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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 530pm  CBS  March 8, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

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right now at 5:30, for years marin county residents have been battling with people living on boats in richardson bay, that fight now over. new details about just how much gunfire was going on in a santa rosa shootout that left a
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suspect dead and four sheriff's deputies wounded. and in berkeley some parents who have called for more security at cal now putting their own money up to provide it. those parents have raised tens of thousands of dollars to put up private security guards on night patrols near the dorms. >> and the campus has seen some high profile crimes recently. just a few weeks ago a man fired a gun into the air, forcing students to shelter in place. >> our andrea nakano spoke with the student who has been hoping for a change since she was robbed at gunpoint. >> reporter: rebecca has been studying at cal since 2018. at first it felt like normal life on campus until recently. >> and i parked in my driveway. as i was out locking the door, two people approached me from behind. one came to the driver's seat. one came to the passenger's seat. they pointed a gun at me and told me to get out of the car. >> reporter: rebecca has been robbed twice off campus and
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asked us to protect her identity. the robber stole her personal belongings and her car, but they took something much greater, her shot at a normal college life. >> i feel like when i'm walking the streets, i'm always scared, always looking around. when i get out of my car, i'm running to my car and locking it immediately. i feel it's not really a sustainable lifestyle anymore. >> reporter: it isn't a concern for just students. parents like sondra who has twin boys at cal took matters into their own hand. >> the fact is if they aren't going to act despite repeated inquiries from parents and students to take more substantial action, then we're going to do what needs to be done to keep our families safe. >> reporter: parent group safe bears raised $40,000 to hire these private security guards to patrol near campus housing on bikes and on foot for the next few weeks. after that the hope is that the university will take over. >> we want to, frankly, turn up
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the heat with the administration. we want to show that we're not content to just wait forever to have these safety ambassadors deployed. >> reporter: the patrols are not armed, but they have radios and are trained to deescalate conflicts and call police, if necessary. >> i guess i just wonder like what their approach is supposed to be like if suddenly like someone like appeared like out of the blue, like i don't know like what proactive measures like they're ready to take. >> i like the campus security officers because i know they're there to make students feel safe, but i don't think we need additional security. >> reporter: rebecca hopes it will help, but says it's just a start. >> i think there are actions that can be taken at the university level, state level and city level. >> the university sent us a statement saying hiring private security raises concerns about their training and experience and that university funds are better spent hiring more uc
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police officers. i'm anne makovec with new information on a deadly shootout in santa rosa that also left ate sheriff's deputy in critical condition. it happened early monday morning outside la hacienda del toro restaurant and nightclub. the sonoma county sheriff's deputies responded to a report of a person waving around a rifle. according to a new report from santa rosa police, that person later identified as jose cervantes drove off as deputies arrived. the chase was on and at some point deputies say cervantes got out of his car and started shooting at them with an ak-47-style rifle. deputies returned fire and we spoke with one of the neighbors who heard this. >> it was more semiautomatic bang, bang, bang, bang like rounds, multiple rounds, and then return fire in the same rhythm. so you knew it was a gunfight. >> after the first shootout police say cervantes got back into his car, drove off, then crashed into this fence and head on with one of their
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patrol vehicles before another deputy fired several shots at him. he was pronounced dead at the scene. today's report suggests it might have been the car crash that killed him, although he was shot several times. police released new photos of some of the many bullet holes in the sheriff's patrol cars. cervantes fired a minimum of 50 rounds. four deputies were injured by either bullets or shrapnel, one hit in the leg, one in the hand. a san jose man is behind bars on $1 million bail accused of repeatedly stealing from donation boxes at local churches and temples. the 33-year-old was arrested at a church this past weekend. he's suspected in at least seven burglaries targeting churches and temples dating back to december. he's also charged with assaulting a police officer after one burglary at a hindu temple.
