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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 9am  CBS  March 11, 2024 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. >> embarrassing. hard to find parking. >> i don't take it personal and i understand people's frustration. but at the same time, there is only so much that i can do and we can do. it is hard to miss in front of this oakland apartment building. now there is a call to clean up these abandoned
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cars. more trouble in the sky for boeing. dozens injured after a boeing plane nosedives on a flight to new zealand. now at 9:00, how boeing is responding. it is time for a look at our other top stories. two minors are facing gun charges in santa rosa this morning. special enforcement police say they found several juveniles standing outside a motel 6 on cleveland avenue on saturday. officers said they smelled marijuana and then did a search and found two of them had loaded concealed revolvers and booked them into juvenile hall. a fairfield police officer is accused of exchanging inappropriate text and photos with two underaged high schoolers. the fairfield police department said officer james lewis has been arrested, after an independent investigation conducted by the a lot of district attorneys major crimes task force. he was a school resource officer at rodriguez high. a parent of a student notified the police about the alleged activity . the officer
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is now facing three charges including contacting or communicating with a minor, with the intent to commit a sex crime. he was also placed on administrative leave. a santa rosa family of three walked away from a plane crash with minor cuts and scratches . thanks to a parachute. the plane lost power minutes after takeoff friday night after suspected engine failure. a photo of a massive exterior parachute showing the fall, slowing the fall, pardon me, some say the parachute is the reason why everyone on board is still alive this morning. daytime highs today are sitting a little bit below average. we are talking about upper 50s lower 60s for daytime highs. cloudy conditions for the most part and we even saw the splash of showers in the south bay and often to the east bay earlier this morning. speaking of rain we have more unsettled weather for us but that happens later tonight. mostly in the north bay and is
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slowly sweeps its way throughout the south bay, heading into the early morning hours tomorrow. let me show you what that is looking like for us on our free future cast . this is a great tool today. model showing some light rain starting to form in the north bay, late tonight around 10:00. it continues to sweep throughout the bay area overnight. we are left with drier conditions on the back end. tomorrow morning heading into tomorrow afternoon, partly cloudy skies, a splash of showers until lunch time, and we clear up fast heading into the rest of tuesday into early wednesday. that is part of an area of low pressure to the north of us impacting the pacific northwest more than us. after that system is through, we are left with dry conditions for wednesday, thursday, lasting into this weekend. our first dry break and quite some time that lasted long as it does and we will warm up. daytime highs hitting the upper 70s by this weekend. this just in. we are getting word of another flight issue for united airlines. a plane heading from sfo from australia had to return to the sydney airport because of
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maintenance issues this morning. we are told flight 830 with 160 passengers on board landed safely. the airline says it is providing accommodation overnight for passengers before rebooking them to return to san francisco tomorrow. also out of sydney, 50 people on board a flight are injured. this one was on its way to santiago and had to make its emergency landing in new zealand. the onset a technical event caused strong movement . passenger said they felt that boeing plane take a nosedive. first responders said one of those injured passengers is currently in serious condition. boeing said they are gathering more information about the incident. more developing airliners. boeing is now the target of the department of justice investigation. it stems from the incident in january when the door plug broke off in the middle of an alaska airlines flight. several plans have had problems recently, including one that lost a tire shortly after takeoff from sfo and another that slid off the
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runway in houston. we spoke with one airline pilot who addressed concerns about the safety of flying, and airline incidents. >> i don't see a rise in the incidents occurring. what i am seeing is increased interest in the incidents occurring. we spend 90% of our training time, working on things that may only occur 1% of the time. >> miller says aviation tracking and safety management systems have come a long way over the last 20 years. and those programs will make airline travel safer in the coming years. your community station looking live at oakland this morning and following your neighbors fight to clean up the streets. the problem, abandoned cars sitting for a year. neighbors tell us that they have asked the city to do something and the city has done nothing. some are going to the extreme. tagging the vehicles with profanity. da lin, with
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the hope that this extreme move will push the city of oakland to act . >> reporter: this neighbor said someone abandoned this suv in front of her apartment building about a year ago. and someone dropped off this hyundai sonata on the same block , roughly 4 months ago. >> definitely embarrassing. >> reporter: not just an eyesore and blight but with multiple apartment buildings on the block, they are taking up valuable real estate. >> it is hard to find parking. >> reporter: the abandoned vehicles a parked in front of 2905 bohne street in the fruitvale district. whenever says, she reported the cars to 311 last year. but the city has not taken action. two weeks ago one neighbor counts drew attention. >> i don't take it personal
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and i understand people's frustration. but at the same time there is only so much that i can do and we can do. >> reporter: he said his staff received the complaint from the neighbors two weeks ago. and they immediately flagged the transportation department, which handles these vehicles. but he says many city contracted total yards are full. and the department is overwhelmed by the amount of abandoned and stolen cars. >> some of the locations where they are towing vehicles are full. we are trying to identify other properties that we can to the vehicles . >> reporter: the city prioritizes abandoned cars that block driveways and streets, given the lack of staffing and resources. one city worker tells me these cars may have to wait longer. oakland police report last year, they recorded almost 15,000 stolen cars. >> we will be there tomorrow morning. even if i have to get a private company to get it towed, i will get them code. >> reporter: neighbors say they welcome any help to clean up their neighborhood. >> good it out of the street.
