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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  March 11, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ (♪♪) entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. thanks for joining us. it's monday march 11. >> we would like to thank the
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academy. let's get started. definitely embarrassing. >> i don't take it personal. i understand people's frustration. at the same time there is only so much that i can do and we can do. >> it's hard to miss in front of the oakland apartment building. abandoned cars creating problems for neighbors. when will they actually be moved? >> we rearranged all the things we did and are building back with dignity in mind. >> he showing resiliency. a north bay camp staying strong after a devastating fire while taking on a new mission for campers. >> we want to show people this is what small businesses, what women do, how women show up every day in your life. >> it takes a lot to own a business and this group of women knows that. they're standing together in oakland. for better or worse, we are all living in oppenheimer's world. i would like to dedicate this to the peace makers. >> hollywood's biggest night and a summer blockbuster makes
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a lot of noise. >> the fashion and celebrities. good morning. happy monday. you might be waking up groggy because we lost an hour. >> spring forward and fell on our face. >> it is so hard. why? >> one hour. >> good morning. i am reed cowan. i am still trying to wake up. shake it off and go outside on this monday. we'll take you out first looking at beautiful san francisco. we see across the waters, there you are in the east bay. good morning north, south, east, west. we know that makes a big tent. under that tent we will need to be because of some showers. good morning. absolutely. let's start in the south as we wake up and head out. near san jose we are waking up to cool, cloudy, wet conditions throughout the south bay. milpitas is getting splashed with a little bit rain, that same system into the east bay near livermore. i want
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to show you what it's looking like. on our virtual reality map you see it is cloudy and cool. the time now is 6:02. as we zoom into local communities, we see snow in the sierra. in the back, we are seeing light drizzle starting to taper off closer to milpitas. livermore to the south of us getting splashed with a little bit rain. we will see a similar trend throughout today with showers most liriano to the north bay into this afternoon. more rain tomorrow and then suddenly there is a fast dry up into this week and a big warm up too. we are talking about upper 70s and sunshine this weekend for many of us. it's going to look and feel a lot different into this work week. that's our big weather headline today. for now we are left with a mix of sun and clouds into this afternoon. showers will continue to track to the east. we catch a break into the morning hours, early afternoon. more clouds start
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rolling in this evening. by 8:00, light showers from san francisco especially into the north bay and stretching into the santa clara valley. it will be lighter in the south bay by 2:00 tonight and early tomorrow. we see another light band of rain and we start to clear up and see sunnier skies into our tuesday afternoon forecast. how are the road? >> thank you. let's talk about the roadways as we head out the door. if you are headed towards the east bay or out of the east bay, altamont pass is busy. we have hot spots popping up. also the south bay, look at the brake lights for commuters north bound 101. there is a crash blocking at least one lane. traffic is backing up beyond the 280, 680 connector. you are dipping down about seven miles an hour. 280 is better if you want to take that instead. brake lights at the bay bridge toll plaza and some
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slick surfaces out there. your community station looking live at oakland, following your neighbors' fight to clean streets. abandoned cars, some sitting for a year or more. the city they say has done nothing. people are going to extreme, tagging vehicles some with profanity. da lin with how they hope the extreme move will motivate city of oakland to act. >> reporter: this neighbor says someone abandoned this suv in front of her apartment building about a year ago. someone dropped off this hyundai sonata on the same block roughly four months ago. >> embarrassing. >> reporter: not just an eye sore and blight but with multiple apartment buildings, they're taking up valuable real estate. >> it's hard to find parking. >> reporter: abandoned vehicles are in front of 2905bonna
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street. one neighbor reported cars to 311 last year but the city has not taken action. two weeks ago one fed up neighbor tagged a councilman's name and bad words on the car to draw attention. >> i don't take it personal. i understand people's frustration. at the same time there is only so much i can do and we can do. >> reporter: the councilman says the staff received the complaint from the neighbors two weeks ago and immediately flagged transportation department which handles the vehicles. he says many city contracted tow yards are full. the department is overwhelmed by the amount of abandoned stolen cars. >> some of the locations where they're towing vehicles are full. so we are trying to identify other properties that we can tow the vehicles to. >> city prioritizes abandoned cars that block driveways and streets. given the lack of staff and resources, one worker
