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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  March 11, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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a women's prison in the east bay raided by the feds. the property and people they seized from that facility. plus tension at uc berkeley as dozens of students walk out of class. their message to campus officials. >> i understand people's frustration, but at the same time there is only so much that i can do, and we can do. >> abandoned cars dumped in oakland. now some neighbors are taking action. the bold move they hope will get the attention from city leaders. thanks so much for joining us this afternoon, i'm elizabeth cook. let's check in on today's news headlines with anne makovec. hey, anne.
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>> reporter: thanks, liz. a prison with a documented history of sexual assault at the highest levels. we don't know if this is connected, but a source inside the prison told the apv warden, an associate warden, and the captain were all taken away today. more than a dozen fbi agents searched the facility seizing computers and documents. the fbi will only conduct a court authorized law enforcement activity. previously though eight employees including a former warden and chaplain was charged with sexually abusing inmates. also in the east bay, jewish students held a demonstration at uc berkeley. this march is in response to an on campus event held by jewish students last month. protesters broke down and shattered the glass door to the venue. they are fighting for their right to freedom of speech, and they are also calling on the university to protect them. we reached out to uc berkeley who sent us a
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statement a few months ago. releasing these surveillance videos of a homicide suspect. authorities say a woman was killed and a man was injured in a shooting in san leandro last month. police say the shooting happened between the victims and suspect. vice president kamala harris and the second gentleman back in town. delivering remarks at a campaign reception this afternoon. tomorrow will be another big primary day meantime for president biden and former president donald trump. they are expected to get enough delegates to become their party's presumptive nominees. the presidential candidates held dueling rallies over the weekend in the state of georgia. voters from georgia, washington state, mississippi, and hawaii will be hitting the polls tomorrow. >> all right, anne, thanks so much. turning now to our first alert weather. cool and sunny day on tap, but we could see another round of wet weather as soon as tomorrow. meteorologist darren peck has a look at your
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forecast. darren? >> reporter: yeah, that's coming in tonight, liz. look at first alert doppler. there's rain showing up on the far northwest coast. this is going to come in primarily like under the cover of darkness in the overnight hours, and it won't be a lot, but we will get some rain out of that. we can bring that band forward and watch the weak cold front. we might even see a few leading edge showers out in front of that that will start to get here through the early evening hours. but watch that line right there. that'll start to move across the north bay as we would get into 10:00. we are looking at 1:00 in the morning here by the time the organized line finally gets down to the heart of the bay. moving across the city, east bay shore, not a lot to that. but it is going to rain, get a bit breezy as well when they come through in the predawn hours. and then with very good manners, it's done before the morning commute on tuesday. so we are not even going to have to factor that in. just like today, tomorrow afternoon, we're going to get plenty of blue sky. it will be a nice looking day as that system passes. if we put some rainfall
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totals on it. not a lot, but maybe a quarter of an inch of rain on the high side about a tenth of an inch of rain for everywhere else. pretty manageable stuff. now after that passes, we are going to go through a pretty noticeable shift in the weather. and two things are going to start to become more noticeable. going to get a bit windy and then a noticeable warm up. if we look at the pattern of how this will play out. watch the storm right now as they move inland. you see the big area of high pressure that will start building up behind it. and that is going to give us some strong northerly winds on thursday. in the meantime they will snow in the sierra from the current storm. so we will pick up about four to five inches. because of that, there's a winter weather advisory out there. it will go until we get to tuesday afternoon. snow levels at 5,500 feet. half a foot of snow. and you will need chains for at least that time period. okay, here come the winds. we watched the big picture pattern here. and the northerly flow starts to take hold right there. let's come in for a closer
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look at that. this is thursday afternoon, and it is kind of classic when you get into spring. any of the transition seasons, whether it is fall or spring, you will get offshore winds, and this is the first time as we head towards spring. notice the relative humidities drop on thursday. we are not concerned from a fire weather standpoint here, but you may notice the air is going to feel a bit drier by thursday. look at where we will be. and we will see gusts up to 30 miles an hour at times. it will be noticeably stronger in the north bay mountains and the east bay hills. that's the kind of scenario. and really dries out the landscape. and this is the first one, landscapes, pretty emerald green right now. and you've got to start the process somewhere, so we could kind of think of this as the first offshore wind event that's hitting the landscape to start
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that process. but what we really feel from this besides the wind, which isn't going to be terrible if you live in lower elevations of the bay. and some warmer, drier conditions, then the center of high pressure is going to start to build us back up. let's show you what that looks like in the seven-day forecast. and we're going to look at the bay first. you can see we've got our chance for rain here on tuesday. these are the light showers that will come in late tonight, and they are done by sunrise. so really most of tuesday, you are not going to get rain. and then it's sunny, a bit breezy back here. look at the warmup. for the bay we're going to the low 70s. what becomes interesting here, if we look at micro climate for inland parts of the bay, and we have not really needed to do that much over the last several months. from november and february, you typically don't get wild temperature swings. as we approach spring now, we'll start to see that, bringing in the micro climates. it will be near 80 degrees by monday of next week inland. all right,
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back to you. >> that 80 degrees will feel really good. thank you, darren. in oakland another business is making changes because of safety concerns. taco bell is closing indoor dining. the fast food chain told us keeping a safe environment for employees and customers is their top priority. drive throughs, however, will remain open. last year raising cane's closed its dining room. and it is closing their oakland location altogether because of the rising crime. their last day is on march 24. another issue plaguing oakland, abandoned cars. and taking matters into their own hands, after the city is not doing enough to help. da lin shows us how they hope to try to get the city's attention.
