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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 9am  CBS  March 8, 2024 9:00am-9:31am PST

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from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. when i am walking the streets, i am always scared and looking around. >> uc berkeley students who say they are not safe on campus have a new group of guards watching over them. why parents are putting in their own money to protect their kids. the issue facing our nation
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is not how old we are, it is how old are our ideas. >> president joe biden address the country in a fiery state of the union address ahead of what will likely be a contentious re-election battle. on this international women's day, we are celebrating women that are breaking barriers. we highlight a local bay area basketball team rising above on the court. breaking news. we are learning about some police activity at cabrillo elementary school in pacifica. right now, the district says the school there is off limits. unsafe conditions is why they say this is happening. we are going to watch right now live. you can see the police line right outside the playground of the elementary school. we don't really know exactly why they are saying that there is an unsafe condition on campus but the police confirmed that this campus on crespi drive is locked down. people are not allowed to go in. we have also called the school district, pacifica police and north
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county fire. you can see parents on their cell phones waiting to see what will be happening today. they are wondering, do i need to wait to bring my child to school? find other things for my child to do today? we are pursuing those answers and as soon as we get them, we will get you more information on this breaking news. the elementary school closed due to unsafe conditions. mr. speaker, the president of the united states. >> with that, president joe biden entered the chambers of a divided congress as millions of us watched his annual state of the union address last night. these speeches are always laced with strategy. it is an election-year after all. the president sets the stage for what he and his opponents will debate in the coming months . to those issues, the economy, threats to democracy and then that balancing act between support for israel's right to defend itself and the war in gaza killing innocent people. joe biden did not hold back from the issue that some called the elephant in the room and
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that is his age. listen to what he had to say. >> in my career, i have been told i was too young. by the way, they did not let me on the elevator for votes sometimes. not a joke. i have been told i am too old. whether they are young or old, i have always known what endures. >> let's talk about the counterpoint to the president's speech on the topic of his age. from her kitchen in alabama, senator katie britt liver the republican response saying biden is what she calls a diminished leader and then really teed up what you can expect will be the republican policy talking points in the race for the white house. >> america deserves leaders who recognize that secure borders, stable pricing, safe streets and a strong defense are actually the cornerstones of a
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great nation. >> also, some strategy revealed. while president biden mentioned his predecessor 13 times, he did not mention donald trump by name . let s take a live look at san francisco city hall where mayor london breed tried to shape the narrative of the city in her state of the city address. breed faces opponents who want her out of office. her response is a plan for major changes by 2030, really setting a clock to revitalize downtown in six years. >> downtown just can't be about jobs. it can't just be the 9:00 the 5:00 financial district. we also need more people to live and study there. our new initiative, 30 by 30, 30,000 more residents and students downtown by 2030, a comprehensive plan for a dynamic, resilient downtown with resident nightlife and businesses. a neighborhood that
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keeps going around the clock. downtown 24/7. >> former san francisco mayor mark farrell, who is challenging the re-election bid, offering counterpoints to breed's words and plans, saying san franciscans have lost faith in her ability to meaning we tackle the challenges. he went on to say the city needs a mayor with effective track records inside and outside of city hall. we saw candidate daniel lori saying i once did the mayor propose the magnitude of reform that our city needs and then went on to say the city needs a new era of accountable leadership and new ideas. it is a dry, sunny day in the bay area with daytime highs sitting well above average . we could get close to the 70s later today, down into the santa clara valley. it is a gorgeous day to get out and get fresh air, maybe find a new trail around your neighborhood.
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no matter what you are doing this afternoon, you don't need the umbrella. you probably could ditch the jacket. it is gorgeous. let me show you what is happening right around the corner. this beautiful weather will come to an end as we see cold fronts approaching us not only for our saturday forecast but sunday too. clouds start rolling in tonight. here is the first system bringing in light showers in the forecast. dusty conditions around 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. it is worth noting that if you are planning on heading out oracle park tomorrow, you might see a sprinkle were two for giants fanfest. we will be left with cloudy skies after that once we head into sunday, that system looks a little bit stronger and cooler too and windier. this will pack it's punch a lot more with light to moderate rain in the forecast. we will see it sweep to the south into the evening hours where we are left with unsettled weather to kick off next week. here are some other top
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stories. scary incident at sfo when a giant tire came crashing down. it actually hit some cars after suddenly falling off of this departing plane. >> there is a tire going down the runway. >> we are watching that flight take off once again. watch here . see how that went down? just after united flight 35 took off around 11:20 yesterday morning, a camera captured that moment that one of the plane's rear tires fell off. the boeing 777 was headed to japan. united airlines says the plane could land safely with the missing or damaged tire and the decision was made to reroute the plane to lax where they put it down on the ground safely. they then put passengers on a new plane to fly over the ocean to japan. back to sfo, they had to deal with collateral damage because the tire fell and hit a couple of cars in an employee parking lot.
