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tv   The Late News  CBS  March 10, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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from cbs news bay area, this is the evening edition. now at 11:00, people living at an apartment complex in oakland are fed up with abandoned cars and are still waiting for the city to do something about it. >> the abandoned rides are not good, got to get towed out the way. they want them gone. then the latest on a santa rosa family saved by a quick thinking pilot as their plane goes down in the north bay.
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the message for protesters outside a gala for a prominent jewish organization. >> good evening. i'm brian hackney. >> i'm andrea nakano. people in an oakland neighborhood say they've tried to get rid of abandoned cars for a year without action from the city. >> some people have taken to tagging the vehicles with profanity to try to get their attention. da lin has the story. >> reporter: neighbor dijone cunningham said someone abandoned this suv in front of her apartment building about a year ago and someone dropped off this hyundai sonata on the same block roughly four months ago. not just an eyesore and blight, but with multiple apartment buildings on the block, they're taking up valuable real estate. >> it's hard to find parking. >> reporter: the abandoned vehicles are parked in front of 2905 bonaire street in the fruitvale district. one neighbor reported the cars to 311 last year, but the city has
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not taken action. two weeks ago one fed up neighbor tagged councilman noel gayo's name and some bad words on the car to draw attention. >> i don't take it personal and i understand people's frustration, but at the same time there's only so much that i can do and we can do. >> reporter: the councilman says his staff received the complaint from the neighbors two weeks ago and they immediately flagged the transportation department, which handles these vehicles, but he says many city-contracted tow yards are full and the apartment is overwhelmed by the amount of abandoned and stolen cars. >> some of the locations where they're towing vehicles are full. so we're trying to identity other properties we can tow the vehicles to. >> reporter: the city prioritizes abandoned cars that block driveways and streets. given the lack of staffing and resources, one city worker tells me these cars may have to wait longer. oakland police report last year they recorded
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almost 15,000 stolen cars. >> i will be there tomorrow morning and i'll -- even if i have to get a private company to get it towed, i will get them towed. >> reporter: neighbors say they welcome any help to clean up their neighborhood. >> yeah. the street sweeper will be able to clean the street. >> reporter: another neighbor tells me homeless people would sometimes sleep in these abandoned cars. that's made her family feel very unsafe. in other news tonight and this is a strange one, in mendocino county, a plane that had lost power was saved by a parachute, but not the kind you wear on your back. it was a parachute for the entire plane. the family of three from santa rosa on board walked away nearly unscathed. the plane lost power after takeoff friday night. it's believed an engine probably failed. an exterior
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parachute deployed and saved everyone on board. a woman stole a car while it was getting detailed and drug the man working on it some 20 feet. it happened on laurel street. the woman got in and just drove off. they found her about a mile away and arrested her. the auto detailer only had minor injuries. let's turn our attention now to your first alert forecast and darren peck is here to tell us that maybe more rain is on the way? >> not maybe. if you're in the north bay, as of two hours ago, you already started getting this rain. just a little perspective, we haven't really seen anything here yet. north bay has. in two waves i'll show you how the last two hours has gone and how the next six hours will go. the rain has come across the north bay. it started raining through sonoma county about the 8:00 hour. if we put the numbers on here, look at the difference. we've already gotten 0.3-inch of rain in santa rosa so far at this
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point. you haven't gotten anything in san francisco yet. so all the action has been up in the north bay and you got 0.11-inch of rain in napa and look what happens from oakland and san francisco, all these numbers are zero. you haven't gotten anything yet. we know this storm has the potential to drop 0.3-inch of rain because it's done it already up in the north bay. let's put this now in back into the forecast imagery and show you how it plays out from here. we'll switch from live first alert doppler, put it into the high resolution model and that rain does weaken moving south. you may not get 0.3-inch of rain in santa rosa from this. you'll probably get about a 0.1-inch because there won't be as much by the time it gets there. that's the next one. we'll look at that because that's tomorrow night and more technically, very early tuesday morning, next rainmaker's coming through. i'll see you in a few minutes with that.