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>> neighbors said the cars are not just sitting empty . they have become home to the homeless, making some feel unsafe. also in oakland, you may see these all around like a merit. they are asking people to avoid contact with the water. because of red discoloration in the lake they have seen over the past few days. officals say appears to be diminishing. but they still want to get it tested to be safe. preliminary test results show traces of algae including the species associated with the harmful algae bloom , but levels do not appear to be nearly as abundant as in the balloons of the past summers. that killed dozens of fish in the lake and bay. a live look at san francisco getting ready to host the vice president of the united states . kamala harris as part of a nationwide tour on the heels of the president's state of the union address to fund raise as election season goes into full swing. president biden also on the road , as is
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his opponent. is likely opponent for the race for the presidency. both holding rallies over the weekend in georgia. voters there and in mississippi and washington state holding primaries tomorrow, as biden and trump work to hit the number of delegates needed to secure their parties nominations for the presidency. a live look at the white house, where we expect to hear the biden administration's budget for the coming fiscal year to congress. the president is expected to send his budget this hour and we will have a clue to what he calls for. to give tax breaks for families are lower the deficit. it includes medicare and social security and coming up, women teaming up right here in the bay area. it is women's history month. we introduce you
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businesses in oakland are partnering along piedmont avenue for women's history month . and many of the women owned businesses are teaming up to support each other and provide discounts to customers throughout march. shawn chitnis has more on how it all came about and how it will work.
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>> reporter: step into alison's store and you will quickly realize she was always meant to run a business like this . >> i just really loved the joy that plaintiffs bring two people. >> reporter: for more than a decade she has an crimson horticultural royalties in oakland, taking a hobby she had and turning it into a full-time job. a career change he did not expect to make in her 40s. >> i really had no idea that i could pull off this. >> reporter: she understands the importance of getting good support . and when she learned that a group of women were getting together along piedmont avenue , where her store has been for a few years now, she said it was a no-brainer. >> i knew there were a lot of women owned businesses here on piedmont, i guess i did not realize quite how many. i just love that. i think it is great.
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>> reporter: all month each will offer discounts to bring more people to their shopping district and promoting each other as a collection of stores. >> i wanted to show people that this is what small business is and this is what women do and how women show up every day in your lives. >> reporter: she helped to come up with the idea of a passport, encouraging customers to walk from one store to another , while shopping along the avenue. she owns a restaurant, also located on piedmont. each business is not only giving out daily deals, they are contributing raffle prizes for customers to win. >> i am incredibly aware of what has been done for me by the women that came before me. i feel that so many women have done so much to open doors for me. the next alison said any extra effort they can take can help , relative where you are located and how long you have been at it, there is always a need to think creatively and drive up traffic as well as sales. >> it does brings awareness to the avenue and to all of the small businesses here and to all the small businesses that are women owned .
