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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  March 8, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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this is the evening edition. we begin with breaking news in contra costa county where fire crews are on the scene of a vegetation fire in antioch. this one is a bit surprising given all the recent rain we've had, but from our live camera you can see the flames and a lot of that thick, black smoke. this broke out about an hour ago near the 1700 block of west fourth street. >> that fire is burning what looks like a marshy area, no structures threatened and no word how it started. we'll keep a close eye on this fire. our other top story tonight is in san francisco where there are big concerns about a hillside giving way after a massive water main break today. >> good evening. i'm ryan yamamoto. >> and i'm elizabeth cook. look at the scene from our chopper. you see the water just shooting high into the air. it took quite some time to get that water finally turned off.
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here's some perspective from the ground. you can hear just the sound and the power of all that water. >> this all happened today in the 1700 block of wawona street. our jose martinez is live with the incredible images and concerns moving forward. hey, jose. >> reporter: not only that, but it's been an intense day for everybody here in parkside in san francisco. look where i am now. this area has been closed since this morning when those firefighters and utility crews responded to a water main break. it's not the usual view andrew trinh is used to seeing every morning outside his house, a gusher of water shooting at least 60 feet into the sky.
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>> initially i walk out to my side yard and i heard a crack and then a boom, loud noise. i think it was between 9:35 to 9:40, my estimate. >> reporter: when you heard the crack and you heard the -- >> and i saw the water started shooting up. >> reporter: a massive water main break just steps away from his backdoor on wawona street in the area of stern grove and pine lake park in san francisco's parkside neighborhood. city officials tell us the cause of the break appears to be the failure of an eight inch line connected to a water transmission line that feeds water from their treatment plant on the peninsula to the sunset reservoir. video from our chopper shows a river of mud that flowed in the children's play area of stern grove, mud surrounding some
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park benches. back on wawona street, crews that arrived around 10:00 a.m. were able to end the flow of water around 11:25. officials said customers in the area experienced low or no water pressure for hours, but this is not the first time a major water main break caused problems in this area. in the summer of 2021 a water main ruptured flooding stern grove, causing extensive damage to the hillside and the area around the festival stage. >> had a lot of winter storms and stern grove has had a lot of trees come down. it's definitely had its issue of trees coming down. so it's a precarious area. >> reporter: we talked to another had neighbor and family off camera who told us they spend $1 million in renovations, including installation of a 30 feet retaining wall in the back and now they're concerned about the hillside and so is andrew. >> i just don't know how much the soil will get eroded from the water washing down the
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hill. we may lose the street. >> reporter: according to officials, this is not over in terms of assessing the damage, including follow-up repairs on the hillside. back to you. >> thanks, jose. more water trouble this, time in oakland where people are concerned about the water turning red at lake merritt. our chopper flew over the lake and we see those dark streaks and red streaks covering some of the surface. the san francisco bay water board are now investigating. they told us they're not calling this an algae bloom at this point. they tested the water yesterday, waiting for the results and say they've already seen an improvement in the discoloration since yesterday. you may remember the last two summers both lake merritt and san francisco bay had full algae blooms. that created similar reddish water and were linked to dozens of dead fish washing up onshore. i'm anne makovec following another big protest in san francisco calling for a ceasefire in gaza today. it
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started this afternoon at city hall and then the demonstrators moved to market street, many of them holding pro palestinian signs. they walked towards the intersection of octavia street right by the entrance to highway 101, but there they were met with a heavy police presence, which is a contrast to last month when pro palestinian protesters calling for a ceasefire briefly closed the entrance to highway 101. this is video from february 19th when the protesters marched up the on ramp toward the u.s. 101 and i-80 split. law enforcement was able to clear most of them from the freeway about an hour later before the evening rush, but it obviously caused a massive traffic backup. that demonstration was planned by the arab resource and organizing center. the general election campaign tonight shifts into high gear. president biden is traveling to a key battleground state this afternoon while former president trump is