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tells me these cars may have to wait longer. oakland police last year, reported 15,000 stolen cars. >> we'll be there tomorrow morning even if i have to get a private company to get it towed. i will get them towed. >> reporter: neighbors say they welcome any help to clean their neighborhood. >> neighbors say the cars aren't just empty. they've become home to the homeless making some feel unsafe. two minors facing gun charges in santa rosa this morning. special enforcement police say they've found several juveniles standing outside a motel six on cleveland avenue saturday. officers said they smelled marijuana and did a search. two had loaded unsealed revolvers and booked them into juvenile hall. today marks start of
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ramadan and there is no cease fire in the war between israel and hamas. despite warnings netanyahu is pushing forward with plans to invade rafah. new help is on the way for gaza. u.s. military ship is sailing to the region carrying equipment to build a temporary pier to speed up delivery of aid. the conflict is taking hold of the academy awards last night. >> cease fire now! >> protesters gathered outside blocking roads and slightly delaying start of the ceremony as nominees arrived on the red carpet. throughout the show some celebrities wore red pins calling for a cease fire. in the bay area people in palo alto gathered for a run for their lives event to call for release of hostages still held by hamas. >> i am filled with so much hope that the world has not forgotten them. we will not forget them and we will not
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stop fighting for their release. >> according to hamas run health ministry of the more than 30,000 palestinians who have been killed since the war began, 20,000 of them are women and children. >> free, free, free palestine! >> that's one of the reasons protesters came out in san francisco last night outside of the palace hotel. jewish community relations council was holding the annual gala. demonstrators called jcrc an extremist organization and say they do not represent bay area progressive values. jcrc released a statement saying we unequivocally condemn anti-semitism in any form and stand with israel's right to defend herself. we are honored so many community leaders and prominent bay area organizations joined us to show their solidarity and support. when we come back, we'll go to the north bay where
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bridge builders are making a camp not only accessible but inclusive. it is women's history month. we are introducing you to some of the amazing members of our community. weigh take you to oakland where business owners are coming together. it's monday. good morning. you see coit towe
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welcome back. people building bridges and connecting communities. we see and celebrate a summer camp in sonoma. it connects kids who have disabilities to families, all enjoying the moment. yesterday was sunday fun day as camp newman calls it. guests enjoyed the usual activities like tie dying, hikes, archery. caring for loved ones with a disability is part of it. camp newman knows about the challenges. almost the entire camp burned down in the 2017 tubs fire. out of the experience came the rebuilding phase and a new mission that no one else should have to go through their challenges alone.
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>> rearranged ought things we did and are building back with dignity in mind, not just inclusion but really a sense of belonging and dignity. i think it's revolutionized who we are as an organization as well. >> when rebuilding, camp newman had soil moved to flatten the common areas to make it easy for wheelchairs, stairs are side stepped and ramps are front and center encouraging everybody to take the same route. the rain isn't going away just yet. you will have more on that in a bit. first, a story of a life threatening situation that turned into chance discovery. absolutely. a man was skiing in japan when he literally stumbled through a waterfall hidden on the slope. he landed into a natural hot spring below. plenty other worse things to fall into. he captured the whole thing on his go pro and did manage to work his way through the water rushing over him and back to
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the surface above. the crazy part too is he grabbed his skis and was able to go up with them too. what a moment. as we look at the conditions, let's mention he fell into a hot spring which is better than falling into anything else when it comes to something below. here is what it is like in the bay area and sierra where we have been talking about snowy conditions. we had that blizzard warning. we have had winter storm warnings nonstop. waking up a, a winter weather advisory because there is snow in areas like i-80 into lake tahoe. it's been an active morning. we will continue to watch more snow fall. four to five inches closer to kirk wood. in the bay the same system bringing them snow is bringing us rain locally. it's starting to die down a little bit. we kicked off the show an hour and a half ago and saw
