is now keeping his eye on the snow pack with good reason. february was the ninth straight month in a row to be the warmest on record globally. >> because of overall conditions are warmer, the snow might melt faster than normal. >> reporter: jones is hopeful for new strategies that might aim to capture excess water and direct it underground. he also says it's not too late to slow down climate change. >> we do have to be aware of the changes that are happening and start to prepare for them. >> reporter: so we can weather any storm. did president joe biden tip the needle trying to bring more people under his party's tent in his
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6:30 in the morning. and right now on cbs news bay area, millions of us watched president joe biden touting his accomplishments of his administration while also drawing a line between himself and his likely opponent in the fall runup to the presidential election. we're talking about former president donald trump. willie james inman live in washington this morning for us.
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always good to talk to you my friend. it felt like joe biden really willie, wanted to just dispel all of the talk about his age. but the question is, did it land? >> reporter: you know, that's right reed. the president laying out what's at stake for the country but also looking to reach out to voters as he approaches the november election and one of the things he did last night in this state of the union speech. the final state of the union speech for his first term, is compare and contrast himself between former president donald trump as we head into the november election which will be a contentious battle. >> mr. speaker, the president of the united states. [ cheering and applause ] >> reporter: president biden came out swinging in an election year state of the union address. hitting many of the key issues on voters' minds, like his age. >> the issue facing our nation -- isn't how old we are. it's how old are our ideas. >> reporter: reproductive rights. >> i will restore roe v. wade
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as the law of the land again. >> reporter: the economy and immigration. >> we need to act now. >> reporter: the president sometimes sparred with republican lawmakers, like this response to congresswoman marjorie taylor greene over the killing of a young georgia woman, allegedly by a suspect who illegally entered the u.s. from venezuela. >> laken riley. an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal. >> reporter: the president also took on his likely 2024 gop rival, former president donald trump, referring to him as "my predecessor" 13 times. >> what's happened now is a horror show. >> reporter: trump slammed the address on social media, calling it quote, an angry, polarizing and hate-filled speech. while alabama senator katie britt delivered the official gop response with her kitchen as the backdrop. >> president biden just doesn't get it. >> reporter: on foreign policy, biden vowed to stand up to russian president vladimir putin. as pro-palestinian protesters stood outside the
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capitol, inside, the president announced plans to build a temporary port to get more humanitarian aid into gaza and he plans to bring israeli hostages taken by hamas home. meanwhile, president biden is hitting the campaign trail bringing his message directly to the american people. he's going to travel to philadelphia today and he's expected to travel to georgia tomorrow and of course georgia pennsylvania are two keybattleground states the president won in 20 but the writing is in the money so to speak. as well reed, the biden campaign telling cbs news that in the hours around the state of the union address, those were the most lucrative hours for the biden campaign since it launched last year in april. >> the money starts rolling in. willie james inman reporting live this morning. thank you so much my friend. so let's drill down with david mccuan a political
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scientist from sonoma state university. the speeches are if nothing else strategy and you heard about the money component there. what do you think he went in from bullet point to bullet point where strategy is concerned? that he needed to accomplish. >> well, look, there's a pomp and circumstance around the state of the union. which in some ways may have outlived his usefulness. but it's a long running tradition. and that tradition collides with the conditions of today. the 2024 general election is going to be divisive. we all know that. it's going to be the most important american election since perhaps 1860. so this was the speech that was less about pomp and circumstance and more about a list of things especially related to the general election. that means it was highly political and highly partisan. part of that though is you have to appeal to the middle. and the president did some elements of that. particularly on reproductive politics. and particularly on things like junk fees. he's a populist. and the white house