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completing a takeover of the republican establishment. natalie brand has details from the white house. >> reporter: president biden is taking his 2024 message on the road, speaking tonight in pennsylvania, one of the states that decided the last presidential election. >> will you commit to a debate with former president trump? >> it depends on his behavior. >> reporter: thursday night the president delivered a fiery state of the union address previewing the campaign ahead. >> not since president lincoln and the civil war have freedom and democracy been under assault at home as they are today. >> reporter: without using his name, he referenced his likely 2024 challenger more than a dozen times, warning of threats at home and abroad. >> now my predecessor, a former republican president, tells putin, "do whatever the hell you want." that's a quote. >> reporter: the current president and former will both hold dueling rallies in georgia, another battleground
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state, on saturday ahead of the state's primary tuesday. next week former president trump is poised to officially win the delegates needed to clinch the gop nomination. >> i'm stepping aside today. >> reporter: friday republican national committee chair ronna mcdaniel stepped down, paving the way for trump loyalists, including his daughter-in-law, to be elected. >> winning the white house back is just too important for me to do otherwise. president trump deserves to have the team he wants in place at the rnc. >> reporter: the new leaders will try to close the significant fundraising gap. records from february show the biden campaign and dnc roughly have double the cash on hand compared to trump's team and the rnc. a live look at santa clara county where we got an updated tally on district 16's congressional race. former san jose mayor sam liccardo remains in first place, but two candidates will advance to the general election. assemblyman evan low is closing the gap on
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county supervisor joe simitian looking to replace anna eshoo. governor newsom's plan to overhaul the state's mental health and drug treatment systems continues to lead by a razor thin margin. proposition 1 leading by less than 20,000 votes, out of 4.3 million ballots counted so far. there are still more votes being processed. you can find full election results on our website at big crime concerns at uc berkeley, the parents of some students are shelling out big bucks for private security. >> we're going to do what needs to be done to keep our family safe. >> coming up at 5:30, we'll have details on the new campus patrols and why some students don't think they're necessary. another scary day for travelers flying united airlines, a plane landing in houston this morning was making its way to the terminal when it went off the pavement and skidded into the grass. passengers were evacuated from this boeing 737 jet. no one was hurt. this follows a string of
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mishaps for united airlines. earlier this week one of the engines was seen spewing flames after taking off from houston. the reason they believe bubble wrap got sucked into the engine. the plane turned around and landed safely and no one was hurt and yesterday united flight 35 taking off from sfo bound for japan when a wheel flew off the landing gear during takeoff. that tire fell into an employee parking lot damaging several cars. no one was hurt, but the falling tire from that boeing 777 raising a lot of questions for both united and boeing. >> i highly suspect it has anything to do with the manufacturing or design of the airplane by boeing. >> that plane was diverted to l.a.x. where it landed safely. the faa is investigating what may have caused that wheel to fall off. let's take a live look at san francisco now where the big night market resumes tonight in chinatown. streets are decorated and dozens of vendors
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are ready for some very big crowds. this is chinatown's first night market since launching the event during the asia-pacific economic cooperation summit last november. that event drew thousands of visitors. now the night markets will happen on grant avenue every second friday of the month from now till november. still ahead, get ready to pay more again to keep your lights on. how much your power bill will go up after pg&e is given the okay for yet another rate hike. a warming planet should mean less snow, right? we'll speak to a scientist about why climate change may be responsible for last week's massive blizzard in the sierra. >> we see climate change kind of causing two counteracting forces at the same time. we've been learning much more about a wild shootout in santa rosa that left one man dead and sent four deputies to the hospital. beautiful weather across the bay area today, blue skies from our rooftop camera and
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from our salesforce tower camera, but changes in store heading into the weekend, details coming up in the first alert forecast.