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>> reporter: someone abandoned this suv in front of her apartment building about a year ago. someone dropped off this honda sonata roughly four months ago. not just an eyesore and blight, but with multiple apartment buildings on the block, they're taking up valuable real estate. >> it is hard to find parking. parked in front of banna street in the fruitvale district. she reported the cars to 311 last year, but the city has not taken action. two weeks ago one fed up neighbor tackled this area to draw attention. >> i don't take it personal. i understand people's frustration. but at the same time, there is only so much that i could do and we could do. >> his staff received the complaint from the neighbors two weeks ago. and they immediately flagged the transportation department, which handles these vehicles. but many city contracts and tow
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yards are full. the department is overwhelmed by the amount of abandoned and stolen cars. >> as some of the locations with their toned vehicles are full. and so we are trying to identify other properties that we could tow the vehicles too. >> reporter: the city prioritizes abandoned cars that block driveways and streets. given the lack of staffing and resources, one city worker tells me these cars may have to wait longer. oakland police reported last year they recorded almost 15,000 stolen cars. >> i will be there tomorrow morning. even if i have to get a private company to get it towed, i'll get it towed. >> reporter: neighbors welcome any help to clean up their neighborhood. >> yeah -- [ inaudible ] >> other neighbors say the cars aren't always sitting empty. some have become shelter for homeless people. she says that's made her family feel unsafe in their neighborhood.
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still ahead at 3:00 on kpix and streaming on cbs news bay area. a bay area family survives a small plane crash. what the pilot did moments before the crash that may have saved their lives. united airlines is dealing with a string of safety incidents. is it even safe to
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a santa rosa family of
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three survived a small plane crash in mendocino county all thanks to a parachute. the plane lost power minutes after takeoff on friday night after suspected engine failure. they say the pilot deployed the plane's parachute, and that slowed down the fall. the three family members suffered only minor scratches. pretty amazing. we're getting word of yet another flight issue for united airlines. this time on a flight headed to sfo. a plane had to return to sydney airport because of a maintenance issue. we're told flight 830 landed safely. their 167 passengers on board were fine. the airline is providing accommodation overnight for passengers before rebooking them tomorrow. now this is just the latest in a string of troubles in the sky. now boeing is the target of a criminal investigation by the justice department. it all stems from an incident back in january when a door plug broke off in the middle of an alaska airlines flight. and it's been
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a tough week for united too. several planes have had some problems including that one that had a tire fall off shortly after takeoff at sfo last week. it all comes just as the busy spring travel season gets ready to lift off. max darrow spoke to a pilot about all the recent turbulence. >> reporter: the last week or so has seemed like quite a bumpy ride for air travel especially for united airlines. it begs the question, are incidents happening more frequently or are people just paying more attention to them? a commercial airline pilot with decades of experience tells me it's likely the ladder. >> oh my goodness. look at the back of the plane, man. >> reporter: over the course of a week, six united airlines flights have had problems. some took off and turned around. others had to make emergency landings. two of those flights left sfo diverted to lax. one for a hydraulics problem. the other had a tire fall off during takeoff. >> that is never a good look
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for anyone. >> reporter: scott miller is a pilot for a major airline and an aviation lecturer at san jose state. >> i don't see a rise in the incidents that are occurring. what i'm seeing is increased interest in the incidents that are occurring. >> reporter: pilots are trained to deal with the unexpected and uncommon. >> we spend 90% of our training time working on things that may only occur 1% of the time. so even though it appears united is having a bad week in reality, everything is working at united airlines because everyone is able to get back on the ground in one piece and unfortunately with a little bit of disruption, be able to carry on their trip. >> he did say a midair engine fire and the wheel debacle are incredibly rare situations. >> the thing that is even more striking to me than the actual incident myself is that these
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three rare incidents happened in close proximity of time. >> miller believes the airlines incident is what recently sparked the higher level of interest and scrutiny in airlines operations. but thinks that it really started back in 2018 after the first deadly crash involving a boeing max jet. however, some travelers aren't discouraged. >> and you think about how often those things happen and you just have to believe this, you know? they're rare. >> because of the changes that have been made in safety tracking and the management systems over the last 20 years in the united states, we have enjoyed the longest stretch of airline safety in the history of the country. and even with these incidents, i would see the trend continuing, and as we would build those programs, the airline travel will become even safer in the coming years. >> reporter: united airlines said the incidents it experienced over the last week are distinct and unrelated to one another. and boeing has no comment on the investigation. the doj is also looking into whether