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now to the latest out of gaza and the night before the holy month of ramadan and after supplying israel with billions to propagate the war, the u.s. is now airdropping humanitarian aid to its victims. president biden is saying israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is hurting israel more than helping by refusing to limit civilian casualties. the war there has also become the deadliest conflict for journalists in over 30 years. >> holly williams reports 95 journalists have been killed in only five months. some of the images in her report are graphic. >> reporter: if you think this looks crazy, you're right. in the aftermath of airstrikes in the gaza strip, while others flee journalists hurdle towards the danger.
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thes i the israel-hamas war is now in its fifth month. we would know much less about the death and destruction wreaked in gaza if it weren't for these people. palestinian journalists are risking their lives to get the news out. many are now living in tents with their home under bombardment. some are not neutral observers and they don't pretend to be. >> reporter: the situation is undescribable. >> reporter: she's been reporting without a single day off since the war began. >> i love my work. i feel i was born to do it. >> reporter: she's had to evacuate three times during the conflict and now lives with her colleagues in this cramped space in rafah. >> i manage to somehow control
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my emotions and control my fears. >> reporter: last month she was able to get permission to send her 6-year-old twins, sarah and basim, across the border to egypt and made the difficult decision to stay on in gaza and keep reporting. >> reporter: they can't find easily food and water. they can't sleep tight at night. >> reporter: other journalists had no way of keeping their family safe. like al jazeera bureau chief who lost his wife and three children and mohammad alalu, a cameraman for turkish television, who buried four of his young children. this is the deadliest war for journalists in decades. nua has been criticized for allegedly supporting militants with social media posts many years
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ago. now she says she doesn't take sides, but she told us sometimes she questions whether the world is really paying attention. >> i feel like i've said enough. >> the conflict continues to spread protests in the bay area. people in palo alto gathered for a run for their lives event to call for release of hostages still held by hamas. >> i'm filled with so much hope that the world has not forgotten them. we will not forget them and we will not stop fighting for their release. >> of the more than 30,000 palestinians who have been killed since the war began, 20,000 of them are believed to be women and children. >> free free free palestine. that high palestinian death toll is one of the reasons protesters came out in san francisco this evening outside the palace hotel. inside the hotel the jewish community relations council was holding
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their annual gala. protesters called the jcrc an extremist organization and say they do not represent the bay area's progressive values. for its part, the jcrc said before and during the event protesters showed up on the south side of the palace hotel shouting, chanting, and intimidating guests. we unequivocally condemn antisemitism in any form and stand with israel's right to defend herself. we are honored that so many community leaders and prominent bay area organizations joined us to show their solidarity and support. still ahead, more protests against israel's actions, this time at the oscars where the demonstrators blocked the roads and forced a delay to the awards program. but first, how one north bay camp is showing their campers how to be resilient by bouncing back after the tubbs fire.
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welcome back. a man skiing in japan stumbles quite literally through a waterfall. the fall was hidden on the slope, but then he landed in a natural hot spring, not the worst thing, i guess, to tumble into. the go pro captured the entire thing. eventually the skier managed to work his way through the
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water rushing over him, head back to the snowy surface. >> wow. you look forward to going to the hot spring when you're in japan, but not that way. >> no. >> not at all. it's not that cold here, but we have some sprinkles already falling. >> just getting down to the golden gate. the rain has gone through marin the past two hours and left like a quarter inch of rain in the last two hours. when this line of rain comes through, the wind picks up. let's track how that goes tonight because if hasn't gotten to your part of the bay, it's about to. i'll see you guys after i get to the tube. >> that's our exit. >> let's go to the forecast imagery and watch the line of rain, your cold front. when that line comes through your part of the bay, not only do you get the noticeable uptick in rain, it's not a flooding concern. there are no thunderstorms with this, but it is enough rain that with a quarter inch coming through and that falls in about an hour's