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more rain throughout the santa clara valley. if you are heading out, you might notice wet roads but it might be dry in your local community because we are starting to see that rain taper as it moves to higher elevated areas. there is a chance of showers today and tomorrow but we rule that out into the rest of the week. high pressure is bidding in and it's going to warm us and dry us a lot into this weekend with plenty sunshine around the corner. tonight this is one of our last heavier bands. it happens over night so many of us won't notice it. we get splashed with light showers, wake up with cloudy, cool conditions, unsettled weather for our tuesday. wednesday, thursday, friday into saturday, it will feel more summer and spring like. for now, upper 50s and lower 60s. so it is cool, mild, cloudy. that's the weather headline as we kick off
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the work week stretching into livermore and fremont, mostly in the upper 50s and lower 60s for daytime highs no matter if you are in the east bay or wine country for that matter. we are seeing cloudy conditions today and tomorrow. suddenly it is sunshine from here on out from wednesday into the weekend. upper 60s, lower 70s along the coast and peninsula. it will be beautiful around the corner. >> thank you. it is getting busy on the roads as we get into the 6:00 hour. we are starting to see more brake lights. most delays are out of the south bay and east bay. if you are commuting out of the north bay, napa, 101 south, novato, san rafael, everything is looking good. i will zoom in on the south bay. you are down about nine miles per hour. this is north 101 near mckee. there is a crash blocking lanes and traffic is building beyond the 280, 680 connector. you will need extra
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time to navigate through that and this. bay bridge, metering lights are on. brake lights west bound 80 as you work into the area near the toll plaza. one more thing, we've got slick surfaces out there. be extra careful as you hop on the roads this morning for your commute. at the sonoma race way, two months later and now the newly repaved track is ready to be broken in. the drive for charity, first laps at 9:00 a.m. participants will be able to take three laps in their car to experience the race way's first complete repave in 23 years. all proceeds go to speedway children's charities in sonoma which supports local families in educational, financial, and medical need. after history making actors and writers strike, hollywood says alleluia to the best new
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film. we will bring them to you live. good morning bay bridge. we'll be right back.
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♪♪ stay ahead of your moderate—to—severe eczema, and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems
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such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. i don't know if we can be trusted with such a weapon. >> i don't know either. but you won oscars. oppenheimer
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goes nuclear at the 96th academy awards. it sweeped, swept, i am still sleeping. >> it won big. >> the summer blockbuster about the creation of the atomic bomb during ward wore ii grabbed seven oscars. >> it did pretty well. danya bacchus joins us with more. there were fun, memorable moments. >> reporter: good morning. reed, i am like you, still sleeping. swept, sweep, it dominated last night. there were no surprises, no gotcha moments, plenty a list celebrities, golden statues, memorable music performances. oppenheimer won the biggest awards, best picture and best director. >> we don't know where this is
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going but to know you think i am a meaningful part means the world to me. >> for better or worse, we are all in oppenheimer's world. >> his on screen nemesis robert downy jr won oscar for best supporting actor. >> i would like to thank my terrible childhood and the academy in that order. >> emma stone honored as best actress for portrayal of a woman brought back from the dead with a child's brain. >> it's not about me. it's about a team that came together to make something greater than the sum of its parts. >> best costume design by nearly naked john cena. >> costumes, they are so important. >> randolph won best supporting
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actress for her role as the grieving mother in the hold overs. >> for so long, i have always wanted to be different. now i realize i just need to be myself. and i thank you, i thank you for seeing me. >> the brother sister team grabbed oscar for what was i made for from barbie. barbie actor ryan gosling didn't win an oscar but wowed bringing out slash from guns and roses with his performance of "i'm just king." >> if you have not seen that performance, you should check it out. i will have to go back to john cena for a moment. many are wondering how, why was he on stage without clothes? cena and jimmy kimmell were doing a skit that made light of an
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oscar moment 50 years ago when a streaker ran on stage. >> interesting. i was curious. gianna confessed she did zooming in to see what the engineering was of the card. we should probably move on because gianna's kids are waking up and having breakfast. it was fun to see the performances last night. >> it was fun to see ryon gosling. it was highly anticipated. people were hoping it would bring more eyes on the oscars. the producer said music would play a major part and it did. ryan gosling showed up with the performance with the suit, with the men on stage. many people inside, tweets i saw from people inside were