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wanted to portray that. they have to be happy with how they did but they also have to be concerned particularly with young people that emerging voter group, that say 18 to 35, that we saw the other night with adam schiff's for the protests that were going on during the speech and also outside the capitol last night. so these are all elements that the white house is trying to juggle as it goes to battleground states like pennsylvania and georgia and other states over the next month. >> you mentioned appealing to the youth. it felt like biden had a lot to prove. in your opinion what was the highlight or the big moment of the night for biden? >> well, certainly i think laying out the 59 years since selma. bloody sunday. that was i think an emotional moment for a lot of people. invoking the legacy of john lewis. but there are other elements here. i mean there's a lot going on in the world. the president specifically didn't ask republicans to join him about passing ukraine bill. i think that was an absent kind of moment. he did talk about the importance of that. talked about putin and russia. talked about china. but you have to
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worry about laying out a laundry list of different things to different groups. and at the same time, making an appeal. because while the general election is going to be about say guns and reproductive politics and the chaos of trump, for democrats, it's also going to be about the pocketbook for all voters regardless of voter segment. you have to talk more and more about the economy. with the jobs report this morning, that's going to set wall street back a little bit. paying attention to this they're going to have to return to the bread and butter issues other the next few weeks and months. >> senator katie britt speaking with her kitchen and also mitt romney called the speech highly political but did have some praise for some of the president's remarks with foreign policy. >> yeah, i mean, look there are three senators that are kind of in the middle and dole makers. and they're all leaving the senate. kyrsten sinema is one of them. joe manchin is one of them. and mitt romney. and mitt
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romney did see a partisan speech but he also understands that there are deals to be had here. and the most recent deal around the border which the president did talk about last night and kind of teased republicans about, that's going to be used certainly by the gop but democrats think they have an opening and think they have a gift here from donald trump on that parrier. then you look at the senator and her talk and the republicans have to neutralize this democratic advantage. related to ivf and reproductive politics and the appeal particularly to suburban women. i don't know if giving a speech from your kitchen and that delivery does that. but look, the response speech that's given by just about any politician usually falls flat. she's young enough to not fall into political obscurity. i'm not sure the delivery russ necessarily the best. >> fascinating to look at especially on national women's day and the positioning there of that speech and what it has to say strategically. david mccuan. always appreciate you
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joining us and we know it's early rise for you this morning. we're so glad you are joining us live from right atop the golden gate bridge. [ laughter ] >> hey. happy friday. >> yes. happy friday. >> you have got the best seat in the house. we'll continue to conversation online and reach out to us with your reaction to the state of the union address. use that #kpix. yeah, he got his hike in this morning already. pulling double duty. >> right now, on cbs news bay area at 6:37, yes, the sun is shining on us. as we head into this weekend. jessica, and the sun was shining in the east bay yesterday. how many days of this sunshine are we going to get? >> just today. [ laughter ] no, i mean, yes, it is a beautiful day today. so gorgeous out there. you know, there's that live look at the golden gate bridge. there's a live look over the city. and we always take live looks at the city but i want to show something a little bit different right now over a black mountain. we actually are just seeing some deer waking up to the beautiful sunrise too. we are off to a stunning start this morning. the deer are out. we're out. everybody's out just enjoying
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this sun. only going get warmer in the afternoon and actually topping off in the upper 60s and potentially low 70s in the santa clara valley today. a live look right now and it's clear skies over us everywhere throughout the bay. it has been a busy week for us. i mean thinking about it. we kicked off the week dealing with the end of the blizzard warning up in the sierra. our fair share of rain and unsettled weather for us. it is so nice to see sunny and mild conditions for this friday. to kick off the weekend. more rain heading into sunday but we'll get there when we get there. high pressure is to thank for all the dry and warm weather that we're seeing today. it's sitting just offshore changing the direction of our winds. and taking a look at what's to come this weekend, well, tomorrow is not that bad. we're just going to get a quick passing shower or two in that 10:00, 11:00 hour closer to san francisco. so if you are heading out for giant fan fest. it's not giants' fan fest not looking that bad. more on the rain on sunday coming up in just a bit. g?
