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tv   The Late News  CBS  March 9, 2024 2:06am-2:35am PST

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into downtown san francisco from a bustling night market to a bagel that stands up to the east coast competition. >> i'm bullish on downtown. i'm investing in downtown. it might look like a regal fountain, but this is a huge mistake. >> i heard a crack and water started shooting up. >> why neighbors are worried for their homes after the second water main break in a few years. and how this device can force you to come clean about being dirty. from kpix, this is the laid news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. hello, i'm sara donchey. depending on whether you were on this bus or not, it was either in the wrong place at the right time or the right place to stop an out of control car that had already crashed once. 16 people were hurt, and people who live near this
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oakland intersection tell our andrea nakano the street where it happened may have been part of the problem. >> reporter: this is the ac transit bus that was involved in the crash, and it wasn't even directly involved in the crash. the collision happened a little bit up the road, and one of the cars violently flew into the front of that bus. daniel saw the crash and aftermath that happened at the peak of commute hours just after 5:00. he helped us translate what he witnessed. >> the car was right there. the people pulled out the guy, and he was just, they left him on the floor because, i don't know. and it looked like his leg was like, swollen. >> reporter: he says he saw at least one of the cars going roughly 100 miles per hour. according to the spokesperson from ac transit, that speeding car lost control. >> the chrysler 300, as i am
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told, struck a second passenger car, toyota prius, that was attempting a left turn from southbound international on to 54th avenue. >> reporter: according to traffic violence rapid response, international boulevard has seen 18 fatal traffic accidents over the last two years. and this is one of the deadliest intersections. >> our organization has held two vigils for people killed here at this intersection. >> reporter: in many of the accidents, speed is to blame. >> it's almost every block, every light. there are people speeding down at top speed, running red lights. it is extremely dangerous. >> reporter: at this point, there is nothing to indicate that the chrysler was racing another car. residents, though, want action to make this street safer. >> we hope the police does something about the cars racing, to put a stop to it
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because it's very dangerous. >> despite how bad this looked, police say only one person ended up in the hospital and is expected to be okay. the only time you should be seeing something like this is outside of a very popular hotel in vegas. this is definitely not what was supposed to be happening behind this san francisco home. some are worried it could actually take out the hillside. so here's what this looked like from above. a water main break had water shooting 60 feet into the air. this was right next to stern grove. crews worked from the morning into the afternoon to get the water shut off. the real concern is this, this river of mud that started flowing down the hillside. >> i heard a crack, and then a boom, and i saw the water started shooting up. i just don't know how much the soil will get eroded from the water washing down the hill. >> we've had a lot of winter storms, and stern grove had had a lot of trees come down. it's a precarious area single game
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record the city was working to make sure the hillside was stable this afternoon. they say a faulty valve is to break. in 2021, a water main break flooded stern grove as well. tonight, the folks in charge over at united airlines are probably saying tgit. it has been a rough week for them to say the least. for the second time in two days, one of their jets took off from sfo, then had to make an emergency landing at lax. this time for some kind of hydraulic problem. hours earlier, another plane skidded off a runway in texas. and then yesterday a plane lost a tire which landed on a car in the employee parking lot. no one was hurt in any of the