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time, at least it has for the north bay at this point tonight, things get wet pretty quick on the roads and then it passes. so it comes in quick, gets out quick, but the wind will pick up. you'll feel a 20 to 25-mile-an-hour gust as that line comes through. look how much weaker this has gotten by evening and it's working its way down the peninsula and east bayshore and that's tomorrow afternoon, maybe a few high clouds. you'll get plenty of blue sky tomorrow. tonight's rain is done before sunrise tomorrow. you don't have to get rain on the monday morning commute. you've probably noticed the next system. we will talk about that because the next one is coming in here fast on the heels and by the time we get to monday night going into tuesday morning, that next system will be coming across for a good part of the bay. let's talk about tomorrow for a quick second here because even though the excitement comes through with the rain tonight, you get more blue sky than anything else tomorrow, daytime highs upper 50s for the
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north bay, san francisco going to 58 degrees for the daytime high, oakland coming up to about 59. you'll see low 60s for many inland parts of the bay. it's a nice day tomorrow, but it will be breezy as the system comes through. you get more blue sky than anything else. let's leave behind the virtual map now and get back to the forecast imagery to see how this next system lines up. maybe another 0.1-inch of rain tonight as this comes through from the city southward. that's what's still to go. there's not a lot of it. some places might get a little more than that when it comes through your part of the bay the next three hours or so. here's the next system behind it. we see clear sky tomorrow and the monday night system comes in time for to us do this all over again. it's almost like an instant replay. it comes through primarily in the cover of darkness late monday, technically more so early tuesday because the majority of the second system is really
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tuesday morning through like 2:00 a.m., 3:00 a.m. when we get to sunrise tuesday, that one clears out and you'll get blue sky on the back edge of it. so tuesday overwhelmingly is going to be a blue sky day. when we get to the seven-day forecast, you'll see rain in the tube because you got to say it's going to rain technically, but that rain will be done when the sun comes up tuesday, speaking of which, how much might we get from that next system? similar to tonight, maybe close to 0.2 inches in the north bay and about 0.1-inch everywhere else. the national weather service put out a winter weather advisory up here and that goes from tonight until tuesday. if you got to drive in the sierra or know someone who does, going to need chains for that. it won't be near the storm of last week. they won't have to close i-80, but it will be snowy enough you need chains. it's going to get breezy after these systems come through, kind of an interesting spring
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setup. look where we are thursday. we're done with the rain, but those are offshore winds, northerly coming down the valley and pushing out through the bay. humidity levels will drop. you might notice that. look where we are tthat's thursday afternoon. those are offshore winds. we're not concerned about fire right now because of the landscape. in october that would very much be a fire concern because they're offshore winds. in this case the primary impact of the offshore winds is to warm up the temperatures. that becomes the primary headline going forward. let's get into the seven-day forecast. i'm going to bring up two seven-day forecast because we need to highlight microclimates. in the bay daytime highs go to the mid-70s by friday. we want to look at the inland parts of the bay. that's where we'll notice the warmer temperatures. these numbers climb up to the
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mid-70s by friday and saturday. to be more accurate, the numbers in the bay probably won't be quite that high. your numbers will probably be more like low to mid-70s for daytime highs. so it's subtle, but the numbers are a bit lower. from november through february we can get away with one seven-day forecast. you don't really have all that many microclimates around the bay because the daytime highs don't do a big spread, but when you get into spring and summer, they do. you start to need to really kind of make the distinction. this is the first time we had to do that in the seven-day because you'll feel the warm-up by friday, more so for those inland valleys. >> offshore winds, it almost seems like a season corner turner. >> march 1st, right, is the beginning of meteorological spring and we're coming up on the equinox about the third week of march. it is. we're turning that corner. >> i'm looking forward to thursday. >> aren't we all? >> so's andrea. >> thanks, darren. coming up, how a north bay camp used the destruction of
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the tubbs fire to come back stronger and more inclusive for all kids. he's on the mount rushmore of tennis legends. roger federer, pretty good. look at him. what was he doing in san francisco? we follow it up with college basketball conference tournament titles and bay fc soccer is part of the bay area sports landscape. >> honestly, there's going to be like no stopping us. >> all that and more on "gameday" at 11:30. (upbeat music) - this is the new pix+ with the only 8:00 and 9:00 pm news, the primetime edition: weeknights on the new pix+. 44 cable 12. (bell chiming) test test test
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bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you.