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the years long battle over anchor-outs in richardson bay has finally ended. for years people anchored their boats in sausalito, but it was having a big impact on the local environment. so the county has been trying to find somewhere else for those people to live. our chopper was over richardson bay today. those anchor outs are now almost completely gone. a small number of vessels are allowed to remain anchored there for at least the next 2 1/2 years if they are deemed sea worthy. up next, an emerging threat along a bay area coast, the community begging for help after all the storms. >> they're protecting themselves by putting all the signs up, but it's not protecti
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bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you. tonight the coast guard is trying to figure out where a large oil slick off huntington
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beach is coming from. it's about 2 1/2 miles long and is sitting about a mile and a half offshore. they do not think it is a crude spill. even though tar blobs have already started washing ashore, no offshore platforms have reported spills or leaks and the slick isn't growing. the coast guard is using booms to try to contain it while they search for the source. the recent storms that battered the bay area have taken the erosion problem near half moon bay from bad to worse. >> the problem is on mor ata road along the coast. >> people say the latest move to address it could just make things worse. >> reporter: residents and business owners here are no stranger to the forward of the ocean, but recent storms have caused serious damage to their one main road and they're begging officials for a permanent solution. >> you feel the spray. this is the place right here where it does come over. >> reporter: homes and
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businesses like barbara riching's historic jazz club on marata road in half moon bay are just one big wave away they say from irreparable damage. >> we've had storms, you know, forever. it's just a typical thing. so that's why every year they need to come out and refortify it. >> reporter: a series of strong storms have caused erosion to their single road, worsening with each change of the tide. this week san mateo county took action by turning the road into a one-way to make room for frequent pedestrians, but barbara and neighbor linda patterson say it's not only a temporary fix, but a safety hazard. >> these are our tax dollars at work and it's not solving anything. it's kind of like the band-aid. it's like we've called out this problem, so now they're protecting themselves by putting all these signs up, but it's not protecting the people. >> reporter: the pair have a long history on the coastal road, each dating back to at
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least the '80s. they say the problems began when a harbor was built in the '50s and neglect to upkeep the riprap protecting from erosion has led to a more serious situation. one controversial solution they say could be installing a seawall. residents of a nearby condo complex have sued the california coastal commission for restricting the structure that would protect seaside buildings. the implications could span from san diego up to the coast of oregon, but for marata road they need a more immediate solution. >> they just assume that the powers that be are doing something. we all do, you know, and nothing happens and you feel defeated and if this ever comes and the ocean recedes and you find of forget it and the winters come again and it's all over again and you're beating yourself up because you just can't seem to do anything. you feel helpless. >> reporter: today that action is seen in the form of
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restriping and signage, but that's no match for the ocean's impact for barbara and her beloved jazz bar. >> if they're not going to maintain the road, i can't keep doing this. that's just cut and dry. i cannot do this anymore. it's not sustainable. >> and the county says they don't know how long that road will stay closed. they're planning to give an update at a community meeting sometime next month. ahead in sports, steph curry had everyone holding their breath thursday night, the latest on his ankle injury. plus we're back into the thick of conference basketball tournaments before march madness. we introduce you
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paul, i can confirm that during the commercial break elizabeth cook was in the back hot waxing her skis getting ready to join the crowds -- >> i didn't know where you were going with that, was a bit concerned for a minute. >> -- and rip it up in the sierra. >> heard it's ripping, paul. i got to get a taste of that fresh powder. >> shred away. >> calling, man.