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saying his performance had everyone on their feet and you could feel the energy. >> i am a little disappointed you didn't borrow his bedazzled suit for your life shot all morning. >> jimmy kimmell ran off with it. >> i was texting with him. i should have run off with it. >> thank you so much for staying up late, waking up early, whatever it is on this monday. >> she's always a joy. >> they were very busy last night, probably had a hard time coordinating the transfer of the pink suit. it was amazing. that was fun. i think all the musical performances were really good. >> wasn't he a disney kid. >> i think part of the mickey mouse club . a lot of stars came out from that. >> i tried out for the mickey
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mouse club. i made it to the final round but i can't sing. i danced my butt off for that but when the singing part came up, it wasn't working. >> it's hard to go up against brittany. >> and look at me now. >> look at brittany. >> i attempted bette midler. >> which one? >> every night while i'm undressing ♪. >> i need to video tape more of that. >> we are talking about fashion, glitz, glamour. we will talk with a fashion expert about which celebrities killed it on the red carpet and which ones didn't. it will be a pix plus 44 cable 12. they are sharing the spirit. we take
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- it's so fun to watch jessica in this space. - this is a look at those clouds right now in real-time, but let's head underneath this cloud layer and take a look at our rainfall... - [narrator] the virtual view studio, part of "morning edition." weekday mornings starting at 5 on kpix. - [announcer] our world is constantly changing, and every day stanford medicine advances our understanding.
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our world class school of medicine and adult and children's health systems work together, expanding what we know and sharing what we discover, to make breakthroughs both possible and accessible. stanford medicine, advancing knowledge, improving lives. (gentle music)
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with nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. ask about nurtec odt. on cbs news bay area at 6:30, we are taking a live look at san francisco. it's the city lights. soon enough, hopefully, it will be the sun shining. but the rain is here to stay for now in the bay. the latest storm is rolling over northern california. here is another live look, this one from the sierra. interstate 80
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at castle peak. snowpack is building up. it's going to be slick driving home from tahoe. proceed with caution. >> they're still under a winter weather advisory too which is one of the lowest down grades compared to winter storm watch or warning. one thing to keep in mind into the next days, they are still expecting active weather. we are too in the bay area. it's driven from the same storm. taking a look at first alert doppler near south lake tahoe and donner, they're getting light snow coating those areas. we'll see around five inches on average. in the bay we will get our fair share of rain this morning into the overnight hours tonight and it starts to dry up a lot not only in the bay but our friends in the sierra. if you are thinking of heading to the sierra, i am sure the lines will be long this weekend. i will show you why in a second. this is what we are waking up to. light drizzle from milpitas into fremont south of livermore
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and pleasanton. it is cool and cloudy and a little bit damp in the south bay and east bay. no matter where you live, we are ruling out chances of showers after tomorrow. it starts to dry up into the rest of the week. i want to time this out. if you are thinking of doing late night activities tonight closer to north bay or stretching to the east bay around 8:30, you will get splashed with light rain. we are advancing the clock into the overnight hours. in the next 24 hours we'll see rain throughout the bay area giving us close to around 100th of an inch of rain. we clear up fast throughout the rest of the week. i will have more on that in a bit. how are the roads? getting busy. we have a couple things to look for. troubles out of the east bay, taking west bound 80 commute richly into berkeley. they cleared this crash north 101 at
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mckee but the damage is done. it is a crawl as you work north from well before the 280, 680 connector to almost where the mckee exit is. boeing is the target of a department of justice investigation. it stems from the incident in january when a door plug broke off in the middle of an alaska airlines flight. it's been a tough week for united too. several planes have had problems including one that had a tire fall off after take off at sfo. this is as the busy spring travel season is getting ready to lift off. max darrow spoke with a pilot. >> reporter: the last week has seemed quite bumpy for air travel. is this happening more frequently or are more people just paying attention to it.