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incidents. night markets are back in san francisco's chinatown. the city's civic joy fund helped fund the markets to happen on a recurring basis through november. thousands of people turned out tonight for food and music, including the mayor. >> there is nothing like a night market to bring people together. that's what we want to make sure continues to happen in the city. and whatever we can do to bring joy to the streets of san francisco, i'm all in. >> chinatown night markets are scheduled for every second friday of the month. they are one part of mayor breed's bigger plan to throw a lifeline to downtown. part of her goals she laid out in her state of the city address yesterday, bringing 30,000 new residents and students to downtown by 2030. and with so many big stores making headlines by closing up shop, bringing in new businesses is a huge priority. our wilson walker talked with the owner of a burgeoning bay area bagel empire about why she's putting her dough behind the idea that
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downtown will rise again. >> the dough is coming up. it's been formed into a log. this is going to knead it out smaller, and divide it into chunks. you see it just gets wrapped up and the ends get stuck together. it comes out like a bagel. >> reporter: emily winston is watching the early moments in the creation of a bagel, and this phase is decidedly high-tech. >> then the robot arm will pick it up and put it in the rack. that prevents a ton of repetitive stress injury and workers comp issues. >> reporter: but even the newest technology does not replace the most essential elements of this old art form just we're doing the old school new york bagel process here. and i have not added any automation to this. this is exactly as it's been done for the last 100 years. >> reporter: and it's that
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knack for blending tradition and modernity that pushed boichik to the forefront. >> my background is mechanical engineering, so i love this. >> reporter: take a quick tour, and it's easy to see how the passion for the modest bagel has translated into not just success, but international acclaim. >> my wildest fantasy was that the new york times maybe would one day say by bagels were okay. and then they came and said, you know, we're even better than new york, which was just completely nuts. but yeah, it's awesome! i have a lot of people that are super excited to see a woman build a business that's so successful and gaining ground is publicly. it's an honor to be a role model like that. i'm super stoked. i'm excited to change the bagel industry. >> right, casey, you love coming here? >> yeah!
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>> we moved to sf in 2016, and you know, you miss a good bagel if you've been an east coaster your whole life. >> reporter: boichik has found a loyal following in those willing to seek out quality, and that means growth with three through locations in downtown san francisco. >> i'm investing in downtown. >> reporter: she says the falling lease prices have created the perfect opportunity to position for the years ahead and what she sees as the inevitable san francisco rebound. the next chapter for their incredible expansion from a single store to a bay area institution in just four years. >> the question was where and when. and i don't want to build 40 stores around the bay area. we'll keep it to about maybe 10 or 12. people want good bagels. they're desperate for good bagels. >> i'm desperate for good bagels. okay, this coach means business on the basketball
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court. never mind that he's still learning the alphabet. he knows his x's and o's. and it's hard to look away from a mountain's worth of snow crashing down, but we're surprised these skiers didn't given how close they were. absolutely beautiful weather across the bay area today including a pretty sunset. our view from the mark hopkins hotel. we had sunshine throughout the day, but on the tail end of the loop, just a few clouds on the horizon that will give us showers chances for the weekend. if you work in a restaurant, you know you've got to wash your hands after a bathroom break. the little sign says so. and now there's a new device to make sure of it. (upbeat music) - this is the new pix+ with the only 8:00 and 9:00 pm news,
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the primetime edition: weeknights on the new pix+. 44 cable 12. (bell chiming)
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tonight the coast guard says it's cleaned up about 85% of an oil sheen floating off of huntington beach in southern california. unclear if it was the source of some tar balls that washed up on shore. >> got stuck all over my hands, my feet, and my shoes. it's not the easiest thing to get off. >> i won't use my fingers for it because it's a hazard. >> yeah, it's a bunch of tar we stepped on. we could see it all along the shoreline. >> so this two and a half mile slick was spotted yesterday afternoon not far from a pair of offshore platforms. the coast guard still not exactly sure where it came from. check out this massive avalanche just missing a group of skiiers in the french al alps. i'm not sure i'd stay