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your pg&e bill is going up again. regulators approved the latest rate hike request. the average customer bill be paying another four to six bucks a month starting in may on top of the last rate hike in january. the utility says it needs the money to pay for safety upgrades it's already made. pg&e recently reported $2.2 billion in profit last year. hawaii is installing dozens of fire and wind sensors across its islands following last year's devastating wildfire in lahaina. that fire killed at least 101 people and destroyed most of the town. 20 of those new fire sensors are designated for maui. the hope is they will allow firefighters to get a jump on new fires when they start and alert people to evacuate sooner. in four days a blizzard dropped more than 100 inches of snow in parts of california. it ended the state's snow drought on the heels of the
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warmest february the world has ever seen. we're already seeing signs of an early spring. so what exactly is going on? kelsi thorud explains in tonight's project earth. >> reporter: it was a monster blizzard. >> we're trying to get out, but i think we're stuck here tonight. >> reporter: the storm slammed california with heavy snow, high winds, and treacherous whiteout conditions, but the aftermath simply epic. in just four days six to ten feet of snowfall, concern over california's snow drought evaporating. >> we went from zero to 100 pretty fast. >> reporter: however, we have yet to dig ourselves out of the much bigger problem. it may appear hard to fathom, but this blockbuster blizzard with all of this snow may have links to our warming planet. experts believe global warming may be super charging some of our snowstorms while boosting the risk for a rapid snow melt. >> climate change is really
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affecting the underlying set of possibilities for what the weather system is capable of doing. >> reporter: andruw jones is a climate scientist at the lawrence berkeley national lab. his research involves hydroclimate extremes and snow dynamics in particular. this blizzard got his attention. >> this was a very interesting storm. >> reporter: a warming planet should mean less snow, but this was the lollapalooza of snowstorms. >> it really does highlight this conundrum that we see climate change kind of causing two counteracting forces at the same time. >> reporter: with this blizzard cold arctic air made a beeline to california. on the way it traveled over the warming pacific ocean, warming due in part to climate change. the higher temperatures in the ocean and the air allowed the atmosphere to hold more water. >> so the ocean temperatures are warm right now and so this cold mass of air that moved
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down from the baring strait picked up heat and moisture as it moved across the pacific the. >> reporter: creating a warmer weather storm that was still below freezing. jones is now keeping his eye on the snowpack and with good reason. february was the ninth straight month in a row to be the warmest on record globally. >> because overall conditions are warmer, that snow might melt faster than usual. >> reporter: jones is hopeful for new strategies that aim to capture excess water and direct it underground. he also says it's not too late to slow down climate change. >> we do have to be aware of the changes happening and start to prepare for them. >> reporter: so we can weather any storm. meanwhile crowds are flocking to the tahoe ski resorts to hit the slopes this weekend after last weekend's blizzard blanketed the sierra in feet of new snow. a couple locals in the north lake tahoe area were out early trying to beat the rush of ski and snowboarders.
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>> the vibes are great. it's a great day. it was a little icy yesterday. everything softened up. it's great. the park's ripping, good day. >> agreed. >> it was ripping, man. there's so much snow up there. sugar bowl announced today they are extending their season through april 28th. >> paul, i can tell you right now elizabeth is stoked right now. >> oh, man. >> go hit the slopes. >> it's ripping, man. i'm ready. >> i have to say i bet you yesterday and today was the best days because the crowds were probably a little bit smaller, but this weekend it's going to be packed. >> it's going to be gorgeous, too. it sounds like it's going to be lovely up there, paul. >> it should be nice. we'll see a couple rain chances in the bay area. they'll get snow by sunday afternoon into sunday evening. i don't think it will have a huge impact on travel. it's going to be a shorter weekend by one hour because we spring ahead saturday night as we enter back to real time. it starts at 2:00 sunday morning.
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we spring ahead to 3:00 sunday morning, skipping that hour. turn the clocks ahead. it's a good time to check your smoke alarm batteries, carbon monoxide detector batteries if you have those and here's the real benefit, the extra hour of daylight at the end of the day. sunset sunday will be after 7:00. tomorrow's sunset at 6 12:00 p.m. is the earliest we'll blotch have until halloween. the next storm system is looming off the coast and our solar electricity generation numbers which were full capacity today will take a hit on the weekend with a couple different chances of rain. the first one is not too impressive. showers move into the north bay as the sun comes up saturday morning. watch what happens as we wind the clock toward towards noon. they kind of fall apart. the best chance of measurable rain tomorrow is
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along the north bay and the coast. otherwise a few sprinkles , be flexible with outdoor plans. the next round of rain is on its heels moving into the north bay by sunday morning spreading across more of the bay area. so total rain from the combined systems will range from around a 0.1-inch of an inch to less than a half inch even on the high end of range of possibilities. most of this is going to accumulate from the second system sunday afternoon into sunday evening and overnight. in the sierra it's going to be a snowmaker. the first one doesn't look like it's too impressive, talking about 2 to 6 inches of snow heading through sunday evening and sunday night. there's going to be yet another system that heads in. that's going to be monday night into tuesday and a bit more impressive. already a winter storm watch is in effect for the sierra. now looking out from san jose, things looking good, clear skies, 67 degrees