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likely the latter. >> look at the back of the plane, man. >> reporter: over a week, six united flights have had problems. some took off and turned around. others had to make emergency landings. two left sfo and were diverted to l.a.x., one for hydraulics problem and the other had a tire fall off during take off. >> a tire going down the run way. >> that's never a good look for anyone. >> reporter: it was a turbulent week for united. >> i don't see a rise in the incidents that are occurring. what i am seeing is increased interest in the incidents that are occurring. >> reporter: he says pilots are trained to deal with the unexpected and uncommon. >> we spend 90% of training time working on things that may only occur 1% of the time. even though it appears united is having a bad week, in reality, everything is working at united
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airlines because everyone is able to get back on the ground in one piece and unfortunately with a little bit disruption but able to carry on their trip. >> reporter: he did say a mid air engine fire and wheel debacle are incredibly rare. >> the thing that strikes me more is that the two rare events happened in such close proximity of time. >> reporter: he believes the alaska airlines interest is what sparked the higher scrutiny in airline operations but thinks it really started in 2018 after the first deadly crash involving a boeing max jet. however some travelers aren't discouraged. >> you have think about how often those things happen and you just have to believe they're rare. >> because of the changes in safety tracking and safety management systems over the last 20 years in the united states, we have enjoyed the longest stretch of airline safety in the history of this
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country. even with the incidents, i see that trend continuing and as we build the programs, airline travel will become even safer in the coming years. >> reporter: united air leans said the incidents it experienced over the last week are distinct and unrelated to one another. in mendocino a family of three walked away from a plane crash with minor cuts and scratches before of a parachute. the plane lost power minutes after take off friday after suspected engine failure. in the photo is a massive exterior parachute and it's s slowing the fall. in san francisco, good morning. getting ready to host vice president of the united states. kamala harris is part of the tour to undies raise as election season goes into full
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swing. president joe biden also on the road as his likely opponent in the race for the presidency keeps the road hot. voters in mississippi and washington state holding primaries tomorrow as biden and trump work to add up the delegates needed to secure their party's nomination. a live look at oakland and san jose where national 311 day is being celebrated. this system is the nonemergency number that allows people to report issues and ask questions. it was meant to help 911 operators slowed down by nonemergency calls. in 2020, national 311 day was towned in san jose as a way to increase awareness of the number and honor first first responders who field the calls. businesses partnering for
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women's business month. many are teaming up to support each other and provide discounts throughout march. >> shawn chitnis has more on how it came about. >> reporter: we are talking about several businesses, more than 30 women, 20 stores as well as places where you have to make an appointment. it's not just about a sense of community. they have a concept of creating a pastor you can use as you go through the different businesses. they're obviously so busy and otherwise it would be hard for them to connect if they didn't start the strategy. step into allison's store and you will quickly realize she was always meant to run a business like this. >> i just really love the joy that plants bring to people. >> reporter: for more than a decade, she's owned crimson horticultural rarities in oakland taking a hobby and turning it in a a full time job, a career change she didn't expect in her 40s. >> i really had no idea that i
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could pull off this. >> reporter: she understands importance of getting good support. when she learned a group of women were getting together along piedmont where her store has been for a few years, she said it was a no brainer. >> i knew there were a lot of women owned businesses but i guess i didn't realize quite how many there were. so i just love that. i think it's great. >> reporter: all month they'll be offering discounts to bring more people to the shopping district and promoting each other as a collection of stores. >> i want to do something together to show people this is what small businesses, what women do. this is how women show up every day. >> reporter: mica helped come up with the idea of a passport encouraging customers to walk from one store to another while shopping. she runs a restaurant also on piedmont. they're
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contributing raffle prizes for customers. >> i am aware of what's been done for me by the women that came before me. i feel so many women have done so much to open doors for me. >> reporter: any extra effort they think it only help regardless of where you have been located and how long you have been added, there is a need to think creatively and drive up foot traffic as well as sales. >> it brings awareness to the avenue and to the small businesses around all the small businesses that are women owned. >> reporter: personally and professionally, a journal of struggle that's been filled with special moments, ups and downs that make allison proud to be par of the newly formed growing collective of female entrepreneurs. so there is this passport. just for going to the store, you will get a stamp. you don't have to buy anything. if you get enough stamps, you can win a raffle. this is creating the sense of community now. throughout march
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all the businesses will pick one of their own and highlight them on social media for the day. each business gets a moment in the spotlight and they're being exposed to new clients and customers. >> very smart. >> something i love about female leadership is it is about community and collaboration. that's really the hook of the story. community, collaboration. you don't see competition. itrising water floats all ships. >> absolutely. the raffle will be next month. >> i love the discounts they're offering. if anything, just getting into the door is important for the small businesses. thank you. 6:41. get ready to see senior citizens at the student union. university leaders making literal the phrase age before beauty on campus. a live look from the south bay. this is downtown san jose,
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♪♪ when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic d allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent.