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>> you said the wheel fell off from where? >> a plane. >> what the [ bleep ]? >> i was so lucky, man. just two cars away. >> william, we are glad you are okay. he was parked two slots away from the car that was crushed. luckily, no one was in the car at the time. right now, investigators are trying to figure out why that wheel fell off. we have found that this jet in particular has been in service for more than 20 years. breaking news out of houston. flight landing at george bush intercontinental airport ended up going off the runway this morning. you can see it right there. this is video just into our newsroom right now. we are told this happened as the plane was exiting the runway for the gate and then it left the pavement and somehow ended up on the grass. you can see it tilted over the one side. luckily, nobody was on board, nobody injured. everybody was able to make sure to clear that area
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safely. to berkeley now where some parents who have been calling for more security at cal are now putting their own money up to provide that security. to get the boots on the ground, they had to raise tens of thousands of their own dollars to put private security on patrol. this, along the south side of campus where the dorms are where students sleep . we have been following crime concerns at uc berkeley. a few weeks ago, a man fired a gun in the air on campus, forcing students to have to run for cover at a place of education and shelter in place. we have a reporter looking into this. we spoke with a student who has been wanting to see a change. this student you are about to hear from was robbed at gunpoint. >> the security guards will be out here from 6:30 a night until 3:00 in the morning to patrol three main dorm buildings and the surrounding areas. parents in this group called safe bears say this is long overdue but some wonder if this will make a difference to make the streets safer.
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rebekah has been studying at cal. first, it felt like normal life on campus until recently. >> i parked in my driveway . as i was unlocking the door, two people approach me from behind. one came to the drivers seat and went into the passenger's seat and they pointed a gun at me and told me to get out of the car. >> rebekah has been robbed not once, twice off campus. the robbers stole her personal belongings and her car but they took something much greater, her shot at a normal college life. >> when i am walking the streets, i am always scared. i am looking around. i am always running to my car and locking it immediately. it is not a sustainable lifestyle anymore. >> it is not just a concern for students. parents like sagar jethani took matters into their own hands. >> if they are not going to act, despite repeated -- we
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are going to act. we are going to do what needs to be done to keep our families safe. >> parent group safe bears raised $40,000 to hire these private security guards to patrol near campus housing on bikes and on foot for the next few weeks. after that, the hope is that the university will take over. >> we want to turn up the heat with the administration. we want to show that we are not content to wait to have these safety ambassadors deployed. >> the patrols are not armed but they have radios and are trained to de-escalate conflicts and call police if necessary. >> i guess i just wonder, what is their approach supposed to be if suddenly someone appeared out of the blue? what proactive measures they are ready to take? >> i am -- unlike the campus security officers, i know they're there to make people safe but we don't need
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additional security. >> rebekah hopes it will help other students avoid being victimized like she was but says it is just a start. >> there are actions that can be taken at multiple levels. there is a great position of athletic excellence
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today, on international women's day, we are seeing and celebrating the women in our lives for their achievements. we remember and honor those in the past and also those in the present, all of whom are devoted to fighting for a better future and we are cheering so many on today. case in point, these amazing ladies living out their dreams. shawn chitnis reports from archbishop many high school with women standing out in sports. >> this is an impressive roster with one of their players named to the all-america first team. all of this leading up to the stage average of game on saturday with the team undefeated and number one in the country. >> a tradition of excellence rises above the court at archbishop mitty high school in san jose. every player knows it, including morgan cheli, a senior on the women's basketball team. so many of these championships won by girls like her , just getting
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started and what she hopes will be a long career. >> my goal is to play in the wnba and i am super excited for these next steps. >> the next phase of basketball will bring her to one of the most respected programs and college sports at a time when she feels the momentum is building for all female athletes. >> i think it is a great thing but it can be even better. it can always be improved upon. i just think it is heading in the right direction so i am super excited. >> her coach could not be more proud of the success she has seen in the sport and the woman morgan has become. >> morgan is an outstanding person. just an outstanding human being. kind, considerate, respectful. endearing to all the come across her. >> while women have come a long way, they still have a ways to go. they can both look forward to what is just around the