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there and record even though that's what my boss would have wanted. the avalanche did cover up the trail they use to get to that point. >> that's not what you want to see coming at you. >> no. >> that, rogue waves, sharks. >> i'm afraid of all of it. that's why i stay in the city all of the time. it was such a good day to stay in the city. he said to me yesterday that today would be nicer, and you were so right. >> it was fantastic. and the weekend won't be a washout. it's actually going to be a shorter weekend because we spring ahead one hour. daylight time kicks in at 2:00 sunday morning. that becomes 3:00. so good time to check the batteries in smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors. and
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sunset sunday will be after 7:00. tomorrow's sunset is the earliest we're going to see until halloween. so some extra daylight at the end of the days heading into march. let's take a look at what's happening out there. the big picture pattern. we have light showers in the forecast tomorrow morning. those are mainly going to impact the north bay. then we have a stronger system that will send rain across more of the bay area into sunday afternoon. the additional cloud cover will take a big chunk out of the solar generation numbers. but it was nice to see the full sunshine today. there are the showers moving into the north bay tomorrow morning, but they just fall apart. most of us just a few sprinkles, and then breaks in the cloud cover by tomorrow afternoon. tomorrow is not going to be a washout. any outdoor plans in the afternoon, i think you'll be fine. but that next chance of rain is right around the corner. the clouds thicken again tomorrow night. we'll see showers moving back into the north baby midday on sunday. these have a better chance of impacting the bay
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area sunday afternoon into sunday evening. add both systems together, and we're not talking a lot of rain. a few hundredths of an inch on the low spectrum. no wind issues or flooding damage. they will produce some snow in the sierra. a couple inches of snow for the first system, and the next one that moves in is monday night into tuesday and will add up maybe another foot of snow for the highest elevations. a winner storm watch is already in effect. outside right now, clouds in the distance. some breaks in the cloud cover allowing temperatures to cool off. mid-40s in santa rosa. upper 40s in livermore. otherwise temperatures still in the lower half of the 50s. we'll only drop to the 40s area-wide by early tomorrow morning. very close to normal this time of year. the clouds, even the minor shower chances prep vent temperatures from warming up a lot. we have the lowest rain chances, the warmest temperatures. san jose getting up to the mid-60s, but that's a degree below average. low 60s inland and the east bay.
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otherwise talking temperatures struggling up to around 60 degrees and staying in the upper 50s for half moon bay and instagram. and san francisco. similar temperatures are in store for the entire bay area on sunday. but there is warmer weather down the line. also drier weather. the six to ten-day outlook that takes us through the middle of next week through st. patrick's day weekend, a significant chance of drier than normal conditions as we enter that time frame, and also a significant chance of above normal temperatures as well. you can actually see that towards the tail end of the seven-day forecast, but in the short term, it is an unsettled pattern that will be with us over the weekend and into next week. a little lull monday during the daylight hours, but more rain monday night into tuesday. also shouldn't cause any problems. then we dry out and start to warm up. temperatures into the 70s by thursday and friday. some of the warmest spots next friday getting close to 80 degrees. >> nice to see the dry, sunny
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terrarium environment. what are those called? >> the weather tubes? >> what is the appropriate time for them? >> the weather tubes. we have another name behind the scenes. >> we can't say it. >> no foul! this is one basketball coach you don't want to get on the wrong side of, mainly because he's the cutest coach of any sport we've ever seen. >> why are you trying to expose the weather tubes, sara? coming up in sports, update on curry's ankle. stanford women headed back to the pac-12 championship. they had a little wake up call in the first half. stick around.
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take that up a little bit higher. you should feel that, like, right back here. oh, yeah, i felt that! good, that is so much better than last week. thanks, i've been doing 'em every night while i'm watching tv. - oh, what are you watching? it's a mystery. high quality care that meets you where you are.