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if you feel like things don't add up right now... you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg. well, we want to help. so when prices go up, we find new ways to go low. and now, we've lowered the price on hundreds of your favorite products. designing something beautiful is easy. designing something beautiful with great quality for a low price? that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise. not a promo. even on oscars weekend with the focus on last year's films people went to see new movies. here is a look at the box office results. look at the time. remember we have that thing. >> looks so good. kung fu panda
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4 fought to number one with $58.3 million, best debut since first film in 2008. dune2 with 46 million. the historical religious drama opened at number four earning 7.6 million. bob marlie one love fell to fifth place. it's time for a look at what's coming up later on cbs mornings. tony dokoupil joins us live. let me guess, you have spent all morning breaking down the red carpet looks. you guessed it. we did a whole talk exclusively about fashion. that is one of the great things coming up. et's turner will take us behind the scenes of what qualified as
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hollywood's biggest night. two of the best story tellers, david begnaud with a dog that had to adjust to a new home after her owner died and is bringing love and care for people who need it. anthony mason with what could be the largest collection of pop music and tells us why the collection is in desperate need of a new home. all of that and more is coming up at 7:00. >> have a great rest of your monday. thank you. building bridges between generations. a college in new york is asking retired seniors to live and study on campus. michael george spoke with students young and old about whether there is a divide between generations. meet howard and judy. they're college seniors of a different type in new york. the couple is in their 80s and lives in a retirement community built in the middle of campus.
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>> it's been fabulous. >> reporter: they chose the apartment at broad view at purchase college because they love learning and new experiences. >> it's been wonderful. we walk all over campus. we go everywhere. >> reporter: seniors living on campus can take salsa lessons . they can go to events and concerts and even take classes. >> we are taking a class on the history of africa. many people ask why did you choose that? simple answer. we don't know anything about africa and we felt we would like to learn about it. >> when you take a class, does it mean you are having exams? >> no. that's why we take the class. >> attends classes with some of the elderly residents, she says she's learning from them too. >> i feel like the senior citizens in the class have a lot to add. because they have more experience in the world. >> reporter: three months since
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the opening, more than half of the 200 senior living units are occupied. they say they haven't seen wild college parties. in fact the students have been great neighbors. >> we have learned that living intergenerationally works well. i think it is keeping us younger. >> redefining retirement and proving you are never too old to learn something new. >> 75% of the profits go toward getting more people through school through scholarships. congratulations. i always wished i had a grandma on campus. >> for the insight, advice, maybe some good cookies. >> i like how they say it's keeping them young. i took a salsa class once. it was so
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fun. it's just so different than what you are used to. >> it keeps them young. they know they're still loved and cared for and valued in the community. it gives them inspiration to stay as long as they can. a live look outside on this monday, it is monday and it is that kind of a day. we are struggling a little bit with not that extra hour of sleep with the change in the clocks. but here we are ready for the week. >> that's why i keep yawning. >> me too. >> i yawn every day regardless. but we are dealing with one less hour in the bay area and we are dealing with one less hour as we head out the door with light rain in the forecast. as we wake up in the santa clara valley, we have a little bit light drizzle. this is the same system bringing snow to the sierra near milpitas. it is falling really
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lightly. this is light drizzle near livermore. we are left with a partly cloudy day today which is beautiful. it is cool today. once we head into the overnight hours closer to around 8:00, we see some splash of showers build in mostly in the north bay until midnight. we see a weak band throughout the area. if you work a graveyard shift, you will notice this. you may wake up to pitter patter over your rooftops. looking at long range models, wednesday, thursday, friday into the weekend, it's going to stay dry. we are going to be warming up too. the weather pattern is starting to change in the bay area. we will notice it a lot this week because the upper 50s and lower 60s we see today with the cloudy skies will turn into more sunshine around the corner. we will start seeing warmer temperatures. san jose