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taking a look at the roadways. getting ready to hop on some of the freeways and bridges looking pretty good. look at that. it's friday light and enjoy it while you can. golden gate bridge moving along well. and hey fan fest this weekend at oracle park. so it's going to be quite busy in and around that area. consider using public transit and save yourself some extra time. and other than that, i mean, northbound 101 out of the south bay just a pinch of slowing. near that extension. and looks like the bay bridge is getting backed up just a bit this morning. metering lights were turned on. but not too bad if you are headed into the city. still some pretty nice travel times. it is 6:39. another rate hike for pg&e customers. how much more you will be paying in this morning's money watch report. and it's international women's day. you are looking live at the women's building in san francisco's mission district. the center is a safe place led by women for women. and serves the community advocating for self-determination, gender equa
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it's time now for the money watch report. this morning, the government has just released the february employment report. cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger joins us from new york to discuss the results. good morning, happy friday to you, jill. what were the february results? >> reporter: well, better than expected. the economy produced 275,000 jobs. we thought there
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were going to be maybe 200,000. but to balance that out, we did see employment in december and january revise down. by 167,000 jobs. now this is normal. we always get revisions for the two subsequent months. so that's why i say when we have a really good reading like this one, 275,000, we may find a couple of months from now, wasn't that good. the unemployment rate did tick up to 3.9% and wage growth moderated just lightly up 4.3% from a year ago. >> federal chairman jerome powell testified before congress this week. how did he describe the current employment and the economy overall? >> reporter: well, he said the labor market does remain relatively tight. and you know, it's interesting. because we still have strong job creations. so in some respects, that's a double edged sword. it propels economic growth. but it also can contribute to
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inflation. when we are working and making money we buy more stuff. powell noted that while we have seen progress on inflation over the past year it still remains above the feds' longer run target. >> all right, thank you jill. for more analysis you can go to have a great weekend, jill. meantime, protesters rallied outside the public utilities commission where regulators approved another pg&e rate hike. the average customer will be paying another $4 to $6 a month. that starts ■ in may. that's on top of the last rate hike in january. and on top of pg&e's $2.2 billion profit last year. the utility company says it needs the money to pay for safety upgrades that it has already made and it's time now for a look at what's coming up later on "cbs mornings." tony dokoupil had a front row seat for the state of the union and i don't know if we have -- oh. there he is. tony dokoupil, back in new york. i mean, you have been jet
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setting my friend. >> reporter: i have been jet seating and been around the pry mire states and then in washington, d.c. and not quite a front row seat. you know i could see the capitol building and i wasn't inside the capitol building. but i was watching closely. good morning nicole and coming up on "cbs mornings," president biden of course delivered that crucial state of the union speech last night. and who better to break it down than the great john dickerson? here with us to tell us what stood out to him and how what joe biden said and how he performed could affect the rematch against donald trump in the general election. also, parents are turning more and more to supplements to help their children sleep. we're talking about melatonin gummies and you name it. but are they doing it safely? that's the key. dr. celine gounder will be here. and also anthony mason talks with actor and comedienne chelsea peretii talked about her first time movie. that's
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the name of it. i think she's also a first time female director. all this and more coming up at 7:00. >> have great weekend. thank you. well, our recent series of storms has turned an erosion problem in half-moon bay from bad to worse. we're talking about mirada road along and coast and unincorporated san mateo county and people who live in work in the area tell our lauren toms the ripple effects from all that bad weather are threatening to sink them. >> reporter: residents and business owners on mirada road here in half-moon bay are no stranger to the power of the ocean. but recent storms have caused serious damage to their one main road and they're begging officials for a permanent solution. >> you can feel the spray and, you know, this -- is a place right here where it does come over. >> reporter: homes and businesses like barbara riching's historic jazz club in half-moon bay on mirada road are just one big wave away they say from irreparable damage. >> we've had storms, you know, forever. that's just a typical
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thing. that's why every year, they need to come out and refortify it. >> reporter: a series of strong storms have caused erosion to their single road. worsening with each change of the tide. this week, san mateo county took action by turning the road into a one-way to make room for frequent pedestrians. but barbara and neighbor linda montalto-patterson say it's not only a temporary fix, but a safety hazard. >> these are our tax dollars at work. and it's not solving anything. it's -- it's kind of like the band-aid. it's like we've called out. there's a problem. so now they're protecting themselves by putting all these signs up. but it's not protecting the people. >> reporter: the pair have a long history on the coastal road. each dating back to at least the '80s. they say the problems began when a harbor was built in the '50s and neglect to upkeep the riprap protecting from erosion has led to a more serious situation. one controversial solution they say could be installing a
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seawall. residents of a nearby condo complex sued the california coastal commission for restricting the structure that would protect seaside buildings. the implications could span from san diego all the way up to the coast of oregon, but for mirada road, they need a more immediate solution. >> they just assume that powers that be are doing something. we all do. you know? and you make up about it and then nothing happens and you just -- you just feel defeated and then the summer comes and the ocean recedes and you kind of forget it and then the winters come again. and it's like all over again. you are just -- beating yourself up. because you just can't seem to do anything. and you feel -- just, you know, helpless. >> reporter: today that action is seen in the form of restriping and signage. but that's no match for the ocean's impact for barbara and her beloved jazz bar. >> if they're not going to maintain the road, i cannot keep doing this. that's just -- cut and dry. i cannot do this anymore.