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>> making pizza. >> she can do blue squares now. >> no clue. let's look at today as it was fantastic across the bay area today, that and it's friday. we've had blue skies overhead and temperatures did respond, up to 70 degrees in san jose, most of the bay area in the mid- to upper 60s. along the coast close to average for early march, upper 50s for half moon bay, but heading into the weekend it's a weekend in 2024 and the rules are it has to rain. there's a chance of light rain showers saturday morning. that will be followed up by a different system that's a bit stronger. somebody's microphone is still open, just a heads up about that while i'm talking here. every once in a while live tv can catch you. a better rain chance is in the forecast sunday afternoon. that will penetrate deeper into the bay area. the first one, watch what happens to it from 7:00 saturday morning to noon. it kind of falls apart. the best chance of more than a trace of rain is for the north bay, down
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to a couple leftover sprinkles by midday to early afternoon and even breaks in the cloud cover saturday afternoon. temperatures will be a little below normal because we'll see more clouds than sunshine. the next round of rain is moving in by late morning on sunday and that's going to spread across more of the bay area sunday afternoon continuing sunday evening and overnight. total rain from both systems is going to be modest. we're talking about less than a half inch on the higher end of the scale for the north bay, generally about a quarter inch or so total rainfall again combining both of those systems. for the southern half of the bay area, it's going to be about a 0.1-inch to a quarter inch and santa cruz mountains in similar territory, not really maximizing the potential of rain because the trajectory of the system coming from the northwest instead of oriented perpendicular to the coastline. in terms of snow, there is a winter storm watch in effect for the sierra from sunday through tuesday. i think the heavier snow will add up with the system a little farther down the line, monday night into tuesday. that's when they could have about a foot of
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total snow, where the majority of the snowfall accumulations will occur. that's going to be another rainmaker for the bay area. spotty shower saturday, better chance of rain late sunday into sunday night and the best chance of rain is monday night into tuesday and then we dry out wednesday and thursday and friday and likely for st. patrick's day weekend as well. temperatures are going to warm up, too of tonight we drop down to near average low temperatures, in the 40s across the entire bay area. with the clouds overhead tomorrow we'll be running a few degrees below average, mid-60s for san jose, low 60s in the santa clara valley for the warm spots and low 60s inland in the east bay. otherwise around 60 degrees at best, only upper 50s along the coast of half moon bay, falling short of 60 degrees in san francisco. in the north bay because you have the best chance of rain, your temperatures will be more limited topping out mostly in the upper 50s saturday afternoon with similar temperatures for everybody sunday. we have warmer weather down the line. look at the
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ten-day temperature outlook for san jose. there is the roller coaster ride, the downside talking upper 70s, close to 80 degrees by next friday and into st. patrick's day weekend. we have to get through the unsettled rather cool weekend first. here's the seven-day forecast which does include our chances of rain over the weekend and a little dry break for most of monday for the last batch of rain moving in monday night into tuesday and then three straight dry days wednesday and thursday and friday. this is going to end up being probably a six or seven-day stretch of dry weather and temperatures really warm up, low to mid-70s for most of the bay area, but the end of next week we'll have to split the seven-day forecast into our three different microclimates because there will be more variation in temperatures once the inland spots start to warm up. we have some breaking news from the east bay. our chopper is over the scene of a nasty collision involving an ac transit bus. this is happening in oakland. it's left two people in critical condition. wow.
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>> look at the aftermath of that. this is at 54th and international boulevard. the force of the impact doing just severe damage to that blue car. the front of it is completely mangled and the front of the ac transit bus also banged up. emergency crews still on the scene. a total of 13 people were injured because of this crash, including those two critically hurt, no word yet on what caused it. >> just a horrific scene in oakland now. the roadway is blocked for the investigation. so avoid the area of 54th and international. we'll have more information as we get it in. time to check on what's ahead at 6:00 and switch over to juliette. >> thank you. we'll certainly follow that and other news. a bad week for united airlines just got worse. one day after a tire blew off a plane, a plane leaving sfo was forced to make another emergency landing. so what went wrong with a flight to mexico? sparks fly as burglars try to drag a stolen safe from a
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jewelry repair store. 24 hours later a truck ran into a gas station and made off with the atm, the back-to-back brazen burglaries in alameda county. plus it put california bagels on the map. now the matriarch behind boy chick bagels talks to us about expanding her empire across the bay area. let's now go to matt and some sports. >> warriors fans, breathe a sigh of relief, steph curry not expected to be out long after spraining his ankle last night. he could be back next week. curry rolled that ankle on a cut to the bask late fourth quarter. golden state lost to chicago. they are now tied with the lakers for ninth in the west. the sharks traded all-star forward tomas hertl to las vegas, one of six deals made by san jose before the trade deadline as they continue their rebuild. the general manager saying hertl deserves a chance