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today at 63. this weekend we are close to 80. it is quite the difference around the corner. the next seven days, 70s for us starting thursday with plenty sunshine into our friday and saturday forecast. winds will stay light this weekend. it's breezy this afternoon as the storm starts to move through over into the. we are left with cool, cloudy conditions today and tomorrow with a light chance of showers in early morning hours for tuesday and it is game on with beautiful conditions lasting into the rest of the week. g. >> 75 on sunday. okay. we are looking forward to that. gotta get through the next couple days and a little bit wet weather. you might be dealing with slick surfaces as you head out. traffic is kind of business as usual. we are seeing brake lights and busy spots out of the east bay, highway 4, west 580, and we have a couple crashes adding to the slow and go conditions. there was an earlier trouble
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spot near mckee. we went from 11 miles per hour to 16 miles an hour. it's improving a little bit but it looks like it will be a slow struggle for the commute on north bound 101. towards the bay bridge, metering lights are on. your slowest approach is west bound 80, brake lights richmond to berkeley. you see it's a little slick in some spots over the san mateo bridge. 880 looks good, an overview of freeways that tend to get a little bit busier. looking at the travel times, you will perfect that once you get in your car on your favorite app. niners making moves for next season. that means sadly making room for other players. first reported by bleacher report red and gold are planning to cut the longest tenured player, defensive tackle eric armstead. this is as nine ares are strapped for cash. he was due to have $17.4
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million base salary. he was picked in the first round of the 2015 draft. last two seasons armstead was overcome with injuries playing in just 21 regular season games. expect more moves from san francisco as today nfl's legal tampering period begins which will allow niners to start early negotiations with representatives of unrestricted free agents. with free agency approaching teams are getting ready to lock in. for the niners quarterback brock purdy it was time to lock in his long time love. purdy and his girlfriend got married over the weekend in iowa. congratulations to the happy couple. >> they look great. 6:53. from dip to drop, there is a catch. the catch is a board on wheels. how pool cleaning skaters down south use satellite technology to find perfect pools turned temporary park. a look outside on this
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monday. lots of clouds. i have think that's the palace of fine arts on your screen. we'll be right back.
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some look at google earth to peek into neighborhoods or look at the nature around it. others to find the perfect place to drop on four wheels. the skaters bring a knock on clean your pool if you let them drop in before taking a dip. >> reporter: an empty swimming pool in southern california is about as close as it gets to a personal skate park. before the guys grind they clean the grime. >> so you come in and do the work. at your age? >> a lot of times we'll do it for free. >> steve is known as the
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godfather of pool skating. now at 61 years old, he will clean your pool for free if you let him bring his board and his buddies. fellow senior skatey ozzy scans satellite images and then does a door knock. >> they often don't quite understand, you want to do what in the pool? >> it started as kind of a joke to be honest to see if it would work. and it did work. >> decades later they've perfected the pitch which includes signing a liability waiver. many homeowners are thrilled to get rid of the eye sore. >> it was filled with green slop because it was a duck pond. >> skaters saw something different. >> what makes a od pool? the shape is one criteria, surface. the best are the pools made from 1950 to say 1977. that 27
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year window is prime for us. this is the filter box which we call the death box. if you go into it on the way down, you die. >> the death box is daunting. >> try to stay low and keep your knees bent, on your toes. >> let's be real. i have was never going to come close. >> this is harder than it looks. >> way harder. >> every pool, every wall is different. it's like this puzzle i have to figure out. i am doing anything, i am thinking about skateboarding. when skateboarding, i can't think of anything else. >> what we do here is one of the best things, in my opinion, to do. if you have anymore empty pools, send it our way. >> an empty pool is full of possibilities. >> would you get on that skateboard for that story? >> i might. i was a
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skateboarder. i loved it. >> so you could do that? >> i could do that when i was young. >> did you wear pads? >> i didn't. >> no helmet? >> the things we learn about reed. we'll be chatting with a fashion expert about all the sparkles and striking metallic gowns. >> i was disappointed with the fashion. just saying. oscars brought out all the stars. a furry friend managed ♪ cue those trumpets. welcome to "cbs mornings." hello to our viewers on the west coast. did you stay up late for the oscars? yep. i'm gayle king. >> tony dokoupil. >> i'm nate burleson. >> we're all here.


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