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corner for women who love basketball in the bay, a wnba franchise coming here in 2025. morgan hopes another professional team will help to grow the future audience for players like her. >> it is an amazing legacy we have for women's sports in general and we are continuing to grow. people should tune in and celebrate women and sports. >> the monarchs are returning to the state championship game on saturday. they will face the same team that they played last year, hoping to get the win this time. blue skies are in the forecast for us today to kick off this weekend. we are sitting above average today. it will be a beautiful day to get some fresh air. we have patchy showers heading into tomorrow. some heavier rain in the forecast sunday evening and then we have unsettled weather into next week. throughout the next couple of days, you will see a lot of changes when you look outside. high pressure is the reason why we have sunny skies today. the winds sweeping in from the north are relatively light. that is worth
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mentioning too . it is beautiful along the coast. once we head into our forecast tomorrow, you might want to grab the umbrella. if you were thinking of heading out oracle park for giants fanfest, a splash of showers from the 10:00 hour all the way into lunchtime . dries up into the overnight hours but we are left with cloudy skies. that is system number one. the second one will pack it's punch a little more and it will cool our temperatures down even more. another cold front building and from offshore sunday into that 3:00 hour in the northbay. it sweeps throughout san francisco and then we are left with unsettled weather to head into next week. long story short, how did we start up this forecast? dry, sunny conditions. really take advantage of the day to day. get out there and maybe find a new trail. head out to the coast. it is sunny all the way
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down into the santa clara valley. i would not be shocked if we see 70s today in areas close to san jose. speaking of 70s, i want to show you the next seven days. we have a warm up around the corner. we have a lot of days to get to that point. with unsettled weather in the forecast, we are still seeing cloudy skies and another chance of showers by next tuesday. sunshine and 70s right around the corner. a new report
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what makes a medicare supplement insurance plan, like an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare a good choice for people on medicare? it's smart for you to have now... i'm 65. and later on, for the future you... i'm 70-ish. it's really smart. hey, looking good. you made a great choice for us. with this type of plan, see any doctor or visit any hospital that accepts medicare patients. there are no networks. your healthcare future will have more freedom. i kept our doctor. and when i needed a specialist. no referrals needed, right? bingo. in fact, see any doctor anywhere in the u.s. really smart to have when you travel. when i visit this little cutie in arizona my plan goes with me. ahhh...grandkids. i can't wait. don't worry about surprise medical bills, either... you'll know up front about how much your care will cost. and knowing your expenses makes planning your financial future easier.
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time for your money watch report. u.s. employers added 275,000 jobs in february which is a sign of continued economic strength. this latest job report is a jump from january's numbers of 229,000 jobs added. at the same time, the unemployment rate ticked up to 3.9%. let's see how the markets are reacting to this news and what president biden had to say at the state of the union address last night. we are a little bit in a bubble and we will be watching how the markets fared today throughout the day and we will have a full wrapup during our 3:00 broadcast. president joe biden is urging congress to approve a mortgage relief tax credit that would provide up to $10,000 for first time buyers and some people who are selling their
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starter home. first generation buyers could get $25,000 toward the down payment. listen up to my friends in the control room who i say, buy a house. critics are asking how biden would pay for the credits. others argue they could backfire by spurring demand and increasing home prices. for renters, biden said federal agencies are cracking down on antitrust law violations that he blames for inflating the prices. we will be watching that one closely. if you have a grocery store within a short driving distance from your front door, it is a privilege that you likely take for granted. for years, the people of marin city have not had that. it is called a food desert. it is a big problem in the use it -- in these united states. this morning, we are holding up a mirror to the excitement of people in marin city who walked in the doors to this new community grocery store. p for this, the people you see here this morning, they
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had to take a bus or drive miles down highway 101 if they had a car just to buy fresh, healthy food. >> it has been needed for a long time. we have had other stores here in the past but we are excited. they are doing some other stuff around the shopping center. this is another piece to the puzzle and hopefully it will do well and people will come out and support the community. >> i don't drive. now i can walk down here, pick up myself what i need and go back home. >> we are glad for gloria and all of your neighbors there who are our neighbors, by the way. we know with our partnerships all over the bay with food banks that food insecurity is a problem. we found a report showing that 900 bay area neighborhoods are inside food deserts. we will be right back.
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- it's so fun to watch jessica in this space. - this is a look at those clouds right now in real-time, but let's head underneath this cloud layer and take a look at our rainfall... - [narrator] the virtual view studio, part of "morning edition." weekday mornings starting at 5 on kpix.
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bounced from one doctor part of to the next.tion." did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms.
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the stream right now on cbs news bay area. fo our television
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[theme music] announcer: coming to you from the cbs broadcast center in new york city, it's the drew barrymore and entertainment tonight's oscar show. [theme music] and now, here's your host, drew barrymore, ross mathews, kevin frazier, and nischelle turner.


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