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in livermore and san jose, san francisco 59 degrees, the cool spot, close to normal for this time of year, nice weather to finish off the workweek. temperatures later tonight as the clouds increase, they won't drop as far as last night. we'll be in the 40s by early tomorrow morning and high temperatures with the additional cloud cover are going to step back a bit, back to slightly below average, mid-60s, low to mid-60s in the santa clara valley, 64 degrees in san jose is one of the warmest spots because you have the lowest chance of rain, low 60s inland in the east bay, upper 60s san francisco and along the coast and half moon bay and north bay temperatures with the best chance of rain shaping up for you also the cooler spot topping out in the upper 50s. similar temperatures in store for us sunday, but farther down the line we get into a drier pattern. the six to ten-day outlook from the climate prediction center which takes us from late next week
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through st. patrick's day weekend, a chance of above normal temperatures and drier conditions. some spots could be flirting with 80 degrees. let's look at the seven-day forecast. keep the umbrella handy, especially sunday afternoon and evening. a little break in the action monday, then more rain monday night into tuesday and then three straight dry days, likely to end up being six or seven dry days, low to mid-70s for an average temperature across the bay area. some of the inland spots will be close to 80 degrees by next friday. >> thanks, paul. the popularity of women's basketball has exploded in recent years and the bay area is no exception. up next, the powerhouse program looking to make history led by one of the top players in the nation. >> an amazing legacy that we have and for women's sports in general. after years of back and forth the battle over boats anchored off
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deep breath. cancer is a journey you don't take alone. you did it! our cancer care team works together to care for all that is you.
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women recovering from violence or other traumas have a new safe haven in san francisco's tenderloin. glide officially cut the ribbon today on its new women's center. it's meant to connect women in need with both physical and mental health services along with housing and job opportunities. it also offers mobile outreach to literally meet women where they are. >> this is how we help san francisco, right, by being the change we want to see in our community. that's glide forward. >> the center has served more than 100 women since its soft launch in january and is currently housing four. today's grand opening was planned to coincide with international women's day. today on international women's day we're celebrating the women in our lives and
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cheering on the ones today who are living out their dreams. >> that includes the archbishop mitty girls basketball team. the number one-ranked high school team in the country, in the entire country, not just the state, the country. this weekend they will play for the state title. our shawn chitnis with more on this storied program looking to make history again. >> reporter: this certainly is an impressive roster with one of their players named to the all america first team, all leading up to the state championship game saturday with a team undefeated and number one in the country. a tradition of excellence rises above the court at archbishop mitty high school in san jose. every player knows it, including morgan chelli, a senior on the women's basketball team. so many of these championships won by girls like her just getting started in what she hopes will be a long career. >> my goal is to play in the
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wnba and i'm super excited for uconn and this next step and this new chapter. >> reporter: that next phase of basketball will bring her to one of the most respected programs in college sports at a time when she feels the momentum is building for all female athletes. >> i think it's a great thing, but it can be even better. it can always be improved upon and i just think it's heading in the right direction. so i'm super excited. >> reporter: her coach sue phillips could not be more proud of the success she's seen in the sport and the woman morgan has become. >> morgan's an outstanding person, just an incredible human being, kind, considerate, respectful, endearing to all that come across her. >> reporter: but coach phillips agrees that while women have come a long way, they still have a ways to go. they can both look forward to what is just around the corner for women who love basketball in the bay, a wnba franchise coming here in 2025. morgan hopes another professional team
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will help to grow the future audience for players like her. >> it's an amazing legacy that we have and for women's sports in general and i think it will just continue to grow and people should tune in and celebrate women in sports. >> reporter: the monarchs are returning to the state championship game saturday. they will face the same team that they played last year hoping to get the win this time. >> cheering them on. this is a huge week for bay area high school basketball with several teams already bringing homestate titles. >> matt will have all the details in sports a bit later. coming up next here at 5:00, parents spend their own money to provide campus security at uc berkeley, how much they raised and the message they hope to send university officials. >> we want to, frankly, turn up the heat with the administration. and a coastal community begging for help after recent storms are literally washing away their livelihoods, the controversial proposal that could save them.
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that is huge when we talk about representation. >> history could be made at this year's academy awards. we'll let you know what to expect on hollywood'
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right now at 5:30, for years marin county residents have been battling with people living on boats in richardson bay, that fight now over. new details about just how much gunfire was going on in a santa rosa shootout th


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