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a summer camp in sonoma county opened its doors today for kids with disabilities and for their families to enjoy, but as john ramos explains, this day of fun was born from a shared loss. >> reporter: the real fun of summer camp is feeling you belong to a group and this camp emphasizes that, but in order to do that, they had to go through a pretty traumatic experience. >> hi, everyone. welcome to camp. you can check in down here. >> reporter: on this day the welcome to camp newman was more than just words. it was the whole concept behind the sunday fun day. >> it's a day for families
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that have someone in their household with disabilities and it's just a free day of fun to be able to experience camp and be together in a camp environment. >> reporter: guests enjoyed all the usual camp activities from tie dyeing shirts to taking mountain hikes to archery, which 11-year-old calvin bergen feld decided was harder in real life than in legend of zelda, volumes 1 and 2. >> i play both of them and i'm an exceptional archer in both of those games. >> reporter: then 9-year-old max winig from moraga was determined to perfect the aerodynamics of a airplane. >> i think they would fly better, but i'm going to improve them because i want to be an engineer and i like building things. >> reporter: but it was in the camps building or rather rebuilding that sunday fun day took on its importance. here they know something about overcoming challenges. almost the entire camp burned down during the 2017 tubbs fire and though it was a horrible
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experience, it also gave everyone a chance to reexamine their mission. >> there are things that are accessible. that doesn't mean they're actually inclusive. it doesn't mean it's really meant for people to feel a part and like they belong. >> reporter: so soil was moved to flatten out the common areas to make it he's easier for wheelchairs and chairs are stuck to the side while ramps are front and center to encourage everyone to use the same route. >> just seeing families easily getting their child where they need to go and it doesn't take three people like it used to and people that want to be on a ramp because they want to can be on a ramp. so it's awesome. >> we really rearranged all the things that we did and are building back with dignity in mind, not just inclusion, but really a sense of belonging and dignity. i think it's revolutionized who we are as an organization as well. >> reporter: that was something this mother named
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beth appreciated for her son elan and for herself. >> when you're a parent of a neurodivergent kid, you worry are they going to be welcome here? are they going to be judged? am i going to be judged? >> i think it's just important that our kids feel included and free and welcomed and that parents feel that, too. yes. >> reporter: caring for loved ones with disabilities is a major challenge, but camp newman knows all about challenges and they've risen from the ashes with the commitment that no one else should have to go it alone. still ahead on this sunday night, who needs 3 1/2 hours? we'll knock out the highlights from this year's academy
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extra layers of security at the academy awards tonight after hundreds of people protesting the war in gaza blocked roads outside the dolby theater and even delayed the start of the ceremony, but once inside it was business as usual. a lot of stars, a lot of awkward speeches and some hit-or-miss jokes, but if you're like us, you can't sit through a three-hour ceremony. no surprises in the supporting actor categories as both robert downey jr. and da'vine joy
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randolph won and cillian murray was to take home greatest role in "oppenheimer" and he did. on the subject of christopher nolan, he won his first best directing oscar for "oppenheimer," which took home the oscar for best picture, capping off seven total wins for "oppenheimer" out of its 12 nominations. clothe may make the man, but the lack of them became the most talked about incident when john cena presented the award for best costume design by demonstrating just how important a costume is. >> costumes, they are so important. maybe the most important thing
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there is. >> shades of the 1974 streaker incident when david nivan hosted the oscars. the movie "poor things" won the oscar for best costume design. after the break, we'll introduce you to some guys offering to clean
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♪ so if you're happy and you know it ♪ ♪ throw you hands up and show it ♪ ♪ if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands ♪ ♪ and if you love the life you're living ♪ ♪ go ahead and dive right in ♪ ♪ and shake it, shake it like you mean it, do a little dance ♪ ♪ show me what you got ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands ♪ - [announcer] find your happiness in san diego.
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welcome back. these california skateboarders loved shredding pool so much they offered to clean them for free if you let them
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bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you.
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. game day for sunday march 10th. i interviewed a lot of athletes, heavyweight names, wait until you see this one. but first, nfl is king. as they always say, the 49ers drive the bus around here. breaking news tonight is the 9ers will reportedly release defensive tackle erik armsted. he had one year left on his contract and was not interested in taking a pay cut. he will enter free agency this week. once the move is finalized the nfl free


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