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>> well, the county says they still don't know how long the road will be closed but a community meeting next month should give them a better idea where things stand. live look outside. take a big deep breath everybody. friday has arrived. and look at this gorgeous view of the sun sort of making its way across the hill top there. and you see the bay bridge. that to me jessica is painting a picture of a very nice friday anyway because i know saturday is going to be different. >> saturday is going to look a lot different. but we can enjoy this sunshine today for what it's worth. we're also seeing above average temperatures and light winds. so today it's a great day. high pressure is building in from offshore and it's changing the direction of the winds. a splash of showers in the forecast tomorrow for giants' fan fest and not the case for us today. clear skies all throughout this afternoon and whether you live up in santa rosa, the east bay or down into the santa clara valley. along the coast lean, around 9:00 tonight that's when the clouds start rolling back in and continue to see more clouds roll in all throughout
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the evening hours tonight. early morning hours tomorrow. as we await for a cold front to actually sweep in near santa rosa into 9:00 a.m. hour tomorrow. now that continues to sweep to the south close to san francisco by lunchtime. it dissipates by the time itcomes down to the santa clara valley, a passing shower or two and then cool cloudy conditions to wrap up the forecast tomorrow. looking different already compared to today because today we're above average. take a look at the next one coming in. this is another system moving in from offshore. heading into our sunday evening forecast. that will bring in a little bit heavier rain and that happens in the overnight hours for sunday and clear up a bit more on the monday forecast. get into that more in just a minute but i want to take a look at today. yesterday, we were sitting right around average. today we're talking about above average temperatures. upper 60s off near concord and antioch and low 60s near redwood city. but no matter where you live despite the fact we're seeing cooler conditions along the coast, it's still sunny. today is the best day this week to head out and check out the beach and maybe you
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want to do an activity in the inland areas. no matter where you live, it's a gorgeous day to get out there and get some fresh air, upper 60s near san jose and might even hit 70s. more of that into early -- late next week. by wednesday and thursday of next week, we'll see a bigger warm-up with sunshine right around the corner. so pretty much a repeat of today. but even better. we have to just get through this unsettled weather pattern that's happening for saturday and sunday and it dries up on our monday forecast. and then we gear up for more morning showers on tuesday. after that we roll out those showers and we're left with partly cloudy skies by wednesday and then sunshine and 70s to wrap up next week too. so looking very similar to what we had this week with just a little bit more rain in the forecast for us this weekend. we'll keep you updated on that forecast, for now over to you, g. >> happy friday everyone. the weekend finally arrived and getting out and about today maybe for your morning commute or to school. so far things aren't doing too bad. look at this live look here at the bay bridge toll plaza. not a bad commute at all. in fact just a few cars there sitting near the toll plaza. as you work your
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way towards those metering lights. they are on this morning. but really not seeing much of a backup or an issue. we always have less cars on the roadway for a friday. and it's shaping up to be a beautiful day. so if you are getting out and about, other people might be considering the same thing as well. so do keep that in mind. here's a live look at the san mateo bridge and friday light here as well. you can see both directions here of 101 if you are headed towards sfo, all clear. if you have got an early flight to catch, no delays on the roadways driving there 280 looks good and out of the south bay, just a pinch of slowing as you work your way north 101. coming away from the 280 and 680 connector. nicole? all right, g. "it's game time: unfiltered" and last night was rough for the warriors, blew a 13 point lead to the bulls and late in the fourth quarter curry left the game after twisting his ankle. on top of that, all of the teams that the warriors are currently chasing in the