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>> reporter: personally and professionally, it is a journey of struggle that has also been filled with special moments. ups and downs, that make alison proud to be part of this newly formed and growing collective of female entrepreneurs. we are kicking off the work week with a mix of sun and clouds and the forecast for us. earlier this morning with a light showers in the south and east bay but that is clearing up nicely throughout this afternoon for lunch time all the way until dinnertime. more clouds will roll in late tonight , ahead of another rain system. that mostly impacts us into the overnight hours while many are sleep. this is by midnight from santa rosa into san francisco we see widespread showers starting to trickle off around 4:00 a.m. it is active in the santa clara valley at that point. tomorrow morning like this morning, a little bit of showers will be in and cloudy conditions and we clear up nicely , heading into tuesday afternoon. from tuesday heading into wednesday, we have a big change of the forecast. all of that rain was driven him from an area of low pressure to the north of us but that will
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move off to the east. we are replacing it with a ridge of high pressure on the back end and that will keep us clear and dry. it is like a heat dome heading into the next several days. by wednesday, thursday, heading into this weekend's forecast, we have beautiful weather around the corner. and i want to talk about the temperatures. today we are kicking off this work week with upper 50s throughout the said the bay area from santa rosa across the golden gate bridge into san francisco, across the bay bridge into oakland, low 60s in the east bay. by wednesday heading into thursday, friday and saturday we have a big warm-up . back into the upper 70s around the corner with sunshine. it will feel more spring and almost summerlike for many in the bay area. we notice that in the seven-day model's. today or in the low 60s and hit the upper 70s this weekend with sunshine and light winds to kick off this weekend and style. we will have more on that, coming up. if you missed the last other eclipse in 2017, you will soon have another opportunity to witness it. monday april
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8th, a total solar eclipse will pass over mexico, the u.s., and canada. mexico's pacific coast will experience it first. the path enters the usa goes up to new finland, canada. people in 15 states will be able to view the eclipse. plan ahead, lodging is already in high demand. streaming at 9:30, we hear from a travel expert for tips to experience the solar eclipse. he may not have a super
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it is time for your money watch report. last week wall street closed out with red arrows and things were worse on the dow after it had his worst week since october. this morning stock futures were in the red. let's see where the markets are now on this monday morning. down 52 points. bitcoin hit record highs after britain's chief financial regulator east it's tough stance on the digital assets. the financial conduct authority is now allowing bitcoin and the theory and back exchanged notes for professional investors. bitcoins price surge over $71,000 and either climb to $4000. a remains in place
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for retail investors, due to high risk. social network site reddit is making its way to the new york stock exchange. the company says it will sell 22 million shares in its initial public offering. and will try to raise up to $748 million. each share under the symbol are ddt will be price between 31 and $34 a piece. reed it , ink , is setting aside 1 3/4 of 1 million shares for certain reddit users, when the company does go public. there is no date yet for when the ipo launches, but reports suggest sometime this month. taking a live look at levi's stadium in santa clara, the niners are making moves for next season. that means sadly, making room for other players. first reported by bleacher report, the red and gold are planning to cut their longest tenured player, defensive tackle arik armstead. the move comes as the niners are strapped for cash. armstead was said to have a $17.4 million base salary the season. armstead was chosen by san francisco in the first round of the 2015 draft. the last two seasons he was overcome with
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injuries. playing in just 21 regular-season games. expect more news from san francisco as today's nfl legal tampering period begins which will allow the niners to start early negotiations with representatives of unrestricted free agents . with free agency quickly approaching, teams are getting ready to lock in but how about this? niners quarterback brock purdy, thought it was time to lock in his longtime love . he and his longtime girlfriend, jenna, got married over the weekend in iowa. congratulations to the happy couple. for better or worse we are living in oppenheimer's world and i would like to dedicate this to the peacemakers everywhere.
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i don't know if we can be trusted. with such a weapon. >> oppenheimer, the film with bay area history, goes nuclear at the 96th academy awards.
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it's sweep was white-hot in hollywood. the summer blockbuster about the creation of the atomic bomb during world war ii grabbed seven oscars, including best picture and best director. danya bacchus gives us a look at hollywood's biggest night. >> reporter: oppenheimer one the biggest awards of the evening, best picture and best director. >> we don't know where this journey is going from here, but to no that you think we are meaningful part of it means the world to me. >> reporter: "oppenheimer" start cillian murphy took home is for statue for his role as atomic bomb creator j robert oppenheimer. >> we are living in oppenheimer's world so i would like to dedicate this to the peacemakers everywhere. >> reporter: robert downey, jr., also won his first oscar for best supporting actor. >> i would like to thank my terrible childhood and the academy , in that order. >> reporter: and the stone was honored as best actress for her betrayal of a woman brought back from the dead with the child's brain in the film 'poor things'. >> it is not about me , it is about a team came together to make something greater than the sum of its parts.
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>> reporter: 'poor things' also grabbed a win for best costume design which was presented by nearly naked john cena. >> costumes . they are so important. >> reporter: da'vine joy randolph one best supporting actress for her role as a grieving mother in the 'holdovers'. >> for so long i always wanted to be different. and now i realize , i just need to be myself. and i thank you. i thank you for seeing me. ♪ >> reporter: the brother sister team of finneas o'connell and billy eilish grabbed the oscar for best song for what was i made for from "barbie". while "barbie" actor ryan gosling did not win and oscar, he while the audience bring out slash from guns n' roses with his performance of the nominated song, "i'm just ken". that is it for the news at
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9:00. next is "the drew barrymore show". for more local headlines , including weather, join us on our streaming service cbs news bay area.
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[cheering] announcer: please welcome drew barrymore and ross matthews. [cheering] i never get over that. i love your earrings, drew. look. look. they say drew on them. how cute is that? so no one can steal those.


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