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>> no foul, no foul! christopher means business on the sideline. they call him little coach best. he's four years old. he's going to give kerr a run for his money. >> i'm not a good basketball player. i can't imagine what
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my confidence would be like missing a shot and this four-year-old is like what are you doing? >> you were an athlete, so you know coaches can be a mixed bag. some are yellers, some make you run laps. christopher is more of the motivational type. >> i like that. >> he has the whole thing down. he's the coach for tarboro high in north carolina, technically it's his dad. >> i was about to say. >> he has the clipboard, he has the polo. he even has the media training. >> that's a hard question! >> that's a hard question right there. >> i tell them that um, it's fun. >> you come up and set a screen for jaden. >> so to finish off the family affair, the coach's older brother is a player on the team, and apparently when the family goes home he's like reggie, you should have done this. >> oh, man, it's like the
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awkward car ride home with your dad after a game. >> but it's like if your dad was four. >> yeah, it would be tough to take the criticism. i like his media training. i think he's better than a lot of head coaches we actually speak to. >> yes, and we talk about them behind the scenes. >> and i'm not talking about steve kerr, i want to make that clear. great to deal with. hey, thursday as bad as it could get for the warriors. not only did they lose, but curry and jackson davis left with ankle injuries. good news on friday. steph will miss tomorrow's game, but he's expected next week. mri came back clean. tjd still questionable for saturday. let's look at the curry injury. rolled his ankle on the cut to the basket late in the fourth. he didn't finish the game, and golden state lost to chicago. the push for six is really coming down to the wire. the warriors are tied with ninth right now with la. to women's hope. stanford looking to return to the pac-12
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championship. had to overcome an eight point deficit at the half. third quarter, cameron knocking down triple. pulls the cardinal within one. brink feeds kiki. brink finished with a near triple double. stanford wins 66-57 and face usc in the title game on sunday. the sharks traded hurdle to las vegas. one of six deals made by san jose before the trade deadline. they'll continue that rebuild. and good on them because general manager mike greer said hurdle deserves a chance to compete for a stanley cup, so he's letting him go. we're still a few weeks away from the college basketball brackets being released, but march madness is in full swing at the high school level. plenty of local teams representing the bay area in the cif state championships this weekend. gamestaking place in san diego. the oakland girls
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bringing home hardware. teague with the floater. the wild cats beat montgomery to win the division 5 crown. on the boy's side, evan lucas, the all time leading scorer at athenian high school and a state champ. the owls win 67-49. their first title in school history. back to steph and the warriors real quick. i don't know if you were watching the game, but it felt like the entire city like oh my god, please, please, please. without steph i don't know what the team is. they'll need him back next week, and hopefully the ankle is okay. >> yes, thank you, matt. appreciate
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jim you know the little signs at restaurants that say employees have to wash hands before returning to work. have you ever wondered if they do every time? well, there's new
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technology that takes the guessing out of that situation. this is the hand scanner. it's a newfangled thing from a tech start up in new york. it's basically what it sounds like. after employees wash their hands, they put them under the hand scanner that looks for dirt on the skin and gives results within seconds. and the hand scanner is a snitch, too. managers have employee id codes in there, so they know who has the dirty hands. the cdc says food workers wash their hands about a third as much as they should. they also have really hard jobs, and we thank them for what they do. you'll want a clean finish
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okay, matt, you cover a lot of sports. >> that's correct. >> paul, you went to college in colorado. >> yes. >> surely one of you has heard of this. one of you can maybe tell me how to pronounce it. i'm going the take my best shot and say skijoring.
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>> you pronounce the j. >> it means sky driving in the region. >> i can feel both my acls tearing. >> it was a popular 19th century mode of transportation in scandinavia, but in 21st century colorado it's a lot less practical and more fun. you get a better idea from the rear view. that's the shot. instead of gravity pulling you along, it's the pure brute force of a quarter horse. >> equine power. >> every winter thousands of people come to the old mining town of leadville to watch the spectacle thunder right down the middle of main street. >> getting started is always the scariest part, or one of the scariest parts. then you're just flying down the avenue, and there's not much to think about except for trying not to die.
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>> look at that thing run, man! >> there have been some unusual injuries in the sport. one racer hit a mini van. another wears a cup after a horse threw up a huge snow ball that hit him right in the snow balls. >> we can say that, right? >> no, i don't think so. again, it was in the prompter. >> it's 11:30. >> that's right, safe harbor. >> but hold on, though, doesn't it look kind of fun? >> to watch, yes. >> i would love to sit there with an adult beverage watching the guy hit the mini van and never do it myself. >> nothing more exhilarating than the pain of others. >> have you ever ridden a bull? i've ridden a bull once. we'll hide it. >> i'm going to dig


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