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postseason run they won last night. coach steve kerr did not have an update on his star point guard after the game other than to say his foot is in an ice bucket. with just 20 games left in the season, this injury could be huge for the warrior. the question now is steph curry going to be okay? and i mean, how worried are we about this injury? because we know he has a history with that ankle. >> yeah, i mean he's dealt with ankle injuries for pretty much his whole career at this point. and you do tend to see steph bouncing back but there are times where he's out for weeks at a time. and hopefully this is not going to be that bad. we're going to show you the video right now and always hard to watch steph getting injured because he's such a key part of the team. and nicole, it does concern me. almost looks like he tripped a bit over another player and i mean, this is not the best year for the warriors let's be honest. when he's not around even harder for the team which is a younger team. without having the lead on the court. >> when you see him hobbling
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like that, i feel like in his head he's saying to himself, here we go again. because he knows the feeling and he knows the pain. the warriors know the pain of what it's like to not have steph on the court. out three games this season. they lost all three. hopefully though, it's just a sprain. something that he needs to manage the pain. and that's what it is. are you hurt or are you injured? and i think in this you know, particular case, steph knows exactly what it's going to take to get back on the court. and if you see here, we asked -- put a poll up. are you concerned about thewarriors entering the playoffs? look at this, g. overwhelming amount 92%, yes. they're worried. >> yeomen, it's -- why wouldn't you be right? it makes sense with steph being injured and hopefully thingers crossed it's like you said, just we're hurt. >> not injured. >> we'll see. >> we hope. all right, time now 6:55. still ahead, when you get your tickets for drake concert. anything can happen. how a longtime fan received
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with nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks, all in one.
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check this out. a woman in buffalo, new york won a long battle with cancer in time to see one of her favorite artists in person. vonnie mccarter didn't know what to expect. she was celebrating being
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cancer-free with up close tickets. and she says she went alone to the show and she brought a sign right there you can see it and it says, i beat stage iv cancer. just in time to see drake. god's plan. and when drake saw her in the crowd, he surprised her with this life-changing gift. >> tonight, i'd like to give you $25,000 just -- [ cheering and applause ] >> well, $25,000 a huge gift for her after a difficult battle and she says now that she's on the other side, she plans to take her kids on vacation and spread awareness. i mean, congratulations to her. >> ring that bell sister friend. good for you. >> i keep getting chills every time we share the story. just wonderful. and she went alone. >> i know. >> good for her all that courage. all right. we love you, drake. time right now 6:59 in the morning. coming up on pix+ 44 cable 12 at 7:00 a.m., we hope you change the channel because we're talking about diversity on the big screen. with a bay area director
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premiering his first feature film at san jose's sin quest film festival. and tapping into the students to build stronger communities for our future. california's chief service officer joining us this morning with how you can be a part of california service corps. a live look outside, happy friday look at that gorgeous view of the bridge and the weekend is here. of course you are going to need to know your forecast as well. we'll have all of that and more just join us over on pix+ 44 cable 12. in just a couple of seconds. ♪ cue the trumpets. welcome to "cbs mornings," hello to our viewers on the west coast. we see you on this friday. i'm gayle king. >> tony dokoupil. >> nate burleson. >> we're all here. let's go to today's eye-opener. it's your world in 90 seconds. the president of the united states.


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