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to compete for a stanley cup. high school state championships in sacramento, the oakland high girls bringing home some hardware. the wildcats beat montgomery 56-50 to win the division 5 crown. on the boys side evan lucas, the all time leading scorer at danville's athenian high school and also a state champion, the exclamation point here. the owls beat verdugo hills 67-49, their first title in school history. the bay area is home to many famous basketball stars, but theirs one you likely never heard of. a usf guard may not be a household name in the states, but overseas he's an icon. the usf basketball team quietly had a nice season. much louder? the noise from their crowd which mike sharabgans was
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on the floor, the first basketball player from mongolia to receive a di scholarship. >> there's no minute that can make it up out there. >> mike may be just another college basketball player here in san francisco, but in his home country he's a superstar. >> it's been great getting recognized by them. >> he gets recognized around the city and he even has a traveling fan base. >> his fans are all over the place. we were at the portland game and there were 50 mongolian fans waiting after the game was over just to interact with him. >> he's so laid back about the whole thing that the dons hardly understand his importance to his country. >> we kind of got a feel of it, but i don't think we know the extreme impact he has, but we got a feel of it with the fans that come to see him. it's crazy. >> his basketball career began at his own age looking up to his father. >> to say you enjoy every moment out here. i've been enjoying it, too. >> the nba is his ultimate dream. >> i think he could be a first
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round lottery pick. that's the ceiling for me. >> but always repping where he is from is the most important thing for mongolian mike. >> i'm proud that i'm representing all of a lot of mongolians. yeah, it's been good. >> what a great story. i want to watch him play now. >> he's so humble and laid back, but in mongolia kids flock to the tvs to be able to watch this guy. >> that's fantastic. >> he says it's fun to go to the mongolian restaurants in town. he's been stopped, are you the usf guy? >> he does not play for meals, i'm guessing. >> he'll never buy a meal in san francisco. >> thanks, matt. still ahead, the academy awards have been held nearly 100 times and this sunday something could
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bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms.
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the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you. they're rolling out the red carpet for hollywood's biggest night. >> "oppenheimer" is expected to blow away the competition at this weekend's oscars and a bit of history could be made as well. >> reporter: the red carpet is rolled out and the menu is set for the movie industry's biggest night. the 96th oscars will once again be hosted by jimmy kimmel. as a four-time host, he's experienced some of the show's most memorable moments. >> if something happens, which things seem to be happening a lot lately, i feel like i'll be
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ready for it. >> reporter: this year there seems no need to be prepared for surprise winners. christopher nolan's "oppenheimer" is expected to keep its winning streak going. >> when you look at all the other award shows that have taken place before the oscars and there are a lot, it really looks like "oppenheimer" is going to sweep the oscars. >> reporter: mark malkin, senior editor at "variety" said one race that could be a toss-up is best actress with the top contenders being emma stone for "poor things" and lily gladstone for "killers of the flower moon." >> if lily blackstone wins, she will be the first native american actress to win an oscar. that is huge. >> reporter: while the academy awards is all about movies, producers say music will be a key component of the show. ryan gosling will perform the pop ballad "i'm just kin." billie
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eilish and finneas o'connell, jon batiste. >> from walk-ons to musical performances, music will play a very key role in the night. >> reporter: there will be more than two dozen presenters handing out the coveted golden statues. >> got to watch for the fashion, too. that's it for the news at 5:00. cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich starts right now. >> thanks so much. back-to-back heists just miles apart in alameda county, thieves using vehicles to do the heavy lifting. >> i'm sad, still kind of shocked about it all. a surveillance camera captures the clunky getaway. >> the safe, they couldn't quite get it into the utility truck, so it was dragging. so you see a bunch of sparks. >> how this bold strategy failed to pay off two nights in a row. one day after a tire fell off a plane, a united airlines
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flight from sfo is forced to make an emergency landing. what went wrong on the way to mexico? a water main break sends a geyser shooting into the sky near a san francisco park. now the neighbors who live steps away worry about the hillside. >> i might lose the street. >> it's a precarious area. >> reporter: she put west coast bagels on the map. meet the matriarch behind the wildly popular chain as she gets ready to expand her empire across the bay. >> i'm super stoked. i'm excited to change the bagel industry. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. >> good evening. we do begin with breaking news in oakland. our chopper is over 54th and international where there's been a massive collision between a car and an ac transit bus. this happened a little under an hour ago. we are told at least 14 people are hurt. two are critical. you can see the front of the bus is crushed in


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