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boeing complied with an earlier settlement from an investigation following two fatal crashes in 2018 and 2019. airbnb will soon ban indoor security cameras. the rental app says it is to protect renters privacy. cameras used to be allowed in common areas like hallways and living rooms. but starting april 30, cameras will not be allowed inside. it comes after numerous reports of renters finding hidden cameras. the new policy still allows outside cameras, but hosts have to disclose their use and locations before guests book a listing. coming up, a fun night out turned into tense moments for bay area parents after their son started choking. >> tried putting my hand in and tried to take the chicken out. but a piece came out. it was very scary. >> how a teen
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racing fans had a chance to hit the track for a good cause. families drove lapse around the newly repaved track for the drive for charity first laps event. and children's charities of sonoma. proceeds will go towards supporting local children and families in
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need. organizers say they do fundraising events years round, but this one was special. >> this is kind of once in a multigeneration type of event just because the pavement is so fresh. but this will certainly continue for the year. organizers say the track is used year round and in need of a repaving. the last time they got a makeover is back in 2001. a daly city teenager is being honored for using his scout training to save his little brother's life. it is an amazing story. as len ramirez tells us, the scout and his family was out to dinner when a celebration nearly became a tragedy. >> reporter: 10-year-old finnegan delaney describes the moment of panic when he
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couldn't breathe or speak because a piece of chicken was stuck in his throat. >> i was trying every way possible to get it out. >> reporter: finnegan was out with his 13-year-old brother dashel, mom and dad, and extended family all together at thanksgiving time to celebrate life with their grandfather who is battling cancer. it was a fun light hearted night at a concord hot pot restaurant. and that is until finnegan started choking. >> i tried putting my hand in and tried taking the chicken out, but it just -- only a piece came out. and it was very scary. >> reporter: the boy's mom, katherine, was seated a few places away. >> all of a sudden i see finnegan struggling. i looked at my older son, and i gave him the mom look like help. >> dashel had recently finished his boy scout's first aid training, and others were stunned and in action he took charge. >> i turned him like this it. i
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ran my arms around him with one fist in a ball and the other right underneath here. i pushed down and pushed up. >> reporter: with his little brother's life on the line, he did the heimlich maneuver and it worked. >> i felt very relieved when it came down my throat. i just said to myself, that was close. i'm alive. >> i could have easily stood up and said hey, help, but what i did was just looked at my son, and he was able to jump to action. >> i wasn't really panicky. i just saw the situation in front of me, and i performed. we practiced it a lot, and i feel that's very essential to be able to do that. because a lot of people every year die from choking. >> reporter: his actions caught the attention of the national boys scout of america organization, which just awarded him with one of their highest honors. >> it gives me a great honor to present the medal of merit to
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star scout of troop 333 golden district. >> reporter: the medal of merit is given to scouts who exemplify the skills of scouting. and it will help him in his goal of being an eagle scout like his father, david. >> just very grateful for scouting, and it's how -- it's such a big impact on america and my life, and my brother's life, and my own family. we're very grateful. >> reporter: speaking of family, it was the last time the boys would get to be with their grandfather who passed about a month later. >> this was such a momentous occasion because we were celebrating life and also saving lives. all on the same day. >> two very special little boys. still ahead it's a love nest that's going viral online. thousands are tuning in to watch these eagles bring a
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set of chicks into the world. remember you can watch this any time anywhere on the streaming service cbs news bay area. catch all of the live newscast and plus ne - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+.
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coming up on the cbs evening news for the heart of america, we look at the power house players of the u.s. women's national soccer team. their incredible win against brazil and their determination to make a comeback. that and
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more headlines tonight on the cbs evening news. two sassy sister mountain lions having a little fun there. the cubs willow and maple were found and taken to the zoo's hospital after their mother was hit and killed by a car back in november. the zoo was taken care of the cubs until wildlife officials find them a more permanent home. they're pretty cute, aren't they? all right, more cuteness. you're looking live from the mountains of southern california. this is at big bear valley where a pair of bald eagles are trying to bring a set of chicks into the world. thousands have been watching this live stream anxiously waiting for them to hatch. and they became a celebrity couple. the pair takes turns guarding their three eggs, keeping them warm. look at them work together. the eggs were laid in late january and the chicks could emerge any time now. we had kind of a false alarm
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actually just a few moments ago where we saw one of the birds get up for a second. we thought is this the time? is it happening? but the bird was just readjusting. pretty cute. >> becky and shadow are continuing to take care of the eggs. doing the best they can at doing that. lots of people are worried about the eggs because they haven't hatched yet. probably at least one of them won't now. but we just have to watch and see. >> well jackie and shadow had to contend with some intense weather. they made sure to ke ♪ ♪ >> norah: med flight nosedive, what led a plane carrying more than 230 people to suddenly drop. throwing passengers into the ceiling. it's because we don't know exactly what it is, but something like this is very r rare. spin on theat


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